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Phyl - Hugs Hugs Hugs - I don't know how you do it.. But I guess I have never been around anyone as long as you 2 have been together - there will be days like that sometimes mamma said ;0) - Get the darn dog - he can move to the motor home w/his cat :0).. Glad you got out of the house - why isn't he going to the gym and avoiding the scale - well that's doing what?? We all know what that does..

Yeah, he should have gotten off his butt and went to the gym today, too! Sure didn't burn many calories lounging in his chair stewing and sleeping! GEEZ.... almost 46 years!! He's gotten VERY cranky in recent years! Always pissed off about something or another... stock market, me, politics!! He's not fun anymore! Now he's all mad because I asked him if he ate the last of the Skinny Cows! No big deal... I just went across the street and bought 2 more boxes. Just didn't know if he moved them or ate them. I can't tell you what his answer was! It was nasty. UGH! OMG... he's snoring again. I don't know how one person can sleep so much!

Don't have to go to jury duty again tomorrow and changed my PT appt to this afternoon just in case, so now I have NO PLACE TO GO tomorrow!! Tracy & Jim babysitting their granddaughters, so can't drag her to see the puppy with me! I just might go to a movie by myself! Need to find some girlfriends to hang out with!

Candice, do you think God has only so much 'time' to listen and answer prayers? Remember He has infinite power and can answer as many prayers as there are prayers. Your are not any less important than someone who needs food or is fighting a disease. Our obsession is a disease.

AMEN, SISTER!! Very well stated!

I hope to find a way to go on the trip. I just am feeling overwhelmed. I wish I could have some help. I need to find some organization and I need a sanctuary. Everything is filthy and disorganized. My yard is a mess, my house is even a bigger mess. I don't have time to spend with the dogs. I feel like I am drowning. My dream would be to have a week to organize and complete everything. I need to build the deck, Shampoo carpets, unpack, find my stuff, plant pots, build the pond, put in the french doors, paint, wash windows. I could go on forever. somewhere I have to fill out my master's application. Food, I'm living on yogurt and kashi. i get home from class or work and work in the yard until 8 pm then come in and take a shower, eat dinner, do laundry. Simon needs shaved. Would anyone like to have a week long vacation at my house? We have a storm rolling in.

Phyl, take care of you, get a dog.

One day at a time, Kiddo... you'll get it all done.

So you have a storm tonight?? I can't believe it, but when I just went across the street to get some more Skinny Cow Truffles... it's raining AGAIN!! Better not complain... we lived in or near Oklahoma City for over 15 years... they got a foot of rain in 3 hours today! Our former pastor posted photos of his house and neighborhood... we've been there many times... house okay, but everything from the end of the driveway and across the street under water! Weather lady is just report a 2 day "trough" of rain is about to swoop in! Great! They promised us no rain all week! That didn't last long!

Oh... another source of my frustration today... up 2 1/2 lb at my TOPS weigh in! Weekend... especially yesterday... I had some of that potato salad, pulled pork but no roll, some cole slaw and some baked Beans. Plus we went out to lunch after church.. turkey melt and a cup of chili! Not a good food day.

Pictures of puppy I am hoping to go look at!

Photos from online ad. Oh.. and a picture of Gigi wearing her hood... scratched her eye and it got infected! She has figured out how to wiggle out of it though!




Edited by phyllser

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Just has the weridest EQ - could barely feel it - but it was a long one rolling one just ck'd it was 5.7 that's not a baby - - We had a 4.2 jolt the other day

I better get more Water :0) - Glad the bbq is full of gas - at least we will be able to cook ;0)

Ya Earl can have strong veiws on things ... I can't beleive he gets so riled up over the stuff he does..

Hugs - Maybe he need some zoloft !!! got any left - slip them in his coffee..


You are putting the cart before the horse - Like Phyl said - one thing at a time - You are going to drive yourself crazy - you need to slow down take a chill pill girl -

You need to start with the inside of the house - pick on room and work on nothing but that till it's done - then move on to the next room - outside can wait - at a certain point stop - eat your dinner - play with the dogs and vegge then hit the hay - and start over the next day...

Why do you do this to yourself - it's not going to be perfect overnight - it take time to make a house a home - and then what are you going to come up with to worry about..

Quit getting in your own way - making life impossible -- even when all that crap is done - you are going to have a millon other things you want to do.. Slow down.. Take one day at a time...

You live in your house so imho that would be my 1st concern - getting the inside organized - then move to the outside - then worry about remodeling..

Well it's almost 10 - came to turn off the computer ;0)

Talk to you all in the morning..

Oh Phyl - put your name on one box and earl's on the other one - lets see who goes thru them fastest...

and every time you eat one make a mark on the box - that way he can't say you dont' remember ;0)

Well we will be there in 2 weeks ... so you will have a few days w/your gf !!!

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Just has the weridest EQ - could barely feel it - but it was a long one rolling one just ck'd it was 5.7 that's not a baby - - We had a 4.2 jolt the other day

I better get more Water :0) - Glad the bbq is full of gas - at least we will be able to cook ;0)

Ya Earl can have strong veiws on things ... I can't beleive he gets so riled up over the stuff he does.. Hugs - Maybe he need some zoloft !!! got any left - slip them in his coffee..

Well it's almost 10 - came to turn off the computer ;0)

Talk to you all in the morning..

Oh Phyl - put your name on one box and earl's on the other one - lets see who goes thru them fastest... and every time you eat one make a mark on the box - that way he can't say you dont' remember ;0) Well we will be there in 2 weeks ... so you will have a few days w/your gf !!!

Saw some comments about the EQ on FB. Epicenter must have been closer to you than LA/SD from what you said.

Yeah.. think Earl could definitely benefit from an anti-depressant, but he'd never ask for one, or agree to take it. The stupid Skinny Cow Truffles... they're not MINE!! I don't care if he eats them.. or how many. I shouldn't have said "did you eat them?", I should have asked if he "MOVED" them! The freezer looked rearranged... and when I took one yesterday.. there were 2 more left... so I wanted to know if he ate them or they were still in there somewhere!

So what do you gals think of the puppy pictures?? One concern I have... ya think too much hair? ?? Will need grooming quite often, I think!

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Phyl, I love the puppy pictures. Yes it will take some grooming, but that is half the fun. You can learn to groom her yourself, give you something fun to do. Love her/him. Get him/her.

Janet, I know. I just get a little crazy about things. I like organization and routine. I feel out of control when I don't have routine and this is definitely NOT routine. I can handle taking things one day at a time, but when I can't figure out when the 'one day' will be is when I go crazy!

Phyl, get Earl some antidepressants, call his doc and explain his symptoms and your concerns. That way it is the doc who recommends them. Is it because you are back in Washington? Does the lack of sun affect him. It sounds like it. Take him to a tanning bed. Then tell him, to get the hell on some meds because he is making your life miserable and you didn't sign up for miserable. Also remind him that you are an adult and should be treated with respect and love. Remind him that you love him and that quite frankly you miss the funny guy you married. Then finish it with a 'man up', 'grow up' and that you don't have to deal with his crap, you are his wife, NOT his punching bags for his bad mood.

Okay, sorry if I offended anyone.


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Good Morning

Karla - One project at a time... Like I said pick one room start there - finish that then move forward...

Phyl - love the dog - groomer about every 6 weeks like getting your hair done - but you can still bath & brush her and trim her yourself - then like I said every couple months take her in for a professional job -

Potty training is the most important imho - and if she's that and not a yappier - then go for it..

well gotta hit the showers..

Candice - good food day & exercise day - I have boot camp tonite ;0)

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WTG Candice !!! They do make lighter wheel chairs now adays.. Heck you have a van it shouldn't to hard to get in and out.. Yep getting old is a bitch especially when our brains are like still 30 ;0)

Back from the gym - fish - butternut squash and green Beans for dinner

Yes, they do make lighter ones... only the home where my Mom lives dosn`t have a lite one!! PLUS I`ve messed up my right shoulder (machine quilting a Queen) and its very sore... If I take my celebrex everyday, the pain is tolerable... but lately my tummy`s not been feeling up to par... so »I`ve laid off the anti-inflamatory... tyl just dosn`t cut it....

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Saw some comments about the EQ on FB. Epicenter must have been closer to you than LA/SD from what you said.

Yeah.. think Earl could definitely benefit from an anti-depressant, but he'd never ask for one, or agree to take it. The stupid Skinny Cow Truffles... they're not MINE!! I don't care if he eats them.. or how many. I shouldn't have said "did you eat them?", I should have asked if he "MOVED" them! The freezer looked rearranged... and when I took one yesterday.. there were 2 more left... so I wanted to know if he ate them or they were still in there somewhere!

So what do you gals think of the puppy pictures?? One concern I have... ya think too much hair? ?? Will need grooming quite often, I think!

If I was to guess. I`d say that Earl is missing a `purpose`¨ when men have dedicated so many years to their careers they NEED something to retire to.... for me its Peter`s many bands.... drives me nuts but HE loves it.

For sure he sounds depressed and moody. You don`t have to be his punching bag(figuratively speeking) and you don`t have to take it.

I think you did the best coping by remaining out of the house and entertaining yourself otherwise, let him process and simmer down.

What about a Men`s club? There must be Seniors clubs around to enjoy... Card clubs? He could do volunteer work at the food BANK ONCE A WEEK... something where he gets out WITHOUT you... You need a break!!! Or you`ll never make it to 47 years... did you hear about the GORE`s??? they were like married forever ...now divorcing.

Get your dog, he will be therapy for the both of you!

Personnaly I don`t like dogs that I have to trim... but that`s just me...I love my smooth coated Jack Russells... but they are high energy...hummmm that wouild give Earl something to do.... chase after a JR puppy... they fit nice in the van too. Plus you can teach them many tricks... something else for EARL to occupy himself with..:unsure:

Good luck in whatever you decide, and no you can`t bury him under an ant hill...

TWO WEEKS.... yippeeeweeeeeee:tt2:

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Phyl, I love the puppy pictures. Yes it will take some grooming, but that is half the fun. You can learn to groom her yourself, give you something fun to do. Love her/him. Get him/her.

Phyl, get Earl some antidepressants, call his doc and explain his symptoms and your concerns. That way it is the doc who recommends them. Is it because you are back in Washington? Does the lack of sun affect him. It sounds like it. Take him to a tanning bed. Then tell him, to get the hell on some meds because he is making your life miserable and you didn't sign up for miserable. Also remind him that you are an adult and should be treated with respect and love. Remind him that you love him and that quite frankly you miss the funny guy you married. Then finish it with a 'man up', 'grow up' and that you don't have to deal with his crap, you are his wife, NOT his punching bags for his bad mood. Okay, sorry if I offended anyone. TTFN

If I give you my phone number can you call and tell him all that??? LOL!

Phyl - love the dog - groomer about every 6 weeks like getting your hair done - but you can still bath & brush her and trim her yourself - then like I said every couple months take her in for a professional job -

Potty training is the most important imho - and if she's that and not a yappier - then go for it..

well gotta hit the showers..

Candice - good food day & exercise day - I have boot camp tonite ;0)

Wow! You're stickin' with the boot camp thing, huh?

Any more earthquakes?? Didn't even get a mention on the Today Show this morning! Step-grandson said there as another this morning... like 4.2, but he's in Temecula. Did you feel anything there in the desert???

Yes, they do make lighter ones... only the home where my Mom lives dosn`t have a lite one!! PLUS I`ve messed up my right shoulder (machine quilting a Queen) and its very sore... If I take my celebrex everyday, the pain is tolerable... but lately my tummy`s not been feeling up to par... so »I`ve laid off the anti-inflammatory... tyl just dosn`t cut it....

Have you looked for liquid Ibuprofen?? Kind of sickening sweet, but one way to get some anti-inflammatory down without aggravating the tummy.

If I was to guess. I`d say that Earl is missing a `purpose`¨ when men have dedicated so many years to their careers they NEED something to retire to.... for me its Peter`s many bands.... drives me nuts but HE loves it.

For sure he sounds depressed and moody. You don`t have to be his punching bag(figuratively speaking) and you don`t have to take it.

I think you did the best coping by remaining out of the house and entertaining yourself otherwise, let him process and simmer down.

What about a Men`s club? There must be Seniors clubs around to enjoy... Card clubs? He could do volunteer work at the Food BANK ONCE A WEEK... something where he gets out WITHOUT you... You need a break!!! Or you`ll never make it to 47 years... did you hear about the GORE`s??? they were like married forever ...now divorcing.

Get your dog, he will be therapy for the both of you!

Personally I don`t like dogs that I have to trim... but that`s just me...I love my smooth coated Jack Russells... but they are high energy...hummmm that would give Earl something to do.... chase after a JR puppy... they fit nice in the van too. Plus you can teach them many tricks... something else for EARL to occupy himself with..:unsure: Good luck in whatever you decide, and no you can`t bury him under an ant hill...

TWO WEEKS.... yippeeeweeeeeee:tt2:

I agree with everything you said... but, easier said than done unfortunately!! When we're in CA he has his airplanes and lots of buddies. Here-nothing. He's not flown his planes at all... weather sucks!!

You sure about the ant hill thing??? LOL

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Just ck'd weather for WA in July - 74 high-54 low - Ok it's 105+ here most likely 110 by 7/1 - 74 is long pant weather for me - and 54 is parka weather for me - so I guess - I will be bringing long pants - and long sleeve - will need a blanket in the mornings to go out and smoke w/my coffee - I am not packing a robe - it would take up my whole suit case..

Phyl - I wish there was something he could do - He needs a hobby - is does he like to build stuff - model cars planes etc - I know he likes the gym and hot tubs..

The puppy - since it's a lap dog you can brush her/him in your lap - I usually only take mine to the groomer every couple of months - but that's cuz 2 dogs are expensive.. One would be managable..

Candice hugs on the shoulder - I didn't know quilting could hurt your ;0)...

I liked the boot camp - I felt like I got a workout - my gf Linda and I are going again tonite - it's going to be our new Tuesday exercise - Plus Idrise isn't going to be here Wed - so that's been postpone to Friday - and then may have another one Sat morning as he still owes us a make up session..

Nope didn't feel the 4 pt one - but the one last night 5.7 to 5.9 who knows what it was - was just a roller and you could barely feel it - if you were moving around you wouldn't have felt it at all..

Well better get back to work... cbl Hugs !!!!

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Hello it's diana soon to be renamed the graminator. Kinda a cross between the terminator version and a bakugan wizard.

Ok since im new alittle background banded 2/15/10 at 325. Going today for my 4 th fill. Thanks to this group i now know i need to find out what the cc measurement , what i have already had and the size of my band. I did not know to follow this until i heard about it here.

I started going to the gym with my daughter. When i started i couldn't last long and worried about getting hurt- i tend to fall a lot. Now i'm doing two circuits a week and two days of treadmill in between. Due to knee surgery i was not able to peddle a bike but now have the strength to stand and peddle. For about 10 minutes so im happy.

I lost 20 #'s the first 2 months nothing the third and am around 6-8 for this weigh in today. Still trying to find this sweet spot everyone talks about. Hope to find it soon.

I will check in this evening after the fill and i find out what amt i have in me.

Thanks for listening.


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Hello it's diana soon to be renamed the graminator. Kinda a cross between the terminator version and a bakugan wizard.

Ok since im new alittle background banded 2/15/10 at 325. Going today for my 4 th fill. Thanks to this group i now know i need to find out what the cc measurement , what i have already had and the size of my band. I did not know to follow this until i heard about it here.

I started going to the gym with my daughter. When i started i couldn't last long and worried about getting hurt- i tend to fall a lot. Now i'm doing two circuits a week and two days of treadmill in between. Due to knee surgery i was not able to peddle a bike but now have the strength to stand and peddle. For about 10 minutes so im happy.

I lost 20 #'s the first 2 months nothing the third and am around 6-8 for this weigh in today. Still trying to find this sweet spot everyone talks about. Hope to find it soon.

I will check in this evening after the fill and i find out what amt i have in me. Thanks for listening. Diana

HAHA! "The Graminator" is what my son-in-law had my three youngest grandchildren calling me after my knee replacement last summer! I love it!

Good luck with your fill today. Hope to be getting Fluid back in my band tomorrow afternoon.

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Hey girl, I need your Green Split Pea HAM Soup recipe....

I did ham for dinner tonight and want to make your soup with the leftovers....


Phyl: You did well with your w/i even though you are up... its the band thing... and tomorrow you get your fill back whooo-hoooo

Janet: food today, CALORIES;CARBS;FAT;PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg718;67;15;77

thats for after supper, will probably have a snack at 9:30 p.m.

Karla: what have you been up to today?

Where is Stephanie??

Edited by peaches9

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Hello it's diana soon to be renamed the graminator. Kinda a cross between the terminator version and a bakugan wizard.

Ok since im new alittle background banded 2/15/10 at 325. Going today for my 4 th fill. Thanks to this group i now know i need to find out what the cc measurement , what i have already had and the size of my band. I did not know to follow this until i heard about it here.

I started going to the gym with my daughter. When i started i couldn't last long and worried about getting hurt- i tend to fall a lot. Now i'm doing two circuits a week and two days of treadmill in between. Due to knee surgery i was not able to peddle a bike but now have the strength to stand and peddle. For about 10 minutes so im happy.

I lost 20 #'s the first 2 months nothing the third and am around 6-8 for this weigh in today. Still trying to find this sweet spot everyone talks about. Hope to find it soon.

I will check in this evening after the fill and i find out what amt i have in me.

Thanks for listening.


Diana; you are doing well with your WLOss... good for you:thumbup: your 4th or 5th fill should be it....GOOD LUCK:thumbup:

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Just ck'd weather for WA in July - 74 high-54 low - Ok it's 105+ here most likely 110 by 7/1 - 74 is long pant weather for me - and 54 is parka weather for me - so I guess - I will be bringing long pants - and long sleeve - will need a blanket in the mornings to go out and smoke w/my coffee - I am not packing a robe - it would take up my whole suit case..

Yup, weather on the west coast willl NOT be hot... hopefully we have SUN everyday... You can always dress for the outside... plus we can make Hot Toddies, or Hot Snocklate drinks... ummmmm

Phyl - I wish there was something he could do - He needs a hobby - is does he like to build stuff - model cars planes etc - I know he likes the gym and hot tubs..

The puppy - since it's a lap dog you can brush her/him in your lap - I usually only take mine to the groomer every couple of months - but that's cuz 2 dogs are expensive.. One would be managable..

Candice hugs on the shoulder - I didn't know quilting could hurt your ;0)...

I am trying ADVIL tonight and see how it goes... and of course it has to be my RIGHT shoulder»!!! I was cutting up vegatable for dinner and it hurt like a bugger.

I liked the boot camp - I felt like I got a workout - my gf Linda and I are going again tonite - it's going to be our new Tuesday exercise - Plus Idrise isn't going to be here Wed - so that's been postpone to Friday - and then may have another one Sat morning as he still owes us a make up session..

Nope didn't feel the 4 pt one - but the one last night 5.7 to 5.9 who knows what it was - was just a roller and you could barely feel it - if you were moving around you wouldn't have felt it at all..

Well better get back to work... cbl Hugs !!!!

Well the BEAST is done!!!! Today, yippee... now on the bed in the spare room. Here is some pictures.





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Well the BEAST is done!!!! Today, yippee... now on the bed in the spare room. Here is some pictures.


It is truly lovely and beautiful!!

Yes... bring sweatshirts, ladies!

AND shorts, and long pants, winter and summer!

Because the weather here is completely unpredictable!!

WE will have a good time no matter what the weather does!!

If it gets really cold, we'll heat up the wine!


So... I've only had two very small glasses of wine,

BUT... must be too much for me because Obama is making sense to me. His address on the oil spill was NOT offensive and I can't stand the man.

AND... now I hage the guts to go get the puppy,

but now I can't drive and Earl wont' go with me.

He wants NOTHING to do with it,

but says...go get it if you want it.

So I tried to get Tracy to take me.

But she says she has to go to the mall to order her iPhone.

She's getting the new one.

OH.... I want that TOO!!

I have my mad money account!

I can buy the puppy

AND an iPhone!


P.S. I DON"T have to go to jury duty again tomorrow and I've been excused for the rest of the week!! YAY!!


Edited by phyllser

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

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        Thank you ❤️

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        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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