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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Hi Everyone,

Janet- glad your test came out OK.

Puppy still putting everything in his mouth. He pooped a wad of chewed up towel. I hope it all came out OK. I may have to make him stay in his kennel with no towel when I put him in there. What else can I put that he won't chew up? He's loco! ( It's Cinco de mayo)

Saw Karri's post on FB, sounds like she's doing well.

Candice- are you seeing any flooding? Record highs on the Mississippi, we have to open our spillway to avoid flooding. Predicting crest at 19 with spillway open. Our levees are built to protect to 20 feet.

Going to Jazz Fest tomorrow to see Willie Nelson. I was gonna take a 1/2 day, but my boss asked me to go on a field trip to the fest with some students. So I'll go with them, and just stay there when they leave.

A lot of schools are taking kids tomorrow. I hope they don't tick me off. Kids everywhere, yuck!

I'll just hide under a tree till they leave. Willie comes on after 5. That dude that sings that country song, You shoulda seen it in color, comes on before Willie. I wanna see him too. I thought Montgomery Gentry sang that. But it's Jamey Johnson. I checked out some of his songs, he's good!

I typed a message last night, but I couldn't finish cause bookit.com called me. I was waiting for a call, cause they screwed up my booking. They also charged me 417.00 for a booking modication. I said, "Ahhh What?????"nnI didn't modify my booking, you made my booking." I did it over the phone. WTH

They said they will have to investigate that. So we'll see if they fixed it, or they can investigate me telling credit card company to deny payment.

I was on the phone Sat. for 1 hour making the reservation. Last night, over 1 hour, trying to fix it.

So I gotta go call them again, and see if they fixed it. Talk about a damn hot mess! Dis is Loco!

Hi girls: Janet: yes we are all glad that you came up NORMAL!!!! I have aches in my hips occAsionallly, and one or the other of my knees act up from time to time.... but I just keep in keeping on.... I take celebrex when it gets bad... but other than that, I think you are right when you say.... we is just gettin ol'

Denise; hugs on the copper issues... man they DO grow out of the puppy stage eventually.... Little Bridget has been living on borrowed time the last couple of days...

SHe has taken to HOWLING when we leave her in the camper... while we are out and about.... in downtown Memphis the other day, the temp was 65, we opened the ROOF vent, and 2 side window screens... well we went walkong down Beale Stree, had lunch, got back tothe truck... got in drove around the corner and a cop was following us... whoooper comes on and he pulls us over...

Turns out some COncerned CITIZEN heard her howling, called the Police and HE opened another window for her... Now he said, don't worry I you didn't do anything wrong, I just wanted to tell you your window blind might be broken cause I forced open the side window for the dog... as this lady made a complaint... Man o Man were we pissed with that DOG!~!!! she is worse than a kid sometimes...

Today, we went into Burger King for a coffee and pee stop, came out and 2 ladies were telling us she was howling like someone was KILLING her... so embarraSSING.

tONIGHT, WE are camped in Illinois, drove thru 4 states today... FLOODING EVERYWHERE, road closures, RV park closures.. so we just wanted to put the Mississippi DELTA behind us...

AND tonight its raining cats and dogs. Nice campground though... we stayed right across the street from GRACELAND last night on Elvis Presley BLvd.. RV park was a dump though!!! $15 a night and another 10 for wifi hookup.. rip off artists!!!

We lucked in tonight though, really nice park - lots of trees, clean... good wifi and friendly CAMPERS~~~ yeah

night. night and sweet dreams everyone!

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Good Evening Peeps

Denise have fun at your Jazz Fest - I'm Lucky Bella (the latest dog) wasn't too bad at chewing (she a yorkie) she did chew threw my keyboard & mouse wires - but she's done with that - what kid of dog - I thnk I saw a pic on ft but don't remember LOL..

Candice - Bridget omw - hard traveling w/animals - Ya I heard on the news the flooding was bad - Did you go to Graceland..

Karla - Where are you - are you ok..

Phly ???\

Karri's home - feeling better

I had gym at 6 so didn't get home till 7 - just burned up 3/4 of my dinner - was able to save some - chicken & yellow squash cooked in enchillada & tomatoe sauce..

Well Idol should be starting - GO Scotty - hope Jacob is the one that goes home tonite

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Janet, I'm here, had a hair appt last night, got new low lights and highlighs. So by the time I got home I had dinner and read and went to bed. My hair turned out nice. It had faded so much that it didn't have any depth, of course it had been since October since I got color. My hair dresser had her 18 month old GD with her. What a cutie, so I practice my grandmother skills while she was doing my hair.

Candice sorry about Bridget. Try leaving her a novel treat, I have a couple of hollow bones about 3 inches long. I stuff them with different things everyday. Because my furries are a little on the chubby side I use mainly Pupcorns, but I always put something different in the middle of the bone, Some days a carrot, others a soft doggy treat, even a little Peanut Butter or canned cheese. Also you may want to consider putting her in her kennel with a a cover on it. How about leaving the tv or radio on. Also I think the 'dog whisperer' talked about leaving for a few minutes and giving her lots of praise when you come back for being quiet. I'll have to dig up my book and do a little reading.

Running behind this morning. I thought I hit 'snooze', something I rarely do, but actually shut the alarm off, woke up a 1/2 hour later, yikes. I could have slept all day. That wouldn't look good.

Well, best get busy, at least it is Friday!!!!

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Good Mornng Peeps

Karla doesn't if feel good to get your hair done.. Good for you.,. Yep it's Friday..

Not much to report - watched Idol - then bed - got some sleep last night but did wake up a few times..

Everyone have a good day - cbl

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Good Evening Gang

Linda - How are you doing ??

Karri - How are you doing ???

Candice - Where are you today??

Phyl - Not posting - still unpackng ??

Karla - It's Friday nite What are you doing - me and the computer - well need to go thru pictures for my cousin tomorrow but that's about it for my evening..

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Busy putting in more drip line. I hate moving hoses, so I cut and splice until all I have to do is turn the Water on and open and close valves. My mechanic came over and pulled the carburator out of the Beast. He is putting in new guts. Cost for parts and labor...$140, man I love that man!!! He is a 'car whisperer', I know sounds strange, but he says he can 'feel' their aura and they tell him what is wrong. I'm sure that he just knows cars so well that he can diagnose just by listening, and darn if he isn't always right! Of course he also said that my CRV was a girl car and that her name was Honey....okay, what ever floats your boat. He is this scrawny 62 year old that women fawn over. I just don't get it. I love him, but I definitely am not 'fawning'.

Roughish day at work, people are getting 'the visit' from their administrator...better known as a rift. Everyone is on edge and waiting to be next. I have more seniority than everyone in the middle school so I don't have to worry, but it sure has been hard to watch. Especially since they waited so long that many of the teaching jobs are snatched up already. Most schools let their employees know by the middle of April at the latest.

I work all weekend at the nursery and it will be crazy even though it is suppose to rain all weekend.

Candice, if Bridget can't behave she needs to go in her kennel when you are gone. I hate doing it myself, but usually they feel safer. Hang in there.

Janet, yep it is Friday, two whole days not to think about school. But if have a bunch of homework I have to do for my June class, so much for thinking I had a few weeks off!


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Good morning girls, oops afternoon... Stoippeda at a McDonalads right now. Using their WIFI, we stayed in a State Camp last night. VERY Quiet... ah yes! nice sleep, but more rain during the night... I dont' for the life of me rememberf all this rain on our trip WEST... yukky rain, then Bridget is all dirty all the time..

Just crossed over the border from Illinois to Wisconsin.. so will see our Dear Linda in a couple of days.. She has always told me such good things about the DELLS so we are going there for a few days...

AH, we can tell we are heading northward... no more dead armadillos on the road, now we see skunks again and racooon....

we should have wifi tonight at the RV campground, more faciliyties there... so we can watch TV too on HULU.com.... we are ajust about out of DVD's to watch...

Back into "Canadian" clothes., tshirts, hoodies, blue jeans... weather is hovering around 65 ish to 50 ish during the nights.

More later, Peter just showed up and is shanking his car keys at me.... gotta go...

Love to all,


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Good afternoon,

A quick update before we head out to go watch a movie and get a new dress shirt for Lee. Next weekend we are making a daunting 15 hour trip to Arizona for him to go to a job fair. That is where we figure he has the best chance to get a job. He is qualified for about 50+ jobs there so I'm keeping my fingers crossed. He really wants a classroom of his own and I REALLY want to be unemployed so hopefully it will work out for the both of us!!

I'm feeling alright....a little tired but nothing too bad. I have a paper that I have to write this weekend so I can't be too lazy. I only have one REALLY sore spot and that is where they had to remove the port (Damn port is still giving me problems.LOL!). The hardest part of the entire thing is getting up and down from a sleeping position, otherwise I am able to move around quite a bit. I have been walking everyday. Not sure if you saw my post on FB yesterday but all the numbers are killing me! So many pills at so many hours, so many ounces of this Fluid and that fluid but only at certain times. The biggest reason that a leak happens after you leave the hospital is because a patient takes too many pills at once so I am PARANOID!! I cut my pain pill in half and take it at two different times because I think it is too big.

On a good note I have absolutely NO hunger. Not even an inkling of hunger! I have to eat 5 times per day but that doesn't mean that I want to. Lee is always forcing me to eat (full liquids). I just don't have any sort of appetite and nothing even sounds good. I thought people were crazy when they said I wouldn't want any sort of sweets. We were watching the food network this morning and I thought I was going to hurl when they were showing the cakes and stuff. Even crystal light is too sweet for me! That is good because lately they have been my downfall. I'm still really swollen but it is kind of fun to watch the scale go down about a 1/2 pound every four hours! Most of that is the swelling though they say typically you will lose 10% of your excess body weight in the first 2 weeks. I saw the fitness lady and they do not go by BMI at this doctor. They go by body fat percentage only. I found out that my lean muscle mass was 136.4 pounds so realistically I shouldn't ever get below 150-155. Janet remember when I said my body fat percentage was too low when I was at your place...it was. That was why I was so dizzy most of the time. So I don't have a goal weight set for me, but my body fat percentage needs to drop about 12%. Right now they said I was average for an American, but being an average American isn't exactly healthy. I'm the only bypass patient they had seen under 200 pounds so in a way I'm kind of a first.

Well Lee is tapping his foot because I have to eat (ugh) and then we need to head out.



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Happy Mother's day. I hope your children spoil you rotten!

Work at the nursery today, then home to do laundry and grocery shop, not much exciting going on.

DD#2 picked up my tile yesterday in Idaho, so hopefully in a couple of weeks my bathroom will be done!!! can't wait.

Have a good one!!

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MOrning Ladies, and Happy Mothers Day to Linda, Janet, Phyl, Stephanie, KARLA, Denise and ME!!!

KARRI; not to be forgotten, your KIDS are all in the classroom hee,hee... I am glad you posted, you are sounding really good... I am so happy for you that you got the surgery that you wanted!

Woke up this a.m. to NICE, warm, Sunny weather... so it should be a great day in Wisconsin Dells... Don't know what I am going to see, but what the heck its an adventure... and Adventures are always nicer in Good Weather!!!

We saw so much flooding in Mississippi, Arkansas, and all the way up north to Wisconsin... it is just aweful, roads closed everywhere, parks and homes under water... I don't know how people can bear all these natural disasters!!! Pray for each and everyone of those families affected....

They were quite worried in Natchez, Ms because the Water hadn't crested yet, not till mid May... In 1927 they had the WORST flooding ever, and this year they expect to exceed it... 5 feet above the Levee's... terrible.

Boy, really nice folks here at the Wanna Bee Campground... the man just came over and gave us a brochure on THE HOUSE ON THE ROCK, a cool thing to see I guess. and he didn't want US to miss it while we were here...

WIfi is hit and miss, but right now its UP! YEAH!!!

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MOrning Ladies, and Happy Mothers Day to Linda, Janet, Phyl, Stephanie, KARLA, Denise and ME!!!

KARRI; not to be forgotten, your KIDS are all in the classroom hee,hee... I am glad you posted, you are sounding really good... I am so happy for you that you got the surgery that you wanted!

Woke up this a.m. to NICE, warm, Sunny weather... so it should be a great day in Wisconsin Dells... Don't know what I am going to see, but what the heck its an adventure... and Adventures are always nicer in Good Weather!!!

We saw so much flooding in Mississippi, Arkansas, and all the way up north to Wisconsin... it is just aweful, roads closed everywhere, parks and homes under water... I don't know how people can bear all these natural disasters!!! Pray for each and everyone of those families affected....

They were quite worried in Natchez, Ms because the Water hadn't crested yet, not till mid May... In 1927 they had the WORST flooding ever, and this year they expect to exceed it... 5 feet above the Levee's... terrible.

Boy, really nice folks here at the Wanna Bee Campground... the man just came over and gave us a brochure on THE HOUSE ON THE ROCK, a cool thing to see I guess. and he didn't want US to miss it while we were here...

WIfi is hit and miss, but right now its UP! YEAH!!!

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Yeah WiFi is up again... for the moment anyways.... so I am here.....where is everyone else? Hummmm could be that you are all enjoying your family time.. I talked to my DD today via \skype... she was taking her MIL!! out for Mothers day... boo I wish I was there... that would have been fun!

Also called my Mom this a.m. too. She is thankfully doing well, holding her own... she is such a trooper!!

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Candice, I'm here, just got home from the nursery, Had a VERY busy day. I hope the $$ was good. The boss says we are down $35,000 from this time last year. Scarey, but we were busy and sold a lot of big trees. Came home, bought groceries, cleaned up the doggy piddle, not happy. Should be doing homework but I am going to ignore it for right now, too tired.

Four more weeks of school, then 2 weeks of on campus class, then 6 weeks of online class. But then I can relax for a few weeks before school starts again. But next summer will be better. I will have my masters by the end of the first week in July. Which will mean a pay raise and no more class. I think I will splurge and do something outrageous, like go out to dinner...

Oh I flirted with a cute guy at the grocery store. Yep straight from the nursery and I looked like crap. But he was that dark mysterious type and I couldn't resist. I should say I shamelessly flirted, but like I said, I had hat hair, no makeup and a wind/sun burn, Oh just SO attractive.

Anyway, I hope you all had a good Mother's Day. I'll call my mom tomorrow. I'm just too tired for the drama tonight. I am going to ignore my phone as well, just not in the mood. The older lady at the nursery who THINKS she owns the place, she came with the nursery when my boss bought it, road my butt all weekend. There wasn't anything that I could do right. At one point I almost ran her over with my car when she told me where to park. I have worked 6 Mother's day weekends, I know where to flippin park. I am going to have a chat with my boss next weekend about 'who' is the boss. Because while I love this job, I don't have to be treated like a two year old!!!!

Sorry, just needed to vent!

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The puppy is an Australian Terrier, I researched a lot before I got him. I wanted the same personality as my Westie, but not fur I had to cut. He is a little smaller that the Westie, and brownish red. Candice says almost the same color as my hair.< /span>

Friday Jazz Fest was not the best day. Willie is getting old, 78, he doesn't really sing anymore, just talks his songs. We left early. I would have NOT walked out early on Tom. HELL NO!!!

Today I went back with a friend. We were front row for Cowboy Mouth, then he had to leave to catch his flight back to Boston, so I stayed by myself at the Jazz Fest (can you believe that?) to see Kid Rock. A friend that has been to more concerts than you can count told me he was one of the best shows she's seen. He was GREAT!!!!

He really put on a good show. Then I went to the gospel tent for a while, then the blue's tent for a while, then I left. I bought a Bracelet with little dragonflies on it. One stabbed into my wrist, and I had to pull it out. OUCH!!!

Today was a great day at the fest! I just started to go last year, and I think this is gonna be a yearly thing. I had a blast!

I could not sleep last night, slept from about 2;30 To 5:30. I gotta go to bed. Back to work tomorrow.

Oh, and now the puppy has diareha (I can't spell that shit, no pun intended) Lord knows what he ate this time.

I have been walking all day, and jumping up and down, and rocking, I am sore!!!! But it was worth it!!!!

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The puppy is an Australian Terrier, I researched a lot before I got him. I wanted the same personality as my Westie, but not fur I had to cut. He is a little smaller that the Westie, and brownish red. Candice says almost the same color as my hair.< /span>

Friday Jazz Fest was not the best day. Willie is getting old, 78, he doesn't really sing anymore, just talks his songs. We left early. I would have NOT walked out early on Tom. HELL NO!!!

Today I went back with a friend. We were front row for Cowboy Mouth, then he had to leave to catch his flight back to Boston, so I stayed by myself at the Jazz Fest (can you believe that?) to see Kid Rock. A friend that has been to more concerts than you can count told me he was one of the best shows she's seen. He was GREAT!!!!

He really put on a good show. Then I went to the gospel tent for a while, then the blue's tent for a while, then I l?eft. I bought a Bracelet with little dragonflies on it. One stabbed into my wrist, and I had to pull it out. OUCH!!!

Today was a great day at the fest! I just started to go last year, and I think this is gonna be a yearly thing. I had a blast!

I could not sleep last night, slept from about 2;30 To 5:30. I gotta go to bed. Back to work tomorrow.

Oh, and now the puppy has diareha (I can't spell that shit, no pun intended) Lord knows what he ate this time.

I have been walking all day, and jumping up and down, and rocking, I am sore!!!! But it was worth it!!!!

Hey there Denise: Glad you enjoyed the Jazz Festival so much. Willie Nelson let you down huh? Well, he is really old now...and run a hard life... too bad they still try to bilk you for ticket money though to see an ICON..that has faded... :-(

Poor Copper, what on earth is in his gut? Little turkey, he just has to put everything in HIS mouth still. Perhaps some of that towel still has to pass threw.

HOpe you get rested up in time for school tomorrow... Mondays suck LARGE.

Karla; You worked hard all day!! But your masters by July ^?^? that is so cool.. and a pay raise to boot... Good work!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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