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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Yes, I'm crazy busy but it makes up for all summer when I'm crazy bored.

No Candice, I won't bring you left overs. That would be destructive. I'll see about finding someone to carry it across the border and mail some to Peter one of these days. :thumbup:

I'm really excited that Rose and Karla are coming too! I can hardly wait to leave!

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Phyl, Darcy is the most beautiful darling I've seen in a LONG time. I see on FB that Tennille is asking about pics of the new puppy so I'm wondering if you actually got her. And is she spending the week with us? I sure hope so.

Oh...do I need to bring my aerobed with me? I think I remember Candice saying something about it.

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Phyl, Darcy is the most beautiful darling I've seen in a LONG time. I see on FB that Tennille is asking about pics of the new puppy so I'm wondering if you actually got her. And is she spending the week with us? I sure hope so.

Oh...do I need to bring my aerobed with me? I think I remember Candice saying something about it.

Yeah, we might need the aerobed if you have room to bring it.

I followed up on several of those puppies and no one was getting back to me. And every morning when I looked at the classified ads in our paper I saw that little 6 mo old Imperial Shih Tzu staring back at me. So this morning I asked the lady if she'd let us come and meet her... The lady who told me last week she didn't think the dog was a good fit for us! So we went to meet her at 3 pm today and after about 1/2 hr visit, we decided to bring her home with us. She is a real sweetheart. I had reservations because she was so hyper, but she has settled right down. WE took her to Tracy & Jim's for dinner tonight and she had a blast with their three dogs. She was a little timid about getting down to play with the two bigs ones, but if she could sit in our laps and "play" with them from there, she was fine! WE went and bought her a crate, and she is very comfortable with it. Put her in it in the car and she curled up and went to sleep. She is very friendly and has to be picked up by everyone she meets or she gets upset. Grandson came home while we were out on the porch and she actually barked at him until he finally picked her up and let her lick his face! Then Gigi got up on Tracy's lap and she was jealous and barked at her until she put her on her lap too! She is a DIVA and has to be the center of attention! Quite a personality. We got a good price because she has a "hare lip" and cannot be bred.




Edited by phyllser

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OMG Phyl, what a cutie, but put a pony tail in her bangs, I can't see her face. She sounds like a perfect match! I didn't know dogs could have a 'hairlip'. Does that make her teeth show? How is Earl doing with her. He will be baking her doggy treats before long, let me know if you need recipes?

Anyway, I AM SUCH A DITZ! I have been going on about the Antiques Road show and now I am going to miss it. I can't seem to read the difference between July and June. I thought it was JULY 26, but it is actually JUNE 26, this weekend. So I guess you know who can't go this weekend. I need to figure out how to get the tickets to Roundup by tomorrow. I know someone from my class who's mom is going, I'm going to ask and see if they will take the tickets, that or I will have to see if I pay an exorbinate amount to get them there by mail. Darn I'm mad at myself!!

The dog gates held!!! So now I can Shampoo carpets. I am hoping I don't work on Saturday or Monday, so I can get some of things done.

Only 2 more days of class, now that it is almost over, I know I'm going to miss it.

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Good Morning

Phyl Zoey is so cute !!! Yep she needs a barett for her bangs..

Can't wait to meet her !!! Mark my words she's going to be Earl's Dog :0)

Steph - yes it's better to have something to do than nothing to do ;0)

Karla - Glad your gate held - School - sometime I wish I was doing something - but then I wouldn't have time for fb & lbt

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OMG Phyl, what a cutie, but put a pony tail in her bangs, I can't see her face. She sounds like a perfect match! I didn't know dogs could have a 'hairlip'. Does that make her teeth show? How is Earl doing with her. He will be baking her doggy treats before long, let me know if you need recipes?
Phyl Zoey is so cute !!! Yep she needs a barett for her bangs.. Can't wait to meet her !!! Mark my words she's going to be Earl's Dog :0)

Oh, my gosh! She is such a sweetheart! So far... one little piddle on the carpet when we first got home yesterday. She is very playful, but does settle down and snuggle. She barks a little bark when she wants to be picked up.

Yeah, she's pretty much won Earl's heart already. In fact, when we were still at the lady's farm, he was the one pushing taking her home when I was still wondering if she was too hyper! So... yeah.. we are both completely enthralled with our little girl. They were calling her "Pumpkin", but we didn't like that so we went back to the name on all of her paperwork....Zoey. I like that! And... Earl brushed her and cut her bangs this morning!

Tracy came over with Gigi shortly after we got home and she and Gigi get along fine, too. Then we went to their place for dinner. That was a riot. She wanted to play with the big dogs, but only if she was sitting on someone's lap. Then she would bat at their faces with her paws and be playful, but she was too scared if she was down on the ground! And when Adam came home, it was killing her that he wasn't picking her up. She kept barking her little bark until I finally got him to pick her up for a few seconds. You have to pick her up... then she has to lick your face and ears and then she's content. She did the same thing with my neighbor when we got home. She loves the little boy upstairs and they wrestled in the grass for a minute or so yesterday. And she made friends with two of the neighborhood cats.

So.... the only problem is that candy is REALLY mad! Earl brought her out of "her bedroom" this morning and she sat on his lap hissing just because the puppy was in the room. I think she'll mellow out eventually but right now she won't come out of "her room"!!

So... in the middle of the night I almost got up and got online because I was feeling so guilty that all I talked about was the dog yesterday because Uncle Ed is having heart bypass surgery either today or tomorrow. They tried to do the angioplasty/stent yesterday and the blockage was so complete they couldn't even get the catheter in. I don't know how he's even still walking around! So... keep him in your prayers.

Speaking of the middle of the night.... Earl insisted on going to buy a crate for the dog before we went to Tracy's. So we went to the pet store and got one and put her in it in the car. She was perfectly content in there. So I put her in it when I went to bed last night and everything was fine until Earl got up to go to the bathroom and she started barking! So he put the crate on top of his night stand so she could see us and she was quiet the rest of the night. I brought her out when I got up a little after 7 a.m. , let her out and took her outside. Worked great.

Lady told me she doesn't chew anything! Not true. She likes to chew fingers. So we bought her a toy and found our red ball... which she loves, but I'll go over to Target later and get some chewy things. And she does like shoes! Was in the bathroom changing in to my pjs last night and she was curled up on the bathroom rug. All of a sudden she grabbed one of my shoes and ran! I don't think her little teeth can do any damage, but she was just chewing on Earl's brand new crocs.

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Hugs & Prayers on Uncle Ed…

Watch out on the shoes- Angel & Bear both chewed my sandles – I learned to put all shoes up when they were puppies – they don’t chew any more lucky Ryder doesn’t chew shoes - – you need to get a petco or petsmart card – cuz you are going to be buying crap for Zoey all the time – they have these little nubby bones that bear liked –

One week from today – I will be on a plane right now on my way to Seattle !!!!

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Steph - Girl !!!! You need to slow down !!! Way to busy for me - but so glad you, your mom & karla are coming ...

Well back from the gym - legs tonite - took Kaitlin w/me - my gosh - I am stronger than a 15.5 yr old ;0) - I am giving her a gym membership for Xmas :0)

Let her drive me to gym and back - :thumbup:

food today

BF - kasha shredded wheat

lunch - Fish & Broc

dinner - Cooking chicken - veggies and maybe some of that Fiber groument Pasta

Wow Janet, you took Kaitlyn to the gym with you.... that is such a good example you are setting for her... she will remember her whole life this special time she spent with her LaLa!!! You are a good Grammy!!!!

Food today: Coffee/milk for breaky

Lunch: Ham and Split Pea Soup with whole wheat crackers. It was so damn good that I ate it too fast and PB`d then had to start all over again... but ummmm so good.<

Dinner: ...? ....Peter is taking me out for supper (?) Apparently yest. a.m. we went to see our financial advisor... and during our chat I said something off-hand (I don`t even remember) about "oh we can afford to go out for supper now???!!!"

All I remember is telling the F.A. that I spent some of our retirement money getting Lasik surgery:biggrin:

I guess Peter must have been embarrased cause when I got up this a.m. I had an invitation:thumbup: Is he ever gonna pay:thumbup:

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Oh, my gosh! She is such a sweetheart! So far... one little piddle on the carpet when we first got home yesterday. She is very playful, but does settle down and snuggle. She barks a little bark when she wants to be picked up.

Yeah, she's pretty much won Earl's heart already. In fact, when we were still at the lady's farm, he was the one pushing taking her home when I was still wondering if she was too hyper! So... yeah.. we are both completely enthralled with our little girl. They were calling her "Pumpkin", but we didn't like that so we went back to the name on all of her paperwork....Zoey. I like that! And... Earl brushed her and cut her bangs this morning!

Tracy came over with Gigi shortly after we got home and she and Gigi get along fine, too. Then we went to their place for dinner. That was a riot. She wanted to play with the big dogs, but only if she was sitting on someone's lap. Then she would bat at their faces with her paws and be playful, but she was too scared if she was down on the ground! And when Adam came home, it was killing her that he wasn't picking her up. She kept barking her little bark until I finally got him to pick her up for a few seconds. You have to pick her up... then she has to lick your face and ears and then she's content. She did the same thing with my neighbor when we got home. She loves the little boy upstairs and they wrestled in the grass for a minute or so yesterday. And she made friends with two of the neighborhood cats.

So.... the only problem is that candy is REALLY mad! Earl brought her out of "her bedroom" this morning and she sat on his lap hissing just because the puppy was in the room. I think she'll mellow out eventually but right now she won't come out of "her room"!!

So... in the middle of the night I almost got up and got online because I was feeling so guilty that all I talked about was the dog yesterday because Uncle Ed is having heart bypass surgery either today or tomorrow. They tried to do the angioplasty/stent yesterday and the blockage was so complete they couldn't even get the catheter in. I don't know how he's even still walking around! So... keep him in your prayers.

Speaking of the middle of the night.... Earl insisted on going to buy a crate for the dog before we went to Tracy's. So we went to the pet store and got one and put her in it in the car. She was perfectly content in there. So I put her in it when I went to bed last night and everything was fine until Earl got up to go to the bathroom and she started barking! So he put the crate on top of his night stand so she could see us and she was quiet the rest of the night. I brought her out when I got up a little after 7 a.m. , let her out and took her outside. Worked great.

Lady told me she doesn't chew anything! Not true. She likes to chew fingers. So we bought her a toy and found our red ball... which she loves, but I'll go over to Target later and get some chewy things. And she does like shoes! Was in the bathroom changing in to my pjs last night and she was curled up on the bathroom rug. All of a sudden she grabbed one of my shoes and ran! I don't think her little teeth can do any damage, but she was just chewing on Earl's brand new crocs.

Phyl, She is so cute... Zoey, great name!!! I love it:tt1: Yeah, I knew Earl would do a meltdown when push came to shove...

Speaking of SHOVE... we had an earthquake here yest. afternoon at 1:41 p.m.!!!!! It was a 5.0 on the riktor scale.... total surprise for Ontarians, we havn`t had a ``bump`in over 5 years and then it was really small...<

PLUS' then last evening there was a HUGE tornado that swept thru the town of MIDLAND, about 30 miles from us...Holy crap, the power and gas have been shut off for the entire town all night long and still there is no power. No one died but there are many injuries because of the twister... one car dealership lost 3/4 of its car inventory... windsheilds blew out of the cars, some tossed about.

Homes were flattened... it is a real disaster.. the Red Cross is on the ground and helping to feed people...its just aweful!

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Candice - I'm the food & exercise cop w/everyone - not just you guys -

Yes I took her w/me - last night - I had weight training w/Idrise legs - she could barely do 100 lbs to my 360 lbs - but that's not fair since I have been working out with weights for 2 yrs now and she hasn't..

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Well I guess this thread is dying...

Phyl gets a puppy - no post since this morning- heck last post on fb was 6 hrs ago..

Candice gets and EQ - no post - well she and peter out to dinner

Karla - is studying :0)

Steph - Denise - Kari - Karri - Well after 3 yrs ....

Wonder who will be post next year...

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Oh don't say that! This isn't dying. It's just crazy summer time.

Was busy trying to get everything ready for corn this weekend. I don't know how many people will be in the little town of Medicine Lake this weekend for the centennial celebration but I'm pretty sure I'll be nuts by the end.

I'm going to need the relaxation next week! That's it. We're saving all the chatter for when we are together!

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Well I guess this thread is dying...

Phyl gets a puppy - no post since this morning- heck last post on fb was 6 hrs ago..

Candice gets and EQ - no post - well she and peter out to dinner

Karla - is studying :0)

Steph - Denise - Kari - Karri - Well after 3 yrs ....

Wonder who will be post next year...

Yeah..NOT dying!! Hey...I'm definitely going to be seeing the scale go down!! I've been up and down a bazillion times today and in and out of the house about that many times, too. And playing catch! And picking up shredded kleenex! Crazy puppy is going berserk tonight and Earl is all paranoid about her disturbing the neighbors because she's making so much noise playing with her toys! So he was going to bed but he came back out and put her in her crate! Don't know what she's doin gin there but its rocking! I think she's trying to get out. I put her in there earlier today and didn't latch the gate right and she got right back out.

So... did our "lake loop" this morning.. with the puppy in the scooter basket.... 3 miles. Then came home and put her in her crate and went to the gym. rode the bike for a while.

Another reason I haven't been on the computer much today... puppy has been on my lap a lot and then I can't type. And... it's been warm and sunny for two days... nice to be able to sit out on the porch!! Now my allergies are bothering me.

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Oh I knew I would get some kind of response from someone after posting that ;0) lol

Steph - we all are looking forward to getting together !!! Can't wait - Next Thrusday at this time I will be at our Beach House !!!


Ya I'm not much on crating... But they say dogs are den animals and they like it and feel safe - do you have a blanket or towel inside

Ya taking them out every 1/2 to see if they have to go pee is a pain - make sure you get treats are reward her everytime she goes potty outside..

She can't be making that much noise - she's a baby - can't wait to meet her..

Well just stopped by the computer - headed to bed - I'm up late again tonite

food today.. BF - some watermelon - lunch salad & ck thigh - dinner 1 oz of Fiber gormenet Pasta (got stuck pb'd) 1 ck drumstick - and 130 ice cream cone..

Ryder chew a shoe - I gotta remember to shut the closet doors... At least it was on old one - but I wore them w/that green dress that I wore to the lapband conference 2 yrs ago.. now I don't have shoes to go w/that dress...

Well going shopping saturday- found this great outdoor mall in Rancho Cucamonga - well this month my CC bill is only $200 - That's excellent for me ;0)

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Phyl, it is all about exercise. Next time you do the loop, bring her leash and have her walk as much as she can. One of the reasons my furries are having behavior issues right now is that I haven't been home enough for our evening walks. Also remember you are the boss, so you are in charge of when she plays with her toys. So in the evening if you want her to settle down and be quieter, put the toys up. Get the Ceasar book, I can't remember the name, AND if I knew where mine was, I'd bring it to you.

Our home on LBT isn't going to die! I can't 'stay clean' with out it. But with class I don't get home until late. But today is the last day!!! for awhile. I have homework that is due by Aug 1st and will work on that when I get back from Washington. Next week before I leave, I have to get my master's application done.

I stopped and got some mosquito repellent last night. I have mosquito bites on my 'lobster' arms. Let's just say ouch. I got spray repellent, repellent candle, and a repellent personal clip on. That should keep me bite free. But I did get a heck of a deal on the clearance plant shelf. They had a decent snowball shrub for clearance of $3!! Not a perfect speciment, but with repotting, fertilizer, and selective pruning, I should have a decent shrub by next year.

Janet, how do you feel about toes? someone elses I mean? I have this fabulous new OPI bright red polish that I'd like to put on, but I can't see well enough to put it on without getting it all over my toes. So the question is...would you mind putting it on for me? I have to polish my toes because I can't get the grime out from under them from the nursery.

Well last day of school and we have a field trip to the river, can we say big @ss bugs! I hate mosquitoes and ticks. Gives me the willies, ohhh.

We best kick it in gear.

I was hoping to sleep in tomorrow, but have to work Sat., Sun, & Monday. Did get my hair appointment changed. Have to work on the electricion next.

Love you all, TTFN

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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