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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Candice`s way to make HUMMUS

In a food processor combine one can 19 oz of Chickpeas, drained and rinsed(they have a lot of salt on them)

2-3 cloves of MINCED Garlic, or Pressed Garlic (YUMMY)

1 TBSP good quality Olive Oil

1-2 Tbspn of LEMON juice (fresh or bottled)

1 Tbspn of Tahini paste ( It comes in a jar, keeps forever, made from ground sesame seeds)

1 tbsp fresh parsley

1 tsp. Worchestershire bottled sauce

Now if this mixture is too thick, then add some more lemon juice or some more Oil, (but count the calores)

NOW, the most amazing part about Hummus is you can make VARIATIONS of the above by adding one of the following:

1) Saute some chopped onions in a little EVOO until they carmalize.

2) Roast some REd BELL PEPPERS in the oven then add to chickpea combo

3) Sauteed Pine Nuts

4) Chipolte Peppers (Roast them first too, brings out thew flavour)

5) and last but not least some roasted Jalapeno peppers, if you like HEAT!!!!

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Phyl, are you thinking of Doggie names Yet???? LOL

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Phyl, are you thinking of Doggie names Yet???? LOL

Good idea! I'll start thinking!! LOL! Tracy's dog looks just like Toto in Wizard of Oz. She told me that when she first got her, and when I walked her to Surf Shack last week, someone stopped me and told me that, too!

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Candice, I would love it if our school went to uniforms. No more 'dress code' for students AND teachers. Of course, then it also would be a tax deduction as well.

The threat assessment on the student came out to be 'medium', mainly because of his past history. For the most part I'm not worried. I figure my life is in God's hands and if He decided to take it that way, I pray that my family sues the daylights out of the school district.

Phyl, my puppies all chose their names themselves, well okay, molly really didn't, but that doesn't count. She was named after the young lady who I got her from and who was in my class. But Jordan & Simon both chose them. Jordan took days...we would say names and when they perked up and looked at us we knew that was their name. Now Simon, as you all know is NOT the brightest puppy in the world, chose a name right away. Maybe we should have named him 'Simple' Simon. All said with love, naturally.

Debating on dinner, I have a tiny steak marinating, but I'm just not in the mood to chew, so I may just go with yogurt & kashi.

Candice, you are way doing a fabulous job!!!

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Phyl, my puppies all chose their names themselves, well okay, molly really didn't, but that doesn't count. She was named after the young lady who I got her from and who was in my class. But Jordan & Simon both chose them. Jordan took days...we would say names and when they perked up and looked at us we knew that was their name. Now Simon, as you all know is NOT the brightest puppy in the world, chose a name right away. Maybe we should have named him 'Simple' Simon. All said with love, naturally.

I've spent the last couple of hours on Petfinders.com! Found some puppies that would be perfect for us about 2 hrs away at a couple of dog shelters. But... Earl is still not open to the idea!! GRRR!

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Todays food:


now going to bed!!!:laugh:

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Candice you are over half way through your 1st week!!! Excellent job!

It is raining cats and....wait for it...dogs this morning. (Phyl should I snag on for you?) GET THE PUPPY. Just tell Earl that this is something you need. I do love the rain. Today will be interesting. Our parent association has planned a park fun day (afternoon) for the 7th graders today. So I don't know what their plans are if it rains. I may come home a drowned rat. Oh well, good for the complexion.

Only 3 weeks of school left. Then some freedom. I think I will sleep in for a couple of days.

Hope you all have a great day, TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

Took a break from the computer last night - didn't lbt or fb at all - I think it's just taking up too much of my personal time and leaving me depleted - between work - estate issues - now a title problem - but it's a mistake - but still gotta prove it - got escrow papers from when bro bought the house -glad I didn't throw them away like I was going to a few weeks ago- had to send sis letter for the signature card - just kept it short and sweet.. I have just been in pms mood this week.. I know i don't have pms anymore - but that's how I feel.

Trainer bugging me w/his know it all attitude - snapped at him last night he shut up... Said I couldn't do something due to my balance issues - told him he could modify it and where was his encouragement - I am 100% better than I was 2 yrs ago.. Shut the f up - I told him I was going to cry so he better be nice - that got him to leave me alone in the neg dept..

Hope everyone has a good day..

Thanks for the receip cancide... Will try it.. Had chicken catchattori (sp) last nite really good..

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Candice you are over half way through your 1st week!!! Excellent job!

It is raining cats and....wait for it...dogs this morning. (Phyl should I snag on for you?) GET THE PUPPY. Just tell Earl that this is something you need. I do love the rain. Today will be interesting. Our parent association has planned a park fun day (afternoon) for the 7th graders today. So I don't know what their plans are if it rains. I may come home a drowned rat. Oh well, good for the complexion.

Only 3 weeks of school left. Then some freedom. I think I will sleep in for a couple of days.

Hope you all have a great day, TTFN

Karla, thanks for the support... I am feeling good, and in control.. Its amazing how much SHAME I was carrying around with regards to my food choices and HOW i was eating them...

For Today, things are good... Peter is out raking leaves out of my gardens for me.. then later I have to go out and start digging... It'll be an all weekend chore( ahem, activity!) and will feel good once I get started...

Inertia is my biggest enemy.

Yest. food tally was a bit higher than I'd like, but I am inching my way back to 1000 cals per day...:thumbup:

Phyl;, Honey, just go get the dog... tell him YOU'LL keep it in YOUR half of the CONDO!!! You have rights too LOL

And if its a non shedding breed, you won't even be responsible for vaccumming HIS side of the condo!! HA HA HA:tt2:

Besides, I KNOW he will just MELT once the pup is there... Peter did remember? I just brought Bridget home and plopped her in his lap.... and the rest is history

15 Years is what you can expect to get out of a small dog. So its a great motivator to stay active and healthy... for the DOG.. but YOU get the added benefits too.:laugh:

What Earl is probably worrying about is costs..and they are nothing to minimize... pets are expensive, Dogs more so than cats. OOOOH what about your candy? ?? would she tolerate an intruder??? get pictures of that:crying:

Janet, Exercise, no I havn't been doing anything special yet.. I will get there, hate the sagging stuff and it has to be dealt with.. but this first week I really needed to focus on my SOBRIETY from chocolate AND SUGARY PRODUCTS. but feel free to bug me next week about it.. I wont have any good reason for NOT doing it..

Love you guys, you are the best...and I mean the lurkers too...Steph, Linda, Denise, Car, Karri and Kari

alrignt , we need some more particicpation

Linda, weren't you goning to join me on the Quest?

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Sorry for your lousy day yesterday... frustrating week for you!

I have a theory that even after menopause, we do experience some type of cycle and slight PMS symptoms. So not surprised you were feeling that way. Hope you have a good day today. Good to take a break from the computer. I NEED to do that, too. I waste way too much time with the laptop in my face!!


Karla, thanks for the support... I am feeling good, and in control.. Its amazing how much SHAME I was carrying around with regards to my food choices and HOW i was eating them... For Today, things are good... Peter is out raking leaves out of my gardens for me.. then later I have to go out and start digging... It'll be an all weekend chore( ahem, activity!) and will feel good once I get started...Inertia is my biggest enemy. Yest. food tally was a bit higher than I'd like, but I am inching my way back to 1000 cals per day...:thumbup:

Phyl;, Honey, just go get the dog... tell him YOU'LL keep it in YOUR half of the CONDO!!! You have rights too LOL

And if its a non shedding breed, you won't even be responsible for vaccumming HIS side of the condo!! HA HA HA:tt2:Besides, I KNOW he will just MELT once the pup is there... Peter did remember? I just brought Bridget home and plopped her in his lap.... and the rest is history

15 Years is what you can expect to get out of a small dog. So its a great motivator to stay active and healthy... for the DOG.. but YOU get the added benefits too.:laugh:

What Earl is probably worrying about is costs..and they are nothing to minimize... pets are expensive, Dogs more so than cats. OOOOH what about your candy? ?? would she tolerate an intruder??? get pictures of that:crying:

Janet, Exercise, no I haven't been doing anything special yet.. I will get there, hate the sagging stuff and it has to be dealt with.. but this first week I really needed to focus on my SOBRIETY from chocolate AND SUGARY PRODUCTS. but feel free to bug me next week about it.. I wont have any good reason for NOT doing it..

Love you guys, you are the best...and I mean the lurkers too...Steph, Linda, Denise, Car, Karri and Kari

alright, we need some more particicpation

Linda, weren't you goning to join me on the Quest?

You are doing great, Candice!! I've been to the gym twice this week and Tracy and I are planning to go together this morning. Our schedules don't usually jive, so we haven't gone together yet. Did I tell you guys that silly place extended my complimentary pass until the 25th?? Crazy! I had my checkbook with me and I was ready to sign up and they extended my freebie!!! So I'll be on my 3rd week when this one expires! Plus now I'm going there for PT twice a week that my insurance will pay for. I go again tomorrow morning at 9 a.m., so I'll go early again and ride the bike first. Today I'm going to do that plus the weight machines.

Food wasn't great yesterday.... Primetimers! chicken Alfredo! But there was a really delicious veggie salad... talked to the lady that made it. She just used frozen peas, corn, green Beans, chopped celery, onion and red and yellow bell peppers. The dressing was vinegar, Water, salt and sugar. So I'm going to make some and use Splenda instead of sugar. I LOVE my veggies and that salad was wonderful. Just have to watch the portion because of the carbs in the corn & peas.

Puppy... yes, I'm sure that cost is part of his "NO", but the main objection he expresses is that having a dog would restrict our travel. We go away on trips of from 4-5 days to a week, sometimes longer... and we can leave the cat and have someone check on her. Can't do that with a dog.. have to have someone who will dog sit or use a kennel... and they are SO expensive. But, Tracy and Jim have no problem finding people to take Gigi when they go away cuz she's so lovable and so easy! I'm sure we can find someone in Sky Valley that would take her... our next door neighbors, in fact, take one friends' dog for 1-2 weeks almost every winter. We're already planning a trip to Cabo next spring with Tracy and Jim... so trips like that would be a challenge.

I'm not too worried about Candy because she's been very good with Gigi. It's been pretty amazing, really. Gigi is very timid, so I think Candy senses that she is no threat. Saturday when Gigi was here she was sleeping on the couch for a little while and Candy was in her usual place perched on the back of the couch. She got very bold and decided she was going to take a closer look at this little ball of fur, so she got down and slowly approached Gigi and started sniffing. That scared Gigi and she jumped down. But I think if she were here more often, they'd end up being friends. So... with a small puppy, she'd probably be fine.

16_1_9.gif 36_22_11.gif

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It is raining cats and....wait for it...dogs this morning. (Phyl should I snag on for you?) GET THE PUPPY. Just tell Earl that this is something you need. I do love the rain. Today will be interesting. Our parent association has planned a park fun day (afternoon) for the 7th graders today. So I don't know what their plans are if it rains. I may come home a drowned rat. Oh well, good for the complexion.

Only 3 weeks of school left. Then some freedom. I think I will sleep in for a couple of days. Hope you all have a great day, TTFN

Yeah... grab me a yorkie or shi tzu mix!! LOL

We were supposed to get a lot of rain this week but, not so much. Sun is out this morning, but they're still predicting rain for today, tomorrow and Saturday!

Neighbor in the apt right behind us died last night. Not very old. He was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer a couple of years ago. Very sad. They have a little girl about 7-8 yrs old. But then... he was the guy who used to throw his wife up against the wall and wake us up in the middle of the night the first year we were here. He was a drunk at that time. He changed his ways when he got sick!

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Sorta sad – there are only 4 regular posters left…

Phyl, Candice, Karla & Me…

Ya I need a break from the computer &/or limit myself – as I don’t have any me time – even if it’s cleaning up the kitchen after dinner – or watching one of my t.v. shows –I always seem to be rushing – I dvr the stuff I watch anyway – but half the time I am ff thru most of it cuz I don’t have the time to watch. I am doing too much at once and not getting anything done – half ass post – cuz in a hurry to move on to another post or fb – and then have to cook dinner – feed the animals – and try to unwind before I go to bed.. I am a person who needs my down time.. So I am going to start limiting my computer time – I guess I should have never started framville :0)…

Ya Phyl that part of a dog is a pain in the tush – I am taking family on vacation the week after thanksgiving – don’t know where we are going yet – but Melissa and I both have the time off work – anyway called my dog sitter last night – she called back – she’s already booked.. So now I have to find someone to house/dog sit – have asked Debbie – haven’t heard from her – Ryder can go stay at Andrew’s mom’s house – but I need someone to watch the other 3 – Hey Candice – want to come and take vacation in Cali the week after thanksgiving – you have a free place to stay :0) – I won’t be here – but you could visit with Phyl and ck out the area :0)..

Oh ya Candice – will be on you next week about exercise :0)

Well forgot what else was talked about – I know you all understand that – see I read the post then opened out look and am typing post – so I can paste and cut so if anyone walks in my office they think I’m typing an emal.

Oh Remembered … Phyl sorry about neighbor’s death – you know my gf candy – well her SIL (45 ish) fell off scaffolting and has no brain activity – 3 kids 13 – 16 –18 – this happened Saturday – it’s just a matter of time – this news may have added to my mood..

Well gotta jam will cb tonite..

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Sorta sad – there are only 4 regular posters left…

Phyl, Candice, Karla & Me…

Ya I need a break from the computer &/or limit myself – as I don’t have any me time – even if it’s cleaning up the kitchen after dinner – or watching one of my t.v. shows –I always seem to be rushing – I dvr the stuff I watch anyway – but half the time I am ff thru most of it cuz I don’t have the time to watch. I am doing too much at once and not getting anything done – half ass post – cuz in a hurry to move on to another post or fb – and then have to cook dinner – feed the animals – and try to unwind before I go to bed.. I am a person who needs my down time.. So I am going to start limiting my computer time – I guess I should have never started framville :0)…

Ya Phyl that part of a dog is a pain in the tush – I am taking family on vacation the week after thanksgiving – don’t know where we are going yet – but Melissa and I both have the time off work – anyway called my dog sitter last night – she called back – she’s already booked.. So now I have to find someone to house/dog sit – have asked Debbie – haven’t heard from her – Ryder can go stay at Andrew’s mom’s house – but I need someone to watch the other 3 – Hey Candice – want to come and take vacation in Cali the week after thanksgiving – you have a free place to stay :0) – I won’t be here – but you could visit with Phyl and ck out the area :0)..

Oh ya Candice – will be on you next week about exercise :0)

Well forgot what else was talked about – I know you all understand that – see I read the post then opened out look and am typing post – so I can paste and cut so if anyone walks in my office they think I’m typing an emal.

Oh Remembered … Phyl sorry about neighbor’s death – you know my gf candy – well her SIL (45 ish) fell off scaffolting and has no brain activity – 3 kids 13 – 16 –18 – this happened Saturday – it’s just a matter of time – this news may have added to my mood..

Well gotta jam will cb tonite..

Aw Janet, you sound low... I know you go to a lot of other sites and it does take time! But don't forget us 7's.... with the SIster stuff and all the extra work you've been doing (with no thanks!)

to close out the estate... its no wonder.

Your vacation after Thanksgiving sounds like FUN... and I'd definetly dog sit for you BUT HONEY, I'd miss you!!! What fun would THAT be.... we gotta put our heads together and figure out something....

Had another chat with my NEW boss today... really went well.. I start back to work Monday May 31st... then every Monday thereafter... She's accepted all my terms so its pretty good. I will be job sharring with the other Laser Tech... and we'll cover off ea others holidays and sick days... so I can still have my Vacations when I want as long as LASER is covered... cool:rolleyes:

CBL super is ready

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Howdy you all, finally got home. Had to stay after school and work on my master's unit.

Woke up this morning, all was well, had my coffee, etc., went into the bathroom and put my mascara on and there is a bloody eye looking back at me, just disgusting. I have never broken a vessel in my eye before, and let met tell you, it is GROSS. Thought maybe my blood pressure was up so had the school nurse check it. I haven't had it checked since I lost weight. It wasn't high, it was 100 over 49. Now I could understand that if I had just gotten up, but I had been up for 4 hours. So don't know what that is all about.

Well need some more coffee & food, TTFN

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Karla - from the mayo Clinic

A subconjunctival hemorrhage occurs when a tiny blood vessel breaks just underneath the clear surface of your eye (conjunctiva). You may not realize you have a subconjunctival hemorrhage until you look in the mirror and find the white part of your eye is bright red.

The conjunctiva can't absorb the blood quickly, so the blood is trapped under this transparent surface. A subconjunctival hemorrhage may look frightening and painful to you, but it's usually a harmless condition that disappears within 10 to 14 days.

Subconjunctival hemorrhage often occurs without any injury to your eye, or it may be the result of a strong sneeze or cough that caused a broken blood vessel. You don't need any specific treatment for a subconjunctival hemorrhage.

Candice - You guys my lucky #7 is and always will be my #1 thread :0) - I'm not going anywhere !!!

Today has been a better day - I think the culmination of the stuff that has been going on this month has gotten me or just the blahs - who know - maybe I need more D ;0)

I am feeling ok to nite..

My Dog sitter called - she's booked - so now I have to find one ..

Got my contacts ck'd AGAIN tonite - have a new left eye one that I think may be it - I can read with it.. I'm a 3.something (25?? in my left eye) 2.25 in my right eye.. I go back Saturday hopefully these will be the final fit..

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