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Waiting for Dr's office to call me back.

I know... kinda scary!

Stupid surgeon's office NEVER calls me back! You'd think with those symptoms, they would have returned my call in a timely manner. They close in an hour, so I'm not holding out much hope of hearing from them before Tuesday now! So... I called my primary care doc's office. They transferred me to the on call nurse. She did not freak out over my story, and said I would have to come in to walk-in in order for them to figure out what is going on. Duh! So... no "nursely" advice or recommendations at all! So....it's late now, but if there is not significant improvement before tomorrow morning, they are open 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. for walk-ins tomorrow. So I'll go in tomorrow morning if I have not had a big change for the better. Right now still have queasy stomach.

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Stupid surgeon's office NEVER calls me back! You'd think with those symptoms, they would have returned my call in a timely manner. They close in an hour, so I'm not holding out much hope of hearing from them before Tuesday now! So... I called my primary care doc's office. They transferred me to the on call nurse. She did not freak out over my story, and said I would have to come in to walk-in in order for them to figure out what is going on. Duh! So... no "nursely" advice or recommendations at all! So....it's late now, but if there is not significant improvement before tomorrow morning, they are open 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. for walk-ins tomorrow. So I'll go in tomorrow morning if I have not had a big change for the better. Right now still have queasy stomach.

OMG Phyl - Hugs Hugs Hugs - Go to the ER- Then your doc will have to show up

TMI - have you ck'd your stools for blood???

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OMG Phyl - Hugs Hugs Hugs - Go to the ER- Then your doc will have to show up

TMI - have you ck'd your stools for blood???

Problem is the LAP-BAND® surgeon's office is about 60 miles south. The hospital he uses is in downtown Seattle. Holiday weekend traffic is unbelievable! Everyone going to the mountains or across the sound towards the coast. Tracy & Jim had an awful time going to lunch and movie because they had to take a highway that leads over the mountains!

So... what I decided to do is wait it out until morning. If things aren't a whole lot better, I'll go to the primary care doc's walk-in tomorrow morning. Don't see any blood in my stool. I think if it as blood I'd be feeling weak. I'm just tired. Did fall asleep a little while ago, though... sitting straight up in my recliner and as soon as I got in to a deep sleep... suddenly woke up with same crap in my mouth again... just a little bit.

I did go to pool PT this morning... Almost called and canceled, but thought it would be good for me. And I did feel better after an hour of exercise.

So far today.... 16 oz Crystal Lite, 16 oz SF, FF latte, the other half can of Tomato Soup and just now had a 100 cal Skinny Cow Truffle... Hungry for some food. Might have a little mashed potatoes for dinner. And about to try a glass of wine.... which actually might relax my tummy a little.

Wow! candy just came to sit next to me.... oh... Earl has his legs up on his chair instead of his foot rest up. That explains it. She is really HIS cat! Tracy found me a cute little puppy on the internet yesterday. Geez... to get one of these dogs from a shelter or rescue place, you have to fill out a 2-3 page application and email/send it before they'll even talk to you! I told Tracy I keep getting hung up on the question, "are all family members agreeable to this adoption?" LOL! Uh... no! I think he is weakening. Jim & Tracy bring Gigi over almost every day! Today she jumped in his lap first, then came and sat with me. After about 10-15 minutes he's all.... "Gigi, come and see Daddy!" And she did. And he's giving her cat treats and talking baby talk to her!

This is the puppy Tracy found on the internet.


Edited by phyllser
forgot photo

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Phyl, I've been having trouble too, but not 'brown' stuff. I get my pain in the sternum and shoulder blade when I am stuck. My arm will actually go numb if I am REALLY stuck. I finally got some solid food in today, I found the great whole grain sandwiche slivers, they are like a really small english muffin. I put cream cheese with turkey and meunster cheese. Delish. I'm not sure of the calories on the bread stuff.l I know it is less than 100, but I actually think it is 50.

Went into town and got new glasses, I'm bummed because I couldn't get the cool red funky ones, my bifocals wouldn't fit. The one I got are fun, but not exactly what I wanted. Had to buy a new body pillow and splurged on a spot shampooer. I wanted the Spotbot, but couldn't afford it.

The guy is going to come tomorrow and we will talk fence. I can't wait to get the fence done.

Only 8 more days of school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I ate too much today. I was attacked my chocolate truffles. I gave it a good shot, but they won. I did resist the pizza.

Guess what, I found the cutest summer dress on sale, normal price, $150, got it for $35. It is chocolate brown, which is not a color I usually get, but I loved the applique on the hem. I also got a great blue & white pleated skirt, I need to line it, because it is a little on the thin side. But unfortuantely the weather is too cold to wear anything but long sleeves and jackets.

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Surgeon's office finally called. They have me scheduled for esophogram in radiology next Friday morning.... a week away! Might take Fluid out of my band! I hope not!


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Morning Gang...

Phyl - Next Friday WTF - I think you need to go in Monday and have some Fluid taken out now !!!! Somethings not right.. Stick to liquids or super mushies - be careful -

Ya to adopt an animal is almost as hard as adopting a kid ;0)

Earl will soften - and a small dog if well trained you can take w/you - even on a plane - I think my Angel would bark too much cuz you gotta leave them in the carrier - but in all my travels lately (hell since we have gotten together I have travled every summer ;0) plus my trip to vegas for lb and trip to FL) I have seen pple with little dogs on the planes.. My Angel isn't well trained - Need Ceaser on Ryder chasing Sheba.. Hell they work me up at 5:22 this morning - wanted to sleep in til 6..

Ya last night coming home from Candy's house via the freeway - tons of traffic - pple going to the river or glammas

Got home around 9:30 - Andrew took it upon himself - to rent a carpet cleaner and cleaned all the carpets and then took the couch covers to the cleaners - Really proud of him for doing this on his own..

Funeral was nice - even though I really didn't know Michael that well - meet him a few times - everyone talked about how sweet he was - his exbil got up and told great stories and was crying - I was crying from all the stories.. The only issue I had was when the preacher got up and preached AT us - All I can say is I wouldn't go to his church..

Had friend of candy & louie (dh) sorta try and hit on me - just laughed him off - I know too much about him and sure in the hell don't want what he has to offer (which isn't anything)


We know why you didn't eat the pizza - you can't lol - that was funny.. You are lucky to have a count down - i wish I did - well 6/4 is my ff (furlough friday) then then kids will be here 6/9 and I have taken off the 10th & 11th.. Then 7/1 will be here soon..

Well have gym at 8 Idrise was suppose to be making up for missed class on Wed - but his stepson has baseball - so Vickie and I are going to work legs ourselves..

food yesterday - BF don't remember - lunch 1 pot wonder from the night before - dinner 1/2 taquitto (sp) 1 small ck thigh - 2 big chips and some hummus - and 2 pieced of Cake ;0) one at the house and I brought one home :0)

So I gotta hit they gym...

Candice where are you ????

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Janet, I'll swap you straight across, Andrew for DD#4, I'll even take his dog, but you must take Simon....

I slept in, I mean REALLY in, weekdays I'm up at 4:30 today...10:30. WTF, half the day is over!!! AND laying in bed for 6 additional hours has tightened every muscle up I own. Once the coffee takes effect, I'm outside to work in the dirt. whowhowho

Work on Sunday, Monday is house work, bleck.

Check in later, TTFN

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Janet, I'll swap you straight across, Andrew for DD#4, I'll even take his dog, but you must take Simon....

I slept in, I mean REALLY in, weekdays I'm up at 4:30 today...10:30. WTF, half the day is over!!! AND laying in bed for 6 additional hours has tightened every muscle up I own. Once the coffee takes effect, I'm outside to work in the dirt. whowhowho

Work on Sunday, Monday is house work, bleck.

Check in later, TTFN

Karla - No thank you... I'll keep Andrew - may give up Ryder just cuz of the whole puppy issues - but Andrew is a keeper - hell I deserve 1 good kid :0)..

Yep - half the day is over - but you needed the rest - I wish I could sleep in that late - maybe I will shut my door and lock the dogs out and I could :0)

I need to get up and go to my bro's - but don't want to - so here I sit - got a load in the washer and dryer - feeling like some ribs - may go to the store..

I have no great plans for the weekend - which is fine w/me... Debbie and I may go see Sex in the City if she's feeling better - but I don't want to go if she's still sick - cuz I don't want to get sick

Phyl how's the tummy this a.m.?

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I have no great plans for the weekend - which is fine w/me... Debbie and I may go see Sex in the City if she's feeling better - but I don't want to go if she's still sick - cuz I don't want to get sick

Phyl how's the tummy this a.m.?


Slept well last night but awake a few times, especially 5-8 a.m., coughing, coughing, coughing... bringing up pink-tinged gunk which I finally decided is probably NOT coming from my stomach. So I went to walk-in clinic at my primary care doc's office. Slight fever, hurts deep in my throat when I take a deep breath.. lungs sound clear... Dr. I saw thinks it's bronchitis and gave Rx for antibiotic and inhaler. Probably from too much vomiting all week. I have such a strong gag reflex that even though I wasn't bringing up anything more than slime really, it was causing me to wretch pretty violently... like dry heaves. So... we'll see if this helps.

I really feel okay except for a little tired out and slight headache that comes and goes. In fact... about to go to Walmart, and tonight... Carrie Underwood with DD, SIL & DGD & her boyfriend. We're going to dinner too.. I'll probably have Soup. LapBand Dr office old me to stay on liquids until I see them next Friday!!! HUH!!?? I will probably have some soup. Last solid food I had was the mac and cheese Lean Cuisine Thursday night. But, not really feeling hungry. Bought a 4 pack of EAS Protein Drinks but didn't have any yet.

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Oh Gosh Phyl, I really wish yo didnt have to wait until FRIDAY.... please if it gets any worse at all or pain... please go to the ER first!!! o.k.??? I mean it.

Oh that little dog is precious, I love that breed too... Earl willl melt, sounds like he is getting kinda mushy now...

Janet: I am here babe: food today, Breaky Cereal(BRAN) and skim

Lunch: 1 /4 of a kids size pizza, 1 big lick of some icing(but thats all!!!) coffee with cream only.

Dinner: Sangria!!! and reading OPRAH's New bio.... can't put it down. Falafel on WW Pita with Tzatziki sauce... ummm really good.

Snack: later on will be popcorn:biggrin:

OH I aM so jealous of you , going to see SEX in the CITY! OMGosh you lucky bummmmmm:cool: I worked at the SuperStore Community room today. B-day party for 9 yr old girls... it was fun until the one kid got one of the presents STUCK in her long hair!!! Dumbass kid, shouldn't have been playing with the presents anyways.... we were getting ready to cut a few strands of her hair to untangle the gift when her father came barroling in and yelling "Who gave you permission to touch my daughter, let alone cut her Hair!!" "Who do you think you are!!!" Oh my gosh. the little boy who had GIVEN the gift was in tears as the FATHER smashed the toy over his daughters head to release her 'hair'.... it was aweful!!! All the b-day guests were crying, cause the man scared everyone ... the only kid not crying was the girl with the airplain stuck in her freeking hair... and she did it to HERSELF!! Unreal, my boss felt so terrible for the little boy that SHE started to cry.... so now the STORE is replacing the toy for the Bday girl... The mother who had spent $30 on the gift was very pissed too... not at US but at the stupid father who over=reacted.

Karla; I am sorry, but I am way confused on your daughters, can you name them so I don't get screwed up... or is it a confidentiality thing? Is DD#4 the one that I met???

YOur new dress sounds way cute...you deserve it too!!!

Easy on the fence o.k. let the GUY to all the heavy work! I mEAN IT:eek:

Well, we have a buyer for the RV... looks like it will be gone by next week :cool: going to buy something larger.... so WHO do I owe a Margarita too????:cursing:

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Candice, you met Elyse, DD#4, better know as a huge pain in my ass. She stopped by with the 'boyfriend', a almost 30 year old who lives at home and does not have a job, a real winner.

Alexa is DD#5, she is living with Jamie, DD#2, in idaho falls for the summer so she can work at BLM.

Well after 7 hours of digging, composting, soil pep, mixing and rebuilding a flower bed, I have 3 plants in the ground and 20 glad bulbs. Unfortunately I am now walking like the hunch back of nortor damn. I can not straighten up. So I have taken a muscle relaxant and a hot bath.

Phyl, watch it, take care, you are in my prayers.

I'm going to eat and then I'll check in later, TTFN

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Hey Gang

Phyl - you are going to see Carrie Underwood tonite - How cool is that !!! I loved her new song that she sang on finale...

Yep stick with Soup - maybe it's just the bronctius .. You know you can't drink w/antibotics ...

Candice - OMG the drama - I don't think I would be doing bday parties.. WTG on just a lick of icing -

You owe both me & phyl a drink - we are the ones who bet :0)

Karla - You love being outside and putzing around in the yard - so it's a good ache and you feel good about fixing the yard.

Well you know #4 bf will only be for a week or 2 - she doesn't seem to stick w/them too long - so don't sweat it..

I got dressed - went and got hair color - then to ride aid to get a new pair of readers - even with contact some print I cant read (tiny or if I don't have good lighting) got 2 pairs of 125 and then a new pair of 250 for when I don't have contacts in - all of my current glasses are scratch all to hell then went to the bank deposited State tax return - then to the grocery store - didn't get any junk - almost got some of these fab tato chips - but said no - cuz I ate that cake last night - got a pot of Beans on the stove - debating if I should make cornbread or not :0)..

Watch Dear John move .. had a cat nap - had a cup of coffee and skyped for an hour or so w/joseph and family - just fed the dogs - going to go watch crazy heart..

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Hey Gang

Phyl - you are going to see Carrie Underwood tonite - How cool is that !!! I loved her new song that she sang on finale...

I Love Carrie Underwood, I'd pay to see her too!

Yep stick with Soup - maybe it's just the bronctius .. You know you can't drink w/antibotics ...

Candice - OMG the drama - I don't think I would be doing bday parties.. WTG on just a lick of icing -

Actually, up until the end of the party, things were going quite well. Its a hoot, they all paint their CAKE boxes, make their own PIZZA's, Make fruit KABOBS, Eat their pizza's, have the Hpy Bday cake , open gifts and go home. All the kids had a great time until the hair incedent... too bad my boss felt terrible.yet she did nothing wrong..

If your kid got GUM in their hair at school should the teacher leave it there all day and send the kid home like that??? I think not.

You owe both me & phyl a drink - we are the ones who bet :0)

Karla - You love being outside and putzing around in the yard - so it's a good ache and you feel good about fixing the yard.

Well you know #4 bf will only be for a week or 2 - she doesn't seem to stick w/them too long - so don't sweat it..

I got dressed - went and got hair color - then to ride aid to get a new pair of readers - even with contact some print I cant read (tiny or if I don't have good lighting) got 2 pairs of 125 and then a new pair of 250 for when I don't have contacts in - all of my current glasses are scratch all to hell then went to the bank deposited State tax return - then to the grocery store - didn't get any junk - almost got some of these fab tato chips - but said no - cuz I ate that cake last night - got a pot of Beans on the stove - debating if I should make cornbread or not :0)..

Good girl, NO to the Potato chips whoo=hoo I LOVE YOUR STRENGTH GF

Watch Dear John move .. had a cat nap - had a cup of coffee and skyped for an hour or so w/joseph and family - just fed the dogs - going to go watch crazy heart..

Sunday sleep in humm mm:rolleyes:

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Candice - I had my treat - can't over do it.. I would like to - I don't eat alot of them but 150 cal every day adds up..

When do you go back to work??

Ya I would pay too to see her (carrie underwood) I don't know if she's been to our casino or not..

Well need to get off the computer - I hope I can sleep past 5 tomorrow..

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Feeling tired and worn out, but coughing has almost stopped. And had 1/2 baked potato w/soup for dinner.... put the Soup over the mashed up potato and ate real slow... went down fine. Didn't feel stuck at all.. but will be very careful what I have.... soup, Protein drinks, etc.

Concert was absolutely the best I've ever been too. Carrie Underwood is awesome! GREAT entertainer!

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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