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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Who are you insured with Gieco ?? Ya he should have gotten and SUV and made loomis paid the diff.. Just mention the word attorney and you may get a little extra - they may offer a settlement.. Yes you gotta keep moving or it will be worse.. But not too much - when do you go back to the doc.. or do you..

Insured with USAA. Loomis is Marsh Risk something or other... out of Texas, I think. Only been up an hour, but pain is no better this morning. Could barely walk from the bedroom to my chair. Not going to Primetimers... I would be miserable trying to sit in those hard chairs. And today's program.. someone from one of the hospitals is coming to speak on how to improve our sleep, I think. I think I've heard all that before.

I don't know what to do... go back to doctor, go see the physiatrist guy I saw in June or maybe just shoot myself and be out of my misery!! :thumbup::eek::thumbup: I couldn't even walk my puppy last night. I made it as far as the end of the sidewalk and had to come back. I was going to walk to the dumpster and the mailbox at least. Figured I couldn't make it all the way around but thought I could make it that far.

I already told you guys about the frustrating dental appt., right?? Things aren't going so great at the moment!!


YESTERDAYS food tally:thumbup:

Janet: how are things at your house? How is Andrew, is he adjusting to the new doggie o.k.? How is little BELLA? Has she wormed her way into Bear and Angels' hearts...

You're really doing GREAT!! Calories, exercise, etc.!

Good for you!

I know you said chiropractor, and use ice. I have NEVER been to a chiropractor so I guess I'm a little afraid. And starting to wonder what is going on because this pain is radiating around to the front.. my left hip, waist, is where it is hurting most. TMI.... but.... it even hurts to fart!! :unsure::biggrin::tongue2:

I haven't tried the ice.... I know, my BAD, but.... I'm always cold... and can't stand the idea of ice. I keep thinking I need to freeze some ice bags... but haven't done it yet.

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YESTERDAYS food tally:thumbup:

Janet: how are things at your house? How is Andrew, is he adjusting to the new doggie o.k.? How is little BELLA? Has she wormed her way into Bear and Angels' hearts...

No drama this week ;0) - Bear & Sheba play w/Bella - Angel gets pissed when Bear plays w/her - Angel tolerates her ;0)

Andrew is good w/Bella - but I think his heart is still w/Ryder

WTG on your calories that and exercise your lbs should be coming off

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Aww, Phyl. You sound miserable, and when you give up going to events you enjoy, it's gotta be bad. I've never been to a chiro either, but some people swear by them. What I have been told is to make sure that they do a complete workup including x-rays before they touch you. If you go to a guy who just takes you into a back room and starts messing with you, run away. (ACTUALLY, I think it was Candice who told me that.) And be sure that the DC trained at Palmer. It's the official school of chiropractic in the US. Chiropractic is usually reimbursed by third party payers and like I said, there is a lot of ancedotal evidence about their effectiveness, but not a lot of scientific studies to support it.

So Cora's here again today. She had a fever of 101 yestarday and con't go to child care until she's fever-free for 24 hours. We pushed it yesterday--I took her to the airport and we watched planes landing and taking off until we saw Tim's plane land. Then we went out for lunch.

She fell asleep in the car for the last 1/2 hour of the ride home and woke up as soon as we got home. Not enough nap for her. She had a rough night and I went over there at 6:30 this am so they wouldn't have to wake her up. She seems fine today, but i got her down for an early nap anyway. She's still sleeping so I just set up her little pool outside for when she wakes up. I sure am going to miss my summer days with her. This is my last week--actually, now that I think about it, this is my last day with her :unsure: !!!

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Insured with USAA. Loomis is Marsh Risk something or other... out of Texas, I think. Only been up an hour, but pain is no better this morning. Could barely walk from the bedroom to my chair. Not going to Primetimers... I would be miserable trying to sit in those hard chairs. And today's program.. someone from one of the hospitals is coming to speak on how to improve our sleep, I think. I think I've heard all that before.

I don't know what to do... go back to doctor, go see the physiatrist guy I saw in June or maybe just shoot myself and be out of my misery!! :thumbup::eek::thumbup: I couldn't even walk my puppy last night. I made it as far as the end of the sidewalk and had to come back. I was going to walk to the dumpster and the mailbox at least. Figured I couldn't make it all the way around but thought I could make it that far.

I already told you guys about the frustrating dental appt., right?? Things aren't going so great at the moment!!

You're really doing GREAT!! Calories, exercise, etc.!

Good for you!

I know you said chiropractor, and use ice. I have NEVER been to a chiropractor so I guess I'm a little afraid. And starting to wonder what is going on because this pain is radiating around to the front.. my left hip, waist, is where it is hurting most. TMI.... but.... it even hurts to fart!! :unsure::biggrin::tongue2:

I haven't tried the ice.... I know, my BAD, but.... I'm always cold... and can't stand the idea of ice. I keep thinking I need to freeze some ice bags... but haven't done it yet.

Go back to the doctor - call them today !!!!- and ice will help - use a frozen bag of veggies - now a days they tell you ice - reduces the inflamtion !!!

Hugs - Hugs Hugs...

Aww, Phyl. You sound miserable, and when you give up going to events you enjoy, it's gotta be bad. I've never been to a chiro either, but some people swear by them. What I have been told is to make sure that they do a complete workup including x-rays before they touch you. If you go to a guy who just takes you into a back room and starts messing with you, run away. (ACTUALLY, I think it was Candice who told me that.) And be sure that the DC trained at Palmer. It's the official school of chiropractic in the US. Chiropractic is usually reimbursed by third party payers and like I said, there is a lot of ancedotal evidence about their effectiveness, but not a lot of scientific studies to support it.

So Cora's here again today. She had a fever of 101 yestarday and con't go to child care until she's fever-free for 24 hours. We pushed it yesterday--I took her to the airport and we watched planes landing and taking off until we saw Tim's plane land. Then we went out for lunch.

She fell asleep in the car for the last 1/2 hour of the ride home and woke up as soon as we got home. Not enough nap for her. She had a rough night and I went over there at 6:30 this am so they wouldn't have to wake her up. She seems fine today, but i got her down for an early nap anyway. She's still sleeping so I just set up her little pool outside for when she wakes up. I sure am going to miss my summer days with her. This is my last week--actually, now that I think about it, this is my last day with her :( !!!

Aw grandma :0)... My chiro retired never found one who I liked since - he would adjust you and that was it - no coming back for a million appointments..

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Insured with USAA. Loomis is Marsh Risk something or other... out of Texas, I think. Only been up an hour, but pain is no better this morning. Could barely walk from the bedroom to my chair. Not going to Primetimers... I would be miserable trying to sit in those hard chairs. And today's program.. someone from one of the hospitals is coming to speak on how to improve our sleep, I think. I think I've heard all that before.

I don't know what to do... go back to doctor, go see the physiatrist guy I saw in June or maybe just shoot myself and be out of my misery!! :thumbup::eek::thumbup: I couldn't even walk my puppy last night. I made it as far as the end of the sidewalk and had to come back. I was going to walk to the dumpster and the mailbox at least. Figured I couldn't make it all the way around but thought I could make it that far.

I already told you guys about the frustrating dental appt., right?? Things aren't going so great at the moment!!

You're really doing GREAT!! Calories, exercise, etc.!

Good for you!

I know you said chiropractor, and use ice. I have NEVER been to a chiropractor so I guess I'm a little afraid. And starting to wonder what is going on because this pain is radiating around to the front.. my left hip, waist, is where it is hurting most. TMI.... but.... it even hurts to fart!! :unsure::biggrin::tongue2:

I haven't tried the ice.... I know, my BAD, but.... I'm always cold... and can't stand the idea of ice. I keep thinking I need to freeze some ice bags... but haven't done it yet.

GEL Ice packs are best, but in a pinch you can use a Bag of Frozen Peas...wrap in a little dish towel... they mold nicely to your shape.

I am so sorry you are in such a bad way...you were making such good progress with all your fitness.


Worked at the chiro clinic today, on the Front Desk... oh my they have a lot of new systems in place... kinda fun, but very tirering...one more day to morrow on LASER... then I'm done!!!

The gal I worked with today says," Oh Dr. Sarah is looking for someone 15 hrs a week.... "

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I'm back!! Put up 4 - 18 ft teepees, learned to speak some Salish and Kootena words, made my own drum deer hide, and my proudest moment...I made a fire out with only sticks!!!! I was the very first to make fire and I was the oldest AND the instuctor was the hottie eye candy, unfortunately I found out he is married, but he gave me a huge hug because I made fire in under 3 minutes.

Glad to be home, tired, will email tomorrow, night,

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Good Morning Gang

Headed for the shower so this is a drive by..

Karla - I know who to have with me in wilderness training - you go girl w/your stick fire !!!

Had weights last nite then yoga -

I have mamo this morning so gotta jam

cbl - will be busy at work - so might not be til tonite

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Morning Peeps,

SLept like a LOG last night. Slept thru my alarm and missed my YOGA Class... can't get ahold of Michelle??? That's weird, my get dressed and head over to the gym anyways..

Shoulder is sore, but hip is a bit better.... Gosh, I AM an old lady some days.!@!!

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Linda, I hope little Cora is feeling better!

Phyl, dang it girl, go to the doc again and tell them you are in pain!!!

Still tired, but I'll survive. I'm heading to Missoula to help DD#5 move into her apartment.

DD#4's first day at her new job. Hope all goes well, keep all your fingers crossed.

food was fairly good this week at Culture Camp. Mainly because most of the food that was served was stuff I couldn't eat. Did have a few margaritta's, yum. Had to live 3 days without a latte, almost didn't make it. I'm sitting here trying to get my eye's open and i am sticking on coffee.

Got a wierd voicemail this morning that DD#3 just had a CAT scan because she has had a Migraine for 2 weeks. Problem is that she is a bit of a drama queen and I just don't know if I should be worried or not. So I'll just be worried and leave it at that.

Well, I am going to try to squeeze in a lattle nap before heading to town, yep just got up and now i'm tired. TTFN

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a poem I heard read at the AA meeting last Sunday... it is wonderful... hope you get something from it too.

Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow...


There are two days in every week about which we should not worry, two days which should be kept free from fear and apprehension.

One of these days is Yesterday, with its mistakes and cares, its faults and blunders, its aches and pains. Yesterday has passed forever beyond our control.

All the money in the world cannot bring back Yesterday. We cannot undo a single act we performed; we cannot erase a single word we said. Yesterday is gone.

The other day we should not worry about is Tomorrow with its possible adversities, its burdens, its large promise and poor performance. Tomorrow is also beyond our immediate control.

Tomorrow’s sun will rise, either in splendor or behind a mask of clouds – but it will rise. Until it does, we have no stake in Tomorrow, for it is yet unborn.

This leaves only one day – Today – Any one can fight the battles of just one day. It is only when you and I add the burdens of those two awful eternities – Yesterday and Tomorrow that we break down.

It is not the experience of Today that drives us mad – it is remorse or bitterness for something which happened Yesterday and the dread of what Tomorrow may bring.

Let us, therefore, live but one day at a time.

--author unknown

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Hey Gang...

Cking in - off work - don't go back till Monday !!!

Bella is scheduled for herina surgery 7:45 tomorrow - Andrew is suppose to take her - but it's his friend bday today so - I may end up taking her - Want to get estimate on car (ryder scratches and my bumper bobo)

Karla - no coffee for 3 days or no lattes for 3 days - I could make it w/o lattes but no coffee - nope ... I may have one this evening since I don't have to get up at 5

Candice Lovely poem how true - So what did you do at the gym today.. Hows the food going..

Linda - What did you do today... How's the hip

Phyl - How the back and what's the latest on Zoey


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So where is everyone? Getting awful quiet here.

Spent the day in town moving DD#5 into her apartment. It should be an adventure, 8 kids living together. Her room is about 9 x 10 feet, kitchen and bathroom were pretty scarey, but lets get real, they are kids and don't mind a little disaster.

I'm actually going out tomorrow with some teachers from school. Should be fun and since it is here in Stevensville, I can walk home whenever I want.

Phyl, how are you feeling?

Candice, I hope your friend is okay.

Janet, enjoy your sleepin tomorrow. I envy you.

Have a good evening!

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So where is everyone? Getting awful quiet here. Spent the day in town moving DD#5 into her apartment. It should be an adventure, 8 kids living together. Her room is about 9 x 10 feet, kitchen and bathroom were pretty scary, but lets get real, they are kids and don't mind a little disaster. I'm actually going out tomorrow with some teachers from school. Should be fun and since it is here in Stevensville, I can walk home whenever I want.

Phyl, how are you feeling?

Candice, I hope your friend is okay.

Janet, enjoy your sleepin tomorrow. I envy you.

Have a good evening!

Hangin'. Pain not gone... left foot tingly... going back to primary care clinic in the morning. Must be pressure on a nerve.

Zoey's busy time and she is getting in trouble. Earl told her she was dumber than a box of rocks because he was trying to play catch with her outside and she wouldn't bring the ball back! I am trying to teach her "bring it back", but he doesn't use the right words so she's not getting it when he plays with her. He's giving me a break because of my back. But he says when I'm better he gets comp time! I have to pick up all the poop, etc., for a LONG time, I suspect!

Grandson pretty sore after bad accident last night but so thankful that's all and everyone walked away. He was rear-ended and his car, which he worshipped, totaled! But Tracy said he stayed very cool and calm... good qualities for a guy who just finished EMT/fireman certification. He's worried that accident might hurt his job hunting because you're not suposed to have any accidents on your record. But this was TOTALLY not his fault! He was standing still waiting for lady in front of him to make a left turn when kid slammed in to him doing about 40 mph.

Not a good week. Friend Jacki's cancer back. Just got an email from folks we've hung out with a lot at Sky Valley and wife died yesterday of some weird blood infection. Not very old. Maybe a few years older than me, but not much. They live here in WA, but not very close to us.

Need some GOOD news!!

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I'm here l0) - but no sleeping in tomorrow - taking Bella for her surgery - suppose to be there 7:45 a.m - so I will be up early..

But I won't be at work - you are the lucky one no school for 3 months...

I am glad you are going out - you need to do that more often..

I'm got tickets for Mary J Blige on 9/5 that should be a great concert..

Phyl - The accident isn't Adams fault so won't be an issue..

I think a chriopractor might be what you need...

Ya we sure do need some good news - all we have had is drama lately...

Well eye are getting heavy - and since I need to be up by 6 and out the door by 7:15 - i better hit the hay..


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Morning, Janet, you are right, we need some good news...so everyone, put your positive thoughts together and let's see what we can bring about.

Janet, closer to 2 months off than 3, but for most people it is nice. For the most part, except when my girls were babies, I have always worked during the summer. Its the long hours during the school year that are wearing. But there are some teachers that walk away at the end of the day and never think about teaching until the next morning. I have never been like that, but some are and they give the rest of us a bad name.

Man, I could just curl up and go to sleep for the entire day. Unfortunately, I am working 7 days a week from now on until the nursery stops staying open on Sundays,

Phyl, I am so sorry about your friend. Go to the doc and hand in there!

Janet, I hope Bella's surgery goes well, keep us updated.

Candice? Linda? What's up?

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