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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Pity Party!! good idea! I am already missing my Sky Valley neighbors and friends and missing them! Hate to be pulling out in the morning!! I want to stay!! Hugs!!

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Janet, completely unfilled. No slip, no erosion, but still sticking on EVERYTHING. grrr.

Martial arts tonight. Was loads of fun, but really really tough. I think I'm going to enjoy it. If I can walk tomorrow that is.

Okay. I've gotta go. I'm too tired to think. Love you all!

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Candice, thanks for the Skype, it helped. Phyl & Janet, I had my pity party and am a little better. Probably realized that sleeping Thursday night won't be an option.

Steph, glad Martial Arts was fun! Just think of all the muscles you burned. I'm a little over half full, remember I only have a 4cc band, and unless I am stressed I can eat anything. Example, Friday, ate a 6 in sub from subway with everything but jalapenoes. Need a fill, but it will have to wait a couple of weeks.

Only 48 hours and I'll be almost in my new house. There continues to be some iritating things, but nothing huge. Have to have a different internet provider, my current one does not cover the part of Stevi that my house is in, nor do they have any plans to do so. I have determined that if you throw enough $$ at something it will get fix/arranged. So will be hooking up to Qwest, not my favorite company, but they were the only ones that had high speed faster than a snail. I love how all the others say they have high speed, when all it has is 1.5 AND is charging close to $100. Qwest SAYS is has 7 and is only charging $50, still more money than what I pay now, 'ka-ching'.

Phyl, it just seem a few weeks ago that you moved for the winter. 1st DRIVE SAFE. 2nd go ahead and cry, you will be missing some good people, 3rd think of all of us coming up in July!! Hope you got your crockpot.

Tried to sleep through my alarm, good thing it was across the room. Normally, I am up before the alarm or it only beeps once. This morning I must have really been out, it went off for 5 min. before I even woke up enough to hear it. DD#4 didn't come home last night. 'Study Group', yeah right. DD#5 called and said she would be out on Friday, a little late for moving don't you think. The kicker...she doesn't even know the address of the new place. Could be interesting. I'm reminding myself to let it go. I AM an independent person and I DON'T need anyone. I'm being stubborn and not giving her the address until she asks for it. I know juvenile, but remember I work with juveniles all day, it is contageous.

Have a good day, if I don't make it in tonight, know I am thinking of all of you. TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

Karla - I was in 7th grade came home from camp was at camp for a week - Guess what - no one home they had moved and I didn't even know it - Ya think my mom would have told me that we were moving - nope - don't remember what happen she must have come to get me - but it was a shock..

Phyl - Save drive - you guys just need to move here - it seems like you have more freinds and do tons of stuff here..

Candice - you are leaving soon aren't you - can't wait to hear how the trip goes - and when you will be getting bigger rv

Steph - Hugs - you will be getting tons of exercise w/Michael that should help..

Well time to hit the showers - cbl

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Good Morning Gang

Karla - I was in 7th grade came home from camp was at camp for a week - Guess what - no one home they had moved and I didn't even know it - Ya think my mom would have told me that we were moving - nope - don't remember what happen she must have come to get me - but it was a shock..

Phyl - Save drive - you guys just need to move here - it seems like you have more freinds and do tons of stuff here..

Candice - you are leaving soon aren't you - can't wait to hear how the trip goes - and when you will be getting bigger rv

Steph - Hugs - you will be getting tons of exercise w/Michael that should help..

Well time to hit the showers - cbl

Stopped at Flying J in Lebec... 1/2 way to Three Rivers, almost through the "Grapevine". Computer logged on to someone's netwrk! Thank you very much! Four hours on the road to go185 miles! Heavy wind, lots of traffic.

Too much partying last night again! Have to stop this! Then I don't eat. Had a small mug of pea Soup last night.

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Hi ladies. Looks like you all are doing alright.

Phyl, travel safe. I hope the Jazz Festival weather is good and you enjoy yourself. Having fun on the trip will make it less sad. I don't know how you do it. Jeff and I would kill each other in that confined space as much as you are in it.

Karla, it will all work out. In 2months who helped you move won't matter much. In the heat of the moment, yeah...it hurts, but in the long run, just getting out from under all the bills will be so much nicer!

Tomorrow is the day that I go to Billings for Women of Faith. I'm so excited. I can't wait. My SIL and my mom are coming to spend the weekend with me. I LOVE it. I'm also going to help a former student with her college math class when I'm down there. I'm so excited! I can just feel the chills.

My body hurts from akido. and the push ups. I can't do push ups. I did almost 30. They tried to have me do 80, but I did manage almost 30. My boobs hurt though. I really did have fun though. Loved it. I'm going to miss it tomorrow so I won't get to go until next Tuesday. That makes me sad....but..oh well.

Okay. I'm off for awhile. I'm watching my dvr'd Biggest Loser. Talk to you all later. Love you ladies!!!

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Stopped at Flying J in Lebec... 1/2 way to Three Rivers, almost through the "Grapevine". Computer logged on to someone's netwrk! Thank you very much! Four hours on the road to go185 miles! Heavy wind, lots of traffic.

Too much partying last night again! Have to stop this! Then I don't eat. Had a small mug of pea Soup last night.

Ah Phyl` I feel for yu... leaving all your snowbird friends is hard... but it will be nice driving back up the coast too.. I can`t wait to see the scenery out there...

We are leaving Friday or Sat. morning... the sooner the better for me,

Got aLL MY maintewnance work done today; Nails, hair Cut, visited m y Mom... who is doing fabulously by the way... she hasnt`looked this good in a year..

I gave her a big kiss goodbye and told her not to DIE while I was away... naw, just kidding... but I `DID`think it!!!:thumbup:

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Hey Gang

Back from the gym - had to stop by target and get a baby gift going to lunch w/a girl who use to work at my work and she had a baby 2 months ago - came home - fed the dogs & andrew - then had to do ranch banking - and just now getting here and it's 8 pm

Had a nice short chat w/Candice - but I had to leave for the gym since it was trainer nite - they were waiting for me - said sorry but had to talk to my bff from Canada..

Phyl - Where are you stopping tonite or are you driving all the way to 3 rivers.. Well you will be home soon enough to get back in the groove - you aren't gaining so that's a plus..

Then we will be there 1st of July - so off the wagon again :0)

Karla - how are you doing tonite...

Candice - you are going to be on the road for 5 weeks - I noticed your nails :0)

Well gotta go start my dinner - I took out fish but think I will have a lean cusine - who knows...

xoxox cbl

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Phyl - Where are you stopping tonite or are you driving all the way to 3 rivers.. Well you will be home soon enough to get back in the groove - you aren't gaining so that's a plus..

Then we will be there 1st of July - so off the wagon again :0)

Karla - how are you doing tonite...

Candice - you are going to be on the road for 5 weeks - I noticed your nails :0)

Well gotta go start my dinner - I took out fish but think I will have a lean cusine - who knows...xoxox cbl

Made it all the way to Three Rivers. Got here at 3:30 p.m., so a little over 7 hrs. Too long of a day for us. But, relaxing now.

Jazz Festival starts w/dinner tomorrow night... pork loin, I think.

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Good Morning Gang

Phyl glad you got to 3 rivers safe and sound.. Enjoy your jazz festival - I am so jealous - you have so much fun !!! You guys really are enjoying retirement and aren't just bumps on a log.

Karla - you haven't ck'd it - today is thrusday - so I bet you are going to be super busy - hugs hugs hugs

Steph - Enjoy your conference...

Candice - Bitting at the bit - ready to hit the road - you are going to have fun..

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Good morning ladies. It's a little crazy here this morning. Nick and Jai didn't want to get ready this morning. It was a struggle for an entire hour. I was so glad to get them off!

I hurt more today than I did yesterday. I'm really glad I'm not going to akido tonight. Actually, I'm upset that I'll miss it because I enjoyed it, but I think I might die if I tried to do it. It almost hurts to swallow! :smile2: Just tells me how outta shape I am. I did dream about walking in San Diego last night, so I know that I'm itching to get out and get moving again.

Candice, I'm getting excited FOR you. I doubt I will ever get Jeff to travel like that with me. He loves his own bed too much. 4 days gone is almost more than he can stand. I'm so excited for you! Will you be keeping in touch while you're out and about?

Janet, you are always on the move. I wish I was more like you! I think it's amazing how you go and go and go and enjoy life so much. You are so inspiring.

Phyl, have a great jazz festival.

I don't know when I'll check in again. Just depends on what is happening with traveling. Love you all! Have a great weekend!

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Good morning ladies. It's a little crazy here this morning. Nick and Jai didn't want to get ready this morning. It was a struggle for an entire hour. I was so glad to get them off!

I hurt more today than I did yesterday. I'm really glad I'm not going to akido tonight. Actually, I'm upset that I'll miss it because I enjoyed it, but I think I might die if I tried to do it. It almost hurts to swallow! :smile2: Just tells me how outta shape I am. I did dream about walking in San Diego last night, so I know that I'm itching to get out and get moving again.

Candice, I'm getting excited FOR you. I doubt I will ever get Jeff to travel like that with me. He loves his own bed too much. 4 days gone is almost more than he can stand. I'm so excited for you! Will you be keeping in touch while you're out and about?

Stephanie; I hear you about Jeff liking his own bed. Peter is the SAME way... it is HUGE that he is doing this trip... I am convinced it will be a blast. AFter all, it is what YOU make it right?

Yes, I will be keeping in touch whilst we drive, I am bringing my laptop, WIFI, tv conecter thingy... oh my gosh you would not beleive how Techy we've had to become!!! My SIL helped us thank goodness! I will give you a "heads up" when we are in your neck of the woods. o.k.? I've got your phone #'s ...

Janet, you are always on the move. I wish I was more like you! I think it's amazing how you go and go and go and enjoy life so much. You are so inspiring.

Phyl, have a great jazz festival.

I don't know when I'll check in again. Just depends on what is happening with traveling. Love you all! Have a great weekend!

Stephanie, you enjoy your WOMEN's retreat too.. sounds like fun for sure.

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Good Morning Gang

Phyl glad you got to 3 rivers safe and sound.. Enjoy your jazz festival - I am so jealous - you have so much fun !!! You guys really are enjoying retirement and aren't just bumps on a log.

Karla - you haven't ck'd it - today is thrusday - so I bet you are going to be super busy - hugs hugs hugs

Steph - Enjoy your conference...

Candice - Bitting at the bit - ready to hit the road - you are going to have fun..

Yes, we are chomping at the bit... been loading the RV all day today... and its lightly raining :) it better cut that out by tomorrow a.m.!!! Had to find TWO dog tie-offs for the campgrounds... trying to empty the fridge... gave all my fresh veggies to the neighbors. Having the last of the leftover TURKEY tonight in a curry casserole, then ITS leftovers are going in the Freezer...LOL

I told Karla this the other night, but you gals will get a charge out of it too. DH has packed a case of RP4's... army rations!! they r all boil-in-the-bag meals... maybe we'll save one or two for EARL when we get there LOL...

I can hardly wait to put out the garbage tomorrow morning and shove off. Think I'll go finish off some ;open' wine that's in the fridge!~:smile2:

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Phyl glad you got to 3 rivers safe and sound.. Enjoy your jazz festival - I am so jealous - you have so much fun !!! You guys really are enjoying retirement and aren't just bumps on a log.

Yeah, lots of wind on the way. Beautiful day today, though. I sent you a text message... heard there was another earthquake today... centered in Mexico, 5.5. A friend felt it in San Diego.< /span>

Candice, I'm getting excited FOR you. I doubt I will ever get Jeff to travel like that with me. He loves his own bed too much. 4 days gone is almost more than he can stand. I'm so excited for you! Will you be keeping in touch while you're out and about?

Janet, you are always on the move. I wish I was more like you! I think it's amazing how you go and go and go and enjoy life so much. You are so inspiring.

Phyl, have a great jazz festival.

That's what is so great about an RV... you DO have your own bed!! We even put a sleep number bed in ours, so it's just like home.

Leave for the jazz festival kick-off dinner pretty soon. It's a nice warm day, but it will cool off fast when the sun goes down so I need to go out and get some warm clothes to take down there. It's just 3 miles down the road.

Jacki & I went thrift shop shopping ALL day today! I'm tired!! Found a few treasures, a nice flowery polo shirt and pretty aqua short sleeve cardigan.

I hope you have a wonderful weekend at your women's conference!!

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Steph - I don't go that much - I work - go to the gym Monday & Wed - Maybe Tuesday - Sat or Friday morning - weekend well - I shop way too much but it gets me out of the house - being home can be dangerous for me - I can go for a while then need my down time.. Just like eating I miss sleepiing my weekends away - I haven't been sleeping to well the last couple nights - but I do have more energy than I use to.. Going on a gf weekend 5/7 w/my bff candy - goint to San Diego I think - Fri & Sat come home on Sunday - Looking forward to that grown up time..

I'm glad I don't have little kids - I just don't have the patience - for it - Hell Andrew is more like a roomate since he turned 18 and graduated - I love it.. No fight him to get up and go to school - homework etc..

Candice - Rations - well he better save them he might have to mail them to me if we have a bad eq ;0) - I really don't have an EQ storage - the whole thing about doing that is the house is going to fall on it and in the heat during the summer I don't care what it is - leave it out in the 110 temps it's going to get rotten - So I will have to dig my way to the pantry and guess I should have an extra propane tank - oh good idea janet..

Phyl - my phone was in the car charging - I replied when I left work - got a new contact for the left eye - it feels better - but said he's getting some new brand in maybe tommorrow that he thinks will be the right fit for me - so they will call me if it comes in this weekend and if not I go back on Monday - gotta say I like the feel of this one - does seem better and feels better too..

Well not much going on - talked to dil - she's eating healthy - omg - the other night kaitlin was making a bean and cheese burrito (her fav) well she put butter on the tortilla - Melissa said omg Kaitlin - what would your LaLa say right now to you.. lol I'm the food cop all over the place..

But the good new is they are eating smaller portions - eating more veggies and Melissa is readying labels !!!

I think I would love to travel like what Candice & Peter are doing - my dream would to drive all around the USA & Canada - Always said I wanted to eat my way across America - still do - I want New Orleans food - Real Clam Chowder - Real BBQ etc -

Karla - must be dead.... Hugs GF !!!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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