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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I'll survive, I'm sure God has a point He is trying to prove, I just wish I'd get it so I could move on. I am better today. Tomorrow I will find out if I have to withdraw my contract on the house I'm buying...was buying. I hate having my life controlled by others.

DD#4 put highlights & lowlights in my hair. It isn't to bad. The top is darker than I like, but it only cost me for supplies. So if I really need to add a light strip, I can. Considering we watched a video on UTube to find out how to do it, it isn't bad.

Heading toward a long week at school. Mainly because I don't like people right now. I'd like to climb in a hole for awhile.

Janet, hope your friend can find another job, it must be scarey.

Phyl, excellent job!!

Candice, I'm glad you had a good time. Hey ANY sex for me would be wild.

Was nice enough to go for a walk.

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Morning everyone, I'm running a little late, I was drooling over wool on Etsy. Anyway, nothing much going on. I have a tentative fill schedule for next week. Will depend on a whole lot of factors. I find out today if the buyers are backing out of the house contract. Whether they buy or not, I need to reroof. So I need to find some $$ for roofing material. Should be a lot of fun to reroof. I'm thinking I should make it pink checkerboard or something. Not looking forward to the job, but I can't afford the labor costs, so think of me, on the roof. My luck...I'll fall of and break something. As long as I break a leg not an arm. If I couldn't do some type of stitching for 2 months I would go absolutely BONKERS. any way best get going. Have a good day,

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Good Morning Gang

Denise lima Beans in brown gravy - Never hare of it - but sounds good I like lima Beans.< /p>

Hugs on DS issues - Kids - I am glad for the most part Andrew hasn't been too much of a pain - he's a pain at time but nothing like my DS at that age... Hell Joseph became a dad at 19 - andrew will be 19 next week - thank God no great grandkids from him..

Hugs on Mimmie ...

Karla - Continued good wishes on the house - I colored my hair yesterday - it's a little darker than I would like - but my hair fades so it will be ok..

Phyl - got fog :0) - had light fog while driving to work - this friday suppose to be good weather - which will be great for our outing..

Candice- I bet your babies were happy to see you - you got snow??

Well need to get to work - well I am at work - but need to do their work - :biggrin:


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Well home now, after a long day out and about.

No Janet, the weather here today was gorgeous!!! 11 degrees Celcius or 46 degrees Farenheit~~~ almost BALMY LOL

THe ice and snow that's left is melting fast today... another couple days like this and it will feel like spring.

PIcked up my Sewing Machine this a.m. it was in for a cleaning and some TLC... now it'll purr like a kitten!

Then I headed into the hospital to visit my Mom. SHe is going bonkers with boredom.. plus the old doll in the next bed is 'out of it' and keeps calling "nurse, nurse... are you there?????" I answer "no its just me the daughter, press your CALL button".... to which she replys "nurse!! nurse!!! Oh God HELP ME!"....

My poor Mom has to listen to this all day. Oh my, now my Mom has moments when she's "not all there too" but it be degree... my Mom has a lot more with it moments than not...

Oh you just gotta laugh!!

I asked her Mom let me get you the TV, you could watch your GOLF or CURLING... nope, she dosn't want it. Dosn't want her PHONE hooked up either... too many well meaning relatives call and bug her...

So the O/T lady came and :WE: practiced bed to chair changes, chair to bed changes, bed to toilet changes... downthe hall for a stroll... with the walker and O2.

She's doing everything well by herself, so I dont' know why they are keeping her until WED... that'll mean 8 days in hospital for a broken WRIST... but the doctors are being thorough... Cat scans, blood tests, Xrays, urine tests(phew)

I gave Mom a bedbath and changed her TENA... man those nurses will leave that for the families if they KNOW your comming... I swear!

Anyways, I don't mind, just Paying it FORWARD so somebody will wipe my ass when I get old....!!!!! LOL

Forgot to weigh myself this a.m. so TOMORROW's D=Day...:thumbup:

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Glad you had a nice visit w/your Mom ;0) - Ya 8 days for wrist seems a little long..

When are you going back to the gym :0)

Those pina colada's have tons of calories - but they are good and I like the Miami Vice's too... I like foo foo drinks :0) not too sweet but a little - hell and I love shots :0)

Well not much to report since this a.m. - Had greek yogurt 130 cal 16 grms pt nf - w/granola - lunch was mexican shrimp cocktail - and dinner will be Soup I guess left over from yesterday.

gotta leave for the gym in 5 minutes..

Karla how did the house thing go - do you need a whole new roof or Patches...


Phyl where are you today - Denise what's up w/you today - good day at school - Steph - did you find a bb for DS

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Janet, I'm sitting here in limbo land. My brother calculated the cost of materials and it will be about $1900. So I won't be hiring it out. I will have enough after the sale to buy the materials, but not enough to hire it out. Yes I was told that the 'buyers' would notify us today of their decision. Well technically they have longer and it looks like the are going for the technical. So another day of my house not being shown AND, I found out that 2 potential buyers were preparing an offer when we accepted this one. Unfortunately they both offered on their 2nd choice, great.

Steph called today, she sounds good, but still isn't able to eat solid food, stress.

Well, I need to go take a shower, check in later, it is cold and rainy, brrr. I was so dreaming about the tubs in the house I offered on...they are the old cast Iron type that are DEEP & WIDE. Mine in this house is shallow and narrow, I've not had but maybe 2 baths in it because my elbows get pinned and I can't get out. I do miss baths...I guess I'll continue to miss baths...

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Hi guys. I don't know if I am in the right place or not. But, I need a "rebirth." I have been looking for people who have been banded for awhile. I was banded in 06. I started at 298, got down to 185, but am now back to 231. ugh---I am so disgusted with myself. I have developed some really bad habits like eating really easy things like ice cream. It is a constant battle. I really think I am tight enough. I just need some major behavior modification!! Any suggestions???

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Hey, Candice! Glad you're back! We missed you!

Karla.... sorry about all the drama with the house. Was hoping you'd have an answer today. Maybe you can get together a "work party" to help with your roof. We did ours ourselves once about 15 years or so ago, with the help of several friends. Had a great group of friends and we'd help each other with stuff like that. Building a barn, helping people move, etc. The gals would swing a hammer as well as prepare food for everyone, or we'd order pizza or something. It was fun.

I've had a busy day... Water aerobics, hot tub, shower and on to beading. Did two pair of earrings today. First one took about 15 minutes! 2nd pair took about 3 1/2 hours!! And that was only ONE earring. When it was almost 3 pm I decided I'd had enough. Packed it all up and left. Have to make the other earring! It was a hard pattern! And now I realized, Bracelet kit I took on the cruise with me... I never worked on it. Earl unpacked EVERYTHING and I have no idea where he put it. First pair of earrings I made today... I used the colors in that bracelet I didn't yet make... and now I have no clue where he put the little baggie I had it in. And my scissors were in there too, as well as the pattern. UGH! He unpacked everything so fast... he's like a big vacuum cleaner sometimes. And he does it so fast he has no clue where he put anything either!

So.. got home about 3 pm, watched some Judge Judy, had my wine, and it was dinner time! Oh... also cleaned out my beading bag and reorganized everything.. making sure the missing "kit" wasn't in there!

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Hi guys. I don't know if I am in the right place or not. But, I need a "rebirth." I have been looking for people who have been banded for awhile. I was banded in 06. I started at 298, got down to 185, but am now back to 231. ugh---I am so disgusted with myself. I have developed some really bad habits like eating really easy things like ice cream. It is a constant battle. I really think I am tight enough. I just need some major behavior modification!! Any suggestions???

Hey Michelle;

Many of us here have gone thru the "oh FLICK it and just eat what tastes good , & JUNK.... its time to get back on track and re-focus on WHY you wanted to lose weight with the BAND in the first place.

I'm right there with you, I suffer from Non-motivation for periods of time too... we ALL do.

As Janet always says "WE ARE food ADDICTS" we always will be, our stomachs were banded but NOT our Heads...

So that being said, we've stumbled upon a really good book that deals with the BAD thinking that sabotages us...

JUDITH BECK, the diet solution... it is not a diet per say, but COGNATIVE THINKING relearning to TALK to ourselves positively about the RIGHT THINGS TO SAY TO YOURSELF when you struggle... and to ignore the sabotaging language.. get it used on Amazon.com... or in any book store.

You don;t have to wait until tomorrow to start eating healthier(& lighter) you can start with THIS moment, RIGHT NOW... this second... there is no going back, just forward...

For myself, I am weighing in tomorrow a.m. and will be food journaling, that helps me a lot... plus of course doing the BECK BOOK..

Good luck chickie, you've come to the right place:thumbup:

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Hey, Candice! Glad you're back! We missed you!

Karla.... sorry about all the drama with the house. Was hoping you'd have an answer today. Maybe you can get together a "work party" to help with your roof. We did ours ourselves once about 15 years or so ago, with the help of several friends. Had a great group of friends and we'd help each other with stuff like that. Building a barn, helping people move, etc. The gals would swing a hammer as well as prepare food for everyone, or we'd order pizza or something. It was fun.

I've had a busy day... Water aerobics, hot tub, shower and on to beading. Did two pair of earrings today. First one took about 15 minutes! 2nd pair took about 3 1/2 hours!! And that was only ONE earring. When it was almost 3 pm I decided I'd had enough. Packed it all up and left. Have to make the other earring! It was a hard pattern! And now I realized, Bracelet kit I took on the cruise with me... I never worked on it. Earl unpacked EVERYTHING and I have no idea where he put it. First pair of earrings I made today... I used the colors in that bracelet I didn't yet make... and now I have no clue where he put the little baggie I had it in. And my scissors were in there too, as well as the pattern. UGH! He unpacked everything so fast... he's like a big vacuum cleaner sometimes. And he does it so fast he has no clue where he put anything either!

So.. got home about 3 pm, watched some Judge Judy, had my wine, and it was dinner time! Oh... also cleaned out my beading bag and reorganized everything.. making sure the missing "kit" wasn't in there!

Thanks Phyl, Yeah I missed you guys too!!!!:blush: Glad to be back on the boards... Oh my word, I'd never let Peter unpack my stuff... that would just drive me nuts!!! In fact I am still not done my laundry, and my suitcase is still on the floor of my bedroom 1/2 done... LOL

Having it sit there 1/2 done DRIVES Him nuts..:thumbup: but I like to lengthen the vacation... LOL

Well, gonna go watch some TV see you all in the a.m.:thumbup:

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Candice, you said just the right thing to Michelle, I figured you would say it much better than I.

Hey, I just signed up for the lottery to get a set of tickets to the Antique Road show that is going to be in Billings, MT in June. I have a painting from a deceased local artist, and I would like to find out if it has any value, if so...it's sold. I'd also like to bring my desk top piano. It is a Cameo piano that is built into a desk, complete with pigeon holes and writing surface. It has an excellent sound board. I believe they were built around the 1950's.

House deal????Who knows, the buyers have given a verbal committment to honor the buy/sell agreement. However, I have since learned that a written agreement doesn't mean squat, so why would a 'verbal' agreement mean anything. So, I guess I will believe it when I see it.

Phyl, you sound like you are feeling better.

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Hi ladies. Had an okay day. Nothing too special. Did finish my crappy job on Michael's quilt. I was so frustrated by my quilting job that I just didn't care how bad the binding was. I know he won't care but I will always know it could be better. He'll get a better one next time.

Went to bible study tonight. It was a nice time out. Talked to Karla earlier. I miss the human contact. Miss her!

Okay. That's about all to report. Talk to you all later. Love you ladies!

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Hi guys. I don't know if I am in the right place or not. But, I need a "rebirth." I have been looking for people who have been banded for awhile. I was banded in 06. I started at 298, got down to 185, but am now back to 231. ugh---I am so disgusted with myself. I have developed some really bad habits like eating really easy things like ice cream. It is a constant battle. I really think I am tight enough. I just need some major behavior modification!! Any suggestions???

Hi Michelle

Hugs for your struggles.... Heck you have been banded longer than us lol..

Peaches advice is good with the Beck Solution.. We are addicts and this is a daily battle - If you are succuming to ice cream then don't buy the crap.

Today clean out the pantry - fridge etc of all the crap - sit down and plan a menu full of good healthy foods - again I hate the word diet - I have not been dieting I just eat heathly

As to where keeping on track - for me it's been not thinking I have been on a diet - Understanding that how I ate pre-banding is why I was fat.. Besides the portions - I ate very high fat and high sugar - I didn't think about what I ate - I just ate what tasted good and living alone (well you know what I me - Andrew doesn't pay attention to my eating) I could eat like I wanted to when I wanted to.. And I move the least possible amount that I could.

Like I have said a million times - I think the light bulb went off in my head - I can't eat like I use to and have the body I have today - I am finally the person who I always imagined myself to be - I love hearing - oh you are tiny..

Exercise - I am very fortunate that I am able to do it and that my body responds to it - I don't hate it like I use to - There are days that I have to force myself to go - but I feel so good about me on those days - hell to be able to leg press 400 lbs at 55 is pretty damn empowering.. Being able to do inner thight machine at 130 - 120 lbs makes me feel good.. I feel strong

Losing the weight was liberating - caterpillar into a butterfly

Like someone said - there's still a fat chick inside of me who wants to take control of my life again - (like a split personality) but I just don't let her - I have my treats but I don't over do it - Like I said I have a 5 lbs limit and when I go over that - it's back to the basics.

You all keep me honest - I am not sitting here preaching and not walking the walk - I am no diff than any of you - if I can do this I know you all can do it. I want everyone to feel as good as I do -

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Good Morning Gang

Karla - Love Phyl's idea of a roofing party !!! Come on girl you gotta think postitive - I know it's hard when you have all these road blocks - but try.... We are sending posititive thought your

way... I pray all this house stuff goes thru so that you can move forward - this has to be so frustrating...

Steph - Glad you stopped by - how's things w/Michael

Phyl - it windy here (i hate the wind) so I know you are really getting it - well maybe not sometimes when it's windy here it can be calm in dhs..

Candice - Gym today :0)

ok I am late in getting in the shower - no use to work on hair wind is going to mess it up..


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Good Morning Gang

Karla - Love Phyl's idea of a roofing party !!! Come on girl you gotta think postitive - I know it's hard when you have all these road blocks - but try.... We are sending posititive thought your

way... I pray all this house stuff goes thru so that you can move forward - this has to be so frustrating...

Yea, I vote for the roofing party too! Do you have a church group that you belong to? Perhaps they could be pressed into service.

Steph - Glad you stopped by - how's things w/Michael Great that you got your quilt project completed!!! So what if its not perfect...it was your first attempt. Also there is not a perfect QUILT amongst us... ONLY God makes perfect, remember???

Do you know how many quilts get started? and never finished? Thats why at my quilt club we always have a U.F.O. day.... we all bring our Un-Finished Objects twice a year and we complete them...peer pressure works great! Michael will be impressed that you made it FOR him...

Phyl - it windy here (i hate the wind) so I know you are really getting it - well maybe not sometimes when it's windy here it can be calm in dhs..A great weather day here today- sunny and melting!!!!

Candice - Gym today :0) So right janet, gym would have been good, but I walked the TWIG man instead... a good long one too - WIshed I had taken my sunglasses though, thought I was gonna have snowblindness when I got home

ok I am late in getting in the shower - no use to work on hair wind is going to mess it up..


Official WEIGH-IN today, only up 4 lbs over the holiday.. Whoop-whoop! That'll come off quick and then I'm on to mmy NEXT GOAL. Breaking 170... giving myself a timeline on that of 5 weeks. In 5 weeks we'll be setting off on our RV tour west... so If I lose 2.4 lbs per week for 5 weeks that will get me to this 1st goal...

Just eating Breakfast now. Navy Bean Soup w/ham... but it got stuck? Don't know why I am so tiaght this am.?

In Cuba I only had 1 PB, so that was pretty good....lts of liquid Calories though:crying:

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