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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I'm Home safe and sound - got in about 45 min ago - took a shower - and fixing something to eat..

Steph - Hugs - I replied to your post last night don't know what happen to it - Hugs

Karla - Keeping fingers crossed that escrow doesn't fall threw..

Karri are you back from over the hill??

Well gang I am going to go chill - got up at 7 - on the road at 9 - 6 hr 15 mins on the road - Angel was a great road dog !!!



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Good afternoon,

I am back over the hill. I just got back a couple of hours ago and had to get ready for a potluck tonight. We are taking fruit and cheese so that I have something healthy to eat.

I think this fill is pretty good though. I have only had some Jamba juice oatmeal for Breakfast, some chicken for lunch and some cheese and fruit for a snack. If I don't eat slow and chew well I get stuck, but so far I have been able to eat everything if I actually follow those rules!!!

Well I need to finish getting ready so we can leave. Chat later.

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I'm Home safe and sound - got in about 45 min ago - took a shower - and fixing something to eat..

Well gang I am going to go chill - got up at 7 - on the road at 9 - 6 hr 15 mins on the road - Angel was a great road dog !!!

xoxox cbl

Glad you're back~ and that the trip went well~!! Long travel day for you!

QUOTE=salsa1877;1424014]Good afternoon,

I am back over the hill. I just got back a couple of hours ago and had to get ready for a potluck tonight. We are taking fruit and cheese so that I have something healthy to eat.

I think this fill is pretty good though. I have only had some Jamba juice oatmeal for Breakfast, some chicken for lunch and some cheese and fruit for a snack. If I don't eat slow and chew well I get stuck, but so far I have been able to eat everything if I actually follow those rules!!!

Well I need to finish getting ready so we can leave. Chat later.

Glad that the fill went well and that you're back.

alright ladies. I am here. I'm not going to say a lot but wanted you all to know you are in my thoughts every day.

I'm not having a good time of it the last couple of weeks. I've just sorta been falling apart. Nothing that I want to talk about but between kids and marriage and not working, it's all getting the better of me. I'm really struggling and for the most part just don't care that I'm struggling. I've not really been up to fighting it.

Anyways, that's mainly why I've been gone. I just couldn't face the encouragement that I know I get here because I knew I wasn't going to listen to it. Warped I know, but how I feel. I don't think it's a meds issue, it's more a mental attitude issue. Winter needs to be over for one thing. I need to open my windows and get out of my house! I'm tired of being cooped up.

Anyways. I love all of you and I think of you all daily. Jeff is in Vegas now and Rose is here with me for a few days. We are having a good time but not doing much. She did get me up and walked yesterday so that was a good thing.

Now...off to do something...not sure what...but trying to convince myself that it's NOT to eat Cookies. So far I'm winning that battle. Love you!

Glad you stopped by with an update!! Miss you when you're not here! Sorry for your struggles. Will keep you in my prayers.

My house is officially under 'contract' and has a closing date of April 15th. So if all goes well my house is 'sold'! They say 3rd times the charm, in my case it is 4th times the charm.

In general I'm hanging in there, and that is the best I can do at this point.

Things looking good on the house. We'll hold our breaths that this one goes through!! Glad you're coping okay with all that's going on.

Hope Candice is having a great time! And that she got to watch the Canadians win the Hockey GOLD!!

795v.gif 18_9_1.gif 795v.gif



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Hi Everyone,

Karla- Hope the sale goes through. Still keeping you in my prayers.

Olympic ceremonies were gorgeous! stunning! beautiful!

Gonna miss them!

Happy Canada won hockey!

So happy the Canadian girl that lost her Mom got a medal. So sad!

That new Jerry Seinfeld show about marriage advice from stars looks like it's gonna be a hoot!

I did school work for hours today. Washed clothes. Cleaned some. Hubby barbequed.

Night Night

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Denise, what's school work? I'm so far behind I can see my behind in front of me! I'm thinking the file 13 'round' file will be put in use today.

I have to believe that the sale will go through without a hitch, I couldn't handle it if it didn't. I put in an offer for a little house and after negotiations it was accepted. Strangely enough the house I offered on is larger than mine, but it is further down the 'valley' which makes it cheaper. Here is the link. I will be able to make a fabulous sewing room!

MLS#10000807 Stevensville Montana (Residential Property)

The closing date isn't until April 15th so there are tons of things that could happen between now and then. The biggest hurdle is the inspection.

For the most part, I'm doing fine. I have difficulty remembering that dad is gone.

food is good, I'm never really full so I know I probably need a fill, but it is going to have to wait. I can't really take any days off for awhile.

You all have a good day! TTFN

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Denise, what's school work? I'm so far behind I can see my behind in front of me! I'm thinking the file 13 'round' file will be put in use today.

I have to believe that the sale will go through without a hitch, I couldn't handle it if it didn't. I put in an offer for a little house and after negotiations it was accepted. Strangely enough the house I offered on is larger than mine, but it is further down the 'valley' which makes it cheaper. Here is the link. I will be able to make a fabulous sewing room!

MLS#10000807 Stevensville Montana (Residential Property)

The closing date isn't until April 15th so there are tons of things that could happen between now and then. The biggest hurdle is the inspection.

For the most part, I'm doing fine. I have difficulty remembering that dad is gone.

food is good, I'm never really full so I know I probably need a fill, but it is going to have to wait. I can't really take any days off for awhile. You all have a good day! TTFN

Very nice house! Great "sewing room"!

Are there services planned for your Dad?

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Good Morning Gang

I didn't get up til 5:30 today :0) - I am a bit pooped...

Denise - I watch some of the closing - Well I would have preferred that the USA would have won the hockey - but if we couldn't the Canada the next best thing - I bet Candice was happy - well that is if in Cuba you can get any news from the outside

Ya that marriage show looks cute - don't know if I am going to be able to fit it in my t.v. schedule :0).. Will depend on what night it's on.

I too was so happy for Joannie Rochette - for winning the bronze - can't wait for 4 more yrs - our (USA) little Oriental girl who's 16 and has the cutest smile - is going to be fabulous

Karla - love your little house - how are you doing??

Phyl - Yep long drive - but truly I love driving by myself - I love the quiteness - except I usually take the 210 - Joseph said he takes the 10 and it's the same amount of time - So I decided to take the 10 home (haven't been that way in years) - Well now I know why - too much traffic - it was moving only a coulpe of icky spots -- but I will take 210 next time - less traffic - plus since I am single driver I can't use the car pool lane :0) - but I still made good time..

What are you up to this week..

Steph - We love you - Hugs...

Well need to get my butt in gear - CBL

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Phyl - Yep long drive - but truly I love driving by myself - I love the quiteness - except I usually take the 210 - Joseph said he takes the 10 and it's the same amount of time - So I decided to take the 10 home (haven't been that way in years) - Well now I know why - too much traffic - it was moving only a coulpe of icky spots -- but I will take 210 next time - less traffic - plus since I am single driver I can't use the car pool lane :0) - but I still made good time.. What are you up to this week..

Steph - We love you - Hugs...

Well need to get my butt in gear - CBL

Good Morning!

I don't think I have the stamina to do that kind of long distance driving! We always take the 210 also, for the same reason... too much traffic. Kind of funny because our GPS doesn't know the 210 goes all the way to I-10 now so "he" keeps trying to make us take an exit and cut down to 10. Finally gives up after about 5 miles or so & shuts up!

This week..... Red Hats luncheon at Babe's after Water aerobics today. Never been there and hoping I find something healthy on their menu. Might look at it online real quick before I go to the pool but I only have a few minutes left. I'll be in high gear when I get back getting ready to leave!

Tuesday.... beading after Water aerobics, Wed.... volunteer in Activities office from noon to 2pm, Thurs.... going to lunch (again) with old (and I do mean OLD) friends from our Winnebago club in Oklahoma who are in the area at an RV park in Indio. Friday..... nothing, I think. Saturday... WALKING in Alzheimer's fund raiser in Palm Desert... "Memory Walk". Evening- Night Bloomin' Jazzmen performing here... dixieland type music. sort of a busy week

Yes, Steph... HUGS!

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good afternoon ladies. Taking a quick break to say hi before I go get something done. Jai is sleeping and Mom is getting ready to cut out some stuff for her new quilt. She is much braver than I am. I'd get so lost on this pattern she is making. Holy Cats!

Anyways. Mom has been exercising and eating well while she's been in Lincoln so we are trying to keep her on the right track here too. we need to go down and walk today so I'll probably do that next while Jai is sleeping. Yesterday I had 2 smoothies and 4 bottles of Water to help get back on track. I just finished another smoothie. I think if I go back to liquids for a few days I'll get back in touch and maybe some of the swelling will go down and I'll be able to get something solid to stay down. Stupid that an apple won't but hell the chips will. grrrr. But doesn't do any good to bitch about it...just suck it up and go on. That's the plan of attack.

Jeff has been in Vegas for a few days and gets home tonight. I've missed him.

Phyl, good for you for walking the memory walk. I didn't realize it was coming up so quickly. I'll have to check the link out. You're doing so great! I'm so in awe of you!

Karla, you'll be just fine with the house either way it goes. I have no doubt. You're so very strong even when you think you aren't. Look back at the last year and really LOOK at how much you have thrived through. It doesn't have to go EASY to mean you're strong. It doesn't take strength to pick up 5 pounds and it doesn't take strength to try to pick up 100. It takes strength to be handed 50 and struggle through it and come out the other side having carried it. You're strong!!! Believe it.

Okay...gotta run. Love you ladies!

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OMW you have a busy week... I only ate at Babe's once for lunch - pre-band days - I dont do pull pork sandwiches - don't ask me why just not appealing - Had some little ribslets I think..

We I got another producer - Ugh - Van another one of my bosses 70 of his accounts - less pay - less hours - but more work - and I hate working with him.. Every producer in this office needs a course in time management... So I am not a happy camper today

Steph - glad you are doing something and have your mom to keep you occupied - why don't you go back to work???

Well gotta jam - cbl xoxox

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OMW you have a busy week... I only ate at Babe's once for lunch - pre-band days - I dont do pull pork sandwiches - don't ask me why just not appealing - Had some little ribslets I think..

We I got another producer - Ugh - Van another one of my bosses 70 of his accounts - less pay - less hours - but more work - and I hate working with him.. Every producer in this office needs a course in time management... So I am not a happy camper today

Steph - glad you are doing something and have your mom to keep you occupied - why don't you go back to work???

Well gotta jam - cbl xoxox


Well, LOVED Babe's and had an enjoyable afternoon. I ordered a 1/2 BBQ salad... it was yummy. It came with a little tiny loaf of cornbread. I ate two skinny slices and brought the rest home. Probably used too much Salad Dressing, but at least I wasn't eating sandwiches and huge piles of sweet potato fries like everyone else was. There were a few who ordered salads similar to mine, and one gal ordered a whole salad! It was HUGE... like family sized!

So, after that I decided to stop at Target, then Best Buy, then went looking for a beading store my friends told me about. Found it but it was closed!! :hurray: So then I stopped by to check out the new location of the scooter store we used to go to for servicing my electric scooter... and bought one from him a few years ago. I had an ulterior motive. I am in this online photography group and the assignment for March is to take pictures of "Modes of Transportation", so I'm trying to be creative and not get the usual trains, planes and automobiles! Yesterday I did golf carts. You can only submit one photo a day.

Anyway, after that i stopped to get me a Starbucks... SF FF. And I parked in the parking lot to call Earl and let him know I was on my way home. That's when my day went down the toilet!! He was very angry because I'd been gone so long and proceeded to chew me out! So.... I got home at 4 p.m. and he's not speaking to me. At least he didn't lock me out... My neighbor with Alzheimer's does that to his wife when she's gone longer than he thinks she should be. But... if he thinks HE'S mad.... wait until he tries to pretend everything is FINE!! :w00t::biggrin::):biggrin::banghead: Because I am SUPER pissed!

Steph.... so glad you're checking in with us again. I don't think I could tackle quilts, but then I didn't think I could do beading either, esp with my pathetic arthritic fingers, but I do just fine. And, oh yeah.... that's where I'm going to be TOMORROW afternoon and I think I'll stay SUPER LONG!! I missed last week so I have to make up for that! We're doing rings this week, but last week they did little tiny purses... like to make a pendant and earrings. So I will be learning two projects tomorrow.

And, yes, a busy week... and I even forgot to include choir practice on Friday afternoon. But... we only have another month here, so we need to try to get together again before we leave. At the moment, I'm thinkin', "girls only outing"!! LOL

Memory Walk this weekend is at Palm Desert Civic Park. It's a 2 mile walk... not sure I can finish it but I will try. Yesterday afternoon I walked up to the office and back... 40 minutes. Don't know how far that is but I'm thinking not 2 miles!! But I was okay with it. Tired when I got back, but okay. Took about a 5 minute rest when I got up there... looking over my mail. On the way back I could hear all the Canadians hooting and hollering and honking their car horns! They'd just won the Hockey game GOLD!!

Sorry about your new "challenges" at work!! Hang in there!





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OMG you have my cracking up !!!! OMG Earl - you where gone to long !!!

I was thinking the same thing today - it's March 1st and you will be leaving in April..

So ya a Girls outing - a LONG ONE :0) Where do you want to go

My Furlough Fridays for March 3/12 & 3/26 ;0)

Well Andrew wants to watch a movie w/me - so I think I should go do that instead of hanging on the computer all nite

I had salad for lunch too - since I hadn't planned lunch for today - since I had eggs for dinner last night...

Well ck w/you all tomorrow

Hugs & Love Janet

love the pic's !!!

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I'm sitting here stuck on dinner, dang. it was enchalada (sp) casserole, one of my favorites. Couldn't eat but 1/8th of a cup.

Well, I have locked in a 5% interest and ordered the appraisal. I qualified for a Rural development loan which allows me to have 0% down, although I'll have to pay $1000 in some additional fees. Much better than the 3.5% down I was originally going to have to pay $4,500.

Some of my 7th grade students gave me a huge hug today, they are sweethearts...sometimes.

A positive thing about my dad's death...I have reconnected with my brother. I really haven't talked to him in years. But after seeing him with dad and making most of the arrangements for dad's cremation, AND watching him cry made me realize that he is human. Dad didn't want a service or funeral and wanted to be cremated. He wants to be scattered in the hills that he grew up in, so we will scatter him when the snow is gone. I really don't believe he is gone. I still pray about him.

Phyl, I guess that is why I am single.

Steph, you, me, & Candice need to get together & quilt.

IF all goes well, I'll be there in July. But I have to wait until the houses close to see where I sit financially.

Janet, glad you are home safe, I love a good road trip!!!

You all have a good evening. TTFN

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OMG you have my cracking up !!!! OMG Earl - you where gone to long !!!

I was thinking the same thing today - it's March 1st and you will be leaving in April..

So ya a Girls outing - a LONG ONE :0) Where do you want to go

My Furlough Fridays for March 3/12 & 3/26 ;0)

Well Andrew wants to watch a movie w/me - so I think I should go do that instead of hanging on the computer all nite

I had salad for lunch too - since I hadn't planned lunch for today - since I had eggs for dinner last night...

Well ck w/you all tomorrow

Hugs & Love Janet

love the pic's !!!

Yeah... can you believe it. He didn't say one word to me from the time I got home until he went to bed around 10 p.m. After about an hour of his pouting, I took my glass of wine and went next door and sat outside with the neighbors! When I came back, he'd closed the door and ate dinner without me! Whatever! What a baby! So I heated up some leftovers and ignored him.

Outing... I'd say back to Temecula and tour some other wineries, but.... can't drink and drive!! So will have to think of something else. But probably 3/12 would be best because I'll have to skip choir practice and by 3/26 we'll be heavy in to the Easter music.

I'm sitting here stuck on dinner, dang. it was enchilada (sp) casserole, one of my favorites. Couldn't eat but 1/8th of a cup.

Well, I have locked in a 5% interest and ordered the appraisal. I qualified for a Rural development loan which allows me to have 0% down, although I'll have to pay $1000 in some additional fees. Much better than the 3.5% down I was originally going to have to pay $4,500.

Some of my 7th grade students gave me a huge hug today, they are sweethearts...sometimes.

A positive thing about my dad's death...I have reconnected with my brother. I really haven't talked to him in years. But after seeing him with dad and making most of the arrangements for dad's cremation, AND watching him cry made me realize that he is human. Dad didn't want a service or funeral and wanted to be cremated. He wants to be scattered in the hills that he grew up in, so we will scatter him when the snow is gone. I really don't believe he is gone. I still pray about him.

Phyl, I guess that is why I am single.

Steph, you, me, & Candice need to get together & quilt.

IF all goes well, I'll be there in July. But I have to wait until the houses close to see where I sit financially.

Janet, glad you are home safe, I love a good road trip!!!

You all have a good evening. TTFN

Sounds like everything is going smoothly with the house deals! Good interest rate. It will be great if you can come in July!

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Good Morning! Looks like another beautiful day in the desert!

Just PB'd on my coffee... right in to my lap! What fun----coffee slime! Sorry.... TMI!! Prompted by a coughing fit.... cough still holding on even though other symptoms are gone. Not bad, but always troublesome in the morning. Good thing I had a box of kleenex within reach!

Earl spoke this morning... as he went out the door.... are you ready for this.... "SEE YOU AT THE POOL"!! WOW!! There was a hidden message in it, I'm sure... because I was 5 minutes late yesterday and he HATES when that happens!! LOL! Let's see... do I remind him that it's beading day or just not show up back at the RV until 2 or 3 pm after the pool!?? Decisions, decisions!! HAHAHA! I'm SO bad!

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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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