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Good Morning Gang

Well these new contacts aren't really any better I think worse - I think I am going back to costco today - my appointment isn't till next week..

Phyl - You sure are busy... I think we are going to have good weather - but heard something about rain??

Karla - I guess you are moving today :0)

Candice - How the food going,...

Well, got up at 5:30 - been to the gym - washed the back patio off from all the wind - 2 loads done - bills paid

Going to go play bingo tonite - That's it so far need to finish cleaning..


Quieter day today. Not much going on and I can't come up with a good excuse to go somewhere so I may do some reading or beading or a little of each this afternoon. No choir practice today because of Good Friday.

I got my haircut after pool/hot tub, so I need to jump on my scooter and go up and pay Pat, the beautician. It was a spur of the moment I can't stand my hair any longer decision. Went in the shop dripping wet in my suit and robe to see when she could fit me in and she told me, "right now". She had a little over 1/2 hr until her next appt. So I rushed to the locker room and got dressed and came back! Even left my suit soaking in the sink until she was done!

DD & SIL and his two kids and four grandchildren on their way to Cabo to spend a week at an all-inclusive. They have been so excited. Hope they have a wonderful week and that SIL's kids don't drink too much and leave them to babysit!! LOL

Sorry the contacts aren't working for you. I don't ever seem to be able to find the perfect pair. The ones I have now are bifocal, but I can't really read very well with them, or see the computer screen, so I rarely wear them.

Weather report... just saw it on the 11 a.m. news.... nice today and tomorrow, possible rain Sunday, Monday. WIND Tues, Wed, Thurs, but I think it's supposed to be 90+ on Wed. I hope we don't have to deal with wind driving through the "Grapevine" Wednesday! We very likely will stop up there at Pyramid Lake Resort for the night, though. Only 330 miles to Three Rivers, but we're whimps and that's a little far for us for one day. Plus, our first day out... there will be a lot more to do getting away in the morning, and lots of neighbors coming to wish us "Bon Voyage" I imagine.

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Good Morning Gang

Well these new contacts aren't really any better I think worse - I think I am going back to costco today - my appointment isn't till next week..

Phyl - You sure are busy... I think we are going to have good weather - but heard something about rain??

Karla - I guess you are moving today :0)

Candice - How the food going,...

Well, got up at 5:30 - been to the gym - washed the back patio off from all the wind - 2 loads done - bills paid

Going to go play bingo tonite - That's it so far need to finish cleaning..

Good for you getting new contacts.. yeah the bifocals can be tricky but you`ll get it right, keep going back for those FREE trial pair LOL

FOOD, well I`be been teaching a friend to SEW she`s on her 1st quilt... so I`vw been very busy. I finished the PINK quilt, working on the BLUE/YELLOW quilt (last summer) and made a new bABY quilt... still sewing. Had casserole for supper last night, eating it again tonight!!!<

Been having some WINE though...eeek:biggrin:

Happy Easter everyone!!! Good Friday, and my Walmart is closed :thumbup: I need some batting:redface:

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Taking a break - replaced the 2 air filters for the a/c and washed the grates - omg I HATE HATE HATE HATE - did I say HATE that job... 6 row on each to wash at least 3 time - well if I cleaned the air filters more often I guess it wouldn't be such a job..

The only problem iwith these contacts it's a week between each fitting a pain in the Arse...

I don't think anything here's closed but again I haven't been anywhere - cleaning that's about it for me..

The reason I want contacts is I am tired of always having to have readers on the tip of my nose

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Taking a break - replaced the 2 air filters for the a/c and washed the grates - omg I HATE HATE HATE HATE - did I say HATE that job... 6 row on each to wash at least 3 time - well if I cleaned the air filters more often I guess it wouldn't be such a job..

The only problem iwith these contacts it's a week between each fitting a pain in the Arse...

I don't think anything here's closed but again I haven't been anywhere - cleaning that's about it for me..

The reason I want contacts is I am tired of always having to have readers on the tip of my nose

Well I was going to do some beading and/or reading this afternoon! But I didn't do either one... I went shopping! All by myself! I love it!! Earl is getting better at tolerating my independence! I went to a beading store the gals keep talking about. I wanted to go before we leave. Don't know if we have any beading stores where I live! So..... $77+ later,I hope its a day or two before Earl checks the AmX credit card balance!! :thumbup: I didn't get much for my money!! Our instructor gave us each her special VIP # to order from a company she gets most of her stuff from and they will give us very good wholesale prices because she buys in such volume. That's what I'll be doing in the future. I think I would've got a lot more for my money. But this time I wanted to SEE what I was buying.

So... then I went to costco and topped off the gas tank but didn't go inside, and through the Starbucks drive-through and home. Now it's wine & cheese time, but I may do a little beading later.

My neighbor went somewhere today that was closed for Good Friday but I can't remember where it was.

I already miss not being able to talk to or text Tracy!! She's going to be in Cabo for a whole week!! Wish we were with them! I think next time they go down there we'll go too. They have found an all-inclusive that they really like. This is their 2nd time there.

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Well you have done more than me - I'm dressed waiting for gf to pick me up for bingo - besides cleaning (which was a lot in it self) - paying bills - gym - I haven't done much - really wish I wasn't going to bingo - I'm pooped - been up since 5:30 and knowing candy she will want to gamble after bingo - $40 buck will be my limit - then we are going home..

I have never looked into beading - didn't know it was so expensive - glad you got out of the house for a while..

What's for dinner? ? I'm hungry... All I have had is popcorn

your chili sounds good right now..

Talked to Melissa from mentor thread - she sounds so young.. she 30 something but sounds like her 20's..

Candy's here - bye chick !!!

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Well you have done more than me - I'm dressed waiting for gf to pick me up for bingo - besides cleaning (which was a lot in it self) - paying bills - gym - I haven't done much - really wish I wasn't going to bingo - I'm pooped - been up since 5:30 and knowing candy she will want to gamble after bingo - $40 buck will be my limit - then we are going home..

I have never looked into beading - didn't know it was so expensive - glad you got out of the house for a while..

What's for dinner?? I'm hungry... All I have had is popcorn

your chili sounds good right now..

Talked to Melissa from mentor thread - she sounds so young.. she 30 something but sounds like her 20's.. Candy's here - bye chick !!!

Hey... don't leave me!!! HAHA!!

Yeah... I've stayed so busy this winter I just can't hardly stand it if I don't have some place to go, something to do in the afternoon!! The beading isn't so expensive if you find a good outlet to get your supplies... so I'll be using Fire Mountain in the future!! I was silly to spend that much money at Monica's!! But, Monica is the one who waited on me and she is a very enthusiastic beader! i really don't mind beefing up the business of a woman who is trying to make a place in the business world. She has both beading and quilting supplies in her store and she has quite a nice variety of stuff! Everything I bought is to make Red Hat jewelry and I hope to sell some of it, so maybe I'll get back some of my investment.

So did you "Skype" with Melissa??? I really enjoy Skype... except for this one friend who needs a full time job and has too much time on his hands! He lives in the Dallas area... so he seems to always want to talk about 7 a.m.!! Forget it!! ignore his calls... I don't want him to see my "bed head" and my Betty Boop sleep shirt!! HAHAHA!! And... I am NOT a morning person, as I"ve mentioned before. I barely talk to Earl in the morning! I sure don't want to talk to him at that hour!! LOL

Chili is GONE! I finished it off at lunch time! We broke the crock pot... wore it out, no doubt! I want to buy a new one... either at Walmart, or at the Marine base when we go to pick up our Rx refills on Tuesday. Earl says we don't need one for on the way home but I beg to differ! In fact, I'd love to make a big pot of stew and then we'd have it to eat on the way home. After driving all day, it'd be nice to have something in the fridge that just has to be heated up!

Dinner tonight.... filet on the grill for me, NY strip for Earl. Mmmmmm, it smells good. Almost done! He has mushrooms and onions simmering on the stove to go on top. And he fixed me a small baked potato.


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Phyl, the best place to order your beading material is Fire Mountain. Excellent quality and decent price. In fact that is where my local beading store orders from. Here is the link:

Wholesale Beads and Jewelry Making Supplies - Fire Mountain Gems and Beads

Moved most of the big stuff, did I mention that I have a lot of crap. How many people do you know that have 5 book shelves? 2 desks, 6 dressers, 6 bar stools (and I'm not talking about the little ones), a couch, a futon, 4 livingroom chairs, 3 with ottomans, AND that isn't taking into consideration the 5 REALLY big storage cabinets for my sewing stuff. Once I move I will have 2 washing machines. The owners of the house where there finishing up some last minutes stuff and the husband said, "Man you have a lot of stuff, when you find out it isn't going to fit are you going to back out of the deal?" TV's...5 of those (mainly little ones). I am majorly down sizing!!! Yard sale, here I come.

Found out today that my well didn't pass the Water quality test. So there goes $250 to have someone come out and sterilize the well, which means...no flushing, showering, drinking until tomorrow. Good news...Friday is the OFFICIAL closing date! Friday night I will be sleeping at my new house, I may not be able to walk through it, but I'm just praying nothing else comes up.

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Well Phyl, it is NICE to have a hobby that`s portable!! Good for yu $77 bucks is nothing.... try buying ernough material for a quilt... then sit back and watch EARL have a STROKE...LOL

Sat and watched a movie with DH tonight.., first time we`ve talked for 3 days. He`s had the GI Flu... nasty! Coming out both ends... you get the idea!! Anyways, I've been spraying LYSOL around the house like a wildwoman.. so far I havn't come down with it.

Inlaws and Outlaws coming for din's on Sunday...Luckily my cousin volunteered to bring dessert, so I won't have to tempt myself with that:blink:

I am doing a bird, mashed tatoes, veggies, gravy, stuffing, cranberries.. yummmmm

Karla, the house deal is all coming together... it will be fine.. ONE week today !!! YEAH you can hang in that long:thumbup:

Janet; the contacts when yu hold them on your finger tip will have an edge thats concave, not flat... it gets easier to tell if they are inside out or not... plus you can 'feel' the difference if you put them into your eye... You'll want to take them out right away, just won't feel right...

Has anyone heard from Stephanie yet? since M's been home??? :thumbup:

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Karla, one good thing about being a Military Wife... all those years of moving from Post to POST... you can;t collect too much in 3 or 4 years. PLUS, I never painted a house more than once.... we'd just wait and MOVE... LOL

Now we've been here in the BEACH since 2000 so you can imagine I have CRAP to throw out now...

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Hello...just popping in to say hi. I have been UNBELIEVABLY busy after getting back from the east coast. OMG...I totally want to move there. I absolutely loved it. Well I have had 6 hours of sleep total in the last 3 days so I am going to go to bed. Just didn't want you to think I had dropped off the end of the earth.

Love you all!

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Hello...just popping in to say hi. I have been UNBELIEVABLY busy after getting back from the east coast. OMG...I totally want to move there. I absolutely loved it. Well I have had 6 hours of sleep total in the last 3 days so I am going to go to bed. Just didn't want you to think I had dropped off the end of the earth.

Love you all!

Hi Karri; glad you are back...we missed you!! And your trip sounds like it was an awesome adventure for you..

Yes this SPRING week has really kept a lot of us busy. Karla with her moving, Phyl with all her goodbye parties. Janet, just xrazy busy at work... plus BINGO LOL

Stephanies boy came home this week... so way busy there.<

Denise is nursing a sick husband. Kari is floating around somewhere cause I get her email jokes.

ANd Me I`m sewing like mad, and getting ready for our big road trip.

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Phyl, the best place to order your beading material is Fire Mountain. Excellent quality and decent price. In fact that is where my local beading store orders from. Here is the link:

Wholesale Beads and Jewelry Making Supplies - Fire Mountain Gems and Beads

Moved most of the big stuff, did I mention that I have a lot of crap. How many people do you know that have 5 book shelves? 2 desks, 6 dressers, 6 bar stools (and I'm not talking about the little ones), a couch, a futon, 4 livingroom chairs, 3 with ottomans, AND that isn't taking into consideration the 5 REALLY big storage cabinets for my sewing stuff. Once I move I will have 2 washing machines. The owners of the house where there finishing up some last minutes stuff and the husband said, "Man you have a lot of stuff, when you find out it isn't going to fit are you going to back out of the deal?" TV's...5 of those (mainly little ones). I am majorly down sizing!!! Yard sale, here I come.

Found out today that my well didn't pass the Water quality test. So there goes $250 to have someone come out and sterilize the well, which means...no flushing, showering, drinking until tomorrow. Good news...Friday is the OFFICIAL closing date! Friday night I will be sleeping at my new house, I may not be able to walk through it, but I'm just praying nothing else comes up.

Yeah, I have a Fire Mountain catalog and have been to their website a few times. From now on I will probably be buying from them.

Sounds like you have a big challenge ahead of you with this move and downsizing!!

Well Phyl, it is NICE to have a hobby that`s portable!! Good for yu $77 bucks is nothing.... try buying enough material for a quilt... then sit back and watch EARL have a STROKE...LOL

Sat and watched a movie with DH tonight.., first time we`ve talked for 3 days. He`s had the GI Flu... nasty! Coming out both ends... you get the idea!! Anyways, I've been spraying LYSOL around the house like a wild woman.. so far I haven't come down with it.

In-laws and Outlaws coming for din's on Sunday...Luckily my cousin volunteered to bring dessert, so I won't have to tempt myself with that:blink:

I am doing a bird, mashed tatoes, veggies, gravy, stuffing, cranberries.. yummmmm

Janet; the contacts when yu hold them on your finger tip will have an edge that's concave, not flat... it gets easier to tell if they are inside out or not... plus you can 'feel' the difference if you put them into your eye... You'll want to take them out right away, just won't feel right...

Has anyone heard from Stephanie yet? since M's been home??? :bored:

Well.... now I better get busy and do some beading! I bought a book of patterns, too.

Yes, can definitely tell when you put the contacts in inside out! But I can't always tell by looking at the edges when I hold them up to the light so I look for the letters/numbers.

Karla, one good thing about being a Military Wife... all those years of moving from Post to POST... you can;t collect too much in 3 or 4 years. PLUS, I never painted a house more than once.... we'd just wait and MOVE... LOL

Now we've been here in the BEACH since 2000 so you can imagine I have CRAP to throw out now...

Yeah, I can definitely relate to that! And after retirement... I found I'd come down with a "7 year itch" ..... 7 years and I'd start thinking.... we gotta get outa here!! Time to move! 7 years is the longest we've ever been in any house!! I have to stop that!

Hello...just popping in to say hi. I have been UNBELIEVABLY busy after getting back from the east coast. OMG...I totally want to move there. I absolutely loved it. Well I have had 6 hours of sleep total in the last 3 days so I am going to go to bed. Just didn't want you to think I had dropped off the end of the earth. Love you all!

Good to hear from you! We miss you!!

So you want to move to NYC???

Or just somewhere on the east coast??


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Good Morning Gang

Karri - Hugs - I saw on fb you are now an english teacher and that Lee helped you out yesterday - yep you have a keeper ;0)

Karla - I got rid of stuff before I moved 6 yrs ago - started out fresh in the new house..

Phyl - Steak sounds good I had a hot dog at bingo (didn't win) - no bun just the hot dog - then as we were leaving they have an ice cream parlor - had 1 scoop in a cup of pineapple coconut - it was to die for..

Candice - Hope Peter's feeling better - I like your explantion on the contacts - Don't think this pair is working - never got to costco yesterday - and my doc was leaving and won't be back til Thurday - I can read and see but not well..

No great plans for today - got home 11 last night we played video poker after bingo - I put in $20 - played for an hr and cashed out $9.75 so not bad...

Well need to move it's 9 - didn't go to the gym this a.m. slept in til 7 - but I did go yesterday - so I am not feeling bad about it...

Don't know what I am doing today - Big Lots opened up - and Janelle (andrew's wanta be cuz ex-neighbor girl his bff) works there she gets 25% discount - so if there are any big ticket items I want - I will have her buy them for me - Big Lots is like a Dollar Tree 99 cent store - but things cost more than a $1 - they have stuff like hoover carpet cleaners - and the normal junk..

Read on FB that Steph is kettle corning if the weather is ok..

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Janet, we use to have a Big Lots, I found some nice buys, but that also would be why I have so much crap. I am trying to make myself be more patient. I am so tempted to just haul everything to the dump, but a better option is to accept the clutter and as I put things away, create a 'yardsale' pile and sell stuff. what doesn't sell, goes to Goodwill. It would mean living with extra stuff until school gets out. I don't know if I can handle it that long. But the money would come in handy.

Today, no moving stuff, just packing and cleaning. My new friend Dede (roofer's wife) is going to help me move the washer and dryer tomorrow along with anything else we can think of.

Stevensville (where I'm moving) has Bingo, I may have to go once in a while. It also has a great Brewery and tasting room, only a block from my house.

Candice, I hope Peter feels better, you didn't food poison him?? hehe

Janet, me and hotdogs...not my favorite. Ice Cream...oh yeah!!

Well, best get busy...TTFN

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So where is everyone? Easter celebrations? None for me. Did you all know that the top of your kitchen cupboards are disgusting? Yep, 5 years of crude, thank goodness for Krud Kutter!! It is my new best friend. I think my fingers are perpetually shriveled. I am NEVER moving again!! I still have all the yard stuff to move and I am only 1/2 way through the kitchen. I'll spray the oven tonight and then clean it tomorrow. I wish I didn't know the people buying my house so I could just leave my dirt. I probably still wouldn't, but I am sick of it all.

Steph, how is it going?

food okay today, but I am being lazy and eating 'easy' food. I don't even have the energy to chew. So I'm going with Soup tonight.

Candice, I know my house will still be a disaster when you get here. I'll find out if there is going to be Irish music at one of our local pubs. A couple of our teachers play. One goes to Ireland every years to take drum lessons. I would love to go to Ireland, no big cities, I'd just like to walk the highlands and live in a small village. Maybe kiss Sean Connery. He still has it!

Well they came and took another Water sample to see if my Water is clean. I have been running a hose for almost 24 hours now to get rid of the chlorine. It better pass, otherwise we do this again.

Hey I miss you guys!!! Come and play!

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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