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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Ya, Phyl... i'd love singing with you more often.... we were DAMN good in July... !!!:thumbup:

Yeah, I like to harmonize.. I have a low voice. Another lady and I sing with the tenors.

Kids made it to Montreal just fine. They're all warm and cozy with family now!

Well, I got DD#2 apron and embroidered tea towel done today along with laundry. I will take pictures at Christmas when everyone models their gifts and try to post. Projects have turned out good so far.

Yeah, we do need to hug and cherish the men in our lives. Mom is convinced that a miracle will happen and dad will be offered a new treatment that will cure him. Mom is convinced that she is a witch and is way to into taro cards. I won't allow the cards in my house but I do make supportive noices about her hobby. She had a 'reading' that said that choices would have to made...that new opportunities will be offered. Well if it makes her feel better.

Anyway working on dinner. TTFN

YIKES! Taro cards!! Good decision not to let them in your house. That's scary stuff!

Excited about the concrete being poured tomorow. It's going to look so nice!

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Phyl, the concrete will be SO nice and like you said no more sand.

We have been raining since yesterday morning. I had a hope that it would freeze and school would be canceled. No such luck, it is warm outside. In fact if this keeps up we won't be having a white Christmas.

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who is skeeved out by taro cards. I'm not totally convinced that they are just a fun past time nor am I convinced that there isn't some type of power behind them. I just don't know if that power is okay to play with. I know, I'm weird, but I am also not convinced that aliens don't exist. But I come from a weird family, 2 of my aunts believed that cats were aliens. I think they must of seen that old disney movie, Cat from Outerspace.

Anyway, DD#4 home from seeing the boyfriend in Whitefish. I told her that he needed to make the effort to come down here and that she really shouldn't go again until he does. Now maybe I am just being over protective, but I think that since she has 'met the family' on his end, he needs to 'meet the family' on our end. I am afraid that she is going to be hurt. But I could tell she isn't going for it, her insecurities tell her that if she does that he is going to dump her. Heck her insecurities have her hardly talking to him when she is there.

Phyl, glad the family made it safe and sound. Also we need to see pictures of the concrete and your 'winter' home.

Well, I best get going, I need to mop and do some cleaning up for 'realtor alert' before I head to school. I spent the whole weekend sewing instead of cleaning so today it payback. I didn't get my sewing room torn down, I am leaving it until I finish Christmas projects. Haven't moved the pictures around or tossed the plants yet. At this point I don't really care. I will worry about it later in the week. At least this is a short week.

OH and I found out that my girls are staying until Monday, this is HUGE, I haven't had all of them home for more than a day or two for years. I guess there really is a Santa Claus and I have been a VERY good girl.

Hope you all have a grand day, TTFN

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Phyl, the concrete will be SO nice and like you said no more sand.

We have been raining since yesterday morning. I had a hope that it would freeze and school would be canceled. No such luck, it is warm outside. In fact if this keeps up we won't be having a white Christmas.

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who is skeeved out by taro cards. I'm not totally convinced that they are just a fun past time nor am I convinced that there isn't some type of power behind them. I just don't know if that power is okay to play with. I know, I'm weird, but I am also not convinced that aliens don't exist. But I come from a weird family, 2 of my aunts believed that cats were aliens. I think they must of seen that old disney movie, Cat from Outerspace.

Anyway, DD#4 home from seeing the boyfriend in Whitefish. I told her that he needed to make the effort to come down here and that she really shouldn't go again until he does. Now maybe I am just being over protective, but I think that since she has 'met the family' on his end, he needs to 'meet the family' on our end. I am afraid that she is going to be hurt. But I could tell she isn't going for it, her insecurities tell her that if she does that he is going to dump her. Heck her insecurities have her hardly talking to him when she is there.

Phyl, glad the family made it safe and sound. Also we need to see pictures of the concrete and your 'winter' home.

Well, I best get going, I need to mop and do some cleaning up for 'realtor alert' before I head to school. I spent the whole weekend sewing instead of cleaning so today it payback. I didn't get my sewing room torn down, I am leaving it until I finish Christmas projects. Haven't moved the pictures around or tossed the plants yet. At this point I don't really care. I will worry about it later in the week. At least this is a short week.

OH and I found out that my girls are staying until Monday, this is HUGE, I haven't had all of them home for more than a day or two for years. I guess there really is a Santa Claus and I have been a VERY good girl.

Hope you all have a grand day, TTFN

Sorry about the rain! Our DD #1 is liking the warm temps in the NW, but I know she's hoping for a white Christmas, too, and that's just not going to happen! Now last year... when they had a flight out of Seattle the morning after Christmas to come down here for a few days, they had more snow than they knew what to do with and for a while it looked like they weren't going to get out!

So happy to hear your girls are going to be there for a nice long visit! That's great! I am not looking forward to a LONG drive north on Wed., but it will be wonderful to spend Christmas with family this year. I am a little sad about missing the Christmas Eve service here and Christmas morning brunch, but that just doesn't measure up to being with family. And my sister and her whole clan will be in SF, too.. in fact, are already there, so think we're going to Christmas Eve services with them.. Her son who lives there can't go, tho... he's a ped. neuro. resident and is on call for the whole weekend so he has to be within 30 minutes of hospital.

Sounds like maybe the cement prep guys are out there... Earl is talking to someone, and I heard a vehicle pull up.

Taro cards... I look at it this way... God doesn't work with cards, so that kind of power has only one ohter source and it's NOT good!




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Good Morning Gang...

Got All my presents wrapped - shopping done (well the there will be some food shopping on 12/24 - rolls and dessert stuff - milk eggs oj that kind of stuff)- washing done - napped - had roasted lamb potatoe carrotsfor dinner and now at work

Phyl - How was your Christmas Concert - Sorry didn't make it - Napped from 3- 5 and still went to bed at 9:30..

Candice - I wear my Elvis shirt to the gym :0) Hugs on your GF DH..

Karla - Yep you are a good girl - Don't sweat the house till after the holiday

I was going to call Karri yesterday - but never did - will do it today..

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Hi ladies. Sorry I didn't get back here yesterday. I was busy doing lazy stuff. I have a cold that is just kicking my butt! I'm exhausted and it feels like my head is going to explode!

I'm putting off making stuff for the daycare tonight. They have training tonight and I volunteered to bring Snacks for all the ladies as my Christmas gift to them. I'm making Sweet and Sour meatballs and chicken salad and pecan bars. I need to start mixing the meatball mixture and get them in the oven.

Then I need to get some presents wrapped, some laundry done, and some housekeeping done. I'm really behind....and Rose will be here tomorrow. Yikes!

I'd better get off my hiney. Have a good day ladies. I'll probably be back tonight. Love you!!

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Alright, I got the meatballs mixed, baked, and in the sauce. Mixed together the chicken salad. Bagged the pecan bars and went with lefse instead. That is dessert enough. I figured if I made the other I would eat 2 or 3 before I take them...so took away the temptation.

Alright. I need to get something else done. Love you ladies.

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Quick post...

Gym with PERSONAL TRAINER this a,m. Man she would take NO excuses from me... sheesh,,,I may have to WORK!;)

1 1/2hours at the gym... yippee.... still gotta get food back under control but I'm not stressing about that until AFTER Christmas....

but I'm gonna keep my daily gym dates with Michelle... she's awesome... only 26yrs old, kinda like a second daughter to me:tt1:

Made a Ham & Rice casserole for supper... Hope I don't get stuck on it:frown:

Gotta run for now and see Petie~~~B)

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Hey Gang...

Steph sorry about the cold.. They are the worse.. They reallly drag you down - but sounds like you got something accomplished..

Candice -WTG on the gym- Yea on the personal trainer !!!!

WTG you need someone to kick your butt since I'm not there to do it :0)...

Karla - Where are you - you have school this week?? Ours are closed (I'm pretty sure) this week and next week - the go back the 4th..

Today was busy at work today .... Will be that way till Wed - we have Thursday Friday off..

Had gym tonite - food was good Sat Sunday & today - found these pita pockets at costco - 80 cal - made ck sandwich with it - 1/2 for bf & the other 1/2 for lunch - Apple for snack..

Well that's about it for the day - need to go feed the dogs and see what Andrew wants..


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I'm finally here, I have school through Wednesday. Came home with a headache. Got met at my classroom this morning by a parent and kid, demanding to know why I give everyone in class the worksheets and not their child? I tried my patient teacher voice and asked both the parent and the child why I would give everyone worksheets and NOT them. The parent then said that their child would never not do an assignment. So if the kid says I don't give him the worksheet then I don't give him the worsheets. This is when the headache started and got worse every hour. It is still here. I don't know what else to do to make the parent happy.

Came home and working on Christmas projects.

I'm not very talkative tonight. My head hurts and my hanging down parts are really hurting. I can't seem to 'work them back up' and they are doing the icepick pain. So I'm going to go, sorry, I just feel tired.

Phyl love the lights!!!

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I'm finally here, I have school through Wednesday. Came home with a headache. Got met at my classroom this morning by a parent and kid, demanding to know why I give everyone in class the worksheets and not their child? I tried my patient teacher voice and asked both the parent and the child why I would give everyone worksheets and NOT them. The parent then said that their child would never not do an assignment. So if the kid says I don't give him the worksheet then I don't give him the worsheets. This is when the headache started and got worse every hour. It is still here. I don't know what else to do to make the parent happy.

Came home and working on Christmas projects.

I'm not very talkative tonight. My head hurts and my hanging down parts are really hurting. I can't seem to 'work them back up' and they are doing the icepick pain. So I'm going to go, sorry, I just feel tired.

Phyl love the lights!!!

Hugs Gf - I can't believe a parent would do that - what a stupid ass... Put the worksheet in an envelope give it to the kid to deliver to parents and do a sign receipt from them.. Pain in the arse but that way the kid will have to do his/her homework and you will have the evidence...

Call the doc on your pain - come on now - we need you around.....

Ok I am watching survior - how in the hell did the blondie win - RUSSELL SHOULD HAVE WON !!! He's kinda cute - he did play the best game..

As to tarot cards - I have played them on line - it's just a game - just like reading your astrology = heck we use to play wegee (sp) board...

Me personally - there could be aliens - who in the heck knows - I guess if I met one then I would know for sure - but anything is possible..

I have never gone to a physic - want to but my Catholic roots stop me..

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Hugs Gf - I can't believe a parent would do that - what a stupid ass... Put the worksheet in an envelope give it to the kid to deliver to parents and do a sign receipt from them.. Pain in the arse but that way the kid will have to do his/her homework and you will have the evidence...

Call the doc on your pain - come on now - we need you around.....

Ok I am watching survior - how in the hell did the blondie win - RUSSELL SHOULD HAVE WON !!! He's kinda cute - he did play the best game..

As to tarot cards - I have played them on line - it's just a game - just like reading your astrology = heck we use to play wegee (sp) board...

Me personally - there could be aliens - who in the heck knows - I guess if I met one then I would know for sure - but anything is possible..

I have never gone to a physic - want to but my Catholic roots stop me..

I've been to a Psychic, twice... once when I was newly married, and once last Jan when I was in Vegas... the one in Vegas was pretty accurate and the 'reading' was quite comforting... to me at least... now 'G', had quite a different experience... she got told her 'man' was a louse! Dah, and guess what? she was right..... it just confirmed things for my friend.... but alas, she is STILL with him even after finding CONDOMS in his luggage:eek:

I agree about SURVIVOR, how on earth did SHE win???;)

Watched a ho-hum movie tonight... the Wrestler with Mickey Roarke... oh my gosh an example of NOT aging gracefully.... oh he was UGLY:eek:

Well, 11/30 here so I'm off to beddy=bye...

see you all in the a.m.B)

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I'm with you on how Natalie won, but Russel was the player to hate. I didn't want him to win, but there really wasn't anyone who played the game better. I guess his arogance got to me.

I know I need to go to the doc, but I have to go to a new one. My last one who dealt with my pelvic organ prolapse told me she couldn't do anything more for me and then a few years later retired. I do have the name for one, but looking in to the procedures there really isn't anything new out there and I have done everything thing else some even twice. It is just one of those chronic issues that won't change. I imagine I can have surgery again, but I can't afford to go back to Duke, I'm still paying on the last surgery, and about the only thing they can do here is staple everything back up to my pelvis. Have already done that 2 times and I know that it will only last about 6 months. Also there isn't any point going now, because when I move I will be lifting heavy stuff and will just rip it loose again. So I will live with the pain for right now. Usually it isn't too bad, but the last few days has been worse. Imagine a bad bladder infection, but worse. As long as I can still go to the bathroom I'm going to have to deal with it on my own. Sorry to grumble. Just a lousy day.

I have never gone to a psychic, my sister has many times. I don't know how I feel about them. I think they may have some insight, mainly from reading their client, looking for clues on who the person is and what they are looking for. With that in mind, it wouldn't be so bad to have someone tell you what you want. But then again, who really wants to know. that's why we need someone to read us in the first place.

I'm sure that I'm in a funk mainly because of the season. DD#4 is having some self-esteem issues. She is really worried about all her sisters being home. She feels like she doesn't 'measure up'. That she is almost 24 and living at home. So I'll send all the girls an email, and remind them to be supportive. It is tough not being the strong female that all her sisters are.

Janet, you are right about the homework issue, I'll just make sure that the kid & mom get copies, heck I'll give him 2 just incase one isn't enough. I think this is really why I don't like working with 6th graders. The parents think that they still have their sweet little kid. The reality is that middle schoolers lie, not even on purpose, they just do. As a parent you are a fool if you think your kid is perfect. I have my evaluation report today. I wish I had some control over what I teach. I wish I could say...I'm a 7th grade teacher, just let me teach what I'm good at. Overall the eval will be okay, but I am not happy with the job I'm doing. I just don't like earth science and I definitely am not a 6th grade teacher. In a perfect world I should be able to say that. But in this world, it wouldn't matter. If I wouldn't suffer a huge cut in pay I would find a different job. but they will only give me 5 years of experience instead of 23, so it is not an option. I also need to 'grow a pair' and either decide to suck it up or shut it up.

Well, best get going, time to get things cleaned up. Only 2 more days!!!

Steph, glad you had a good shopping spree, sorry about the cold, stress will do that to you.

Candice, you are free!!! Think of all the quilts you will get done. I guess if I going to come up and quilt I will have to get a passport.

Thanks for listening, you all have a good day. Phyl drive safe, enjoy the concrete. TTFN

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Good Morning Gang

I went to bed at like 8:30 most likely went to sleep at 9 got up at 11 ate some lamb way to fast pd a little - Sometimes I hate my band..

Karla when you had your 1st surgery why didn't insurance cover it - Hugs on the issue - would a diaphram help??

Not much to report ate 2 sf fudgsicle last night - I was ok calorie wise..

Sorta cleaning my desk as I type - it's a mess...

I guess since I only had one child - I didn't have the sibling issues - I had 2 bros but done remember any major issues except for the fact that I was the 1st born of my parents and my bro Jimmy (1 yr 4 days younger) always hated that fact - so I think he had some jealousy issues with me - Michael the baby bro was just fine - he was very easy going - like me and my Dad - whereas Jimmy had my mom's temperment as does my sister...

Well off to watch the weather suppose to be 65 and windy today - Phyl will get the worse of it if it is - Xmas is supose to be 67 an sunny - wish it would by 68 and cloudy

I know a couple pple my sis and a gf who when to a physic and they were right on- I would love to go - just sorta scared..

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Concrete is being poured.. they were here before 7 a.m. And the weather is nasty. Wind blowing, raining, cold! And almost time to go to the pool. I may wimp out on Water aerobics.. will be cold even with my swim jacket on! But will at least go in the hot tub. Then beading at 11 a.m. We're going to make a beautiful green and red poinsettia Bracelet today. Extra cost for today.... $17, but worth it. But it looks complicated so hope I can finish it in one class! And hope they turn the heat on in that room BEFORE we get there!!!


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Morning ladies. Just got home from my dr.'s appointment. I love my PA. I wish she would come back and that my dr wasn't such a putz. Oh well....she's awesome.

she upped my zoloft and decided to try me on ritalin for my adhd/anxiety. She said that she thinks if I can concentrate more, my thoughts won't race out of control with worry and scenarios that are crazy. I guess I'm up for anything.

Told Jeff and he laughed and said, "So we've got THREE speed freaks in the family now, huh?" I laughed and told him to shut up. I hope it works. I've known how ADHD I am for some time now and have never medicated for it...so if it helps great. If not, we tried.

Alright. I have to go run some errands. Have a good day ladies.

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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