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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Survived class, but it is getting very difficult!!! the down pour helped, but I'd rather be at home snuggled up with a good book, not learning how to classify rocks!!

Anyway, DD#4 actually made an appearance tonight, took Simon with her to spend the night with the 'boyfriend'. I asked her why she just didn't move in since she is there all the time. Her response, 'He has asked me but I'm not ready for that.' ARE YOU KIDDING ME. You sleep with him but you aren't ready to live with him. Now don't get me wrong, I think it will be a huge mistake if she does, but I just don't understand how sleeping with him is less than a committment than moving in. Ah could it be that he lives with his MOTHER? I asked her if he had a job yet...no he does not. Why? He has a broken wrist. So now a days having a broken wrist precludes you from working? However, he will be going back to school this fall, for what I asked??? Get this...underwater welding. Um...we live in Montana, we have not Water to weld under, and she bought it. I barely can look at her without getting mad.

Maybe it is just my mood, but it wouldn't take much to give ALL the furries away. The only thing stopping me today is the guilt that I would feel. I'm tired. I think this week, I am going to just make an appointment to get their nails clipped and leave it at that. I just can't get it done. So I think I will call the kennel tomorrow and see if I can make an appointment to drop them off on Friday and the groomer works out of the kennel, so she could do the nails while they are there.

Phyl, you will know when it is the right dog. But be sure that you aren't counting on Earl changing his tune down the road. Be prepared to accept his remarks, etc. Yes he may change his mind, but he may not. Be sure you can live with it if he doesn't. Otherwise you will be miserable. So where you able to get a fill?

Well need to get busy, TTFN

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food for today, plus I`ll have snack in a bit 150 cals...

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Good Afternoon Gang ...

Diana - I had a shitzu/lapso mix - Muffin - she was the BEST DOG !!!! She died 18 yrs ago - Yesterday was the 18 yr anniversary of my Dad's death and she die right after that - that one one hell of a year (92) My stepmom died 5/12 - my Dad died 6/15 and Muffin 6/28

Sounds like you have restriction - what's your doc's orders after a fill - I have to do one week each phase -

Karla & me are the early risers - You would think Candice would be being 3 hrs ahead of us - but she isn't - hell it's 9 in Canada when it's 6 here - even on the weekends I'm up early - I have to be to work by 7:30 a.m.

Phyl - How did the doc visit go???

Candice What up w/you today...

Karla - What did you do today... How's dd#4 (heck I find that easier than trying to remember names ;0)

I'm sore from boot camp - don't have gym tonite - but have it friday night

«I had to laugh out loud when I read that `CANDICE SHOULD BE ON THE COMPUTER EARLY becaus of the time shift....


I sleep until 8 or 9 in the a.m..... cause those DRUGS I take at b edtime don`t wear off until then.... at least that`s my excuse n Im sticking to it:drool:

Mom detail today, a consult appt. with an oral surgeon.... she is getting 2 molars pulled out on »Monday... then Wed we are back to her reg . dentist for a root canal, and new crown... do you think at her age that`s wise???

Then I came home, ate my green peaéham soup.... oh to die for.<

then finished my 2 matching pillow cases for the Blue/Yellow quilt... looks ever so nice!!!:devil_smile:

Tomorrow is my eye surgery... lasik I`<ll be home FRIDAY and I`ll let you all know how that went.;);)

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Survived class, but it is getting very difficult!!! the down pour helped, but I'd rather be at home snuggled up with a good book, not learning how to classify rocks!!

Anyway, DD#4 actually made an appearance tonight, took Simon with her to spend the night with the 'boyfriend'. I asked her why she just didn't move in since she is there all the time. Her response, 'He has asked me but I'm not ready for that.' ARE YOU KIDDING ME. You sleep with him but you aren't ready to live with him. Now don't get me wrong, I think it will be a huge mistake if she does, but I just don't understand how sleeping with him is less than a committment than moving in. Ah could it be that he lives with his MOTHER? I asked her if he had a job yet...no he does not. Why? He has a broken wrist. So now a days having a broken wrist precludes you from working? However, he will be going back to school this fall, for what I asked??? Get this...underwater welding. Um...we live in Montana, we have not Water to weld under, and she bought it. I barely can look at her without getting mad.

Karla; you can`t worry about who Alyse sleeps with or if she moves in with him.... at least if she moves in with him there are PLUSES for you.

1) one less mouth to feed

2) one less dog to be responsible for

3) you`ll free up a room for your hobbies

4) you won`t have anyone to fight with.

She is a big girl and is ready to make BIG GIRL mistakes. You give your opinion - then you gotta let it go.... You `cant control her.... she`ll buck you on that...

If she moves in with him perhaps she`ll see what a loser he really is and come to her own conclusions...

Remember, we are ONLY Mothers.... and we dòn`t know nuthin....

Maybe it is just my mood, but it wouldn't take much to give ALL the furries away. The only thing stopping me today is the guilt that I would feel. I'm tired. I think this week, I am going to just make an appointment to get their nails clipped and leave it at that. I just can't get it done. So I think I will call the kennel tomorrow and see if I can make an appointment to drop them off on Friday and the groomer works out of the kennel, so she could do the nails while they are there.

Phyl, you will know when it is the right dog. But be sure that you aren't counting on Earl changing his tune down the road. Be prepared to accept his remarks, etc. Yes he may change his mind, but he may not. Be sure you can live with it if he doesn't. Otherwise you will be miserable. So where you able to get a fill?

Well need to get busy, TTFN

Night night everyone.... calling it early:tt1:

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Phyl - I was going to have NOTHING to do w/Angel - and guess who's dog she is... Bear & Ryder are Andrews - Angel is my dog.. So I bet you a drink he caves...

Karla - OMG girl - since when sleeping w/someone means that you want to live with them - You have are thinking w/your 50 yr old brain - not your 20 yr old brain - And ya how are you going to get a job with a broken wrist -I could see doing a modified job if you had one already but getting a new one - don't know about that one .. Does montana have lakes - canals - Water work places - where there could be pumps under the Water and may he wants to move to TX and work on Oil Rigs ;0) or for Seaworld ;0)

Candice - I like getting up early - I use to be a night owl - now I am an early bird - Take your meds earlier...

So I guess you aren't going to use lasik as a reward ;0)

On your Mom's teeth - she has to have them to eat - so ya in a way it's necessary..

Prayers and Hugs for a safe surgery - I like you in glasses - and you are braver than me ;0)



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Okay, I get it. Janet, you are right. I guess I have some issues I need to deal with. I am not giving DD#4 and the young man the benefit of a doubt. I promise to do better. I need to make an effort to understand. So I will do my best and stop being to negative.

Short night, slept hard, would like to still be there! I think tonight I am going to come home and go to bed early!!

I don't know that my food choices are good. Okay, I know they are the best. I find myself snacking during class because I am bored. Actually I seem to be doing okay until the evening, normal for me.

Candice, 1st thanks for the pattern! Second, congrats on the food issues, you are doing a great job.

Phyl, let us know what you decide about the puppy. If you need a 2nd choice, I have some doxies? Yeah I know, I wouldn't part from them for a whole lot of $$$. Although right now I would seriously consider the possibliity.

Best get going, I need to email mom.

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Night night everyone.... calling it early:tt1:

Candice - Love it - we dont know nothing ;0) lol - that's right - we have 50 yrs experience - but just like our parents tried to telll us we didn't listen - we have to make our own mistakes... LOL last night Andrew was giving me advice on my parenting skills (dog ones) - I just laughed - I'm 55 vs his 19 yrs - ya right ...

Okay, I get it. Janet, you are right. I guess I have some issues I need to deal with. I am not giving DD#4 and the young man the benefit of a doubt. I promise to do better. I need to make an effort to understand. So I will do my best and stop being to negative.

Short night, slept hard, would like to still be there! I think tonight I am going to come home and go to bed early!!

I don't know that my food choices are good. Okay, I know they are the best. I find myself snacking during class because I am bored. Actually I seem to be doing okay until the evening, normal for me.

Candice, 1st thanks for the pattern! Second, congrats on the food issues, you are doing a great job.

Phyl, let us know what you decide about the puppy. If you need a 2nd choice, I have some doxies? Yeah I know, I wouldn't part from them for a whole lot of $$$. Although right now I would seriously consider the possibliity.

Best get going, I need to email mom.

Karla DD# 4 isn't making good choices - we all know that - she's changing bf every couple of months - But these are her mistakes - this is her life - all we can do is give our 2 cents and then just shake our heads - but I do crack up on the sleeping w/someone and then moving in - remember those 1 night stands - I know I had a few ;0) - but I'm was a bit wild :0)

There are days I don't want the responsiblity of my dogs either - but then there are the days I love them to death..

Food - for me - good yesterday 137 which I was very happy with since I ate cake when the kids were here.. I am trying to learn to relax some about my food and it does seem to help - I am still very aware - but if you are eating healthy 98% of the time - those other times are going to kill you..

Don't take Snacks - then you can't eat... Thats what I do at work - if I had stuff at my desk I would be eating it .

Phyl - so are we going to ck out the dog today?? How was doc (well I know but the others don't) and dinner w/family...

Time get in shower - cbl

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Im up, Im up and its not even 9 oclock!!!!

Going to go drive to T.O. for eyes....


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im up, im up and its not even 9 oclock!!!!

Going to go drive to t.o. For eyes....


hugs & prayers for safe surgery !!!! Love you!!!

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Diana - I had a shitzu/lapso mix - Muffin - she was the BEST DOG !!!! She died 18 yrs ago - Yesterday was the 18 yr anniversary of my Dad's death and she die right after that - that one one hell of a year (92) My stepmom died 5/12 - my Dad died 6/15 and Muffin 6/28

Phyl - How did the doc visit go???

I'm sore from boot camp - don't have gym tonite - but have it friday night

Okay.... dr. visit... first radiology.. esophogram, I think they call it. Barium swallow, basically. Swallowing was okay except for slight "sliding" hiatal hernia. Then they gave me that pill to swallow... took two glasses of Water before it went down. They said my esophagus looked better but still somewhat dilated. So, she didn't want to put any Fluid back in until she consulted with the doctor... they work as a pair..she's a physicians' assistant, and she's the one I usually see. So... she has me get dressed and go back to the clinic. I go through the intake... weigh, etc. I gained 4.5 lb according to their scale... in 2 weeks. BUT... that was after a glass of barium and 2 full glasses of Water and I finished my whole 16 oz jug of Crystal lite just before all of that! AND.... I didn't dress to weigh, I dressed for the stinkin' weather... cords and a long sleeve turtle neck! So... I'm stickin' to my story... 2 lb. gain.

So.. after all that... long, repetitious interview that we just did 2 weeks ago... how much are you eating, how long are you taking to eat, what meds, etc., etc., etc., intake girl says... okay, you can go back to radiology. So I said... "OH... we're going to put Fluid back in!" PA wanted to wait 2 more weeks, but Dr. said it was okay to put back half of what i had. So... back to radiology where everything went fine.

We did have a discussion as to what I could do to get my weight loss going again. She said my one glass of wine a day and my SF, FF latte was fine. She gave her blessing on that. She wants me to do a food journal! UGH! And cut down my carbs. And then we talked about how to increase my exercise. That's when I told her I was thinking about getting a dog. She got so excited when I said that! Said very first bariatric conference she went to one of the experts was lecturing and said that if you have a patient who is having trouble getting in enough exercise, tell them to GET A DOG!! HAHAHA! And if that doesn't work, tell them to get ANOTHER DOG!! I should've taken that opportunity to ask her to put it on an Rx!!! So I could give it to Earl.

Anyway, DD#4 actually made an appearance tonight, took Simon with her to spend the night with the 'boyfriend'. I asked her why she just didn't move in since she is there all the time. Her response, 'He has asked me but I'm not ready for that.' ARE YOU KIDDING ME. You sleep with him but you aren't ready to live with him. Now don't get me wrong, I think it will be a huge mistake if she does, but I just don't understand how sleeping with him is less than a committment than moving in. Ah could it be that he lives with his MOTHER? I asked her if he had a job yet...no he does not. Why? He has a broken wrist. So now a days having a broken wrist precludes you from working? However, he will be going back to school this fall, for what I asked??? Get this...underwater welding. Um...we live in Montana, we have not water to weld under, and she bought it. I barely can look at her without getting mad.

Phyl, you will know when it is the right dog. But be sure that you aren't counting on Earl changing his tune down the road. Be prepared to accept his remarks, etc. Yes he may change his mind, but he may not. Be sure you can live with it if he doesn't. Otherwise you will be miserable. So where you able to get a fill? Well need to get busy, TTFN

Can't work because his wrist is broken??? HUH???? And underwater welding!?? That IS an interesting occupation for Montana!

IF I get a dog, Earl will warm up to it. BUT, he will continue to harp on the expense of having a dog, we can't travel anymore, etc., etc., etc.!

Phyl - I was going to have NOTHING to do w/Angel - and guess who's dog she is... Bear & Ryder are Andrews - Angel is my dog.. So I bet you a drink he caves...

Prayers and Hugs for a safe surgery - I like you in glasses - and you are braver than me ;0) xoxoxo J

Yeah.... hope everything goes well, Candice. Thought about doing that years ago... Chris and I joked about doing it together, but that was before his eye cancer. He is flying his plane back down to CA today, BTW, and we're concerned because he's going to have low clouds well into OR! He is going to follow I-5 south, but he'll have to stay below the clouds and that will be bumpy! Earl is very concerned! We'll breathe easier when we know he's safely home. His plan was to stop in Medford tonight and meet up with Kellie and the girls... they're driving home in their van.

Short night, slept hard, would like to still be there! I think tonight I am going to come home and go to bed early!!

Phyl, let us know what you decide about the puppy. If you need a 2nd choice, I have some doxies? Yeah I know, I wouldn't part from them for a whole lot of $$$. Although right now I would seriously consider the possibliity. Best get going, I need to email mom.

Just talked to my Mom a little while ago.... her 88th birthday today.

I slept hard last night, too... but only because I took 3 Ibuprofen again because my shoulder was hurting again!

Put in a call to the dog lady to see if she still has the Shih Tzu. Waiting for her to call me back. Want to go look today. Was wondering what I could give her for "collateral" so I could bring the dog home for a few hours and see how candy reacts! I "talked" to her about it last night! (LOL) So this morning when I went to pet her head as I walked by she swatted me!!! What's that about!! HAHA!

So... Earl knows I want to go see the dog today, so now he wants to go to a movie! UH... I don't think we've gone to a movie since the last windy day in the desert!! I was thinking of going to the gym!

Candice - Love it - we dont know nothing ;0) lol - that's right - we have 50 yrs experience - but just like our parents tried to telll us we didn't listen - we have to make our own mistakes... LOL last night Andrew was giving me advice on my parenting skills (dog ones) - I just laughed - I'm 55 vs his 19 yrs - ya right ...

Karla DD# 4 isn't making good choices - we all know that - she's changing bf every couple of months - But these are her mistakes - this is her life - all we can do is give our 2 cents and then just shake our heads - but I do crack up on the sleeping w/someone and then moving in - remember those 1 night stands - I know I had a few ;0) - but I'm was a bit wild :0)

There are days I don't want the responsiblity of my dogs either - but then there are the days I love them to death..

food - for me - good yesterday 137 which I was very happy with since I ate cake when the kids were here.. I am trying to learn to relax some about my food and it does seem to help - I am still very aware - but if you are eating healthy 98% of the time - those other times are going to kill you..

Don't take Snacks - then you can't eat... Thats what I do at work - if I had stuff at my desk I would be eating it .

Phyl - so are we going to ck out the dog today?? How was doc (well I know but the others don't) and dinner w/family...

Time get in shower - cbl

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Well are we Aunties to a new puppy/dog ??? You are killing me -This is like a soap opera !!!

You don't eat alot of carbs - you eat crackers and that's about it ... Well when you are partying you eat carbs - but at home you don't...

Yep when I need to drop a few lbs I go back to keeping a diary - it works..

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Janet, I don't take Snacks, the program provides them and they are all carbs, sugar, & soda. So today I packed a liter of crystal light and laughing cow and low carb crackers. Did much better. Tomorrow we have a field trip so the meal provided is a sandwich. So I'll eat the middle and call it good.

Don't really feeling good, sore throat, but I'm sure that I'm just tired. So I need to order some transcripts for my masters application.


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Good Morning Gang

Drive by as I have been farming and now time to get in the shower...

Karla WTG on Planning !!!! No puppy yet - she's cking out another one today ;0)

Candice - How are you doing - hope all went well..


xoxox J

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Sorry, gals... lost a long post last night and just didn't feel like going through it all again!! Basically.... lady didn't want to sell me the dog. I was the 5th person she turned down!! Wants the dog to have a fenced yard and is afraid we would find her annoying because she is extremely playful and constantly underfoot. She did refer me to another lady who I have now corresponded with via email about an 18 mo old shih tzu mix named Bella. But the more serious I get about getting a dog, the more adamant and vocal Earl gets about NOT wanting one. And besides that.... I'm fighting depression big time this week. I think it has a lot to do with the lack of sun. Fortunately... woke up to sunshine this morning.

And now... I have to get out of here and get to the gym for PT and some machine workout. Later.....

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Aww, Phyl. Sorry to hear that you're feeling down. It's such a struggle--isn't it? Hang in there, gf. We're here for you no matter what--even if I only show up once in a while--i'm still keeping tabs on you guys.

Which brings me to the reason for my checking in today. Has anyone heard from Candice?

Carla--I can relate to your feelings about dd#4's life style and choices. My kids are between 23 and 31, and I wish I could help them avoid some of the heartaches I experienced. Hopefully we can chat more about it in a couple of weeks.

Janet--dear friend--what's going on? Still having issues with the estate? I didn't have time to read it all, but I did catch a few postings about it from a couple of weeks ago. I never know if you're on face book or not--kinda like me--always have it running, but seldom "on."

How (where) are the Kar®i's?

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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