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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Oh my goodness I'm getting too old. I have had two 20 hour days in a row abd I think I'm going to keel over!!! Last night was worth it though. We had a game night which usually gets over around 11:30-1200. Last night we left at 3 am. Lee was in the middle of a monstrous game that took a lot longer than expected. But it was so much fun. I was on a roll last night. I won 5 of the six games I played. Normally I'm lucky to come close to winning. These aren't your typical board games. They are European board games. They are much more strategy type games that can sometimes make your brain hurt!

So I have a fill scheduled for Friday. I got permission to start running today. I broke down in PS office because I have 1pair of pants that fit. I'm freaked out!! So I'm going to get a fill since I haven't had one in almost 9 months... I think I have 1.2 cc total in. I'm going to be embarrassed about my weigh. Going in there though cause I'm WAY up. Most of it is because I did nothing exercise wise for 6 months but a lot of it is food too. When i'm REALLY running I can get away with several more indiscretions with food but if I slack off even a little it adds up. I dint think I will be able to run 40 miles a week for the rest of my life. Probably should start using my band. I seriously don't even know I have a band most of the time.

Well I have to get ready for my meeting. Have a great day! I will... Two football games on today!!!!

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Good Morning Gang....

Yep Karri - you can't run 40 miles a week and excessive exercise for the purpose of keeping weight off isn't healthy - I know that's not your case - but read this in the Beck Solutions last nite ;0)

I agree about using the band- I think that's one of the reason I went in for a fill. I liked eating more - but with us that more keeps turning in to more and then the weight comes back on.

Glad you had a good time with your game nite - I saw of FB a pic of one of your games that Lee posted a pic of...

Karla - I neated the house up some - needed to wash the front walk way but didn't cuz I wasn't dressed to do major cleaning - and I couldn't find a broom - so next weekend I guess I will go w/some cleaning supplies and hopefully he's gotten his stuff out by then and neaten up some more - The house need some work - I just want to get it sold - I want to be done w/this estate stuff..

Well Andrew went out last night - phone rings at 4 - he's stranded - so there I go schlepping out at 4 in the morn to pick him up.. I did got back to sleep around 5:30 - slept til 8:30 - read the paper then this lite cook book - oh it has some good recipes - which I think could be made even liter :0) will post them later

Yesterdays food 1/2 c steel oats (100)- lite mocha frap w/2 shot (100)- 1 15 grm pt snack (120)- Eggbeater Omeltte with habenero cheese (200)- 2 sf puddings (120)- 8 licorice sticks (280) = 920 cal for the day.

Well need to get moving - the day is wasting - it's cold but sunny - got food shopping to do - Target shopping and wash - CBL

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Good Morning Gang....

Yep Karri - you can't run 40 miles a week and excessive exercise for the purpose of keeping weight off isn't healthy - I know that's not your case - but read this in the Beck Solutions last nite ;0)

I agree about using the band- I think that's one of the reason I went in for a fill. I liked eating more - but with us that more keeps turning in to more and then the weight comes back on.

Glad you had a good time with your game nite - I saw of FB a pic of one of your games that Lee posted a pic of...

Karla - I neated the house up some - needed to wash the front walk way but didn't cuz I wasn't dressed to do major cleaning - and I couldn't find a broom - so next weekend I guess I will go w/some cleaning supplies and hopefully he's gotten his stuff out by then and neaten up some more - The house need some work - I just want to get it sold - I want to be done w/this estate stuff..

Well Andrew went out last night - phone rings at 4 - he's stranded - so there I go schlepping out at 4 in the morn to pick him up.. I did got back to sleep around 5:30 - slept til 8:30 - read the paper then this lite cook book - oh it has some good recipes - which I think could be made even liter :0) will post them later

Yesterdays food 1/2 c steel oats (100)- lite mocha frap w/2 shot (100)- 1 15 grm pt snack (120)- Eggbeater Omeltte with habenero cheese (200)- 2 sf puddings (120)- 8 licorice sticks (280) = 920 cal for the day.

Well need to get moving - the day is wasting - it's cold but sunny - got food shopping to do - Target shopping and wash - CBL

Licorce sticks??? Uh-oh, I've been a bad example havn't I??

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Karri; I am glad you are getting your fill... that'll be great for you.

I am curious though,you havn't mentioned how you are feeling physically lately... like since the surg... Is your tummy feeling o.k. now? Is it flat???

Trying to type wiu=th a JR on my wrists... she is sucha baby!!!

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Karla; sewing on a block of the month today... and I HATE the block... can hardly keep my mind on it... hence the computer....LOL

plus Bridget is being a pest

How's the weather there now???

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Hi ladies. Long time no chat. This is probably going to be long. I've gotta stop disappearing!

Wednesday I went and helped at the daycare so that some of the staff could go to that friend's funeral. Jeff had to take his dad to a dr. appt. and I didn't think I could do it alone. So, better that I watch the little ones and let the staff show their support. Had a really good time. Those kids are adorable. However, I could NEVER do it for more than a few hours. I was with the 4 and 5 year olds. They are so danged cute! Had to reschedule therapy with Michael. will discuss that in a few paragraphs.

Jeff's dad's news wasn't great, but could have been worse. He has to go in Friday to have part of his colon removed because they found some cancerous polyps. The doc says he is pretty confident that they are well contained and this should be the extent of the trouble, but that we won't know until they actually open him up. It isn't lap. so he will have to be in the hospital for 3 or 4 days. That will be in Williston which is 85 miles from here. Trying not to stress out about that. Will just keep praying.

Then therapy on Thursday with Michael. Jeff couldn't come home so it was just M and I. It's always worse then. It about tore me to pieces. Won't go into details but did write myself a letter to try to get it out and then just crawled into bed to try to sleep it off. Jeff came home and it was not a nice afternoon. Jeff of course, because of our friend, was worried that I was going to do something to hurt myself. I assured him that I may be miserable but I did have my senses about me. It's been a tough few days but I'm working through that too.

Nothing big the last couple of days, just trying to get out of the funk. I need to get sewing on Michael's quilt. At least get the front done. Jai's is finished except for quilting. I was going to just tie it but Jeff says it would be nicer if it was actually quilted. I don't think I can get it through the inside of my machine, even though it's just lap-sized. So...I need to find someone to hire for that.

Blizzard conditions today. Probably the worst I've seen it in 3 or 4 years. Not snowing right now, just blowing, but the drifts are getting really bad. I went out a couple hours ago to get something for lunch and take back a movie and if it continues for long I'm guessing we won't be getting out for school tomorrow.

Okay...going to run and watch the game. Just wanted you all to know I'm alive. Will post messages to the rest of you in a couple of hours probably. Love you ladies.!

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Hi ladies. Long time no chat. This is probably going to be long. I've gotta stop disappearing!

Wednesday I went and helped at the daycare so that some of the staff could go to that friend's funeral. Jeff had to take his dad to a dr. appt. and I didn't think I could do it alone. So, better that I watch the little ones and let the staff show their support. Had a really good time. Those kids are adorable. However, I could NEVER do it for more than a few hours. I was with the 4 and 5 year olds. They are so danged cute! Had to reschedule therapy with Michael. will discuss that in a few paragraphs.

Jeff's dad's news wasn't great, but could have been worse. He has to go in Friday to have part of his colon removed because they found some cancerous polyps. The doc says he is pretty confident that they are well contained and this should be the extent of the trouble, but that we won't know until they actually open him up. It isn't lap. so he will have to be in the hospital for 3 or 4 days. That will be in Williston which is 85 miles from here. Trying not to stress out about that. Will just keep praying.

Then therapy on Thursday with Michael. Jeff couldn't come home so it was just M and I. It's always worse then. It about tore me to pieces. Won't go into details but did write myself a letter to try to get it out and then just crawled into bed to try to sleep it off. Jeff came home and it was not a nice afternoon. Jeff of course, because of our friend, was worried that I was going to do something to hurt myself. I assured him that I may be miserable but I did have my senses about me. It's been a tough few days but I'm working through that too.

Nothing big the last couple of days, just trying to get out of the funk. I need to get sewing on Michael's quilt. At least get the front done. Jai's is finished except for quilting. I was going to just tie it but Jeff says it would be nicer if it was actually quilted. I don't think I can get it through the inside of my machine, even though it's just lap-sized. So...I need to find someone to hire for that.

Blizzard conditions today. Probably the worst I've seen it in 3 or 4 years. Not snowing right now, just blowing, but the drifts are getting really bad. I went out a couple hours ago to get something for lunch and take back a movie and if it continues for long I'm guessing we won't be getting out for school tomorrow.

Okay...going to run and watch the game. Just wanted you all to know I'm alive. Will post messages to the rest of you in a couple of hours probably. Love you ladies.!

Oh Steph sorry thigns didnt go well with the Michael session.

Try rolling the quilt into a jelly roll. itll fir under yuor machine throat that way.

Ill keep my fingers cr9ssed that you dont get too much snow!

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Oh Steph sorry thigns didnt go well with the Michael session.

Try rolling the quilt into a jelly roll. itll fir under yuor machine throat that way.

Ill keep my fingers cr9ssed that you dont get too much snow!

This therapist just knows how to push my buttons and without being able to see me, she doesn't know my buttons have been pushed. I have spent a LONG time perfecting that "normal" voice. She knew I was upset but had no idea how badly. Each day is better, and she did say, "When this gets messy is when we are making progress."

As for the quilt, jelly roll???? Got me ;)

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Janet, I'm sorry for the hassle with the house. At least you fed the bird. If he doesn't come and take stuff, take the bird to the animal shelter and the other to Goodwill. You gave him a warning. Some people are just disrespectful. Hang in there.

Busy day today, grading papers, cleaning, laundry, dyeing DD#4's hair, so won't be in much.Have a great day TTFN

I don't know.... I think that bird would fit right in with Angel and Bear and the kitty!

36_23_14.gif 36_23_15.gif 36_23_11.gif 16_3_129.gif

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This therapist just knows how to push my buttons and without being able to see me, she doesn't know my buttons have been pushed. I have spent a LONG time perfecting that "normal" voice. She knew I was upset but had no idea how badly. Each day is better, and she did say, "When this gets messy is when we are making progress."

As for the quilt, jelly roll???? Got me :unsure:

Ya roll the quilt tightly from one end, then slide the square that you want to work on just under the needle... the "ROLL" will be to the left of the needle and to the right of the Housing opening. THen unroll another block, quilt it and carry on rolling or unrolling the "JELLY ROLL" until all your sewing is done.

Dessert Jelly Roll, usually a flat chocolate cake, filled with icing and then you roll itup then cut it... makes cirlces of cake with icing in the middle....

also like pinwheel sandwiches.... that you make for a "tea" party or "wedding shower"...

Perhaps, Karla can explain it better than me... sorry, I was trying to help.

O/T... do you believe those JERKS at my old job... they STILL have me advertised on their WEB page!!!!;) I emailed my old boss and told her to take me off....goof:blink:

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I don't know.... I think that bird would fit right in with Angel and Bear and the kitty!

36_23_14.gif 36_23_15.gif 36_23_11.gif 16_3_129.gif

Dah, I missed the part about the BIRD, had to go back and reread some pages...

That kid has a lot nerve leaving all that CRAP there....Take the bird to an animal shelter...did he just LEAVE it there all alone???? Throw everything else in the trash... call U-got-Junk###

Phyl, I love the icons... so cute:tongue:

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Well got out the house at noon -got my Target & food shopping done - got it put up and then sat down to read my book - Debbie called - then Sister called they will be here 2/6 they say they are going to move back in May - Wanted to know if room was still available - told them yes - I guess DN called and told them what happen yesterday - I will ck on the house next weekend.

Making turkey meat loaf for dinner w/cauliflower for dinner - it's in the oven.. Got the dishwasher unloaded & reloaded - load of wash in..

Steph - Hugs on your FIL - Family is in my prayers... Colon Cancer is one of the most curable cancer so we are glad he's getting it taken care of..

Hugs on the Therapy - Yep it will get messy before it gets fixed..

I don't quilt - so can't help you there.. Snow - no thanks - where are the dogs??

Phyl aren't you just to freaking funny - oh ya like I need another animal :0) - DN was suppose to go today to get the rest of his stuff - doubt he did - but he will get it done hopefully before his Mom gets here...

Candice wasn't your fault on the licorice - I saw a thing in 1st magazine that the sf stuff wasn't too bad - and I haven't had red licorice in ages - so bought some yesterday - it's won't call me like chocolate does - so it's no biggie and calories were only 920 total so I'm cool..

food today - coffee a 1/2 oz of Jerky - bag of pt chips 130 - was making popcorn when Sis called - but then forgot all about it - so I really wasn't hungry bored... So started dinner and will eat then..

I suggest this Beck Solution book - It says a lot of the stuff I always preach about - like how we think skinny pple can eat any and everything and stay skinny - well that just ain't true

She explains it alot better about how to talk to yourself when you want to eat and shouldn't than I do.. But I gotta say if you read this book you will say - Oh Janet said that just in a diff way - I am on page 54 Day 1 - making cards up with the reason you want to lose or maintain - or you can put it on your computer as a screen saver and you have to read it twice a day..


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Steph, first pin all your layers together, smoothing, etc. Then starting on left side, roll the quilt to the middle block like a tortilla. Then roll the right side to the middle block. Think of you quilt now as having 4 quadrants, upper left, upper right, lower right, and lower left. Here is a website that shows you how to make a jelly roll: Machine Quilting Tips and Tricks - For Dummies

Quilting: machine quilting, connie hester, feed dogs

These links will give you some ideas. Starting at the top between the 2 rolls, slide your quilt under the foot until you are in the middle. Moving from the inside to the outside, quilt the lower right quadrant, unrolling the right side as you go. Reroll right side and then quilt the upper right quadrant. Flip quilt and slide under the foot as before to do the last 2 quadrants.

If I had my quilting machine and frame up and not in storage, I'd offer to do it for you.

Well, best get going, long week. Check in later tonight, TTFN

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Good morning

Candice - Physically I am feeling much better...As for my flat tummy...it is far from flat. But I am still really swollen...and have gained a lot of weight. I kind of wish I hadn't had the surgery right now. I think it would have been better for me to have waited until we had a year of work under my belt. But at the same time I'm not sure that the stress of my job would have been any better. I will send pictures as soon as I have a reason to. Right now I just look fat...and it doesn't make me happy.

So today is going to be my first day running. I didn't do it this weekend because I was too tired and working all day.

Janet-I tried to get the Beck Solution book but SHOCKINGLY the bookstore here didn't have. (Hopefully you all sense the sarcasm!) So when I go to WA to get my fill I am going to check up there. Otherwise I will order it. I'm opposite of you...I don't like ordering things. When I want something I want it RIGHT NOW! Afterall I am from the instant gratification generation!

Well I need to get ready to head into work. Today is the first day of the new schedule. I don't have any new classes until after spring break because I am the only one on trimesters. Everyone else operates on semesters. But that is the only way that I can get in all of the science classes that I need to. Otherwise I would have to teacher 10 hours a day and frankly that doesn't sound appealing to me!!!

Talk to you later!

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Alright ladies! As usual, yesterday's post was all about ME! Now I want to talk about YOU!

Phyl, did you find anything WONDERFUL in Mexico? I don't remember hearing. When do you go on your cruise and where are you going/leaving from? Jeff and I are talking about doing a cruise next year after the 3-day from San Diego. Spending Thanksgiving indulging ourselves. Do you have any good cruising tips? I really worry about looking like a doofus. I saw on FB where Earl was going to go enjoy his RC's. He was going through withdrawls it sounded like. Wasn't he driving you nuts? LOL

Janet, I'll have to check out this "beck solution". I have a book called something like the 7 habits of successful WLS patients. I'm thinking maybe Jeff and I should start looking at it. I've really got to get back on track. I can't believe how far I've slid. As for your nephew, since beating him is out of the question, how about tarring him and feathering him with his damned bird's feathers? Or tar and roll him in bird seed? That would just gravel me. You're much too good!

Karri, 2 20-hour days and you are calling yourself old? No one...even 18 year olds....could do what you are doing without exhaustion. I'm glad that at least part of that was having fun. I really think it is awesome that you are part of this game group. It is so good for you to take that time for you. You always sound so happy after you've gone and played...even if you are exhausted. I wish there was something like that around here. I've thought about doing something like that, but it's not going to happen in this world.

Candice and Karla, thanks for the quilting suggestions. I'll see if I'm up to it. It makes me nervous. Now just one question....Karla, it sounded like I shouldn't have bound it yet. Is that right? I have it all put together. The batting is attached along each side where it was bound so it won't move. Did we screw up?

Okay....gonna run. I'll be back. Snowed in.

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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