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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good Morning Peep

OMG Karla - Casey Anthony has been on tv for 3 yrs - she killed her daughter 2 yrs old - I am awaiting the sentencing right now - found not guilty of murder but of lying - they couldn't prove she killed her DD but that she did lie

Good luck on the house

Slept good last night - fell a little more rested this morning went to bed earlier ..

I don't watch a lot of the news but enough ;0)..

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I hope they can make her responsible for the millions spent on the investigations and trial. You can tell that she loves all the attention, and no doubt will make millions on book deals and interviews. Such a travesty!

Hectic week. Not much down time, and man, do I sleep well when I can!

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I only hope they PREVENT her from writing some trite book and making millions off of it!! That would really take the cake..

She should have to live in fear and seclusion for the rest of HER life...

Went to the gym agian today... 20 mins treadmill and 20 on the bike... took my new walkman and it was better, passed the time quicker... no friends there today :( just Me and Petie....

food not good today, but back at the gym so thats a good start to better habits ahead.

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We (Linda - Denise - Phyl - Me - Candice) are all 4 yrs out this month... Since we are the OG Lucky #7's !!!!

So how do we stand....

Janet 7/17/07 - 250lbs - 7/7/11 - 138lbs = 112 lbs lost and maintained for 3 yrs - fluctuation between 136-139





There should be a law that you can't profit from a story - but I guess since she wasn't found guilty the law wouldn't apply - it's up to us peeps to boycott anything she does - but if she's smart (which she isn't) she would dye her hair blond - get blue contacts and move to Alaska and change her name - cuz I don't think she safe or will ever have a life using her real name and looks - who would have anything to do w/her - she will be living in her own prison for a few yrs anyway - till pple forget

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Hi! I am SO sick! Caught a miserable cold in eastern WA last weekend. Think either a waiter where we ate Sat. night or girl who made me coffee Sunday was sick. Jim said he saw one of the girls at Cider Works coughing and sneezing.... I got coffee there 2 days in a row and spent almost two hours up there one day using their WiFi. At any rate, coughing, head congested, sore throat, no energy! Cancelled two PT appts this week but went out to dinner last night because Chris & Kellie are in town for a few days. They made plans to go out for dinner with Jodie & Alan and that was the only opportunity to spend time with all of them because Jodie & Al & kids left for camping trip this morning. So, was feeling better yesterday afternoon, but, not a good idea because now I feel worse than before!

Yes, 4 years this month. I'm still down over 100 lb, but struggling. Sky Valley friend asked me on FB today about weight gain because her doctor wants to do some epidural injections for her back and he told her weight gain is a side effect because of the drugs they inject..... steroid, anti-inflammatory. So I 'spose that could be contributing to my wanting to eat all the time... like when you're smoking pot... they tell me! I'm back on the band wagon AGAIN, though! Been eating a lot of salads. Green Beans and our homemade spaghetti sauce for dinner, cut down Snacks and wine. No exercise this week is not going to help. Haven't walked in a few days... feeling too miserable.

Paid big bucks for American Idol tour tickets for tomorrow night, so hope I'm feeling well enough to enjoy.

Youngest son's birthday tomorrow too... 39 yrs old!! And a grandpa now!

Gonna watch "Coal Miner's Daughter". Nothing good on TV.

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Good Morning Peeps

Yep Phyl steriod will do that to you - stay away from the starches !!! CONGRATS on you 100 lbs loss and maintainng that... WTG WOW Idol ticket how cool - I think the cloest they come to me is LA and it's normally during the week - love them but not that much..

TGIF gang.... Sure glad it's Friday...

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So is Casey the one whose little girl..."disappeared"? She says she thought she was with her parents or something like that. The girl wasn't reported missing for a couple of days? right? Yep, I'm in the dark ages.

Got my laminate picked up yesterday, when we were unloading it, I realized that two boxes were crushed, so now have to go back and get replacements. Got a portion of the gravel and rock down. Nope I'm not lifting. I have two buckets on my wagon, I fill those, then tip them over where I want the gravel. Is taking a long time, but at least I am making some headway.

Phyl, we have a pretty nasty grung going around here as well. I have been staying clear of anyone who is sick, not taking a chance. I have too much to do to be down.

Well, need to get outside while it is cool. check in later. TTFN

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We (Linda - Denise - Phyl - Me - Candice) are all 4 yrs out this month... Since we are the OG Lucky #7's !!!!

So how do we stand....

Janet 7/17/07 - 250lbs - 7/7/11 - 138lbs = 112 lbs lost and maintained for 3 yrs - fluctuation between 136-139


Candice July 11 2007 surg date, then resurgery date March 2008(because of puncture) highest weight presurgery 240 lbs. today 192 down 48 lbs. not a roaring success but it is what it is...



There should be a law that you can't profit from a story - but I guess since she wasn't found guilty the law wouldn't apply - it's up to us peeps to boycott anything she does - but if she's smart (which she isn't) she would dye her hair blond - get blue contacts and move to Alaska and change her name - cuz I don't think she safe or will ever have a life using her real name and looks - who would have anything to do w/her - she will be living in her own prison for a few yrs anyway - till pple forget

I agree, we need to boycott anything she produces... it reminds me of the O.J. book... disgusting


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Good Evening Peeps

Candice so Monday is your 4 yrs - you fit the statistic and you are giving WW a shot to help you have better control - you got the tool - you are working on the control - WTG

Karla - Girl !!!! child was missing 31 days before she was reported missing .. Be careful doing all that yard work..

Phyl - How you feeling today..

Linda - How your hips.. How Mindy

Denise - any great concerts

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Janet, NOW I remember, but honestly I kind of keep my head in the sand. But I agree, she definitely killed the girl. God will deal with her eventually. I imagine the police and aterneies ( sp) are just sick. It would be enough for me to throw in the towel if I was them. What must her parents be going through. It sounds like they cared about the girl. Why didn't Casey just give her up for adoption? Nope Candice is right, there needs to be a campaign to bouycott any book she writes or interviews, etc. Like you said, the sad part is that she could totally confess to it now and no charges could be filed. Maybe the police are working on finding a different charge they could charge her with.

Janet, I am being supper careful, small loads and lots of back and forth. Also only working in the morning and evening. Hopefully in a couple of days I will have some pics to show you. I'll have to download my camera program to my new hard drive.

Congratulations ladies on being 4 years out!!! Keep it up. I know we get lazy about food, that's when I get in trouble, but you all are taking charge, GREAT JOB!!!!!!

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Hi Ladies; Back at the gym again today... up to a sweat... my knees are arguing with me, but if it Gets bad I`ll just start taking my CELEBREX again... no biggy... me and the ICE bag are good friends ;) but the trick is to just keep going and MOVING... what ever I do at the gym Hard work out or not so hard... its all better than being at HOME sitting on my Ass.... reading( I`ve just finished the 2nd book in the trilogy of John Jakes.... OMG i love that guy"!!! ) , or quilting, or TV watching

I do some treadmill, then the recumbant bike for a couple miles... Today I got on the Eliptical, (I hate that machine) and did 10 mins... but it got my heart rate up so that`s all good.

food today: Pro shake A.M.

Protien Bar 30 g Pro.... for lunch...

coffee with double milk

Hambuger with Bun, no cheese

now I have to go back and figure out m y pts.....

perhaps a pudding tonight or strawberries.

Gig went well this aft. it was a drive, but nice folks.... it was our first time there and they loved our music and jokes... Peter is getting better at them...

Have a good night!


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Candice, what a gift you and the guys are! You make people laugh and fill their hearts with music. Life doesn't get much better! Great Job. ALSO Great job on the exercise and foods. Keep going!

Yesterday's food was okay. I haven't been eating enough Protein and it snuck up and bit be yesterday. Normally at lunch at work I have a Laughing Cow wedge with a couple of crackers and some fruit. Yesterday I had a huge craving for protein. So went to a near by gas station & deli and bought a chicken strip. I did peel off the breading and ate about half of it. dinner I came home and made a 'mexican pizza'. A flour tortilla with refried Beans a little sprinkle of cheese, onions and cilantro salsa. Tasted pretty darn good.

Work today and then need to weedeat the dog yard. then I think I will kick back a bit. I am a little tired, okay I am a lot tired.

I came up with a low cal iced coffee that it good. Strong coffee, splenda brown sugar, cinnimon, nutmeg, cloves simmer. The cool, pour over ice with a little skim milk. yummmy. Nice and refreshing.

Well need to get busy and ready for work. Phyl? Linda? What's up? Janet?

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Good Morning Peeps

I slept in - just got up - Debbie stopped by - watched tv and talked till about midnite - then she left i stayed up an hr more then been - dogs had me up at 6 but went back to bed -

No plans for the day really..

Karla - I bet you are tired - you have been doing a lot of yard work that hard... Yep our bodies tell us what they are hungry for - I wanted enchillada yesterday - bought this new sauce - they were awful - had 1/2 cup - then watermelon - popcorn - ice cream cone ;0)

Yep Candice moving is better than sitting on your butt ;0) Glad your Gig went well ;0)

Phyl Where are you..

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Candice, what a gift you and the guys are! You make people laugh and fill their hearts with music. Life doesn't get much better! Great Job. ALSO Great job on the exercise and foods. Keep going!

Yesterday's food was okay. I haven't been eating enough Protein and it snuck up and bit be yesterday. Normally at lunch at work I have a Laughing Cow wedge with a couple of crackers and some fruit. Yesterday I had a huge craving for protein. So went to a near by gas station & deli and bought a chicken strip. I did peel off the breading and ate about half of it. dinner I came home and made a 'mexican pizza'. A flour tortilla with refried Beans a little sprinkle of cheese, onions and cilantro salsa. Tasted pretty darn good.

Work today and then need to weedeat the dog yard. then I think I will kick back a bit. I am a little tired, okay I am a lot tired.

I came up with a low cal iced coffee that it good. Strong coffee, splenda brown sugar, cinnimon, nutmeg, cloves simmer. The cool, pour over ice with a little skim milk. yummmy. Nice and refreshing.

Well need to get busy and ready for work. Phyl? Linda? What's up? Janet?

Yum, Karla... that Iced Coffee sounds really good! I am still drinking hot coffee, with my SF FF Coffeemate flavors that I picked up on my US trip...I've gone thru 1 whole bottle of my Butter Spray(fake) I love that stuff. Perhaps I can get Linda to bring me some when she comes to visit at the end of the month. Wow, Karla, you really don't eat much do you... I think I may go for a little "top up" in a week or two... I really needed that last defill as I was WAY too tight... now I am enjoying eating Fruit!!! Oh and strawberries this time of year are so good.

For lunch today I had 1 banana, sliced, 1/2 cup strawberries slices a handful of blueberries with GREEK SF Yogurt on top...oh it was so good... took me forever to eat it but was so worth it... about 2 cups of fruit I think, maybe a little less.

Good Morning Peeps

I slept in - just got up - Debbie stopped by - watched tv and talked till about midnite - then she left i stayed up an hr more then been - dogs had me up at 6 but went back to bed -

No plans for the day really..

Karla - I bet you are tired - you have been doing a lot of yard work that hard... Yep our bodies tell us what they are hungry for - I wanted enchillada yesterday - bought this new sauce - they were awful - had 1/2 cup - then watermelon - popcorn - ice cream cone ;0)

Yep Candice moving is better than sitting on your butt ;0) Glad your Gig went well ;0)

Phyl Where are you..

Hay Janet; Give my regards to DEBBIE... we otta plan a Vegas or New Orleans gettaway in the fall!!! what do you think?

Band rehearsal didn't happen today, so I went to the library and got the 3rd (final) book of the North and South trilogy... its called Heaven and Hell... 700 pages... but that'll be a breeze, the Vol II was 1000 pages.... oh but so good, I just can't put it down..

AND some more good news!!! Peter ordered me my OWN E-reader online today... should be here in a couple of days...then I can finish reading the book on that. won't be so heavy...PLUS I can take it to the gym with me to read while I am on a MACHINE!!! how cool with THAT be. Plus you can load Audio books onto it too... also easy to Listen to while you are working out at the gym...

Tonights supper will be Pork Tend. BBQ'd... and Asperagus... I made this WW Couscous and Black bean salad too... it is a WW recipe from way back so I dug out all my old cookbooks and came up with the recipe... YUM!!

Oh, forgot... I've misplaced the CHICKEN SALAD recipe... Karla, don't slap me... can you print it again for me??? PLEASE

HUGS, girls


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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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