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Can someone remind me who the really GREAT doc in Mexico is? I need to research for Jeff.

I would try to find WasaBubbleButt (sp?) She is the one that knows most of the info about mexican doctors.

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G'day ladies... still digging out from the SNOW, but its been a great QUILTING Day!! Went at 9 to get my acrylic nails filled... she musta double booked cause I didnt get out of there until 11:30!!! Came home and made homemade chicken noodle soup...YUM

Tonight is Chicken Supreme..OMG it is so easy and so delicious.. Did I post the recipe already???? dah

I was so pleasantly surprised yesterday when I got 2 Christmas cards, 1 from PHYL and Earl and 1 from Denise... oh it was so nice.. I sat there reading them and feeling LONELY for all you guys... snif, snif,snif

Stephanie, just looked at the picutures of You and Jeff... wholy, he is more than a foot taller than you!! But he's a cutie!!

I'd opt for Dr. Ortiz in Mexico, I've read many good comments about him.

Edited by peaches9

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Can someone remind me who the really GREAT doc in Mexico is? I need to research for Jeff.

Steph - If I were to go to Mexico - I would go to Wasa's Dr..

Here's the info I found for you gf

I like my doc, Dr. Aceves in Mexicali. I wasn't thrilled with going to Tijuana so Mexicali was appealing to me.

My personal two favorites are Aceves and Rumbaut.

Please see my sig link for info on how to research Mexican surgeons.




The band got me to goal, the sleeve will keep me there! -132#

Please feel free to email me if you have any questions.

Alberto Aceves/Mexicali, Mexico

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Hey Everybody,

Today is my last day of freedom. I have to go back to school tom. Ugghhhhh

Karla, when I did my masters, I did everything with a buddy. We took all classes together, we helped each other with everything. I can't imagine having done it without her. Can you do that, or is it a loner thing. The first class I took, me and 2 other girls buddied up.

Steph and Janet- Thanks for the compliments. He is my trophy husband.

Steph- in the pictures you had posted before, you couldn't tell your DH had a weight problem. His face is slim. When you would talk about him getting surgery, I would think huh?

Candice- I mailed that card before Christmas. Man, it took a long time to get to you.

I am cooking chicken cacciatore. A local resturant sells their sauce in a jar, I just add chicken thighs. I just cracked some raw eggs in the gravy. My Mom used to cook raw eggs in our spaghetti gravy. I like em!

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BF should be

coffee - eggs & 1 sauage

- no pancakes :0) remember we want to get those scales moving again...

Too late... I had one very small pancake... guys know me and won't try to push any more on me. And they were out of butter by the time I got there! I did have a little Syrup, but not much. I got two sausage links and ate a little bit of scrambled eggs. But it appears that we have skipped lunch. Apparently Earl is planning to weigh in tomorrow!

He's cutting us a few small cubes of cheese now!

Can someone remind me who the really GREAT doc in Mexico is? I need to research for Jeff.

I've heard Dr. Kuri is a good one, too. Lots of folks from Seattle area have gone to him... they even have their own support groups in the Seattle area. I think he has 18-20 yrs experience. He is in Tijuana. Both Mexicali and Tijuana are fairly close to Janet & I... like maybe 2 - 2 1/2 hrs.

I'm feeling pretty good today. I think the crud is really gone.

I didn't have to work in the activities office today.

It was closed because of a burglary during the night!

Can you believe that?!!

This is a Christian resort, and mostly old people.

I've heard a rumor that someone in the mobile home section has a son who is basically a career criminal. He's been suspected in a lot of the thefts that have occurred over the past few years. Last year someone ripped the laundry card machine off the wall and took all the cash.

Last night they ransacked the activities office, took anything of value including a bank zipper bag that was in the desk drawer. I know when I worked in there last week there was probably $500 in cash in there. I've often wondered why it wasn't locked up, or deposited once a week or something. There's always lots of cash in there and that is NOT a good idea. But the office was closed because the sheriff was there to take fingerprints and the whole place had to be cleaned up.

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Hey Everybody,

Today is my last day of freedom. I have to go back to school tom. Ugghhhhh

Karla, when I did my masters, I did everything with a buddy. We took all classes together, we helped each other with everything. I can't imagine having done it without her. Can you do that, or is it a loner thing. The first class I took, me and 2 other girls buddied up.

Steph and Janet- Thanks for the compliments. He is my trophy husband.

Steph- in the pictures you had posted before, you couldn't tell your DH had a weight problem. His face is slim. When you would talk about him getting surgery, I would think huh?

Candice- I mailed that card before Christmas. Man, it took a long time to get to you.

I am cooking chicken cacciatore. A local resturant sells their sauce in a jar, I just add chicken thighs. I just cracked some raw eggs in the gravy. My Mom used to cook raw eggs in our spaghetti gravy. I like em!

Denise - but I saw on FB you won't have kids till Monday :0).. Trophy DH LOL - but you guys do really make a cute couple - you match :0)

Raw egg uhm - my Dad put a little sugar in his - that was his secert - Uhm I havent had that (ck catitorrie) in a long time - maybe I will get some ck tonite instead of fish :0) - I think I will be going to the store after gym ;0)

Too late... I had one very small pancake... guys know me and won't try to push any more on me. And they were out of butter by the time I got there! I did have a little Syrup, but not much. I got two sausage links and ate a little bit of scrambled eggs. But it appears that we have skipped lunch. Apparently Earl is planning to weigh in tomorrow!

He's cutting us a few small cubes of cheese now!

I've heard Dr. Kuri is a good one, too. Lots of folks from Seattle area have gone to him... they even have their own support groups in the Seattle area. I think he has 18-20 yrs experience. He is in Tijuana. Both Mexicali and Tijuana are fairly close to Janet & I... like maybe 2 - 2 1/2 hrs.

I'm feeling pretty good today. I think the crud is really gone.

I didn't have to work in the activities office today.

It was closed because of a burglary during the night!

Can you believe that?!!

This is a Christian resort, and mostly old people.

I've heard a rumor that someone in the mobile home section has a son who is basically a career criminal. He's been suspected in a lot of the thefts that have occurred over the past few years. Last year someone ripped the laundry card machine off the wall and took all the cash.

Last night they ransacked the activities office, took anything of value including a bank zipper bag that was in the desk drawer. I know when I worked in there last week there was probably $500 in cash in there. I've often wondered why it wasn't locked up, or deposited once a week or something. There's always lots of cash in there and that is NOT a good idea. But the office was closed because the sheriff was there to take fingerprints and the whole place had to be cleaned up.


food Cop is back in town :0) !!!! lol ;) OMG it's been a long time since I was the food cop :( But since we are all getting back on the band wagon - I guess I gotta bring out the badge again :smile:

Sounds like an inside job all right - What a shame - hope they get good finger prints - if he's a career criminal maybe they will get him..

Omg having a hot flash - well maybe it's the hot coffee I am drinking :0) - Need some pep for the gym tonite :0)


BF - Yogurt/1/2 Banana/3 tspn Granola = 180 cal

L - Blk Eyed Peas - Collard Greens = 250 Cal

Snk - popcorn = 100 Cal

Total so far today 530

dinner - Ck Catitorrie (sp) w/rice = 350 cal ??

So that leaves me about 300 cal for Snacks tonite..

That's more than enough...

Well I got gym tonite - so I will chat w/you all after I get back from that (and store ;0)...


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Todays totals.... so far... I am having a snack later with T.V.....CALORIES/CARBS/FAT/PROTEINnt3_totals2.jpg950/110/25/73

food Cop, you are too funny... you never left... WE always KNEW you were watching:rolleyes2:

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Steph, I really liked Dr. Ortiz and his support group. However, I'm not sure if he does the sleeve. Also, it is a bit like running cattle through a shoot, but I knew that ahead of time and didn't expect or want more. I would find out who WASA went to since she changed to a sleeve. What I liked about Ortiz was his honesty for realistic expectations and the way the took care of all the transportation and hotel. Tijuana didn't bother me, but there were armed police driving around in trucks, but I also didn't stray too far. One afternoon another bander and I went to a 'touristy' mall and I never felt unsafe. But maybe I'm just nieve (sp). Also I was on a mission to get my band, not on a vacation.

Regarding the masters, it will depend upon this weekend, if I can get the unit done, I'll continue for right now. If not, I'll bail. I am handling school better, but we will see when I start working at the nursery on weekends in March. Working 7 days a week for 3 months is a killer. I just wish I could slow down. Someday...yeah, when I'm dead!

Steph, I had those issues with DD#5. It started in Kindergarten and resulting in her 'flunking' kindergarten. One of the reasons I took the job here was that they had a transitional k-1 program. But there were still a few incidences that she refused to get out of the car. Finally I just left her, and called the teacher and told her where she was (I locked the doors). They sent an aide out and told her to get her butt into class. Was pretty much the last time she refused to get out of the car. Of course then there was the clothing issues, but we will leave that for another time.

Going to make a latte, TTFN

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Dang, you ladies are long winded. Been trying to catch up for over an hour and I ended up just skimming the posts.

Steph - Beautiful pics on FB. Nice family. I went to Dr. Ortiz too. I liked him. He runs a first class operation.

Got back on the program Monday. Yeah, I should have started earlier but I didn't. food choices aren't the greatest.......but they are 90% better than they were. Got a freezer full of lean cousines so that will help a lot. Mad chicken Sunday and I've been eating off a chicken breast since then.

Janet - you asked what was up with me? I am really disgusted with myself. I can't believe how far I've gotten off track. I'm finding it hard to get back on. And, I've got the money for my TT sitting in the bank. Pisses me off. I want it done, but I gotta wait till I lose some of this flab. I'm still pedaling at least an hour a day but I am finding it hard to get to the gym. I'm getting there at least once a week but I need to get there at least three times a week. The half hour drive doesn't help things but the weather is really doing me in. I hate winter. Can't wait to head to Florida......but it needs to warm up there before I go. We're thinking mid February.

Candice, I didn't see any pics of your quilt here. Where were they? Loved the pics of your dogs. Such enthusiasm. I'm beginning to think I want a puppy...but I want one of those little ankle biters.... a yorkie, shiztu, lahsa, maltese or combination of these. We don't have too much snow here. Not as much as you. Maybe an inch or two.

Not much more to say. Haven't done much except for being on face book and chaufeuring hubby and friend for their colonoscopies. That was two half days sitting in a waiting room. I do need to get back here more often. I love reading everyones posts and it is motivation to stay on track. So let's see if I make it back here soon.


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Food Cop????

Are you there???

I'm trying to eat spinach and breaded tilapia and you know how that goes!

Oh, my!

It's only half gone and trying to come back up already!

And I love it so much!

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Dang, you ladies are long winded. Been trying to catch up for over an hour and I ended up just skimming the posts.

Steph - Beautiful pics on FB. Nice family. I went to Dr. Ortiz too. I liked him. He runs a first class operation.

Got back on the program Monday. Yeah, I should have started earlier but I didn't. food choices aren't the greatest.......but they are 90% better than they were. Got a freezer full of lean cousines so that will help a lot. Mad chicken Sunday and I've been eating off a chicken breast since then.

Janet - you asked what was up with me? I am really disgusted with myself. I can't believe how far I've gotten off track. I'm finding it hard to get back on. And, I've got the money for my TT sitting in the bank. Pisses me off. I want it done, but I gotta wait till I lose some of this flab. I'm still pedaling at least an hour a day but I am finding it hard to get to the gym. I'm getting there at least once a week but I need to get there at least three times a week. The half hour drive doesn't help things but the weather is really doing me in. I hate winter. Can't wait to head to Florida......but it needs to warm up there before I go. We're thinking mid February.

Candice, I didn't see any pics of your quilt here. Where were they? Loved the pics of your dogs. Such enthusiasm. I'm beginning to think I want a puppy...but I want one of those little ankle biters.... a yorkie, shiztu, lahsa, maltese or combination of these. We don't have too much snow here. Not as much as you. Maybe an inch or two.

Not much more to say. Haven't done much except for being on face book and chaufeuring hubby and friend for their colonoscopies. That was two half days sitting in a waiting room. I do need to get back here more often. I love reading everyones posts and it is motivation to stay on track. So let's see if I make it back here soon.


hey you TUrkey BIRD... no more disappearing o.k you are in it with US for the LONG haul.. So you got sidetracked, big deal... we ALL relapsed during December, so you are not alone...

Trick is to not make RELAPSE your way of life... get back into recovery with us... JOurnal your food everyday and post it here... it helps me a lot...

! hour of pedaling is just not going to do it...you need to change up your program and TRICKyour body...Its gotten used to the same old, same old workout.

Mid February for FLORIDA eh??? Where do you guys hang out there?

DH and I had a tif yesterday about making some sort of vacation decision... In the aft. he says oh why don't you go witha GIRLFRIEND and leave me alone...

Ticked me right off, Yes I have lots of GF but I wanna go someplace WITH my man while I've still GOT him... we are burring too many friends husbands lateley... SO I got pissed.

He went out last night to band prac. and when he came home he said we could go to FLA the last part of FEB... so we'll drive, take the pups, stay one WEEEK in FLA and drive home (3 days ea way) so it works out to 2 weeks... so that's the deal... Now I have to find a rental, but I got time..

So let me know wher you guys land in Fla, perhaps I can find a place near there too.

HUGS, Candice

p.s. the quilt pics got deleted cause I had an UGLY pic of myself in the szame post...had to get ride of it...

oh sh!t that's the wrong pic ... the real one is on the downstairs compuete.., ill find it later


Edited by peaches9

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Candice, just gorgeous!!

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what can I say... I ate a piece of pie!


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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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