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Kick ass coming when I get back from the gym



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Kick ass coming when I get back from the gym



UH OH.... the fur is going to fly tonight!! I would come unglued, too!! I think the puppy would be looking for a new home!

I was going to go to the gym this afternoon with Tracy & Alisha, but it's so cold out... I couldn't make myself go out again. AND.. they are going late tonight... like about now, and it will be crowded... and it's my first time. So I think I'll just go by myself in the morning. Found out at my "personal trainer" appt that the guy who showed me around last week is the owner! just a young guy... thought he was one of the trainers! Tracy's one day a week job has turned in to just about full time now! She is filling in for a lady who is in ICU, so I'm thinking this may last through the end of the school year! So.. I may be going by myself most of the time because I don't want to go in the late afternoon.

I don't know what is going on, but feeling sick every time I eat for the last three days. Maybe a touch of the flu?? Problems with reflux, too. But that's been going on for a couple of weeks. Not fun.

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Well I'm Home - Andrew has called the carpet pple to come and fix the carpet - Hopefully it can get stretched - it's not that bad but bad enough..

Phyl - Think you should call your lapband doc - something is irritating your stomach - you have had alot of stomach flu lately and that's not normal.. Do you take a daily priloce (sp) zantax kind of pill - have you been tested for ulcers ( I don't know the name of the virus it starts w/a p) You can take a certain antibotic for it - I don't think you are too tight cuz you haven't had a fill in a long long time - I think you need to get your tummy ck'd out - do you eat chewable pecid when you get heart burn/reflux ...

Ya I would go to the gym in the a.m. - heck for you 5 p.m. isn't going to work - you have already had your cocktails by then - The morning will be a better time for you - just like when you are here - you go to the pool in the mornings..

Ok Karla - DD#4 - If she doesn't come home again and doesn't call to tell you she isn't coming home she can move out... She should at least say - Mom I'm going out - don't think I will be home tonite - that way you don't worry..

Is she still going to school didn't you say something a while back that things were going well that she wasn't passing her classes - Does she have a part time job??

Yes - Why was the Ben & Jerry's even in the house.... I bought trail mix saying oh just a little bit - well we all know how that goes - like we can just have 1 little halloween candy bar and be happy - nope we eat the whole bag - so you just have to throw it out - and then next time you won't buy it - cuz you know you will have to throw it away and then you will think - oh I am not paying $10 and I will end up throwing it away..

if someone comes to the nursery and wants a big tree like that - take their $$$ and tell them when one of the guys comes you will get it moved - but that you can't do it buy your self - cuz you can't - gosh you are hard headed..

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Hum, Phyl, ulcer? are you taking a new med? food allergy?

I deserve the ass-kicking. I'm tired and when I'm tired I eat. I did check out my CPAP and my apnea is down to 2, huge decrease. When I did the sleep study, it was 56 to 100 per hour. Got it down to about 5 with the CPAP, now down to 2 with the weight loss. The resperatory theropist says that I can try to wean myself off. But I'm affraid to. Plus let's get real, I love the white noise and the moist air.

Power was off most of the afternoon so got a few boxes unpacked. Wind blew over 4 powerlines and flipped a semi. I figured I'd be out of power for days but they must have gotten a temporary line up. I sure hope the semi driver is okay.

Had a knockdown drag out with DD#4. So tomorrow we are sitting down and writing house rules. If she doesn't follow she either pays rent or leaves along with her dog.

DD#5's dormroom mate got caught with alcohol so DD also got a disciplinary notice and has to go before the dorm board. She has moved out of the room and is staying at the 'innervarsity' house, the campus church group that she belongs to. Don't know if DD was aware of the alcohol or involved, but hopefully she learned something from it.

Need to find some dinner of sorts. Had a piece of cheese and 3 crackers when I thought the power was going to be out. So I don't really need anything. I think I will go for another latte instead.

Well best get busy...on something. TTFN

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Hugs on the kid issues - we are to freaking old to have to deal w/them..

dinner - I'm hungry - just made green Beans almost burn them - so have lunch packed for tomorrow - but really don't want my meat loaf or green Beans for dinner - don't know what I am going to eat - hell it's 9;07 and I am just getting ready to get off the computer - just heard andrew come in the garage - he went shopping w/mom -

I'm pooped - can't wait for friday - no kids no animals - grown up time..

well need to get out of gym clothes and see what I feel like eating..

Talk to you all in the morning

Candice - are you home yet

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Good Morning Gang...

Drive by cuz I'm at work - for some reason this a.m. at home the page wouldn't load

Guess Karla had the same problem since she hasn't posted and she always post in the a.m.

Phyl - Let us know how the gym goes.... Can't wait to hear and why wouldn't Earl want to go... He should...

Candice - Hope all is ok - you haven't ck'd in..

Steph - what's up w/you girl...

Linda - Hugs

Denise - Hugs

xoxoxo J

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Hello. I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Stephanie and I live in the middle of nowhere Montana. I used to be a part of this really great LBT group. For some reason I just can't seem to get back to them. I'm such a bad friend. Anyways. That's me!

It's been crazy around here but really no excuse. I have time for Facebook, I have time for you guys! I love you all!

Had a really good time with Candice and Peter. What an amazing couple! Jeff just thought they were the greatest!!! Sure wish they lived closer. I'm sure Karla and Phyl felt the same way. It definitely made me super excited for July!

I don't know what you guys have talked about for food for that time, beside Phyl doing the shopping, but I was thinking maybe each of us could take a day and make lunch and dinner that day with our favorite recipe. We could pair up or whatever...like Rose and I could do one day or whatever. Then Phyl could do the breakfast/coffee/staple stuff and then we wouldn't have to worry about her spending more than the $200. Personally, even if she doesn't spend it all, I think she should get the deposit for all the rigamarole that she's gone through for us. ... just my thought.

Karla, your dd's are being very toxic for you right now. Do you think that maybe they are taking it out on you for selling the house? They sound very passive aggressive right now. Like they are making you PAY for something. You definitely don't need that. No matter how tough you want to be, they keep pushing and pushing until they watch you crumble, either by giving in or getting upset. It's so tough for you. I'm so sorry. Hugs to you!

Janet, the puppy! OMG! I just don't know what I would do. Hard not to be mad at the dog, but it's not his fault either. GRRR!

Okay....off to do a bunch of stuff for the day. Love you ladies!

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Hey Gang!!!

Back from my day w/debbie and her DD - Didn't buy everything I tried on - 2 pairs of carpi's 4 tops 1 sundress - Sears had great deals - burlington coat factory too -

Alot of stores are gone from the Moreno Valley Mall - Wasn't that great - I think we spent most of our time in Sears - Got a Dr Rey bra - I liked Macy's a little diff than ours... But again mall wasn't what it was 8 yrs ago

Had bf at ruby's dinner in Cabazon 2 eggs sunny side up and a few bites of tatos - then at the mall 1/2 of a bite size cinabon - it was aweful - then we had italian for dinner in banning - nice place Johnny Russo 1/2 c clam chowder ok - the top of 2 pieces of garllic bread - 1/2 italian sauage..

Candice - You owe us money - cuz both Phyl and I said that you would be getting a bigger rig ;0)

YES, we are selling it when we get home.... Peter hates how it handlesas int eh WIND... and we`ve had a lot of wind,,.., now as Earl pointed out when you have a TAIL wind its great, but 3/4 of the time its blowing in the wrong direction!!!

Glad you had a great time visiting Steph..

Karla - that's why I play farmville on FB so much - mindless work..

Phyl - I have a b of a visa - it doesn't do that - that would be nice cuz I do use my visa for car repairs - travel - dogs etc - it would be nice to know where the $$ went - but I did that cruise - Canada - tires - brakes - etc.. it wasn't all clothes :0)

I dont get miles or anything - I may look in to the American express..

Well gang - i'm pooped it's almost 10:30 been up since 5 - going to go veg and hit the hay shortly talk to you all in the a.m.

OH GUESS WHO I SAW AT THE MORENO VALLEY MALL - ANDREW GARCIA FROM AMERICAN IDOL - I was going outside to smoke - he was leaving the mall w/gf and kid - I saw the glasses and said - Andrew - he turned around and we shook hands and talked for a minute - cool !!!

this is goofy gotta add more stuff

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Hum, Phyl, ulcer? are you taking a new med? food allergy?

I deserve the ass-kicking. I'm tired and when I'm tired I eat. I did check out my CPAP and my apnea is down to 2, huge decrease. When I did the sleep study, it was 56 to 100 per hour. Got it down to about 5 with the CPAP, now down to 2 with the weight loss. The resperatory theropist says that I can try to wean myself off. But I'm affraid to. Plus let's get real, I love the white noise and the moist air.

Power was off most of the afternoon so got a few boxes unpacked. Wind blew over 4 powerlines and flipped a semi. I figured I'd be out of power for days but they must have gotten a temporary line up. I sure hope the semi driver is okay.«

Karla, is DD4 Ailisha? the girl I met... I am getting confused... I thought DD5 was the tiny one???

Had a knockdown drag out with DD#4. So tomorrow we are sitting down and writing house rules. If she doesn't follow she either pays rent or leaves along with her dog.

DD#5's dormroom mate got caught with alcohol so DD also got a disciplinary notice and has to go before the dorm board. She has moved out of the room and is staying at the 'innervarsity' house, the campus church group that she belongs to. Don't know if DD was aware of the alcohol or involved, but hopefully she learned something from it.

Need to find some dinner of sorts. Had a piece of cheese and 3 crackers when I thought the power was going to be out. So I don't really need anything. I think I will go for another latte instead.

Well best get busy...on something. TTFN

more latewr once I`ve had dinner and sobbered uyp

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So we will give it another try...

Seem to be getting an extremely small handle on my house, I can even see the counter. Still not close to being done, but trying to work for an hour each day after work.

My vacuum seems to be giving up the ghost, so what brand do you guys like. I need a canister type that I can use on stairs. I've never had carpeted stairs before. When I'm rich and famous I am going to tear all the carpet out and put in laminet, but I have to get $$$ first. The hoover windtunnel canister seems to have good reviews.

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Hey Gang

Karla - I just got a dyson roller ball one - but it's$$$ and can't say it's better than any other that doesn't cost so much

Steph - We Love you !!!! You are right about the dog - it wasn't his fault - Andrew now knows that he can't leave the dog in the house when we aren't here - $100 he's going to have to pay to get the carpet fixed..

Candice - I think this rving is turning you in to a lush !!! You didn't drink this much at home.. lol..

Phyl - how'd the gym go..

Well it's 8:45 I gotta go eat - CB in the a.m.

Love & Hugs

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Hey Gang

Karla - I just got a dyson roller ball one - but it's$$$ and can't say it's better than any other that doesn't cost so much

Steph - We Love you !!!! You are right about the dog - it wasn't his fault - Andrew now knows that he can't leave the dog in the house when we aren't here - $100 he's going to have to pay to get the carpet fixed..

Candice - I think this rving is turning you in to a lush !!! You didn't drink this much at home.. lol..

Phyl - how'd the gym go..

Well it's 8:45 I gotta go eat - CB in the a.m. Love & Hugs

Did some time on the recumbent bike but really need to have someone show me how to work the machines. Everything all computerized and I couldn't figure out how to program the thing. Got it to function, but never did get it to track my heart rate. My watch will take my pulse... when I stopped it was 127, so I think that's about right. Trainer wanted me to come back tomorrow.. said I couldn't, but after trying to use the machines on my own, I thought about calling him today to set up an appt and skip Primetimers. But... Earl wants to go to costco tomorrow after Primetimers, so I didn't do it.

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Phyl, have Earl drop you off on the way to costco. Have the session with the trainer, you will enjoy the gym so much more if you know how to run the machines.

Frigid today, can't seem to get warm!!

Got my first watermelon of the year, not as sweet as I like, but watermelon is my favorite. So between the strawberries & watermelon, I'm set.

Tired again today, my eye's don't want to stay open, I'll go my B complex shot this morning & see if that helps. Otherwise I'm going to have to come home & take a nap. Have a hair appointment with a new beautician. The lady who's husband replaced my roof.

Well best get going, going to be running late, check in tonight. May have to come home & take a nap, TTFN

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Good Morning Gang..

Phyl you are our computer person - I am surprised you couldn't figure it out - I usually hit manual and enter age weight and time and then it will tell you how many calories you burn - yep 127 was a good heart rate - there should have been handles you hold to give you heart rate.. You just need to go ask the pple wandering around who work there to help you.. The equipment can be intimating - yesterday a guy next to me couldn't figure out the treadmill - a guy who worked there came to help him - it wouldn't start - well the safety plug was out - I said put that there - and we laughed - I said I should get paid as I new the equipment better that the guy who worked there..

Karla - I have a watermellon - got it at costco last week- it's ok - not great - I hate when I get one that isn't any good - they say you can take them back - but hell that's too much trouble..

Got some sad new this morning - my gf Kathy's (Joseph's godmother) Father passed away - the Williams had 8 kids we lived across the street from them - Mr. William owned a mens store - he was such a nice man - I remember him playing monopoly with us - even with 8 kids there was always room for one more - I was always at their house and would go on vacation w/them.. Lovely family....

Well time to jump in the shower...

Cb tonite

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Morning peeps, weird that we c ouldnlt all get on last night...

This was our last camping nighjt... Headinng for the Sarnia/Port Huron border today after shopping in BirchRun...:thumbup:

Yes, Janet I think I do need a 12 step program when i get home.... I did drink WAY more than I do at home... usually at home I drink TEA all evenings.... My nice black »Tetley Tea... ah, I can almost taste it now. Plus you can`t get a good ciup of tea on the road... just dosn`t happen.

Well, have a good day everyone!<<

Phyl congrats on joining the gym... you rock!!

Karla, the unpacking will happen... Make a LIST and attack it ROOM by ROOM.... its better that way cause then you at least have one SANE room to live in... and GET those daughters to DO SOME OF THe dAMN WORK...

OR GO on a cooking/laundry strike, whatever is THEIR currency...

Steph give hugs to Michael, Jai and Nic!!!!

Linda; your email was so funny.... miss you!!

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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