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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Lindaa I started at 275 lbs and size 22-24. Been a LOOONNNGGG road but sooo worth it. I learned many things about myself and others as well as become sssooo much more confident in myself.

Janet you are so right about tornados vs eq! I am terrified of both even though I have never dealt with a eq. I can take snow storms/blizzard and thunderstorms but the rest scares the baajeebers out of me! I just HATE the cold cold Iowa winters. It is much warmer south during the winter than here and on average they get approx 10 inches of snow a season NOT A TIME like we do in iowa.

It is so great to see posts from so many of the original bandsters! Everyone sounds like they are doing wonderful! There is no way I would ever be able to go back and read to catch up from the last time I was on but so glad to be back!

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Lots of good news today! Yay, Jackie! Another success story. A size 2 on bridal is like a 0! I forgot, where did you start? So happy for Courtney too. I'm glad you checked in.

And Kerri too!

Candice, glad you got the unfill. Like you said: being too tight only encourages you to eat sliders, which is not good! Now that you've had all your medical stuff, you can work with me on losing again. My appetite is back, so no more easy weight loss for me (not that having surgery was easy!)

And Phyl? Are your test results all OK? Hope you can find some resolution to the knee/back issues. Injections are temporary at best, but it sounds like surgery is problematic as well. Maybe you need a second opinion? Hugs on that, hon. It'd gotta be tough.

Karla, its hard to sit with a friend who is hurting so much. Suicide? How awful. But even though there isn't anything you can say to make her feel better, just listening is a gift.

So I made Mindys necklace today, and might start a Bracelet romorrow. I do like beading, but I wish I could find a class. I think I'm doing some things the hard way, and I'd love to learn some of the tricks. Phyl, if you do come here this summer, you'll have to show me some more!

Thats it for me, ladies. TTFN

Didn't hear anything on the echocardiogram, so I guess no news is good news. Bone scan inconclusive. Steroid injection in the knee made very little difference. Epidural aggravated my back for a couple of days, but better today and I did two loops around the condo.... one this afternoon and one this evening. I am supposed to go back to see the back guy a week from Tuesday. If no real relief in the knee I will make an appt to see the knee dr the same morning and tell him his injection didn't work.

Mad at the vet's office tonight because Zoey has a sore butt from them taking her temperature. They talk me in to injections that probably aren't needed, charge way too much $$$$ and then get rough taking her temp. She squeals in pain every time we try to pick her up or touch her behind. And she got the injection in her neck, so they hurt her taking her temp. She was resisting when I was trying to hold her still so she tells me she has to take her in the back so one of the other techs can help hold her still. I probably will find a new vet. I'm tired of their high prices, high pressure salesmanship and now this is the last straw!!

I will definitely show you some more beading if we stop this summer. Did you check to see if Joanne fabrics might have beading classes? The places around Palm Springs are all way more expensive than what our teacher charges, and she comes to us!! Plus she sells us all the supplies and they're way cheaper than the local shops. Check online for Fire Mountain and ask them to send you a catalog. Then if you want to order stuff, let me know because she is more than happy to share her account number and she buys in such volume that by doing that you get the cheapest prices. She has about 100 people buying through her account. I think she said shipping is always $4.95, and you just use your own credit card. But if you want to do that, I have to let her know because she has to call in your name to Fire Mountain and let them know it's okay.

Depending on your schedule and Tennielle's, we'll stop to see her one way and your place the other. She is in Madison.

Jackie... glad you found us again. Good to have you posting again!

Candice, looking forward to hearing some of your music on YouTube!

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Phyl, can I get in on that Firemountain deal? I love their stuff. Linda, get yourself a couple of basic beading books. Firemountain is great because it gives you ideas and patterns.

It's FRIDAY!!! Only one for Friday to go!!! I hope to get my pots planted this weekend on my day off.

I bought laminent for my livingroom, hall and bedroom. Shouldn't have, but I don't really care, It is only $$$$. Actually I got a good deal, enough for all three for $750, not bad. It has a 25 year warrenty, so it should last my lifetime!

Truck is and the mechanics again, I guess the carburator wasn't the problem, it sounds like the fuel pump now, oh well.

Work this weekend the Monday off, I can't wait!!!

Janet, enjoy your 5 day weekend!

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Good Morning Gang

Had a busy day yesterday - boot camp in the a.m. - came home - washed out the garage while Andrew was cleaning house - shower dressed - went to marshalls and target - come home was pooped - made dinner at 5 fish veggie rice - then had sf ice cream cone -and was in bed at nine - have hair appt this morning - maybe a little shopping then concert tontie.

Karla - you crack me up - crying about $$ then shopping LOL you sound like me.. Enjoy your 3 day weekend

Phyl - I posted on FB that you needed new vet - but I did see the post - for some reason fb is like here - loses post..

Candace - where are you ...

Linda - How you feeling

Karri - when are you moving

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I'M here, just in a bummer mood... can't get myself psyched up to day about our gig... Dreary, dreary rain weather here... GOsh I am sick of it!!!

Plus, I am having a hard time getting back on the band wagon, may join WW next week.... no tuf love please, I know what to do, just cant seem to get started.... I'll get there. Linda, I may call you... perhaps we can plug away at it together.

cbl ladies, when I'm in a better mood.

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Candice, I know it is hard, I'm struggling also. Hopefully a fill will help, have appt for Tuesday. You know we love you, and there is no tough love here, I know how hard it is to get back into the swing. I imagine after all your travels you have a carb and sugar addiction going. Drink lot of Water, that will help to clear some of it out. I wish I was like Janet and never had a slide. She is so strong. But between you, Linda and I we can do it. The dreary weather doesn't help.

My hometown is flooded to the roof on some of the houses and business. The area has a depressed economy already and this isn't helping. I will try to find some pictures to send you all.

I love you all, just tired after work. Maybe check in later!

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Candice, hope you're feeling better today. We just gotta fight through the bad days! Hugs andd prayers. . . If you're having the same weather as we, I certainly understand how you're feeling. Enough already! A little sun would sure be nice! We went to church in the park this morning in our winter jackets, but at least it wasn't raining.

Karla, it's always going to be a struggle. I hope a fill helps you, but it still won't addreess the head issues which is where my struggling is. Bottom Line: The band controls how MUCH we put into our mouths, but we still have to control the WHAT. That is where I have more work to do. I've learned that things like Soups, coffee drinks, and cheese are easy to eat, but I will gain weight if I eat them until Im full. Sorry to hear about the flooding. What a spring!

Phyl, I found a bead store that has classes. I'm signed up for one on Thursday night. Once I have a handle on the "how tos", I can take you up on the offer of Fire Mountain. Right now, I don't even know what to order.

Janet, when us Melissa going to have surgery? How is she doing on the pre-op diet? I hope she's getting excited about having it done.

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Hi Everyone,

I'm having a hard time staying awake right now. Sooooo tired. I need caffiene!

Phyl- Hope your knee and back get better soon.

Candice-got your emails, beautiful voice, Love the songs, especially Autumn Leaves

We went to Baton Rouge Country Fest yesterday, didn't get out the parking lot till after 12, didn't get home till after 2 am. Going back today, leaving in a few minutes at 2. Yesterday we saw Sugarland, and Tim McCraw. Today DH is coming with me, yesterday was DD. Today we will see Zack Brown then Kenny Chesney. It's the first time I have ever been to LSU stadium so I did not know what the seats I purchased were. We have to sit on bleachers in the freakin sun! The sun didn't go down till after 7 pm. YUCK!!!! I am sooooo sleepy, and I can't eat, don't know why my band is suddenly soooo tight, but every time I try to eat I puke. Fun, fun, fun!

The river here is still high. Opening the spillway did not cause the flooding in the south that was expected. Unless the Water just didn't get there yet, but I think it did. They have already started closing the spillway. Yesterday on the way to baton rouge we passed over the bonne carre' spillway where you can see the water from the river rushing into Lake Pontchartrain. It is fierce! and they opened it weeks ago! I am already sweating like a Heffer sitting in the house with the AC on, and I have to got back to bleachers in the sun. WTH was I thinking!!!!! Plus they search our damn bags to get in. A beer is 7 dollars!!! Margarita 15 dollars!!!!! A cold drink 5 dollars!!!! My lap band buddy came with me ( Candice u met her) she had food in her bag, and she told them she has medical problems, and the boy let her in. So today we take what the hell we want and we say, "We have medical problems" I'm taking water and protien shakes. I gotta go find my LB card in case they want proof. I will not get home till after 2 am, and I go gotta go to work tomorrow!!!!! I'm the only one not off, DAG NABBIT!!!!! We have some drama going on at work with some hateful people, Oh Lord I hate hateful people. TTFN I'm HUNGRY!!!!!! Maybe I can get my loving DH to chew some food for me. LOL

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Good Morning Peeps..

Had fun at concert - got home around midnite we visited till about 1:30 - Napped and watched t v and crocheted yesterday.. Felt good to get caught up on my sleep.< /p>

Denise - You get a lot of good bands to see !!!

Candice - Hugs

Linda - 7/11 is her surgery date - not on pre op yet - I'll be going up there 7/15 (joseph's bday 40th) and come home Sunday..

Karla I don't slide cuz I don't diet - I pretty much stick to the same foods and do allow for treats. If I have a day of treats then the next day it's back to eating healthy - and same goes when on vacation - I have realized that the reason I was morbitly obese was the way I ate and lack of exercise -I don't want to be morbitly obese - I want to live ..

Phyl - were are you...

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Hey girls, I am feeling less DOWN today, got 2 new gigs today.... at a real restaurant!!! In Collingwood... soo I was excited about that... gives me validation..

But, there was some bad news yesturday, I didn'\t post it last night... cause I was really upset. I went to visit and have lunch with my DD yesterday,, and she tells me that theya re having marital issues... seeing a counselor... etc... Which is good news, but from HER tone of voice, I think she has already given up on the marriage... This just makes me nuts (marriage #2) and THIS husband is a doll. Peter and I just love him like a son... I seriously, seriously want to SLAP my daughter until she smartens up....

But all I can do is pray that she comes to her senses and that they continue to work on it. Its just sickening, and I feel so powerless!!!

so that's why I have been quiet... I know its THEIR lives, I just hate the thought of her making a rash decsion.

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Candice, unfortunately there is nothing you can do about your DD. Having been there twice myself, I can add these words of wisdom...will you be better alone? Because that is what you are looking at. Now I don't regret one of my divorces, he was psychologically abusive, but the other...I'm not so sure. I definitely didn't try to work it out. I have been alone for 17 years and for the most part it is okay. But raising kids alone is a nightmare and if she thinks the 'grass is greener' elsewhere she is a fool. What ever the problems are, you are half of it and guess what that half goes with you!

Planted some of my pots today, okay 12 of my pots...I have a thing about pots. I have at least 4 more to go...

Tired and my house is a disaster, but it will be there tomorrow!

Janet, you are right, right now I am not eating the 'wrong' things, just too much. But fill is tomorrow and that will help get things under control.

Have a good evening!

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Candice, sorry about your DD, hope everything works out.

Day two better than day one. Billy Currington, awesome, and sings one of my favorite songs, I didn't know that.

"If I fall, will you let me down easy?"

Zack Brown, awesome!!! with 2 fiddles!!!! Kenny Chesney, seriously awesome!!! Got home at 1, and back to work today, YUCK!

Janet- I was very good today, low cal, very low carb

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Hi, Gals. Still cold and cloudy here. Haven't been very active.... hip pain is awful. I feel like such a whiner. Hip, knee and now shoulder hurting. I've tried heating pad, ibuprofen, nothing helps much. Haven't been able to walk around the condos the past couple of days. Just riding around on the scooter. We've been doing the 3 mile loop every day. Well, one day I started out but had to turn back because the "drizzle" was getting a little heavy!

Candice, so sorry to hear about you DD's marriage problems. Hope she comes to her senses.

Sorry this is short, but it's late and I have a headache. Tired!

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Good Morning Peeps

Candice hugs on DD & SIL issues - what's the problem - how long were they together before they got married?? Sure hope they can work it out - have you talked to SIL - Isn't she gone alot w/her work...

Denise - You get great music !!! Saw you hare having Essences Festival - that should have some good music - I am an r&b girl so I would enjoy that one ;0) - Glad you had a good food day..

Karla - Glad you are eating the right foods - Me too and it's most likely not too much - becareful w/your fill.

Phyl - Hugs on the medical issues - your cold weather isn't helping - when do you go to PT.

Linda - How was your weekend..

Karri - How are you doing have you move to real food yet

Not much to report - did my target shopping came home ready to watch a movie - Debbie called so went to Clark's (health food store) & Joannes (craft store) got some more yarn for another blanket - almost done w/Joseph's - dinner chicken catchitorri (sp) ..

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Oh Candice, I know how much you and Peter love Bryan, and how he has become part of your family. Of course you're sad and upset. You didn't see this coming--what a blow! I'm so sorry. Slapping Meghan sounds like a good idea! Want me to do it for you? Kids. . . If it helps at all, mel and I are seriously looking at July 30th.

Phyl, I'm sorry to hear about all the pain. Have you tried ice? I did get some relief using ice-- especially at night. Between the gloomy/cold weather and the chronic pain, you've got to be feeling pretty down too.

Im with Janet. The weekend was ho-hum. Went to Andy's yesterday for penny's family's celebration of Levis birthday. She is the youngest of 6 kids, and all but one have kids under 5 years old, so it was very much a family affair. I chose all the wrong foods to eat. We didn't stay long.

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