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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Ok Phyl I know who to call in a crisis - you - I would be the same way freaking - I don't have air miles so I would have been sol... So glad they got to go..

I have already told the family they have to have passports - Oh I better get Andrew's :0)

food today - these pita bread thingies from costco 80 cal w/lite cream cheese & Lox - 260 cal - I have cooked a steak - but don't feel like it right now

Yeah, it was looking pretty grim for a while there! Then the BIL came through for them. Hope they made it up to Vancouver by now. Last time I talked to her they were in the car on the way. Border crossing in our part of the world can be up to 3 hrs wait! They have hotel reservations for tonight as flight leaves at 8 a.m.

Man... forgot to look for those at costco. And I finally remembered to get the Gorgonzola crackers from Trader Joe's today.

We had steak today for the first time since you were here for dinner!! Nov. 13! I had a 3-4 oz filet. Earl just got back from hot tub/pool whining with a belly ache. Then he tells me he guesses his stomach isn't used to a 16 oz t-bone!! SIXTEEN OUNCES... and he ate the whole thing!

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Yeah, it was looking pretty grim for a while there! Then the BIL came through for them. Hope they made it up to Vancouver by now. Last time I talked to her they were in the car on the way. Border crossing in our part of the world can be up to 3 hrs wait! They have hotel reservations for tonight as flight leaves at 8 a.m.

Man... forgot to look for those at costco. And I finally remembered to get the Gorgonzola crackers from Trader Joe's today.

We had steak today for the first time since you were here for dinner!! Nov. 13! I had a 3-4 oz filet. Earl just got back from hot tub/pool whining with a belly ache. Then he tells me he guesses his stomach isn't used to a 16 oz t-bone!! SIXTEEN OUNCES... and he ate the whole thing!

Mine wasn't costco - but rib eye from staters - not going down too well..

OMG that man - he sure can eat can't he...

I loved those crackers - I got some new wheat thin cracker to eat w/my lox....

Joseph can eat a steak like that :0)..

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Morning ladies!! I'm finally up and kind of moving. Good night sleep, just could have used more, but 10 hours is probably enough.

I can't believe it is already Sunday, I did get DD#4's purse done after many unsewing and resewing. I hate when a pattern has mistakes. Crap, I write better patterns than most people. Right I lack the imagination...

So today, laundry, house cleaning and sewing. Hope to wrap a few gifts.

So Phyl when do you guys get back to CA? I haven't mailed your pants yet, yeah that would be because I haven't hemmed them yet, probably won't get it done until break. So it will be after Christmas, 25 in inseam right?

Well best get busy. TTFN

Oh, Steph, how did the shopping go and Nick's therapy session?

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Morning ladies!! I'm finally up and kind of moving. Good night sleep, just could have used more, but 10 hours is probably enough.

I can't believe it is already Sunday, I did get DD#4's purse done after many unsewing and resewing. I hate when a pattern has mistakes. Crap, I write better patterns than most people. Right I lack the imagination...

So today, laundry, house cleaning and sewing. Hope to wrap a few gifts.

So Phyl when do you guys get back to CA? I haven't mailed your pants yet, yeah that would be because I haven't hemmed them yet, probably won't get it done until break. So it will be after Christmas, 25 in inseam right?

Well best get busy. TTFN

Oh, Steph, how did the shopping go and Nick's therapy session?

Yep... 25" is correct. I still haven't touched the 5 prs I need to hem! Should borrow my neighbor's sewing machine and do it!! DIL will do thme for me if I take them with us, but it's going to be a busy few days and I shouldn't do that to her!!

We drive up to SF area on Wed, get back Tues night after Christmas. A little worried about leaving the cat but neighbors will check on her and her litter box!

Concrete work continues out front. Well, they're finished with the digging, everything is all framed in with 2x4s, sand they dug up will be hauled off today and cement poured tomorrow. It's going to be SO nice! Extending the patio all the way out to the street and across the front from lot line to lot line... and the neighbors are doing the same so it will go across all the way over to their lot line, actually. We can have one heck of a party, we decided!! LOL. And we won't be tracking in so much sand.

Kids are at the gate at Vancouver BC and ready to board their flight!! Praise God! Yesterday morning it looked like it wasn't going to happen! They'll be off to Montreal in another 1/2 hour. Praying for safe travel... and that snow storm back east does not add further woes to this trip! And that the kids stay calm! Can picture Thomas running up and down the aisles. He doesn't sit still very well and it will be a LONG flight!!

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Good Morning Gang

Up at 7:11 Dogs just don't let me sleep.... Angel really..

Have the paper read - now to get dressed - do my Target shopping, come home wrap my few remaining gifts and wash some clothes..

That's about it for me for the day...

Phyl will see my energy level this afternoon - Sunday's are my relax day getting ready for work tomorrow - that means nap day :0) and this week will be hectic

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Good Morning Gang

Up at 7:11 Dogs just don't let me sleep.... Angel really..

Have the paper read - now to get dressed - do my Target shopping, come home wrap my few remaining gifts and wash some clothes..

That's about it for me for the day...

Phyl will see my energy level this afternoon - Sunday's are my relax day getting ready for work tomorrow - that means nap day :0) and this week will be hectic

My energy level not much better. HAVE to be in the shower in 10 minutes if I'm going to make it over to chapel by 9:30 a.m. for short choir practice before morning service! UGH!

We are doing creative parking since concrete prep is blocking everything off.. will talk to neighbors across the street about using their extra space... and Brett & Trixie aren't back yet so someone can park there. It's going to be interesting for the next few days.

BTW... why is no one chewing me out about the Papaya?? Don't you know as soon as I decide to quit it, RiteAid has it on 2 for 1 sale this week??!! They do it once a month and I've been watching the paper every Sunday looking for the ad. That's the week I always stock up and buy about 4 bottles!! MY BAD!! AND.... Earl is NOT to know about this!!! LOL! My Papaya = his cigarettes! Which he says he's not smoking anymore!! Yeah, right!

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Phyl....papya is like medicine, treat it like it, otherwise go get some Smarties or something. Now consider yourself yelled at.

Janet, what is the update on Karri, I saw on Facebook there was an itching issue and then a fever...what's going on?

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1st you are right Janet, I didn't tell Phyl congrats on the crossing the legs and putting on the socks, How rude am I. I was too busy bitching. Well, I guess pay backs are a bitch, now I have to eat crow, heck I have to eat RAVEN.....guess what....ALL 5 OF MY GIRLS ARE COMING HOME FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DD#1 called while I was in town shopping, let's not even talk about the people and she got a cheap flight into....MISSOULA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So she will be here Christmas day and then they are all staying for a few days, not as long as I like, but I HAVE ALL 5 OF MY GIRLS AT HOME AT ONE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DD#1 never flies into Missoula, she always flies into Billings which is by her dad's so she spends most of the time there. But this time she is flying into Missoula and then flying out of Billings, I guess it was the cheapest flight. God was listening to my tears. What the most fabulous Christmas ever!!!!! I mailed her packages so she probably won't have Christmas until she get home unless they arrive before she leaves. AND four of the girls grumbled at DD#5 so much that she is going to stay home for a few extra days, Originally she was going to move back into the dorms on the 27th.

Phyl congrats again, I am pond scum for not saying something earlier.

I tried to talk mom & dad into coming over, but when I called I found out that dad had been in the hospital, and mother didn't think it was important enough to let me know. I guess they had to drain his lung and give him 2 pints of blood. But all his favorite nurses where there so he was pampered. He had chemo this week and was too weak to talk, but I guess I'll be going over there during break.

Candice...I never thought about driving up there??? So girl friend, I'm coming this summer, I don't know exactly where you live, but I'm coming!!! so get those quilting scissors sharp and it is going to be me and you and a butt load of quilting!! I'll bring my baby (featherweight) and we can play dueling sewing machines and see how much we can crank out. AND how did they sty thing go you never said?

YEAH, the girls are coming home for Xmas!!! So you'll have Roast RAVEN instead of TURKEY>???:thumbup:

That is way cool....

PHYL, OMG... yes those legs girl! Crossing them is a huge milestone!!! I remember when I got to that point, I was so proud....


Yes, you are always welcome.... quilting in the summer at my place would be too cool.... bring your machine it will be such fun:tongue_smilie: o.k. so you are closer to MASOULA airport... o.k. got it straight now..

Where is Stephanie, is she a short drive from you???

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Candice, Steph is 720 miles from me on the East side of the state, between 12 & 14 hours away, so there isn't any popping over for the afternoons going on. Steph has to drive almost 7 hours to see Michael in Billings. Most people don't really understand the distances we typically drive. Missoula is only 20 miles from me, it is actually about 30 to the airport because it is on the otherside of Missoula from me.

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O.k> on my second glass of wine..... pup on my lap.. so appologixe a head of time for typos.

This was a sad day and it was also a GREAT day.

My dear Friend Darlene's husband passed away in the night. Complications from Graft vs/ host disease, H1N1 he just wore out... only 60 yrs old... Oh girls, hug those MEN tonight.. life is SHORT!! Darlene is one of my dearest friends... she's always there for you...

Then I went to see my Mom today.. she is doing great.. wants to buy gifts for everybody for Xmas... she is so sweet... I am blessed that she is still with me and in such great spirirts. Our Christmas will be good... no one missing.

I've been drinking and wrapping Xmas gifts...its been good.

then just now, the phone rang. :thumbup: An old music buddy of Peter's who FIRED him 1 1/2 years ago called to appologize and hopefully to salvage the friendship. Of course Peter was all forgiving... cause he's a sweetie.. It's been ME who's been holding a grudge against R.G. since he dumped Peter...

so... we had a nice long chat... and all is forgiven and forgotten.

I learned today... so that's a good thing...

Did everyone see the Utube that Denise sent.... just beautiful... Where's the Line to see Jesus?

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Candice, Steph is 720 miles from me on the East side of the state, between 12 & 14 hours away, so there isn't any popping over for the afternoons going on. Steph has to drive almost 7 hours to see Michael in Billings. Most people don't really understand the distances we typically drive. Missoula is only 20 miles from me, it is actually about 30 to the airport because it is on the otherside of Missoula from me.

Oh my gosh, MONTANA is wide eh? just like Ontario..!!!

HOpefully Phyls daughter and son get their flight to Montreal o.k. weather sucks!!:thumbup: that is a long flight from Vancouver too.

I am wearing my ELVIS t.shurt today.. it is always so HOT at my MOM's residance... the old folks were funny today... I did some singing for the gang and they loved it... one of thier NURSES has a fabulous voice so we did harmoney together... it was fun.

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Oh my gosh, MONTANA is wide eh? just like Ontario..!!!

HOpefully Phyls daughter and son get their flight to Montreal o.k. weather sucks!!:thumbup: that is a long flight from Vancouver too.

I am wearing my ELVIS t.shurt today.. it is always so HOT at my MOM's residance... the old folks were funny today... I did some singing for the gang and they loved it... one of thier NURSES has a fabulous voice so we did harmoney together... it was fun.

Yeah, Montana is WIDE!! Wait until you drive across it!! You'll see!!

I'm assuming daughter and family have proably landed in Montreal by now. Is the snow storm there??? I've been worrying about that! I am watching FB for a note saying they are THERE!!! What a struggle to get there! You can bet those kids are going to have passports real soon after they get back home!! They'll be up there for two weeks. They've never seen the sister's kids and I don't think they've seen SIL's sister and husband since their wedding which is probably close to 10 years or more!

Sorry about your bad news! That's terrible... complications from H1N1?? And only 60 yrs old!

Reminds me.... our German next door neighbors were gone for 3 days and no one knew where they were. We were all kind of worried... they were supposed to come to that party Fri. night. Well, they showed up last night. So this morning coming home from chapel I see them walking with their garbage and Peter has a neck brace on. So I stopped to chat and find out where they were and what's up with the neck brace. They said they were out walking in the desert last Wed. and Peter suddenly fell backwards and neck was hurting. Nursed it through the night but when he got up in the morning had tingling and numbness in his hands and feet. So they went to the ER. Long story short.... 5 hrs of surgery later... doctors said he was a very lucky man not to be paralyzed. He had THREE bad discs in his neck that they had to fuse and had to put in metal plate and screws. Amazed that he's back home already after hearing the story! He's not very old either... they may be 60, or maybe not. Very, very physically fit though. Bike ride to them is 20 miles!

Singing at the nursing home sounds like great fun. My Dad and I did that once or twice... I would play the piano for him and he would sing. Wish we'd done some singing together. That would've been fun.


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Drive by post to let you know I'm alive.

Had a great day yesterday. Shopping with a very good friend for an entire day. It was so good to catch up!

Today was church kids program. Then home to nap. I'll give details tonight. Hugs ladies. you've been busy!

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Yeah, Montana is WIDE!! Wait until you drive across it!! You'll see!!

I'm assuming daughter and family have proably landed in Montreal by now. Is the snow storm there??? I've been worrying about that! I am watching FB for a note saying they are THERE!!! What a struggle to get there! You can bet those kids are going to have passports real soon after they get back home!! They'll be up there for two weeks. They've never seen the sister's kids and I don't think they've seen SIL's sister and husband since their wedding which is probably close to 10 years or more!

From what I gather Phyl. the STORM is to the south and EAST of MOntreal... so they should be o.k. they've given warnings to our MARITIME provinces so that is EAST of Quebec... they'll be lucky and miss it... I hope they have a NICE visit

Sorry about your bad news! That's terrible... complications from H1N1?? And only 60 yrs old!

Reminds me.... our German next door neighbors were gone for 3 days and no one knew where they were. We were all kind of worried... they were supposed to come to that party Fri. night. Well, they showed up last night. So this morning coming home from chapel I see them walking with their garbage and Peter has a neck brace on. So I stopped to chat and find out where they were and what's up with the neck brace. They said they were out walking in the desert last Wed. and Peter suddenly fell backwards and neck was hurting. Nursed it through the night but when he got up in the morning had tingling and numbness in his hands and feet. So they went to the ER. Long story short.... 5 hrs of surgery later... doctors said he was a very lucky man not to be paralyzed. He had THREE bad discs in his neck that they had to fuse and had to put in metal plate and screws. Amazed that he's back home already after hearing the story! He's not very old either... they may be 60, or maybe not. Very, very physically fit though. Bike ride to them is 20 miles!

Gosh, we don't really know how LUCKY we are until you hear of incidents like that... I am so glad they operated on him so fast... MERCY!

Singing at the nursing home sounds like great fun. My Dad and I did that once or twice... I would play the piano for him and he would sing. Wish we'd done some singing together. That would've been fun.


Ya, Phyl... i'd love singing with you more often.... we were DAMN good in July... !!!:thumbup:

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Well, I got DD#2 apron and embroidered tea towel done today along with laundry. I will take pictures at Christmas when everyone models their gifts and try to post. Projects have turned out good so far.

Yeah, we do need to hug and cherish the men in our lives. Mom is convinced that a miracle will happen and dad will be offered a new treatment that will cure him. Mom is convinced that she is a witch and is way to into taro cards. I won't allow the cards in my house but I do make supportive noices about her hobby. She had a 'reading' that said that choices would have to made...that new opportunities will be offered. Well if it makes her feel better.

Anyway working on dinner. TTFN

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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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