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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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OMG Phyl - I am still lmao !!!! Now I want to give you crap about the cookie w/your latte ... I will leave you alone - I have teased you enough for one day lol...

Ya - I get those boxed bday cards - when I order from those kid school book thingie - and I keep them at my desk for pple at work or maybe an insured..

But the real pple in my life - get cards that I have read and they say what I feel...

I still love greasy food... Hell I am just a thin person w/a fat person brain - I am a sober food addict for the moment - one day at a time - My very hardest time to eat healthy is when I go out to eat - then my old brain kicks in..

But since I RARELY eat out - I figure those times as my treats...

I had 1/2 bbq (oven) ck breast tonite and that's it - am full - all last week I was straving thinking I do need a fill - but for the last 2 nites my restriction is back - I guess it's all the Wii exercising I have done :0)..

Andrew asked what I was doing for my bday - told him a gf called and want a bunch of us to go out dancing - he said well do you want to go out to dinner the next night - OMG isn't that the sweetest thing an 18 yr grandson can say to his old grandma...

I think that's pretty damn good for a kid - Joseph wouldn't have ever said that at 18... Hell he missed Andrew's 3rd bday altogether - I guess its the diff of having one kid on drugs and the other one who isn't

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Hi ladies. Quick late night check in. i agree....I like the twitter updates :blink: Keep it up Janet.

Long day. Went to Williston with Jeff but he had a ton of stuff to do before we went so sat and waited for him forEVER! grrr. i so hate that. Then tonight went to dinner at the neighbors. Managed to eat about 4-6 oz of prime and a dinner salad. Had kashi for Breakfast, but in between was not good. GRRRR

okay...off to bed. Talk to you tomorrow. Love you ladies.

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Geesh, I go out one night and you gals FILL a page!!!!

Had a great time, met some NEW friends... very interesting folks.. they bought some property in MEXICO,and have subdivided it into 10 lots and are building on one and selling the others... they'll make a killing!

ANyways they have a lead on a 4 bedroom Casa 4 bathrooms, marble kitchen....yada, yada... inground pool and an INDOOR pool too... Rent is $1000 per week... anyways we're talking about getting 4 couples to go in on it... so we may be going there... we'll see if it pans out... Drunken arrangements can be 'iffy'.. but it was fun to plan!~

Just so yo don't worry, they are not all perfect strangers... Harold the singer in Peters Band... well his sister is one of the couples and their friends are the one's who own property there and have the lead on the CASA...

food today, 900 before the BAR, I only had one glass of wine, but 3 or 4 coffees, I'll be up all night:wink:

Also, they might want to go to FRANCE so I'll pass along CAR's infor to them...

GOOD NIGHT~~:blink:

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OMG Phyl - I am still lmao !!!! Now I want to give you crap about the cookie w/your latte ... I will leave you alone - I have teased you enough for one day lol...

Ya - I get those boxed bday cards - when I order from those kid school book thingie - and I keep them at my desk for pple at work or maybe an insured..

But the real pple in my life - get cards that I have read and they say what I feel...

I still love greasy food... Hell I am just a thin person w/a fat person brain - I am a sober food addict for the moment - one day at a time - My very hardest time to eat healthy is when I go out to eat - then my old brain kicks in..

But since I RARELY eat out - I figure those times as my treats...

I had 1/2 bbq (oven) ck breast tonite and that's it - am full - all last week I was straving thinking I do need a fill - but for the last 2 nites my restriction is back - I guess it's all the Wii exercising I have done :0)..

Andrew asked what I was doing for my bday - told him a gf called and want a bunch of us to go out dancing - he said well do you want to go out to dinner the next night - OMG isn't that the sweetest thing an 18 yr grandson can say to his old grandma...

I think that's pretty damn good for a kid - Joseph wouldn't have ever said that at 18... Hell he missed Andrew's 3rd bday altogether - I guess its the diff of having one kid on drugs and the other one who isn't

NOT a cookie!! Biscotti... not sweet, more like a biscuit but crunchy... I read the package before I bought... 150 cal. So that was my lunch! Never had one before.

I know your birthday is coming up soon but forgot the exact date.. remind me. I'm old and I forget stuff! Very nice of Andrew to want to take you out to dinner! Sweet kid!

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Phyl, biscotti may not be super sweet, but damn the butter in them will kill you. But I must confess, I make a killer biscotti, hazelnut cranberry. There is 2 1/2 cups of chopped hazelnuts, then my secret ingredient...hazelnut flour, (we won't tell you how much butter). To finish them I dip them in white chocolate and then ground hazelnuts. They are one of my 2 specialties, that and 'black & white' shortbread. The biscotti have more butter than the shortbread.

Have to focus and finish my unit today, so probably won't be on much. Today I am back on the 'band' wagon. Weighed this morning and I'm up a pound, but I will blame part of that on the sweatshirt I was wearing. Part of my problem right now is that I don't feel full. I can eat non stop. I don't know if it is the foods I'm eating or if I need a fill. Well, today I'm going to pay attention to whether foods are sliders or solids. If I need a fill, it will have to wait until the house sells, no $$ for a trip to Kalispell or the cost of the fill. So I'll focus on what I can do. Tonights dinner is ham and bean Soup, I know it is probably a slider, but I make it with more Beans than broth.< /p>

You all have a good day, TTFN

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Good Morning Gang !!!

Damn dogs just don't let me sleep !! been up since 7 got the paper read - kitchen cleaned up from all of Andrew's late nite cooking - on my 2nd cup of coffee ;0)

Phyl - Bday 29th - 150 good lunch sometime I eat like that too :0) but remember that 150 could be in all reality 180 which is still good but I am upset about this whole thing that you can't trust what you read - I fudge a bit when I count calories - don't count things like veggies - just give them all a 50 cal # - so from now on I am adding 20% to everything I eat - well most cuz I do weigh things like Pasta and rice cuz I do read the oz thing and you can't eye ball 2 oz of (56 grms) of pasta especially since I don't eat it too often - but if it's packaged foods - I am adding 20%...

Candice - I know that a USA citizen can't own property in Mexico - you can get 100 yr lease on the land - but if you ain't mexican you can't own property.. There was a whole lot of hoopla a few yrs ago - were retiries bought (they thought) property and it got taken away from them.. They lost their $150,000 houses which were manision considering what most mex have

Yes I love drunken plans - they always sound so great at the time - sometimes you do act on them then others you don't

1 glass of wine isn't going considered drunk though :0)

Steph - Glad you could eat the meat - I love prime rib - bloody though ;0) - Well the drinks - we all have them occaissionally ;0)

Karri - Did you sleep last night

Karla - I know at this stage in my life I don't know if I could do all that school work - you go for it girl - is it interesting at least...

Yes eat hard Proteins and pay attention to fullness - it takes alot of head work - I know it does for me - sometimes I pay attention other I don't - After my dinner last night I had popcorn and 2 yes 2 pt bars 260 + 46 = 306 and 1 sf pudding 120 (incl 20%) and some oj 250 cal - so my totals yesterday 1100 -

Well need to color hair and get moving...


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twitter - 9:23 a.m.

Sheets in the wash - towels in the dryer - bathroom 3/4 cleaned - clothes separated for wash - now going to go color hair - let's see what color it comes out - adding something new to the mix :blink:

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Hi ladies. No church this morning. Nick through a hissy fit again so he is in his room for the time being. At least until this afternoon. Jeff is snowmobiling. It was a 100 mile trip and I thought that might be too much for me for the first ride of the season. Maybe in a month, but shorter for now would be better. Maybe one afternoon this week we will go.

So today Rose and I are going to attempt our 90-minute quilt projects. Read the directions and they just sound funked up! Not sure we're going to follow it to the letter. We will see. It might be a good idea. Just don't know. Here's the link to the one I am attempting:

90 Minute Quilts - Introduction

That's for Jai. I bought a rainbow type fabric with black stripes in between...really cute...with polka dots in the rainbow stripes.

Nick's is going to just be a checkerboard of 2 fabrics. He loves jungle stuff so I bought a jungle looking pattern and then a batik. We'll have to see how they turn out. Wish me luck.

I'm sure they won't take 90 minutes, but maybe we can get them done by next Sunday.

food is better so far today. Kashi for breakfast, not sure what I'll do for lunch but bought some good stuff at the store on Friday so it should be better. Bought some turkey tenderloins so think I'll put one in the pressure cooker for dinner. Jeff probably won't be home so don't have to worry about him. Kids never eat what I cook so I don't have to cater to them....I get to pick!!!

Candice, I'll go to Mexico with you. Just let me know...

Karla, your day from hell has to be better today. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Good luck on the food today. Keep an eye on it. I find if I nibble, I can nibble for hours, but if I sit and eat solid, I'm full for awhile. Bad habits.

I haven't thought about Car in awhile! I hope she is doing good. Candice, will you email her and tell her we miss her? She was such a hoot. I remember thinking I could do the Denver 3-day and meet her. Maybe next time.

No news on Jeff's surgery. We'll see if he follows through. Not holding my breath but he did bring it up on Thursday without me saying anything....so maybe he is serious.

Okay...that was a seriously random post so it must be time to get down to work. Hugs ladies. Have a great day!! Love you all!

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I did sleep OK last night. Not as good as the night before. I woke up a couple of times hyperventilating. I think I am a little anxious about next week. I don't have much of a choice...I have to be able to work full days next week. My student teacher is still there but this is ridiculous. I don't like to not be able to do what I want. For the last two years I have just continuously told myself that whatever I wanted my body to do...it would do. So now...that doesn't work It's like admitting defeat. Freaks me out!

On a good note, I get to go to Philadelphia in March to the National Science Teacher's Convention. The school will pay for my flight, the conference, food, car and hotel for 4 nights. But then Lee and I are going to extend the trip and spend 4 days in DC. That is what I am using my income tax money for. He is getting unemployment and got a small severance package from his work so money fortunately isn't as tight as we feared! Plus we do have some in savings. I will have to pay for Lee's flight and our hotels in DC and food but that is it. We were debating on DC or NYC and decided to go to DC because so much of the stuff that we want to do is free. The Smithsonian, almost all the monuments, the zoo, the supreme court etc...all free! That is my kind of price. We will take the train from Philly to DC and then go back to Philly to fly out. I'm so excited.

Well I need to get going on grades! I need to send out emails to all of my students. Fortunately my student teacher did all of the grade sheets...I just need to write a letter an email them.

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NOT a cookie!! Biscotti... not sweet, more like a biscuit but crunchy... I read the package before I bought... 150 cal. So that was my lunch! Never had one before.

I know your birthday is coming up soon but forgot the exact date.. remind me. I'm old and I forget stuff! Very nice of Andrew to want to take you out to dinner! Sweet kid!

Janets B-day is the 29th of Jan!!!

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Twitter update 12:15

just ate my 60 (20%increase included) whole wheat tort/wrap with 100 ca cheese and hot sauce = 160 so far today..

hair done - still not happy w/color a little to ashy and I used warm shades -

bathroom mopped rugs drying - have to wait til 1:15 to get nail done - not enough time to go to target - I like to wander..

Karri - I woke up alot last night too don't know why.. How cool I have always wanted to go to DC - was going to send Andrew on the 8th grade trip and go as a chapparone - but figured that at 230ish at the time that I couldn't hang and being around kids for a week would have driven me crazy and they wouldn't let me and andrew share a room - i would have had to room w/mom's I don't know.. So didn't go - that's on my bucket list :0)

Steph - I will have to ck out the site - right now my transfer addiction is my wii fit - and it's a good one - since I am moving - might not be burning 500 cal but 200 is better than nothing.. I like the sound of 90 min project though - I have crocheted in a while - I start stuff like that and never finish - or pick it back up a yr later :0)

Ok best get moving - food has hit tummy and now I am sleepy..

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Janets B-day is the 29th of Jan!!!

Pretty good for an old broad:biggrin::biggrin::biggrin::blink:- yours is 8/31 !!!!

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I did sleep OK last night. Not as good as the night before. I woke up a couple of times hyperventilating. I think I am a little anxious about next week. I don't have much of a choice...I have to be able to work full days next week. My student teacher is still there but this is ridiculous. I don't like to not be able to do what I want. For the last two years I have just continuously told myself that whatever I wanted my body to do...it would do. So now...that doesn't work It's like admitting defeat. Freaks me out!

On a good note, I get to go to Philadelphia in March to the National Science Teacher's Convention. The school will pay for my flight, the conference, food, car and hotel for 4 nights. But then Lee and I are going to extend the trip and spend 4 days in DC. That is what I am using my income tax money for. He is getting unemployment and got a small severance package from his work so money fortunately isn't as tight as we feared! Plus we do have some in savings. I will have to pay for Lee's flight and our hotels in DC and food but that is it. We were debating on DC or NYC and decided to go to DC because so much of the stuff that we want to do is free. The Smithsonian, almost all the monuments, the zoo, the supreme court etc...all free! That is my kind of price. We will take the train from Philly to DC and then go back to Philly to fly out. I'm so excited.

Well I need to get going on grades! I need to send out emails to all of my students. Fortunately my student teacher did all of the grade sheets...I just need to write a letter an email them.

WOw, that conference sounds like a great opportunity! Enjoy your vacation pLANS!!!!

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You don't have to track me down. I've been trying to get on here for two days and either my computer or the site has been giving me a problem. Everytime I get on, a message would pop up and tell me I had an error and did I want to send a report. Then in kicked me off, totally. It only did it here in LBT so I don't know what the problem was.

Candice, I found the fabric on line. I am so screwed. There were at least six fabrics I really like and I don't know just what quilt to make and at $9.00 a yard....................well, think I'd better figure out what I want to make and buy the right amounts. I think I'd break the bank if I bought this stuff and saved it till I found what I wanted to make. I'd have to probably buy at least three yards of each fabric.............i'm sure you get the picture.

I'm starting to really get in the swing of things. Cutting way back and less food is filling me up. Still have to go get an unfill. At least for a little while and see if that is my acid reflux problem. Now I have to get my rear in gear and head to the gym. Still pedaling though. It's better than not doing anything and it is way to cold to go out and walk. I'm too much of a wuss and I HATE WINTER. Another month or so and we'll be heading out for Florida. I can't wait. SO EVERYONE HAVE A GREAT SUNDAY AND I'LL TRY TO GET BACK HERE TOMORROW.

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Quick break from writing my unit. 2/3rds done!! It isn't great, but it is only a rough draft.

food good so far:

BF: blueberries/yogurt kashi

snack: small banana

lunch: small bowl of tomatoe basil Soup with tortollini


2 coffee

1 diet soda (I know, but I rarely have them)

1 large glass of crystal lite

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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