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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Candice I know I shouldn't go back to the nursery, but I need the money AND the change. With 3 surgeries, I've had the 'staple', the 'sling', and the reconstruction with cadavar tissue. My prolapse involves both the bladder and the intestines, and rectum. Right now I'm hangin out about 1 to 2 inches, dependent upon the time of day. I don't have a cervix so I don't know if a peccuary is even possible. I know an ulceration is an issue. Normally the pain is liveable. Now that they have reduced my estrogen, the collapse of tissue has drastically increased. I'm just whining, it can't be fixed, I just needed someone to listen, so thanks.

Edited by cramerk

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So I'm an IDIOT. I went running today with my students because I really wanted to run AND the doc said if I felt better that I could. Well I felt fine the whole time I am running, but when I came home and took the girls out of the gladiator bra....HOLY SH!T that hurt. It felt like it was ripping off my body. Soooooo...no running for a bit.

Well I think I am going to go to bed. I am exhausted!!!!!

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Hey Gang

Well didn't get a chance to post pre-gym - Sister will be here tomorrow - so had to strip the bed when I got home - and need to go put the sheets in the dryer in a sec - Went to gym - had a good arm workout - has some Acaiberry power drink - it did the trick - cuz of my lack of sleep last nite from the runs I almost wasn't going to gym tonite..

I had some awesome creamy tortilla Soup for lunch - so I stopped at the store before I came home from gym and am going to try and make it for dinner tomorrow - my Soup didn't have any chicken in it - but I am going to add some - my BIL couldn't just eat a cream soup for dinner lol - he is on the larger size ;0)

Karri - You are allergic if you have hives - did you tell the doc - hugs on the runs - I feel your pain - was up all last night - but they are gone today.

I want to go to NYC one of these days - maybe we should do our #7 there next year????

Don't worrry about the $$$ you can pay me when we meet in July..

How's the boob doing??

Steph - Glad FIL coming home - do they think they got it early enough ??

Karla - there has to be something they can do to fix you - You and Candice sound like doctors ;0) - with all your medical jargon ;0).. Hugs - I understand why you work at the nursery - but gf you do have to take care of you..

Candice - WTG on your food today - get some acaiberry power shots - it will make you feel better - but take it in the a.m. ;0) - Hugs - we all have those days...

It's beautiful here tonite - warm - I hope phyl is having good weather...

Well gotta go put sheets in the dryer and start my dinner



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Janet, have fun with your sister.

Steph, did you find your fabric and walking foot?

Finished quilting the wholecloth last night! Tonight (if all goes well) I'll sew on the binding and then hand sew it over. It has a scalloped edge, so I will probably take me about a week to get it sewn down. I'm going to have to dig through what isn't in storage and find a new project. I really want to get started on a penny rug. Eventually going to make a penny rug purse. I think I will make one and put it on ebay and see if it sells. Wool is darn expensive so I don't know if any one would bid for what it will cost to construct. But who knows, if your don't try, you never will know!! The other place I'm looking to sell is etsy. So we shall see?

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So I'm an IDIOT. I went running today with my students because I really wanted to run AND the doc said if I felt better that I could. Well I felt fine the whole time I am running, but when I came home and took the girls out of the gladiator bra....HOLY SH!T that hurt. It felt like it was ripping off my body. Soooooo...no running for a bit.

Well I think I am going to go to bed. I am exhausted!!!!!

I am going to spank you !!!! Walk don't run :0) do the elipitcal something that doesn't have your boobs moving ;0)

Janet, have fun with your sister.

Steph, did you find your fabric and walking foot?

Finished quilting the wholecloth last night! Tonight (if all goes well) I'll sew on the binding and then hand sew it over. It has a scalloped edge, so I will probably take me about a week to get it sewn down. I'm going to have to dig through what isn't in storage and find a new project. I really want to get started on a penny rug. Eventually going to make a penny rug purse. I think I will make one and put it on ebay and see if it sells. Wool is darn expensive so I don't know if any one would bid for what it will cost to construct. But who knows, if your don't try, you never will know!! The other place I'm looking to sell is etsy. So we shall see?


Don't know how much fun we will have - but it's a start - I leave for Fl next wed and I have tons of stuff to do - like figure out what to take - get nails done and bank - and having company this weekend isn't my idea of fun - but it's all good and will work out..

Good Morning Gang -

Cking in before I get to work - I hate not being able to ck in during the day but gotta give it a few more days :0)

food Yesterday

Beef/Ostrich Stick 80 cal 14 grm pt

Couple bites of steel cut oatmeal ??

Cream Tortilla Soup ?? 300 cal

dinner Fish Spinach 200 ca

snack 2 sf puddings and 1 teaspn pb

Water 2 16.9 and 1 cup coffee

Phyl should be home Sat - Miss her but hope shes having a good time..

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Drive by post. Therapy in 1/2 hour then into the car for the drive from here to Bozeman. If interested in that drive, google map it and look at the hell I'm going to have to drive. Good news is, I get to have dinner with Michael! Won't be online again until late tonight.

Love you ladies. Have a great Thursday!

Wish me luck with therapy. We're going to discuss contacting Michael's dad. I've got rolling stomach just thinking about it! ICK!

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Hugs Steph - Safe trip too :0) - It will be ok...

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Hey Gang

Well didn't get a chance to post pre-gym - Sister will be here tomorrow - so had to strip the bed when I got home - and need to go put the sheets in the dryer in a sec - Went to gym - had a good arm workout - has some Acaiberry power drink - it did the trick - cuz of my lack of sleep last nite from the runs I almost wasn't going to gym tonite..

I had some awesome creamy tortilla Soup for lunch - so I stopped at the store before I came home from gym and am going to try and make it for dinner tomorrow - my soup didn't have any chicken in it - but I am going to add some - my BIL couldn't just eat a cream soup for dinner lol - he is on the larger size ;0)

Karri - You are allergic if you have hives - did you tell the doc - hugs on the runs - I feel your pain - was up all last night - but they are gone today.

I want to go to NYC one of these days - maybe we should do our #7 there next year????

Don't worrry about the $$$ you can pay me when we meet in July..

How's the boob doing??

Steph - Glad FIL coming home - do they think they got it early enough ??

Karla - there has to be something they can do to fix you - You and Candice sound like doctors ;0) - with all your medical jargon ;0).. Hugs - I understand why you work at the nursery - but gf you do have to take care of you..

Candice - WTG on your food today - get some acaiberry power shots - it will make you feel better - but take it in the a.m. ;0) - Hugs - we all have those days...

It's beautiful here tonite - warm - I hope phyl is having good weather...

Well gotta go put sheets in the dryer and start my dinner



Janet; I LOVE LOVE LOVE your idea about the Lucky 7's trip next year in New York City... OMG I have always wanted to go there, but DH would never like the BIG APPLE...Plus, there's shopping galore, broadway shows, boat tours... or... we could do a CRUISE of the Eastern Seaboard with NYC being one of the stops!!!!!!:sifone:


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Finally home, meeting after school and then getting ready for a sub. So home and need to work on master's stuff, so will be in and out tonight. Steph, it will work out. Just remember, Michael is snotty with you because he knows no matter what, you will always love him. If his dad comes back into the picture, remember that the dad will be perfect in every way...for awhile. Then his true colors will show. My girls figured it out, it took some time, years actually, but the see him for what he is. Love you!!

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Quiet night?

Steph I hope all went well with Michael. Hang in there!

Nothing much going on here. On campus today and tomorrow. Will be busy writing my application for the teacher at sea. Who knows, maybe they will think a landlocked hick from Montana will add geographic diversity?

Won't be home until late, class isn't over until 5:30 and then thinking about going out for beverages with one of the other teachers. Need to stop at Wallyworld and pick up a few things. Then turn around tomorrow and do it all again. Good thing we have Presidents day off soon.

Check in later!

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Good Morning Gang

Drive by post - My sis is here so I won't be online much this weekend..

OK 7/2011 Lucky#7 - NYC - So start saving !!!!!!

Tavern on the Green - Central Park - 911 Site - Subway - 5th Ave - Little Italy - Broadway show - - I think we need a week :0) !!!

This has to be quick - dont' want to get caught being online while at work :0)..

Phyl welcome back tomorrow - hope you had a good time

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I should be able to go to NYC! I just got a 6000$ raise. WAHOOOOOOOOOOO! This is why I love NOT being in a union. The raise won't happen until July 1 (Happy Birthday to me!!!!) but I am very happy. I'm pretty certain that if I worked hourly that I would make around minimum wage, but at least it is compensating me for the extra work around here. We all negotiate separately for our contracts. But my boss negotiated with me early because he was (rightfully) afraid that I was going to leave and wanted to make sure that I got the raise that I deserved. So he made the offer to me first. I countered that a 10% raise was great but that in addition to that he remove 3 classes from my upcoming caseload, guarantee that I was teaching no more than 20 hours in a week (we also act a counselors, secretaries, tutoring etc. so our job constitutes way more than teaching), and give me a 20,000$ science budget. We compromised on a 15,000$ budget but I got everything else that I wanted. 'bout stinking time!!!

Well speaking of work, I am back here tonight and I am NOT leaving until all of my grading is done. I should probably get busy or I'm gonna be here all night!!!

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Another painting day today... hungry today... so I ate a little more , but good food choices and lots of protien!!

i just finished watching "Driving Miss Daisy" with JEssica Tandy and MOrgan Freeman...OMGosh.. I cried like a baby at the end.... I had forgotten what a good movie it was!


Food for today:

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I should be able to go to NYC! I just got a 6000$ raise. WAHOOOOOOOOOOO! This is why I love NOT being in a union. The raise won't happen until July 1 (Happy Birthday to me!!!!) but I am very happy. I'm pretty certain that if I worked hourly that I would make around minimum wage, but at least it is compensating me for the extra work around here. We all negotiate separately for our contracts. But my boss negotiated with me early because he was (rightfully) afraid that I was going to leave and wanted to make sure that I got the raise that I deserved. So he made the offer to me first. I countered that a 10% raise was great but that in addition to that he remove 3 classes from my upcoming caseload, guarantee that I was teaching no more than 20 hours in a week (we also act a counselors, secretaries, tutoring etc. so our job constitutes way more than teaching), and give me a 20,000$ science budget. We compromised on a 15,000$ budget but I got everything else that I wanted. 'bout stinking time!!!

Well speaking of work, I am back here tonight and I am NOT leaving until all of my grading is done. I should probably get busy or I'm gonna be here all night!!!

WHOO_hoo Karri;;; Yes you do deserve that raise.... You work your ass off alll the time... Ya know what they say "what goes around, comes around" Good for you!!!

Karla: Great job getting that whole cloth quilt done... that was a big job... I've never done a scalloped edge on a quilt... I'm a big old rectangle gal!! LOL

Janet: Have a blast with your sister and say Hello to her from all of US:biggrin: I can't beleive Phyl's been gone almost a week now... hope she's had a good time...

Well, just about finished my painting job... one more day perhaps Monday. I was originally hired to do 2 bathrooms, 3 large bedrooms... Now since its all looking so nice ... I am to do the upstairs hallway, all the doors (YUK) and touch up the RED living room too (which I painted 2 yrs ago)

Oh yeah, and I got 2 phone calls from my old job last night, and 1 this morning from my old boss. Oh, gee they need help!!!! (ha,ha,ha) Could I come in to day to do some extra training? {Yeah right, I'll get right on it...like I don't have anything else planned for today, can you imagine the GAUL!!@$@#%@#@} :lol:

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Morning everyone,

Candice if you help out the old job, you are CRAZY. However, personally I can never say no, so I'd be there in a heart beat.

Yesterday, BORING, an entire day on writing grants....we not what I was into.

Karri, congratulations on the raise. I couldn't do the work you are doing. Ten years ago, maybe, but not today.

Steph, hope the session with Michael went well!!

Janet, at least today is Saturday!! I don't have the day off, I'm on campus all day. Have to take a test and post a bunch of discussions. I'm just not into it today...or yesterday. What to you all know about heat?

Anyway, best go. I'll check in tonight.

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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