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Good Morning Peeps

59 degrees - another cold day chance of rain and more wind...

Phyl - Hugs on the test - I would be cranky too - Continued prayer for Jackie - I know you have a lot on your heart.

Karla - I ate too much yesterday 2 - most likely not too bad but I normally keep my calories around 1500-1700 - yesterday ate too much sf ice cream and the last kllondike bar - now no more junk - I threw away a whole box of them when the kids left but left one and I ate it..

Well time for work - cbl

Love & hugs too all

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Just lost a big long post!! This is very annoying. Later.....

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Came home and got a good portion of my pond dug out. I was suppose to take Elyse to her doc appt and then I was going to make a costco run and pick up all the stuff I am out of, but I ticked her off so I was 'uninvited'. Basically, the BF was suppose to drive her to my school, I had arranged for a teacher to cover my class since I don't have any sick leave left, then we were heading to the appt. Well, she calls me and asks to borrow money for gas, because they don't have enough gas to get to my school and no money to buy it. I said that yes I would give them gas $$, but they needed to know that this was the one and only time I would do it. Well she calls back about 1/2 an hour later and tells me to forget it, because the BF is going to take her to her appt. Excuse me...you don't have gas to get to my school which is 8 miles away, but you have enough gas to drive 20 miles away? So I said 'fine', but did she realize I had shopping to do and that I had put it off because I knew we were going to town? That it would have been nice to know this earlier. So she goes on about me making her chose between me or the BF. I said that no I wasn't making her chose, that she had already made her choice and that this wasn't about me. Well then she goes on about all she is trying to do is make everyone happy. At this point, I lose it. I was ticked to begin with, but now I am furious. That, I said, was the 'f"ing problem, she was trying to make everyone happy and what she needed to do was to make herself happy first. So basically I am now out of her and the baby's life. And you know what, it hurts, but again this is her choice. I'm done. I told her that I hoped she made her next appt so the the BF can take her.

Thanks for letting me vent. But I'm not going to put myself out there again to be used and hurt.

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Good Morning Gang

Karla - Hugs on drama with DD - Things will work out

Phyl - Still not use to your new computer - I know you keep losing post. When will you have the bone scan results

Candice - Back to normal life - bet it feels good to be home

Not much to report - work - home - I think Haley did really well last night on idol..

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Oh Karla. Kids just always break your heart. Shell be back as soon as she realizes that a bf is no substitute for a mother. Shell need you more than ever once that child is born, and you and your grandchild will have a very special relationship!

So it's all over. The last kid is in the air on his way back to Ca. I am sad. Need to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. The party was successful, about 100 ppl. Didn't get to talk to some before the band started playing. After that there was no more talking-band was too loud. But the kids that stayed till the end had fun dancing, and that was fun to watch. No dancing for me, just had s couple Italian margaritas and tried to relax.

Levi is having ear tubes and his little tongue clipped as we speak, poor baby. Just had his 1 st birthday on Tuesday.

Hope all is well, Phyl. Yeah, they had a hard time starting the iv at the hospital. 5 or 6 polks as I remember, and all I wanted was the Versed! was pretty bruised up after

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Oh Karla. Kids just always break your heart. Shell be back as soon as she realizes that a bf is no substitute for a mother. Shell need you more than ever once that child is born, and you and your grandchild will have a very special relationship!

So it's all over. The last kid is in the air on his way back to Ca. I am sad. Need to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. The party was successful, about 100 ppl. Didn't get to talk to some before the band started playing. After that there was no more talking-band was too loud. But the kids that stayed till the end had fun dancing, and that was fun to watch. No dancing for me, just had s couple Italian margaritas and tried to relax.

Levi is having ear tubes and his little tongue clipped as we speak, poor baby. Just had his 1 st birthday on Tuesday.

Hope all is well, Phyl. Yeah, they had a hard time starting the iv at the hospital. 5 or 6 polks as I remember, and all I wanted was the Versed! was pretty bruised up after

Okay.... try, try again! Still can't get "Multiquote" to work!!

Sorry for your troubles with DD, karla! Frustrating!

Echocardiogram today, review bone scan w/ortho tomorrow morning. Then the med things for the week will be over. Next week I will concentrate on getting back to gym and set up PT.

Enjoying sunny weather this week! We skipped primetimers yesterday and took our little jaunt down to the lake. Going again in a few minutes. Good day to skip Primetimers... saw on FB that lunch was fried chicken, fried okra, potato salad, rolls and cobbler!! We had salad!!

Retirement party sounds like a GREAT success, Linda! Sorry to see your family go, I'm sure! But what a great time to spend with them! Congrats on your retirement!

Gotta go!

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Oh Karla. Kids just always break your heart. Shell be back as soon as she realizes that a bf is no substitute for a mother. Shell need you more than ever once that child is born, and you and your grandchild will have a very special relationship!

So it's all over. The last kid is in the air on his way back to Ca. I am sad. Need to figure out what to do with the rest of my life. The party was successful, about 100 ppl. Didn't get to talk to some before the band started playing. After that there was no more talking-band was too loud. But the kids that stayed till the end had fun dancing, and that was fun to watch. No dancing for me, just had s couple Italian margaritas and tried to relax.

Levi is having ear tubes and his little tongue clipped as we speak, poor baby. Just had his 1 st birthday on Tuesday.

Hope all is well, Phyl. Yeah, they had a hard time starting the iv at the hospital. 5 or 6 polks as I remember, and all I wanted was the Versed! was pretty bruised up after

Okay.... try, try again! Still can't get "Multiquote" to work!!

Sorry for your troubles with DD, karla! Frustrating!

Echocardiogram today, review bone scan w/ortho tomorrow morning. Then the med things for the week will be over. Next week I will concentrate on getting back to gym and set up PT.

Enjoying sunny weather this week! We skipped primetimers yesterday and took our little jaunt down to the lake. Going again in a few minutes. Good day to skip Primetimers... saw on FB that lunch was fried chicken, fried okra, potato salad, rolls and cobbler!! We had salad!!

Retirement party sounds like a GREAT success, Linda! Sorry to see your family go, I'm sure! But what a great time to spend with them! Congrats on your retirement!

Gotta go!

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Linda = Why is he getting tounge clipped ??? Ear tubes I know - my neice & nephew had tubes... Now you get to do the stuff you always wanted to do but didn't have time to do cuz you had to work.. Paint - crochet - knit - bead - volunteer more - shop - lunch w/gf - come visit me LOL..

Karla how you doing today...

Phyl - What are the results of your test

Candice you are traveling again right??

Karri - Did DH get the job

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Hi Girls; WOW everyone has been busy, busy

Linda: So glad the party was a great success and that the boys made it home... You must be so proud of Andy... The band did o.k. huh? Loudness, ya that is a fine art... Getting the Sound & Volumes just right...

I am sure a great time was had by all... we were thinking about you.!!!

Karla; You did the right thing with DD#4... she'll cool down... just you wait and see... Linda is right, she'll be CRYING for her Mother when the time comes... and you'll be there to lend your support, just ignore the ASS#ole! He is completely useless, and sooner or later she will see that. HUGS

Phyl; man you had quite a day!!!! All that poking and prodding, I bet you're glad that is behind you now.. I go next week for my Mamogram and blood work.... ugh!

Janet: Ice cream, well... its gone now, and I know you .... you probably made up for the slip in the gym... working hard. Good for you throwing out the stuff..

I'lve been doing well, food wise...

had a few glasses of wine yest... we went to visit my DF who just lost his wife.. of 38 yrs~~~~!!! She was one of the greatest friends of my life. And I credit her for saving my marriage at one (early) point.. we were both YOUNG navy wives and I was fed up with the whole deal... far a way from home... and lonely... second-guessing my marriage etc.... she gave me a good SMACK upside the head... and well the rest is history....

She was a doll, and her hubby is terribly lonely without her... He still cannot beleive she is really gone... its been 6 wks for him.. We drove home today 6hrs... and when we got home, he called to make sure we arrived o.k. and told us how much our VISIT meant to him... nice... and the DOGGIES (3) all got along well... so I am sure he'll come and visit us this summer.

My cousin is coming for the weekend (surprise) but that is great, I'll have to vac tomorrow and do some laundry changing but that o.k. _ I'll love to see her...

Night all

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Nope...no job yet. It is sounding more and more like the one we thought for sure was going to happen is going to fall through. They had more applications than they thought so they are going to look at those first. We should hear on Monday now. Oh well...we will figure something out.

Well I need to go to bed...I'm exhausted and it sucked being a girl today! Cramps were killing me. So when I got home I took a pain pill but had to do some homework. So now that I am done...I'm going to crawl in bed and sleep like a baby.


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Candice, sorry about your friend. I never have had someone who was the love of my life (except maybe the guy who died, but who knows what really would have happened). I can't even imagine what it feels like to lose someone like that.

food choices are good, but portions suck. Only a week and a 1/2 before I get a fill. Yeah.

Thanks for the support on DD#4. I know this will blow over, but I am glad I stood my ground. Maybe it will sink in to her, but maybe not.

Got my apple tree planted last night and the pond is almost dug. Candice I want you to come back when things are done so I can play being a good hostess. I still feel bad that things were so crazy when you were here.

Janet, it's Friday!!! yeah, a whole weekend. Any company? or do you get to have peace and quiet?

Phyl keep us updated!

Linda, you will find 'something to keep you busy....aka grandbabies! Besides, Candice and I could teach you how to quilt. OHHH, we could do that at one of our get togethers. Phyl could teach us beading, Candice & I could teach you quilting. Janet, you could lead us in workouts....

Well, best get busy, you all have a grand day!!!

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So sorry for the loss of your friend, Candice. Life is so short. just found out that the teenage daughter of some friends was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma. One of my best friends (Angie and Sarah's mom) died of lymphoma, but we don't know yet what form of the disease this kid has.

Levi was a little bit tongue tied, so they just snipped part of the ligament, and he's good to go. I went over there yest afternoon just in time to see him take his first two steps. Penny saw it too, but Andy missed it :(. Of course he wouldn't do it again, at least not while I was there.

Janet, be careful what you suggest! Don't be surprised if I show up on your doorstep someday (probably not in the middle of summer however).

Karri, disappointing developments on the job front, but like you said, you WILL figure something out. It's never easy.

Yeah, Phyl. I actually could sit on my deck for an hour yesterday, and maybe again today! Then it's supposed to get cold and rainy again for the weekend. Gotta make the most of the " nice" days when you can!

I hope to get my thank you notes written today and finally clean off my desk. Then I can start working on the beading project that Mindy sent me for mothers day! It's not that I don't have things to do. . . One of the older men from my church just had his hip done, so the other day I helped pick him up from the hospital, and got him settled at home. Ill probably go over there and see how he's doing. There's always someone or something. I just have to make the adjustment.

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So sorry for the loss of your friend, Candice. Life is so short. just found out that the teenage daughter of some friends was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma. One of my best friends (Angie and Sarah's mom) died of lymphoma, but we don't know yet what form of the disease this kid has.

Levi was a little bit tongue tied, so they just snipped part of the ligament, and he's good to go. I went over there yest afternoon just in time to see him take his first two steps. Penny saw it too, but Andy missed it :(. Of course he wouldn't do it again, at least not while I was there.

Janet, be careful what you suggest! Don't be surprised if I show up on your doorstep someday (probably not in the middle of summer however).

Karri, disappointing developments on the job front, but like you said, you WILL figure something out. It's never easy.

Yeah, Phyl. I actually could sit on my deck for an hour yesterday, and maybe again today! Then it's supposed to get cold and rainy again for the weekend. Gotta make the most of the " nice" days when you can!

I hope to get my thank you notes written today and finally clean off my desk. Then I can start working on the beading project that Mindy sent me for mothers day! It's not that I don't have things to do. . . One of the older men from my church just had his hip done, so the other day I helped pick him up from the hospital, and got him settled at home. Ill probably go over there and see how he's doing. There's always someone or something. I just have to make the adjustment.

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So sorry for the loss of your friend, Candice. Life is so short. just found out that the teenage daughter of some friends was diagnosed with non-hodgkins lymphoma. One of my best friends (Angie and Sarah's mom) died of lymphoma, but we don't know yet what form of the disease this kid has.

Levi was a little bit tongue tied, so they just snipped part of the ligament, and he's good to go. I went over there yest afternoon just in time to see him take his first two steps. Penny saw it too, but Andy missed it :(. Of course he wouldn't do it again, at least not while I was there.

Janet, be careful what you suggest! Don't be surprised if I show up on your doorstep someday (probably not in the middle of summer however).

Karri, disappointing developments on the job front, but like you said, you WILL figure something out. It's never easy.

Yeah, Phyl. I actually could sit on my deck for an hour yesterday, and maybe again today! Then it's supposed to get cold and rainy again for the weekend. Gotta make the most of the " nice" days when you can!

I hope to get my thank you notes written today and finally clean off my desk. Then I can start working on the beading project that Mindy sent me for mothers day! It's not that I don't have things to do. . . One of the older men from my church just had his hip done, so the other day I helped pick him up from the hospital, and got him settled at home. Ill probably go over there and see how he's doing. There's always someone or something. I just have to make the adjustment.

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Good Morning...

Yep Karla TGIF - Andrew coming to clean today ;0) getting off work early as computers going down at noon - we have to cleanup desk filing etc - then going to get nails done - it's been 4 weeks - run by the bank and then come home and do nothing.. Crocheting catching up on tv etc - no company this weekend ;0)

Linda - Door is always open !!! Levi is so young how can they tell - Glad you saw his 1st step - in 6 months you are going to wonder how you had time to work ;0)

Candice - Hugs on your friends loss...

Well it's 6:04 gotta hit the showers ...


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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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