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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Why don't we keep on brainstorming re sewlutions until I see you in the SPRING.. Rember Dh and I are driving RV across the northern states??? We'll be stoppinng in Montana 2x :scared2:

Janet /PHyl:L I don't know if I can wait until JULY to see you gals??? we gotta think of something??? Vegas? L.A.???

Cruise the Mexican Riviera with Earl and I.... spend some time in Palm Springs/L.A., cruise Jan. 30-Feb. 7!!:thumbup:


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Oh, to so go one a cruise, I never have!!! Candice go for it! I can't bear to think of all the quilting you are going to get done! Maybe this year once my house sells I can give up some of my jobs and have more time to quilt. Yeah right, then there is the master's program. Okay so in 2012 I should have time to quilt.

Okay Candice, between now and when you are in Montana, we need to spend some time surfing the internet/ebay, to see what is out there. We need to figure out what the competition is AND what is 'hot'.

This weekend is the last weekend to finish project that need mailed. So Doggie bones, shortbread, and biscotti are on the list, plus my DD#1's projects.

Phyl, by the way, I LOVE your beading. It is hard to remember that you just started this. You have some real talent. Oh, a good place to get beading supplies is Fire Mountain. Honestly MOST of the beading stores get their beads from them. The have a huge selection, good prices and sterling silver and 14k gold components. When I bead a lot I order from them. SO much cheaper, plus it is delivered right to your door. They have tons of ideas on their website. Here is the website:

Catalog Request - Fire Mountain Gems and Beads

I like to get their catalog because it has so many ideas. It also sells gem stones at a variety of qualities. Check it out. I am not a huge shopper, but get me on the internet... another story.

Oh and Phyl, do you wear pleated pants? I have a pair of black pleated pants (twill) that I got from Cabela's that are a size 18, to big. The quality is good, roomy through the thighs, if you sent me your inseam length, I could hem them and send them down to you.

Oh Janet, I still want to see the 'willy'. Is it anything like believing in Tinkerbell? If you SAY you believe, will it come back to life? I know BAD.

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Good Morning Ladies...

Nothing to report this morning - usual crap not thing new - I am blah today didn't get to work til 7:30 I am usually here at 7:15 - couldn't figure out what to wear changed 3 time - hair - ugh ... You know just one of those days

Well better get busy - tomorrow furlough friday - Have dr appt in the morning and then hope to get my cards done.


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Ok no one posted today !!!

Well Phyl had Red Hat Xmas Party - How was it??

Karla doesnt post during the day :0)

Candice you usually do - Where are you...

Karri is having her reverse tt & boob reduction on Tuesday - so please keep her in your prayer...

Well going to go start Andrew's dinner - CB in a bit

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Had curriculum meeting today and since I had to drive through Missoula I stopped and bought a few groceries and a new latte frother. Spent a whole $6 on the frother and it actually works. Frothed better than the 'steamer' on my espresso machine and is about 5 times as fast. Microwave skim milk with SF flavoring for 1.5 minutes and during that time make the espresso. Hint, never let your espresso sit for more than 8 secs, adding the milk by then will keep it from getting bitter.

Got most of my papers corrected yesterday and part of my lesson plans. Did part of my master's homework this morning so part way done with that.

Janet, let's run away together and live on a beach selling quilts, jewelry, and lattes. All we will need is a couple of pairs of shorts, t-shirts and sandles. If I didn't have family committments I'd be out of here. If not a beach, I'd like to be a hermit in a mountain cabin only coming out for supplies a couple of times a year.

I have 2 lovely scratches on my face across my eyebrow and eyelid. Was combing the cat, she is a maine coon so has really long hair with a maine like a lion. Well she too exception to me combing her tummy, swipe, she got me. By tomorrow it will probably be all puffed up and beautiful. bleck.

need to go finish heating up dinner, ttfn

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Had curriculum meeting today and since I had to drive through Missoula I stopped and bought a few groceries and a new latte frother. Spent a whole $6 on the frother and it actually works. Frothed better than the 'steamer' on my espresso machine and is about 5 times as fast. Microwave skim milk with SF flavoring for 1.5 minutes and during that time make the espresso. Hint, never let your espresso sit for more than 8 secs, adding the milk by then will keep it from getting bitter.

Got most of my papers corrected yesterday and part of my lesson plans. Did part of my master's homework this morning so part way done with that.

Janet, let's run away together and live on a beach selling quilts, jewelry, and lattes. All we will need is a couple of pairs of shorts, t-shirts and sandles. If I didn't have family committments I'd be out of here. If not a beach, I'd like to be a hermit in a mountain cabin only coming out for supplies a couple of times a year.

I have 2 lovely scratches on my face across my eyebrow and eyelid. Was combing the cat, she is a maine coon so has really long hair with a maine like a lion. Well she too exception to me combing her tummy, swipe, she got me. By tomorrow it will probably be all puffed up and beautiful. bleck.

need to go finish heating up dinner, ttfn


Sounds good to me - The beach part - not a big mountain fan - I love the look of it - but I rather lay on the beach and swim in the ocean than hike in the mountains :00

I am lucky Sheba is a short hair - so I don't have to do much with her - but my Bear is like your cat - but he loves to be brushed... Thankfully it didn't get your actual eye..

Well I have doc appointment at 8:45 in the morn for my knees the stupid girl told me it was in Indio - well the message they left on the machine last night said Rancho Mirage - well I called this morning - yep it's in Rancho Mirage.. I am sure glad that got straighten out today or I would have been really pissed - as it is I don't have time to go exercise unless I get up at 5 - I really need to go - so we will see what happens tomorrow...

I have always thought about where I would like to live - want green - but don't want snow - want 4 seasons - don't want hurricanes - tornados -

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I could take the beach over the mountains. I'm not stuck on the mountains, i just would like some solitude for awhile. I just am kind of fed up with 'playing nice'. I just want to to hibernate for awhile.

Okay enough of all that. I would like to find a house with a gas fireplace. I never have had one, but it would be so nice, that and a jetted tub.

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I could take the beach over the mountains. I'm not stuck on the mountains, i just would like some solitude for awhile. I just am kind of fed up with 'playing nice'. I just want to to hibernate for awhile.

Okay enough of all that. I would like to find a house with a gas fireplace. I never have had one, but it would be so nice, that and a jetted tub.

I had a jetted tub at xdh house - the only problem was that it took a 1/2 hr to fill up (it was big enough for 2) and so you had to sit in it for at least 1 hr so that you didn't feel like you were wasting waters (it had a heater so the Water stayed warm)

I have a gas fireplace (my 1st) my old house didn't have a fp and xdh house had a real one - but the whole cleaning it ugh I don't need anything else that I have to clean..

Well I am going to go eat - I'm hungry and it's only 6:55... I am an hour early...

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Well Karla - I went and made a cup of coffee instead - well not really put my spinach on to cook.(I have fish & rice left over from last night)..

I'm cold have sock & slippers on an feet still cold - looks like the thermostat says 68 in the house - turned on the fireplace too but it has to be on for hours to warm up the living area..

Do you know that we are down to 4 regular posters -

Me, Karla, Phly & Candice..

I posted on Steph's wall on fb that we were going to hunt her down..

Karla I guess you an me don't have much of a life - or husbands to have to talk to.. Just us and our pets..

You got school work to do - I guess I could go read my new magazine and I still have my book to read.. Or go shop online :0)

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Yeah we are a sad pair. I had to make magic bars for the girls' study food, it is the start of finals week and it was their special request. I lost it and ate a large one. I have avoided most sweets, but today I couldn't eat lunch at the curriculum meeting, it was a huge bready sub sandwich with very little meat. I ate what little meat it had and about 1/4 c of very carb filled Soup. I was fine until I made the damn magic bars, grahm cracker crust with melted chocolate, coconut, almonds and sweetened condensed milk. Baked to a oooooe goooooey decadence. So now I am feeling like a fat pig. I know it was still less than what I use to eat, but I dont' like the loss of control.

I hate that there are only 4 of us, I need someone to talk to daily. Mainly to keep me honest and on track AND because it is my one adult contact. I guess if the thread dies, you and me will just have to use the phone. I have to have this, I won't make it on my own. crapcrap. I can't believe that they are bailing on us.

My TMJ is acting up, I clench my teeth when I get stressed. I have done the mouth guard thing, but it only worked for awhile. I ground grooves into the guard and the only fix is braces. I can't afford braces. Oh well.

Janet, don't leave me, I don't want to think about loosing this thread. Okay, now I am crying, time to go to bed.

See you tomorrow, you have the day off, I wish I could be sick, maybe next week.

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Yeah we are a sad pair. I had to make magic bars for the girls' study food, it is the start of finals week and it was their special request. I lost it and ate a large one. I have avoided most sweets, but today I couldn't eat lunch at the curriculum meeting, it was a huge bready sub sandwich with very little meat. I ate what little meat it had and about 1/4 c of very carb filled Soup. I was fine until I made the damn magic bars, grahm cracker crust with melted chocolate, coconut, almonds and sweetened condensed milk. Baked to a oooooe goooooey decadence. So now I am feeling like a fat pig. I know it was still less than what I use to eat, but I dont' like the loss of control.

I hate that there are only 4 of us, I need someone to talk to daily. Mainly to keep me honest and on track AND because it is my one adult contact. I guess if the thread dies, you and me will just have to use the phone. I have to have this, I won't make it on my own. crapcrap. I can't believe that they are bailing on us.

My TMJ is acting up, I clench my teeth when I get stressed. I have done the mouth guard thing, but it only worked for awhile. I ground grooves into the guard and the only fix is braces. I can't afford braces. Oh well.

Janet, don't leave me, I don't want to think about loosing this thread. Okay, now I am crying, time to go to bed.

See you tomorrow, you have the day off, I wish I could be sick, maybe next week.

I'm not going anywhere - and I thought the same thing - we are just going to have to call each other :0)..

Phyl will always post and so will Candice - but they both go dh's - do it's a little diff for them

I have to have the accountablity - so don't be afraid ..

You can't get rid of me that easily :0)

Don't cry ...

I don't think I could say no to the bars either - especially at nite They sound really really good !!! I love everything that's in them :0)

We got another shit load of those Cheryl Cookies today at work - but like I say I can usually 99.9% say no to that stuff during the day... It's at night that I can't or if I am super frustrated or something bad has happened where I think I need to comfort myself - but I gotta say I have been really good at work and I put that fudge in the freezer cuz i was still eating it even cold....

I am a teeth clencher too - but I don't have tmj - I use to grind me teeth too - I don't think I do anymore - I use to wake myself up grinding :0) - Now my stress is in my shoulders :0)

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Quick drive by here. I'm still posting. Just not everyday. I'm trying to get here a couple times a week. I just wanted to let you guys know that I posted a couple of my quilt pics on my FB page. And my pierced earring frames that I made. One of these day, once I master posting pictures on FB, I'll learn to post them here. TALK TO YOU ALL LATER. IT'S AFTER 2AM HERE AND I AM TIRED.

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Kari, beautiful work!! I love Batiks, but I've always done the dark tones,,,now I'm thinking the lighters are my new favorite. How was it quilted? in the ditch? You are a gifted artist, the earing holder, just sweet! You make me want to go sew and craft. Oh that's right, all my stuff is in storage. If this house doesn't sell soon, I may have to go and pull it all out of storage just to get some sanity back. What I really need to do is get DD#1's hand quilted, whole cloth quilt done. Now that it is cold enough I can work on it. Now if I could just keep the puppies off it. Black & tan doxies on cream whole cloth...NOT a good combination.

Janet, you have the day off!! But it is Friday, so I can't complain. In less than 12 hours I plan on being curled up with a blanket, maybe taking a nap!!

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Good Morning Gang

I got up at 5 a.m. and I don't have to be at work but I HAVE to go to the gym - I can't make anymore excuses - I HAVE TO EXERCISE. So at 6ish I will be in the gym - see what it does to my knee - heck I am going to doc this a.m. anyway - maybe I just over did it the week of thanksgiving (hopefully)..

Kari - it's just as easy to post pic's here - but I will go look on fb -

Karla - you can still have your stuff around you - pple understand crafts.. It's not like you have over flowing trash cans

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Phyl, by the way, I LOVE your beading. It is hard to remember that you just started this. You have some real talent. Oh, a good place to get beading supplies is Fire Mountain. Honestly MOST of the beading stores get their beads from them. The have a huge selection, good prices and sterling silver and 14k gold components. When I bead a lot I order from them. SO much cheaper, plus it is delivered right to your door. They have tons of ideas on their website. Here is the website:

Catalog Request - Fire Mountain Gems and Beads

I like to get their catalog because it has so many ideas. It also sells gem stones at a variety of qualities. Check it out. I am not a huge shopper, but get me on the internet... another story.

Oh and Phyl, do you wear pleated pants? I have a pair of black pleated pants (twill) that I got from Cabela's that are a size 18, to big. The quality is good, roomy through the thighs, if you sent me your inseam length, I could hem them and send them down to you.

Oh Janet, I still want to see the 'willy'. Is it anything like believing in Tinkerbell? If you SAY you believe, will it come back to life? I know BAD.

Thanks for that bead link. Our instructor is always talking about "Firemountain", but I hadn't taken the time to see if they were online!

Are you serious about those pants!! Sure, I wear about any kind of pants. Size 18 should fit. But.. you'll hem them for me!! WOW!! That's awfully sweet of you! I just asked DH where he put my sewing basket... back outsde in storage... because I have 5 pairs of pants to hem... by hand, unless I borrow neighbors sewing machine! I will measure inseam when I get back from the pool.

Yesterday was WILD!! TOPS in the morning.. Supposed to be ther about 7:45 a.m. and Earl woke me up at 7:30! I was FAST asleep. So I rushed to get out of here... bathing suit, wash face, etc. I was up 4/10 lb! Then hot tub, no time for Water aerobics. Shower, dress up in all my Red Hat stuff, off to the Christmas party. Then stop on way home to buy Toys for TOts for Marine Band Concert. HOme... quick change in to Christmas sweatshrt and out to dinner with 2 other couples, then to concert. Earl likes to get there before the doors open so we get front seats! Doors were to open at 6:15 p.m. We were there 30 minutes before that!! But by the time we used rest room... they opened the doors way early! So we got seats right behind the dignitary section! There were probably 50 people there from our park... heck... I gave away 29 tickets myself including ours! Two trips downtown to beg for tickets in two different offices!! :rolleyes2: Concert was GREAT, but not quite as entertaining as previous years because they didn't do any goofy stuff and we always enjoy that!

Gotta go... time for pool!

Ok no one posted today !!!

Well Phyl had Red Hat Xmas Party - How was it??

Karla doesnt post during the day :0)

Candice you usually do - Where are you...

Karri is having her reverse tt & boob reduction on Tuesday - so please keep her in your prayer...

Well going to go start Andrew's dinner - CB in a bit

Party was great fun but I need to get to know more people. Two ladies next to me were from our group but other ladies at our table were from somewhere else... Hemet, Cathedral City... I don't remember. But they weren't particularly friendly.

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    • BabySpoons

      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      1. Bypass2Freedom

        We have to remember that everyone moves at their own pace. For some it may be harder to adjust, people may have other factors at play that feed into the unhealthy relationship with food e.g. eating disorders, trauma. I'd hope those who you are referring to address this outside of this forum, with a professional.

        This is a place to feel safe to vent, seek advice, hopefully without judgement.

        Compassion goes a long way :)

    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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      Decorative Wall Cladding & Panels | Stone Art By SKL
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