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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I went to the library website and the book I am interested in next is available in MP3 format, but I don't see any way you can download it. I should call them or email a question. I know you can download them from other libraries online, but I don't see that option yet. I bought one from iTunes last week and synched it to my new iTouch. I was having trouble keeping the ear buds in my ears. Then when we were at our son's, grandkids and DIL told me to buy "skull candy" earphones. SO I did. They came with 3 different sizes of ear things. But none of them will stay in. My ears seem to be too small. So now I"m going to try my Blackberry ear buds. They are actually bigger than the others, but they stay in.. just can't get them in as far as the others. WE'll see how that goes!


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I went to the library website and the book I am interested in next is available in MP3 format, but I don't see any way you can download it. I should call them or email a question. I know you can download them from other libraries online, but I don't see that option yet. I bought one from iTunes last week and synched it to my new iTouch. I was having trouble keeping the ear buds in my ears. Then when we were at our son's, grandkids and DIL told me to buy "skull candy" earphones. SO I did. They came with 3 different sizes of ear things. But none of them will stay in. My ears seem to be too small. So now I"m going to try my Blackberry ear buds. They are actually bigger than the others, but they stay in.. just can't get them in as far as the others. WE'll see how that goes!


I listen to Itune books once and I didn't care for the narrators - someone said Itunes doesn't have good narrators ??

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I listen to Itune books once and I didn't care for the narrators - someone said Itunes doesn't have good narrators ??

I listened to a Kathy Reichs book on CD and the narration was pretty good. This one I'm listening to now, Tortilla Curtain.. is EXCELLENT. Very well done. Those are the only two I have to compare. I have another... Nanny Diaries, that I haven't uploaded to my computer yet, so not yet on my ipod, but it's narrated by Julia Roberts, so I"m assuming that one will be well done, too.


DS #2 has called several more times for money since I last mentioned it.

So this weekend I decided to try to contact his boss.

That was after his loony (estranged) wife that he hasn't seen in about 10 years called me!

She expressed "concern" that Steve wanted to come up to Spokane to spend some time.

HE told me that SHE invited him to come up and she was going to buy him a ticket!

The family "compound" is like a commune and they're raising/selling "medical" mj now and we were sick to hear that he was seriously considering going back up there.

We were afraid he'd stay and abandon his job. Even though they don't have work now, they have contracts coming up and it's a really good job and the longest he's ever worked anywhere, and the most money he's ever made!

So, we wanted to hear from the boss what his take on the situation was because he's always been honest with us. SO... Steve is NOT sleeping under a bridge or in a tent like he told us. I guess he spent one night in a tent. But he has a roof over his head and food in his belly right now.

We did decide to send another $100... to his boss, though, for him to dole it out as he sees fit. Steve would have it all gone in a day!

Edited by phyllser

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Well that's good he's not sleeping under a bridge and that you called the boss..

When does the job start - soon I hope..

I know you are releived to know he has a roof over his head and food..

I had a gf who's son was living under a bridge - drugs and he cause so much ruckus at their house they had to kick him out - really had him arrested and then didn't let him back in.

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Hi ladies. I'm back from Billings. Got to spend 2 days and 3 evenings with Michael. Oh the wonder of it! I see you all have been busy chatting while I was gone, so I'm probably not going to get caught up again. I didn't even take a computer with me. Didn't even check email at the hotel. I was completely screenless for 4 days! Wow!

I had a fantastic time and will give details tomorrow. I just wanted you all to know that I was back....

And on the way home Jeff asked when we are going to Mexico! I told him to make the call and make the appointment. Mom said she would come watch the kids. Jeff said, "Yeah, but you have to do the 2 week thing, right?" I think he wanted to leave TOMORROW! How exciting is that. He's still waffling between Sleeve and Band...but I think he is ready. Something happened this weekend that put it in his mind. I don't know what it was, but I'm glad it happened. I'll let you know if he continues on that line or if he changes his mind again.

Okay...now....bed. Night ladies. Love you all!

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Well that's good he's not sleeping under a bridge and that you called the boss.. When does the job start - soon I hope.. I know you are releived to know he has a roof over his head and food..

I had a gf who's son was living under a bridge - drugs and he cause so much ruckus at their house they had to kick him out - really had him arrested and then didn't let him back in.

Just a short job, but will give him some money... 1/19, in Houston. He decided NOT to go to Spokane so was glad to hear that. And he dropped the girlfriend... boss told me she was a scumbag druggie and he told Steve either drop the girl or I don't want to see you again!

Headache is back and now stomach cramps!

This is not good!

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I went to the library website and the book I am interested in next is available in MP3 format, but I don't see any way you can download it. I should call them or email a question. I know you can download them from other libraries online, but I don't see that option yet. I bought one from iTunes last week and synched it to my new iTouch. I was having trouble keeping the ear buds in my ears. Then when we were at our son's, grandkids and DIL told me to buy "skull candy" earphones. SO I did. They came with 3 different sizes of ear things. But none of them will stay in. My ears seem to be too small. So now I"m going to try my Blackberry ear buds. They are actually bigger than the others, but they stay in.. just can't get them in as far as the others. WE'll see how that goes!


I use the Sony headphones. They are blue and the go in the ear canal and over the ear. They don't fall out at all even when running. They are the only headphones that I can use.

Hi ladies. I'm back from Billings. Got to spend 2 days and 3 evenings with Michael. Oh the wonder of it! I see you all have been busy chatting while I was gone, so I'm probably not going to get caught up again. I didn't even take a computer with me. Didn't even check email at the hotel. I was completely screenless for 4 days! Wow!

I had a fantastic time and will give details tomorrow. I just wanted you all to know that I was back....

And on the way home Jeff asked when we are going to Mexico! I told him to make the call and make the appointment. Mom said she would come watch the kids. Jeff said, "Yeah, but you have to do the 2 week thing, right?" I think he wanted to leave TOMORROW! How exciting is that. He's still waffling between Sleeve and Band...but I think he is ready. Something happened this weekend that put it in his mind. I don't know what it was, but I'm glad it happened. I'll let you know if he continues on that line or if he changes his mind again.

Okay...now....bed. Night ladies. Love you all!

That's great to hear. What I have been reading and hearing from bariatric patients at the support group meetings in town is that the band is beginning to go out of style, especially in other parts of the world (which tend to be the leaders in bariatric surgery). The sleeve is the more preferred method in Mexico and several European countries. The US lags a bit!! I still probably would have chosen the band because of the reversibility, but the sleeve seems to be a good option for many.

So after I last posted I went to take a shower and do an incision inspection only to find that my incision has split open under the left breast. :thumbdown: It is about 1/2 inch wide. I called the doc and she said to take a shower, lightly use antibacterial soap, dry and put the antibacterial cream that we have been using on it. Then we are to go in tomorrow and she is going to numb the area and restitch. :blink:My poor boss...I texted him to let him know that I would only be in to teach my AP chemistry class. He asked me what was wrong. Knowing he was squeamish I had tried to spare him. When I told him that I had split the incision and that I was having it restitched he said that he "slightly got nauseated" and had to delete the text. :smile2: This is funny coming from a guy who is a complete daredevil. I asked if I could have overdone it today and she said no. She said when you have as much tension on the incisions that I do that it is not terribly uncommon. It happens in about 25% of patients.

Well I am going to go to sleep (hopefully):glare:. I am going into work for a meeting in the morning, going home, going back to work to teach a class, then going to the doc. It is actually kind of a nice thing that Lee isn't working right now. Driving HURTS so he is my chauffeur:tt1:.

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Karri, you are stronger than I! I would be horizontal on the couch for 6 weeks.

Steph, hope Jeff continues down the weight loss path. I would do the sleeve if I could do it again. I'd like to convert, but will never be able to afford it. Also, it sounds like you had a productive time with Michael. Hope that it is for real and he isn't 'playing the game'. (said with love, but I'm also a pesemist--can't spell either).

Okay, new day, new food committment! Wish me luck and strength!

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If I ever have to spend 6 weeks horizontal on the couch there had better be some good meds to go along with that. They would have to keep me sedated, almost to the point of under anesthetic. It was hard enough to keep me down for a week!!!

Well I'm going into work to get things ready for my student teacher. Then I am going to come home and take a little nap. I didn't sleep well last night at all.

Talk later!

Major hungries this morning. I ate my Breakfast and feel like I haven't eaten anything. This is going to be a tough day.

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Good Morning Gang..

Phyl - glad he dropped the gf - and 1/19 is around the corner..

Hope you are feeling better this a.m. Hugs - I hate being sick

Steph - Glad you are home safe... Can't wait to here how Michael is doing.. As far as Jeff - I agree sleeve would be better for a guy and you don't have all the fill issues - but again it's not reversiable like the band - but if I lost mine - and couldn't get it back I would do the sleeve - alot of banders have converted - Have you read the Sleeve thread - or webite - they have their own now..

Karri - LOL Karla doesn't know you like us :0) you being quite relaxing laying on the couch for more than 24 hours is a streach..

Glad you are going back to the doc - dosen't sound like it's all that bad - crap happens..

How was the gym last nite - what did you do..

I know what you mean about hating when you have eaten and it doesn't feel that way - I am not tight in the a.m. and I gotta say I am hungry right now.. But if I eat now hell by 10 I will be STARVING - so I will drink coffee and hope it goes away (hunger) for another hour or so..

Karla - You can do it girl (eat healthy) you just got make a plan and stick to it..

Peaches - Are you covered in snow - I saw on the news this morning clouds up your way - looked like snow to me.. More quilting today?? Since you can't hit the gym I want you to pull out your Wii and move - OK - on the days that you can't go to the gym do an hour on your Wii have you got the wii fit plus game ??

Total calories yesterday approx 1180 give or take 100 :0)

Did 30 mintues wii this a.m. love the bike and skate board - wii age was 42 :0) Hell better than 70 6 days ago...

Today's food Plan

BF - 80 Cal Yogurt w/banana & granola = 180 Cal

Snack - 100 Cal Popcorn

Lunch - Black Eyed Peas - Collard Greens = 230 Cal

Dinner - Fish/Butternut Squash = 300 Cal

That leaves me 270 for Snacks ;0) tonite

Gym - 30 min wii this a.m. - 1 hr treadmill tonite..

That's my plan for the day !!!!

Ok I got work to do - CBL

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Feeling a lot better this morning. Guess I'll be off to the pool in a little while.... 8:55 a.m. start. Beading this afternoon. Earl will bring the laundry up while I'm playing! My email links aren't working today. Don't know what changed overnight and can't find an option to enable links again! UGH!

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Good morning ladies. Jeff at work, Nick at school, Jai at daycare, and Rose at the library. I have the house to myself and decided it would be a really good time to catch up with you all. You all are so amazing! So determined.

Long post coming up....you don't have to read all the gory details if you don't want :smile2: But...I want to share.

Friday night we picked up Michael and went to dinner. He was like a completely different kid. Full of life and laughter, playing with the kids, smiling. Took him back to the ranch and picked him up in the morning both Saturday and Sunday. Saturday Jeff took him and Nick to Avatar and then we spent the afternoon getting family pics taken. Will have them on Facebook sometime today. Sat night we all went out to the ranch and played games at the rec center for an hour or so. Sunday we went to chapel with him and then spent the day just hanging out. By Sunday night the old Michael was starting to shine through. I think the stress of the little kids was getting to him. By the time we took him back to the ranch he was really irratated with Nick and couldn't wait to be rid of him again. All in all it was good, but ywe could tell that he wasn't ready to come home. He has a long ways to go.

Therapy yesterday Jeff and I talked to his therapist alone for awhile and shared our observations of the weekend. We also talked about what the plans were for Michael when he left the ranch. We talked about options besides coming home. She's going to look into one of the challenge programs in the state and try to get Michael on board for one of those. She said that if we have a plan like that in place, the insurance may give us a little leaway on how quickly they insist he be released. She is guessing that in a month or so they are going to be pushing for him to be released. So....we'll see. I'm turning it to the Secret and leaving my desire to the universe.

Its snowing here today. We got home just in time I guess. I'm not sure what the accumulation is going to be, but probably 3-5 inches, looking to how it's coming down. Nice day to kick back and do nothing, but I have laundry and cleaning to do. Mom wants to take down the Christmas decorations but I told her not before Epiphany so probably stay up until Thursday when Jai is at daycare again.

When we were in Billings Mom decided that she wanted to try a quilt so we bought a book called 90 minute quilt projects. Figured we could get one of those done in 2 weeks if we work really hard. We each bought some material. I bought enough to do one for Nick and one for Jai. She bought enough to do 5 I think...but they would all be the same :thumbdown: We'll see how ambitious we get :glare:

I guess that's all my news. I'm going to get some kashi for breakfast and then get a move on. Have a nice day ladies! Love you all!!

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Made it to pool/hot tub, but couldn't do Water aerobics.. Just no energy, body aches, etc. Sick to my stomach. But, I went to beading class anyway. Made a really pretty Bracelet. Pretty easy one, too, so I'm going to make some more in different colors. Face feels really hot and I thought I had a fever, but thermometer says no. Just feel really yucky.

Beautiful day today! Sorry so many are suffering the freezing cold weather! Family in Buffalo, too, and lots of snow there.


Earl took his plane out in the desert again. It got away from him and ended up stuck high in a tree, too high for a ladder! So I heard him banging around in the storage compartment in the back of the RV. Next thing I know, I see him walking up the street with his fishing pole!! Out to the desert with his fishing pole!!


He got the plane back down and then spent about 1/2 hr fixing it. Don't know if it will fly again or not. He broke the tail section off AGAIN!! The neighbors are getting a good laugh out of the fishing pole caper!! He's out there yucking it up with them right now!

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o.k. starting from scratch...

Stephanie; You had a fab time with Michael, SO happy for you all... Iknow how much you have been worrying these months.. Now Jeff wants to go to Mexico for SLEEVE... whoo-hoo you must be over the moon! Sorry about all the Crap snow you got... we are severely dumped on too.

Karla, you're doing o.k. with the food...you can do it!! Keep those pennies in your hand and a needle in the other!

PHyl; I wish you'd take it easy, you still have the flu girl.. rest!!!

I did have to laugh about Earl up in a tree with a fishing pole... oh my! Glad you called your sons boss, that must have been some relief for your worries.

Janet; You'll be proud! I DID GO TO THE GYM TODAY... Peter dug us out.. then said "how long do you usually stay?" I usually do 1 1/2 hours, cause I do my cardio then all my weights... so it takes 90 mins.. plus what's to rush for??? I got all the time in the world.. I always run into a few GIRLS that I know there, so its social time too.

I had done 2 weight machines and he strolls over, " you almost done?" NO, Ijust got started... then he gives me this face:bored: I said "go and have a shower, and play-w-yourself while you are in there, that'll take a couple minutes".. :tt2: off he goes. WHen I get done, he's downstairs all in his coat, touque, mitts, boots WAITING to go...:thumbup:

zzz ...tomorrow , I am going alone! I don't want him spoiling my GYM experience!!!

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Candice, I love it, aren't men just a hoot!

We have been down pouring all day, RAIN. The ground is frozen so everything is turning into a lake. Tonight we are suppose to be 17 degrees, thats.. - 8 for you canoocks. So everything will be a sheet of ice. Maybe it will be so bad that school is closed???? Only in my dreams. However, with my new "don't give a rats -ss" attitude, the day just breezes by.

I'm home, showered, (had to spot clean the carpet, one of the puppies had an accident...they ALL are looking innocent), have my new fuzzy pj pants and fuzzy socks on, drinking a latte, and planning on felting some wool. so the evening is sweet!!!

food okay so far, tried the left overs from dinner, but stuck again, so had blueberries, yogurt & Kashi for lunch. Had a little loss of control and had a 100 cal popcorn and a bag of veggie chips. DD#4 was in a panic about possibly loosing her vocational rehab funding for college, so we were scrambling to get things worked out. THEN trying to help her find a CNA class...a;lskdfja;lkdfja;. anyway, lost it, but found control and back on track. I know it is the carb addiction. I have avoided them for so long that since I ate some over break, my body is all puffy again and the mouth and head are craving them. I will be so glad when spring comes and there is fresh fruit!!

Well, made $45 play money on the pant alterations, it should go to bills, but damn I'm buying wool dye instead. I'll probably be living in the street before to long, but at least my hands will be busy. If I can't use my sewing machine at least I can do hand work.

Steph, tell Rose hi for me. she is a charmer. Also tell her that DD#1 ADORED the aprom that I got from her.

Phyl take it easy!

Karri, hope you are stitched back up. I have thread and needle if you need it,hehe Yeah Janet, Karri would make me tired just watching her, but hey, she is at least 20+ years younger than I!

I'll check in later!!


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