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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Janet, I even have a few trophies for my roses. Anyway, you are probably using "Safer Soap" which is excellent and safe. Be sure to spray the underside of the leaves, that is where a lot of pests hang out. Candices recipe is excellent as well. These won't work for powdery mildew or blackspot, for thoses check out Neem Oil. I'm not sure of the toxicity. I use to use Banner Maxx for fungus, but I am sure it probably is toxic. To avoid fungus, make sure that the plants are not too crowded that they prevent air movement. Also pick off affected leaves and it will help prevent spread. Also Dip your pruners in a bleach solution after pruning a diseased plant and between each plant. That will help avoid spread.

Yep, last day done!!! I went out and bowled a round with our middle school staff and had an adult beverage. Came home early as I was tired.

I have today off! Hope to get the rest of the pond dug!!! AND the sun is actually shining!

Alexa, DD#5 had to make a rush trip back from Idaho. The house she rents in Missoula is under the threat of flood and they are calling for volunteer evacuation. So she came home to move all her stuff. Hope I get to see her...well, I'll see her when she moves all of her stuff into my living room. But hope to spend a little time, but I work all week end.

Well, sorry this seems to be all bout me, I miss you all.

Candice, great job, keep at is!!

Janet, fill is good, congrats on the new baby!



Ddenise, glad you are back!!!


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Good Morning! Have to keep this short..... need to get dressed and ready to go out the door as Earl will be on my case in a minute!! Going over to Tracy & Jim's new place for the weekend and they want to leave by 9:30 a.m. so he says we need to be at their place by 8:30 a.m.????? It won't take him an HOUR to get the rest of what we need out of the RV.... baby stuff for Kurtis' gf mainly. But, I will at least be ready to leave here by 8:30 a.m. Maybe!!! BUT..... sorry I couldn't chat with you Candice! I was trying to gulp down a bowl of cereal!! Now I'm going to finish my coffee and go finish getting ready!!

In a minute!!


Epidural seems to be helping the back pain quite a bit... pretty minimal since I had it on Tuesday. Have to go back in 3 weeks! One hour of Water PT twice this week went very well. Some pain with certain exercises, but not enough to stop me. And I've been walking once around the condos every day.

Anyway.... trying to keep up with al lyour posts. Congrats, again to "Grandma" Janet!!

See... Earl just told me... need to leave in 25 minutes. I better go!!!

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Well Karla you gotta come for a visit so you can teach me all this stuff LOL - don't have aphides - but something is eating the new leaves..

Still flood issues - hell it's been hotter back east than here.. We are suppose to git in the 100's on Monday - this is unheard of 90 mid June - hope we don't have 100' s into October..

Candice - IMHO i never banked my calories - you don't lose that way - remember how Ruby use to say well I exercised and burned 100 cal so I get to eat 100 cal - we remember she wasn't losing either - If you are going to drink - then you gotta make sure your meals are liter

isn't 2 pt like 200 calorie - I know thy have changed their point system but don't know how - do you use that much milk..

Phyl I saw pic of fb - looks beautiful...

Well I'm pooped - tonite have boot camp in the morning...

Hungry too and it's only 6:13 going to be a long nite - sitting here drinking water..

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Got most of my pond dug, as soon as I finish everything I'll post some pictures.

I have to not think about banking calories. When I do, I over eater later, I battled the chocolate demon last night and won. I had popcorn and a piece of Jerky instead. food was good yesterday. Didn't get around to eating lunch.< /p>

Flooding in my home town is worse than a couple of weeks ago. The town is pretty much cut off from civilization. Unfortunately the snow pack hasn't melted yet it has all been because of rain. I guess the Clark Fork river that runs through Missoula is flowing at 4800 gal/min, normally it is 1500 g/min. Drove past it on Thursday and you could have surfed on it.

Phyl, thanks for the hookup for Fire Mountain.

Janet, did you get some rest last night? Hopefully your energy level is back up!

Candice, has your company arrived yet. Remember...moderation. Plan treats & beverages.< /p>

Well have to work, so best get ready, TTFN Have a great day!!!

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Good Morning Peeps

Ya Karla - I guess I am ready for boot camp this morning - had a morning star griller for dinner last night - they must have tons of salt cuz my rings are tight this morning - haven't looked in the mirror yet - but bet I got swollen bags ;)0

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Well Karla you gotta come for a visit so you can teach me all this stuff LOL - don't have aphides - but something is eating the new leaves..

Still flood issues - hell it's been hotter back east than here.. We are suppose to git in the 100's on Monday - this is unheard of 90 mid June - hope we don't have 100' s into October..

Candice - IMHO i never banked my calories - you don't lose that way - remember how Ruby use to say well I exercised and burned 100 cal so I get to eat 100 cal - we remember she wasn't losing either - If you are going to drink - then you gotta make sure your meals are liter

isn't 2 pt like 200 calorie - I know thy have changed their point system but don't know how - do you use that much milk..

Ya the new pts system takes some getting used to... I get 29, I used to get 22(4 yrs ago) but they've changed the values of everything... so I am married to the Little Book right now until I get things memorized.

1/4 cup skim milk is 1 pt, plus I add the Coffeemate you got me hooked on SF and its 1 pt., so just for my standard coffee, I am burning 2 pts.!!!! I drink several a day!!! will have to cut that down, and drink more blecht water!

all fruit and veggies are ZERO pts.... so that is good, and it encourages you to snack on good stuff... so at night I have been having a ff SF yogurt and some cut up fruit.... Remember, before my last De-fill, I couldn't eat any FRUIT and not most Veggies... so this is better for me... especially in the long run... I guess I just had my band so tight for so long, I just got used to being limited in the GOOD things that I could eat.

It used to be that approx. 50 cals equaled a Pt. but now they factor diffently, they count CARBS, FATS, SUGARS & Protien... as a combo...

Phyl I saw pic of fb - looks beautiful...

Well I'm pooped - tonite have boot camp in the morning...

Hungry too and it's only 6:13 going to be a long nite - sitting here drinking water..

Got most of my pond dug, as soon as I finish everything I'll post some pictures.

I have to not think about banking calories. When I do, I over eater later, I battled the chocolate demon last night and won. I had popcorn and a piece of Jerky instead. food was good yesterday. Didn't get around to eating lunch.< /p>

Flooding in my home town is worse than a couple of weeks ago. The town is pretty much cut off from civilization. Unfortunately the snow pack hasn't melted yet it has all been because of rain. I guess the Clark Fork river that runs through Missoula is flowing at 4800 gal/min, normally it is 1500 g/min. Drove past it on Thursday and you could have surfed on it.

Phyl, thanks for the hookup for Fire Mountain.

Janet, did you get some rest last night? Hopefully your energy level is back up!

Candice, has your company arrived yet. Remember...moderation. Plan treats & beverages.< /p>

B)Company arrives today, this afternoon after we have a GIG in Barrie... then we'll drivae to the Airport and pick gthem up.

Well have to work, so best get ready, TTFN Have a great day!!!

Have a great day everyone.... guess what? I havn't even jumped on the scale yet!!! Gonna hold out until TUES.... besides I always get a dif number at home than at WI... and that is always depressing, so not going to fall iinto that trap again.

House is all clean, and ready for inspection!

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Hi Everyone,

DH's sister is in town to see his Aunt. She is in the hospital, may be dying, she's 90, and it looks like her kidney's are shutting down. We are gonna boil crawfish when they get back, it's getting too hot, so it's end of crawfish season (spring)

We are already up to 90's. We are in the 90s in May, which usually does not happen, It's gonna be a HOT summer, maybe bad with hurricanes, I hope not.

Karla, I forgot the initials you asked about the school, I don't know what that means, our area wrote a grant, and they are using the grant money to take over 7 low performing schools, mine is one. Every school in our area will soon be the same, You just can't reach the scores the government sets, and of course the teachers will be blamed for it, God knows the parents won't be blamed because their kids come to school with nothing, and do nothing in class, it's got to be the lazy ass teacher's fault.

Phyl- glad your back is feeling better

Candice- I'm sticking with my Ideal Protien, I can't eat carbs, because I am always hungry, if I get them out my system, I can diet

Janet is my idol

I'm am going see my Mom, and DD wants to go to NO tonight for Zydeco festival, NO has 3 festivals at once this weekend, Zydeco, Seafood, and Creole Tomato. IDK if we go, it may be too damn hot. But that's just gonna be an excuse because I'm worried about interviewing for my job. The prin is pissed at me, cause I didn't give her buddy a job, I think, I really don't know why she's pissed at me, she hasn't talked to me in 2 weeks, so interviewing is gonna be quite interesting, I may take a xanex, However, she knows I do a fab job, and has sung my praises to high ups, so we'll see. Monday is gonna be really, really stressful.

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Good morning peeps

Denise - Thanks for the props - but I stuggle at time too.. I am lucky in the a fact that I don't have to cook for a DH.. When Andrew lived at home I cooked for him - but the stuff he ate was stuff I didn't really care for - don't get me wrong I ate it in the past and would be like him and add cheese - now a days I rarely too cheese - I really follow a WW eating style - I limit my starches - and you know what I really don't miss them that much - Hell I was never a fast food eater - I ate home cooking lots of it and it was made w/tons of fat - a treat in the old days was bean drip - bean fried in Lard with a block of cheese - green onions - hot sauce and a big bowl of home made chips dripping in grease - that's what I would eat on a weekend for a meal - plus I sat on my butt 24 7 - I don't eat out much (1 draw back to being single - but one that I really don't mind) - I am a lucky one - my light bulb went off and I have had my ah ha moment - But hell girl by your pictures you look like you have done very well.

Candice have fun w/friends - but gf don't let that be an excuse to go over board - I remember you could eat my veggies ;0) and you got your fruit from the wine LOL... Hope the gig went well

Karla - have you heard of worm poop - suppose to be great ferterlize - I dead headed my rose after gym yesterday - where am I suppose to cut to make more flowers/growth - I ferterlized them too..

Phyl - they make angry birds for pc now - omg one sound just like you - omg its so addicting - the whole competetive thing... I'm hooked not a good thing too much sitting on your but

Today - Nails & Veggie shopping....

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I just deleted my whole post. OMG!!!!!!!!!!

I am preparing my resume' and a portfolio to interview for a job I have already had for 5 years with a principal that hasn't talked to me in over 2 weeks. It's gonna be a damn hoot!!!

We boiled crawfish yesterday then went to Bourbon. DD is a secret shopper and she had to valet park at a hotel, then go get Daiquiris at a Daiquiri shop, then we had to eat at a restaurant. We ate late. French Quarter restaurants stay open very late. I thought DH had a hangover, but he is sick. Fever, throwing up, and D, he's been throwing up since 4 am

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Janet-- I'm wearing my Jams dress today and I absolutely love it! I will definitely get another the next time I come to vista you.

Candice--how's it going with the company? Do you weigh in tomorrow? I'll be looking. . .

Phyl--I made a pair of earrings for Mindy today. It was so fun to go with her to pick out the beads and then make it for her. I can't wait to learn more!

Denise-- when will you find out about your job? The whole thing sounds really asinine to me, but what do I know? The whole world is getting crazier and crazier. Take the whole thing with Weiner. . .

Karla-- scool's out? Hurrah. How's the fill working out?

I'm still in Arkansas and supposed to leave tomorrow morning. I'm not sure about that as DD is once again having issues. Part of me wants to stay and hold her hand, but another part says that she needs to toughen up and end this thing. She has evrything going for her and it's up to her to figure it out. Stay tuned to find out what happens. . .

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Hey Gang

Andrew was here (he cleaned today) had gym - just now posting..

Linda - I wore one today - I wear mine all the time - I LOVE THEM - So easy to throw on and go and still look nice

I slept in this morning didn't go to bed till midnite - I need to get to bed early tonite - so ttyl

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Good Morning Afternoon & Evening

Slept in a little this a.m. - talked to a gf in Florida who's going to lose her band - hopefully will be able to convert to sleeve. Warning peeps - stop eating when you feel full..

That's about it work was work busy but not crazy.. food - bf 2 eggs - lunch green Beans 1 lamb chop - snack 1/2 snack bag popcorn - dinner - green bean - lamb chop or maybe a salad - care said 110 but the weather thing on the computer says 105 - t.v. turned down so I can't hear anything ;0)..

Where is everyone - Linda where were you headed home from ;0)

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Good Morning Peeps

Well I see everyone is busy - Karla doesn't have school - so no early morning post..

Well hope everyone has a good day,.

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Well, I THOUGHT I was heading home! I got as far as Memphis, and then my connecting flight was cancelled after several delays. So, instead of having them get me a hotel and early morning flight, I talked them into letting me return to Arkansas and trying again on Thursday. So I'm back at Mindys and it's a good thing. She got into a big fight with BF after I left and she was in a bad way. I think she's really happy that I came back, but she knows that she needs to make some big changes. She's overwhelmed with things that are happening at work and just doesn't know what to do with her life. Weve all been there. . . Mindy just bottles everything up and doesn't talk about it. Helping her is really hard.

Eating's been ok. Mindy tries to eat healthy, so that helps.

Hope some of you post today. It's getting a little lonesome.

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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