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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I actually did sleep last night. I went to bed at 11 woke up at 130 when DH came home from game night and then fell back asleep until my alarm went off at 6:00. I decided to come into work today for a half day. I have dr appts all afternoon but for the first time since surgery I am not completely in pain!!! Still a little sore, but not horrible like it has been. I really think that it was the lack of sleep.

Well I have to figure out what is going on with my moodle. I will check in later.

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Yeah, you need to come down here. It's COLD in FL and we're having the best winter since we've been coming down here, I think. See... weatherman just said.. warmest weather here in the whole continental US! Temps hit 80 in most areas of So CA.. We were at least 75.

NO.. food Cop doesn't scare me!

I just had a busy day.

We went shopping after Water aerobics.

Michaels, Trader Joe's, Starbucks, bank, Walmart, back to the bank (!),

then Costco!

Oh, yeah... and the hobby store to pick up all the parts for the two broken airplanes!!

Then we had a glass of wine, a little cheese,

watched some Judge Judy and had some grilled steak.

Tilapia never go finished yesterday.

In fact when I posted that I was half done and having trouble... I quit.

I was eating so slow that Earl was finished with his dinner before I took my first bite! Then he kept trying to take my plate away because I was eating slow. After a while, I just let him take it because I was obviously not getting anything else down.

Tonight... filet.... somewhere between 3 and 4 oz.

I ate it all... but VERY slowly. Had a few peas with it, and sauteed mushrooms and onions.

BF was a nature valley granola bar... 190 cal.

Lunch... Snacks at Costco... taste of Healthy Choice chicken noodle Soup, small piece of a chicken burrito, little piece of cheese, 1 cracker w/dab of cream cheese and sm piece of smoked salmon and 2 bites of yogurt. I think that was it. I guess there was chicken sausage there somewhere, but I missed it. Oh.. I had a couple of bites of curry chicken at TJ's. It was pretty tasty. I might try making that. They were serving it over rice... that kind of rice that starst with a "b" that I can't think of right now.

Down 2 lb at TOPS today.

I'm getting so annoyed with them I don't think I'm going to let them elect me leader again.

I had a frustration last week when I showed up with all my stuff and was told, "Oh, we decided we'd just have a weigh in this morning"... no meeting because it was New Years Eve.

Excuse me??

Our meeting is at 8 a.m.!!

And if they were going to decide that

(while I was out of town Christmas week)

someone should've sent me an email or called me on the phone to let me know!

So this week... I get there a little before 8 am. to get weighed. We have a basket we put fruint and healthy snacks in... everyone is uppsoed to contribute something and then the best loser of the week gets to take it home. So I go to put something in the fruit basket and it's empty!

So I said, "didn't anyone else bringh anything for he basket today???"

Weight Recorder says... "Oh, I already gave it to Betty. She lost 3 lb and I didn't figure anyone was going to beat her>" Betty had already left.

The fruit basket is supposed to be awarded during the meeting. You don't give it to someone who is "probably" going to be the best loser before the meeting even starts! And it's not supposed to go to someone who isn't even staying for the meeting!

I was sort of ticked off but kept my mouth shut.

But, I'm abut ready to be done.

All summer when I was gone I kept asking them to email me copies of the minutes and they never communicated anything!

Okay, enough about that!!

It's killing me not to have any Papaya when I have problems like I had last night with the tilapia.

But if it's here... once I start, I just keep popping them in like M & Ms!

So... no more!

Cut back on my wine.

Now am addicted to Challenge Sudoku on FB!


It's time for bed.

Unless it was BROWN rice, I think what you had is called BASMATI rice... its divine!!! Very aromatic and has kinda a nutty taste to it... It is all I buy... enjoy!

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Two days in a row. A new record. Okay, I'm surprised I'm still here. Everytime I read one post, this stupid thing says an internal error has occurred and kicks me off. Happened to me four times.

Steph - in the upper right corner of this page, there is a tab (turquoise) that says crazy offer. I opened it and it had a thingy about a special, LAP-BAND® 4400 sleeve 5400. I tried clicking for more info but it slowed way down. So I can't tell you anything else, you'll have to look it up on your own.

candice - Love the quilt squares. I love that fabric. I was gonna stop at your quilt store on my way home last summer but forgot directions. Who makes that fabric? I can go online and find it but it would help to have the designer. We will be at my mom's down in florida. She lives in Stuart which is on the Atlantic side. But we can drive just about anywhere. Do you still have my cell number? If not let me know and I'll send it to you.

Jqnet - Restriction???? Hell yes. I have got to get down to the doctor and get a little taken out. The acid reflux is killing me. The one thing that does help it is food and that is a no-no. This afternoon, I was belching up water(and reflux).....six hours after I ate Breakfast. But we're having a doozy of a snowstorm and I am not going to drive an hour and a half in this snow. I just now finished my third bottle of Water today. No soda. My food for tday was BF.- half english muffin, slice lowfat cheese, one fried egg. Lunch- Was a silver dollar size piece of chicken with BBQ Sauce and a half cup potato salad. snack was one cookie. (the devil made me do it) dinner was Fettucini alfredo (lean cousine) Couldn't eat all of it and a small slice of monterey jack cheese for the Protein. Now all I have to do is make it thru the evening.

I did get on the scale and it was down two pounds over last week and I fuigured it was water, but hey, my rings were super tight so I was holding water. My jeans still fit me but they are super uncomfortable. Twenty pounds and my TT will be history.


P.S. Love you guys. I don't know if I could do this without you.

Kari, that fabric is from the collection by NORTHCOTT, Mark Lipinski's HOME #3001

Now I am sure that you can google NORTHCOTT fabrics and find out from them if there is more and they'd probably ship too.

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more sewing today... still snowing here... which is a problelm cause I was gonna drive into Barrie, see my MOM and meet a new Lapbander friend who lives there, gonna try and get a minimeeting of Lbanders going...wish me luck!

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Karri - Glad you got some sleep and are feeling better today - don't over do it ok...

Candice Drive carefull - Have fun !!! I think getting a local support group together would be fantastic !!!

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Unless it was BROWN rice, I think what you had is called BASMATI rice... its divine!!! Very aromatic and has kinda a nutty taste to it... It is all I buy... enjoy!

Yeah... that was it... Basmati! I'll have to get some. It was good.

Karri got my sleep! That's not fair!! LOL

Read until 12:30 a.m., reflux for an hour after that... and it went away so suddenly it was weird. It was like all of a sudden everything went down and I was fine! Like pulling the plug in the drain! But then I couldn't get to sleep for at least another hour. So I slept until 7:30 a.m., about 1/2 hr longer than ususal.

Decided to buy some shredded wheat yesterday.. so had 1/2 cup w/skim milk for BF this morning. It only stayed down about 15 minutes! Don't know why. And it came up so suddenly, projectile... that I couldn't get to the toilet fast enough! Cleaned that up, and then the rest came up. So then I was starving for lunch by the time I got back from the pool (yes, I went anyway) ... had the other piece of my fish from the other night and a couple of those little cocktail meatballs. Now it feels like that wants to come up! Maybe I still have the flu. Headache is back again, too! Think I wll skip choir practice.

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Hugs Phyl - do you feel sick to your stomach - I would stick with Soup for dinner - why were you trying to eat that fish that didn't go down the 1st time?? You gotta switch to catfish.. It's soft and easy to eat..

Throwing up is the pits !!!!

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Hugs Phyl - do you feel sick to your stomach - I would stick with Soup for dinner - why were you trying to eat that fish that didn't go down the 1st time?? You gotta switch to catfish.. It's soft and easy to eat..

Throwing up is the pits !!!!

Felt a little sick to my stomach earlier. Mostly the stupid headache is back and I just don't feel good. Skipped choir practice and rode in to the hobby store with Earl this afternoon - more helicopter parts!! Do you have any idea how much this helicopter has cost now, after the initial cost???!!

Why was I eating the fish????

Hmmmmmm..... #1... because I like it, #2..... maybe because our parents grew up during the depression and brainwashed us that you never WASTE anything!?? or... #3... just plain stupid! It was there, I was hungry, it just needed to be heated up. I ate it! Pretty dumb, huh?!

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Unless it was BROWN rice, I think what you had is called BASMATI rice... its divine!!! Very aromatic and has kinda a nutty taste to it... It is all I buy... enjoy!

Trader Joe's is right next to the hobby store, so when we went in AGAIN TODAY for helicopter parts, I went in and got a bag of Basmati rice... they had both white and brown. The brown was actually 10 calories more per serving than the white. I bought white.

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I just got back from the doctor. No sleeping pills but she did give my the diflucan for the yeast infection. She told me to try sleeping again tonight and if that doesn't work to call her tomorrow and she will call in a prescription. She said she has given so many people sleeping pill prescriptions after surgery and they get addicted. She said she has had way less problems with pain pills than with sleeping pills so she is apprehensive. I do have a bit of an infection so stronger antibiotics. If it isn't better by Monday she is putting me on IV antibiotics! Fun time!

Phyl, sorry I stole your sleep but I REALLY needed it!!

Work went well today. The jackass English teacher actually was nice to me today. He actually said some complimentary things!

Karla - I really hope you don't think I am mad at you because I'm not. I hope I didn't come across snappy, cuz I didn't mean to!

Well I'm marinating my meat for dinner tonight. We are having cuban steaks (palomilla??) Rachael Ray had them on the other day and they looked yummy!

I will check in later.

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Felt a little sick to my stomach earlier. Mostly the stupid headache is back and I just don't feel good. Skipped choir practice and rode in to the hobby store with Earl this afternoon - more helicopter parts!! Do you have any idea how much this helicopter has cost now, after the initial cost???!!

Why was I eating the fish????

Hmmmmmm..... #1... because I like it, #2..... maybe because our parents grew up during the depression and brainwashed us that you never WASTE anything!?? or... #3... just plain stupid! It was there, I was hungry, it just needed to be heated up. I ate it! Pretty dumb, huh?!

Trader Joe's is right next to the hobby store, so when we went in AGAIN TODAY for helicopter parts, I went in and got a bag of Basmati rice... they had both white and brown. The brown was actually 10 calories more per serving than the white. I bought white.

I grew up w/straving children in China or Africa - clean plater club - but today - I throw stuff away - at lunch I had too much rice w/my meal - so threw most of it out..

I vote white rice - I can't get use to the brown stuff - That's the rice you had at my house when you came for dinner - it's the only rice I buy..

Well, how did it (fish) go down for lunch?? The salmon I made for dinner last night tasted funny to me had a couple bite and said nope - didn't get sick so it wasn't bad - but if it doesn't taste good or I can't eat it due to my band or if it taste too good - it goes in the trash

Yep Earl has an expensive hobby... Rest and take your vitmans ..

I just got back from the doctor. No sleeping pills but she did give my the diflucan for the yeast infection. She told me to try sleeping again tonight and if that doesn't work to call her tomorrow and she will call in a prescription. She said she has given so many people sleeping pill prescriptions after surgery and they get addicted. She said she has had way less problems with pain pills than with sleeping pills so she is apprehensive. I do have a bit of an infection so stronger antibiotics. If it isn't better by Monday she is putting me on IV antibiotics! Fun time!

Phyl, sorry I stole your sleep but I REALLY needed it!!

Work went well today. The jackass English teacher actually was nice to me today. He actually said some complimentary things!

Karla - I really hope you don't think I am mad at you because I'm not. I hope I didn't come across snappy, cuz I didn't mean to!

Well I'm marinating my meat for dinner tonight. We are having cuban steaks (palomilla??) Rachael Ray had them on the other day and they looked yummy!

I will check in later.

Karri - Glad you had a good day - I have some sleeping pills the doc gave me a few samples - I can't say they really knock me out at all - you read about these pple taking them and sleeping like a rock -doesn't work for me - I have xanax too - and I take 2 5 mgs - and I still will wake up during the night..

well it's about time to leave - yea - cb when I get home

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Karri... glad you got a good night's sleep!! Our daughter had hyst in early Nov and she is having a lot of trouble with insomnia, too. Wonder why.. after surgery, because I had the same problem for a while. No pain, should've been able to sleep, but just couldn't. I thought part of my problem was the anti-depressant I was taking. So I cut it in half and the problem pretty much went away. Except for last night! :tt1: But I don't know if it was cutting the med or what that fixed the problem!

Part of my lunch did come back up but don't know if it was because of the fish, or still have a touch of the flu or what. Just had a little cheese and pita chips and no problem with that. Stomach feels okay now, biggest complaint is my head!

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Phyl - Take some tylenol :0)!!!!

Well home from work have the dishwasher going a load of towels in need to go do some Wii..


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you gotta pull out your wii fit plus - the bicycling is so much fun - i keep unlocking new rids - hell I just spend 20 min looking for flags burned 65 cal - so far I have burned 195 cal today - gotta go ck out my new unlock paths - You don't need room you just step on the board....

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you gotta pull out your wii fit plus - the bicycling is so much fun - i keep unlocking new rids - hell I just spend 20 min looking for flags burned 65 cal - so far I have burned 195 cal today - gotta go ck out my new unlock paths - You don't need room you just step on the board....

Is the wii fit plus better than the wii fit? What I don't like about the wii fit is that you have to wait so long in between each activity. Do you have to do that on the wii fit plus?

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