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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Busy this week, sorry ladies.... had to work several days at the clinic...

$350 bucko's yeah....right into my Travel and mad money acct...hee,hee,hee....

food yest.. a bit high... but not altogether bad...1500 cals.

No exercise on Thrus.

But TODAY I did housework, vaccuming, washing all the hardwood floors, windows, sinks in DH bathroom!!!(disgusgting)_... now goint to get my nails done... so that is my exercise for today!!!!

Friends comoing for a BBq this evening... steaks, salad, wine Oh YUM!!!:redface:

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Good Morning! Gloomy, cloudy morning so far but hopefully the sun will come out, in more ways than one, and it'll be a GOOD day!! Off to a frustrating start, though! Earl left very early to take the RV in for our pre-trip oil change. So, it's at Tracy & Jim's, so he drives the car over and leaves with the RV leaving his fanny pack in the car, complete with wallet, cell phone, etc. So he calls me THREE TIMES while I'm sitting on the throne and can't get to the phone. When I finally talk to him he tells me I have to go get his fanny pack and bring it to him because he has no money to go buy Breakfast, no credit cards to pay bill. Okay... how do you suggest I get there since the car is at Tracy's!! And Tracy is to pick me up in less than an hour to take me to the doctor! So now I'm supposed to take it to him after Tracy and I get back from the doctor! Sure! I gave him a credit card number so he can pay the bill. I can barely walk. Don't know if I can even drive!

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Be careful about the wine - and remember it's about the friendship not the food ;0) you don't want to blow you whole week of being good. ;0) Enjoy but be mindful ;0)


LOL Earl - How did you work it out :0) Hope the doc give you some relief - go to the chiropractor


I would take the 2 months off ;0) - is your working 7 days full time or part time - you get free plants don't you - some fringe benefits ;0)

I'm back from taking Bella for her surgery - Pick her up at 4 - they sure want to fix her - Andrew doesn't want her fixed say that hurts them in their growing stages - Bear & Angel both fixed - so don't need to worry that she's ever going to get pg - so why spend the $$ - I bet they do it anyway when she's under - just have a feeling don't ask me why

Went and got 2 estimates for car repairs -one $2800 the other $1000 - So I called xdh (Ralph) to ask questions about what these guys told me - one guy said you can't buff out tail lights (the more expensive one) the other guy said you can - xdh confirmed you can - so will be taking it to the cheaper guy - my trainer took his car there so I do have references ;0).. and it's 1800 cheaper..

Xdh just asked me if I wanted to go to the river in the next few weeks - I said ya..

Now don't get all excited girls - we are totally friends - sound like he might bring his one niece (my fav she's 28 I think and maybe his mom - whom I love)

We will see - I would love to go to the river - use to have so much fun when we use to go.. Drinking a beer or road runner raper floating down the river or riding in the boat - doubt I can drink beer - haven't tried in a while - But I love sun and Water and road runner rapers (like long island ice tea but more like a fruit punch)

Well I didn't get much sleep last night - had coffee too late went to bed around 11 was tired but couldn't sleep - finally fell a sleep around 2 - up at 5:30 -

May just go take a nap...

cbl ..

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Hey all.

Cora still wasn't feeling better so yestarday I had her all day and both kids in the afternoon. A coworker came over too for me to help her with curriculum. Tim was working on some paper he's hoping to get published, so there was quite a bit going on.

Went to work today to get some things done--classes start in 1 1/2 weeks, and after the kids leave next week I've got to go to Minneapolis for 3 days and by the time I get home from that it will be time to get serious about going back to work. :redface: :lol: :eek: did I mention that I will be at 125-130%? The only thing that makes it bearable is knowing that this is the last year.

Leg really aches after running after a 2-year-old for 3 days. I found a Zumba class and my neighbor is excited about taking it with me--we'll see how that goes. It starts after Labor day.

Gotta start supper for Mel and Tim. I can't plan anything b/c I never know what anyone's plans are. Mel does his own thing--Tim doesn't know where he is and neither do I. I'll pick Mindy and new bf up at the airport tomorrow, but I think they're going right up to Green Bay--heard a rumor that they have tickets to a Packer scrimmage tomorrow night. I'm the last to know these things. Maybe I'll see her at the triathalon on Sunday?

Packer game? It must be the end of summer. . .

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Phyl, what did the doctor say?

Janet, I do get some free plants, but most of them I pay for with an employee discount. Normally I don't mind working 7 days a week, I'm just tired. Kind of had a melt down at work today, so went and asked the boss for a day off, she gave me a hug and said take tomorrow. She said when her dad died she would break out crying for no reason, that was me today.

I am suppose to go out with some teachers tonight. The town is having a 'festival' of sorts. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is 1 block from my house. I had to baracade my driveway with my trash dumpster so I could park in my own drive way, NOT fun. But it sounds like the town is a hopping. I figure I will go out and have a beverage or two, maybe dance a little and then come home and get some sleep. The furries are going nuts with all the commotion, but it is good for them to get use to it. I am cleaned up, and I must say, not bad looking. I'm actually wearing a white tank top for the first time in my life. It is a little tighter than what I like, but my kids would say it shows off the figure. I have my new mega bra that I bought in Washington and the girls are sitting perky. Now if i can only find another one like it.

Janet, you really don't want the mess of a dog in heat. The vaginal discharge is not a pretty sight.

Linda, relax, try not to get stressed about school...yeah remember to send this post back to me in about 2 months when I am going bonkers.

Well have a good evening, I'll check back in when I get home tonight, TTFN

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Phyl, what did the doctor say?

Janet, I do get some free plants, but most of them I pay for with an employee discount. Normally I don't mind working 7 days a week, I'm just tired. Kind of had a melt down at work today, so went and asked the boss for a day off, she gave me a hug and said take tomorrow. She said when her dad died she would break out crying for no reason, that was me today.

I am suppose to go out with some teachers tonight. The town is having a 'festival' of sorts. Unfortunately or fortunately, it is 1 block from my house. I had to barricade my driveway with my trash dumpster so I could park in my own drive way, NOT fun. But it sounds like the town is a hopping. I figure I will go out and have a beverage or two, maybe dance a little and then come home and get some sleep. The furries are going nuts with all the commotion, but it is good for them to get use to it. I am cleaned up, and I must say, not bad looking. I'm actually wearing a white tank top for the first time in my life. It is a little tighter than what I like, but my kids would say it shows off the figure. I have my new mega bra that I bought in Washington and the girls are sitting perky. Now if i can only find another one like it.

Janet, you really don't want the mess of a dog in heat. The vaginal discharge is not a pretty sight.

Linda, relax, try not to get stressed about school...yeah remember to send this post back to me in about 2 months when I am going bonkers.

Well have a good evening, I'll check back in when I get home tonight, TTFN

Saw nurse practitioner... she was very thorough. Said, yeah, probably need an MRI, but agreed with the ortho dr... why bother when we're leaving in a week. So.. said I should see someone in CA. Also... disc is obviously being aggravated by swelling and inflammation as indicated by the tingling in my foot... pressure on a nerve. But she doesn't think it's a surgical problem and feels it will go away. Said typically after an auto accident, takes a couple of weeks for pain and inflammation to go away.

Hope you have a good time tonight... enjoy your evening!

4_1_108.gif 5_1_120.gif 5_1_121.gif


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Good Morning Gang

I thought I had posted last night - Bella had 2 hernia - has pain meds for 4 day - antibiotics for a week - so I was babying sitting last night - Since Andrew picked her up - don't know at what time to give pain meds or how fast they will wear off - cuz she's so tiny it's like 1/16 of a cc - 1/4 for the antibiotics

Phyl I really think a chiropractor would help.. Keep icing it..

So you must be all mosted packed - knowing earl he is completely packed ;0)

Linda - Hugs on your school issue - ya next May - 9 months not too bad - With your hip don't know if you will be able to do the zumba - be careful - but I know you will.

You should just make a big pot of something - Soup - chili - stew - fried chicken ;0) - and say foods in the kitchen - that's what my parents did when we were kids on the weekends - since they didn't know who would be home and when they wanted to eat - and if you don't know - then say - fend for yourself - I made what I wanted and there's food in the kitchen - awe the wonders of a microwave to re-heat food :0)


Sure hope you had a blast last night !!! I am so glad you are going out !!!

Well have hair at 10.. and will most likely hit the mall since I will be in Palm Desert - time to get winter clothes - ya like we have winter here (especially for half the clothes they sell - wool etc) but will go do some walking :party:

Candice how did you bbq go...


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I'm finally up this morning.

Had a bit of a melt down at work yesterday. I was busting my butt cleaning one of the greenhouses and the other employees, one as old as sin and came with the nursery when my boss bought it and the other a teenager, are driving around in the golf cart, stopping and moving a plant here and there. The stop by and tell me that I need to wait on a customer. I kind of lost it. At the end of the day I went to the boss and said, "I need a day off." I was bawling. She said to take tomorrow and gave me a hug. I appologized for crying, but she said, "No big deal. That for 2 years after her dad died she would start crying for no reason." Anyway, last night, I went out and had a good time. Had a couple of adult beverages and met a sweet guy friend of one of the teachers. I thought for a moment he was into me, but to no avail. He has promised to show me how to shoot. Just a really nice guy, damn.

Town is just crazy with the Creamery celebration. The only way I have been able to park at my own house was to baracade my driveway with my garbage dumpster. But people seem to be having fun.

Since I didn't get home until...wait for it...a totally unheard of hour for me...2:30 a.m., I am going to take a nap, pick up my house, set up my drip system AND sit on my deck. I may even Celebrate and make a fire and have a smore. I have a lot of calories from yesterday, so I can have one guilt free. Plus I have calculated the calories of a smore to be at 160. Basically I had a small blueberry, yogurt, & Kashi for Breakfast, 1/2 a Protein Bar for lunch, and 2 margahittas for dinner yesterday.

How is Bella today?

Phyl, one week? Damn, that means summer is almost over. I hope you find some relief soon. Did the car get fixed to Earl's specks?

Linda, just remember...9 months...9 months...

Candice, enjoy your 'mad' money!!!

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Just had a knock on the door. I answer it and it is someone trying to collect on a bad check DD#4 wrote. Thank you for making my day!

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Carla, I was just about to write about how positive you sounded, and how glad I was to hear about your fun evening out. I was going to say that it's OK to have men just as friends--some of the best relationships start out that way. Then I read the next post. Darn her! Hope you didn't pay it! Blow it off, Carla--it's her problem. Don't interfere.

Hey--what's up with Karri? Janet--you must hear from her. How was Vegas and how is she doing?

Candice--hon--here I thought if I posted more often I'd be able to keep up with you. You must be so buzy exercising that you don't have time to post?

I took Janet's advice and fried up some ground beef and got all the stuff for the kids to make tacos whenever they show up--which I think will be tomorrow night. I also went to costco today and bought a big pork shoulder roast which is roasting now and I will make a crock pot of barbeque for Monday when some of their HS friends will be comming over to say "Hi" before they all go back. Not the kind of food I should be eating--I know, I know. . .

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I'm finally up this morning.

Had a bit of a melt down at work yesterday. I was busting my butt cleaning one of the greenhouses and the other employees, one as old as sin and came with the nursery when my boss bought it and the other a teenager, are driving around in the golf cart, stopping and moving a plant here and there. The stop by and tell me that I need to wait on a customer. I kind of lost it. At the end of the day I went to the boss and said, "I need a day off." I was bawling. She said to take tomorrow and gave me a hug. I appologized for crying, but she said, "No big deal. That for 2 years after her dad died she would start crying for no reason." Anyway, last night, I went out and had a good time. Had a couple of adult beverages and met a sweet guy friend of one of the teachers. I thought for a moment he was into me, but to no avail. He has promised to show me how to shoot. Just a really nice guy, damn.

Town is just crazy with the Creamery celebration. The only way I have been able to park at my own house was to baracade my driveway with my garbage dumpster. But people seem to be having fun.

Since I didn't get home until...wait for it...a totally unheard of hour for me...2:30 a.m., I am going to take a nap, pick up my house, set up my drip system AND sit on my deck. I may even Celebrate and make a fire and have a smore. I have a lot of calories from yesterday, so I can have one guilt free. Plus I have calculated the calories of a smore to be at 160. Basically I had a small blueberry, yogurt, & Kashi for breakfast, 1/2 a Protein bar for lunch, and 2 margahittas for dinner yesterday.

How is Bella today?

Phyl, one week? Damn, that means summer is almost over. I hope you find some relief soon. Did the car get fixed to Earl's specks?

Linda, just remember...9 months...9 months...

Candice, enjoy your 'mad' money!!!


Bella's find - has to go back in 10 days to get stiches out..

Glad you had a good time last night - And I agree w/Linda - the guy could turn into something - give it time girl - ..

2:30 a.m. omg that's late ;0) - only 2 cocktails - that's where I have you beat - I would have had 4 ;0)

Just had a knock on the door. I answer it and it is someone trying to collect on a bad check DD#4 wrote. Thank you for making my day!

Not your problem

Carla, I was just about to write about how positive you sounded, and how glad I was to hear about your fun evening out. I was going to say that it's OK to have men just as friends--some of the best relationships start out that way. Then I read the next post. Darn her! Hope you didn't pay it! Blow it off, Carla--it's her problem. Don't interfere.

Hey--what's up with Karri? Janet--you must hear from her. How was Vegas and how is she doing?

Candice--hon--here I thought if I posted more often I'd be able to keep up with you. You must be so buzy exercising that you don't have time to post?

I took Janet's advice and fried up some ground beef and got all the stuff for the kids to make tacos whenever they show up--which I think will be tomorrow night. I also went to costco today and bought a big pork shoulder roast which is roasting now and I will make a crock pot of barbeque for Monday when some of their HS friends will be comming over to say "Hi" before they all go back. Not the kind of food I should be eating--I know, I know. . .

Linda - Glad you took my advice - ;0) and why can't you eat hamburger & pork - it's food - BBQ Sauce isn't that bad - I never count those calories ;0) I'm not that anal - Heck while I was at the mall today - I had 1/2 fish taco (well all the fish) 1/2 the taco part -

I haven't heard from Karri - but from what I see on FB school is driving her nuts as usual..

Got my hair cut this morning - now have bangs ;0) - she really cut side bangs - but I can home and made them full bangs ;0)

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Hi Girls!

Yesterday out of town at a wedding. A DF of mine`s 29 yr old daughter got married.... it was a fabulous time!!!

GOt my finger nails put back on on Friday , and its reallly hard to typew!!

O.k. wedding, I wore the same black|pewter outfit that I wore to DD`s wedding last Oct.... my SIL said ÒJH, have you lost more weight????```` ah:sneaky: no, but since I have been working out at the gym for the last month and doing my Zumba class.... it must have paid offf!!!!

So food, not too bad until the dessert, then liquors.... lots of WINE!!!! but I danced my ass off:biggrin:

I was SO bad, Peter dosn`t like to dance eh? so I just pick up who ever I can.... well an uncle of the Groom (BILL) asks me to dance... god he was cute:smile: and a really hgood dancer:thumbup: so we got along fine... bumping and grinding... OH I WAS SO BAD :wink2: flirt, flirt.... oh gosh... then he says are you here with anyone? Ya, my Husband, he``s over there sitting in a chair... its o.k. he dosn`t mind as HE hates to dance.... and JANET I gotta burn off those calories right????? LOL

So away I went, and because of my Zumba classes I got new moves and I NEVER got out of breath ALL night...

Then some GF`ss I met , we all started GIRL dancing together... and this Young guy... like I mean 30 yrs old... start hitting on me... too freeking funny... guess he liked dancing with the Cougars:rolleyes:

All good fun, but I didnt`get home until 1:30 a.m. and this morning I was hung.... oh, ate 1 pc of toast this a.m., then a protien bar, then just tried dinner (steak 2 oz, rice, mushrooms, onions) ah,, no go.... had to give it to »Peter to eat... then I tried Apple waldorf salad.,,,,:) it didn`t sit right either... so I may have a shake later on when my tummy feels better.

Linda; I hope you like the Zumba, I KNOW you`ll love the latin music for sure!!!! But watch that hip, it sometimes bothers mine, and I just take celebrex for a couple of days and tyl if I need it. But the cardio is SO worth it if you can manage. IC E' ICE' ICE it afterwarsds

PHYL; I am glad you got to the doc, and hope you can wait it out until Cali when you can get an MRI... Chiropractic, hum, well with all the stuff you`ve been thru why not more physio? Chiro may be helpful, but may be to strong an adjustment for you if you are not used to its principles... JMHO.... are there any BIOFLEX LASER operators around there? I`ll try and google some clinics for you and update later.

Karla; whoo-hoo girl.... we should party together!!!! So glad you got out and had some FUN.... agree with the above advise... ignore DD4`s issues... its her sh!t to deal with, not yours...

Janet; glad Bella is home safe and sound. DexH sounds like an interesting idea??? Good friends huh:biggrin:

You woulda liked my MOVES last night :) I can so see your hair with bangs.... I love it... can we see a picture:tt1:

Stephie baby; where are you ??? Was it a corn weekend??? GIve those babies a HUG for me!!!

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Hi, Chicks! Don't remember if I posted yesterday or not. It was a busy day... Did some packing in the morning. Zoey and I did our ride around the neighborhood... Surf Shack, I ventured in to Target again even though I'd been told I couldn't bring her in anymore. No one said a thing, other than to tell me how cute she was. Cashier started talking to me about her so I told her what the cashier told me last week and she said, "well, I think she's really cute!" Nothing about them being told they had to enforce the "Service Dogs Only" rule! I think next time someone asked me if she is a service dog I will say, "as soon as I get her papers back." Anyway, we had a good time and we just came back from today's trip. Today we went to Surf Shack, Riteaid and Albertson's. Got some baking soda for the refrigerator when we leave and small bottle of clorox to sanitize the RV Water tank.

Spent most of yesterday at Tracy & Jim's though. One of her old high school friends, and former neighbor of ours from the 80's had been wanting to get together with us before Earl & I leave. So Tracy had us all over yesterday afternoon. Ended up there all day. She made WW spaghetti/meatballs she got out of their cookbook and she used whole wheat noodles, salad, garlic bread, and Earl and I brought strawberry shortcake. I found a sugar free angel food cake at Albertson's yesterday... 1/6 cake = 60 calories, and we probably cut the pieces half that. Earl put Splenda on the strawberries and I got Lite Cool Whip. So... dinner was pretty okay, but of course, I had more than my usual amount of wine. Tracy had wine they brought back from their trip to Temecula a few weeks ago. Group Therapy and a Rose that was really good.

So....today... church, last Sunday here... so said good byes, went out to lunch with Tracy & Jim. Did a lot of packing today, too... both before and after church. Had to quit when my back was hurting too much to continue. I'm almost done. Earl is already complaining about too many shoes.

Back was feeling decent for a few hours yesterday!! Maybe it was the wine! LOL! But I think not. Have ice on it right now.

Karla... glad you had a good time the other night! Good for you!

Janet... sounds like Bella is doing very well. We hardly used either the pain pills or sedatives when Zoey had her surgery,and she would NOT wear the hood! But, she didn't bother her stitches at all, either, so it wasn't an issue. So... we wasted $10 on each of those things!!

How's Andrew doing now??

Chatted with grandson Kurtis on FB the other day. He's about as full of baloney as his dad!! Sorry to say! Haven't heard from Steve-o since right after his birthday.... typical!! But Kurtis says he's in Nebraska and they are going to meet halfway so he can go stay with his dad for a while! Just like his dad used to do at his age... wouldn't follow the rules at home, so staying with a series of friends/relatives until he wears out his welcome.. so now he's going to head to Nebraska and stay with Steve! He hasn't finished high school yet! I'd like to stop in Spokane and see him, but don't know if Earl will agree. Jim wouldn't either when he and Tracy went through there last week! The guys are fed up with him, but us gals... soft hearted moms! I even suggested we pick him up and take him to NY with us, and then OK and Steve could pick him up there! That did not go over well!!

Candice... what's up!??

Liinda... good to see you posting!

Had text messages from Karri a few days ago. She was supposed to come up this weekend, and was going to pick up her stuff. But she said she was too busy and wasn't going to be able to make it. So she wanted me to UPS it. you know Earl.... and he was probably right on this one... he said for what it would cost to ship it she could go buy a new cooler, etc. She said she already replaced the chargers, so she didn't really need them, and didn't care about the crock... so that left the cooler. She agreed that it probably didn't make sense to ship it... new ones that size are less than $20 and it would probably cost nearly that to send it. So it is going back in the shed.

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Ballinger Chiropractic

G. George Dewey, D.C.

19940 Ballinger Way N.E. Suite #A3

Seattle WA 98155


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O.k. Phyl, there is a clinic in Seattle, and some in Cali but I don`t know how close they are to you in Desert.... check it out...


Ballinger Chiropractic

G. George Dewey, D.C.

19940 Ballinger Way N.E. Suite #A3

Seattle WA 98155


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Hi Girls! Yesterday out of town at a wedding. A DF of mine`s 29 yr old daughter got married.... it was a fabulous time!!! O.k. wedding, I wore the same black|pewter outfit that I wore to DD`s wedding last Oct.... my SIL said ÒJH, have you lost more weight????```` ah:sneaky: no, but since I have been working out at the gym for the last month and doing my Zumba class.... it must have paid offf!!!! So food, not too bad until the dessert, then liquors.... lots of WINE!!!! but I danced my ass off:biggrin:

I was SO bad, Peter dosn`t like to dance eh? so I just pick up who ever I can.... well an uncle of the Groom (BILL) asks me to dance... god he was cute:smile: and a really good dancer:thumbup: so we got along fine... bumping and grinding... OH I WAS SO BAD :wink2: flirt, flirt.... oh gosh... then he says are you here with anyone? Ya, my Husband, he``s over there sitting in a chair... its o.k. he dosn`t mind as HE hates to dance.... and JANET I gotta burn off those calories right????? LOL

So away I went, and because of my Zumba classes I got new moves and I NEVER got out of breath ALL night...

Then some GF`ss I met , we all started GIRL dancing together... and this Young guy... like I mean 30 yrs old... start hitting on me... too freeking funny... guess he liked dancing with the Cougars:rolleyes:

All good fun, but I didnt`get home until 1:30 a.m. and this morning I was hung.... oh, ate 1 pc of toast this a.m., then a protien bar, then just tried dinner (steak 2 oz, rice, mushrooms, onions) ah,, no go.... had to give it to »Peter to eat... then I tried Apple waldorf salad.,,,,:) it didn`t sit right either... so I may have a shake later on when my tummy feels better.

Linda; I hope you like the Zumba, I KNOW you`ll love the latin music for sure!!!! But watch that hip, it sometimes bothers mine, and I just take celebrex for a couple of days and tyl if I need it. But the cardio is SO worth it if you can manage. IC E' ICE' ICE it afterwarsds

PHYL; I am glad you got to the doc, and hope you can wait it out until Cali when you can get an MRI... Chiropractic, hum, well with all the stuff you`ve been thru why not more physio? Chiro may be helpful, but may be to strong an adjustment for you if you are not used to its principles... JMHO.... are there any BIOFLEX LASER operators around there? I`ll try and google some clinics for you and update later.

Karla; whoo-hoo girl.... we should party together!!!! So glad you got out and had some FUN.... agree with the above advise... ignore DD4`s issues... its her sh!t to deal with, not yours...

Janet; glad Bella is home safe and sound. DexH sounds like an interesting idea??? Good friends huh:biggrin:

You woulda liked my MOVES last night :) I can so see your hair with bangs.... I love it... can we see a picture:tt1:

Stephie baby; where are you ??? Was it a corn weekend??? GIve those babies a HUG for me!!!

We were posting at the same time!! You are SO bad!! Glad you had a good time!! Shame on you for all that flirting!! LOL!!

Too bad Peter's birthday party is the same day as my niece's wedding.. You could crash and have a great time there, too. Reception is at some fancy place in downtown Buffalo... waterfront area. Still trying to decide what I will wear! Was thinking of wearing that dress... I think you gave me... long black dress with the big red roses on it. I love that dress! Wore it on the last two cruises. But.. not sure the colors are right for a summer wedding. Ceremony is at 2pm, so probably definitely not for the church, but maybe in the evening. Just re-read your post.. and see you wore black yesterday, so maybe that will be fine! Need to go shopping! But I don't know when! I was thinking if I wore black pants and a black shell maybe I could find a glitzy colorful jacket to wear with them.

I don't know if we can get all the way up to Wasaga Beach, but if we could, I'd consider some chiro on my back. I'm open to just about anything at this point! We're going to have a limited time in Buffalo. Wedding will take up a lot of that weekend. Then the 30th my sisters and I are joinging two sisters we grew up with on a wine tour. One of the other gals has arranged for a limo to take us to some of the wineries in the Finger Lakes/Silver Lake area of NY state. We have him for four hours of wine tasting. So that's another day shot. And we have to see all Earl's relatives, spend time with my Mom, and try to get together with some of our HS classmates to start planning our 50th HS reunion... next summer!!

And we have to get back on the road allowing plenty of time for visiting in OK... our TOPS group, our former church, our financial advisor and old friends!! And.. get to Sky Valley in plenty of time for Janet and I to go to LV on Oct 1st!!!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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