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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Me too, Steph. If I lived closer, I'd find a way. Don't mind housework--as long as it's not my own!

First day wasn't so bad--only one class. Now tomorrow I go from 8-3:30 with only an hour between classes. Already getting email from students asking about this and that. Had to put a statement in my syllabus that I have 24 hours to respond to e mails. already one that emailed me this afternoon just emailed me back: "Did you get my message? I need. . ." Here we go! Uggh.

I hope I can catch up with Phyl. She said something about being in Milwaukee today, but by the time I got the message, it was too late and I couldn't get ahold of her. Maybe she's getting antsy to get to Buffalo? Maybe we can connect on her way back???? (I hope)

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Linda, I thought only 6th grade parents acted like that, Good Luck!

Well, my house is successfuly a disaster zone. In the attempt to unpack, I had to move boxes, which resulted in more crap in my way. Took a truck load to the dump, took a truck load to DD#4's boyfriends place and have a truck load to take to Goodwill. I did get most of the bathroom stuff put away!

Man, I'm battling getting my coffee done. Guess I don't want to go to work!

I probably won't be able to post tonight. I work until 5:30, then home for a quick shower, then meet up with another teacher to work on signs for the students' lockers. I won't be home until late.

I would have rather not spent the money on a computer, but with most of my master's class being online, I don't have a choice. This one is barely 2 years old, but I guess the latte dumped in it does take its toll.

Well you all have a good day! TTFN

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Quick driveby

May not be online for the next 48 hours. it's pink ribbon time! Hard to believe it is here and I haven't panicked yet. But...the next 24 hours will probably be insane. I don't have all the people coming to help that I had hoped but it will be enough. I haven't gotten a lot of replies on my emails from bikers...but it will be enough. I'm still waiting on my doo rags, but if they don't come, something will work out. I refuse to panic.

Okay...so...I refuse to curl up in a puddle because of the stress. That's more like it.

Anyways....thanks for your offers to help ladies. You have no idea how much I wish you lived closer. Pink Ribbon being the least of the reason :biggrin: Anyways....you'll be tons of pink ribbon help in November when you show up to cheer me on. I love the idea of see you guys then.

Okay...got too much to do to sit here. Love you ladies.

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Yeah, Petr is working on cleaning up his garage!!! We are going to have the BAR in the garage... all the rest of the festivities will be outside!!! (weather permitting)

I`ve ordered the cake, the Porta-Potty, the food... now this week my chore will bwe to decoraate the back yard with WHITE twinkle lights!!

I think P is getting excited too.


Visited my Mom this aft. got there around lunch time... and there was a new lady sitting at Mom`s table. I asked ``Where`s Micki?` oh my Mom says, oh she died last week! Crap, I can`t beleive my Mother didn`t tell me!!! I really liked Micki, she was a sweet ol gal... 84... which is not really all that old, but her heart was not pumping like it should have, she`d been in the hospital last week yto have litres of Fluid drained off of her.... so obviously she was in congestive heart failure... too bad... I am glad that i DID see her last week. Just didn`t realize it would be my last chat with her.... so sad....

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Hello, I have a few questions..comments statements etc lol I have had my band for 18 months.. I have gained 10lbs and I am not where I hope to be. I started out at 337 I weigh 258 as of today. I have I have a 10cc band and once it goes over 5.3 ccs I have major problems.. I have lost all the way down to 245 but then i have to take at the fill which causes me to gain weight. I also know it is my problem for not shoosing the right foods. Do you have any advice for me?

You look so great!!!!!!

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msampson--I'm sorry, but the fact is that you know why you're having difficulty. The band is only a tool, not a cure-all. The band is only going to help you follow the plan, but it's not the plan. You have to do your part, and that is choosing the right foods. You were too tight, and that doesn't work. Now you probably have enough fill, so if you eat correctly, you will limit your intake and lose weight. But, after 18 months, you know that you can't eat a lot of solid Proteins, so you are choosing what we call "Slider" foods--things that go down easily. So what happens? You can eat more--like you used to, and you are gaining weight.

So what to do? You need to get back on the program. You need to get back to basics and eat your Protein first. Once you feel full, STOP eating. You know what to do--you've been successful, now just do it! Your band is a life-style change that's hard to do. You can, and are, short-circuting your band.

Oh, and the other part--exercise. Look at Janet--our inspiration--look at how much she exercises! But even she struggles with food deamons. We all do. But Janet'll be the first to tell you that the key to her success is the combination of making good choices and exercising. It's really that simple.

Good luck, kiddo. You can keep posting here, but we don't pull any punches. We know that only we are responsible for what we put in our mouths. The lack of a proper amount of fill does not cause us to gain weight. WE cause ourselves to gain weight (or not to lose as we should). Yes it helps to have the proper fill, but ultimately, it's up to us!

OK Janet--your turn! (Janet's nicer than I am!)

Edited by lindaa

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Good Evening Gang..

Linda you are too nice - I'm called the Simon Cowell of LBT ;0)

Welcome MSampson - Congrats on your 79 lbs gone !!!

Yep dear it's all about eating healthy - that the key - diets don't work - that's so very true !!! You have to eat healthy and exercise..

As Linda said - being too tight cause us to eat sliders that are usually higher in calories.

Go back to the basic = Google the 5 day pouch test - it's liquids like for 2 days then soft for a day or 2 then back to regular - I haven't ever done it - but a few pple have -

For the 1st year - I kept a food/exercise diary (I counted calories 800-1200 daily and varied them)- I weighed and measured my foods (for the first few month) I still pull out the scale for somethings even today.

Always eat your Protein 1st - then veggies - then starch if you do have any room

Make sure you eat low fat - limit starches - and mostly sugar free..

I still eat off dessert plate and use small spoon and fork..

Get out and walk - start slow then every couple of weeks increase your speed and distants - I lost the majority of my weight my walking on the treadmill - lost the last 30 by weight training and treadmill.

I still weight train and now am into classes at the gym - boot camp - yoga - pilos - for the last couple of weeks I have been to the gym 5-6 days..

Yep I have my food demons - I will be physically full - but my brain wants more food - Sugar is my heroin - I eat mostly sugar free - but every now and then I want a reeses peanutbutter cups - - well in the past I would buy a bag of candy and eat it all in one night - now - I buy 1 candy bar and no more..

I don't keep foods in my house that I can't say no to - why that's self sabotage.. We are food addicts... You wouldn't leave a bottle of booze on the counter if you were an alcoholic..

I eat the same way I did when I 1st got my band - I am not dieting - I eat healthy food - I eat tons of fish (known for being the fish queen) I eat veggies every meal and I will save my starches for nights when my will power is the lowest..

I eat an ice cream almost every night - it's a sugar free fudgescile or sf pudding

I budget my calories to compensate for when I am the hungriest (night)

I'm attaching a sample menu..

You can do this - you just have to make up your mind that you want to get healthy (our brains are where are real problems w/food lies not our stomachs)

You deserve a healthy life - you deserve to take care of you - You need to love yourself - and that doesn't mean killing your self w/food cuz that's how you love yourself - we all have been there - food is our comfort - it's our love - it's our reward for taking care of everyone else..

So Pull up the bootstraps - the past is the past - can't change it - but you do have control over what you put in you mouth - So starting right now - get rid of the junk in the house (throw it away - or give it to your local shelter) sit down make a menu - shop for the foods on that menu - count calories read the labels - get out and walk - and when you want to eat get on lbt post - go clean out a drawer - get up and distract yourself - And I bet you in 1 week you will come back and tell us the scales are moving in the right direction..

Sample Menu.doc

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Good Evening Peeps

Been up since 4:30 - at work by 7 - left at 3:30 took Bella to get her stitches out - OMG I got there at 4 - didn't leave til after 5 - wait wait wait - but omg the dogs - this lady had a great dane - omg this dog was huge !!!! I mean Huge!!! But she was the mellowest things - such a sweetie...

Candice - Hugs about your mom's friend - OMG Peters party is going to be fab... How are you doing w/your healthy eating - I know your exercise has been cleaning house..

I haven't ck'd fb yet to see where Phyl is..

Karla - OMG girl 3 truck loads - am I going to have to call the hoader patrol on you ;0)... Has your mom left - did you have a nice visit w/her

I agree the coffee didn't help the laptop ;0)

Well gotta go feed the dogs ... CBL

Linda - Props to you for being a teacher - I would tell the kids - can't you read - 24 hrs... ;0) but I'm a witch ;0)

Steph - You thrive on being too busy - you will do just fine ;0)

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Good evening,

I wanted to check in with you all because my post on FB was a little cryptic and I wanted you all to know what is going on.

Mainly my health is failing...bad. Its the stress that it is getting to me so I basically had 2 choices...leave town for a couple of weeks on my own accord, or my doctor was going to admit me to the hospital (my naturopath and regular doctor are having pow-wows behind my back I think!) My regular doctor has now essentially taken me off all prescription meds and I am all natural remedies now. The reason being is that my liver and kidney function tests are coming back bad due to all of the medications that I was on. In order to go on the cymbalta and adderall I had to have liver and kidney function tests. When we got the results back they were barely normal. But she decided to put me on the meds anyway because my symptoms were so bad. However when we did the same tests 2 weeks ago the results came back not so good, so we decided to take me off the meds.

So since I have seen you I have found out the following:

1. SEVERE gluten intolerance which is why I always felt better on Atkins.

2. Liver and kidneys are under-performing

3. My adrenal glands are still on strike and refusing to work but we have the meds regulated enough that I now am sleeping at night. The reason that I wasn't sleeping is because my adrenal glands would get a burst of energy around 9PM and my cortisol levels would shoot up. But the supplements are helping a lot there.

My job is overwhelming me right now. I'm teaching 10 more hours per week than anyone else but Michael (my boss) is working on it. After the first trimester my schedule goes down to normal, but right now there are so many kids signed up for my astronomy and forensics classes that I have so many sections. I only teach those classes first trimester (can't teach astronomy any other time because of the weather) but we are looking at spreading the forensics classes throughout the year. Currently I have been teaching my wilderness survival class and was supposed to do one more camping trip (9 days of camping in 13 days) but I canceled the last trip because I physically can't do it. We hiked to the top of a mountain during the first camping trip and I almost didn't make it off the mountain. I had to have students help me. When your liver and kidneys aren't working right you cant just "push through it." This isn't about being in shape or not, my body has just stopped functioning. My doctor however wants me to starting getting exercise everyday again. She wants me to start the couch to 5K program and follow it religiously. She thinks that program is easy enough that it won't overwhelm me, will help with the depression, and will slowly strengthen my body back up. I personally want to just crawl in bed and stay there forever!

So the next set of tests include a brain chemistry panel and then in 3 months, after healing my gut, we will do the entire panel of food tests. She believes I am also allergic to corn (which will REALLY suck).

So in order to get the rest that I need I am going to my brother's for 1 week, home for a weekend and then going to Texas to visit losingjusme. I will have to continue to work on school stuff but will do so in a non-stressful environment. I think if I didn't leave I was going to have it out with my secretary and end up in jail.

I also was told that I had to join back up with a support group (that would be my girls here!) and that I had to go to counseling. So I have set up an appointment for the first week in September for that and I will be back on here during the first week of school on a regular basis as well. I have to schedule my day (and follow it) and get it approved by her. Right now I feel like a 2 year old on a schedule. But something needs to change!

Love you!

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Karri, so sorry about the health issues. Listen to the docs.

Okay Steph, Candice...we haven't heard about food lately??? Steph, did you step on the scale. I know you are going to say..."When I get done with Pink Ribbon stuff." But lets get real here, you will always have "stuff". You said so yourself. So...girl you are my inspiration, now get your ass on the scale and make some good food choices. I love you and I won't see you back like your 'before' picture'. I still remember the first time I met you, I thought, "What a skinny -itch'. Not because you were a -itch, but because you were skinny. Later when you shared that you lost 80+ pounds with a lapband your face glowed, REALLY glowed. I want to see that pride again. Don't you DARE, slide back.

Had a decent time with my mom. Managed to make a bigger disaster in the house than before. But I am making a dent. Oh Janet, my quilt room looks like the Hoarder show. Okay, right now, the whole house looks like that. But you raised a good point, I do have so much crap. Do I really need the large box of jars for making candles? How about the dozen cobalt blue lotion bottles with pumps for making my own lotion? What about all the candle making supplies? The box of my kids' papers from elementary school? Remember the eldest is 32. I think I need an intervention, that or a really big yard sale. Hum, a yard sale, I hate yard sales. Yep I need help.

Linda, you said everything just right!!!

Phyl, still out partying and traveling.

Candice, remember we want to see pics of the Bday party.

Well, need to kick it in gear. Yesterday worked at the nursery until 5:30, then had a work meeting at school until 10:30. Today, need to be back at school for work meeting at 8, so best go.

Love you all. TTFN

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Hi Girls :scared2:

Karri; 1st «i just want to say that I AM SO GLAD YOU ARE GOING TO JOIN US AGAIN!!! I love you and miss you when you are not here... wow, you have so many health concerns but ya know what? You are doing all the right things to change things around... You are getting good, sound advise... how cool is that.

You WILL feel better again... its just gonna take some time. Hang in there!! HUGS

Linda: Have you been taking Janet pills? ??? And where can I get some??? LOL You were right on the money with your advise, I promise I`ll re read it when this Bday party is ovr.

Karla: Yup, girl you have too much stuff.... write a list of 5 fav hobbies, keep that stuff and donate, toss all the rest... Is thERE A teacher friend at school who might want it for crafts??? What about an elementary school teacher, ie younger grades???

Janet: O..k. today exercise was WALKING, it was CORVETTE weekend in the Beach and there were about 200 vets in town.... show n-shine... then the cruise around town... yup all 200 of themn.... really cool.... the weather just held off raining until the cars were all lined up ... then it came down..:unsure: Yesterday, exercise was GARDENING, planting and digging.... my garden got way out of control this year, and needed some serious attention. So I went to the store and bought 8 Yellow MUMS and planted them... looks really good now. Hanging the outdoor lights tomorrow.

Phyl: were are you :lol: hope you have your back pain under control and are enjouying you jont eastward.... keep us posted o.k.<

Stephanie: This is a crazy week for you, so I`ll not be here much either.... HUGS, you are our PINK PANTHER :thumbup:

When I was up at the lake last week, I did some singing with a Piano man fellow with Peter playing BASS... It was really cool, I had forgotten how much fun it was...:mad:

Edited by peaches9

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I'm tired, worked all day at school making behavior signs and labels for EVERY student locker.

Candice you are right, I'm too tired to unpack tonight, but I am going to sit down with my list. It is time for it all to go. The only thing I really enjoy is my quilting and sewing, so I am going to write a list of everything that will go. I don't really enjoy making candles or lotion, so that is first to go. Phyl, would you be interested in my beading stuff? Beads are not to heavy, so it wouldn't take much to ship them. Ceramics...need to go..., wire projects have to go, wooden projects need to go. Thank you for giving me permission to down size. I really should have a garage sale, but I just can't figure out when I will have time to do it. The perfect weekend would be September 11th. Maybe I can get Elyse to work it for me.

I need some food. TTFn

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You will be surprised how FREEING it feels to get rid of it all. I don`t know why we say to ourselves... ``i`ll use this next season`... or Its so cute, I cant bear to get rid of it....augh!

Its just STUFF and its weighing you down... same thing with clothes in dif sizes... if I havn`t worn it in six months(within seasonal of course) then toss it too.!!! When I go thru my underwear drawer I am disgusted... loosening elastic? WTF why do I keep laundering them??? TOSS... oh yeah, and that goes for that Ol`favorite comfy bra!!! If it dosn`t make the girls stand to attention.... chuck it...it is NOT supporting you, so you should NOT support it either...

M'y pet peeve, ladies in BRAS`s that Don`t fit.... YUK!!!:confused:

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here it is.... the most awesome link...

How to fit a bra


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Oh my GOSH.... i just started cleaning out my Upstairs freezer.... thinking I`ll need room this week when I buy Icecubes by the bag for the party....

So I load up a laundry basket of stuff, go downstairs to my chest freezer - open it up and guess what? there is no room in there....

Apparently my HUSBAND has been making ice cubes for the party next weekend!!!! WTF? Dosn`t he know we can buy ice???

EARL!!! earl!!! HAVE YOU BEEN TEACHING e-CLASSES ONLINE!!!!????? :scared2: :crying: :confused:

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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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