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Just popping in for a minute before I go get my hair cut. Probably nothing major but then I'm in the mood for a change so maybe I'll just shave it all off :thumbup:

Phyl, you're such a hoot. I hope you chose not to tell him. Would serve his grumpy butt right :thumbup: His friend TOM must be coming to visit. Amazing how that happens.

I've been reading alot about chromium picolate as a helper mineral for depression, weight loss, and insulin resistance. I think I might try it. I have read some people don't see much of a difference but no one has said it's caused them troubles. I think I need something to boost. Any thoughts one way or the other? Have any of you heard anything about it or tried it? I'd trust all of you more than the articles I'm reading.

hmmmm...there was something else I wanted to say but I don't remember what. Imagine that. It seems to be happening more and more often.

Have a good day ladies. Love you.

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Just popping in for a minute before I go get my hair cut. Probably nothing major but then I'm in the mood for a change so maybe I'll just shave it all off :thumbup:

Phyl, you're such a hoot. I hope you chose not to tell him. Would serve his grumpy butt right :thumbup: His friend TOM must be coming to visit. Amazing how that happens.

I've been reading alot about chromium picolate as a helper mineral for depression, weight loss, and insulin resistance. I think I might try it. I have read some people don't see much of a difference but no one has said it's caused them troubles. I think I need something to boost. Any thoughts one way or the other? Have any of you heard anything about it or tried it? I'd trust all of you more than the articles I'm reading.

hmmmm...there was something else I wanted to say but I don't remember what. Imagine that. It seems to be happening more and more often.

Have a good day ladies. Love you.

Hi, Steph! Thanks for the Alzheimer's donation! Appreciate it! Yep I'm going to try the whole 2 mile walk! I think I can do it.

I sent crabby pants an email reminding him I had beading today, and letting him know we were invited to a Margarita Party next door this afternoon. AND, he asked me in the hot tub this morning if I wanted him to make me a salad for lunch. So I said no.. I won't be home for lunch. I'm going to beading. I tooka Kashi bar with me.

So.... I get home from beading at 3 pm (made two rings) and he says, "Hmmmph! Thought you were gone to LUNCH again!" And then he says, "you still haven't apologized to me for yesterday!" I about came unglued!! Told him he'd be waiting a LONG time for an apology because HE was the one who needed to apologize!! Sorry.... I am venting!! I was so pissed! When he figured out how mad I was he finally apologized. But, in the meantime.... I decided I needed to flex my muscles a little, so while I was up at beading, I used the beautician's phone to call and reserve myself a seat for "Menopause the Musical" for tomorrow night. A bunch of ladies from the park are going... I invited myself to go with them!! I think I was gone when they were making these plans. So I"m waiting for a call back to see if one of them still has a seat left in their car. I am just breaking THAT news to him now!! Gave him the ad from the paper to read. He's studying it... especially the $50 part!! HAHAHAHA!!

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I used chromium picolanate for my insulin resistance. My lab band doc also says to add a couple of Fiber tablets during your hungry times. I don't know that the chromium helped because I was on prescription meds also, but I definitely didn't have any adverse affects.

I'm going to have to fess up...I have been stress eating. I start the day out great, then wham, afternoon hits and I bet I consumed 1000 calories in an hour, Protein Bar, 2 little bags of veggie chips, and 4 yes 4 fun sized snickers bars. One of my students father committed suicide today, I realized I forgot to fill out a bus request and encumber funds for a field trip and now the funds are gone, they emailed to arrange inspection of my house for this weekend...what if something is really wrong, like it needs condemned, then I'll never sell it....augggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!

I need help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I start with great intentions, a plan and then it falls apart. I'm never full, but is that because I don't know a slider from a solid? Or do I need a fill, do I need my jaw wired closed. What if I can't stop and I'm back to fatville. Good thing, the snickers are gone...

crap and double crap!!

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Ok Karla - Stop Stop !!!! You are eating sliders - Cook some meat and take it with you to work - Eat that when you want to munch or make some popcorn to snack on - I know we don't crave meat - we crave the junk - just keep the junk so that you can't get it..

You do have control - you really really do - I bet you do need a fill but in the meantime - you gotta use resistant muscle - you gotta exercise the shit out of it - Get all the crap out of the house now...

What are you making for dinner - make enough for lunch tomorrow...

The house will be fine (which one are you talking about yours or the new one)

Yea coming in July so I can kill 2 birds w/one stone - Kick your Butt and give you a hug :0)

When can you get in for a fill!!! I know $$$ tight..

Am glad to hear that you and your bro are reconnecting ... That's Great !!!

Steph - I have read that stuff helps with weight loss only never heard about moods - Aren't you on real meds?? You have to be care about mixing herbs & real meds..

Wipkikia link

Chromium(III) picolinate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Phyl - OMG I would have killed him - I am glad you are going to the musical !!! I am glad he apoligized...

3/12 - is cool - I am going to see Smokie that nite at the McCallum - just have to be home by 5 p.m. ;0)

So what do you want to do???

Well I skipped the gym-I am pooped - workout would have been crap - I went last night and will go tomorrow and Sat morning - but just don't have it in me tonite.

Working w/Van (my new 2nd producer) is a pain in the ass - my #1 producer is a pain in the Ass...

I had salad for lunch - I don't know what happen to my fill - I ate most of it..

I am marinating chicken to bbq for lunch tomorrow - hard Protein - I was tight all weekend - but that was the stress of the family - Had 3 ck wings and bp'd - Saturday food was 1/4 of a big bowl of menudo - 3 wings (the side w/2 bones = 3 tiny bites of meat) - 1 small piece of bday cake & ice cream - 1 snicker bar..

Sunday - Jerky - bacon & eggs - popcorn

Monday - pt chips - salad - 1/2 lamb shank 1 small red tato and 1 carrot - popcorn - some raisin/peanuts

Tues - Carmel delight fiber one Cereal 1 cup - salad - 1 pt bar - dinner will be the same as last night

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I just hit a button, and my whole freakin post disappeared. Son of a biscuit eater!

Steph- Atkins says take it. I never heard of it for depression???

I don't think I told ya'll DH is getting his ACL fixed on 3/17. He was supposed to do it on 3/10, but his doc is going to Haiti. He torn it about 2 yrs ago playing paintball, but he just hurt it again. His been limping around, and is tired of being in pain.

Food yesterday 954cals, 95gr protien

today: 775, 108 pro. Treadmill both days


OMG, I almost hit the freakin button again


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Hi ladies. A little louder here today. I thought maybe I bumped into my old December thread here yesterday :thumbup: J/K.

Karla you're doing alright. You can get this under control. My suggestions echo Janet's. Get some Jerky to keep in your desk. Just remember to chew chew chew. It swells in the tummy and lasts forever. If you need the "sweet" try teriyaki or something.

Phyl you are a better woman than I. I would have hit him upside with a frying pan! You have SUCH control! I've heard that Menopaus is hilarious. You'll have a great time. And you're welcome for the donation. My pleasure. Anything to support such and inspirational woman and help such a good cause.

About the chromium....My mom was reading about it in one of those checkout lane rags. I then looked it up in regards to "atypical depression" and there were references to it with and without other meds. Some reports say you may see results in as little as 3 days. One of the effects of it, that I think can help me on two fronts, is the cutting of carb cravings. One because of the highs and lows that the sugar intake causes and two because of the weight loss it can hopefully jumpstart. Anyways....the studies were done with people on meds so I'm not concerned there and the dose that it recommends (600mcg) is 1/2 of the maximum dosage stated as max out point....so I'll see if I see any results and let you know.

Okay...time to get the kids to bed. I'll talk to you all later. Hugs ladies.

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Steph, I actually have the chromium in the cupboard, I think I will give it a go with fiber tabs.

Janet, Denise, thanks, I am sliding back into old habits and SLIDER food is my favorite. Today, I'm packing my tennies and sweats and going to go for a walk afterschool. I'm not even going to come home. I know the dogs could use the walk, but if I walk in the door, I know I'll never walk out. So for the next few days I'll walk straight from school and then hopefully by next week, I'll be strong enough to come home and walk from the house.

A fill...I think I'll be burning some plastic and go. However, I also know that i have been eating comfort food. So I think I'll do the straight Protein for the rest of the week, and then see if I REALLY need a fill.

Tonight after school, it is me and Beck. I really have been using stress as an excuse. I kind of had an epihany yesterday. I had just eaten my morning snack, I eat Breakfast at about 6 am and don't get lunch until 1 pm because of my class schedule. I had a banana with some almond butter and my stomach was full. It registered full, I acknowledged it's fullness and purposely ate more. So back to baby steps.

I'm not worried about the inspection on the new house, I'm just fussing over the inspection on the house I'm selling. If it requires a lot of work, I'll have to cancel the sale because I won't be able to afford to fix it.

Send positive vibes my way!

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WTG on your food and Exercise !!! – I hate it when I lose a post – especially if it’s a long one and those seem to be the ones you always lose - My Xdh tore his acl too – the 1st week was so so – you know men and being big babies and mine didn’t want to take is pain meds – so he was a bear – but I think he had surgery in August and 4 weeks later we were in Mexico – so it wasn’t bad..

Sweetie – I don’t know if it will help the cravings – if it did – I think everyone in the whole wide world would be taking them – but hell it’s worth a try.. If it aint going to hurt you – I say try it. :0)


GF we all love slider foods – hell we don’t crave a stick of celery – we crave chipscandy etc – so that’s the diff between real hunger and head hunger – if you were on a desert island and starving – a carrot would look and taste good – where as – sitting in front of the boob tube or at your desk – a candy bar is what you want and if you had a carrot stick – you would look at it and say – oh I don’t want that :0)…

You haven’t lived in you current house that long have you – it should pass –

WTG on exercise – I have to change immediately when I get home or I won’t go on my treadmill days – the only day that I really don’t struggle with going to the gym is Saturday (well 99.9% of the time) Monday & Wed is no problem either – But I need to be going on Tuesday s and that where I struggle the most..

The whole registering full and paying attention to that – is where I think most of us fail – being full and satisfied are 2 diff things and to us full is thanksgiving full not just not hungry any longer..


I was thinking of you last night – How’s your fill going – how was your trip – how’s your meds


Have you figured anything out – hell a long lunch and visiting sounds good to me :0)..

Ok back to work – I have this new trick – I copy post into my email – so if someone walks in my office they think I am typing an email to and insured – when I am really talking to you all :0) – so now I will copy and paste into lbt… Pretty tricky of me :0) !!!

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So great! Lost my post and it was so upbeat and positive and now while I was getting ready to retype it, I got this email:

" Hi Steph,

Ok, so Michael is technically funded up to April 1 for his placement here. I know that around the time of his next MTPR, March 23, our recertification people will request additional time. It is highly unlikely we will get additional time. We need to plan on an April 1 discharge. This means you all need to come pick him up. We should attempt to have the outpatient therapy appointment scheduled for within a week of his coming home and a medication management appointment within the month. He will be discharged with a month’s supply of medications. I am going to be out of town March 17-29. What can I do to help?"

Now...I want to puke. I want to cry. I want to curl up in a ball. I am so not ready for this. I am not strong enough for this. I am freaking out! My what if brain is in overdrive! God help me!

So....I'm going to go sew and try to lose myself in the white noise of the sewing machine. Please pray. I'm going to need a lot of strength.


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Have you figured anything out – hell a long lunch and visiting sounds good to me :0)..

Ok back to work – I have this new trick – I copy post into my email – so if someone walks in my office they think I am typing an email to and insured – when I am really talking to you all :0) – so now I will copy and paste into lbt… Pretty tricky of me :0) !!!

Lunch and visit sounds okay. We could always go back to Cabazon... no more Coach purses right now, but I could buy a couple more bottles of that Raspberry Wasabi Mustard! LOL! And then get Earl to BBQ us some filets!!

Good trick.. copy/paste!

I wish I had more time to respond to everyone else but supposed to be in Activities in 7 minutes!! Gotta jump on my scooter and cruise!! Later, Chicks!

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So great! Lost my post and it was so upbeat and positive and now while I was getting ready to retype it, I got this email:

" Hi Steph,

Ok, so Michael is technically funded up to April 1 for his placement here. I know that around the time of his next MTPR, March 23, our recertification people will request additional time. It is highly unlikely we will get additional time. We need to plan on an April 1 discharge. This means you all need to come pick him up. We should attempt to have the outpatient therapy appointment scheduled for within a week of his coming home and a medication management appointment within the month. He will be discharged with a month’s supply of medications. I am going to be out of town March 17-29. What can I do to help?"


Now...I want to puke. I want to cry. I want to curl up in a ball. I am so not ready for this. I am not strong enough for this. I am freaking out! My what if brain is in overdrive! God help me!

So....I'm going to go sew and try to lose myself in the white noise of the sewing machine. Please pray. I'm going to need a lot of strength.

So sorry, Steph. Will keep you in my prayers!

Wish I had some words of wisdom!

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Got a great email from my band doctor, very supportive and understanding. He gave me a few ideas, but mainly support. He is going to arrange for my shots to be shipped directly to my house. He doesn't recommend a fill at this time, mainly because I was honest and upfront with him about eating junk. The thing I love about this guy is that he is human...

Today's food...good so far, I EVEN JOURNALED my food and my stomach actually growled for the first time in WAY TOO long of a time. So far I have had about 700 calories. I didn't make it on the walk, it was down pouring and last night I only had 3 hours of sleep. Didn't get home from DD#5's hocky game until after midnight, had to take a shower,etc and get back up at 4:30. So i came home and took a nap.

The inspection is scheduled for 10 am on Saturday for my house, Tuesday at 10 am for the house i'm buying. I did find out that I am going to have to pay $700 to have my well pump pulled to have a 'Well Log' created. No governmental agency seems to have a copy of my well log and the new regulations on Water rights requires there to be one. Fortunately my realtor was able to arrange for it to be done and they will take payment when I sell the house.

Steph, I don't know what to say, so I'll just give you a ((hug))). It is amazing that people think a kids problems will be fixed in just a few months.

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Hey Gang

Steph - Hugs - Like Phyl wish I has some words of wisdom - Insurance companies suck !!! How is he doing?? Did he ever get to meet his Dad..

Phyl - Ok I'll pick up up Friday Morning around 10 - we will head to the kitchen place - Maybe I'll have a coupon for Coach - I'm broke but that seems like when I want to shop the most.

Might hit the Loft store - ;0)

Karla - Yep I love sliders - cuz I can eat - if I stick to hard Protein and follow the rules - I can't - for bf I had 6 slices of deli ham (60 ca) 1 slice lite cheese (45 cal) and mustard - it kept me till lunch - then lunch was those sandwich thins and the same ham/cheese/mustard - I am hungry now - but cooking ck on the bbq and cauliflower... I am good to go for food today too..

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Hi Everyone,

Food- 1100 cals/too high pro: 85

no exercise I fell asleep

Looks like Al Gore is officially an A...hole. It's still cold here. The coldest winter I can remember in a looooonnng time. However, it looks like the Mayans may be correct, and the world will end in 2012. :eek:There was another earthquake today.

So enjoy yourselves now. However that does not mean eat what you want. We must still diet, so that we look hot in our clothes while we party.:(

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Hi Everyone,

Food- 1100 cals/too high pro: 85

no exercise I fell asleep

Looks like Al Gore is officially an A...hole. It's still cold here. The coldest winter I can remember in a looooonnng time. However, it looks like the Mayans may be correct, and the world will end in 2012. :eek:There was another earthquake today.

So enjoy yourselves now. However that does not mean eat what you want. We must still diet, so that we look hot in our clothes while we party.:(

Right on - We gotta look hot !!!

WTG on the calories - Where was the eq - I haven't watched the news

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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