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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Yeah, feeling a little better... no temp today. Ate a part of my omelet and sipping at my coffee. Couldn't even look at it yesterday. Had a small cup of chicken Soup last night, but other than sips of tea and latte Earl brought me late in the afternoon, that was all I had all day yesterday. Still having waves of pain in my gut every now and then, but not really nausea and never really vomited.... just dry heaves a couple of times, but very painful. No energy today. Should get dressed... Tracy & Jim land in less than an hour. They're renting a car at the airport and driving out here. Ache all over! Hoping to feel well enough to go to street fair tonight, but that's looking pretty iffy right now. It's cold, but at least wind has died down and it's sunny.

Yeah, sounds like bypass best for you, Karri! Hope your check shows up soon. I know when we have our mail forwarded down here it's very sporadic. But if a friend mailed it, you'd think it would come quicker.

No more energy, gang! Hope you all have a great day.

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She did send the mail priority but they don't track it. It was one of those flat rate priority boxes. On a good note however, the check may not be in there afterall! I called the retirement place and they said that because of the bad storms that a lot of things were delayed and the check may not have been mailed to me yet. I'm actually hoping that's the case. She now knows to open every piece of mail that comes in and if it is my check she is to send it UPS. That way it is tracked!!

Karla - I think I have a few things that I could send you. I have some articles that we have been reading that seem to actually be along those lines. I'll look at them tonight

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of crap, lost my post... Phyl, glad you are feeing a tad better, take it easy today too!!

Karri, great news on getting your surg approved!! Hope your cheque comes soon.

Janet; you need to get an annual physical done girl.... complete with blood work, don`t worry about MARCH trip, we can take it one day at a time... see that you don`t overdue...

Back to the gym today, Yoga class 1 hour, then 1 mile on the treadmill at an incline.... it was good to be back there.

Karla, see your STUDENTS do miss you!!!! They probably missed you more than you give yourself credit for.... they KNOW you are a special teacher!!!!

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UGH! Did too much with Tracy and Jim yesterday... well, mostly just sat outside and visited with them. And Earl wanted to go to our cafe for lunch.. so we did that... I ordered grilled cheese sandwich and vegetable Soup. Couldn't eat the soup... too salty, to acidy or something.... did eat most of the grilled cheese and that was okay.

Came back to RV... sat outside..... later decided to go to street fair. Felt okay... ate a little dinner... chopped steak. But.. by the time we got back in the car I was aching all over.. back especially, and just not feeling well at all. Stomach hurt all night long.... and have the runs really bad thi smorning. Sipping on my coffee for about an hour and a half now, Earl put an omelet in the micro for me... but, can't eat it. Can't even face my pills again this morning and stomach still hurting. Earl will have to do something with Tracy & Jim without me today, I think.

Have to try and get some liquids in or I'm going to get dehydrated. Yuck!!

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Don't know what happend. I posted butit's gone. Still sick... camped out in the bathroom most of the morning, stomach hurt all night. Bummer!

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Phyl, I'm so sorry that your visit is being interrupted with being sick. Hang in there girl, we all love you. If you aren't better soon, get thee to the docs!!!!

Back from the endoscopy. If nothing else the gasto guy was HOT!!!!!! Oh, mama! Everything looks great. They let me watch and I didn't have to take the Verset (sp) so I remember everything. My esophogus, stomach, & small intestine are nice and pink and no ulcer or erosion. It was rather cool to see where the band is from the inside. Since I am empty, it just creates a little dent, rather like a corset. So hopefully we can try a fill again! Came home and took a nice nap!

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Karla, I'm glad your endoscopy turned out well. I wish I had been awake!! However he knew he needed to take biopsies so that's probably why I was out!

I got a phone call today and I do not have an erosion. However he described my stomach opening as filled with scar tissue cobwebs. So now we wait...

On a good note Lee got signed up to be a substitute and has jobs lined up for next week already!!! Finally!!!

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UGH! Did too much with Tracy and Jim yesterday... well, mostly just sat outside and visited with them. And Earl wanted to go to our cafe for lunch.. so we did that... I ordered grilled cheese sandwich and vegetable Soup. Couldn't eat the soup... too salty, to acidy or something.... did eat most of the grilled cheese and that was okay.

Came back to RV... sat outside..... later decided to go to street fair. Felt okay... ate a little dinner... chopped steak. But.. by the time we got back in the car I was aching all over.. back especially, and just not feeling well at all. Stomach hurt all night long.... and have the runs really bad thi smorning. Sipping on my coffee for about an hour and a half now, Earl put an omelet in the micro for me... but, can't eat it. Can't even face my pills again this morning and stomach still hurting. Earl will have to do something with Tracy & Jim without me today, I think.

Have to try and get some liquids in or I'm going to get dehydrated. Yuck!!

Phyl - WHY HAVEN'T YOU GONE TO THE DOCTOR !! Have you tried drinking some lite pedialite?? You can't get dehydrated Hope you are feeling better..

Phyl, I'm so sorry that your visit is being interrupted with being sick. Hang in there girl, we all love you. If you aren't better soon, get thee to the docs!!!!

Back from the endoscopy. If nothing else the gasto guy was HOT!!!!!! Oh, mama! Everything looks great. They let me watch and I didn't have to take the Verset (sp) so I remember everything. My esophogus, stomach, & small intestine are nice and pink and no ulcer or erosion. It was rather cool to see where the band is from the inside. Since I am empty, it just creates a little dent, rather like a corset. So hopefully we can try a fill again! Came home and took a nice nap!

YEA KARLA !!!! So what do they think the blood was from - no ulcers that's good - hell when they gave me verset when I had my colon thingie - I didn't go to sleep - I talked to the nurse the whole time- I had a super good buzz..

Karla, I'm glad your endoscopy turned out well. I wish I had been awake!! However he knew he needed to take biopsies so that's probably why I was out!

I got a phone call today and I do not have an erosion. However he described my stomach opening as filled with scar tissue cobwebs. So now we wait...

On a good note Lee got signed up to be a substitute and has jobs lined up for next week already!!! Finally!!!

Karri - So what caused the scar tissue - YEA no erosion !!!! Yea for Lee - I saw it on fb

Well this is a drive by - got a new computer today (just a tower - trying to figure out Windows 7...

Now I gotta transfer my pic - so will talk to you all tomorrow


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What has caused the scar tissue on the inside is that on the outside of the band I had too much scar tissue. When they put the band it, they want a small amount of scar tissue to form on the outside to keep the band in place. However, mine has formed WAY TOO MUCH scar tissue. This is why even unfilled I had so much restriction. Well the problem is that with all the throwing up due to wonky restriction I started forming scar tissue on the INSIDE. From there it is just kept getting worse; the scar tissue would get irritated and form more scar tissue. Now let's just hope the insurance isn't stupid!

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Janet, congrats on the new tower!!! It will take a little while to get use to a new operating system. I don't dislike or like Window's 7 over the old version. But it does take some getting use to. Hope you have a restful weekend and get caught up on sleep, etc.

Candice, any gigs this weekend?

Phyl,,, do we have to nag to get you to the doctors? Come on girls, we worry!

Hope to get to do some quilting this weekend, but I have tons of reading to do. Also laundry and the all over clean up. My toilet decided to flood the bathroom last night, so now have to wash tons of stuff, rug, etc. Bleck. But at least it was 'clean' Water. If you get my drift.

Check in later!!

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It's just the FLU! Honest!! Haven't vomited at all... just pain in the gut, right around my belly button, and nausea and headache and body aches. It's getting better. Actually woke up HUNGRY this morning and want to go to Breakfast wth Tracy and Jim. Waiting for Tracy to wake up. They are in a rental on the other side of the park. Took my Vitamins for the first time in three days and drinking coffee much more enthusiastically than I have in DAYS!! I'm going to live! It's OKAY! Still a little nausea and slight headache so I need to not get to frisky today. Tracy wants to go shopping.

So glad for the good news, Karla and Karri!

Janet, congrats on the new computer. I'm sure it won't take you long to master it! You should consider an external drive for back up and to store your photos.

Think we got about an inch of rain yesterday! It's finally stopped but still dark grey skies! Earl says this is going to be the warmest day of the weekend. I'm not impressed. He says another storm is coming tomorrow!

Haven't eaten much all week. Wonder what the scale will say.

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What has caused the scar tissue on the inside is that on the outside of the band I had too much scar tissue. When they put the band it, they want a small amount of scar tissue to form on the outside to keep the band in place. However, mine has formed WAY TOO MUCH scar tissue. This is why even unfilled I had so much restriction. Well the problem is that with all the throwing up due to wonky restriction I started forming scar tissue on the INSIDE. From there it is just kept getting worse; the scar tissue would get irritated and form more scar tissue. Now let's just hope the insurance isn't stupid!

I always wondered about that - even w/erosion - it that would cause a band like effect even with the band out.. Should be no problem with insurance hopefully - hell I don't know why doc's don't just say they are taking the band out and just do the bypass - hell they have you under and open - just do it an bill the freaking insurance..

I have $1000 ded and it started over this yr and going to the chiropractor comes out of my ded - they are cool - gave me cash price but will bill the insurance - so it will help get that deductible down - Also today I went to massage envy - (a massage chain) $39 for 1 hr massage.. It wasn't as good as the one I had before at the spa - but good enough that I fell asleep I think - his touch was too light - so I go again on Thursday and told them I want a guy who does deeper massage - I told my guy (a cutie if you were 20 lol) but he didn't listen - felt good though.. Oh what I was going to say about that is that massages are covered under your flex account - I gotta find out how much I have left in mine ;0) pre tax $$$

Janet, congrats on the new tower!!! It will take a little while to get use to a new operating system. I don't dislike or like Window's 7 over the old version. But it does take some getting use to. Hope you have a restful weekend and get caught up on sleep, etc.

Candice, any gigs this weekend?

Phyl,,, do we have to nag to get you to the doctors? Come on girls, we worry!

Hope to get to do some quilting this weekend, but I have tons of reading to do. Also laundry and the all over clean up. My toilet decided to flood the bathroom last night, so now have to wash tons of stuff, rug, etc. Bleck. But at least it was 'clean' Water. If you get my drift.

Check in later!!

Karla - I like it - it's so much faster - it's just finding stuff - its in diff places and we are going to windows 7 at work - so this way I will have a head start - plus I'm going to be the tester at work - will be the 1st person to get it - so I can help the others - I know enough about computers to be dangerous - not a techie like Phyl - I don't talk the language of the discipline and it takes me a while to figure it out - last night I thought I put all my pics in yr folder (there are still folders within folders) but they were all by yr - well when I transferd - it doesn't look like it did when I fixed in old computer - I want to get pic's in order

It's just the FLU! Honest!! Haven't vomited at all... just pain in the gut, right around my belly button, and nausea and headache and body aches. It's getting better. Actually woke up HUNGRY this morning and want to go to breakfast wth Tracy and Jim. Waiting for Tracy to wake up. They are in a rental on the other side of the park. Took my Vitamins for the first time in three days and drinking coffee much more enthusiastically than I have in DAYS!! I'm going to live! It's OKAY! Still a little nausea and slight headache so I need to not get to frisky today. Tracy wants to go shopping.

So glad for the good news, Karla and Karri!

Janet, congrats on the new computer. I'm sure it won't take you long to master it! You should consider an external drive for back up and to store your photos.

Think we got about an inch of rain yesterday! It's finally stopped but still dark grey skies! Earl says this is going to be the warmest day of the weekend. I'm not impressed. He says another storm is coming tomorrow!

Haven't eaten much all week. Wonder what the scale will say.

Phyl As long as you aren't throwing up - I won't bug too much - You sure pick up a lot of bugs - I think you need to carry hand sanatizer ... I down loaded espeller but I have to actually hit spell ck - so my spelling may be worse than before LOL - Plus I gotta get use to this new key board..

Ya it's suppose to clear up today but rain again tonite - What I like so far is the little weather notice on the desk top - it's 52 right now but it's sorta sunny - I have doors open.. My garnder put in a french drain a month ago - it worked cuz we got alot of rain too - and the side of my house isn't flooded like it usually is - we will see how it does w/this next storm - To bad the 1st weekend of the fair is going to be ugly - but it does happen..

I do have Clickfree external drive that backs up my computer - but I don't think it's compatiable w/7 - cuz when I say back up it wants a disk - it's suppose to be going to the hard drive (external) gotta read up on it- that's the problem - I don't read - I just do LOL.. Think I will get windows for dummies -

I went to costco after massage - got new photo shop and 2010 home office - my computer came pretty stripped but really all I every use is photo shop (gotta fix the wrinkles) and word and excel.. So I'm set for now.. Cleaning out all my old disk and going to try an restore old computer and give it to Debbie if she wants it - it works but slow and if I erase everything it should speed up too.. But gotta go find another monitor to do it - I think my old one is in the laundry room..

Karla - Yep I am resting this weekend - may not even go to pilo tomorrow morning - we will see how I feel - I stay up till about 2 last night got up at 6:30 drinking coffee want to get this computer loaded and originize - maybe read a little - haven't in ages.. and got a quite a few tv programs to catch up on -

Next week I only work 3 days - we are off Monday and Friday is my FF - and my gf Diane is off - so I have to keep up on her emails and help on her accounts - but I will be delagating a lot LOL - so busy week that's why I scheduled next massage for Thursday at 5 w/Alex ...

Making salsa - why I don't know - I got steak & lamb chops but I want to make a test run on this salsa mix I got from the street fair last week to see if I will make it for Linda & Candice, Phly in March..

Will ck back later - Love you all !!

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ooooh been busy here... Gig last night in Collingwood. we all got lost on the way there.. But Peter and I were still there to set up in plenty of time... MARK was REALLY lost. and didnt`get there until AFTER Peter and I had started!!!!

Oh now when you are usually a trio things soound way different with just VOCALS and BASS ... but we banged our way thru 3 tunes and then Mark showed up...

I made several jokes at HIS expense... ya know like... ``gee if you were a Woman, you would have STOPPED and ASKED for directions!!!!``` the old timers laughed their hinies off!!!

It all worked out well, Mark played great... and came in a black shirt and black pants this timew.... yeah, now we just need to work on the HAIR!!! ha,ha,ha... but I kid him about that too.

After we finished playing, many many people came up to thank us and shake our hands... One man gave me a $30 tip!!! That was cool...

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Good Morning Peeps

Sorry I have been MIA - been trying out this new computer Sat a.m. had massage and then went to costco Target etc -- Debbie came over Sat afternoon was having issues at home - we talked - went to dinner - watched t.v. she stayed till about 11 pm - so that really put be back on learning computer - yesterday had gym - shopping then tried out excel - word - photoshop - all very time consuming things - Windows 7 is diff but will be ok once I learn it -

I have gym at 9 a.m. asked yesterday if we could change time since I was off - really hate going at 5 - by then will be getting ready to go back to work

Karla Where are you are you ok???? Candice love the jokes - leave the guy alone about his hair LOL.. I know Phyl's busy w/Tracy - cold here 37 this morning - but no rain yesterday or today -

Steph I know you are busy w/family on weekends - Karri gluten free sandwich ;0) I have gluten free crackers - they are good

Well thought I would ck in before I got to busy - gotta finish wash today - gym - computer stuff - will cbl

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I'm here, just busy with homework. My Literature Review is due this coming weekend and I am still reading a pile of articles. I have about 400 pages to read and then try to turn them into a 5 to 6 page summary. This is where I have trouble, it is going to be a long week. Writing and me...not so good.

Laundry done and need to do some cleaning, but all I want to do is quilt. I got another UFO quilted and just need to do the binding. I have a doc appt with the hernia surgeon today, so have to run into town. I'd love to do some shopping, but need to get back and do reading.

Everyone enjoy your day! I'll check back later if I can, TTFN

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      Sometimes reading the posts here make me wonder if some people just weren't mentally ready for WLS and needed more time with the bariatric team psychiatrist. Complaining about the limited drink/food choices early on... blah..blah...blah. The living to eat mentality really needs to go and be replaced with eating to live. JS
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      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

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      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
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      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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