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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Candice, great job on getting off those extra pounds and the hike. Our snow is gone for the most part and my crocuses are blooming. I actually saw a robin yesterday!!

Well one of my last major projects is DONE!! whohoo. Only two big ones left. Have one due on Sunday, so will putting in a few hours to get it done.

One week before spring break. I'm a bit sick of teaching. AND the quarter ends on Wednesday, so only 9 weeks left. Linda, you should be on countdown now!!!

Saw the ultrasound of my new grandchild. They got a cute picture of its face. Hard to 'see', but you could see its little fist and mouth and eyes. Elyse and the boyfriend moved back home with his mother, so at least they aren't having to find rent. I guess the BF's friend that they were living with threatened them so the left. Hopefully they will not go back, but that is their choice. Although I expressed my opinion on how stupid it would be to move back in.

Thursday is my two year anniversary to my band!!! Can't believe it, only 3 more years to make payments!!

Congrats Karla, just look how faar you have come in 2 years... a real transformation. Must seem very real now, with seeing a picture of the baby... does she know she`s committed now for 20 years + ??? I worry that she just dosn`t `get it``..

Have a great day!!!

Good Morning Gang

Never made it to Pilos - once I got moving - I felt a little dizzy don't think doing downward dog would be good for me - so I just got nails and toes dones my essitianial shopping done at Target made chicken Soup and then watched the Fighter - I watched the whole movie without falling a sleep..

OH wasn`t that a great movie!!! I watched it on the plane ride home from San Fran to Toronto. I just LOVE Mark walberg.... what a HUNK of burning LOVE!!!

Candice BECEL butter spray by Parkay is this in a can or the refridge section - can't say I've seen it before - but I will look - just let me know which dept it's in - we have pam butter spray (which I use) and I can't beleive it's butter spray which is in the refridge section which I also use

Janet, I will be happy with YOUR brand, whatever you can find in the liquid butter spray.. I must have bought mine on an old trip to Michigan a couple of yrs back... cause I just cant find the stuf anywhere.??? (refridgerator section)

Karla - Glad you got your project done - I'm with you about work - my next ff isn't until 4/8... Ya I would have thought they would have fixed the bladder while they had you open - Glad you got to see you GD ;0)..

Phyl you are leaving just in time cuz Earl's going to be bitching about the heat - suppose to be 96 thrusday...

Well gotta get ready for work - CBL

Well, don`t know what I am up to today...may finish reading my G.W.Bush book.... got some quilting to do too.. almost finished another top. PLUS, I am waiting to hear back from a Gen. Manager of a Retirement res... she wants us to play a longer gig in Jun and one in November... just trying to firm up dates. Shoulda gone to the gym with Peter but he was going too early for me...

Since home, Ive been sleeping in to my regular 9 a.m. or 9:30.... my little bridget is such a snuggler.

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Good Morning Peeps

Candice - Have you got a chance to wear your new gig clothes - how was your home comming w/Peter...

Phyl - Huge gain - did you over do it that much - must have been the Colorado Cowboys :0) - I was lucky didn't gain during the week even with the couple of drinks and sweets.. I bet you $100 bucks if you get back on track - it will be off just as fast as it came on.. Cut the carbs and you will be fine

Cabo sounds wonderful - I know you will really enjoy it - You should have great weather..

Karla - Totally understand your worry about DD#4 - Thats a tough one.. I would be concerned/worried too.. But gf it will work out and you need some major sister time w/us..

Like I said before - July will most likely be out for me this summer - since I will be taking time off already = but next spring is a great time... My house is open and it's free - just need some spending $$$ and airfare..

Well got call Friday night - Sis back in hospital - It's really been a wet rainy winter for them and plus the stress of my BIL cancer and going daily for radiation treatment - Talked w/her last night - she sounded good - she hopes to be able to go home today..

Talked to my Uncle too (had to let him know what's going on) then I was looking at my rugs - went to Target and bought a carpet cleaner - so I did that yesterday - watched tv and that's about it.. Oh ya talked to Kaitlin too..

Going to Pilo this morning - then my normal grocery shopping and get my toes and nails done then home got all my Jam World stuff wash and will Iron today - just waiting for the weather to warm up - it was cold and windy yesterday it's only going to be 76 today tomorrow 82 - then 86 and by Thursday close to 90 ..

Trying to take time off computer - since when I get on it - I spend hrs playing mindless games ;0) and I need the down time -

Well going to go read my paper - finish my coffee... CBL Karla hope you aren't to hung over - xoxoxo

[center/] Sorry to hear about your Sis & BIL. Hope things start looking up there soon. And kind of concerned that you are still having issues with the dizziness. Since this is a new thing for you, think you should get it checked out.

No, don't think I over did it THAT much.... 6 lb. But.... the next day I peed all day long so maybe some Water retention, too. Definitely too much drinking. Doing much better now. Wind kept the patio parties down... had to cancel big farewell on Friday. Out to eat after church yesterday but had taco salad with no dressing... only salsa. I don' t like dressing on my taco salad anyway... just salsa.

Doing a lot of beading the past week.. made two more hearts and started on a new Bracelet last night that Wanda taught me... real easy pattern. But biggest problem... can't exercise much because of hip and knee pain. Hip pain back with a vengeance and down my left leg and foot... all numb and tingly. I did go to water aerobics Thurs & Fri last week and did most of the exercises as vigorously as I could. But today skipping because as soon as Earl gets back from swimming laps we're going up to 29 Palms to pick up a bunch of Rx refills. Hate to go on Mondays because commissary is closed, but it's sucha busy week and leave for Cabo early Friday morning.

Another distraction... trying to get this new laptop set up. It comes with abbreviated version of Office 2010, but no Outlook so having to do my gmail online and I hate that. Waiting for my son-in-law... the Microsfot guy, to send me new version of each.... full version of Office and new Outlook so I can get my email, calendar, contacts all set up on this computer. Took about 8 hours yesterday for my external drive to back up everything I wanted to save on the old computer.


Candice, great job on getting off those extra pounds and the hike. Our snow is gone for the most part and my crocuses are blooming. I actually saw a robin yesterday!!

Well one of my last major projects is DONE!! whohoo. Only two big ones left. Have one due on Sunday, so will putting in a few hours to get it done.

One week before spring break. I'm a bit sick of teaching. AND the quarter ends on Wednesday, so only 9 weeks left. Linda, you should be on countdown now!!!

Saw the ultrasound of my new grandchild. They got a cute picture of its face. Hard to 'see', but you could see its little fist and mouth and eyes. Elyse and the boyfriend moved back home with his mother, so at least they aren't having to find rent. I guess the BF's friend that they were living with threatened them so the left. Hopefully they will not go back, but that is their choice. Although I expressed my opinion on how stupid it would be to move back in.

Thursday is my two year anniversary to my band!!! Can't believe it, only 3 more years to make payments!! Have a great day!!!

Glad you are seeing an end to your "projects"!! And congrats on the 2 year bandiversary! You've done so well!

Exciting to see the ultrasound, I'm sure!! You don't know boy or girl yet, do you? Or did I miss that?? Our impending great-grandchild, due in July, is a girl. Grandson's GF broke up with him because he was being a jerk. So our son, Steve booked him a bus ticket and he should be arriving in New Orleans today to spend some time with Steve and work with him and hopefully get his head together. He needs to get his high school diploma so he can get on with his life in a more meaningful way. He has always watned to go in the Marines and you can't do that with a G.E.D.

Well, gotta finish getting ready to leave because Earl will be back from the pool any time now. Have a gREAT day!

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Good Evening Gang..

Had 1st arm workout in 2 weeks ... Miss the week of weights then last week missed arms - - I felt weak..


If this vertigo doesn't go away soon I will see the doc - but it's just vertigo ..

I bought the student version of Office 2010 - but I don't know how to set up Outlook... I use word & excel - so I could just use outlook to ck my aol mail ??

No I don't think you did 6 lbs of damage - must have been alot of Water weight

Yep it has been windy - too bad you had to cancel your party..

Candice - I can't send refridge stuff it would be rotten by the time you got it - it has to be refridgerated - They don't sell any liquid refridge butter spray in Canada????

Karla - How was school today...

Not much to report - Work was ok - I dozed at my desk for a bit this afternoon - the veritgo meds are like a sleeping pill.. Had a cup of tea - gym now home.

Food - Egg salad for bf - Ck Soup for lunch - Fish & asparagus for dinner... Choc pudding (sf of course) for dessert..

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Good Evening Gang..

Had 1st arm workout in 2 weeks ... Miss the week of weights then last week missed arms - - I felt weak..


If this vertigo doesn't go away soon I will see the doc - but it's just vertigo ..

I bought the student version of Office 2010 - but I don't know how to set up Outlook... I use word & excel - so I could just use outlook to ck my aol mail ??

No I don't think you did 6 lbs of damage - must have been alot of Water weight

Yep it has been windy - too bad you had to cancel your party..

Candice - I can't send refridge stuff it would be rotten by the time you got it - it has to be refridgerated - They don't sell any liquid refridge butter spray in Canada????

I don`t think it needs refridgeration until its been OPENED.... and no they don`t sell it in Canada, thats why I asked you.

Karla - How was school today...

Not much to report - Work was ok - I dozed at my desk for a bit this afternoon - the veritgo meds are like a sleeping pill.. Had a cup of tea - gym now home.

Food - Egg salad for bf - Ck Soup for lunch - Fish & asparagus for dinner... Choc pudding (sf of course) for dessert..

pro shake for breaky, ham slices for lunch, tea, coffee thruout the day, chicken breast 3 oz for dinner, burned the carrots....LOL Choc SF FF pudding with cool whip, now I am having an Atkins no carb bar....

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Sorry about not checking in yesterday, just needed some 'down' time. Didn't even turn on the computer. Alexa came home to study, she get distracted in her appt, too many people to visit with; So I read all night. Did absolutely NO homework, which I will have to make up tonight, but I needed to just let my brain chill for a bit.

food yesterday, not so good. Today will be better. Just a lopng week at school and it is only Monday, need to get grades done by the end of today. Plus homework, oh well.

Alexa is going to New York for Spring break to hang out with her sister. I wish I could go, but don't need to spend the $$. The are going to spend a day or so in New York City, checking out the aquarium and the Natural Histroy Museum. Oh, I love the Natural HIstory Museum. Then going to the big toy store (FAO Shwarts?) Then New Yor cheesecake and Bagels, Thus a good reason why I am NOT going to New York.

Anyway best get going, have a great day, Oh Janet, you better check out the vertigo! Phyl to you leave for Washington when you get back from Cago? Candice, sing baby TTFNsing. Phyl sorry about the G. Grandchild issues.We may know the sex of the baby in a couple of weeks.

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Good Morning Gang

Candice I think it has to be refridged that's why they keep it in the refridge section - mine has buttermilk in it so it has to be kept cold - I will ck out the instructions and see what they say..

Karla - I understand totally about the computer - it's just so distracting and I am wasting too much time on it - so I'm trying to stay off as much as possible - cuz if I don't things build up then I am always in a rush to get stuff done.

Yep when Phyl gets back from Cabo - back home..

Well watched most of dancing w/the stars last night bed now time to get ready for work...

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Sorry I haven't checked in sooner. Nothing really to report and I am really busy when I have class and working! I had three 15 page papers, two 5 page papers, and then the discussion questions and response throughout the week. Between work, writing papers and the gym I have almost no time at all!

Still don't have a clue when or if surgery is going to happen. They did give me a weak muscle relaxer to take about an hour before dinner and that seems to allow my stomach to relax enough to eat then. I pretty much stay on liquids during the day and then get to eat real food at night. We are hoping to hear back from the insruacne this week. I'm just really depressed about the whole situation which is another reason that I don't check in. No point in bringing everyone down!

I'll check back later.


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Good Morning!

Lots of "stuff" going on.... much of it in my head, maybe! Trying to adapt to new laptop and get vital stuff transferred over and not making much progress with that. Quite frustrated that I don't have Outlook on this computer. Need to talk to SIL and see if he is going to snail mail me a copy or should I download it from MS site or what, but I HAVE to have it to get this computer set up the way I want it. Right now don't even have my contact list... address book can't transfer without Outlook unless I put it on Excel and that won't do everything I want it to do.... calendar, email, contacts. UGh! Taxes done, but not yet etransferred to the IRS. May have to do that on old computer too.

Yesterday... gone most of the day to Marine base to get Rx refills. Went on a day when the commissary was closed... which we knew, but still frustrating. Wanted to get a big bag of puppy treats, etc. Then got in a stupid fight over whether or not the Exchange annex sold them. Then when we got home, guess who got on the Amex account to check the charges and asked me what I spent $62 on when I'd already told him in the car what I bought.... makeup, anti bacterial soap... on sale 4 for $12... Bath & Body Works stuff, new mouse because my old one died, etc! Why do I have to do this!!????? Especially when I'd already told him what I bought! So now I'm really pissed again. Okay... it was a "polite" question, so maybe he was afraid I'd been overcharged or something. It WAS a lot of money for a little bag of stuff, but that's the way things are now! Polite or not, I shouldn't have to repeatedly explain my purchases!

I guess I'm in a bad mood today! Have to remember... a week ago he went to the Apple store very early in the morning and bought me an iPad2!! There are just days I want to be my own boss and live in a nice house like Janet's all by myself!! Feeling pressure... have to get ready for Cabo, worried about leaving the dog with neighbor, falling behind on helping with 50th hs reunion stuff, not communicating with my Mom how I should, half finished beading projects sitting in front of me on the couch.... just want to run away!

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Oh Phyl. Besides all that, you've been in almost constant pain and can't get around as much as you'd like. Then there's the whole ongoing "Foods I want to eat, but shouldn't" issues. Of course you have days when you just want to run away! I get that! I'm glad that you can come here and just vent away! Hugs girl! Hopefully Cabo will send the blues away!

Is there any way that you can negoitate an "allowance" from Earl that is just for you to spend any way that you want to and he is not allowed to ask about it? I can see where having to answer for every little thing would be beyond annoying! It would be way hard for me to be "polite" about it!

Karla, I know that your grandchild is going to be born in a less-than-ideal situation, but I just want to assure you that you cannot imagine the amount of love you will feel for that child when s/he is born! Just allow God to work it out. You'll see! As for the bladder leakage, did your doctor tell you to expect that? If not, I'd be making a bee line to the office, because your surgery was supposed to correct that. Now Mindy would be the first to tell you that you shouldn't be using pads designed for periods. According to her, you're much better off using Poise or Depend which are designed to absorbe urine; Kotex is designed for periods. And she would tell you to buy them at Walmart!

Mindy texted me yesterday that Tim did not get any of the internships he applied for. He hasn't told us. I feel so badly for him. This will set him back another year, and then he has to go through all this again. Applications, Interviews, waiting. . . In the meantime, his younger brother is being fast-tracked through his program. That's gotta be hard for Tim. I know, God will work it out--right. But it's hard to watch your kid struggle--especially when he's been working so hard. He did book his flights for Easter, so we can spend a little time with him then. All the other kids will be home this weekend.

So Candice, Hope Peter liked the new duds! Are things warming up yet? Apparently it was "warm" while I was CA, but now we maybe'll hit 40 this week??!! The only good thing is that when I left Sal Army last night at 7:30, it was still light outside. What a kick that was! How are you doing with food?

Janet--Vertigo can be a symptom of something more serious--especially if you've never had it before. If it persists, you really need to get checked out. I hate to say it, but at our age, we tend to develop health issues. . . Went to TJ Max this morning with Cora. They must have just gotten a shippment b/c I bought about $100 of clothes (including a dress for Cora) and a bathing suit. Hopefully they won't get too picked over before Mindy gets home on Friday, so I can go back with her. I can't imagine what damage I'd have done if you and Candice were here! I went there just to buy a pair of slippery athletic shorts to wear in the hospital. (The hosp. recommended slippery shorts for moving around the first couple of days when I have PT and OT and all of that.) Yes, I did find some. . .

Kari--good to "see" you. I'm glad you're still working on your degree. Are you finding the classes meaningful? The girls told me that you are waiting to convert to a by-pass? I hope that you get a date soon.

I am supposed to be drinking Protein Shakes big time this week. Yeah, I should get on that. . . . I'll do it next week, but right now, I just can't bring myself to do them. I am taking my Calcium and antibiotics, putting antiboitoc ointment in my nostrils, and washing with PhisoDerm every day. Phyl--did you have to do all that too? Luckily, I don't have to get unfilled!

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Hi everybody, well today has been a productive SEWING day... got my ugly blk of the month done... shorted me fabric, and instructions....:blink: but, I have a block to show at class, thats the main thing.

Yes, Peter did like my NEW duds.... I must say, I looked like one hot mama...!!!

THen onto my Green Turtle quilt... its now got the 1st inner border sewn on, now on to thwe outwer one, perhaps I`ll do that tonight.

I too watched dancing with the stars last night... I was dying to see Kristy Alley dance... she did pretty good!

Peter hates that show..

Fish again for dinner tonight. had chicken breasts last night, a couple of pro shakes today, plus some ham slices... and tea.... feeling dehydrated right now... need a latte...


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Linda, when is your surgery? I know I'm out of the loop.

I know when the baby arrives I will be mostly okay. Ran into my surgeons nurse today, he also does OB, and told her about Elyse's situation and that we tried to get in with the surgeon who I loved but that he was booked. The nurse told me that if Elyse still want to get in with him that she will make it happen. Elyse will be going to his partner who is a young lady, so we are going to play it by ear. I also told Elyse I would take her to her appt next week since I am off. She seemed to be responsive. I am trying to be supportive without fixing things. On a positive note, they did move out of the place that was costing them $600 a month. They were living with a friend of the BF, the one that I am pretty sure kicked Simon. I guess the friend threatened Elyse and the BF with a broken bottle, so at least I don't have to worry about Simon any more. They moved in with his mother. Nope they aren't moving in with me!!!

Janet, I'm with Linda, if the vertigo is still around get to a DR. Also Phyl, I like the idea of an allowance...as long as it is generous and raises with inflation. You earned it! Candice, of course you are a hot momma, with or without new clothes! I did come home and sew my 1/4 of a block I allow myself every night. Only 2 and 3/4 blocks left of this horrendeous thing. Anyone who tells you a star paper piece would be fun to do...run and run fast in the other direction. Some of the 12 in. blocks have 60 pieces...are you kidding me! The if you are off the least amount the points don't match up...but galloping horse at midnight!!!

Best get busy on homework, love you all!

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Morning ladies!!! hope you have a good day. Today's focus....portion control! I sure will be glad when I get another fill next week.

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Morning ladies!!! hope you have a good day. Today's focus....portion control! I sure will be glad when I get another fill next week.

Happy BIrthday Karla!!!

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Hope you have a GREAT day!!

:party: :party: :grouphug: :party: :party:

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Thank you ladies, it has been a day, not a good one. I will be so glad when this year ends. A dear friend of mine's husband killed himself. They were only in their late 20's. They were having some problems, so she moved out. He threatened to kill himself if she didn't move back in, so she did. I told her that he was just manipulating her and that she should only move back in if she thought is would be possible to work things out. Then he moved out, called her and shot himself while he was on the phone to her. I know he was sick, but she tried everything to get him help, they went to counceling, I just can't believe that there are people out there that are this cruel. She will never get over this. She always takes the problems of the world on. Sorry to be a downer, But thanks for the B-day wishes.

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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      1. NeonRaven8919

        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

    • Ladiva04

      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Congrats on the surgery!

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      1. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife Core are by far the best. They taste just as they are - chocolate milk. You can either get the 26 grams or the 42 grams (harder to find and more expensive). For straight protein look at Bulksuppliments.com ..they have really good whey proteins and offer auto ship plus they test for purity. No taste or smell...

      2. BlondePatriotInCDA

        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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