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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Morning folks, I guess I have really missed things on the news. I rarely watch the news, like never. Heck I wouldn't have known Aboma, the terroist not president, was killed if Elyse hadn't called to tell me. How sad to lose everything. Our house burned down twice, one to chewed wiring and one to a forest fire, and that was horrid enough.

Well nothing but rain and more rain right now, I feel like we live on the coast. Need to get some weeds killed and can't until is dries out/

Linda, sorry about Cora, maybe they did it so you weren't working on your anniversary? Well we can hope.

Had a nice visit with DD#1, she still can't talk about Elyse and the baby. I am sure it is about her infertility problem. My heart breaks for her. She is 33 and is worried that the opportunity to have a child is slippping away.

I hear that Alex got stranded during work for 6 hours. She was hauling a trailer, think the boat they use to check people for PFD's & licenses on the river, and the truck quit in a dead zone. Work finally hunted her down when she didn't sign out at the end of the day. But other than being bored she is safe and sound!!!

Candice, I'm with everyone else, between you and Phyl, you all make me tired!

Phyl, hugs on the knee and back issues. I hope you get relief soon.

Janet, a 4 day weekend, how lovely!!!

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Good Morning

I got to vote for Scotty a few times by phone only - had tons of busy signals and for some reason couldn't get through on line.. Laurens last song was great - I think Scotty can handle the music biz he seems a little more mature were as Lauren is still young- I will be happy if she wins - she is good but Scotty is my fav

Omg the knee issues - Hugs - When do you leave for NY... Yep winds ugly ..

Karla - that's the way it goes pple who want babies can't have them - and the ones who don't need to be having them pop them out left and right

Well today is my friday ;0) no work for 5 day.. No winds right now..96 today

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Candice, when you have time, would you please send those recipes to me? I know theyre not particularly band-approved, but now that I have time, it would really be fun to try some new things. I used to like to cook!

I've been following the weather down south really closely b/c Mindy lives there. They've been under tornado warnings and Sunday veining she even outran one. She spent last night at a friends house as she didn't want to be alone. Mel's hoping that our church will put a team together to go down and help with rebuilding. He went to Buloxi a couple years ago and really enjoyed it. Phyl--I hope your friends are ok.

I feel so sorry for your DD1 Karla, that's really rough. I hope that when the baby is born she come to terms with it.

Yay for karri. How nice to be able to go to school and now worry about working. Things were different for me. I think that generation Y-ers have different values than we did too. One of my sons, Luke, does not work and his wife only works part time, and they are not worried at all about money. Granted, Luke has a fellowship, but it doesn't cover everything, especially with a baby coming. Then there's another son, Tim, who probqbly has $100,000 in loans, and at least another year to go. Now he has been working part time, but $100,000 in debt at age 28!? anyway, I'm happy for Kerri! Things are coming together for her!

I'm going to start a necklace for mindy today. She sent me some beads for mothers day which was very sweet of her. Something for me to do!

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Ok, I know I wasn't going to whine about the weather anymore, but I'm just saying: it's 44 degrees, overcast, and raining at 4pm on May 25. STOP HOGGING ALL THE HEAT Janet!!!!

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Wind and rain-- sheets of horizontal rain. If it were 12 degrees colder it would be SNOW. In MAY?

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Linda, not stop using FOUR Letter words..... like Snow!! yOU SHOULD BE A SHAMED OF YOURSELF....TSK,tsk...such language!!! ;)

Ya, I have been too busy. Gig last night, then today I drove into Toronto to get a slight de-fill... but you wouldn't know it by my dinner!!! two bites of beef and whoopsy....pd'd and had to start all over with my supper... its o.k. its in and down now.... YEAH have to start tracking calories again tomorrow for a while until I get back on the straight and narrow.... and it becomes habit again...

Good news for Kerri and Lee....

PHyl, good work, getting in that bit of walking, you are a determined lass, I am sure you'll convince Dr. that you REALLY need that knee.

Janet; yuk on the wind... it is still cool here. It was beautiful on the long weekend (Queen Victoria Day here with fireworks & all) we had a sunny warm weekend.... so nice for a change... but now its back to Springtime YUK ... driz\zle rain today and only 11 degrees C.

Stopped into see my Mom on the WAY home from T.O. she is just dandy, I brought her some flowers as I missed her 89th Bday while I was away in the South....

My BIL stopped by this aft for a wee visit, he's off down to Southern Ontario to pick up his car... nice to see him... he spent the whole wintger in MEXICO and is now back to running the camp up North. So much work for them to do...

Another GIG this Sat... and some more in the works... music is going well.

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Wind and rain-- sheets of horizontal rain. If it were 12 degrees colder it would be SNOW. In MAY?

Still feels like March here in WA, too! I'm so tired of it. Zoey and I went out for a neighborhood cruise this morning but by the time we went to Surf Shack and Safeway it was starting to sprinkle so I had to hurry home. Then started out again a little while ago.... Couldn't tell my looking out the window that it was raining becuase it's ALWAYS cloudy and the guys were out there cutting the lawn and I just didn't know. So I opened a big umbrella and headed out anyway. But, it's too hard to drive the scooter and hang on to a big, awkward umbrella and then try to see where I'm going with an umbrella partly in front of my face. Anyway, by the time I got over to the mailboxes poor Zoey was shaking and shivering, so we came back home!

Earl went to eastern WA with Jim today to see a house they are thinking of buying. It's a secret for some reason, so please no reference on FB. I don't know why you would, but I've been asked not to tell anyone for now! ???? But I already told one of my sisters!! It will just be a getaway home for now. I was thinking of going with them until I gave some thought to 3 hrs in the car each way! They are on their way back, but won't be here until about 7pm, I think, so Tracy & I are going to do dinner together. Waiting to hear from her. She should be on her way home from work by now.

Much more successful with my posts since I switched to using the external keyboard!! I can put it in my lap and not keep hitting keys I don't want to hit!!

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Good Evening Peeps

Linda - 94 clear and sunny - Hugs on your weather - sending sunshine & heat your way - I would love to go help pple - but alas I gotta work - So never been able to go to one of those things to help and really don't know what I could help with - I could work in a Soup kitchen - I can cook and wash dishes - baby sit kids .

Candice - You really do need to do a utube ... to get your music out there - Glad your Mom is doing well - Defill??? Yep better start logging..

Phyl - Eastern WA - I thought they wanted to get away from the WA weather.. Isn't Tracy like you and likes the sun - I know she's always complaining about the cold and rain.. So I take it they went in your car and stranded you - you should have told them to take Jim's car LOL.. Sending Sunshine your way too.

OMG just heard tornato warning Chico California - that's close to Joseph - I'm calling him - well he just told me Chico is about 2 hrs from him - I thought it was next door to Stockton (my stepmom has/had family in Chico) well they are ok so that goods..

Karla - How was school - any plans this weekend..

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Eastern WA has more snow and colder weather in the winter, but more sun and warmer weather in the spring and summer. But I do wish they'd bought in Sky Valley instead. But as long as his mom is still alive, they need to be close. They took Jim's car, so I could've gone somewhere if I wanted to. I was going to go to Kohl's & Fred Meyer, but when it started raining, I lost interest. And I thought... why would I go shopping anyway??!! I don't need any clothes, etc.

So I stayed home and did nothing. Well, I did make some marinate for some pheasant I'm going to cook in the crock pot tomorrow. I mixed it up in a measuring cup and put it in a zip lock bag with the pieces of pheasant. We got the pheasant from our friend, Jim at Sky Valley.

Tracy came over here after work cuz we were planning to go to dinner. But we sat and visited and she had a glass of wine with me and about the time we were thinking about leaving the guys called and they were only 1/2 hr away so we waited and they met us at the sports bar across the street. They have prime rib on special on Wed. nights. Earl and I split a baked potato and brought the other one home. I ate half of my prime rib... it was fairly lean & I cut away all the fat. We haven't gone there in well over a year. They have really good prime rib.

Those OK tornadoes hit less than 20 miles from where we used to live. Did any of you see that one news clip of a mobile home being blown up in to the sky?? Amazing! Most of the homes down there are brick and you'd think they'd withstand that wind.

Well, almost time for AI!! Exciting. Wish they could both win!! And they will both have careers. But I voted for Scotty about 20 times.

We're supposed to go to Spokane this weekend to meet Kurtis' girlfriend and take stuff over for the baby. Tracy & I bought one of those fold up cribs at Target. And Kellie bought a bunch of baby clothes. But, Tracy is quite sick and having trouble breathing again tonight so we may not go. She is still going to work!!! Told her all week she needs to stay home and rest. She is asthmatic, so every time she gets a cold it hits her hard. She's been on antibiotics for 3 days but she's not much better. She just left here less than an hour ago but when she called a few minutes ago she sounded awful again... coughing and wheezing. I keep telling her to use her nebulizer but all she is using is her inhalers. She is one stubborn chick!

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I FINALLY WAS ABLE TO FIND YOU GUYS AGAIN!!!! I got an email about a post and followed it. Took me a few tries to remember my password.

I am doing great and feeling wonderful. Under what my goal was and been stable at 123-126 for a few months. Was so excited when I got my brides maid dress for my sisters wedding and the 4-5 was to big so had to get the 2-3! NEVER thought I would see that! I still struggle with looking at myself and thinking I am "bulging" in places. Dont know if that will ever go away for me.

Courtney is doing awsome too!! Down to 131 and holding steady. Doesnt even look like the same person but so much more outgoing and healthy.

I am making HUGE changes in my life. I will be moving to Missouri from Iowa the 3rd of June. Was moving to Joplin and still plan to move to around there but will now be staying with my dad until I can find a place.

Enough about me...... tell me how everyone else is doing?!?! Cant wait to here about everyone and how your doing!

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Jackie, so glad to see you back!! We miss you, glad to hear both you and Courtney are doing well!

Linda, Candice...we have winter storm warnings for this week. We could get 3 to 8 inches of snow! On the east side of Montana they have major flooding, in fact at one school the students got trapped at school and had to stay the night, Oh hell, over my dead body. I'd swim them across if I had to. Raining like crazy right now, I just hope I don't get trapped at school. To get home I have to go over the bridge that crosses the Bitterroot River. We still have a lot of room between the bridge and the river, but I'll be totally ticked if I get stuck at work. Getting stuck at home, well THAT is a different story.

food is WAY crazy right now. I'm not eating junk, but I can't stop eating. Last night went out to dinner with my friend who's husband committed suicide, had a reasonable portion. Came home, had a smoothie, then a bag of popcorn and was still cruising for food! I am scheduled for a fill on Tuesday. If they don't give me one, I'm going back to my doc in Kalispell, even with the drive. Not surprising, my friend is not doing well. Now that she isn't functioning on adrenaline, the reality of the situation has taken grip. She says she can't stay here, that she has to move away because everything is too hard. I didn't have the heart to tell her that the problem will follow her. I don't want her to leave, but I understand the reasoning even if I think it is faulty.

Elyse had a job interview...get this, 50 miles away. Are you crazy! I think she applies for these unrealistic jobs so that she can say, Yep I found a job, but it would cost too much to get there.

Phyl, I think we are getting more rain than you are!!!

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Good Morning Peeps

Up at 5:30 dogs don't now I am on vacation ...

Hey Jackie - You are doing so good !! Size 2 WTG !!! Glad Court is doing so well too... I'll take our Earthquakes over tornado's any day... Odd are in my fav opposed to tornados - you get them every yr - who knows w/EQ's...

Phyl - Ya thought Tracy wanted Sun.. I saw on FB about being sick -.. YEA SCOTTY !!! I am so happy.,

Karla - LOL on the job - that's silly - but kids they don't think about driving..

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I finally have a few minutes to breathe so I thought I would give an update. Lee did get the job in Yuma so we will be going from what has felt like the tropics here to the desert. Though we will be spending about 6 weeks in WA state with my brother this summer so that we don't have to pay rent. He will most likely need to be in AZ during the first week in August. I am going to apply for a part time position at the college there instructing chemistry. I don't want to work full time after this year. I need to take a year and regroup. I will be working on curriculum and my classes so it isn't like I will be doing nothing. We also found out yesterday that most likely one of my former students will be staying with us in AZ. He will be going to school around where we are living and since his parents won't support him because he is gay we offered to let him live with us until he can get a job and make it on his own. Love that kid to death...one of the sweetest, humblest, most caring people on the planet. I want to smack his mother though.

Well I am ALMOST finished with school. We have finals starting tomorrow for seniors but I don't teach any of those. We are on a weird schedule so I am just showing Mythbusters movies because we have finished everything but the final and most of the kids are exempt from taking it. In this district they bribe the kids with "you don't have to take your final if you don't have any unexcused absences".

On the weightloss front it has slowed down a little since I have been on mushies but I am over halfway to goal weight already. Doc is still concerned that I am not eating enough calories (barely get to 600 per day). He would like to see me closer to 1000, but I am not sure how I can do that. I rarely get hungry and can't eat more than 5 or 6 bites without feeling like I am Thanksgiving full. One week from yesterday I get to start my excercise program. I'm just going to keep walking until I get to my brother's house and then I will start running. That will give me an extra week to heal.

Well best put the finishing touches on this ice cream lab.


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Hey girls; Karri! Whoop whoop, great news on the job(s) front... and moving!!!

Janet: ya I needed a small de-fill as I cannot eat a BANDER size meal... and just end up grazing or pbing... so this should help.

Finished watching IDOL last night and OPRAH yesterday afternoon.... and this a.m. had my mamogram ouch that hurt!!! She sqeezed me bad....

tomorrow, blood work to see how my cholesteral medication is working for me... I'll let you know how that goes.

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Lots of good news today! Yay, Jackie! Another success story. A size 2 on bridal is like a 0! I forgot, where did you start? So happy for Courtney too. I'm glad you checked in.

And Kerri too!

Candice, glad you got the unfill. Like you said: being too tight only encourages you to eat sliders, which is not good! Now that you've had all your medical stuff, you can work with me on losing again. My appetite is back, so no more easy weight loss for me (not that having surgery was easy!)

And Phyl? Are your test results all OK? Hope you can find some resolution to the knee/back issues. Injections are temporary at best, but it sounds like surgery is problematic as well. Maybe you need a second opinion? Hugs on that, hon. It'd gotta be tough.

Karla, its hard to sit with a friend who is hurting so much. Suicide? How awful. But even though there isn't anything you can say to make her feel better, just listening is a gift.

So I made Mindys necklace today, and might start a Bracelet romorrow. I do like beading, but I wish I could find a class. I think I'm doing some things the hard way, and I'd love to learn some of the tricks. Phyl, if you do come here this summer, you'll have to show me some more!

Thats it for me, ladies.


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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