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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I did not have to get up at the buttcrack of dawn, the wedding played all day on every channel. It's still playing now. Alabama blew away, but the wedding is on every channel.

Janet- I like the hats with brims too.

Some of those hats, OMG what the hell were they thinking???? Fergie's daughter's hats, OMG they will never live that down. They looked like baffoons.

Candice- YOU GOTTA COME BACK! You forgot a towel.

I am going to the Jazz Fest tomorrow to see Tom Jones. It's my last day of vacation. I am very depressed about going back to work. Tom has a lot of cheering up to do. I hope his pipes are up to it.

I just booked my family vacation for July. We are gonna go to Playa del Carmen.

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Yes Candice...I"m lurking. I try to read everyday while DH is driving home but it is hard to reply on my phone in the car. Not to mention that I am exhausted this week after having only 450 calories or so a day. It was also state testing week which means that I was walking constantly for 5 hours a day either proctoring exams or running around delivering supplies as a relief proctor. UGH...I HATE state testing in this state. In Oregon, it is quick and simple...In Texas it is as big as...well we will just say everything is bigger in Texas!

As for WHY I have to do this diet...two reasons. One they want to shrink my liver. Surgery is significantly longer than lap-band (2-3 hours) and making sure that my liver is small will reduce the risks of surgery complications. That could have been done by just eating a very low carb diet (basically meat cheese and eggs). However, because they have to reroute the intestines they want me to be all cleaned out which is best accomplished by being on liquids only. So when you combine the two (low carb and all liquid) that equals STARVING!!! However, I wasn't as big of a b!tch as I was afraid I would be. Lee is still living and in reality has been much grumpier this week than I have. The hunger wasn't TOO awful except for Thursday. I was pretty certain that I was going to die that day. Mostly because I was just incredibly achy the entire day. I have lost 10 pounds in 5 days and that definitely put some stress on my body! My knees and hips have been killing me. I tried to work out this week but got beyond dizzy. The exercise physiologist and dietitian said not to worry about working out. My walking at work was more than enough to suffice!

So I just have 2 days left...which is good and bad! Tomorrow I have to finish writing my second paper that is due for my class, respond to two discussion questions online, and finish planning my lessons so that Lee has something to do for the week. He will be taking over my classes for the entire week so that will be helpful! Then on Monday my pre-op appointment isn't until 1:00 pm but since we only have one car, Lee has to drop me off at the hospital at 6:00 AM so that he can get back to the school by 7:30. Work and the hospital are in the exact opposite directions. The hotel we live in is exactly half way (30 minutes) between the two! So I will work on the discussion questions for the next week at the hospital and wait for my appointments. I will find out that day when I will need to be at the hospital for surgery. Though it won't really matter because I will again have to be there at 6:00AM because Lee will have to drop me off to get to work. He will try to update everyone via Facebook when I am out of surgery but since he will have classes all afternoon it may not get posted until late. If they give me my phone back, I will update when I am in my room.

Okay...novel done. Back to writing my paper!


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Morning ladies, don't you know it is all about the hats! Personally I love hats, but I didn't catch the wedding so I can't comment. But I do remember the ones at Diana's wedding and they were hilarious.

Work yesterday and today. Had to muck out the fish pond (the fish live in a small pond in the greenhouse for the winter). It had an entire forest of leaves and Water from the winter. Let's just say if I never smell another decayed leaf it will be too soon. Got is scrubbed down, set back up and the fish moved. Basically spent most of my day on my head. But it is done for the season and looks great!

Came home and planted a few plants and took shower. Then read for the night. Too tired to do anything else.

DD#2 browsed tile for me in Idaho Falls and found some nice ones for a really low price. I'll send pics of my two favorite. I did find a killer deal on a few tiles in a marble mosaic when I went into town. They were normally $20 and I got them for $5. There were only 5- 12 inch tiles, but it is enough to put a back splash above the sink and stove if I find a nice bisque color to go with them. I'll try to find a picture of them and email it with the two favorites for the bathroom. We discovered that when the people put in the tub surround that leaked, they covered up a small window, so I am going to replace the window with those glass blocks and it will bring in some natural light into the shower.

Well, need to get the laundry started and some Breakfast. Check in later. You all have a glorious Sunday!!

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Good Morning Peeps..

Denise - the girls (fergie's) looke like lady Gaga LOL and we know what a hot mess she is LOL - I went to Playa De Carmen in Nov/Dec - it was wonderfull - where are you staying?? We stayed at an all inclusive Bacelo - Loved it... I enjoyed the shopping in Cozumel - worth the ferry trip - but if any one gets sea sick - have them take some pills - also family went on catermeran/tulum tour again if anyone gets sea sick take meds - poor Andrew & dil Melissa got sick on that one - they took meds on the ferry to cozumel so they were fine on that one. Have a great time - July - Ugh going to be very humid but guess you are use to that..

LOL Candice coming back for a towel..

Karri- I dom't know how you are doing it - I think I would die - They would have to lock me up for me not to eat - on my pre-op I got 1 meal - all those shakes that are sweet kill me after a while - they do have some good cream Soups though - I would have those for dinner.. Don't they have public transportation in TX?? Can't you take a bus - waiting at hospital for 6-7 hrs us a long time.

Karla - LOL you and your fish and yard work - you need to come to my house and fix mine .. I did spend some time outside yesterday - have a $50 gift card for home depot may got get some more roses - I love roses - I love flowers period - just ask Linda, Karri, Phyl & Candice - my house is full of silk ones.... Flowers make me happy..

Well - need to vacuum & mop never got around to it yesterday... food / target shopping - finish wash and get ready for another week..

cbl - Have a great sunday !!!

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I think the reason I haven't gone totally batty was the fact that I am so freaking busy! Between my schoolwork and the work at school I don't have much time. Plus, I just slept. When I was sleeping I wasn't starving. Tomorrow is going to be the hardest. I'm going to be bored out of my mind (Food trigger!) and I can only be on Clear Liquids which means that I can only drink Isopure. Then it is the bowel prep and all the laxatives (TMI!). But I am actually VERY proud of how well I have handled this week. I have not cheated one time!

And are you kidding about public transportation in Texas??? This is the land of big oil! There is public transit within the downtown areas of Dallas and Fort Worth but the moment you get out of that zone there is nothing! It's okay...I'll have my head phones and classwork to do!

Well my group for my class was supposed to have everything done tonight so that I didn't have to worry about class stuff tomorrow but one of them doesn't work on Sunday and didn't get it finished last night so now I have to wait to finalize the paper until tomorrow....GRRRR!

Well I REALLY REALLY need to get my individual paper written!


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wow, what a great day on the thread... everybody is posting... YEAH... well... we still have to kick Stephanie's butt.... but Im sure she'll turn up.

Much better day today... oh I agree abouyt the HATS for the WEDDINg. MAN Fergies's daughters must have worn those 2 ridiculous things in PROTEST as their MOTHER was NOT invited to attend... Fergie is the Black Sheep of the Royal Family.... so I guess they got even. LOL

Did all of Vicksburg today. Ladies if you have never visited here YOU MUST. Put it on your bucket list to do. THe history is so facinating, and really comes to life here... I just love it... and you know me!!! I am a latent History Buff..

Peter has finally cooled down... hot driving around today, little Bridget is just not getting used to the HEAT... she is a Canadian DOG!!:rolleyes:

We found a RV park ( I did ;) ) in downtown VIcksburg, across the street from a casino (no I am NOT going over there) we have WiFI of course DAH! and a pool!!! Yeah, a POOL.... now no one is in it because its too cold.... er...NOT!!! WE Canucks like it when there are ice cubes floating in pools....

Met an interesting guy this a.m. at McDonalds while having Breakfast and TMI..... they always have wifi and clean bathrooms ,, er Restrooms.... anyways, he hollers over... Where yal from? You sound like YANKEES... we'll we nearly laughed our asses off... He then invited us to join him for church... "come as you are, no one will mind"... ah, I guess we are starting to look pretty bad... I havn't worn makeup since we left Denise's house... ha,ha,ha nobody to impress for the rest of the trip!!!

Well, that about all for the travelog today

Love Y'all!


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Hi Everyone,

We just got back from the Jazz Fest seeing Tom Jones. He is Awesome!!!!!!

The weather was great, lots of big clouds, and wind so 87 didn't feel like 87.

Serious detox, and diet starts tomorrow. I been partying all week.

Karla- you have to google for the hats Fergie's daughter wore to the wedding. The laugh will get you through the day.

Janet- we are staying at an all inclusive The Reef Playacar. The Riu Yucatan was another choice, but we went with smaller. I am looking at tours that go to Cenotes, the underground caves that you can snorkle in. I think we will also go to Coco Bongo, and some ruins. My friend went to Cancun last July, and she said the humidity was horrible. Oh well, that means no make up to have to deal with.

I have to go force myself to go to sleep so I can make it back to work tomorrow. I have stayed up past 1 every night this week, which is usual for non work days. I am a night owl. I'm gonna have to take a xanex, or I'll be up all night.

The puppy has pooped 3 times since we walked through the door, I hope he didn't eat something he shouldn't have. He's like a baby, puts everything in his mouth.

Have a great Monday everyone.

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Morning ladies! Sounds like everyone had an eventful and fun weekend.

Janet, thanks for the advise on the tile. While I love the dark one, you are right, it will get dated soon., plus I will be stuck with that color for EVER.

Tired this morning. I need some down time. DD#4 came homelast night, so I had to cook dinner. I guess she is going to speak to the senior class tomorrow. She bought the new Harry Potter movie. I didn't see it when it was in theater, so we watched it last night. A lot of people said they didn't like it but I did. I think I will have to go to the theater to see the final one. The conclusion will be so much better on the 'big' screen.

Phyl are you home?

Candice, how much longer are you traveling?

Today is suppose to be 66, I can't wait. Unfortunately then we have another front come in.

I hear that Osama Ben Laudum has been killed. While I am never in support of killing someone I DO support the death penalty. (Sorry about discussing controversial stuff.) Yep and she can't spell either. Maybe now we can move on as a country.

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Good Morning Peeps...

Karla - I agree about not wishing anyone dead - but that doesn't include Osama bin Laden - He was the one who bombed us - he came over here and killed our pple - I am glad they got him !! USA ALL THE WAY- Thank you to our troops who took on the mission and thank our President for oking it !!!

I did my house pretty neutral - I learned after having pink carpet LOL - My gf did her house south western years ago when it was in - well now it looks dated... I don't think my house will ever look dated.. That's what you gotta think about..

I can't beleive it's Monday - Denise I took a xanax last night (5 mg) and slept like a baby til leg cramps hit me - got up took quine pills and was able to get back to sleep.. I use to be a nigth out now a days I'm an morning owl ;0) - Have a good week at school

Candice - You are our history buff even if you are from Canada... LOL - how nice of that man..

Karri - OMG you are doing great !!!! Prayers and hugs for surgery on Wed..

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Good Morning Peeps...

Karla - I agree about not wishing anyone dead - but that doesn't include Osama bin Laden - He was the one who bombed us - he came over here and killed our pple - I am glad they got him !! USA ALL THE WAY- Thank you to our troops who took on the mission and thank our President for oking it !!!

I did my house pretty neutral - I learned after having pink carpet LOL - My gf did her house south western years ago when it was in - well now it looks dated... I don't think my house will ever look dated.. That's what you gotta think about..

I can't beleive it's Monday - Denise I took a xanax last night (5 mg) and slept like a baby til leg cramps hit me - got up took quine pills and was able to get back to sleep.. I use to be a nigth out now a days I'm an morning owl ;0) - Have a good week at school

Candice - You are our history buff even if you are from Canada... LOL - how nice of that man..

Karri - OMG you are doing great !!!! Prayers and hugs for surgery on Wed..

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denise; glad you enjoyed tom jones....how did he look?

Karla, enjoy your eve with DD how nice she came home.

Janet; monday and bak to work = yuk

PHyul, where ae you, unpacking the RV?

I too an glad glad glad Osama BinLaden is dead... good ridence to bad rubish I say!!! Hooray!!! I hope his 31 Virgins are already spoken for!!

How cool is DNA? That's how they knew they killed him,

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I've gotta start eating better-- hair is falling out, and I need more Protein to heal. Got some Protein Shots although Walmart didn't have grape. At first I blew Tim off when he warned me about taking Narcotics, but now that I think about it, I probably am going through a bit of detox because I was taking Vicodan daily for some time prior to surgery just to get to work or sleep after a busy day on my feet (like shopping). I was pretty weepy and dismal all weekend. hope that's the end of that!

Phyl--home yet? New computers working out? How's the knee?

Janet-- feeling better? You got a lot done this weekend. Loved your prayer on Facebook, and couldn't agree more.

Prayers for Karri. Lots on your plate this week.

Karla--are you sure you NEED a fill? I only ask because being too tight makes it harder to eat solid protein ad easier to rely on sliders. If you're at maintenance, it might be more of a head issue now. I do think that being too tight contributed to my weight gain after my hernia repair. Now I struggle with the solid protein issues.

Denise-- hang in there girl. I don't remember what kind of work you do, or much about your family. Sorry. When I was working I didn't keep up very well.

Steph-- what's up?

Candice--where are you today? How do you resist trying all the different foods along the way?

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Oh yeah, OBL: hard to Celebrate the death of someone, but I can't say that I'm sorry. Just hope we can deter any retaliation. Wonder what will shake out in the next couple of days in terms of details.

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Tom looked great. In the words of my mother, " I wouldn't kick him outta bed."

The AC was broken at school today. Thank god for windows and a small fan.

I say good riddance to Osama. His sole purpose in life was, Death to Americans. He was PURE evil, and he spread it around as much as he could. He preached hate. He should be enjoying his virgins about now. Which goes to show you how asinine those people are. Virgins are not enjoyable, they don't know how to do anything.

I'm going see my Mom. TTFN

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Good Evening Gang

Linda I feel good - was pooped after all that cleaning - just think I can rack some of it up to old age.. Did you get the pure pt shots - what flavor did you get - I put them in the fridge - then poor them over ice and add Water - or diet crangrape juice (since I got grape).. Also make sure you are getting enough fat too - it's important too.. My gf did medifast - lost a lot of hair and she got her pt but hardly any fat... I never lost any hair - I still use butter & fats but not like I use too..

I agree about being too tight - yesterday I was - but I hadn't drank enough either -

Denise - Do you still have to deal w/all those unrully kids !!! How is your Mom?? LOL about the Virgins - but those kind of men don't care what you know - they only care about themselves - women are no better than dogs to them..

I agree with Linda - I really don't wish anyone dead - EXCEPT osama bin laden and child morlestor.

Candice - hope you had a better place to stay today...

Not much to report - gym tonite - home - need to feed the dogs - fix me dinner and watch t.v

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      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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