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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Phyl, try not to let Earl get to you. Evidently nothing you say is going to change it. Think of it this way, if he has to sneak them, then he can't be smoking as much as he use to. Also, it is always something you can use to jet him down when he get naggy!

Quilted then watched some TV, nothing exciting. But it is Thursday and I'll take that, only one more day and it is Friday!!!

You all have a good day.

Oh Janet, the beby is due Oct 29th,

«Oh, Earl and his sneaking.... what are you gonna do... HE has to WANT to change...Its gotta be tough to be out drinking wine, and then WANTING a cig...its an association thing. Well gotta go sew. love you gals, Cand

Did I sound mad about the smoking last night??? I really wasn't. I laughed when John came by with the keys and gave him a really good ribbing in front of all those people!! I was pretty "happy" by then, so I got a lot of mileage out of it!

We had such a good time over there. But I did drink a lot of wine, and then the hostess took all the wine glasses away and came out with champagne flutes and a bottle of champagne. So us girls finished off the bottle of champagne... don't think she offered it to the guys who were all sitting together at the other end of the patio.... and then she went in and got another bottle of champagne. We went over there at 4pm and didn't come home until after 8 pm. Not much too eat, and a lot to drink, so.... I "watched" Idol, but remember very little because I kept dozing off! I'm so bad!

Good Morning Peeps...

Oh I disagree Candice - I love Scotty and I am not a big Country fan - I like it - Hell I love Trace Atkins ;0) but not my fav genre - But I love Scotty - For me last night these were my Fav - Casey (hate his look but he's goo) James (again I am not a rocker chick but I think he's very good) Scotty they were my top 3 guys who I think really did a very good job - I also love Stefanio but didn't care for his song last night and Paul - I think he could go home IMHO

Girls - Well none really stuck out to me - I love Pia - but don't like Celine - it was just alright.. Lauran Country girl did awful - I think TIA has a beautiful voice I think she will stay - Don't think Ashton (diana ross) did very well and I love her too - I really don't know who's going home tonite...

scales this a.m. 135.5 !!!!

Candice I shrunk a long time ago - was 5'3.5 not about 5'2 - but I claim 5.3 LOL

Karla - you may have a Halloween baby ;0)

Phyl - LOL you and your parties - Earl know you don't like his smoking - so that's why he doesn't do it infront of you - as long as he's not saying he quit - I wouldn't sweat it..

Well I'm at work - gotta get to it ttyl

I like Scotty, too, and I'm not a country fan either. And I like the black guy a LOT. I think I slept through most of the girls.

Congrats on the weight! I was SO happy this morning... down 1 1/2 lb on the TOPS scale after worrying all week about all the "food events"!

Hey ladies!

For some reason LapBandTalk is sending me reminders all the sudden to talk to you....haha!

Iditarod has started and the "fun" will really be in full swing next week. It will be Spring Break for the kiddos too.

It's been a year now since the full-body lift and I'm still flat! (It disappeared in a day so it can come back in a day....right?) It's all very psychological! Unfortunately there aren't any therapists to talk to here....well there ARE, but either I know too much about them (and they shouldn't be counseling anyone) or I'm worried about confidentiality...it IS a small town after all.

I've gained a little weight and just do not have the motivation to do anything about it. It would take just small changes to get it off, but I'm too lazy, too set in my ways...I don't know...

Good to see you! -Marcy

Questions are WELCOME!

I had a goal of something like 180...but it was just a number. I had my LapBand surgery 7/10/07 and lost about 60 lbs. I hoovered around 202 for a couple of years. I knew I needed a Tummy Tuck (there was a HUGE amount of flap) and so I asked around for surgeons. My SIL had a tummy tuck and breast lift done by a surgeon in Seattle (Dr. Lisa Sowder) and was very pleased. So I sent info off to Dr. Sowder and got a quote and "suggestion". She felt I should have a full body lift...then have another surgery to do my breast lift and a little chin Lipo.< /p>

I had the body lift done on a Tuesday (early Feb) and then had the breast/chin surgery a week and a half later. NONE of my LapBand expenses, weight loss expenses, or plastic surgery was covered by my insurance. ALL out of pocket$ My husband does quite well and I can make some "side money" so we have no debt from this.

I recovered amazingly well. I was told I wouldn't stand up straight for weeks....I did in 5 days. (Both were out-patient. My husband came with my and a nurse friend was there for the first surgery.) I had no pain, just a lot of stiffness. I DO have a couple of sore spots still, but I'm sure that would go away if I....ya know...exercised! (gasp!) I still do not have a lot of feeling on my hips (like that's a big deal or anything). What she removed was 14 lbs. of skin/tissue! I'm at about 212 right now, but I don't really care about the number, I care that I can walk, breathe, have sex, etc. without feeling like a blob.

It's winter in Alaska and I always "bulk up" a bit and then get active in the spring...so just a few more weeks and I'll be out and about more.

Glad you are holding your own! And so good to hear from you again! I am going to make note of that surgeon in Seattle as I may want a consult one of these days! My weight loss is stalled right now... but want to lose another 50 lb.

Phyl - I can't believe you watch the Bachelor OMG but of course I will DVR it for you - You can watch it when I'm in the shower LOL I can't stand that show... Don't know why anyone is that desperate to get a husband and to embarrass themselves in front of the whole wide world - JMHO LOL


Figured you'd give me a bad time about that!! Mindless entertainment, Tracy says! She watches it too!

No more beading classes here at the park, but me and another gal went to beading teachers park today and she helped us through another heart pendant. And I spent $$$ on more beads for a few more projects cuz I don't have enough unfinished things yet!! LOL!! Half the couch is covered with zip log bags of beads and unfinished projects... that's just the ones I've been sorting out... more in my beading bag.

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Did I sound mad about the smoking last night??? I really wasn't. I laughed when John came by with the keys and gave him a really good ribbing in front of all those people!! I was pretty "happy" by then, so I got a lot of mileage out of it!

We had such a good time over there. But I did drink a lot of wine, and then the hostess took all the wine glasses away and came out with champagne flutes and a bottle of champagne. So us girls finished off the bottle of champagne... don't think she offered it to the guys who were all sitting together at the other end of the patio.... and then she went in and got another bottle of champagne. We went over there at 4pm and didn't come home until after 8 pm. Not much too eat, and a lot to drink, so.... I "watched" Idol, but remember very little because I kept dozing off! I'm so bad!

I like Scotty, too, and I'm not a country fan either. And I like the black guy a LOT. I think I slept through most of the girls.

Congrats on the weight! I was SO happy this morning... down 1 1/2 lb on the TOPS scale after worrying all week about all the "food events"!

Glad you are holding your own! And so good to hear from you again! I am going to make note of that surgeon in Seattle as I may want a consult one of these days! My weight loss is stalled right now... but want to lose another 50 lb.

Figured you'd give me a bad time about that!! Mindless entertainment, Tracy says! She watches it too!

No more beading classes here at the park, but me and another gal went to beading teachers park today and she helped us through another heart pendant. And I spent $$$ on more beads for a few more projects cuz I don't have enough unfinished things yet!! LOL!! Half the couch is covered with zip log bags of beads and unfinished projects... that's just the ones I've been sorting out... more in my beading bag.

No you didn't sound mad - You didn't miss much with the girls - Tia did good but none of the girls were outstanding.. Pia was good but I'm not a Celine fan - so didn't care for the song...

I like Jacob too (the black guy) but he need to improve on his stage presents IMHO - you know I'm the simon cowell of lbt so will be on idol to LOL - I can't tell if someone is off key or out of tune unless it's real bad - like me singing LOL - I sound good in my head LOL but I am good about stage present and I do know when someone sounds good..

Asthon (diana ross jr) should have sung a song pple know - the blond Paul - he's just to werid - I like his voice but you can't understand his words ...

Not sure who's going home tonite ???

I watch Housewives (beverly hills, OC, New York & miami well just started that one) so I watch mindless t.v. too :0) but not the bacholor LOL

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Hey, we all watch mindless TV, remember I use to be a Survivor Junkie, but I don't have time for TV anymore. Rarely turn it on, but I did watch a DVD last night.

It's Friday, I am so looking forward to the weekend! I will be glad when the day if over. Way too much drama going on at school. Evidently our district is short about $250,000 for the next school year. Do we consider not having sports? Not on your life. Did the superintendent get a 9% raise, yep. I know my job is secure because of senority, but I is pretty durn impossible to teach a decent program without supplies. This year my entire budget when to buying 30 magnifying lenses. OHH that is a lot of equipment.

Ah well, that's life, not worth getting bitchy about. TTFN

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Good Morning Peeps

Karla we have 2 school district who are going to lay off more teachers -it's all over.. Glad you have senoirity... Me too - it's worth something..

Only watched the end of Idol - Andrew was here watching stupid Jersey Shores -so we were visiting - I have it dvr'd but saw who got kicked off but that was it - I will watch tonite -

Karla this yr Survivor is good... Gotta see if Russell went home or not - I dvr'd it too

Well need to get work early - my last day

Prayer for the pple in Japan and for those who might be hit by tusnami (sp)

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Geez!! My DVR did not record Survivor last night!! What's up with that!?? I must not have a season pass set up. I was gone to beading ladies' place until going on 5 pm. Then Earl was sitting outside with the neighbors when I got home, so I joined them and had a glass of wine. I guess when we came in it was nearly 6pm and I usually record it on hte east coast feed at 5 pm. I did check to see that everything I wanted to watch was set to record, but apparently overlooked my 8pm opportunity, too! So.... don't erase! Maybe I'll watch it at your house!


We had pork chops, too, last night. I did eat a whole one, and some peas, and Earl made instant mashed potatoes!! They are harmless, trust me!! He won't buy milk, so he makes them with Water and a little butter or margerine... sort of like Elmer's glue! B) And then he gives me a very small portion! So, think I was okay. Had Adkins drink in the morning, 1/2 grilled ham and cheese for lunch... very small , very thin slices of bread. Too busy beading all afternoon for Snacks, though I had a few corn chips with the wine when we were outside. No snacks last night either as I was beading again... put a clasp on a finished Bracelet and then made matching earrings. So... my snack was a cup of tea which stood on my little side table getting cold!

Ortho appt is this morning, so I won't be doing water aerobics today, but I managed to do the whole hour yesterday, but very carefully and didn't do the jumping and whimpy jogging in the water. Anxious to find out what is going on with the knee and get advice as to how much I can abuse it!! LOL

Heard from our former Japanese exchange student on FB during the night and she and her family are fine. Our former Sky Valley neighbors, Bret and Trixie are now living in Gold Beach OR and have taken to higher ground until the Tsunami danger passes. Horrible, horrible tragedy for Japan. We had many other exchange students, but only ones we keep in touch with are Yukie in Japan and Mikael in Sweden.... you've probably seen his posts on my FB page. Surprisingly, his political views are very similar to ours so he and Earl enjoy exchanging thoughts!! and OPINIONS!! HAHAHA!! Mikael was with us for a year. Yukie, only about 2 months, but then she came to WA and went to school, so we saw her off and on then, and she visited us in OK when we were living there, and then went on to visit my sis in AZ. She's a sweetie.... Yukie, not my sis!! HAHAHA!! I love my sister MLZ, but wouldn't describe any of my sisters as "sweeties"!!! LOL

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Good Morning Peeps

Karla we have 2 school district who are going to lay off more teachers -it's all over.. Glad you have senoirity... Me too - it's worth something..

Only watched the end of Idol - Andrew was here watching stupid Jersey Shores -so we were visiting - I have it dvr'd but saw who got kicked off but that was it - I will watch tonite -

Karla this yr Survivor is good... Gotta see if Russell went home or not - I dvr'd it too

Well need to get work early - my last day

Prayer for the pple in Japan and for those who might be hit by tusnami (sp)

We are VERY blessed in Western Alaska to have LOTS of money for our schools...just wish they'd spend it right. Last year they decided to offer both the Elementary School Principal job and the Sped. Ed. Director job to ONE PERSON! He took it and...as you may have guessed...can't do either effectively. (Don't get me started on the Nome School District/Board....debacle after debacle! Hey, it's all I got going on here so this is where I put my energy!) Haha!

We have a tsunami warning here...my relatives are worried (we're VERY near the beach)....but....it's....frozen.... 'nuff said! I AM, however, worried for all the other coastal towns/cities...especially in Alaska that are land-locked (only way in is by boat/air...no roads to drive out).

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Good Evening Gang...

Home from work - no work for a week !!!!

Work wasnt bad - except I got pissed off at one of my bosses - i made a casual comment that if we had scanner at our desk - that we would be complete - he took it as i was being negative - nothing is never enough... I told him I appreciate the new computer - was just saying that after my 10th trip to the scanner that it would be nice and we would be completely up to date. He really pissed me off... I was negative - I made a simple statement that was it..

Phyl - I'll keep it (survivor) for you... How did the doctor go..

Candice are you packing :0)

Karla - what are your plans this weekend

Marcy - You live in Al - LOL Sarah Pailin can you see russia :0) LOL I couldn't help my self LOL

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I work tomorrow at the nursery and then have to run to town on Sunday. I have to take pictures in my class for my masters and I don't own a camera. Plus this way I can take pics of my quilts.

I showed my 6th grade classes some of the videoes of the tsunami. They just don't get it. Many were very sad, but some of them thought it was funny. I think they all think it was a 'video' game and not real. Besides, in general 6th graders do not have a whole lot of empathy.

Pretty mellow day, I think my give a crap is broke. I just don't really care. Oh well.

Came home and quilted a bit. The power was on and off, so I'd just get started on a block and the power would quit.

Anyway, have a little homework to do, TTFN

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Phyl, what did the ortho guy say?

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Good Evening Gang...

Home from work - no work for a week !!!!

Work wasn't bad - except I got pissed off at one of my bosses - i made a casual comment that if we had scanner at our desk - that we would be complete - he took it as i was being negative - nothing is never enough... I told him I appreciate the new computer - was just saying that after my 10th trip to the scanner that it would be nice and we would be completely up to date. He really pissed me off... I was negative - I made a simple statement that was it..

Phyl - I'll keep it (survivor) for you... How did the doctor go..

Candice are you packing :0)

Karla - what are your plans this weekend

Marcy - You live in Al - LOL Sarah Pailin can you see russia :0) LOL I couldn't help my self LOL

You are SUCH a trouble maker!!! LOL!! I remember at one of the health insurance offices I worked at... always having to run off to copier and then FAX machine and actually RUNNING because they kept track of our time on the phone. I fell one time and they should have sent me right to the doctor.... light headed.. think I cracked a bone in my elbow... but all they could think about was the accident report... wanted to make sure they covered their asses!!! It wasn't too long before quitting time and, knowing I'd been complaining of being lightheaded... I hit my head on the floor, they just let me drive home. Makes me mad every time I think about it! But, yeah... saves time and energy to have what you need close at hand! Makes for a much more efficient work place! So... my opinion, you made a GOOD point!

Doc just confirmed what I already knew.... need right knee surgery to convert partial to total knee replacement. He would do it if we were going to be here longer... and I would consider staying if it wasn't for the trip to Cabo. But don't want to have it done after trip to Cabo.. April 9 return date... because then we'd be here until about the first of June! I am ready to go home any time now! Except it is cold and rainy up there!! I will contact my WA state ortho doc next week and see what I need to do next to get me on the schedule as early as possible in the spring.

You just couldn't resist that Sarah Palin comment, could you!!????

Picked out laptop I think I want at costco today. Just need to check reviews on that one online before I make my final decision, but hoping to get it this weekend!! And would have bought an iPad2 today if they were selling them! Not until 5pm and I wasn't hanging around long enough for that!!

Zoey is pretty funny... wants to get up as soon as she smells Earl cooking BF! So at 7:04 a.m., she nuzzles her nose under the covers... which I have pulled over my head, pulls the covers off my face, throws herself across my neck and starts pushing at the CPAP mask... get it off!! And then looking towards the machine... wanting me to turn it off because she knows that's the next step! If she really wanted to, she could just jump off the bed but she's kind of clumsy and a bit of a wimp, so she won't do it. I guess I should just be grateful that she sleeps all night! Earl just took her out to potty... she won't pee until he picks up the poop! She is quite a character. Had her at Trader Joe's today... I was riding my scooter and her in the basket. When we came out, she saw another dog and she stood up in the basket and then lost her balance and fell out!! Scared me because I was still moving. But lady next to me scooped her up and offered to carry her to the car for me, but I was going to Micheal's, so she put her back in the basket and we continued our shopping. I was miffed at Earl because I always tell him I NEED the leash on her when she's in the basket so I can hold on to her. But it's always in his pocket or in the car! GRRRR! She could've gotten really hurt! Scared me!

End of "snowbird" season parties are running rampant!! Everyone is realizing it's almost time to go home. Kind of funny!

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Phyl - I was so pissed off at him - I told him so too - I told him he owed me an apoligy.. I told him I didn't complain when I had to move - I didn't complain when I got his account - I told them thank you about our health insurance - I haven't bitched an moaned to them about no 401k contributions - or the furloughs - I understand times are tough and cuts have to be made - If I had been a smart ass I could understand but I wasn't - it was a simple statement no malice indented.. He did apoligize in a way.. He's heard rumbling that a couple pple don't like the new health insurance.. I was and can be a smart ass to them sometime - but truly I haven't been in a long time - and it's not really being a smart ass but pointing out the obivious - just like I am here - I am not a sugar coater - it's just not me - It's hard for me to sugar coat things - a nail is a nail - so why am I going to call it a tack... Also he said that he was spending $80K to update the computers - well the way I heard it - we were getting them cuz we changed financed companies - See this is what I mean he acts like it's him doing it and it's really not - it's an incentive from a finance company (this is what I have been told anyway).. I totally agree about having the tools to be productive - I mean right now this new computer is so much faster - I'm not sitting there waiting for screens to move.. Once we get the 2nd monitor it's really going to speed things up. It's to their benefit to have up to date equipment so that we can do more work in less time - but they don't do the work we do - they don't have to get up go scan (which is taking forever now) then go back to you desk - back and forth back and forth - waste of time - but they are stuck in the past - if it was up to me we would be paperless - but they are too old school to move in that direction..

Yep I couldn't help the Sarah Palin comment LOL - Just thought of it - I bet she take credit for Marcy's school district LOL..

All that traveling - no time for surgery - you are ready to go home?? That's unusual - you normally hate leaving the Desert..

Well got Candices sheets wash (tide ultra sensative - double rinsed) and on the bed - Linda' sheets are in the dryer.. My sheets are done and on the bed - tomorrow shopping - I got $300 rebate from American Express I gotta go to costco tomorrow to redeem it.. That's stupid I thought they would just send me a check..

Well didn't take anything out for dinner - getting hungry - don't know what I am going to eat - Lean cuisene ???

Karla - Think you need some sunshine or anti-depressants girl.... I have been taking my vitimans since the 1st of the yr regularly and I am feeling better - a little more energy..


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Phyl - I was so pissed off at him - I told him so too - I told him he owed me an apoligy.. I told him I didn't complain when I had to move - I didn't complain when I got his account - I told them thank you about our health insurance - I haven't bitched an moaned to them about no 401k contributions - or the furloughs - I understand times are tough and cuts have to be made - If I had been a smart ass I could understand but I wasn't - it was a simple statement no malice indented.. He did apoligize in a way.. He's heard rumbling that a couple pple don't like the new health insurance.. I was and can be a smart ass to them sometime - but truly I haven't been in a long time - and it's not really being a smart ass but pointing out the obivious - just like I am here - I am not a sugar coater - it's just not me - It's hard for me to sugar coat things - a nail is a nail - so why am I going to call it a tack... Also he said that he was spending $80K to update the computers - well the way I heard it - we were getting them cuz we changed financed companies - See this is what I mean he acts like it's him doing it and it's really not - it's an incentive from a finance company (this is what I have been told anyway).. I totally agree about having the tools to be productive - I mean right now this new computer is so much faster - I'm not sitting there waiting for screens to move.. Once we get the 2nd monitor it's really going to speed things up. It's to their benefit to have up to date equipment so that we can do more work in less time - but they don't do the work we do - they don't have to get up go scan (which is taking forever now) then go back to you desk - back and forth back and forth - waste of time - but they are stuck in the past - if it was up to me we would be paperless - but they are too old school to move in that direction..

All that traveling - no time for surgery - you are ready to go home?? That's unusual - you normally hate leaving the Desert..

Well got Candices sheets wash (tide ultra sensative - double rinsed) and on the bed - Linda' sheets are in the dryer.. My sheets are done and on the bed - tomorrow shopping - I got $300 rebate from American Express I gotta go to costco tomorrow to redeem it.. That's stupid I thought they would just send me a check..

Well didn't take anything out for dinner - getting hungry - don't know what I am going to eat - Lean cuisene ???

Karla - Think you need some sunshine or anti-depressants girl.... I have been taking my vitimans since the 1st of the yr regularly and I am feeling better - a little more energy..

Well, you know I love it here in the desert... but we DID leave home Aug. 14th!! That's already 7 months living in the RV... except for the Christmas trip home..... and we still have another month here. I have kind of known I'd have to have this other knee done when we get home, and I want it done ASAP because of the trip to NY in Aug. again for our 50th high school reunion!

We got our Costco rebate, too.... $450. But... used about $50 on some groceries last week and then they give you the balance back in cash. May go back tomorrow... I think I've zeroed in on which laptop I want. They have one that has pretty much everything that I'm looking for for $699.

Our menu tonight sounded like one of yours... fish, rice, veggies. But, as he so often does.... Earl way overcooked the fish. And it was some really nice halibut from Alaska that our neighbor Jim gave us. I should've made him let me cook it He did it on the George Foreman and I kept telling hm it was done and he wouldn't take it off because it was thick! GRRRR! Oh, well. I smothered it in zucchini relish so it didn't seem so dry.

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Phyl, I hope you get in when you need to, don't wait too long!

Got most of my homework submitted. I'm going to start on next weeks to get it over with. Most of it is easy, but I have a unit I have to submit, which will be a pain since I don't know what I am doing yt.

Spring is on the way! My wheeping pussy willow tree has the little white puff balls on it!

I hope you all have safe travels, Give Linda a hug for me. She must be excited, only 2 1/2 months until retirement.

You all have a great day!!!!

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Good Morning Peeps...

Karla you are up early on a Saturday - my dogs woke me up or I would still be asleep.. You ar getting your camera today right - you are going to become a phototoghaper like Phyl :0)

Phyl Ya I guess living in the RV that long that close to Earl would be hard LOL - I don't know if I could do it no matter how much I loved someone - tha't too close quarter for me .... Ya over cooked fish isn't good - I have over cooked mine sometimes - I think it's why I like the catfish from Winco instead of Coscto - it's thick and 15 minute is just about the right time to bake it..

By the time I finished making beds - wiping down light switches etc I was hungry but in no mood to cook so my dinner consisted of popcorn & ice cream (sf) calorie wise I was ok for the day but nutritionally - omg terrible and I have leg workout this morning - going to have to make myself eat some kind of protein..

Well today gym - dogs - winco - costco - home to put all the food up ;0)

Phyl I will pick you up tomorrow about 2 ok.. Is Earl going to come to the house for dinner tomorrow nite - have you figured out your schedule ;0)..

Well gotta go look for some Protein - I am going to need it for gym this morning

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Good Evening Gang...

Home from work - no work for a week !!!!

Work wasnt bad - except I got pissed off at one of my bosses - i made a casual comment that if we had scanner at our desk - that we would be complete - he took it as i was being negative - nothing is never enough... I told him I appreciate the new computer - was just saying that after my 10th trip to the scanner that it would be nice and we would be completely up to date. He really pissed me off... I was negative - I made a simple statement that was it..

Phyl - I'll keep it (survivor) for you... How did the doctor go..

Candice are you packing :0)

hA,HA, THAT is funny, I woke up this a.m. and Peter says, `whats on the agenda today? ( I hate it when he starts the day like that) well, I said I guess I should get out my suitcase and start packing... huh?..... I bought myself a new carry on... its really sweet, but I still need to bring my other BIG suitcase in checked luggage... just got too much stuff.

I also talked to my SIS in Mexico this a.m. I was filling her in on my Brothers troubles.... SHe comes home to Canada mid May... she could not beleive I had not started packing yet... !!!! SHe is an òrganizer type`` too...

Tried to sign onto aircanada SITE and preselect my seat, but not yet, gotta wait a couple more hours I guess. I am driving myself to the airport in the a.m.... pray I have GOOD weather to drive o.k.... that is the only thing I am concerned about.

Karla - what are your plans this weekend

Marcy - You live in Al - LOL Sarah Pailin can you see russia :0) LOL I couldn't help my self LOL

Marcy- I am glad your SHORLINE is frozen where you are... thanks GOD for that!!! One good thing about being in the really cold climate... I am in Central Ontario, and we have had one BIATCH Of a winter... it started with 2 Feet of snow in November and it hasn`t let up. SO I am excaping to Cali for a week.

OH guys, I forgot to mention... I`ve been in contact with Denise and we are going to hook up when Peter and I are in New Orleans.... cool huh???

Phyl, I bet you are getting just about as excited as I am about being away from HUBBY for a week.... yueahhh-haw!!! :rolleyes::P Janet; I forgot, do you drink MILK at your house? If not I`ll get some Skim milk when I get there, its what I have in my Tea and coffee.< /span>

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
      · 1 reply
      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

      · 3 replies
      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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