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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;}.ExternalClass .ecxhmmessage P{padding:0px;}.ExternalClass body.ecxhmmessage{font-size:10pt;font-family:Tahoma;}Hi Cathy: ( my doctor friend that I traveled with to Europe)

Total Cholesterol was 6.85 (above 240 mg/dl )

HDL was fine, LDL was not good 4.75!! (160-189 mg/dl)

Triglicerides was 1.68 - fine... when I have more time, I`ll fill you in on all the other nos.

Chol/HDL 5.1

BP 140/84, she had not ordered the inflammation test hsCRp....

Oh my god Cathy, it was the worst Dr's appt I have ever had... She flipped out on me and started lecturing me on 'Coming into her office with a binder" !!! What I had in my binder were articles on managing Cholesterol, diet options, supplement suggestions etc...

She got totally defensive... I told her look, I asked for a copy of my numbers from the nurse before I came in for my appt. so I could read it and process the information...prior to having my physical with her... (saving time with NOT asking too many questions) so now I am afraid I got the nurse (my friend) in trouble with the stupid doctor.

Quote " I am the kind of person who LIKES information, I like to educate myself and read up on things. This is how "I" process information, and ie... bad news!!!" I told her when I was diagnosed with Bipolar, it was a shocking bunch of information, a lifetime of medication taking... chronic disorder.. ya,ya,da.. So I went home and researched , I read every good book that I could read on the subject... Once I had information, and the feeling geez you are NOT alone out there... I felt better.

My Shrink at the time, was very supportive, always suggested new reading material etc.., he was in the habit of HANDING me my blood work reports at each visit...checking my lithium numbers etc... I didnt' ASK him to do this, he offered! He never made me feel like I was STUPID for asking questions and being INVOLVED in my own recovery.

She did my rectal exam, breast check, said I'll send you for a mamogram poop Smear thingy... we discussed whether or not to have a Colonoscopy vs. poop smear... I opted for the poop smear... well I guess she was so flustered that she forgot to give me the cardboard packet& envelop, then she says... "So how is your mood?" I said fine, no problems... take my meds as usual... no problems there... then she says, oh so then you are getting along fine on your VALPROIC ACID? now she's just been going over all my chart, telling me she has all these spreadsheets with my information on them, that I dont' need to bring a binder of stuff with me to my appts.(never have before this day) and I say, but Doc. We switched me to SEROQUEL 3 years ago!!!!

Then she got very irratated, cause she'd made a mistake... ya, exactly... this is exactly why I learn about my OWN self and know what I take for what and why.... She gave me lab requests for mid-March(incl hsCRP, by my request... she didnt feel it was necessary, but I said I'd like to know the baseline number going forward)

I was so pissed when I left her office Cathy I could just scream....

Got my lipitor 20mg and went to the pharmacy, they always counsel you on NEW Rx. so I took the opportunity to ask about the Lipitor, should I take other enzymes with it (because of my reading) and he said Oh yes, take co-Q10, and Omega 3'ss... GREAT, just what I wanted to know... she never suggested any supplementals, thinks its fru-fru medicine... Just take what I give you and shut up!!!

I also took my BP , crap it was 150/100... thats how pissed I was !!

3 glasses of wine later, and a music practice...and I finally mellowed out.

Anyways, don't know what I am going to do about this situation.... there are no doctors in this area taking new patients... so I'll just have to suck it up... and get used to being treated like a CHILD. Try to be more like a SHEEP at my next visit.

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Candice, I am so sorry, your doctor is being an idiot!!! Take a deep breath. She should have been thrilled that you were being proactive. Okay, take another breath. Now what are you going to do about it? If docs are not taking new patients then you are limited about what you can do. But you CAN choose how you react, so give that some thought.

Right now I don't know if my band is still too tight or if my ulcer is causing the problem. Had class today, tried to drink some tea, no go, tried some coffee, no go, tried some Water, no go. So by noon I had nothing to eat or drink. We go to lunch at the campus cafeteria and I am really looking forward to some Soup. But NO, it is Breakfast lunch. sausage, Cereal, eggs, etc. So I get a spoon of cottage cheese, a spoon of eggs and a glass of milk (yes I drank the milk first). Everything went down great and no burning, no vomiting, Felt human. Later, tried some water again, burned and stuck like crazy. Now get this....sipped a diet coke (I don't normally drink soda, but I was desprite) went down fine. So dinner tonight was cottage cheese and scrambled eggbeaters. went down fine. but if I even think about water or tea, ugg. So is this ulcer or band?

I am getting frustrated, I just want to drink some water!!! or a cup of tea. So I imagine I will call the doctor and see if they can recommend me to a gastroenterologist (sp) or who ever deals with ulcers and will get some more Fluid taken out of my band.

Candice, hand in there!!

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Candice, I am so sorry, your doctor is being an idiot!!! Take a deep breath. She should have been thrilled that you were being proactive. Okay, take another breath. Now what are you going to do about it? If docs are not taking new patients then you are limited about what you can do. But you CAN choose how you react, so give that some thought.

Right now I don't know if my band is still too tight or if my ulcer is causing the problem. Had class today, tried to drink some tea, no go, tried some coffee, no go, tried some Water, no go. So by noon I had nothing to eat or drink. We go to lunch at the campus cafeteria and I am really looking forward to some Soup. But NO, it is breakfast lunch. sausage, cereal, eggs, etc. So I get a spoon of cottage cheese, a spoon of eggs and a glass of milk (yes I drank the milk first). Everything went down great and no burning, no vomiting, Felt human. Later, tried some water again, burned and stuck like crazy. Now get this....sipped a diet coke (I don't normally drink soda, but I was desprite) went down fine. So dinner tonight was cottage cheese and scrambled eggbeaters. went down fine. but if I even think about water or tea, ugg. So is this ulcer or band?

I am getting frustrated, I just want to drink some water!!! or a cup of tea. So I imagine I will call the doctor and see if they can recommend me to a gastroenterologist (sp) or who ever deals with ulcers and will get some more Fluid taken out of my band.

Candice, hand in there!!

Hi Karla; I am glad you got some eggs and cottagwe cheese into yourself!!! Now with the drinking of liquids, are you taking TINY sips of water slowly, or do you try and drink 2 oz at a gulp? I know it sounds silly, but if you can get down semisolids, liquids should be a cinch---dosn`t sound like ULCER, sounds like BAND... get back to the guy for an UNfill... perhaps he refilled you too quickly and should do it in smaller increments... I know NOT what you want to hear, as like me you have to drive considerable distances for maintenance on the ``old wreck...

HUGS honey....

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Nah Candice, I am sipping. I am calling on Monday. To be honest at this point if they said they wanted to totally unfill me I wouldn't argue. I have no energy and my head won't even work. Ah hell, I'm just whining, actually I'm crying because I am so miserable. So just ignore me, I think I am going to bed, need to do homework, but can't even function enough to do it

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Well you all must be out and about!! Hope you have a good Sunday!

Ended up going to the ER again, so I am unfilled and pumped full of fluids and anti nausia. The band placement looks good. I will be having a scope done sometime next week to check everything from the inside. But what a way to lose 7 pounds in 5 days. NOT my idea of fun. But I have learned my lesson. I will be gradually refilling from now on, I'm not going through this again!!!

Homework...or a good book is calling, um should be homework, but I think I'm going for the book. Hey 'B's' are okay right?

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Good Evening!! Fairly quiet day today.... church, took Zoey for a golf cart ride, visited with the neighbors, sorted out my beading stuff AGAIN and made some earrings to match a Bracelet I finished a month or so ago. May start another bracelet tonight or work on one that isn't yet finished.

Karla, hope your problems will be resolved soon!!

So sorry for all you've been through lately!

Another beautiful day, weather wise! Warm and sunny! Unfortunately, Thursday... the day Tracy & Jim get here, there is supposed to be a drastic change... 60 degrees, cloudy, chance of rain, high winds! And that is supposed to go on for several days. And they will only be here until Monday evening. It's been SO nice! It's extremely frustrating!!

Earl had a terrible night... sinus headache and spent most of the night trying to sleep in his recliner. So he took a nap this afternoon... but not for very long and he has felt dragged out all day.

Good time with the gals this weekend. I flaked out on them yesterday morning... was supposed to go to the street fair with them. But our son & daughter-in-law started texting me while we were at Janet's Friday night about flying down here to have lunch with us on Saturday! The plane has a brand new paint job... he's been flying it "ugly" for over 2 years because paint job cost $8500! But he finally bit the bullet and had it done. Looks fantastic! It took them a little over 2 hrs to fly down from San Jose area. We went to Palm Springs and had lunch, shopped a little and took them back to the airport. He's been wanting to fly down here for the past two winters but this is the first time it worked out. Weather had to be good, etc.

So.... we got back to the RV around 4pm I think, and Janet, Eva & Karen got here about 1/2 hr or so later. Earl grilled salmon on the grill, fixed us salad, baked potatoes and veggies. I drank TOO much wine! We sat out on the patio, had dinner out there, etc.

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Phyl, even with this family flying in unexpectedly, it sounds like you had a great weekend. I'm doing better, it is amazing what getting hydrated will do for you. I'm going to be fine, just overall frustrated. Tired because I didn't sleep well Saturday night. But, I'll come home and take a little nap today and should be fine. I am hoping I can get the scan scheduled for next Friday, which is President's Day, that way I won't have to lose a day's pay. but I'll know today.

Back to school... yeah? Tired all ready, but I'll get tthrough it.

You all have a fabulous day!! TTFN

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Good Morning Peeps

Had a great weekend - but was POOPED when the girls left yesterday... Had a great time Friday & Saturday... dinner here was good & so was the dinner Earl fixed us... Girls left around 11:30 yesterday went and got nails done then target - came home watched a little t.v. dinner and was in bed by 8:30..

Candice - don't think going to a friend would be a good idea for a doc - I think she thinks you were 2nd guessing her... Yes it's good to be informed..

Karla - you need to get unfilled plan and simple - I hope you do it today..

Phyl - Hugs on Earl issues -

I'm still pooped - gotta get ready for work - will cbl


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Happy Valantines Day to all my GIRLS!!!

Gig went well this afternoon! It was a 2 hour gig, and we stretched out our USUAL routine, I told a bunch of clean jokes, they loved it!!!

Another gig this Friday night coming!

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Well, the scope is scheduled for Friday, so should know then what is going on.

Candice, sounds like you had a great time!!!

Phyl & Janet, glorious weekend with good weather I hope? Oh Janet I am unfilled. We are going to leave it that way until after the scope and then go VERY gradual from there.

Sorry this is short, but homework to get caught up on!! hope to check back later!! TTFN

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Karla, Looks like we are going to be the scope twins. Mine is on Wednesday and not any too soon. I know that I am more diligent about everything now, but I just feel yucky almost all the time. He asked me if I suffered from heartburn and I didn't think that I was until he described to me what it could feel like. Now I realize that I have had it since I have been banded. It really isn't burning...more just like a discomfort in my chest almost always. He told me to take an antacid and see if it went away...what do you know...it did. At this point I just want to know what is wrong and what we can do about it. I just want the band out. It is BEYOND fickle right now. The other day I was eating yogurt and threw it all up. Tonight Lee made steak and potato and I ate more than he did. WTF...I'm completely unfilled but I still can't eat an orange. I'm just frustrated!

Well I will talk to you later.


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Hugs to both of you... Prayers that there is nothing wrong ...

Candice WTG on your gigs.... I am going to have to get your autograph when you are here in a couple weeks...

Phyl - Where are you today

Steph - How was your valentines..

Well off to bed I can't keep my eyes open

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8_8_44.gif 8_8_57.gif 8_8_45.gif

Had a great weekend - but was POOPED when the girls left yesterday... Had a great time Friday & Saturday... dinner here was good & so was the dinner Earl fixed us... Girls left around 11:30 yesterday went and got nails done then target - came home watched a little t.v. dinner and was in bed by 8:30..

Candice - don't think going to a friend would be a good idea for a doc - I think she thinks you were 2nd guessing her... Yes it's good to be informed..

Karla - you need to get unfilled plan and simple - I hope you do it today..

Phyl - Hugs on Earl issues -

I'm still pooped - gotta get ready for work - will cbl


Yep, busy weekend!! Trying to recoup today! But... Water aerobics, then beading. Then went out to dinner w/10 of the neighbors... Valentine's dinner. Had a GREAT time! Tomorrow... more of the same... Water aerobics, may go to beading for a little while, but food drive fund raiser... Tea party w/hats here at Sky Valley. Was a lot of fun last year, So will leave beading early to go there.

Back hurting bad tonight... I guess sitting too long in the straight chairs at beading class. Too much pain tonight. Took some Ibuprofen and hoping it gives me some relief soon!!

Earl slept well last night and not complaining too much today except of slightly queasy stomach earlier today.

Happy Valantines Day to all my GIRLS!!!

Gig went well this afternoon! It was a 2 hour gig, and we stretched out our USUAL routine, I told a bunch of clean jokes, they loved it!!! Another gig this Friday night coming!

Happy Valentine's Day to all of you, too!!

Glad your gig went well! Sounds like you're having fun!

Well, the scope is scheduled for Friday, so should know then what is going on.

Candice, sounds like you had a great time!!!

Phyl & Janet, glorious weekend with good weather I hope? Oh Janet I am unfilled. We are going to leave it that way until after the scope and then go VERY gradual from there.

Sorry this is short, but homework to get caught up on!! hope to check back later!! TTFN

Hope you both have good outcomes with your scopes this week!!

Our weather is supposed to turn to crap about the time our daughter, Tracy & son-in-law, Jim show up here Thursday morning. Apparently they have contracted with the airlines to drag the jet stream down here with them on Thursday which will result in several days of really crappy weather!!

Karla, Looks like we are going to be the scope twins. Mine is on Wednesday and not any too soon. I know that I am more diligent about everything now, but I just feel yucky almost all the time. He asked me if I suffered from heartburn and I didn't think that I was until he described to me what it could feel like. Now I realize that I have had it since I have been banded. It really isn't burning...more just like a discomfort in my chest almost always. He told me to take an antacid and see if it went away...what do you know...it did. At this point I just want to know what is wrong and what we can do about it. I just want the band out. It is BEYOND fickle right now. The other day I was eating yogurt and threw it all up. Tonight Lee made steak and potato and I ate more than he did. WTF...I'm completely unfilled but I still can't eat an orange. I'm just frustrated! Well I will talk to you later. Karr

Hope all goes well with you and Karla this week!! Hugs to both of you!

Hugs to both of you... Prayers that there is nothing wrong ...

Candice WTG on your gigs.... I am going to have to get your autograph when you are here in a couple weeks...

Phyl - Where are you today

Steph - How was your valentines..

Well off to bed I can't keep my eyes open

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Phyl, I think I want to grow up to be you! You have so much fun and are so active. Heck I get tired just listening to what you do!

My scope will be fine. I just will be glad to know what is going on.

Yep, only a couple of weeks and you will all have to skype me and let me know what you all are doing. Have a glass of wine for me!!

Well best get ready for work!! You all have a fabulous day.

May not be checking in tonight. I am going to quilting tonight and don't know if I'll get home in time to check in. TTFN

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Good Morning Peeps

Phyl - Hopefully weather will change - how long are they down for??

Karla - Have fun quilting...

Woke up feeling like I was ran over by a truck.. Neck hurts - knees aching woke me up.. It' hell getting old.

I'm tired..

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