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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Candice - Great info - I could have written the 2nd one - I'm not one to blame or hold on to the past - for me eating was/is my control - it's what I do for me - it was my love to myself - well now I understand that I was killing myself w/love - Now I still love to eat - I have just replaced unhealthy foods w/healthy ones - and you know what for the most part - it is what I crave now a days.. I have learned to love me in a good healthy way instead of an unhealthy love..

Steph - Whats a walking taco ;0) you did good - it's about making the best choices you can while living life - I am not so anal that I would have packed my own lunch - I would have done just what you did - made the best choice..

Heck if your Creamer is only 50 calories - and you enjoy your smoothie - then keep it - just shave off those 50 calories somewhere else 50 x 3 = 150 x 7 = 1050 cal x 3 thats 3150 that's almost 1 lbs in 3 weeks ... See this is why I think you must know calories - it's important - cuz those 50 cal here and there do add up - you don't have to obsess about them but you have to have the knowledge

Phyl - Funny about Zoey - why would Tracy be afraid - Zoey just doesn't like being groomed - obviously the lady who had her before didn't brush or groom her - every nite sit w/her in your lap and brush her - Both angel and bear are ok w/groomers - they mind them better than me - Angel doesn't like her face messed w/either - My niece grooms both my dogs and we have already taken Bella to get her nails clipped and I have been brushing her - will make sure we take her early -

Puppy school is good too - Bear went - but broke his leg so had to drop out -

Thanks for the props gang !!!! A part of my success is cuz of all of you... I went looking for 7/10 group - you know there isn't one - I looked at the 6/10 group - hell hardly anyone even post there - Remember our thread !!! 15 pages in on day in the beginning... Well, your guys love and support has kept me on the straight and narrow and so here's :smile: me thanking you for your love & friendship !!!!

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Janet, do I have to admit what a walking taco is? Okay. I'll tell, but remember that the other choices were....funnel cake, corn dogs, chicken strips and fries, and a bunch of other fried foods. ...

To make a walking taco....

cut a lunch size bag of doritos down the side

add a handful of lettuce, some tomatoes, onions

a scoop of taco meat

put on a couple table spoons shredded cheese.< /p>

Garnish with your favorite taco toppings. I put on salsa only instead of the guac, s.cream

Stir it up and eat it.

I can't eat a whole one. I usually eat all the veggies and 1/2 the meat and some of the chips. Jeff usually gets the rest. I don't even WANT to know the calorie content. On a positive note, pre-band I could eat 2 whole. Now, not even 1.

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I had no idea there was such a thing as a walking taco. You did well, I would have been hard pressed to skip the funnel cake, the rest no big deal. But you did make the better choice. Tacos sound good. Maybe this week I will make a taco salad, sans the chips, ground turkey or supper lean hamb., light s.cream and less gucamole. I know it will turn into a slider, but I am getting tired of my blueberry, kashi, yogurt dinner AND Breakfast.< /p>

Short day at work, only 10 to 4. I am going to work on the kitchen. I know there is a kitchen counter under that crap. Biggest problem is that I haven't worked out a routine for where to put things. In my old house, I had to walk past the garbage dumpster after checking the mail so I would stop and dump all the junk mail. Then by the door I had cubbies for the mail. One for each person, so I would separate it as I entered the house. Now it all gets dumped on the table. TABLE? there is a table in there? Also, the pantry was right by the door, so groceries got put away as you brought them into the house. Now the pantry is at the far end of the kitchen and the groceries don't seem to get past the counter.

Need to go run a load of laundry, be back.

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Morning GIrls, Off to the gym... be back later on to post..


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Everybody`s been doing other stuff today besides surfing the web..

Finished at the gym, 1 hour on the bike... also finished reading WOMEN food & GOD... it is a thought provoking book... gonna look for other stuf by her too.

When I came out of the gym, it was raining.. ever so softly, but enough for me to bail on my Gardening chores for this afternoon. hee,hee...

Called a GF and we hit the casino! :eek: I know BAD CANDICE I was already there this month in Seattle....

BUT..... I Won a jackpot :biggrin: $1,600 cash.... I am not telling Peter about it either... its going into the savings account (mine) first thing in the a.m..... its gonna sit there and I``ll do some long and hard thinking before I decide what to do with it. :)

It was also a good thing that I called my GF, as she is very lonely... widowed and has just not had any luck finding a soul-mate... I feel bad for her, caus I know that`s what she really wants. I suggested SPEED DATING... she had never heard of it... so I am going to google it in her area and see what happens.

Food today, (havn`t put it into Sparkpeople yet)

Breaky: 1/2 cup Fiber One Cereal

1/2 cup yogurt sf ff, 1/4 cup blueberries

Lunch: Iced coffee SF FF

Dinner: 1/4 of spinach*cheese dip(serving) at restaurant, 4 ribs, 1 -6oz. glass of red wine..

Snack: Starbucks SF FF latte with SF Carmel Syrup.< /p>


Edited by peaches9
more stuff

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Omg I thought I posted this morning - Been up since 5:30 - Washed my sheets - put clothes away - made bed - tried to hook up my new printer/scanner - kept getting errors - then it was time to take bear & angel to the groomers at 9:30 - went to Pyos ?? Its a combination of yoga & pliates - OMG you aren't jumping around like boot camp - but I sure sweated like I was in boot camp - really enjoyed it - So much so - that Sunday Mornings @ 10 I will be doing Plios -

Came home messed with the computer some more - uninstalled printer - tried to reinstall - rearranged the set up of my desk (moved tower = printer - etc - had to unplug and reinstall everything - oh what a pain) - finally gave up on the printer and called HP - got some guy in India - but at least I could understand him - he was really nice - he needed my info address etc - you know you gotta spell it - so I said Indio - just like India but an o instead of an A - he laughed - asked if I had even been to India - said no - just seen it on tv and movies "slum dog millionaire" he laughed - He wants to come to Vegas - again he know about it by the movies ' Hangover ;0) - Really nice guy - took him about 45 mins to fix what ever was wrong - but it's working..

It's 8 p.m. and that's all I did - well picked up bear angel ran to target - got a yoga mat :0)

I really need to get off this computer and go fix me some dinner - Oh I had that salmon patty last night - not as good as that restaurant - but ok .. am having it again tonite ..

Candice - WTG 1 hr on the bike

Steph - Walking taco - sounds good ;0) and ya I think you did good w/that choice..

Karla - I love being orignize - but it's so much work - hope you had a good day.

Phyl where are you today how's your fill - how's zoey :0)

I take bear & angel to petco - my niece (by marraige to my sister stepson) is the groomer - I told her the story on how Zoey was banned from Petco - LOL

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Came home from work and stained the wooden gate on the fence, added some wooden strips to the dog ramp, (the furries keep 'sliding' down when they go out the doggy door). Had part of a salad for dinner, spinach, Tomato, and lettuce went down, but stuck on the chopped ham and feta.

Doc put me on glucosamine. I bought the liquid since the pills are so big, let's just say NASTY. I think I will figure out how to take the pills. the stuff is so bad I can't even figure out how to describe it.

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Here I am! it's just been a busy day. Church, lunch w/Tracy & Jim. Crated Zoey while we were gone, so she was ready to go for a scooter ride when I got back. She's getting pretty hilarious about that.. expects it, almost demands it! Pretty funny. So... off we went for over an hour. Hit all the stores except for Target. Safeway, Bartels, Riteaid, Albertson's, Dollar Store, Hagen's!! Only bought two things at the $$ store... don't laugh... baby wipes for Zoey and a little baby blanket for her small carrier! Pathetic, huh!! LOl!

So... lets see... what came after that. I think I played Solitaire on the computer while I had some annoying phone calls. Then cooked some spinach... w/garlic, onion, mushrooms, a little EVOO, white balsamic vinegar and a pkg of Splenda, a little fresh ground pepper. It was pretty good. Earl had halibut in the oven while I did the spinach.

After we ate... Zoey was all wired. We're working on the training! She seem sot think if we eat, she should eat. Sits at my feet barking for a treat. So we put an end to that and she sat quietly between us while we ate. But, like I say... she was wired, so when we were done I took her for a walk.. she dragged me twice around the condo. Came home soaking wet w/sweat and worn out! That's the fastest I've walked in a LONG time!! HAHA!! She was running and leaping and jumping! So after twice around, I brought her back and told Earl he needed to take her around a couple of times, too. So he went once! Then my neighbor, Kim wanted to take her. But she said she made it just past our car and planted her butt on the asphalt and refused to go any further. Said she kept looking up at her and looking back towards the condo, and finally decided she wasn't going any further with Kim! So, I let her play around while I talked to the neighbors outside for a while. Then Earl came back out and walked her around one more time.

When we came back in, she was still acting like a crazy nut! Earl went to the hot tub and I played catch with Zoey for at least 1/2 hour. She finally tired out! So... I probably spent at least 3 hrs with dog activity today!

Food.... eggbeater omelet for Breakfast, and about 3 bites of pancake...Earl made himself raspberry pancakes, so he gave me a small piece of his. Lunch... we went to an Italian place. I had 1/2 of an Italian sausage and about 1 cup spaghetti w/tomato sauce, and a small cup of minestrone Soup. Small shrimp cocktail w/fresh spinach mid-afternoon w/glass of wine. Spinach &halibut dinner, Skinny cow later. One 30 cal cracker w/smoked salmon and a little cheese.

Tired...need to go to bed soon. TOPS in a.m., then pool PT right after that. Then I'll have to come home and take Zoey for her ride over to Surf Shack before I have lunch.

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Ah Phyl, the adventures of a truely in charge furry house. Love it. The exercise is good for everyone.

Not much happened here last night, just what I already posted. Work today and then three whole days off!!

Check in later tonight, you all have a great day!!

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Good Morning -

LOL Phyl - just think of all the extra exercise you are getting :0)

Karla - 3 days off - I could use them and not go anywhere - need to put some pictures in frames - etc..

Candice - is Peter home yet - how you doing

Steph - How was yesterday..

Linda - Need to report in..



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Hi ladies.

Karla, call mom, 406-362-4666 and have her check on the sewing machine. If you have 3 days and it's there, maybe you can take a drive up there and pick it up. If she isn't home, leave a message. If you don't hear from her let me know. I'm making a flying trip out there this weekend for Jonathan's wedding. Driving out Friday morning, driving home Saturday. Won't have time to think, let alone check on machine.

Phyl, she will only be a puppy for so long. Enjoy it while it lasts. That energy is amazing. It's like having a baby all over again, but not nearly as needy. She has really been good for you. I hear it in your messages how happy you are. I see the smile on your face everytime you talk about walking with her. You sound so positive these days. I LOVE IT!

Yesterday...what happened yesterday???? Oh. Church twice. I really have missed that second church. Jeff was out at the farm and he really needed to hear this sermon. It was AWESOME. It was about marriage and it really spoke to me. I think it really could have been a positive for us. I'm going to see if it is online because I really would like Jeff to hear it. After that I went out to the farm. Jeff's sis was out there. I've told you how horrible she is and how I keep trying and trying to woo her. Well...I did it again. I invited her to drive out to Lincoln with me. I don't know what came over me. I really do want her to like me. I want to like her. I keep thinking that if I keep trying, something will happen. Well, she said she would see if she could get Friday off of work so I might have ruined THAT trip. Not ruined but now that I think about it, I don't think it was a very smart idea. Imagine that. I act first and think later.

After that, when Jeff and his dad came in, his dad made an assinine comment about finding Jeff a girlfriend since I'm never home. I gave him some dirty look and told him that was enough and he just kept on and on. I looked at Jeff like, "are you going to do something about this?" and he said nothing. I all but told Dale to shut the hell up...but he's my FIL and I can't talk to my elders like that so I excused myself, got kids ready and then left. Jeff came home and we had a blow up because of it. I told him that I didn't appreciate him not sticking up for me. He asked me if he thought it was okay for him to tell his dad to shut up. I said, "No, but a simple, 'Dad, Stephanie is a great wife and I have no desire to have anyone take her place.'" would have sufficed. He just looked at me like I had two heads. I told him I didn't appreciate that he never sticks up for me. He never is my champion. It kills me. I hate it. Well...he didn't seem to care that I was sitting there in tears. with a roll of his eyes and "sorry" it was over. I wanted to kick him. I wanted to scream and yell and show him how hurt and angry I was....but no. Just sat there. Hurt....and that was the end of it.

So...yesterday sucked eggs after noon. Today...hopefully better. I have a ton to do and a haircut at 2. May go to the massage bed. Pink ribbon organization meeting tonight. Friend just FB'd me asking if we were walking tonight so after that I'll go walking for a couple of hours. It should be a much better day.

Love you ladies. Sorry for the vent but I think you know that I just have to get it out before I explode and then I calm right the hell down. You're all so good for that. Karla, Janet...there is really good stuff about being single. I may come join you one of these days.

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cRAP, I just had this huge long post... and its GONE...

Stephanie: Hugs on teh Hubby issue

Janet`` Glad you got your computer fixed.. luckily for me I have tECKY SIL he helps me out a LOT.

Phyl: Zoey has you guys wrapped around her paw..LOve hearing about her antics.

Linda: has been busy, TIM`s dissortation went well and he is NOW A DOCTOR of PSYCHOLOGY.... PhD... way cool, she is over the moon.

food today good, went to the gym... treadmill at 3% incline 3.4 mph speed... tomorrow ZUMBA class again lllll YEAH:thumbup:

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Oh Steph GF I LOVE BEING SINGLE !!!! Karla is the one who wants a man - I don't !!!! Hugs - Men have no clue - hell Andrew acts like my parent sometimes - yesterday he woke up bitch about something - the dog and I was letting it run loose - (she had been asleep in her kennel 10 minutes before that) - I got dressed and left the house..

Hugs Hugs Hugs - He does have some good qualities or you would have never married him ;o)

Linda - WTG on having a PHD in the family !!!

Candice - WTG on the gym

Phyl - Zoey must have you running and riding around :)

Well back to work..

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Yeah... out and about all the day long until after 2pm!! TOPS (turtled--no change), then PT--1 hr work out in pool, then went upstairs and did 20 minutes on bike. So.. with shower, etc., I was there 2 hrs. Oh... and Earl couldn't break Zoey's heart, so he told me to take her in scooter basket again and he met me there and took her home! So pathetic!

I stopped at Subway after TOPS for breakfast because Tracy & Jim told me they have 150 calorie breakfast sandwiches. So I checked it out.. they have several breakfast items that are 150-175 calories. I had a ham and cheese and egg muffin (on an English muffin). Should've only eaten 1/2 the muffin. Calories were okay, but a little uncomfortable because of the bread, so if I do that again, I'll just eat 1/2 the muffin.

So... got home from all that after 1 pm and Zoey wanted another scooter ride and I hadn't had my latte yet... so we went to Surf Shack, cruised around Target and went to Albertson's for a lottery ticket... don't tell Earl!!

Hadn't had lunch yet and was really hungry because it ws after 2pm by then...so had 1 30 calorie rye crisp cracker w/some of that cheese you guys bought on top, and some of Candice's hummus, and some smoked salmon on top. Then... Judge Judy and some wine. Earl is fixing himself some sort of turkey pot pie or something... left over turkey he found in the freezer, peas, mushroom Soup and I don't know what else, but i'm eating the rest of my spaghetti and 1/2 italian sausage when I'm ready.. but not yet!

I think Tracy & Jim are headed this way for a short visit. They were over the mountains today looking at houses.. might buy a 2nd house over there where they actually have summer!

16_6_1v.gif 16_6_1v.gif

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Stephanie, I am so sorry about Jeff. Janet is probably right about me. I would like to have someone to share the day with, but not happening, no big deal. You are right, Jeff should stick up for you, he may need to practice how to say it with respect. However, Jeff may also be a little disgruntled about your activities and he may have not said anything because he privately feels that way. I think you and him need to get away together and talk some things out. Jeff needs to know that your activities are what keep you sane. But a night every couple of weeks with just the 2 of you may be what is in order. Find time for each other. This really needs to be a priority for both of you. I love you and this is just a little blip in the road. On the SIL issues, you know that she will bail at the last minute. Also, give it up. You tried, there is nothing that you can do to change her. Be your sweet self and let it go. I'll give Rose a call today, thanks.

Phyl, what a wonderful day you had.

Candice I am so proud of you!! Exercising, etc.

Janet, I still can't believe your before picture! amazing work!!

You all would be proud of me, I stood up to DD#4 and boyfriend. They have been coming over while I am at work and eating. The first time, the left dirty dishes and a burner on. Yesterday she called to ask if they could eat something, so I finally said, "Don't you have any food?" The answer, was "no". So when I got home (they always leave before I get home), I decided I needed to say something. They came over later, so I told them that if they didn't have groceries that they are welcome to eat what they find at my house, HOWEVER, that they would need to do some things for me, chores basically. Elyse agreed, but the boyfriend said nothing. So I decided to be blunt with the boyfriend and asked him what he was doing to find a job. So it will come down to either they do the chores (or I should say Elyse) or I will be changing the locks on the house. I don't want to have to do that, but we will see. Elyse looks like crap, her face is all broken out (remember, no hot water) and she has a rash all over her. I only pray it isn't drugs, but I'm not holding my breath over that. I only pray it isn't meth. I pray she lives through this.

Well, me and the deck today, whowho

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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