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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Okay...going to whine. It is a pity party for 1. Let me list what is wrong.

1. I hurt... I mean REALLY bad. Had to take a pain pill.

2. I am so swollen.

3. Because I have done NOTHING since surgery and for about 3 weeks before surgery my pants don't fit. Cried in the dressing room yesterday for the first time in a long time about things not fitting.

4. I had a deep cleaning/root planing at the dentist and now on top of everything else hurting my mouth hurts.

5. I was exhausted all day and now that it is getting close to bed time...I'm WIDE awake.

6. I can't drive and I'm sick of being in the house. Lee is off with our gaming group learning how to play a game. Then tomorrow he is going back to actually play the game which takes about 6-7 hours. I am REALLY glad that he is going, but I'm tired of being at home. But even if I could drive I won't drive because of all the freezing rain. I'm not mad at him at all. I was the one who convinced him to go.

7. I can't go to the gym and run and I really need that outlet. I can't do anything at the gym until I see the doctor on Friday.

8. I can't take a bath and I want to (I know...petty but damnit I want a bath!!)

9. I am hungry all the time lately and it is really hard to stay in calories. I talked to the doctor today and she doesn't want me counting calories at all. She said I am in the most critical stage of internal healing and I need the calories. But go back to the previous reason that my clothes don't fit and you will understand my frustration.

10. I have a yeast infection (TMI!) from hell. She said to try the over the counter stuff and if it doesn't get better she will give a Rx for the pill on Friday. But meanwhile I have to survive until Friday.

11. My boss is gone at work and the jackass English teacher is in charge. It just sucks when Michael (my boss) and our secretary are both gone. We have no way to buy anything and we ran out of copy paper today.

12. I'm up to my neck in work and I have no energy to work on it. Even when I'm wide awake I am exhausted. Exhausted to the point that I can't even hardly function.

Well I think that is it. I'm really questioning my sanity on this surgery. I should NOT have done it seeing that this was the first year at the charter school. But I so desperately wanted it done.

I do have a plan to get the weight and sizes off. But there isn't much that I can do until I can go to the gym and work it. I already have my running schedule worked out assuming I can be back to running by Feb 1. My trainer always has me working on 2 goals at a time. No more, no less. So my two goals are

1. By May 2 (the day of my half marathon) to be back to 155 and back in my size 4's (if my thighs will let me!!) If my thighs prevent me from getting in my 4s because of muscle mass I will happily take my 6s!

2. By May 2 be able to run my half marathon under 2:30.

Those are two reasonable goals I think. She may make me change the weight goal to a body fat % goal, which is fine. I am more worried about my size than my weight.

Sorry for being a downer...I just needed to whine.

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You gotta tell Earl 350 10-15 minutes

Tilpia is thinner than my catfish that I cook 350 for 20

Maybe he should defrost it before he cooks it.

Take tiny bites and eat very slowly - sometime my spinach comes back up but that's usually cuz I ate too fast and didn't chew..


I had taken a break - I would let a lot slide - but remember we all are back on the band wagon..

Ya I think I would have gotten a little pissy at you go and leave me alone - I would have maybe said fine and booked a plane to Cali - I got a room(so your only cost would be airfare) and our weather is great - No snow:tongue:

Isn't that green quilt the one that was on my bed this summer :smile2:


GF - I have been worried about you for a while (ever since you started drinking soda's again) I was afraid this was going to happen - I understand how hard it is to get the motivation back - that's the main reason that I have never gotten too far off track cuz it' just to damn hard to get back on - this is why I am always preaching that this is a LIFETIME change - we can't go back to our old ways..

I understand about the weather - that would deter me from going to the gym - Do you have a Wii - Exercise Video's?? Pull them out and 1 hr a day like Candice says really isn't going to cut it and I don't like the lean cusine meals either - that's not real food - it's ok for a meal replacment every now and then but not on a daily basis - you gotta learn to eat real healthy foods in moderation - How's your restriction..


You will figure it out (masters) Remember you need to allow sometime for you...


I was cking out the sleeve site - I am an Honorary member

Oregondaisy who I know from the 50's thread - convertered too and she says Acevas keeps you 3 days and makes sure you have no leaks and does some special testing - That's who did hers and Wasa sleeve - he is the doc I would go too

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Oh Hugs Karri

How many hours did you work today?? Have the stupid english teacher go buy paper and michael will reimburse him..

If you can't sleep at nite then sleep in the day.. Why were you in a dressing room... Can you walk the halls in your apt bldg.. I know you live in a small town do you have a mall that you can leisurely walk in..

It' ok to take pain pills - did you ask about sleeping pills - eat some yogurt for the yeast and let the cookie air out (don't wear panties) well hell it's cold there put on some long johns or sweats w/out undies..

You got the yeast from the antibiotics ... Eat yogurt - oh but you don't like it do you... well have lee get some fruit to put in it or make a shake with it..

Eat - just stay way from bad foods (sugar) but I know that's what you want :0) I would too - I would be soothing myself to the max most likely with sugar..

Oh I wish I was there at least you could cry on my shoulder..

Ya I bet you are sick and tired of being sick and tired...

Take tomorrow off - just do it - sleep all day if you can - I know that I can sleep during the day when I can't sleep at night.

Hugs Hugs Hugs..... Whine all you want .... We are here and if I could fix it I would...



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Oh Hugs Karri

How many hours did you work today?? Have the stupid english teacher go buy paper and michael will reimburse him..

If you can't sleep at nite then sleep in the day.. Why were you in a dressing room... Can you walk the halls in your apt bldg.. I know you live in a small town do you have a mall that you can leisurely walk in..

It' ok to take pain pills - did you ask about sleeping pills - eat some yogurt for the yeast and let the cookie air out (don't wear panties) well hell it's cold there put on some long johns or sweats w/out undies..

You got the yeast from the antibiotics ... Eat yogurt - oh but you don't like it do you... well have lee get some fruit to put in it or make a shake with it..

Eat - just stay way from bad foods (sugar) but I know that's what you want :0) I would too - I would be soothing myself to the max most likely with sugar..

Oh I wish I was there at least you could cry on my shoulder..

Ya I bet you are sick and tired of being sick and tired...

Take tomorrow off - just do it - sleep all day if you can - I know that I can sleep during the day when I can't sleep at night.

Hugs Hugs Hugs..... Whine all you want .... We are here and if I could fix it I would...



I worked from 6 - 1 which was a little longer than I had hoped. But I am in the middle of needing to post grades and meet with students. I did text my student teacher and told her that I may not make it in tomorrow. I only teach my kids 2 days a week so to cancel classes is huge for me because it means I miss half the days of instruction. She can do all of my classes except AP and physics. However I may just have to break down and cancel AP tomorrow.

Greg's comment about the paper is that "ordering is beneath me...that's what a secretary does." I had Lee go buy me paper so that I could at least get done what I needed to. But now kids have an excuse to not turn things in. My moodles are f'ed up right now and kids can't submit things like they should be able to. So instead they were supposed to print off their projects and turn them into the basket on my desk. Well they couldn't do that either. So then they were supposed to email it to me. Problem...their projects were too big to attach as emails. It was NUTS!

The yeast infection is from the almost constant 3 weeks that I have been on antibiotics (and I have to be on them for another week!)

We don't have halls at our apts. They are outside entrances. We don't have a mall in our town and the mall that is in the next town is all outside entrances so it is too cold. I guess I could go walk around Wal-Mart with a fanny pack on like the old ladies do in the morning:rolleyes2:

I really don't want sugar. I want REAL food. I have been starving for hearty foods.

I do like yogurt and I have been eating it daily since surgery to prevent the infection and I guess I held off until today.

The other problem is that the anesthesia is screwing with my memory. Between that and the lack of sleep I can barely spell my own name!!

After the doctor's appt I wanted to go to JC Penny because they were having their clearance sales and I wanted to get some new clothes. Well the small shirts all fit but I was in size 10 pants. Lee is convinced that I am swollen (but I should be swollen down there. My swelling is up top. I had a bit of a meltdown. We don't get to go into Bend a lot because of gas. Lee doesn't like to go there just because so I can only go when we have a purpose like needing to go to costco, game nights, or going to the doctor. Right now I can't drive because it hurts and because I'm scared to drive in the icy conditions.

Well I am going to try to lay down and go to sleep. I'll check back in the morning!

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Karri....hire someone to take you into town!! You work, you have your own $$$, NO ONE has the right to tell you no. Yes a relationship is all about compromise, not who wins or looses, but there are times that for sanity you do what you have to do, for survival. But then again, I've been single for 15 years, 16 in March, so what do I know. But on a more realistic note, having had more abdominal surgeries than you can count on BOTH hands...you are at the bottom, you always get there before things start looking up. Anethestizia (sp) can take a long time to move out of your system, months even. Healing....you HAVE to slow down, IMHO you should take some sick leave. Do you want to be able to run your marathon???? Then you better take time now to heal or you won't make it. Yeast infection, air & yogurt, you know the science, sounds strange, but use a blow drier on cool. A doc told me that and it works, yeast needs moisture. Yes you are swollen everywhere, they just ran a 'weed wacker' through your abdomen & chest, Fluid buildup is there because it's been disturbed. food, you can't heal without it. sleep when you can. IMHO you probably are a little ADHD (more the H than the AD), which means you aren't going to react to sleeping pills the way most people do, so talk to the doc. Drink warm milk and take some Calcium, both aid sleep. You have hit bottom, it is okay to rant and rave for awhile. Get it out of your system, make a REALISTIC plan, and FOLLOW it.

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Karri....hire someone to take you into town!! You work, you have your own $$$, NO ONE has the right to tell you no. Yes a relationship is all about compromise, not who wins or looses, but there are times that for sanity you do what you have to do, for survival. But then again, I've been single for 15 years, 16 in March, so what do I know. But on a more realistic note, having had more abdominal surgeries than you can count on BOTH hands...you are at the bottom, you always get there before things start looking up. Anethestizia (sp) can take a long time to move out of your system, months even. Healing....you HAVE to slow down, IMHO you should take some sick leave. Do you want to be able to run your marathon???? Then you better take time now to heal or you won't make it. Yeast infection, air & yogurt, you know the science, sounds strange, but use a blow drier on cool. A doc told me that and it works, yeast needs moisture. Yes you are swollen everywhere, they just ran a 'weed wacker' through your abdomen & chest, Fluid buildup is there because it's been disturbed. food, you can't heal without it. sleep when you can. IMHO you probably are a little ADHD (more the H than the AD), which means you aren't going to react to sleeping pills the way most people do, so talk to the doc. Drink warm milk and take some Calcium, both aid sleep. You have hit bottom, it is okay to rant and rave for awhile. Get it out of your system, make a REALISTIC plan, and FOLLOW it.

I don't want to sound defensive but I do need to clarify a few things. I have no extra money right now. I just paid 5000$ for my surgery before break and still owe my doctor 1500$ and Lee just got laid off. We are a one income family and I have a staggering amount of bills. I wouldn't have had the surgery if I would have know that Lee wasn't going to have the job, but he job seemed so safe that it never even crossed my mind.

I don't have ADHD...I am obsessive and a perfectionist. When I say that I you would have to induce a coma to get me to stay on the couch it is because I can't sit and do nothing. I can sit at my desk for hours without moving as long as I am working. But I can't sit and do nothing. Part of my obsessive disorder is that I feel that if I am not doing something productive that I am worthless. This is why I schedule myself to work 12 hours a day.

I know I need to rest to heal. That is why I haven't gone to the gym for the last several days. But I love exercise. It is what clears my mind. It is my stress relief and that has been taken away from me.

Most of my problem is that I HATE HATE HATE where I live. even if I do go into the next town...there is nothing to do. I'm a big city girl and the entire county has less people than the last 3 cities I have lived in!! Because of all the snow I can't just get up and go. Until late spring I feel trapped and claustrophobic. We live less than 30 minutes from the Cascade mountain range. Every place and person that I love beside my DH are on the other side of that mountain range. I just need to get the hell out of here, but that isn't happening for another year and a half. That means at least 1 more winter here. I do much better in the summer. It isn't SAD because I love the clouds and the rain...I hate being trapped because of the snow.

I didn't go to work today but I can't just take sick leave like other teachers. We don't get substitutes so when I miss work my kids don't have class. Plus we only have 6 employees. Right now 2 of them are in Florida at a conference and one is in Portland at a mandatory meeting to receive our grant. That only leaves 2 people to run the entire school.

I slept for about 3 hours last night and right now I am in survival mode.

I'm just struggling right now. I have no good friends here. All of my good friends are scattered throughout the country. The people in this area are crazy too. WAAAAAY to redneck for me!

Well I am going to try to get some more sleep.

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Ahw Karri: all the good advise has been given, so I am just gonna send you some cyber ((((HUGS)))) I wish I lived closer too to all you guys..

But, we're only a CLICK away, so rant on... its o.k.

FOrget about the cals rightnow, your BODY needs to heal and its just one more stress you don't need.

I just know your Job MOVE will happen so relax about that now if you can.

GET SOME sleeping pills, I take XXXXXXXX but its called Ambian in the U.s. it works awesome.. You'll feel so much better if you're getting proper sleep.< /p>

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Good Morning Gang

Ya Karri you are between a rock and a hard place :0) right now - this too shall pass - Am glad you are home today.. Kids will survive... Eat your healthy food - it's ok - as long as you aren't hitting the sugar ...

Rant Rant - we will listen... Maybe you can catch a couple of winks today.. Meditation :0) do some typing games :0)

But I know you - you will be working even though you aren't at work :0)

Food good last night chicken catchatorri (sp) apple pie yogurt w/a little granola..

Did 35 min wii this a.m. 105 cal burned - waffeling between hitting the gym tonite or just doing the wii - we will see which wins..

Phyl how did the rest of your dinner go??

Candice Will you be able to drive today and go to the gym

Kari - How are you today - did you get rid of the soda's - what's on your schedule today.

Karla - You are at work - won't read this til tonite - hope you have a good day.

Denise - you are back at work Hugs..

Well gotta get cracking on my work - CBL

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Good morning ladies. Hugs to each of you!

Karri, I hurt for you! I know how much you hate where you are and how trapped you feel and that's got to add stress to your already stressed out body and mind. I wish I had good advise to give that would take you to a better place, but I know you've tried it all. I have taken to listening to guided imagery to help me relax, feel better, and sleep. You can look it up on youtube, but I ordered a bunch of cd's. If you try it and like it, I'd burn you a copy of all my cds so you could have them. Even Nick listens to the kiddo ones before bed. Let me know if you want some. In the meantime, know that I'm thinking of you. I'd exercise for you, but it wouldn't do you any good...so....won't! Love you! Come here and rant all you want! We are here for you!

Phyl, I hope your dinner went better

Candice, are you in the deep freeze?

Karla, how's the ice over there? Be careful out there. We don't want you falling down and hurting anything.

Janet, it was 30 below here this morning...I was willing my body to your spare room. This is the weather I absolutely HATE!! Other than that I love winter out here, but when I can't even breath out there, I HATE HATE HATE it.

Kids were much better this morning. Both are gone. Epiphany was yesterday so I have no good reason to put off taking down Christmas. It will give me a good reason to get out of my chair today.

My SIL left for Minneapolis today and I have to go pick up her dog to dog sit for the next week. I'm a little worried how the greys are going to take to him, but by tomorrow it will all be fine I'm sure.

Okay...I'm off. Talk to you later ladies. Have a great day and when you start hating your weather, think of me up here in the frozen tundra. Love you!

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I have decided to go back to full blown Atkins until I can get to the gym. I don't need the carbs for exercise right now and all that I had to make sure of is that I am getting enough cals from Protein. This way I can eat when I'm hungry and I won't gain weight. I might even lose a few pounds. But it isn't about weight loss right now or even about calories. I did talk to the doctor about this. She said that if it will put my mind at ease about my food and my weight she is fine with it. All she is concerned about is protein so this will work well.

She is also going to call my PCP to discuss what sleeping pill to put me on. She really doesn't want to give me one and would rather just have me sleep when I'm tired. So she told me to work, sleep when I get home, wake up when I'm not tired. Then try to adjust sleeping over the weekends. But if my PCP feels that it is okay to give me pills she will. They are good friends but my PCP will give it to her straight so I will do what ever they feel is best.

Well I'm going to eat Breakfast and then maybe try to get some more sleep!

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I have decided to go back to full blown Atkins until I can get to the gym. I don't need the carbs for exercise right now and all that I had to make sure of is that I am getting enough cals from Protein. This way I can eat when I'm hungry and I won't gain weight. I might even lose a few pounds. But it isn't about weight loss right now or even about calories. I did talk to the doctor about this. She said that if it will put my mind at ease about my food and my weight she is fine with it. All she is concerned about is protein so this will work well.

She is also going to call my PCP to discuss what sleeping pill to put me on. She really doesn't want to give me one and would rather just have me sleep when I'm tired. So she told me to work, sleep when I get home, wake up when I'm not tired. Then try to adjust sleeping over the weekends. But if my PCP feels that it is okay to give me pills she will. They are good friends but my PCP will give it to her straight so I will do what ever they feel is best.

Well I'm going to eat breakfast and then maybe try to get some more sleep!

Now THAT sounds like a positive step for you! You are so good at being proactive when you're in crisis. Wooohooo for you! Happy dancing for you. Hope you get some sleep today. Docs know better than all of us armchair diagnosticians. Love you!

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Ya, got to the gym today!!! YEAH and I also had some success on the scale this a.m..... things are working!

Peter and I went to the gym together, but I didn't let him rush me... I said to him, do anothe 15 on the eliptical and I'll have my WEIGHTS done by then...then I wnt and talked to a trainer to get my FREE weights into the Fitliynxx computer so they'll count towards my goals.. Its a silly thing, but I am competive by nature so I like to see the numbers changeing as I lift more weight.

My Rt knee has settled down, so my lft one had to chime in today. not really bad just a weird Twinge???

Then we drove to Collingwood, to do some errands and DH and I went to McD's for lunch. I had a snack wrap ranch chicken, could only eat 1/2, so gave the rest to DH and he had a chicken sand, coffe & muffin... what happend to his plans for SOUTH BEACH I don't know, but it's not my problem... I have my OWN plan ... and I'm sticking to it...

Having Moose roast tonight for dinner, mashed potatoes, veggies and crustless pumpkin Pie cups for dessert.. I wont' be able to eat all that so I'll save my Pumpkin dessert for my even. snack.

CBL ladies, have a great day!

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Now THAT sounds like a positive step for you! You are so good at being proactive when you're in crisis. Wooohooo for you! Happy dancing for you. Hope you get some sleep today. Docs know better than all of us armchair diagnosticians. Love you!

ROTFLMAO - Yep us unlicensed pple spouting our truisms about what meds we should all be taking and doing ...

Ya Karri - I do think it's best to listen to the real things - well sometime - cuz sometimes Mommy Knows Best lol lol so I can trump the doc sometimes :0) lol Ya right - I love it- I am cracking myself up...

But do agree w/Steph - when you get proactive and your mind made up you do great - and the high Protein has ALWAYS worked for you - thats how you lost all your weight - you were such a carb hater lol jking

Steph - I will be taking down outside xmas lites for sure this weekend - most likely will do the inside too - but if I get a great offer to go do something then hell - I will jam in a minute - Next Friday 1/15 is my furlough day so it may just have to wait till then - I don't have alot of company - only me and Andrew know it's still up - pple driving by don't :0)

Ya, got to the gym today!!! YEAH and I also had some success on the scale this a.m..... things are working!

Peter and I went to the gym together, but I didn't let him rush me... I said to him, do anothe 15 on the eliptical and I'll have my WEIGHTS done by then...then I wnt and talked to a trainer to get my FREE weights into the Fitliynxx computer so they'll count towards my goals.. Its a silly thing, but I am competive by nature so I like to see the numbers changeing as I lift more weight.

My Rt knee has settled down, so my lft one had to chime in today. not really bad just a weird Twinge???

Then we drove to Collingwood, to do some errands and DH and I went to McD's for lunch. I had a snack wrap ranch chicken, could only eat 1/2, so gave the rest to DH and he had a chicken sand, coffe & muffin... what happend to his plans for SOUTH BEACH I don't know, but it's not my problem... I have my OWN plan ... and I'm sticking to it...

Having Moose roast tonight for dinner, mashed potatoes, veggies and crustless pumpkin Pie cups for dessert.. I wont' be able to eat all that so I'll save my Pumpkin dessert for my even. snack.

CBL ladies, have a great day!

What were those hamburger we had?? Was that Moose?? Who killed the moose?? Peter doesn't seem like a hunter to me lol :0) Can't see him being a killer - I know he was in the service had had to shoot a gun - but - just don't seem him out there hunting bambi :0)

You have some diff kind of stuff that we do on the weights - I don't have anything to tell me what my total weight lifted - I have Idrise- he puts the weights at whatever he thinks I can do - sometime I make faces like - buddy this is to lite and he looks at me and says keep going then by the 6th rep my muscle are hurting and I still have 9 more to go :0)

Plus I can't read the #'s without my reading glasses which I don't wear to the gym as they are just the end of the nose kind - well you all know me so that was stupid to insert :0)

I need to remember to ck into the contact readers they make now - I was going to do that when I was on vacation but never had the time :0)

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spacer.gifMilk, nonfat, 1 cup86 nu-remove.gif Chocolate whey Protein Shake, 1 serving110nu-remove.gifBreakfast TOTALS:196



spacer.gifPepperette, Pillars Turkey (28g), 28 gram(s)50nu-remove.gif McDonald's HM Grill chicken snack Wrap, 0.5 serving120nu-remove.gif McDonald's coffee, Large, 1 serving0000nu-remove.gif Milk, 2%, 0.25 cup31nu-remove.gifLunch TOTALS:201



spacer.gifMoose meat, 2 oz76nu-remove.gif Mashed Potatoes, 0.5 cup81nu-remove.gif Beef Gravy, 0.25 cup31nu-remove.gif Peas, canned, 0.25 cup29nu-remove.gif Crescent Roll, Pillsbury Reduced Fat, 1 serving90nu-remove.gif Pumpkin Custard, 1 serving (view recipe)115nu-remove.gifDinner TOTALS:422


spacer.gifNoneSnack TOTALS:0000 AM Snack:

spacer.gifNoneAM Snack TOTALS:0000 Afternoon Snack:

spacer.gifNoneAfternoon Snack TOTALS:0000 Click To Add/Edit Extra Meals


Edited by peaches9
too complicated

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What were those hamburger we had?? Was that Moose?? Who killed the moose?? Peter doesn't seem like a hunter to me lol :0) Can't see him being a killer - I know he was in the service had had to shoot a gun - but - just don't seem him out there hunting bambi :0)

Yup, thats right Janet - they were MOOSE burgers we had in July. Remember how much you all liked them. This roast is of the same animal... its beeen in the freezer eh? The poor little Moose was road-kill. He/she was hit by an 18 wheeler on Hwy 11 up north where my Sister and BIL live. My BIL is on the CALL list for the O.P.P. (police) and when your number comes up and they have a dead moose on the road you get to butcher it and keep the meat. So this moose was not shot, it was killed by HEAD Trama... "waste not want not"

I have the roast in the Slow Cooker, been on all day and it is smelling goooooood. I only hope its not tough as we invited friends for dinner! :smile2:

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