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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Still no word!. I really wish that the nurse hadn't said ANYTHING. In fact, I just wish that she had called and said, hey we would like you to come in to discuss the results with the doctor. The only thing I know is that it is NOT cancer, but that when the final biopsy report came in (I guess there was one sample that was taken that was not returned with the first batch) that there was "foreign material". I am ASSUMING that means that it was the band and that there is a full erosion. They are sending my original doctor images as he says that there can be nothing wrong. Okay...obviously not being able to keep down food in the morning suggests that something is wrong. Oh well...guess I can't really worry about anything. She said I was not dying and that insurance would be immoral if they didn't cover so I guess really there is nothing to worry about. I'll let you know when I stop waiting for answers...believe me...I'm as curious as you!

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Still no word!. I really wish that the nurse hadn't said ANYTHING. In fact, I just wish that she had called and said, hey we would like you to come in to discuss the results with the doctor. The only thing I know is that it is NOT cancer, but that when the final biopsy report came in (I guess there was one sample that was taken that was not returned with the first batch) that there was "foreign material". I am ASSUMING that means that it was the band and that there is a full erosion. They are sending my original doctor images as he says that there can be nothing wrong. Okay...obviously not being able to keep down food in the morning suggests that something is wrong. Oh well...guess I can't really worry about anything. She said I was not dying and that insurance would be immoral if they didn't cover so I guess really there is nothing to worry about. I'll let you know when I stop waiting for answers...believe me...I'm as curious as you!

So sorry you are STILL waiting for answers! Whatever is wrong, sounds like they'll be taking care of it quickly.

Karla, so sorry about Elyse. Kinda like when we found out Christmas Eve that our grandson, Kurtis, who had turned 18 the day before, was going to be a daddy! Then a month later, found out his girlfriend was just turning 15 the first week of Feb!! Your heart sinks when you see young people making bad decisions, especially when they effect our grandchildren (and great-grandchildren). Your first grandchild, our first great! The babies will be blessings, despite the situations they are being born in to! Hugs!

Janet, glad you are getting that new computer figured out. I am going to get a small settlement from insurance.... about what you originally suggested..... so then I will get a new laptop. I wanted to get a new one for each of us, but Earl says he will be happy with mine. His sound doesn't work among other things. I might buy an iPad, too, and save the rest.

Candice... are you getting another storm??? Tracy & Jim got back home late Monday night and the next morning it snowed!! In fact, sounds like it's been snowing there off and on since!! Jodie had on FB that it was snowing hard at their place this afternoon... she is about 50 miles south.

We got back here a little before 7 pm. Two long boring days, but not really any time to relax! I thought, oh, well.... a whole day in Redlands to do nothing. But, it's not like we could stay in the RV while they were working on it. So we had to be up and out before 8 a.m. and they didn't finish until about 5 p.m. So we drove around looking for a mall to go hang out at. Never found one. Driving through parking lots, over speed bumps, with a headache! Had a temp this morning, too. Still not over the damn flu! Hit two different Starbucks... one this morning, then just hung out at one for over an hour this afternoon. Then Zoey and I went for a walk, found a Thrift Store in a big warehouse and she loved dragging me through there! No one said a word!! Gal at Starbucks said, "Mam', you can't have that dog in here!" So I showed my "Support Dog" tags and she apologized and left us alone!! LOL! Zoey was in the red bag most of the time we were in there. I took her out to take her for a walk and when we got back she was sitting on my lap. They didn't even know I had her in there until then!

Tomorrow morning... TOPS... means up and out EARLY again!!! If I wake up feeling crappy again I'm going to blow it off!! I want a whole day to sit still and do NOTHING but rest and recuperate!! Maybe I'll do that tomorrow!

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Phyl, thanks for the kind thoughts. I know God has a plan, I just wish I knew what it was! Probably, be careful of what you wish for! Sorry about the 'great', I imagine the girls parents are not too pleased either. One thing though, if the BF bails on Elyse and child support, this 'grandma' is going to see him in court AND he better have his 'privates' covered!!! I know this isn't suppose to be about me, but I so was looking forward to my first grandchild, now it just is ruined. I wanted to Celebrate the event and instead I am sick. I haven't even told anyone at work, because I don't think this is something to celebrate.

We aren't getting a lot of snow here, but the wind is blowing like a Banshee and it is bitter cold.

Are you taking your Vitamins? I'm so sorry you still feel like crap, I thought you got a flu shot? Glad you are home safe and sound and can get some rest today!! Stay home, curl up with a good book and SLEEP!

food yesterday, not so good. I forgot my grapes, which are my stress snack, so ended up eating Jerky, which isn't bad, but I seemed to be eating all day. None of it was 'bad food', just more than I should have. On a good note...I am actually starting to think oatmeal isn't all that bad.

Hope you all have a warm and wonderful day!

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I'm taking quotes for a back alley surgeon that will take this damn thing out NOW! Wednesdays are date night so Lee and I make sure that we save enough money out of our budget to go out once a week and do something without work or my doctorate program interferences. So last night we went to Dave and Busters (which is like Chuck E cheese for adults!) and I ordered some grilled shrimp, veggies and potatoes. Seemed to be going down fine until about an hour later when I thought I was going to have to turn the stools and people in the game room of the builiding into hurdles on a track...I was running like there was no tomorrow because it was all coming back up (sorry...TMI). Then this morning...yogurt up and out. I'm ready for anyone with some surgical skills to put in an offer I can't refuse! I suppose that since I have been dealing with a lot of this for months now that I can deal with it for one more month. Sigh...It's just that now I know there is something wrong and that it can be fixed and that it is just not me being a screw up...I am ready to get my life back. This has been beyond frustrating. Well papers are not going to grade themselves.


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Phyl, thanks for the kind thoughts. I know God has a plan, I just wish I knew what it was! Probably, be careful of what you wish for! Sorry about the 'great', I imagine the girls parents are not too pleased either. One thing though, if the BF bails on Elyse and child support, this 'grandma' is going to see him in court AND he better have his 'privates' covered!!! I know this isn't suppose to be about me, but I so was looking forward to my first grandchild, now it just is ruined. I wanted to Celebrate the event and instead I am sick. I haven't even told anyone at work, because I don't think this is something to celebrate.

We aren't getting a lot of snow here, but the wind is blowing like a Banshee and it is bitter cold.

Are you taking your Vitamins? I'm so sorry you still feel like crap, I thought you got a flu shot? Glad you are home safe and sound and can get some rest today!! Stay home, curl up with a good book and SLEEP!

food yesterday, not so good. I forgot my grapes, which are my stress snack, so ended up eating Jerky, which isn't bad, but I seemed to be eating all day. None of it was 'bad food', just more than I should have. On a good note...I am actually starting to think oatmeal isn't all that bad.

Hope you all have a warm and wonderful day!

OH.... don't say it's "ruined". Your little one will be a BLESSING no matter what the circumstances. My grandson and his GF are so excited about their baby, it's hard to be down about it even though I am shaking my head and thinking..... HUH???? Don't know about his mother, but my other DIL is getting in to it.... she was excited to find a bunch of baby clothes on sale at Kohl's or somewhere the other day. She even sent me a picture on my phone of all the stuff she bought all layed out in a "display". She LOVES to welcome the new babies in the family... even my niece's and nephew's kids... she usually makes a quilt for every new baby. So... yeah, we think they're nuts, but we are going to welcome this new little one enthusiastically. She's a little girl and she already has a name even though she doesn't get here until July.... "Layla".

Yes, I've been taking vitamins EVERY day for many years. And I DID get my flu shot!! So I don't deserve this!!! LOL! I coughed all night long and feel like maybe I have a low grade temp again this morning. So, I skipped TOPS and I am curled up on the couch with my blankie and I'm going NOWHERE today!! Maybe I won't even get dressed. And I bought lots of new beading stuff... beads, etc., at Joanne Fabric yesterday and I think 'll play with my new toys later!

In fact, remember the flaky chick who screwed up my Starbucks card in December??? Well, she still waits on me every now and then and last week she was admiring the Bracelet I had on... so we got to chatting and she said if I made her one she'd pay me for it. Then she said if I had any orange beads she'd like that, too because that's the color of melanoma... ya know, like pink for breast cancer.... and she says she has stage 4 melanoma!! I was shocked. She is SO young, and stage 4 is NOT good! So I felt bad for all the thoughts I had about her being a dingbat and I bought orange beads yesterday to make her a bracelet! They are areal different shape, so I'm going to have to make up my own pattern... or adapt one that I have for these oval beads. It should be pretty. They are like a frosted orange... real pretty. not a bright orange, orange!

I'm taking quotes for a back alley surgeon that will take this damn thing out NOW! Wednesdays are date night so Lee and I make sure that we save enough money out of our budget to go out once a week and do something without work or my doctorate program interferences. So last night we went to Dave and Busters (which is like Chuck E cheese for adults!) and I ordered some grilled shrimp, veggies and potatoes. Seemed to be going down fine until about an hour later when I thought I was going to have to turn the stools and people in the game room of the builiding into hurdles on a track...I was running like there was no tomorrow because it was all coming back up (sorry...TMI). Then this morning...yogurt up and out. I'm ready for anyone with some surgical skills to put in an offer I can't refuse! I suppose that since I have been dealing with a lot of this for months now that I can deal with it for one more month. Sigh...It's just that now I know there is something wrong and that it can be fixed and that it is just not me being a screw up...I am ready to get my life back. This has been beyond frustrating. Well papers are not going to grade themselves. Karri

So sorry for all this misery and delay!! Hope your doctor calls SOON!! That sounds pretty miserable! HUGS!

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Hey Ladies!

I'm actually in the hospital right now. I had my band put in today! Am so flipping excited. My journey begins, once again. Gotta go. Just got pain med and it's taking me down for the night. Talk to yoou soon.

Good to hear from you, Chim!!

Congrats on having your band replaced. Keep us posted!

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GOSH, I`ve missed a lot.... sorry, I`ve beem away from the c omputer<

Morning ladies...hope you all slept well! Cold here, snowed...I think I am officially done with winter! It is way over rated! Of course I shouldn't complain, Candice has it worse than all of us. How did your gig go? I am so proud of you! You get out there and make peoples' lives beautiful with your music!

Karla; I was sorry to hear that you are upset about Elyse and the baby. It is a shock to you Im sure, but the other girls are right, a baby is a GIFT from GOD no matter what the circunstances of arrival. And YOU will be a great gramma!!! I have NO doubt of that. Now about Elyse and her choices.... well what can I say, A mother does worry.... and no doubt you are. But HONEY you have toa remember this is Her decision, to keep it, give it for adoption ... what ever she decides you are mature and loving enough to deal with it... she has nine months to get her act together, this MAY just be the thing that forces her to Mature ... because now she`s responsible for someone elses life too.

I am praying that this is the case, that she will rise to the occasion and be a responsable Mom...

Hugs,, to you though, you`ve already got so much on your plate, Your Dad`s passing anniversary, your school work, getting your health back in order.... WE love you, and are rooting for you too, don`t forget that... if you see me on Skype lets have a good long chat o.k.???

Janet, have you gotten that computer figured out yet? I need to go buy an external harddrive. Everyone says that you need one once you start your Capstone/Thesis and I can see why. I have over 20 articles (about 500 pages) of research and all my notes, if my computer goes wonky, life will end as we know it. I don't know that I could face starting over.

Phyl, hope your trip goes well.

Sorry, back to homework, I'll be glad when this is over, only 1 1/2 years to go!! Yeah right :(

Hey Ladies!

I'm actually in the hospital right now. I had my band put in today! Am so flipping excited. My journey begins, once again. Gotta go. Just got pain med and it's taking me down for the night. Talk to yoou soon.

Chim, hi ya! Glad you got your new band, how exciting for you... we`d love to see more of you.. take care.

Phyl, thanks for the kind thoughts. I know God has a plan, I just wish I knew what it was! Probably, be careful of what you wish for! Sorry about the 'great', I imagine the girls parents are not too pleased either. One thing though, if the BF bails on Elyse and child support, this 'grandma' is going to see him in court AND he better have his 'privates' covered!!! I know this isn't suppose to be about me, but I so was looking forward to my first grandchild, now it just is ruined. I wanted to Celebrate the event and instead I am sick. I haven't even told anyone at work, because I don't think this is something to celebrate.

We aren't getting a lot of snow here, but the wind is blowing like a Banshee and it is bitter cold.

Are you taking your Vitamins? I'm so sorry you still feel like crap, I thought you got a flu shot? Glad you are home safe and sound and can get some rest today!! Stay home, curl up with a good book and SLEEP!

food yesterday, not so good. I forgot my grapes, which are my stress snack, so ended up eating Jerky, which isn't bad, but I seemed to be eating all day. None of it was 'bad food', just more than I should have. On a good note...I am actually starting to think oatmeal isn't all that bad.

Hope you all have a warm and wonderful day!

Phyl, glad you are back home... those two days sound like they took it out of you.... Is thew FLU completely gone now?? How`s Earl doing ???

Janet; I am getting so excited, gonna go buy new luggage tomorrow I think!!!

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GOSH, I`ve missed a lot.... sorry, I`ve been away from the computer<

Chim, hi ya! Glad you got your new band, how exciting for you... we`d love to see more of you.. take care.

Phyl, glad you are back home... those two days sound like they took it out of you.... Is thew FLU completely gone now?? How`s Earl doing ???

Janet; I am getting so excited, gonna go buy new luggage tomorrow I think!!!

Wish it WAS gone, but seem to have just started a new and different phase!! Coughed all night long. Low grade temp this morning. Earl gave me something to dry me up so coughing has subsided some, but temp still there. Declared a "SICK DAY" and I'm staying on the couch in my jammies. Starting to feel like a hypochondriac!!

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With coughing and a fever you are NOT a hypochondriac! Drink your fluids and snuggle with Zoey. There is tons of nasty stuff going around school, I can't afford to be sick since I don't have any sick leave left. Thats life.

So Candice are you freezing also? Out 6th graders had 2 days of snow days and it got canceled for today and tomorrow. The shoeshoe, build snow caves with a fire, things like that. They were really bummed, so was I. So instead they were in the classroom with an attitude, oh well. Only good thing is all my papers are graded and I have most of my articles read for my lit review and part of the outline done. So I'll finish reading tonight and start writing tomorrow. As I said it is due on Sunday, but I begged and was granted an extension. Good thing, today of all things I am sore along all my incision sights. Probably the scraping the windshield. All I really want to do is sit with a hot pack and vegge.

Well hope you have a good evening, back at it. I better send my mom and email.

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Good Evening Gang

Karri Hugs baby girl - call the damn insurance yourself and stay on the freaking phone till you get a date earlier than 3/25 (this was on FB peeps you didn't miss anything) - Wish I could do more than send good juju prayers and thoughts - I know that not being able to eat would be the pits..

Phyl - Take your butt to the doctor... Being sick for a week isn't good... You need to carry santizier w/you ;0) ... You could have driven to Riverside not that far from Redlands and went to Tyler Mall - haven't been there in yrs but it use to be a nice mall..

Karla - Girl it's not the best situation but it's not ruined - girl going to kick your ass... Life is not a fairy tale - so dont set yourself up to get depressed when it doesn't turn out that way.. Maybe just maybe this boy will turn around - who knows it took my DS a long time but he did - good things do happen - Elsye needs your love (unconditional) doesn't mean that you approve but you still love her and the baby too

Candice - Yep it's around the corner ;0) ...

Welll today was my Friday ... Hanging out w/Diane tomorrow - should have a new computer at work on Monday... Was told to make sure I cleaned up my c drive...

My click free still isnt working correctly - will mess with it this weekend (haven't loaded any new pics or docs)

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As you may have seen on Facebook, the doctor did finally call. I have an 85% obstruction and partial erosion of the band. They are billing it as gastric obstruction and ulceration of the stomach because essentially that is what an ulcer is...a hole in the stomach. They are not mentioning the band and he will remove that for free. As for the 85% obstruction... he said that depending on where they pushed on the stomach and back muscles during the endoscopy changed the level of obstruction. Apparently the tilted me every which way when I was on the table and pushed and prodded as well. When in a somewhat sitting position (not sure how the did that) is when I had the 85% obstruction. In a standing position I had a little less obstruction. So he is suggesting that I eat standing up as it will allow more food to go through with less problems. As for right now...I'm just supposed to eat what I can that doesn't hurt. He said that nothing is going to make it any worse...or any better. They are pushing the insurance hard as they know that I will be leaving Texas in June and want to make sure that I am as healed as possible before leaving his care. My original band doctor is being ridiculous. His receptionist called and wanted to know if I could come to their office and have the Dr. do the endoscopy as they did not believe the pictures (I would be his first erosion). I politely declined. I guess he is offering to redo my band at no cost if will come up there and go through his battery of tests... Let's look at the issues here...1. I don't have the time to take off work to fly up to WA to have that done. 2. The band has caused enough issues...Thanks, but no thanks on another one! 3. Not only do we have pictures of an eroded band, I had silicon in one of my biopsies meaning that unless this doctor poked a hole into my stomach to snag a part of the band to "prove a point" then my band had to have come through the side wall. It is not a total erosion, meaning that my band is not sitting in the middle of my stomach with just the scar tissue holding the stomach together, but it is migrating.

So I just don't think the band and I are a good fit anymore. It works for most people, but obviously my body is not really very receptive to it! So now I wait...keeping my fingers crossed and very much looking forward to 6-8 weeks of liquids after surgery. Yum...pureed tuna fish again!! At least this time I kind of know what to expect. I will not be buying 19 cases of Protein drinks!!!

On another good note...My check arrived!!!! Whooooo Hoooo!!! We are paying off Lee's car and then sticking the rest in savings. I was going to save the check in case I needed to go to Mexico and have the sleeve, but that just isn't an option any more. So we are really hoping that we can save it and put it direction into a retirement fund once we find out about my job situation. Until then...I just keep plodding along.

Okay...my eyes are drooping...Need to go to sleep!

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Janet, enjoy your 3 day weekend, do something fun!!

Phyl, feel better, nothing worse than a yecky cold/flu.

Candice, Steph, whatsup?

Anyone heartd from Linda lately?

I am SO looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. I definitely had a hard time waking up this morning. It's still bitter cold. My nursey boss emailed and asked about this years schedule and she mentioned that all the lambs were due yesterday. Hopefully the porr babies don'e freeze, I love seeing them play in the spring.

Have a good one, TTFN

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Kerri; Gosh what an ordeal to go thru.... my stomach was in knots just thinking about erosion!!!! YIKES I a happy that the ins is going to cover a RouxNY for you thats a blessing for sure... its a $40,000 operation!... I know cause my GF went to Michigan to a BARIX clinic to get hers... as OHIP was so backed up for bariatric surgeries at the time.... so OHIP paid for her to go to Michigan for the Op.. I went with her for moral support...

Karla: You arn`t seriously going to go back to work at the Nursery this summer are you??? After all your re-surgeries for pelvic floor issues and hernias... you gotta be kidding right? You must find ANOTHER job !!! I mean it!!! You shouldnt be doing any job where lifting, pushing, planting, or JOGGING is required. You will ruin your body. JMHO but there it is.

Janet: 3 day work week, you must be LOVIN that!!! recoup and enjoy!!

Phyl: So sorry to hear you still have that damn flu... man oman it has really taken its sweet time getting out of your system.

Stephanie: You must still be digging out up there in Plentywood, I read that SASK and Alberta got hit bad last week.

Well lovies, off to do Mommy Duty today, and botox see you all later...

Love C

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Good Morning Gang

Karri - Hugs Hugs Hugs - wish there was more I could say or do - Does standing up to eat help???

Karla - I wanted to sleep in to 5:45 a.m. but fur babies woke me up at 5 a.m ugh - on my 2nd cup off coffee.< /strong>

Phyl - Stay warm - it's suppose to be cold and rainy for the next 2 days - have you gotten some hand sanitizer ?? You need to carry it around w/you - you are all over the place and exposed to so many germs - I really think you need it - you seem to catch everything lately..

Candice - Staying warm - - about 2 weeks till you come to Cali - hopefully our weather will improve - but for you 62 during the day w/no snow would be an improvement LOL

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Janet, enjoy your 3 day weekend, do something fun!!

Phyl, feel better, nothing worse than a yecky cold/flu.

Candice, Steph, whatsup?

Anyone heartd from Linda lately?

I am SO looking forward to sleeping in tomorrow. I definitely had a hard time waking up this morning. It's still bitter cold. My nursey boss emailed and asked about this years schedule and she mentioned that all the lambs were due yesterday. Hopefully the porr babies don'e freeze, I love seeing them play in the spring.

Have a good one, TTFN

Didn't cough all night long.... only when I woke up long enough to go to BR or turn over!! And slept in until 8:30 a.m.! That felt GOOD!!

Up and dressed now! Had over easy egg for BF instead of my usual omelet. That was a nice change! Enjoyed it! Having my 2nd cup of coffee now and in a little while... some Healthy Choice Soup for lunch. Earl has cold now, too. Can you hear him whining??? LOL! Actually, he was outside replacing our electric plug for 1/2 hr or so and now he went to do the laundry. Have a feeling when that's done he's going to be chilling the rest of the day! He took Zoey with him.... she is getting obnoxious because she's been holed up inside with me too long! She and I are used to being out and about... riding around in the golf cart, going for a walk, shopping with me in her stroller or in the scooter.

She's BORED!!

I'm with Candice on the nursery job!!

All that lifting and heavy physical activity there is NOT good for your "delicate" condition!!

Good Morning Gang

Karri - Hugs Hugs Hugs - wish there was more I could say or do - Does standing up to eat help???

Karla - I wanted to sleep in to 5:45 a.m. but fur babies woke me up at 5 a.m ugh - on my 2nd cup off coffee.

Phyl - Stay warm - it's suppose to be cold and rainy for the next 2 days - have you gotten some hand sanitizer ?? You need to carry it around w/you - you are all over the place and exposed to so many germs - I really think you need it - you seem to catch everything lately..

Candice - Staying warm - - about 2 weeks till you come to Cali - hopefully our weather will improve - but for you 62 during the day w/no snow would be an improvement LOL

Yes, Karri.... can't believe you have to wait a MONTH for your surgery!! Hope dr's office can get the insurance approval pushed through more quickly. So, won't they do the surgery until they have the approval??? If it's a slam dunk, you'd think they would do it and get the approval retro!

Trying to stay warm... but I don't like it when it gets too hot in here so I turned off the electric heater. Might put it back on "low", though, because I'm getting chilly. It's very windy over here, and I know the weather is supposed to be horrid for the next two days. I want to go to a movie tomorrow. I'll be ready to get out of here by then!! Not going to choir today... sure they don't want me there hacking my head off.... though I have to say, not too much coughing today once I got over the initial morning stuff!! Head feels better. Think I had a slight temp when I woke up, but feels like it's gone now.

Hand sanitizer.... I have it everywhere.... one in my purse, one hanging from scooter handle bars, in car, etc. When I got sick in Dec. it was because Jacki & Stan's daughter came to Thanksgiving dinner sick!! And the day after Jacki finished her chemo... and then asking her mom to wait on her as she lounged on the couch while the rest of us were working on dinner preparation!! GRRRR! Still makes me mad when I think about it. But... that was my other bout with sickness this winter. I did slip away to the bathroom and wash my hands when I had to hold her hand while we prayed before we ate! We were standing in a big circle, so it wasn't too obvious when I disappeared! But... bottom line... I am very aware of germs and I'm pretty careful. In public places, always try to use a paper towel to touch door knobs.. or use the cuffs of my sleeves if none available! Don't know where I picked up this crud, but Earl didn't get sick until I started coughing!

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      Woohoo! I have 7 more days till surgery, So far I am already down a total of 20lbs since I started this journey. 
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        Well done! I'm 9 days away from surgery! Keep us updated!

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      I had my surgery on the 25th of June of this year. Starting off at 117 kilos.😒
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        Fairlife has strawberry, vanilla and of course chocolate. No more calories than other protein drinks. Stay away from Premiere, they're dealing with lawsuits due to not being honest about protein content.

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