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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Hi ladies. Good Lord I'm about to be sick! We have a date. 21 days until pickup. I'm really going to be sick. If my stress level hasn't kept me so tight I can't eat before, I'll never eat now. I may not even be able to get junk down NOW. Lord, have mercy.

I know that we have been working TOWARDS him coming home, but really....none of us are ready. he's not, I'm not, Jeff really isn't. There are so many reasons he shouldn't come home.

Anyways...besides that I've had a couple good days. I'm getting another state paid job for training in my area. That's AWESOME. My SIL has gotten me really excited about kettle corn. I've about got EVERY weekend filled starting the end of May. I'll keep Michael busy if nothing else. So...looking forward to spring and summer.

Besides all of that...just hanging out. I need to get out of the chair and get something done. I'll be back later. Hopefully today...if not...tomorrow.

Hi Stephanie; Glad you have had a couple of good days and that you got that STATE job... kudos!

Three weeks until Michael can come home.. that's a long time and it sounds like they have done some really good work and made progress with him... I am sure it will all work out. Take it one day at a time.

Janet: I think it sounds like dehydration too! Remember a few weeks ago when I was painting? I didn't drink all day, worked my butt off and had awhopper of a headache that night and my BP spiked...???

food in control today too! YEAH... I kept busy - made my Baked Beans last night and had them for dinner tonight YUMMY... cals so far today 750... popcorn snack and tea to come tonight!!

Edited by peaches9

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WEll here's what I know about our TRIP details...we are leaving W.B. Monday 12th APRIL, we are gonna take our time driving across.. if Kari is back in MICHIGAN,might stop there; gonna stop in WIsconcin, and depending on Mel/Linda's schedules we may stay there and PLAY with them for a few days.

Then camp, camp, camp gonna stop in BILLINGS to see Stephanie(need your address so I can mapquest it), and again stop to see KARLA ( also need address to Map Quest) in Mosuoula??? But there are YELLOWSTONE Park that I want to spend some time at.. camping and hiking stuff...

Then there are the Dakota's to cross so we probably won't be in WASHINGTON StaTE until 23/24th APril... maybe a day earlier or a day later... but also Need Karri's address....

We are going to buy a laptop computer to take on the road with us..so I'll be able to email along the way and give better ETA's...

How does that sound? We are in NO hurry, the whole trip we've allowed 5 weeks for... if I get really lucky I'd love to go down into CALI, but it just depends on how far we get and time... we're flexable..

Then we are heading up to Vancouver Island to Qualicum Bay where DH's long lost bro lives ( I havn't seen him in 36 yrs) then we drive home....

Oh, my!! Five weeks won't be long enough!! But we should definitely be home by the time you get there.

Not a good day today. Pain in my side came back last night. It wasn't too bad. Still there when I got up but tolerable. But after sitting on the couch for about an hour.. hurt pretty bad when I got up to get ready for Water aerobics. But I went anyway.

Afterward I sat in the hot tub with one of the jets hammering my side thinking that might help. But seemed to make it worse. When I got out to go to the locker room, it was pretty bad. Couldn't make it through my shower, so didn't wash my hair.. Getting dressed was so painful I almost had to ask for help. By the time I got back to the RV I was in tears, so we went to Urgent care. Great doc there and they were very efficient and didn't wait long at all. They checked my urine for blood to rule out kidney problem, and took xrays.

When doc came back to show us the xrays he says, "I think we figured out what your problem is." Severe arthritis in the spine... discs out of alignment, some sliding out, etc. I was amazed when I saw the xray! What a mess! I've not had a problem with back pain, so I was pretty flabbergasted. He says one of those discs, probably L-5, is pinching a nerve and causing the pain. So they gave me a shot for the pain, and Rx for Hydrocodone.

But right now, I'm treating it with a glass of wine! He told me to put heat/ice on it, no lifting, avoid bending, no twisting, but Water aerobics and walking okay. And I'm supposed to see a back specialist when I get home. But maybe I'll see someone down here because, as my sister just reminded me, I have to sit in the RV for a long time to get home! She has the same thing and they put her right in a back brace. I have to think about that a while... here or in WA??

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Candice, here is a thought...what if we dismantled the table, shipped the light stuff, the wooden parts (naturally take good pictures so we could reassembly). That would leave only the cast Iron parts of the table which would lie flat and the head. Come on ladies, where are all of our suggestion???? Candice doesn't want the treadle sewing machine and I must have it.

Candice you are a braver soul than I. I'm too much of a homebody to be gone for 5 weeks. A week maybe, but then I want my own bed and my yard. Oh that's right, I won't have a bed and a yard for long if I don't sell this house.

Phyl, I imagine now that you are walking your back has more stress. Try lots of options before having surgery. Back surgery has a tendency to lead to more surgery. Just think how bad it would hurt if you still had your weight. I'll be sending positive vibes your way. I think it would be a good idea to go to a doc now rather than waiting.

Janet, I know when I first added Miss Molly to the household, I was very overwhelmed with it. What was I thinking!! Fortunately doxies are like cats, give them a warm lap and they don't really move much.

Yep, was up early, will be up earlier tomorrow. Have to move the washing machine and clear out my closet, so the contractor can get to where he needs to for estimating the repairs.

I'm very frustrated with the buyers of my house, so is my realtor. They 'promised' to give their written response to the inspector no later than yesterday. Well we still have NOTHING. However they have until March 16th, but I keep having to push back the inspection on the house I have a buy/sell on. The well guy was suppose to come today, but we had to cancel that as well. I'm about ready to say, 'Take your offer and shove it!"

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food for today@@@

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Oh, my!! Five weeks won't be long enough!! But we should definitely be home by the time you get there.


Not a good day today. Pain in my side came back last night. It wasn't too bad. Still there when I got up but tolerable. But after sitting on the couch for about an hour.. hurt pretty bad when I got up to get ready for Water aerobics. But I went anyway.

Afterward I sat in the hot tub with one of the jets hammering my side thinking that might help. But seemed to make it worse. When I got out to go to the locker room, it was pretty bad. Couldn't make it through my shower, so didn't wash my hair.. Getting dressed was so painful I almost had to ask for help. By the time I got back to the RV I was in tears, so we went to Urgent care. Great doc there and they were very efficient and didn't wait long at all. They checked my urine for blood to rule out kidney problem, and took xrays.

When doc came back to show us the xrays he says, "I think we figured out what your problem is." Severe arthritis in the spine... discs out of alignment, some sliding out, etc. I was amazed when I saw the xray! What a mess! I've not had a problem with back pain, so I was pretty flabbergasted. He says one of those discs, probably L-5, is pinching a nerve and causing the pain. So they gave me a shot for the pain, and Rx for Hydrocodone.

But right now, I'm treating it with a glass of wine! He told me to put heat/ice on it, no lifting, avoid bending, no twisting, but Water aerobics and walking okay. And I'm supposed to see a back specialist when I get home. But maybe I'll see someone down here because, as my sister just reminded me, I have to sit in the RV for a long time to get home! She has the same thing and they put her right in a back brace. I have to think about that a while... here or in WA??

Oh GOSH Phyl!!! Bulging Disc's is no fun at all. Ask the Doctor about traction too as if you stretch out the spine it will put less pressure on the bulg. There are also exercises a physio therapist or chiropractor can give you THE MACKENZIE program exercises... GOOGLE it..

I bought a Teeter Traction table when I had my disc herniation at L5/S1... I still use it when I get a spasm in my back

But alas, the drugs are always cool:drool::thumbup: take LOTS of fibre and chew on some prunes with your wine.!!!

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Candice, here is a thought...what if we dismantled the table, shipped the light stuff, the wooden parts (naturally take good pictures so we could reassembly). That would leave only the cast Iron parts of the table which would lie flat and the head. Come on ladies, where are all of our suggestion???? Candice doesn't want the treadle sewing machine and I must have it.

I don't think dismanteling it is an option, its made of cast Iron/Wood - its very heavy... I can't lift it.

Candice you are a braver soul than I. I'm too much of a homebody to be gone for 5 weeks. A week maybe, but then I want my own bed and my yard. Oh that's right, I won't have a bed and a yard for long if I don't sell this house.

Well, being away for 5 weeks will be a 1st for us.. but remember we are bringing our FUR family with us..

Phyl, I imagine now that you are walking your back has more stress. Try lots of options before having surgery. Back surgery has a tendency to lead to more surgery. Just think how bad it would hurt if you still had your weight. I'll be sending positive vibes your way. I think it would be a good idea to go to a doc now rather than waiting.

I concur, take CONSERVATIVE measures first!!! Physio, chiro acupunture too!!! and of course LASER THERAPY would help it too, it gets rid of the inflamation... do you want me to look and see if there is a Bioflex Clinic in the dessert???

Janet, I know when I first added Miss Molly to the household, I was very overwhelmed with it. What was I thinking!! Fortunately doxies are like cats, give them a warm lap and they don't really move much.

Yep, was up early, will be up earlier tomorrow. Have to move the washing machine and clear out my closet, so the contractor can get to where he needs to for estimating the repairs.

I'm very frustrated with the buyers of my house, so is my realtor. They 'promised' to give their written response to the inspector no later than yesterday. Well we still have NOTHING. However they have until March 16th, but I keep having to push back the inspection on the house I have a buy/sell on. The well guy was suppose to come today, but we had to cancel that as well. I'm about ready to say, 'Take your offer and shove it!"

No, no don't do that... be patient... this OFFER IS GOING TO WORK!!!

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Candice, you are right, I really didn't think about where Ontario is, heck it is clear across the country! Oh well, not a big deal.

No, I won't tell the buyers to shove it, I need it to sell and my realtor pointed out that IF this deal goes sideways, we may not get another until the roof is fixed. I'm just tired of everything.

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Phyl, I imagine now that you are walking your back has more stress. Try lots of options before having surgery. Back surgery has a tendency to lead to more surgery. Just think how bad it would hurt if you still had your weight. I'll be sending positive vibes your way. I think it would be a good idea to go to a doc now rather than waiting.

I'm very frustrated with the buyers of my house, so is my realtor. They 'promised' to give their written response to the inspector no later than yesterday. Well we still have NOTHING. However they have until March 16th, but I keep having to push back the inspection on the house I have a buy/sell on. The well guy was suppose to come today, but we had to cancel that as well. I'm about ready to say, 'Take your offer and shove it!"

Yeah... they owe you an answer by now!! Hope you hear something soon!

Doctor made it really clear that he wasn't suggesting I needed surgery. He said I needed to see a back specialist ASAP to get some "direction" as to what I should and should not be doing. I was really completely shocked because I have not had back problems with my back. My sister thinks I need a back brace. So maybe I'll see someone down here.

No, no don't do that... be patient... this OFFER IS GOING TO WORK!!!

So tell me about what is "Bioflex" and what do you recommend?? I really am not to keen on chiropractors, but would seriously consider other suggestions, maybe even acupuncture.. and tell me again how laser therapy can help. Also, do you know if insurance covers it???

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Hey Gang....

Karla - why do they have to get in your closet for roof repairs??

Home is fine - Andrew's been walking Ryder so he's a little calmer - It was work and lack of Water..

I don't have any idea - UPS is the only thing I can think of..

Well, I have never been gone 5 weeks - but I could do it - I would love to travel like that..

Candice - Gotta say I am feeling very left out :thumbup: lol - Karri lives in Oregon not Washington - I will email you the xmas card list - you didn't keep it ;0)..

But I understand - maybe your next road trip - I live the furthest away...

Phyl - Hugs on the back issues - we have desert orthopedic but I agree - you want to do everything you can before surgery - those back streachers are good - debbie uses it too.. It depends on how long it takes to see a doc here since you are only here for a few more weeks.. But heck it's worth a call..

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Phyl - Hugs on the back issues - we have desert orthopedic but I agree - you want to do everything you can before surgery - those back streachers are good - debbie uses it too.. It depends on how long it takes to see a doc here since you are only here for a few more weeks.. But heck it's worth a call..

I guess I will call someone tomorrow to see if I can get an ortho appt in the next week or so. I'm supposed to be going to see a dermatologist about this thing on my face, too, but they don't open until 9 a.m. and I'm always gone to the pool by then. When I get back I forget, or it's too late if I'm off to beading or something.

But yeah... not going to rush in to surgery! But I was in absolute agony today until after that pain shot.

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I guess I will call someone tomorrow to see if I can get an ortho appt in the next week or so. I'm supposed to be going to see a dermatologist about this thing on my face, too, but they don't open until 9 a.m. and I'm always gone to the pool by then. When I get back I forget, or it's too late if I'm off to beading or something.

But yeah... not going to rush in to surgery! But I was in absolute agony today until after that pain shot.

Ya I get you about not being able to call pple till 9 and then forgetting about it and never making appts - I need to see the skin doc - eye doc and the plastic surgeon (lol)..

Let me know if you want to postpone Friday - go read the "i'm here to help thread"

I am off to go eat - bp 112/70 and it's been 24 hrs since pill so I;m good - drank 2 bottles of Water today - need 1 more :0)

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Quick check in ladies. You all have been busy tonight. Lets see if I can remember everything I want to say considering the drinks I've had :thumbup:

Candice, we need to work on your directions. The Dakotas come first THEN Montana. If you're doing interstate then I'll make the trip to Billings to see you, but it is 300 miles from me :ohmy: We are much closer to the Canada border. About 20miles South of Canada and 20 miles West of ND. Highway 200 goes all across the state and you could see Glacier instead of Yellowstone, but whatever. Just a thought for you to consider. Billings works for me though. I'm all over it if that's your trip. Rose lives in Lincoln and you could stop and see her if you went across what we call the hi-line.

Phyl, since my disc was between L5 and L6 I know the pain you are talking about. Bulging means rupturing and I was THERE. Beware that if you are talking a bulging disc you could have a rupture at ANY TIME. If you put off fixing a rupture you could have serious nerve damage. Take it very seriously. I did chiro and accupuncture and neither did any good with the disc problem. Nerves yes, but not disc. I suggest going to see a neurologist. Have an MRI done no matter who you go see because I found that most neuros won't see you without one.

Karla, send it to the universe and forget it. You're worry about it brings negative, remember. Put the request out ther and start living like it has happened. Reread the secret.

Okay...there was something else but I'm going to bed. I will remember it tomorrow. I think the few drinks helped with the worry about Michael. I'm going to be okay. Thanks for the kind thoughts. Love all of you ladies!!! Hugs.

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Steph, you can do it!! One way or the other. Write down what you can and can not live with in regards to Michael. That way you won't have to 'wing it'. Decide your list, keep it in your pocket, and use it when you need direction for approaching Michael. that way it is always consistant.

Janet, there is a panel that has damage in my all weather wood foundation. It was damaged before I bought it, but I didn't require that the owners repair it. While the panel has not changed since I bought it, says the inspector, the buyers are requestion that it be replaced. There is also some damage to a piece of sheet rock in the hot Water tank 'nook'.

I am going to take a day 'off' from work to get my head out of the dark place it seems to be. 1) finish my masters project, 2) write a food plan, 3) just figure out where I am headed, 4) read Beck. Naturally, food consumption sucks! So Friday is the day, Janet, it is your furlough day, so I may be calling for some direction.

I guess 'dad' is ready to be picked up. It still doesn't seem real. I don't like the idea that 'he' is sitting on s shelf. My brother says he has been trying to 'collect' him, but the local funeral home has not returned his calls. I don't like this.

Candice, I am going to look into how much freight/etc will cost. Even if it is $100 it is worth is. I'll let you know.

Suppose I should get busy. TTFN

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Candice here is the instruction on shipping. Naturally I would pay for shipping, but the reality is that it also would cost you a lot in time. So mull it over.


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Good Morning Gang

Drive by post I got tons to do 85 new file to deal with - Penny out - and today is my friday... Here for you Karla

Good news scales 139 this a.m - that's down 1/2 lbs from last week.. But had to change clothes this a.m - zipper on a pair of pants stuck - I hate that...

Phyl - Hows the back this a.m. - Be careful...

Steph Hugs on Michael - you will survive.

Candice - I will try and get you addresses today - I don't know if I have them here at work

I guess I am going to have to hunt down Karri... ;0)

xoxoxo cbl

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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