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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Phyl, of course you, Earl, Zoey, and candy would be welcome to stay with us! When you have your palms firmed up, let me know so I don't go and plan something else. We're planning a trip to BC in September too, so maybe we can meet you guys' on your turf then.

80 degrees! Enjoy that Karla! It's been one of the coldest ever springs here. Haven't seen 60 yet. Maybe 10 miles away from lake Michigan, but not here on the lakeshore!

Karri, looking forward to purred tuna? Glad it's you and not me! I'd lose weight too if I had to eat that.

Denise, how y'all doin? I'm following the flooding closely. Are your family and friends OK?

Janet, so in the end, how did the weekend turn out? Did the food get eaten? I've learned to wait until I see the wights of their eyes before buying a bunch of food. Even if they do show up as planned, they never let know if they're going to be around for meals! Kids . . .

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Hi Girls; Sorry, Ive b een MIA,, arrived home late last night... we are whooped!! Nice to sleep in our own little beds... Although I told Peter, I wanna switch our KING size back to a QUEEN! I liked cuddling closer up... like we had in the TRUCK camper.... it was cozzy

Had such a nice visit with Linda and Mel.. sorry we got there too early to be able to stay for your Retirement Party on Tues... You will have FUN, FUN, FUN... Missing Andy's band too... sorry about thaty!

We didn't end up in Shipshiwanna, we barreled straight across Michigan, and stopped in Sarnia to visit my Aunt and Uncle who we bought the truck from... They were excited to hear all about our travels.

Then we stopped briefiy in London, On... were going to spend the night with friends there... but they had already made plans .... so we motored all the way home the resty of the weay... We ate our LAST RESTAURANT MEAL, enjoyed it... but now its back to bread and Water ....LOL

Weight gain, while away was not as bad as I had thought it would be... I was certain that I'd put on 10 lbs... but not even close... less than 2 lbs... YEAH...

Protien shake today, coffee, tea and chicken legs and yams for supper...

Karri, glad you are progressing to firmer foods, keep it up... you'll feel healthier in no time.

WEll, gotta run and check my chicken.

Love C

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Hi Girls; Sorry, Ive b een MIA,, arrived home late last night... we are whooped!! Nice to sleep in our own little beds... Although I told Peter, I wanna switch our KING size back to a QUEEN! I liked cuddling closer up... like we had in the TRUCK camper.... it was cozzy

Had such a nice visit with Linda and Mel.. sorry we got there too early to be able to stay for your Retirement Party on Tues... You will have FUN, FUN, FUN... Missing Andy's band too... sorry about thaty!

We didn't end up in Shipshiwanna, we barreled straight across Michigan, and stopped in Sarnia to visit my Aunt and Uncle who we bought the truck from... They were excited to hear all about our travels.

Then we stopped briefiy in London, On... were going to spend the night with friends there... but they had already made plans .... so we motored all the way home the resty of the weay... We ate our LAST RESTAURANT MEAL, enjoyed it... but now its back to bread and Water ....LOL

Weight gain, while away was not as bad as I had thought it would be... I was certain that I'd put on 10 lbs... but not even close... less than 2 lbs... YEAH...

Protien shake today, coffee, tea and chicken legs and yams for supper...

Karri, glad you are progressing to firmer foods, keep it up... you'll feel healthier in no time.

WEll, gotta run and check my chicken.

Love C

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Candice, glad you are safe and sound at home!! It is lovely to travel, but also lovely to come home. It sounds like you had a grand time AND stayed close to your food budget! Great job.

Nothing much going on home here. Got home from work yesterday and was pretty beat. We had a busy day at the nursery and didn't get a break for lunch or for sitting down, was constantly hopping; So came home and 'mowed' the dog yard (It is narrow enough to just weed est. But didn't rake it all back up. Hopefully tonight! Also tonight my truck should be fixed, so I can get some rock and bark to work on the yard. Looks like it is going to rain for the next few days. No flooding yet!!

You all have a great day!

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Hi gang; yup it is great to be home... although we are heading up to Ottawa for a few days to see our Friend who just lost his wife (while we were away on the trip)

Getting caught up here today. unloading the van of MY stuff... Peter unloaded everything else, and left ALL my stuff still out there (?)

Anyhoo- got it done and now working on getting everyones bills paid up current... all my Moms stuff.... just finished that... and now onto ours. Although it wasnt too bad as I was able to pay a few online while we were travelling.

Calling back all our phone messages, there were 17!! Got some new gigs too... so working the PHONES today... trying to drum up work

HOpe everyone is well and happy,

Happy MONDAY everyone.


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Lee's interview went pretty well. He actually ended up having five. One of them is a really good prospect. We would live 10 minutes north of the Mexico border and 50 minutes south of Tuscon. I'm actually hoping that is the one that we get because this Mexican will finally learn Spanish. Plus there are enough schools that I could sub occasionally, but not be expected by the dear hubby to sub EVERYDAY! Damnit...I want my year off! We should hear today or tomorrow on that one. The principal said that if Lee hadn't heard from him by today or tomorrow to just call him directly. Plus he probably should get several other phone calls for actual interviews. Most of the stuff at the job fair were just HR screening interviews that then get passed on to the local principals who decided who to hire and who not to hire.

Well my lunch is almost over. I have a doctor appt right after school and then a paper to write so I will probably check back in later tomorrow.


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Hi Everybody,

We're still dry here, the levees are holding. They say we are at our crest now, because the Morganza Spillway was opened up river.

Copper is getting fixed tomorrow morning. We just took his food and Water away. We haven't told him yet.

Candice, good job only gaining 2 lbs.

We have 4 more full days left, and exams next week. We had RIF (reduction in force) last year and will also have it this year. Plus my school is being reorganized due to poor test scores. Everyone has to reaply for their jobs. IDK what the hell will happen to me.

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Good Evening Peeps

Yep Linda they showed up - go back one page ;-) had to take Joseph to urgent care on Saturday - I love my family with all my heart - but love my quite neat house too ;0)

Karri - Becareful living so close to the border we hear such horrid stories now a days about the cartel.. Sending good ju ju Lee's way..

Candice - WTG only 2 lbs that's fantastic - that's normal vacation weight !!!

Phyl - Know you got busy week w/dr appt..

Denise - glad the leveis are holding - poor doggie ;0)

Karla You better not be lifting more than you should

Back from gym - drive by got load of towels to do = dogs to feed and me too..

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Hi Everybody,

We're still dry here, the levees are holding. They say we are at our crest now, because the Morganza Spillway was opened up river.

Copper is getting fixed tomorrow morning. We just took his food and Water away. We haven't told him yet.

Candice, good job only gaining 2 lbs.

We have 4 more full days left, and exams next week. We had RIF (reduction in force) last year and will also have it this year. Plus my school is being reorganized due to poor test scores. Everyone has to reaply for their jobs. IDK what the hell will happen to me.

Denise: Hugs for poor little COPPER, this is one time that ignorance is bliss (for him) I am really releived that the Morganza Spillway is doing the trick in N.O. We are still praying for you all here... I watch CNN all the time for news.

Good Evening Peeps

Yep Linda they showed up - go back one page ;-) had to take Joseph to urgent care on Saturday - I love my family with all my heart - but love my quite neat house too ;0)

Karri - Becareful living so close to the border we hear such horrid stories now a days about the cartel.. Sending good ju ju Lee's way..

Candice - WTG only 2 lbs that's fantastic - that's normal vacation weight !!!

Phyl - Know you got busy week w/dr appt..

Denise - glad the leveis are holding - poor doggie ;0)

Karla You better not be lifting more than you should

Back from gym - drive by got load of towels to do = dogs to feed and me too..

Linda: Good luck tomorrow on your PARTY... have fun and let everyone else worry about the details.. DON"T over do it and have a knap in the afternoon!!! You'll need your energy for the festivities. Did all your Boys arrive home o.k.? Post in a couple of days and let us all know how it turned out.

Janet: Oh my gosh, Joseph at the urgent care, hope everything turned out o.k. for him... Ya, I know what you mean about kids visits... the place always gets turned up side down.

Karla; I was gonna give you the same lecture about lifting... so ditto Janet (LOL)

Phyl; I got caught up with you today on skype... Gosh I love that service!!

Karri: Good news on Lees job prospects... I hope you get all that you wish for... How is your tummy feeling?

Night night everyone.

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Denise, don't you have tenure? Fortunately our school has managed to make AYP every year. But we spend a whole lot of time and excessive amounts of money to reach it. Basically I lose about 4 weeks of regular curriculum time because of testing and test prep. We do the MAPs testing at least 3 times a year and then the 'official' achievement tests.

Finally got the 'Beast' (old truck) running last night. The mechanic says the engine is perfect. I can start hauling rock and back.

No I am not lifting too much, I ab being extra careful.

DD#5 is coming out for dinner tonight. She leaves for her summer job tomorrow and will be gone most of the summer. She will come home a couple of times.

Cool and rainy yesterday, but the cooler weather slows down the flooding. So far everyone is fine, we will see as time progresses.

Linda, enjoy your retirement party!!!

Janet, hopefully you have the house back to normal and will be able to relax tonight!!!

Candice, is all your snow gone?

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Still no word about the job but the principal told Lee that if he hadn't heard from him by today to call. So hopefully that will bring us good news. We have looked into the crime there but feel pretty safe considering that it is a resort town. There have been no deaths in the area. I'm not really all that scared at all. If they shoot me...they shoot me...must have been my time to go! I refuse to live my life in fear of something that I have no control over. There are shootings and murders daily in the DFW area.

As for my doctor's appt it went really well. Mainly because I have followed every rule and the fact that I followed a patient that 4 days out of gastric bypass had pizza and an ice cream bar for dinner! They are keeping her on liquids for an extra two weeks...I could hear the nutritionist scolding her. For me on the other hand they are speeding up my progression because he wants to make sure that I am on solid foods before I leave in case there are any problems. According to their scales I have officially lost 16 pounds! So I am now on mushy foods (don't even need to puree them...just smash it with a fork!) for a week...soft foods (mainly fish and soft veggies) for a week and then solid foods that I can handle.

Well I am off to teach class...


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Denise, don't you have tenure? Fortunately our school has managed to make AYP every year. But we spend a whole lot of time and excessive amounts of money to reach it. Basically I lose about 4 weeks of regular curriculum time because of testing and test prep. We do the MAPs testing at least 3 times a year and then the 'official' achievement tests.

Finally got the 'Beast' (old truck) running last night. The mechanic says the engine is perfect. I can start hauling rock and back.

No I am not lifting too much, I ab being extra careful.

DD#5 is coming out for dinner tonight. She leaves for her summer job tomorrow and will be gone most of the summer. She will come home a couple of times.

Cool and rainy yesterday, but the cooler weather slows down the flooding. So far everyone is fine, we will see as time progresses.

Linda, enjoy your retirement party!!!

Janet, hopefully you have the house back to normal and will be able to relax tonight!!!

Candice, is all your snow gone?

Yes, Karla ; all my snow is gone... the last of it (ice pile) dissappeared last week my neighbors told me... Peter even took all our SNOW tires off both cars today!!! Yee=haw, that is encouraging eh???

Bad wild fires in Alberta, Flooding in Manitoba...gosh its just about as bad as down southern states. People's farms ruined... I hardly know which newscast to watch CTV or CNN???? bad news on both fronts...\\

LINDA: I hope you are having a BLAST today at your party>>> we are with you in SPIRIT (s)... lol

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Good Evening Gang

Karri - Ate pizza - pple - i just don't know about them ... Glad you have moved on to next food phase - I bet you are happy ;0) WTG on 16 lbs !!!! I go to Mexico - I'm just careful of where I go that all..

Candice - It's the reason I don't watch the news like you do - too much bad news... Too depressing - remember I'm scarlet ohara LOL

Linda - Yep today's your party hope it was a blast.

Phyl - I guess yuo don't like us any mre - heck I post at least once a day -

Karla - glad you are being careful..

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Thinking of Linda tonight... her retirement party. Bet they had a GREAT time.

I had a very busy day. Bone scan was much more involved than I expected. They said this morning would be quick... just get the radioactive dye injected. Well... I was there over an hour. Radiologist couldn't find a vein. Then he finally got needle in and got too aggressive injecting saline and it collapsed. So then he tried another place... literally digging around in my arm trying to find a vein. Finally he called for the I.V. team. By then I was freezing & very uncomfortable flat on my back on this very narrow, hard table. He brought me a warm blanket. I.V. nurse didn't have too much trouble, but I have two bruises near my elbow and one on the back of my hand. Then I had to go back 3 hrs later for more pictures..... 3 different views, almost 10 minutes of staying absolutely still each time. I was cranky by the time it was over! Go in to review it with the doctor on Friday. Echocardiogram on Thursday. Are we having fun yet!

Dinner at Tracy & Jim's tonight. He made "healthy" spaghetti... whole wheat noodles, gr. turkey, sauce w/diced tomatoes. It was very good.

Tired. It's late!

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Phyl, I'm so sorry, what a horrid experience!! I hate when they 'dig', just admit defeat already!!!

Took DD#4 & DD#5 out to dinner last night, Alexa DD#5 is heading off to her summer job in Idaho today. So we went and had Mexican, can I say way too much food and way too much eating. Splured and had a margahretta (sp) A nice evening.

Came home, did some laundry and was pretty much a slug.

Only 15 more days of school. The kids are psyched, but so am I. They are all being pretty good!! Got to take someone's phone away for texting during class. I wish I could break them into little pieces. Cruel I know, but I hate when they sneak around. I don't know why parents think a 7th grader needs a phone all the time!!!

Today I'll take Elyse to her doc appt. and do a little shopping.

Hope you all have a good day!! TTFN

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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