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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Candice, I LOVE SEW-lutions!!! Perfect in every way. Sewing is my therapy. I use to call myself "My Sanity Crafts" when I did the craft show circuit. Can't live without it. But that is also why I get stressed during school, don't have enough time to sew.

Dinners almost done, I'll check in after. TTFN

Would it be possible to organize something for SEW-lutions On-line???? :thumbup:

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Good Evening Gang...

I didn't make the gym - got stuck in traffic accident - a semi jack knifed - took me 1 hr 15 minutes to get home - I left work a little late cuz I was talking to my gf - it was 4:15 and got in the jam got home at 5:30

Jackie - I agree next hubby being a dog (the 4 legged kid)

Hugs you will get through this..

Phyl Andrew is related to Earl - I came home and he had both the slider and front door open - it was 64 degrees in here...

Edited by IndioGirl55

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Candice, we COULD do something on-line...we are going to have to do some thinking here.

Janet, I am so glad you got delayed at work, YOU could have been in there!

I just realized that my next husband IS a dog. I didn't realize. 2 ex's and 3 dogs....Jackie we are sisters!!! Okay Janet, how many dogs do you have? I think Stephani has 3 o4 4. Phyl has 0. hummmmmm

Got an email from DD#2, the PA at Idaho Heart Institute. They had a patient CODE during a stress test. She had to do CPR for over 20 minutes before the EMT got there. Unfortunately, they hospital could not get the patients heart into a normal beat and he died. They figure that he had a massive corinary that blew out the side of his heart. Unfortunately they haven't been able to find his family to notify. So ladies, our days may be stressful and at times lousy, but at least we have DAYS!!!

Well, I probably won't be on a lot for the next few days, have a bunch of homework to get done for masters program, get evaluated on Tuesday, have curriculum work to do on Thursday about 40 miles away (will have sub), & Next Tuesday I have a class. I'll swing through, but it will be infrequent.

Jackie, hang in there. Phyl, sorry about not getting to do your road trip. I hate when that happens.

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Candice, we COULD do something on-line...we are going to have to do some thinking here.

Janet, I am so glad you got delayed at work, YOU could have been in there!

I just realized that my next husband IS a dog. I didn't realize. 2 ex's and 3 dogs....Jackie we are sisters!!! Okay Janet, how many dogs do you have? I think Stephani has 3 o4 4. Phyl has 0. hummmmmm

Got an email from DD#2, the PA at Idaho Heart Institute. They had a patient CODE during a stress test. She had to do CPR for over 20 minutes before the EMT got there. Unfortunately, they hospital could not get the patients heart into a normal beat and he died. They figure that he had a massive corinary that blew out the side of his heart. Unfortunately they haven't been able to find his family to notify. So ladies, our days may be stressful and at times lousy, but at least we have DAYS!!!

Well, I probably won't be on a lot for the next few days, have a bunch of homework to get done for masters program, get evaluated on Tuesday, have curriculum work to do on Thursday about 40 miles away (will have sub), & Next Tuesday I have a class. I'll swing through, but it will be infrequent.

Jackie, hang in there. Phyl, sorry about not getting to do your road trip. I hate when that happens.


OMG you think just like me - I thought the same thing !!!

(about if I had left on time)

I have been married twice to the same guy and I have 2 dogs and 1 cat :0)

But I guess I have turned lesbian (not really - i'm still a hetro-x sexual - since I haven't had any in like 8 yrs - I'm a nun ;0) Angel is a girl dog and she is the one that sleeps with me EVERY night - on the side of the bed that a dh would occupy - Bear sleeps with me most nights but not every night

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Janet, I figure it has been so long I have my virginity back! Miss Molly is the only dog that is really mine, hummm.

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Candice, we COULD do something on-line...we are going to have to do some thinking here.

Janet, I am so glad you got delayed at work, YOU could have been in there!

I just realized that my next husband IS a dog. I didn't realize. 2 ex's and 3 dogs....Jackie we are sisters!!! Okay Janet, how many dogs do you have? I think Stephani has 3 o4 4. Phyl has 0. hummmmmm

Well, I probably won't be on a lot for the next few days, have a bunch of homework to get done for masters program, get evaluated on Tuesday, have curriculum work to do on Thursday about 40 miles away (will have sub), & Next Tuesday I have a class. I'll swing through, but it will be infrequent.

Jackie, hang in there. Phyl, sorry about not getting to do your road trip. I hate when that happens.

Online business sounds like a good idea!

I don't have a dog.... but I'd really like to get a small on! :thumbup:


I wasn't that excited about the road trip from the beginning. The whole purpose was to find the cruise terminal so we know where to go next month when we go on the Mexico cruise. So I don't figure we were going to do anything fun. I got an unenthusiastic response when I suggested we go to San Diego too. But, I also said it was a bad idea becuase the weather was supposed to be lousy! We went to a movie this afternoon just to get out for a while.

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Phyl, get the dog. You are mobile enough now to take care of it. Tell Earl that the physical therapist wrote a prescription for it to motivate you to walk! Check out the shelters, no one said you have to get a puppy. Although I must admit, that the big round tummy of a puppy who just ate a bowl of baby rice Cereal just about sends me into eutopia!

Candice I actually think that we could make a go of an online store. Heck I do most of my fabric shopping on-line. So we need to do some brain storming. Besides, between the 2 of us, we have ALL of North America covered!!! So do we sell fabric, or finished products? but selling kits my be the way to go. Although I REALLY enjoy the 'picking out of the fabrics' stage of quilting, there are a lot of people who are quilting/sewing that don't have the time or experience for fabric selection.

Janet, I'm glad that you survived your first day back at work AND were delayed for the trip home.

I need to find the time to take care of an alteration order. What was I thinking? I'd say maybe tonight, but I know tonight will be for grading papers since mid-term is on Friday. Can you believe it, we are half way done with the 2nd quarter, which means we are almost half way done with the year. Before long I will be back at the nursery on weekends.

Suppose I should get busy. You all have a good day!! TTFN

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Phyl, get the dog. You are mobile enough now to take care of it. Tell Earl that the physical therapist wrote a prescription for it to motivate you to walk! Check out the shelters, no one said you have to get a puppy. Although I must admit, that the big round tummy of a puppy who just ate a bowl of baby rice cereal just about sends me into eutopia!

Candice I actually think that we could make a go of an online store. Heck I do most of my fabric shopping on-line. So we need to do some brain storming. Besides, between the 2 of us, we have ALL of North America covered!!! So do we sell fabric, or finished products? but selling kits my be the way to go. Although I REALLY enjoy the 'picking out of the fabrics' stage of quilting, there are a lot of people who are quilting/sewing that don't have the time or experience for fabric selection.

Janet, I'm glad that you survived your first day back at work AND were delayed for the trip home.

I need to find the time to take care of an alteration order. What was I thinking? I'd say maybe tonight, but I know tonight will be for grading papers since mid-term is on Friday. Can you believe it, we are half way done with the 2nd quarter, which means we are almost half way done with the year. Before long I will be back at the nursery on weekends.

Suppose I should get busy. You all have a good day!! TTFN

Even if Earl consented to the dog.... candy would NOT! She would FREAK. She's a very spoiled and very opinionated cat. But, maybe one day!

I'm starting to get excited about your online business! You gals have some great iideas.

Speaking of alterations.... yesterday afternoon I decided to do something about the 5 pairs of pants that I have that need to be shortened! So I got out my scissors, measured, and started cutting! That's because yesterday I wore a pair of jeans that were several inches too long... rolled them up three times and off to the movies! And I have some new, cozy sweats that i wanted to put on when I got home, but last week when I wore them.. I was walking on about 6 inches of extra pant leg. So...now I HAVE to sew them because all five pairs are cut off! I'll have to borrow the neighbor's sewing machine. Did that last year.

Those jeans... nice Lands' End black jeans that I got CHEAP at a thrift store. Show no wear at all. A little roomy in the butt because they're a 20W and I'm pretty much in 16W/18W now. But certainly can get a few months wear out of them. Had trouble buttoning the button before we left for the movie but finally got it buttoned. Got to the movies... had to use the rest room before the show started. Almost panicked, and almost peed my pants... because I couldn't get them unbuttoned again! Finally, by unzipping and working at it from below, I got it open. Close inspection revealed that the buttonhole is not cut open far enough. Maybe why they were at the thrift shop if former owner couldn't figure out why the button was so difficult! All that's needed is a little seam ripper to open the buttonhole up a little more! After the bathroom incident, I left it unbuttoned the rest of the afternoon to avert another dire emergency! Fortunately, the zipper held tight!


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Good Afternoon....

Busy at work today.. On hold right now w/ortho doc to make appointment about knee issues.. Appointment 8:45 a.m on Furlough Friday with a PA who can order test...

I had to leave the lunch room this afternoon at lunch - we got a delivery of Cheryl Cookies - they are the freaking best.. So deal is - no treats at work so I can have xmas cookies w/Kaitlin & Brooke when they come for Xmas

Hell I will let everyone else gain 10 lbs during the holidays :0) and they will all look at me with such great admiration for having such great will power :0)

Plus I am going to Florida in Feb to meet the ladies from my mentor thread.. So that's another incentive to keep the weight off..

Ok back to work :0)

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The day is over...God is great...he allowed me to get through the day without HURTING a student or PARENT. I was evaluated today, even after 23 year I still get nervous. Bad enough that my studder showes up. Never had to had speach therapy, because for the most part is just appears that I have 'lost my train of thought'. Not good during an evaluation. Add in that I was really frustrated with my 6th graders. I tried to tell my principal last year that just because I can teach 7th grade does NOT mean I can teach 6th grade AND I have NEVER taught Earth Science. I am a lousy 6th grade teacher, I am NOT the warm and fuzzy type. I gave an assignment yesterday that was actually a 5th grade assignment. Went through the instructions and no questions during class. So here are the instructions: Color the crust (layers of Earth) brown, color the mantle orange...later it said 'cut out the title', glue it in the upper left hand corner of the blue construction paper,,,etc. Anyway, I had parent emails/phone calls all night and day that the assignment was TOO confusing and TOO HARD. So I went to the principal and explained the situation. The solution is that now I will go and observe a 6th grader teacher for the day, that I will no longer develop my own lessons and will teach straight from the book and worksheets. FYI, the book is a 9th grade Earth Science book. And finally, "in 6th grade it is more important that they like you than IF they LEARN anything.' All assignments (and there should be no more than 2 a week) should be all multiple choice. So my evaluation is going to suck. I won't see it until next week. So why am I here. ANYONE can teach that way. Actually, if I'm honest I shouldn't be here. I can not meet the needs of the students and parents. I can not raise their children. I didn't go into teaching to do that AND that is why i never wanted to teach elementary.

Thanks for listening. There isn't an answer, I just needed to vent.

Phyl, your kitty could handle a dog. Bailey our cat whopped up on each dog just to show them who was boss and she has effectively kept it that way.

Janet, I'm glad you are going to the ortho guy, take care of those knees!!

Well, i'm home alone tonight, so will have to do some reading for class. AND then I need to practice my warm and fuzzy attitude.

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The day is over...God is great...he allowed me to get through the day without HURTING a student or PARENT. I was evaluated today, even after 23 year I still get nervous. Bad enough that my studder showes up. Never had to had speach therapy, because for the most part is just appears that I have 'lost my train of thought'. Not good during an evaluation. Add in that I was really frustrated with my 6th graders. I tried to tell my principal last year that just because I can teach 7th grade does NOT mean I can teach 6th grade AND I have NEVER taught Earth Science. I am a lousy 6th grade teacher, I am NOT the warm and fuzzy type. I gave an assignment yesterday that was actually a 5th grade assignment. Went through the instructions and no questions during class. So here are the instructions: Color the crust (layers of Earth) brown, color the mantle orange...later it said 'cut out the title', glue it in the upper left hand corner of the blue construction paper,,,etc. Anyway, I had parent emails/phone calls all night and day that the assignment was TOO confusing and TOO HARD. So I went to the principal and explained the situation. The solution is that now I will go and observe a 6th grader teacher for the day, that I will no longer develop my own lessons and will teach straight from the book and worksheets. FYI, the book is a 9th grade Earth Science book. And finally, "in 6th grade it is more important that they like you than IF they LEARN anything.' All assignments (and there should be no more than 2 a week) should be all multiple choice. So my evaluation is going to suck. I won't see it until next week. So why am I here. ANYONE can teach that way. Actually, if I'm honest I shouldn't be here. I can not meet the needs of the students and parents. I can not raise their children. I didn't go into teaching to do that AND that is why i never wanted to teach elementary.

Thanks for listening. There isn't an answer, I just needed to vent.

Phyl, your kitty could handle a dog. Bailey our cat whopped up on each dog just to show them who was boss and she has effectively kept it that way.

Janet, I'm glad you are going to the ortho guy, take care of those knees!!

Well, i'm home alone tonight, so will have to do some reading for class. AND then I need to practice my warm and fuzzy attitude.

Karla vent away - hell your 6th graders would have never made it in Andrew's 6th grade school - He was doing cornell notes - Science project - a thesis on the rain forrest (really a 900 word essay - I think that was what it was plus a poster board) Algerbra - Hugs Hugs Hugs...

Well I didn't make the gym had to go by accountants office then get gas - my excuse is I hate going to the gym at 5 with all the other pple who get off work and hit the gym then - I like getting there at 4:20 when the rush hasn't started - how do you like that for an excuse...

I am starving - real hungry - bf - dry cereal - lunch pbj on lite bread - didn't fill me up at all. Walked away from the Cookies - so ya me...

Dinner - lamb shank - roasted onion, potatoes & carrots...


WTF is it about tiger woods - I don't give a flying F - what's wrong with america !!!

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Ok fed the dogs - changed my clothes - put dinner in the oven to warm up (had the same thing for dinner last night - I usually always makes dinner for at least 2 nights - only have to cook once) Andrew's dinner is cooking pork chops & pasta..

Phyl - What movie did you see yesterday... I still want to see precious and blindside - maybe this weekend - who knows..

Candice - what's up - how's the puppy & peter...

Well you know it's only the 4 of us who post regularly

What the hell happen to Steph - Karla & Phyl- you need to bug her I already have 3 times...

Jackie - how are you doing - How's Court

Kari - how are you

Denise - done painting...

Linda keeps iming me on Facebook - but I am on lbt and by the time i get back she's off line..

Well gotta wait til someone answer me :0) CBL

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Ok fed the dogs - changed my clothes - put dinner in the oven to warm up (had the same thing for dinner last night - I usually always makes dinner for at least 2 nights - only have to cook once) Andrew's dinner is cooking pork chops & pasta..

Phyl - What movie did you see yesterday... I still want to see precious and blindside - maybe this weekend - who knows..

Candice - what's up - how's the puppy & peter...

Well you know it's only the 4 of us who post regularly

What the hell happen to Steph - Karla & Phyl- you need to bug her I already have 3 times...

Jackie - how are you doing - How's Court

Kari - how are you

Denise - done painting...

Linda keeps iming me on Facebook - but I am on lbt and by the time i get back she's off line..

Well gotta wait til someone answer me :0) CBL

I like when we cook for more than one night, too! Last night I finished the last of your lima bean Soup. We had it for dinner twice, I think, and there was one bowl left. We cooked chili yesterday but didn't eat it until tonight except for a small sample last night. It was really good! We'll have it again tomorrow night.

Movie we saw yesterday was "Everybody's Fine". It was so so. A little slow moving at times. I'd like to see "Precious", too. "Blind Side" was the best we've seen in a LONG time!! We loved it!

Watching Biggest Loser... one of the best finales I've seen, I think! Watching east coast feed!

Did chat a bit with LindaA the other night. She mentioned PS & I told her Candice wants to go to Costa Rica. She was very interested in that.

Karla, puppy is probably not in my immediate future, but one of these days!

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I like when we cook for more than one night, too! Last night I finished the last of your lima bean Soup. We had it for dinner twice, I think, and there was one bowl left. We cooked chili yesterday but didn't eat it until tonight except for a small sample last night. It was really good! We'll have it again tomorrow night.

Movie we saw yesterday was "Everybody's Fine". It was so so. A little slow moving at times. I'd like to see "Precious", too. "Blind Side" was the best we've seen in a LONG time!! We loved it!

Watching Biggest Loser... one of the best finales I've seen, I think! Watching east coast feed!

Did chat a bit with LindaA the other night. She mentioned PS & I told her Candice wants to go to Costa Rica. She was very interested in that.

Karla, puppy is probably not in my immediate future, but one of these days!

Dinner was good - I ate good tonite - am finally full..

Glad you enjoyed the soup ;0)

Cooking for at least a couple days is always good - I usually make a cup of rice and it will last me all week

I keep missing her (Linda) on chat - plus chat hasn't been working that great when we did connect

I am taping biggest loser - I can't stand the susspends - I have to be able to ff thru the commercials

I didn't watch it last week so I don't know who made it to the finals -

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I caught a little of Biggest Loser. It is amazing how well the contestants did this time. Although I love the program (don't watch it much), I wonder about the message is said this time. Very few people could lose 200+ pounds in 3 months (unless I am misunderstanding the time line). I don't imagine too many people could give up their entire lives for 3 months and work out 8 hours a day. But again I don't watch it constantly and maybe it was just this time that showed such massive results. Does the program provide support to the contestants after they go home? I've always been someone who could get the weight off, it is keeping it off. I know that I have had some fundamental changes in my life this time because I am still eating some of my favorite foods. But I know that last time I lost a bunch of weight working with a Bariologist, it was all about denial and avoidance. Naturally when I got to my 'goal' all my old habits were still there and the weight quickly came back and then some. I hadn't REALLY changed what I ate or how I ate. This time I still have chocolate and Pasta, just not as much or as often. Anyway, back to the orginal topic. I hope the contestants continue along the road to health.

COLD COLD, Have I told you that it was COLD. Yesterday on the way to work the grocery store sign said -14 degrees. NEGATIVE! No wonder my car didn't really want to start at the end of the day at school. Actually I think I need to go get a new battery. I'm trying to think when I changed it last, I know it can't have been 5 years, because my car is only 7 years old and I replaced it once. It needs to hang in there a few more months.

Suppose I should get moving. I was tired last night and headed to bed about 8:30, early for me. But it was a lousy day and PB'd dinner, heck threw-up dinner.

You all have a good day. I dont' know what is going on with Steph, it is sad that her and the other ladies aren't posting. But I REALLY appreciate that you all are still here. I need the support. TTFN

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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