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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Candice, what is the Chop Chop? I must have it!!! It sounds fabulous! I'd like to make a quick quilt for my friend whose husband committed suicide and that would be perfect. The sad thing is that her husband gave her a dog about 4 years ago and she can't bear to look at it, so she gave it away. Now she is wanting to sell the house. Her dad has her waiting at least a month to make a decision on the house, but she says she can't even walk into it. So sad.

Work today went well, got to do some potting, one of my favorite things, It was windy and cold, but better than August heat. I'm going to try my first apple tree this year, we will see. I go in for a fill tomorrow, yeah!!!

Anyway, have a webinar to do tonight so I don't know if I'll be back in or not. TTFN

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Good Evening Peeps

Karla - Debbie doesn't have a dh - it was her DSon .. She lives w/her son ;0) she single too.. Glad you have a good visit w/your friend - it's good not to have to talk about it all the time - she will talk about it when she wants too.

Candice - Glad you are quilting - keeping the hands busy..

Well not much to report - gym - and that's it gotta go feed the dogs.. Nothing exciting to report...

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Candice, what is the Chop Chop? I must have it!!! It sounds fabulous! I'd like to make a quick quilt for my friend whose husband committed suicide and that would be perfect. The sad thing is that her husband gave her a dog about 4 years ago and she can't bear to look at it, so she gave it away. Now she is wanting to sell the house. Her dad has her waiting at least a month to make a decision on the house, but she says she can't even walk into it. So sad.

Work today went well, got to do some potting, one of my favorite things, It was windy and cold, but better than August heat. I'm going to try my first apple tree this year, we will see. I go in for a fill tomorrow, yeah!!!

Anyway, have a webinar to do tonight so I don't know if I'll be back in or not. TTFN

Hi girls, just got this email From Mel, regarding Linda:

Linda had her surgery this morning. Everything went well and she is back in her room resting now. She hopes to be home by Wed night. I will try to help her with the therapy at home. I think that is all a matter of setting the vacuum cleaner out! I may have to point out the places she missed because she will not be able to bend at first.

All kidding aside I will be home for the next two weeks to wait on her every need. Thanks for checking on her

Mel And Linda

Ah, Karla... that is so sad about the dog being given away!!! I would want to Cuddle with something that "loved" me.... but then I am such a sucker!

O.k. the CHOPCHOP quilt... pick 2 very contrasting fabrics, cut 10 inch squares,(40 in total) lay right sides together.... now on the top right corner measure down the right side 2 1/2 inches, make a mark with a pencil in the 1/4 margin... you will use tis point to sew from.

THen on theLEFT bottom corner, mark with a pencil 2 1/2 inches up from there. SO no you have 2 pcsof fabric lying face together and diagonally aposing pencil marks - right?

o..k. take the squares, pinned together to the sewing machine. Start sewing at the RIGHT TOP pencil mark downward, get to the bottom RIGHT corner and pivot your needle(do not take it out) then continue to sew down the full length of that side... let the threads go all the way to the bottom.... TAKE IT OUT OF THE MACHINE and TURN the squares 180... Put your needle back int the Fabric at the PENCIL mark at 2 1/2 inches... repeat as above, pivoting when you get to the corner. Complete sewing as above.

NOW, what you should have is a SQUARE sewn all around the 1/4 " edges EXCEPT for the two places of 2 1/2 " that are not sewn. THey should be on diagonaly apposed corners...

WIth the TOP RIGHT (open) pocket facing right.... and the BOTTOM LEFT open pocket facing down the left side.... PLACE your 24" straight ruler DIAGONALLY top left to bottom Right...

CUT thru both layer, including the stitchig lines....

Take the top right corner and FOLD it DOWN and t the left bottom corner. Making sure to line up the triangles on topof one another perfectly!!!!

You will now have the widest part of the triangle at the bottom LEFT o.k.???? placed diagoally left to bttom right. DO NOT MOVE THE TRIANGLES!!!

take your long ruler and place it vertically against the LEFT edge of the fabrics, measure 2 1/2 " and cut completely top to bottom. DO NOT TOUCH THE FABRIC, do not disturb it.

Take your long ruler and place it now HORIZONTALLY across the bottom edge of the fabrics. AGAIN cut 2 1/2" Right to left horizontially.

SO now you have done the CHOP CHOP....

Pieces yeilded are... two squares from the bottom insides.. these will mae a 4 patch.... sew them.

Then there will be 4 peices recangles really with pointed ends. Yellow on one side BLUE on the other.... two of these get sewn to each apposing sides of the 4 patch. This is UNIT ONE.

There will also be 4 triangle peices(singles) sew one each of these to each side of the" Pointy arrow looking peices(2 colors) " These then become UNIT 2 & 3

Join UNit 2 to Unit 1, nesting at the seams.... PRESS... then sew Unit 3 to Unit 1.... BLOCK is now complete...

Take your large Square Ruler ( 12 1/2 " guy) and square up your BLOCK to 11 1/2" sq....

I make 20 blocks in total,large lap size quilt, add borders,, one skinny, one 5 1/2" wide... and you are DONE!!!!

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Good Morning Peeps

Candice thanks for the update on Linda - Prayers for a speedy recovery ...

Not much to report - dinner chicken - fell asleep on couch - then moved to bed ;0)...

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Candice, thanks for the directions, I appreciate the time you took to type it out! Do you usually use just two fabrics or do you use several?

Slept in a bit since I don't have to work, but have a doc appt later!!!

Has anyone hear how Phyls is doing? She is such a party animal!!!

It rained all night last night, naturally Molly got up several times, what a pain.

Have a good day, see you all later tonight!!!

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Candice, thanks for the directions, I appreciate the time you took to type it out! Do you usually use just two fabrics or do you use several?

Slept in a bit since I don't have to work, but have a doc appt later!!!

Has anyone hear how Phyls is doing? She is such a party animal!!!

It rained all night last night, naturally Molly got up several times, what a pain.

Have a good day, see you all later tonight!!!

I forgot to mention that this makes into 20 Completed blocks. 4 rows of 5 or 5 rows of 4... dah..... then add on skinny border, then one 5.5 inches...

I`ll have pictures up soon

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Good Morning Peeps

I have seen post from Phyl on Facebook - I know that she can't put her phone down - she's on it 24/7 LOL - so I guess they must have some free wi-fi somewhere.. When everyone was here we were going to do an intervention with her and her phone LOL

Weather here has been nice cooler today 74 - with bad winds tomorrow and rain on Friday..

Ok thinking of hobbies - candle making is one I have come up with - but I can buy them for $6 - can I make them that cheap..

What doc appt do you have Karla.

Food yesterday - yogurt - green salad w/chick - chick & veggies - popcorn - 1 cup sf ice cream - jucie and then bed

Got paper work for attonery signed - who knows when bro's estate will be done..

Well time to hit the showers CBL

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Janet, I was suppose to get a fill yesterday, but I didn't. I lost a whopping 1/2 pound and then during discussion it was decided that I was eating too many sliders and my stress level was too high to risk it. A little bummed, but it is for the best, I don't want to end in the ER again.

Had dinner with my quilt friends last night and then home to do some laundry for work today. Then two whole days off!!!

Not much else going on.

Good luck with the estate stuff, hopefully you will be done soon!

Well best get busy, TTFN

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Hi gang;

Just got a quick email from Linda. She had her Hip surgery on Monday.. she is still in the hospital.... she needed 4 blood transfusions... keep her in your thoughts and prayers.


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Oh my gosh, is Linda doing better? How scarey!

Janet, I need Breakfast ideas, the doc says I am eating too many carbs and too many sliders. The suggested eggs, so do you use eggbeaters or regular eggs. I know I can eat deli meat or Jerky, I am going to play with fish and hope I can find something I like. I am just not a big meat eater. They also want be to back off on the fruit, it is playing with my blood sugar too much. So I guess it will have to be veggies from now on.

Candice, I love the looks of the quilt, I can't wait to get started on one...Okay it needs to be awhile.

Have a great evening!

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BF is hard - I'm not the best bf eater - I eat something but it's not always bf ;0) today Jerky - some idea's , Deli meats & slice of cheese - yogurt - w/fruit or granola or by itself - I use both eggs & eggbeaters (lower in caloires) but since I don't eat bf till like 9ish - I can't cook them at work - but I have made them (green onion sauted in a litte evoo or butter then add eggbeater - make like omlete add a little cheese) take to work and reheat in microwave - Hard boiled eggs. 1/2 sandwhich on lite bread. hell sometime I will have a piece of chicken - steak or fish for bf - it doesn't have to be bacon & eggs - eat what you want.. I do oatmeal every now and then cuz we do need the Fiber - but I will tell you about 11:30 every morning I am starving - but hell that's normal - do you eat before you leave for school - you can't eat at your desk during class can you.. See I eat bf at my desk - alot of mornings I'm not hungry when I leave the house - but I always have something to eat sometime a fiber1 bar or a bt bar..


OMG 4 transfusion - she's in my prayers.. Was thinking about her today..

I got yarn to crochet Joseph a blanket for his bday - so I have a project ;0)

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Good Morning Peeps

Today is my Friday - tomorrow my furlough day !! Going for massage at 10 - need to call a/c pple and schedule servicing for a/c.. Started project -but had to rip alot out - made it too big - I make up my own pattern and so now sorta have to start over - hope I have enough yarn..

Listend to idol - (was crocheting) dinner and bed

food - bf jerkey - lunch ck fajata meat Beans rice - dinner fish veggies - snack - sf ice cream

have gym tonite - legs

Candice whats the word on Linda - Tell Mel we are sending prayers hugs & love

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So I finally found a way to pay for bypass in Mexico. Surgery is set for May 27!!! Insurance is just being ridiculous and by the time they get around to approving it we will be back in WA or OR and not have a way to use it. So my brother was able to get a loan from his soon to be FIL that will allow me to pay for the surgery over a long period of time with essentially no interest. Now I just need the government to not shut down so that I can get my passport. If they pass the budget tonight or tomorrow then we will send in the expedited request on Saturday and should have it by the end of the month. If they do shut down then I will have to wait for them to reopen and go into the passport agency two weeks before leaving and get one.

So as of right now I should be on the right track quicly. I have lost 5 pounds in the last month so that means I am headed in the right direction. I'm just sick of not knowing when I can and cannot eat. It changes daily!!!


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Karri - you are going with bypass and not the sleeve?? Dr. Acevas??? I know that's who Wasa - Oregondaisy and Lil miss diva went too.. WTG on losing 5 lbs... I think you can get a speedy passport - I hope the governmnet doesnt shut down

Well not much to report - bf - eggbeaters omellett w/cheese - lunch meat & Beans -

Have gym in a few


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Karri - you are going with bypass and not the sleeve?? Dr. Acevas??? I know that's who Wasa - Oregondaisy and Lil miss diva went too.. WTG on losing 5 lbs... I think you can get a speedy passport - I hope the governmnet doesnt shut down

Well not much to report - bf - eggbeaters omellett w/cheese - lunch meat & Beans -

Have gym in a few


Yes I am going with the bypass...Lee and I have talked about it and we feel it is best to go with the surgery that has the longest proven track record. I went with the band and it was new and it has caused me all sorts of problems. So after talking with many doctors (all who do all three surgeries) say that if it was them, they would go with the bypass. It wasn't a price thing either (they get paid more) because I told them that I would not be using their services when I contacted the offices. Some refused to talk with me but others were willing to give me their professional opinions. I really don't want to end up four years down the road with problems caused from the sleeve because there just isn't the research and the literature on it. So after much decision I did decide to go with the bypass. I just got the pre-op and post-op diet in my email so I will be off and reading those. Not really any different than lap band. But no I am not going with Acevas. I'm going with Dr. Rodriguez...Acevas was just too expensive. They sent me a patient list and I have talked with several patients who have had him. One had him and here sister had Acevas and she said their care was essentially identical.

Well best get going. I have a lot of school work to get done early so I can take the time off I need.


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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

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      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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