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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Phyl, I have to admit, I have the same issues as well, that is why I don't repond to any posts, sorry to be 'vague', but I have been ripped one two many times.

Glad to know that you all have had a good weekend. Yep, I will enjoy mom the best I can. Everything she says is negative, but I can deal. My sister and husband 'dropped' by on their way home to Idaho. My house was a friggin disaster, all tore apart for painting, etc. Well this is not one of those cases that it's family so it doesn't matter. With her and her husband everything has to be perfect or they just can't stand to be around you, but that is what money buys, perfection, that and retirement.

Well, today is to finish the pond...I hope.

Denise, hang in there. I know it is tought, but you are strong.

Candice, I hope you enjoyed the visit with your friend. You are a good friend to go out and about.

Janet, yep, much of our eating is control. Heck, I couldn't handle someone running my kitchen. Yep it would be great to have someone cook, but only if I decided how things were cooked.

Linda, how are those grandbabies, have you been watching them?

Well, best get going, ttfn

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Hi gals, still at my GF's house... Oh Phyl the HWYS here were horrible... I HATe the 400 series roads... you call them INTERSTATES.... and the ones in Toronto are 8 - 16 lanes wide.... with every ahole out there driving too damn fast.... O.k. I know I am an OLD LADY driver ( just early by a few years) so going home, I am doing the back roads... the 2 lane type.... it will take me longer but I'll arrive without a MIGRAIN....

More drama with the Jazz gigs... we are booked ALL weeknd 3 days in a row... then the sat night gig was cancelled MANAGEMENT changes at the rest.... yada yada yada... well, now its all straightened out as of this am.

6 -9 p.m. Sat night 2 July and also the 30th July too.

more to follow, C

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Phyl, do you think that it is possible that in some way, your problem with food is somehow connected to Earl being so controlling? How do you deal with so much micromanagement? I am not as nice as you. I get really bitchy when Mel pulls that stuff.

Ya think???? In fact, I'm having a really bitchy day today. Get SO tired of HIS bitching and complaining and ranting and raving. Then after several hours of that he wants to know why I'M being so nasty!!! GRRRRRR! Well, I guess it started with instructions on how to eat my Breakfast. Then on to telling me why I had a gain at TOPS this morning...all the wrong things I ate and what I did and didn't do! I've been wanting to run away for 2 days now. Hmmm... I guess since Tracy & I got back from over the mountains!!

Phyl, I have to admit, I have the same issues as well, that is why I don't repond to any posts, sorry to be 'vague', but I have been ripped one two many times.

Glad to know that you all have had a good weekend. Yep, I will enjoy mom the best I can. Everything she says is negative, but I can deal. My sister and husband 'dropped' by on their way home to Idaho. My house was a friggin disaster, all tore apart for painting, etc. Well this is not one of those cases that it's family so it doesn't matter. With her and her husband everything has to be perfect or they just can't stand to be around you, but that is what money buys, perfection, that and retirement.

Well, today is to finish the pond...I hope.

Denise, hang in there. I know it is tought, but you are strong.

Candice, I hope you enjoyed the visit with your friend. You are a good friend to go out and about.

Janet, yep, much of our eating is control. Heck, I couldn't handle someone running my kitchen. Yep it would be great to have someone cook, but only if I decided how things were cooked.

Linda, how are those grandbabies, have you been watching them? Well, best get going, ttfn

Haven't personally been "ripped", but feel like it since I disagree with most of the angry rants.

How's the pond coming??

Gotta get going. Almost time for PT. Late afternoon appt today. Had to change my appt and I don't remember why! Tomorrow morning I have back doctor appt and maybe a 3rd epidural injection. Then DD #2 wants us to go to the zoo with her. We will if it's not raining, but if it is, I can't walk that zoo.... up and down and up and down, some fairly steep inclines. Anyway, probably wouldn't be advisable after back injection. Hope she doesn't get her feelings hurt if we don't go... haven't seen much of her & family and she knows we've spent a lot of time with Tracy & Jim. But... the road goes 2 ways! And she didn't even call Earl to wish him Happy Father's Day... just a FB message! Even Steve-O called and he was on the road on his way to new job in Houston.

Hi gals, still at my GF's house... Oh Phyl the HWYS here were horrible... I HATe the 400 series roads... you call them INTERSTATES.... and the ones in Toronto are 8 - 16 lanes wide.... with every ahole out there driving too damn fast.... O.k. I know I am an OLD LADY driver ( just early by a few years) so going home, I am doing the back roads... the 2 lane type.... it will take me longer but I'll arrive without a MIGRAIN....

More drama with the Jazz gigs... we are booked ALL weeknd 3 days in a row... then the sat night gig was cancelled MANAGEMENT changes at the rest.... yada yada yada... well, now its all straightened out as of this am. 6 -9 p.m. Sat night 2 July and also the 30th July too.

more to follow, C

Been on the 401.. and to Toronto and beyond quite a few times. No fun!!

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Candice, your comment about remembering that we are all defective hits home. I am extremely disappointed in the attitudes of my family (siblings and parents) about something--to the point of anger. The arogance and selfishness they displayed is astounding. It hit reLly hard this morning after a stressful weekend and I did not handle it well. I need to remember that I am defective too.

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Candice, your comment about remembering that we are all defective hits home. I am extremely disappointed in the attitudes of my family (siblings and parents) about something--to the point of anger. The arogance and selfishness they displayed is astounding. It hit reLly hard this morning after a stressful weekend and I did not handle it well. I need to remember that I am defective too.

So sorry! I'd have a Long Island Iced Tea with you if I were there! Yeah, we're all defective, but we usually don't recognize our own frailties as well as we do in those around us!! I am having a bad day also. Feeling so down I am thinking about going to see my primary care doc to get my Zoloft increased to 100 mg! Someone here is being a butthead today... intermittently, then he can't figure out why I am responding to that. Just generally down today over a myriad of things preying on my mind... cardiologist's dx, DH, wgt gain today at TOPS, etc. And when I need support and encouragement, I get lectured about what I did wrong and what I need to do to do better!

Hugs to you, girl!! We both need to take a happy pill maybe!!

Zoey is whining at the door because some kids are playing on the little hill outside the door of our condo and she wants to go play with them.

I had PT late this afternoon... sort of disrupted my evening. We're usually finished with dinner by now, but haven't eaten yet. Plus I wasted a lot of time on the way home. Stopped to shop at the Dollar store... which made Earl really happy, stopped at RiteAid to take my BP, and stopped at Albertson's to see if the Skinny Cow Truffles were on sale. So... didn't get home until after 5pm from my 3pm appointment!

Later, chicks! Hope everyone has a relaxing evening. I will be watching stupid Ashley on The Bachellorette!! She can't get over that guy who has no interest in her at all and left on his own a couple of weeks ago saying he missed his little daughter... which was a CROCK!!!


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Candice, your comment about remembering that we are all defective hits home. I am extremely disappointed in the attitudes of my family (siblings and parents) about something--to the point of anger. The arogance and selfishness they displayed is astounding. It hit reLly hard this morning after a stressful weekend and I did not handle it well. I need to remember that I am defective too.

So sorry! I'd have a Long Island Iced Tea with you if I were there! Yeah, we're all defective, but we usually don't recognize our own frailties as well as we do in those around us!! I am having a bad day also. Feeling so down I am thinking about going to see my primary care doc to get my Zoloft increased to 100 mg! Someone here is being a butthead today... intermittently, then he can't figure out why I am responding to that. Just generally down today over a myriad of things preying on my mind... cardiologist's dx, DH, wgt gain today at TOPS, etc. And when I need support and encouragement, I get lectured about what I did wrong and what I need to do to do better!

Hugs to you, girl!! We both need to take a happy pill maybe!!

Zoey is whining at the door because some kids are playing on the little hill outside the door of our condo and she wants to go play with them.

I had PT late this afternoon... sort of disrupted my evening. We're usually finished with dinner by now, but haven't eaten yet. Plus I wasted a lot of time on the way home. Stopped to shop at the Dollar store... which made Earl really happy, stopped at RiteAid to take my BP, and stopped at Albertson's to see if the Skinny Cow Truffles were on sale. So... didn't get home until after 5pm from my 3pm appointment!

Later, chicks! Hope everyone has a relaxing evening. I will be watching stupid Ashley on The Bachellorette!! She can't get over that guy who has no interest in her at all and left on his own a couple of weeks ago saying he missed his little daughter... which was a CROCK!!!


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Hi girls; Yeah Phyl thanks... had somewhat of a nice relaxing evening... Went with Jan and Bonnie to dinner, but not until they both CHAIN SMOKED 3 cigs each... Man I hardly wanted my dinner by then.... We get to the rest. and THEY want to eat outside on the Patio.... so that they can continue to SMOKE...while we all eat... YUK!!!

I am venting, and Janet... just to let you know YOU ARE A CONSIDERATE SMOKER!!! You don't force everyone else around you to smoke your cigs .... going home in the a.m. I love Janice dearly, but I can't sit around here and watch her smoke 24/7.... especially erks me when she's just finished 8 rounds of Chemo, is lost 25 lbs and is a walking bone rack.... it hurts to see her so rundown.... but she always fixes herself up and puts on the bravest face.... God she does have guts!!!

She's gone to bed, gets so tired so easily... but I hear her up there COUGHING.....

I will continue to pray for her return to health, I hope you can all find it in your hearts to say a prayer too.

PHyl; sorry the WI was dissappointing... I think Earl my need the 50 mg of Zoloft , not you.... slip it into his oatmeal!!! LOL

Linda: feeling better tonight? what did the family do that upset you?

Karla, I hope your visit with Mom is going o.k. I will remember you in my prayers tonight too.... Mom's can PUSH all the right buttons huh?

Denise: Chickie, pack and pack and then unpack 1/2 the stuff for Mexico... if you are like me I take TOO much.... just ask Janet!!! She had to help me weight all my bags before I left California... but I still love my clothes from there!!!

Night all, going to bed

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Good Morning Girl

Sounds like shitty Monday for everyone - I got a new "do" ck out fb

I got home yesterday couldn't find Andrew's dog - looked everywhere - after I called him 3 times - hear a bark - went to the garage - there he was up behind the hot Water heater - guess he couldn't get down - don't know how he got up there in the 1st place - but thank God he was still here.

Had gym - home talked to melissa -on her pre-op and starving - plus she has never done too many diets - so she really doesn't know about eating healthy - so talked to her for about 1 hr - gottta get her mush receips - told her she will be glad I'm only up there 1.5 days - you know me the task master LOL

I was anxious all day yesterday - don't know why wanted to crawl out of my skin..

I dont have too many neg pple in my life - like it that way Ralph was always negative - I told him once if I has such negative thought as him - I would just shoot my self..

Thanks Candice - I do smoke but try and be considerate - I know how much pple hate smokers..


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The saga about my family is too long and convoluted to recall all the nuances here. The bottom line is that my mom and sister do not know what it is to have friends; they just are not nice people, and it never was more evident than some comments they made about something I suggested we do. Just the way they phrased their comments--they were sarcastic and selfish--set me off. Here's the highlights:

I will be hosting another (princess) sister, her husband, and their 5 kids at my house all next week. My mom will have them (not Mel and me) over for dinner every day, but for the most part it will be up to me to be the hotel maid. Oh yes, and the Fourth of July celebration with the entire family (30 ppl) will be in my backyard while the rest of my neighboors have our taditional neighborhood celebration in front of my house. My mom and sister have "no interest in socializing with (my) neighbors or feeding (my) neighborhood (of four empty nest couples with no or very little family in town to Celebrate with, but cook up some pretty tasty dishes themselves) But it's ok if i do both parties separately at the same time! Ugh. Janet. . . Can I come to Indio NOW?

There's more, but I'll spare you.

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Hugs Linda - Yes you can come - Indio allows fireworks - so we can buy them and set them off like the rest of the neighbors do - Debbie - Ann - Me going to see 4 tops & temptations on 7/3 in Hemet (we went thru there when we went to temcula).. I would invite the neighbors to come over too LOL just to piss them off.

Not much to report - Andrew home safe and sound had a good time.

No gym tonite - tomorrow -

Hungry - going to go cook some veggies to go w/my chicken -

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Morning, I have survived the visit. But I think I can add mom's negativity to everyone elses. I know I can fall into the negative mode if I'm not careful. Fortunately I have all you lovely ladies to smack me along side the head when needed.

Have the pond running, but need to landscape the perimeter yet. Had an adventure with my old truck. It has been at the mechanics all week getting a new fuel pump. So went to pick it, got about a mile away from the mechanics place and it died. So get it running well enough to turn it around and it died perminately. So I had to push it for 1 mile. was pushing it for the first 1/2 by myslef, but finally got ticked and decided that the bumper on my CRV and truck bumper matched enough to push it while Elyse steered. I figure that was my workout for the day.

I have work today and then a couple more days off.

Phyl, hang in there. I wish I had some words of wisdom to give you, but I don't. I want to think that Earl is nagging because he loves you rather than he is just being a crochety old man. Tell him that you love him, but you are an adult and can take care of yourself.

I think we all are feeling overwhelmed or underappreciated. So just know that you all are my favorite people and that I wouldn't be half as happy without you all.

Best get ready for work!! TTFN

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Good Evening Peeps

Back from the gym ... should be cleaning - but that can wait till Friday - need to Shampoo the carpets Andrew's little dog not totally potty trained.. Right now Bella scratched on the back door to go out !!!! Good Girl - Bear is teaching her I guess ;0)..

Not much to report.. Work - boss gone for a week and drops a **** load on my desk this morning.. I think we get off a little early on Friday.. food good.. Think of trying Water arobics at 24 hr fitness - it's too hot to do the other stuff..

Karla - Kicking your ass pushing that truck - I guess you just want to mess up your surgery.... I would have called them and told them to come to me - I just paid you and the freaking thing broke down .... Girl Slap up side the head.. Yes you got your exercise

Linda thanks I like it - it's freeing - so easy... I wanted something new - have appointment 7/12 for p.s. consultaion - eyes for sure - we will see about the rest of the face..

Candice - How's WW going??? Are you home yet..

Phyl love your toes - I totally forgot about 4th when I got my nails/toes done last weekend - I normally am red white & blue for the 4th !!!

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Janet, I didn't think about the weightof the truck, but is was on a down hill slope and I used my body weight so it was more of a 'lean into' than a push, But I seem to occassionally forget to be careful.

Do you all have company coming for the 4th? I don't have anything planned, but to kick back and relax...okay work on the yard or swab out the house..

The vet is stopping by to give everyone the vaccine updates so I need to go clean out a pathway. Check in later, ttfn

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More drama. Such selfish people!

Getting my hair done this morning. Wish I could do something short and sassy too, but my face just needs hair. Tried short after initial we loss--didn't like it. Have you guys tried the non-chipping nails? I think they're called Shellac. I did them in Arkansas, and they really did last about 2 weeks. Better than acrylics I think. But i' still not paying $35 to have them done every other week.

Oh yes, I need to tell you that we finally have some nice weather. Might need air-conditioning tomorrow! :)

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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