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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I'm alive !!!! It wasn't that hard - I was sweating like a pig - and did get a workout - but I could hang... You have a step - you have hand weights - I pick 5 lbs - since I didn't know what to expect - one of the arm exercise (lats I think) were a little hard and felt triceps - but on the rows - I need way way more weight - you do lungs - step on the step bench - balance on one leg raise the other - My balance isn't that of a 30 yr old but I did ok - better than I thought. Then Abs - I may have sore abs did this leg raise that I really felt in my lower stomach - you know that pouchy part of your tummy

Oh we did this thing weaving the weights between your legs you know like a basket ball - The only part that was the hardest for me was on the step (2 levels up) is when they went real fast sorta jumping over it not jumping but going real fast - I did pretty damn good for a 55 yrs chickie.. My gf who went w/me is 61 and she did well too - They had yoga afterwards - she didn't want to stay next week I am going to stay...

This is going to be my new Tuesday exercise...

Yes Karla - if you all lived w/me - I would be your Jillian - I wouldn't scream and get in your face - but I would give you a look - that would have the same results..

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Pain in left shoulder just kicked in again... big time! Earl just fixed me a shot of tequila in some pineapple juice! Hoping it takes the edge off soon. Wonder what is causing this!? It gets so intense.

Tracy and I had some good time together today.. went to Adam's GF for highlighting and styling. Then we took a ride to the Everett animal shelter. All BIG dogs there, so I'm looking online again. So many have problems... enlarged heart, eye problems, missing a leg, etc. Just want a healthy little dog to sit on my lap and lick my face!! LOL! Wonder if I could clone Gigi!?? Anyway, Earl has no clue that we went to look at dogs! Told him we went for a ride so Tracy could show me this park along the river in Everett!! Haha... didn't tell him that the shelter is across the street! We get to have Gigi for a few days next week while they take a road trip down the OR coast.... if they don't back out and decide to take her with them. She loves to ride in the car in her carrier. They put it so she can see them and she can see out the front window.

He also didn't ask how much money I spent on my hair. I did go withdraw $100 from my "mad money" account so he wouldn't know what I spent. But, she gave me a 40% discount, which was $66, so I gave her $75. Like Tracy said... we're trying to support her, and Tracy wants her and Adam to have enough money to move out soon!! LOL!

Had a burger for lunch... BUT... Tracy took me to Jack in the Box.... the calorie count is posted outside at the drive up window! So we each got their $1 "deluxe burger"... for 350 calories, but told them to leave off the mayo, and we didn't get fries. So... we figure we did pretty good.

Then Earl fixed "spaghetti" for dinner.... sauce is always chopped canned tomatoes w/onions and mushrooms. Then he put in 2 turkey Italian sausage cut in slices... 160 calories each... but he only gave me 1/2 of one... so I know hunger is going to hit soon! I told him.... practically no calories... no spaghetti... had it over french style green Beans which are practically free. So why couldn't I Have a whole sausage????? Nothing there to keep me full for very long! I might open a can of oysters and have a couple w/lite cream cheese on a cracker if I get too hungry.

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Phyl, I bet your hair is gorgeous!! Pain, humm...if it was right shoulder, I'd say gallbladder, but if it sticks around you need to mention it to your doc. Green Beans with spaghetti sauce, I don't know how you do it. Of course I hate greenie beanies, they have little furry cartigans on them, it is a texture thing! I can force myself to eat them IF they are french cut, but that is as far as I can go, bleck!

Janet, I'd love you to be my Jillian! Sounds like a perfect workout, killer and you will be sore, but that is what boot camp is all about! Can't do the step thing or tae bou (sp), too impact, hangieouties.

Had a quiet evening, stayed late at work to begin putting my room away for the summer, came home and read and watched a little TV, bath & bed. My sole achievement...did a load of laundry and watered my plants.

Well best be going, think of me hiking with 80 whiney 6th graders. I have never seen such an unfit group. It is scarey. I know that the news always talks about how unfit our youth is becoming and maybe it is just that I am more aware of it, but overweight seems to becoming the norm. Looking at our high school girls 80% have a 'muffin top' and not just a little. My 7th graders seem okay, but I would say the 50% of my 6th graders are overweight and even the thinner ones start breathing heavy just walking from one class to the other. I can out walk most of them. It is truely scarey to think of the cardiovascular disease that is going to become the norm for our society. Add to the fact that most of them AND their parents are such whiners. Example, Monday night was 8th grade promotion, Tuesday morning our secretary gets a phone call and a parent is wigging out. Why, because when the student recieved their promotion certificate, we called them by their legal name, NOT their nickname. Now, over a month ago a letter was sent to each parent identifying what the student would be called during promotion and if they have a problem, they needed to contact the school. Well this one didn't and NOW they complain. Ummm, maybe you shouldn't have named them what you did. Give me a break, instead of dealing with the fact that our kids are glued to electronics you blame the school for calling your child the name YOU gave them. It just makes me shake my head and realize I am getting too old.

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Good Morning Gang

Phyl - Could be gas - try gas x strips ... If I remember right you had your gb out.. Ya 1 sauage would have been good and yes veggies are free - so if you are hungry eat more of them.. Only a week to go to see if you can get refilled.. You are doing fantastic !!! Yep any restaurant w/over 20 now has to post their calories - I think it's a good incentive to eat better - this is why I feel reading calories is a good thing - makes you think twice - WTG on your choices..

Karla - my DS & DIL are killing my Brooke and it kills me it really does - she's 75 lbs 6 yr old that is the weight of an 11 yr old..

My arms/chest may be a little sore - for me it takes a day or 2 for me to feel it - and my calves - we did 3 diff kind of calf raises..

Well time to hit the shower - Kids should be here this afternoon - thank God only 1 day at work - I may take my xanax w/me..

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Don't think the shoulder pain is gas. It was so intense I finally had to take a hydocodone. Then it went away and when I went to bed 2 hrs later, I slept like a log... don't think I ever woke up all night long and next thing I knew it was 8:30 a.m.!!! I NEVER sleep that late! Boy, was it a good sleep! I have pretty bad arthritis in that shoulder... it grinds when I move it sometimes. And... the rain was coming back.. which often aggravates it.

Have to get in the shower... Primetimers this morning and obviously we are going to be late. Have to go work on someone's computer afterward.... this is our 3rd try and if this doesn't work, we're done. Old lady with an OLD computer who is trying to install a printer. Software won't load and I think it's because the computer is too old! But I downloaded the software from the website this time... to MY computer, then put it on a jump drive. So I will try to install it from the jump drive. If it doesn't work, we're DONE!! Have already spent HOURS over there, so this is my last hurrah!! Keep telling her she needs to buy a new computer... all she needs is a laptop... takes up way less space and way more capacity, speed, etc., than she has now.. and they're CHEAP!!! HELLO?????

We'd like to go to the gym today... but by the time we finish at her house, it's going to be so late.. We're going to be ready for "Judge Judy" and a glass of wine!!

Snack last night... 2 of those crackers I like.... 60 cal, 2 tbs lite cream cheese.... 70, and about 65 calories... canned oysters.

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Well survived an all day long field trip with 80+ 6th graders. It rained all day! But hiked for 7 miles, up and down. I couldn't eat lunch, we bbq'ed hamburgers and they had that real charcoly taste and I was starved so ate the first bite too fast and that ended lunch. Almost puked right in front of all my students...not good. I didn't even huff & puff, we had about 30 students that didn't make it all the way, sad.

So came home and had a hot shower, emailed my mom, and not planning on doing anything else.

Candice, How about a quilt cruise? I can't afford it yet, but i'd love to check it out someday.

Janet, your kids need to have a talk with Brooke's doctor. They are going to destroy her health, self esteem, etc. What about signing her up for some swimming lessons, under the guize that with your pool she needs to know how to swim. It just kills me to see so many students overweight. Even with my weight issues, I wasn't heavy until after my first child. but kids don't move anymore.

Phyl, I've had a few times that I have had gas pain that is really bad, enough to put me into a fetal position. It is a thought. But keep checking it out.

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Okay folks, no one on last night??? What do I smell or something?


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Good Morning Gang

Gym yesterday and when I got home kids - here - good to see them - Brooke was in the pool when I got home (Karla - she already knows how to swim - but I hear you on not moving enough and not eating healthy enough) Think we are going to the show this afternoon - beach is going to be cold - disneyland etc cost too much - hell in 5 months we are going to our resort - so need to watch $$

Ya Phyl my gas after surgery was so painful i need a pain shot ;0) doubt that yours was that though - you haven't been pumped up with gas ;0)

Yea Karla - last day of school -!!! Lucky girl..

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Yeah, it wasn't gas... my left shoulder is often painful... it's arthritis. It just was worse than it's ever been that night. I think it's the crappy weather.

We're supposed to get sunshine and maybe near 80 degrees this weekend. I hope so! Weather forecast for today was just on... morning showers followed by afternoon showers followed by evening showers!! Tapering off tomorrow night! UGH!

food yesterday was okay. Had a small eggbeaters omelt for BF, Primetimers served hamburger Soup for lunch.. lots of veggies. And I had a small roll with it. Desert... small piece of carrot cake w/NO frosting and a small scoop of ice cream.

dinner... finished the spaghetti.. but had a WHOLE turkey sausage this time... 160 calories. And the green Beans must be gone because I was served 2 oz of angel hair! LOL

Then I had 1/2 slice of homemade whole wheat bread that Earl made.

Later... 100 cal Skinny Cow.

Wine in the afternoon and about 1/2 oz white cheese.

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You are doing Great !!!! 90 something here today low 90 I think haven't watched the news.. Going to the show - Andrew & Brooke going to see Shrek and I think the rest of us going to see Kill (katherine heigal - ashton curchers) what ever their names are ;0)

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I can't believe it hasn't rained in almost 3 hours!! And the sun came out a few times.

We went to the gym about 9:30 a.m. Kinda funny--- Tracy & Jim were there, too. Tracy went to a Yoga class... Jim was on treadmill, etc. I did 5 wgt machines, then 20 minutes bike, then about another 10-15 minutes on the bike... but pedaling backwards! Use totally different muscles. I was listening to music and reading a book on my iTouch at the same time. Couldn't stop reading so I just kept pedaling!

When I got done, Earl was in the sauna so I cruised over to Surf Shack. Was just about to leave when Tracy & Jim pulled in!! Too funny... following each other! So I stayed and visited with them for a while and then I went to Target to browse. Didn't get home until after noon and then I was HUNGRY!! I"m just not used to these hunger pains!!! But I was good... finished off my veggie salad, put about an ounce of cheese on top and had 2 of my 30 calorie crackers.

This morning... small eggbeaters omelet with cheese and a little shrimp. About 20 oz of black coffee, 24 oz Crystal Lite and 16 oz SF, FF latte.

And that's my day so far!

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Got out of school by 3 pm and came home and finished building a flower bed and then planted it, looks nice!! Then planted my tomatoes. Tomorrow we build the fence and I hope to finish planting my pots.

I am helping my quilting friend clean her ponds on Saturday. Work Sunday and then class all next week.

Well I'm going to go find some dinner, TTFN

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dinner was a bust, I actually cooked and I got stuck after 2 bites. I never ate lunch and was looking forward to dinner. There are times like this that I almost hate the band. I know that is the wrong attitude but it so easy to eat junk after not being able to really eat dinner.

Janet, enjoy your family, Phyl you too.

I'm going to bed, I'm tired.night

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Good Morning Gang...

Went to the show yesterday - Andrew & Brooke saw Shrek the rest of us went to Killers - slow slow beginning - fell a sleep woke up wasn't any better so Kaitlin and I left and went to Ulta (it's sorta like Sephora - scaled down version) then came home and got in the pool but it was windy so we just bbq'd and watched tv and talked

food was good till I had some choc cake ;0) - there is boot camp this a.m at 10:30 I may just go and I have gym at 5 tonite..

Phyl wtg on the gym - lol w/tracy & jim..

Karla - what did you fix for dinner - I hate that but ususally after I pb I can continue eating. I had steak last night asparguss & 1/2 of a very small baked potatoe..

Got some concealer from ulta it doesn't pump now I have to go all the way back to Rancho Mirage today,,

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Janet, I had chicken chow mein with lots of veggies. I have trouble with checken but usually if it has some type of sauce I'm okay. Ended up having a smoothie and some veggie chips. So food yesterday was, blueberries, Kashi & yogurt for BF, 1 tble of almond butter with 2 small crackers, watermelon, smoothie and veggie chips. Yep the veggie chips came after I stuck, so I was feeling sorry for myself.

Work on fence today. Back is a little sore after finishing the front flower bed, but it will work out.

Had really wierd dreams last night, I do that when I am tired. The whole, "have to find/do something and can't get it done". Geez am I feeling a little overwhelmed.

You are braver than I, I am too woosie to change movies even if it is horrid. I am going to go to the new Eclipse movie when it comes out the end of June. My students are way into the series, so this way I will have something to talk about this fall.

Phyl where are you?

Candice, safe travel home.

I did show a coworker the link to lbt. She is really overweight and I shared about my band. She is interested in getting one. So maybe I made a difference in someones life?

Mom is having a tough time right now. The daily reality of dad being gone has sunk in and she misses him. He has been in her life since she was 2 years old. I can't imagine knowing someone that long/

We need to go email mom to check in one her, TTFN

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