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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Ah Phyl, you have just found your HAPPY place... weight wise, but like me you need to re-assess your WANTS and NEEDS.... for me I NEED to keep losing, I was stable for a year - but had a bit of a regain and that freeked me out to get busy with the BASICS...

You will do what is best for you. I have no doubt.

Karri, Here`s hoping that you get another SNOW DAY.... whoo-hoo... I only got out this morning for a run to thew quilt store ( an hours drive away) My DGF that goes with me to Block of the Month is in the throws of a bad head cold... sneezing in my car today!!! GOD, I hope I don`t catch that... I have 2 gigs next week, and rehearsal tomorrow night..

Janet; I`ve had a bitching headache all afternoon, no reason for it... I dont`usually get headaches... I took 2 Extra strengh Tyl`s , then an hour later I took an Ibuprofen( I dont`like taking them because of the band) but I was desperate to kill this headache. I even checked my BP... butit was fine.... So if it dosn`t leave soon, I may resort to a TYL£3 with codiene!!!

Karla, hugs on the fill issues... I hate that after you go all that way for a fill, and then it`s too much.... grrrrrr... but play it safe o.k. like Dr. Janet said, if its too tight that s not good, and leads to SLIDER eating!!! which we all know is bad AND counterproductive.

Oh, and on the tea, I switched to Decaf tea today, switched my coffee over to decaf a few weeks ago... we`ll see.... witht he tea its a tasste issue... if the decaf dosn`t taste exactly like my Tetley... then its going in the garbage!!!

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Yep, I'll probably be calling the doc tomorrow. I know he probably isn't in the office but maybe one of the nurses can unfill me a little. Yep, pretty stupid and now I feel like crap! Didn't get much done because of feeling lousy. Think I'll curl into a fetal position and call it good.

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Morning, just so you all know that you can beat me about the head and shoulders, I've done a pretty good job, but I need some additional "I told you so's". Spend a good portion of the night vomiting up blood again. So as soon as the dr. office opens I'll be calling them. I probably will end up going to the ER. I feel so damn stupid. My ulcer is worse than ever. I'm sorry I didn't listen, I feel pretty stupid. Hopefully we will get this fixed today, I'll let you all know.

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Good Morning Gang

Karla - Hugs no I told you so - cuz you already know - just get it fixed !!!!! You can only rely on your band for so much of the work - but the majority of the work is up to you .... Eating Healthy & Exercise..

Phyl - Ok 4-4:30 is the plan - Wine - I know karen drinks vodka - but not sure about eva - may just make some margaritas who knows- I have to shop tonite - I think we are having chicken shikabobs (sp) Wild Rice and a veggie - Dessert my yogurt cream cheese - but going to add sf lemon pudding i think

Saturday COD - 10:00 - 10:30 --- Then your house and if it's to windy (I don't know the weather for the weekend LOL I guess I should ck) we can just all go back to my house

What to make - I don't know your white chilli ??? Just ate bf (popcorn LOL) and not hungry ;0)... or we can eat late lunch (out) and just come back to your house for finger foods & drinks - way we may beat the wind cuz it usually doesn't start until evening time.. But we maybe lucky...

As to my weight - I am very mindful of the types of foods I eat - I was talking to Idrise about it last nite and I really beleive I finally understand I do have control and am exercising it..

Candice - You are so right - it's all about what you wants and needs.

Well gotta get back to work....



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Good Morning Gang

Karla - Hugs no I told you so - cuz you already know - just get it fixed !!!!! You can only rely on your band for so much of the work - but the majority of the work is up to you .... Eating Healthy & Exercise..

Phyl - Ok 4-4:30 is the plan - Wine - I know karen drinks vodka - but not sure about eva - may just make some margaritas who knows- I have to shop tonite - I think we are having chicken shikabobs (sp) Wild Rice and a veggie - Dessert my yogurt cream cheese - but going to add sf lemon pudding i think

Saturday COD - 10:00 - 10:30 --- Then your house and if it's to windy (I don't know the weather for the weekend LOL I guess I should ck) we can just all go back to my house

What to make - I don't know your white chilli ??? Just ate bf (popcorn LOL) and not hungry ;0)... or we can eat late lunch (out) and just come back to your house for finger foods & drinks - way we may beat the wind cuz it usually doesn't start until evening time.. But we maybe lucky...

As to my weight - I am very mindful of the types of foods I eat - I was talking to Idrise about it last nite and I really beleive I finally understand I do have control and am exercising it..

Candice - You are so right - it's all about what you wants and needs.

Well gotta get back to work....



Oh my gosh, poor Andrew! That is a terrible thing to have happened.... probably over drug money, some junkie needed it to get a fix. Horrible for those girls to be put in a freezer!!! Hope the cops catch the bastard!!!

Karla, Honey... I am so sorry about your ulcer acting up again... geez.... glad you are getting looked after - yup ER if you need to ... no ifs ands or buts!!!!

O.k. on alighter note: I found this in our local paper and had to share it with you all.

TEXTING CODES for SENIORS ( o.k. Steph and Karri, I don`t mean you!)

ATD: At the Doctors

BTW: Bring the wheelchair

CBO: Covered by OHIP (ontario health insurance plan , y a I know its Canadian)

CUAPTC: See you at the Prime Time Club

FWIW: Forgot Where I Was

FYI: Found your Insulin

GGPBL: Gotta go, Pacemaker battery LOW

GHA: Got heartburn again

HGBM: had a good bowel movement

IMHO : is my hearing aid on?

LMDO: laughing my dentures out

LOL: living on lipitor

LWO: Lawrence Welks on

OMMR: on my massage recliner

OMSG: oh my! sorry Gas!

ROFL...CGU: rolling on the floor laughing...can`t get up

SGGP: sorry, gotta go poop

TTYL: talk to you louder

WAITT: who am I talking to?

WTFA: wet the furniture again

WTP: wheres the prunes? or.... wheres the toilet paper?

WWNO: walker wheels needs oil

GGLKI: gotta go, laxative kicking in

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Candice, I love the 'vintage' codes!!! however, texting is beyond me, can't see the friggin little keys!!

To the doc and back. Deflated, but not totally. We did a partial deflate and I'll check back in with him tomorrow. So far just sipping and that seems to be okay. I am going to take a nap, didn't sleep last night, too many times up to vomit. So even though I have tons to do, I am going to be a slug for a couple of hours.


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Good Evening Gang !!!

Well my house is clean (Andrew came) but I got these new sheet for my bed - he washed them and put them on the bed - but no softner - so I had to strip bed and re-rinse..

Got my food shopping done - need to go cut up chicken and marinate..

Oh we are getting new computers at work - Window 7 and Outlook 2010 - and guess who gets to test it out first me !!! I think I am going to have to go and get Windows 7 for dummies and outlook for dummies..

Karla - I am glad you saw the doc - I hope you got some sleep ... I can text but it takes to long cuz I don't have a texting phone - and hell I don't like typing that much anyway...

Well going to go get out of these clothes - cbl

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Good Evening Gang !!!

Well my house is clean (Andrew came) but I got these new sheet for my bed - he washed them and put them on the bed - but no softner - so I had to strip bed and re-rinse..

Got my food shopping done - need to go cut up chicken and marinate..

Oh we are getting new computers at work - Window 7 and Outlook 2010 - and guess who gets to test it out first me !!! I think I am going to have to go and get Windows 7 for dummies and outlook for dummies..

Karla - I am glad you saw the doc - I hope you got some sleep ... I can text but it takes to long cuz I don't have a texting phone - and hell I don't like typing that much anyway...

Well going to go get out of these clothes - cbl

Oh..... WSindows 7.... yikes!!! My SIL bought that for Peter and I for Xmas... what a whacky program... whipped out everything on the upstairs computer... I wouldn`t let PETER install it on my laptop...no way Jose!!!

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Well my house is clean (Andrew came) but I got these new sheet for my bed - he washed them and put them on the bed - but no softner - so I had to strip bed and re-rinse..

Got my food shopping done - need to go cut up chicken and marinate..

Oh we are getting new computers at work - Window 7 and Outlook 2010 - and guess who gets to test it out first me !!! I think I am going to have to go and get Windows 7 for dummies and outlook for dummies..

Karla - I am glad you saw the doc - I hope you got some sleep ... I can text but it takes to long cuz I don't have a texting phone - and hell I don't like typing that much anyway...

Well going to go get out of these clothes - cbl

You gals are showing your age!! If you're going to keep up with the youngsters... you have to learn to text!! LOL

I do it all the time.... but I have one daughter who is like you and she WON'T... but then she's a penny pincher like her father and she won't spend the extra money for texting. That would be Jodie, not Tracy.

RV is more or less clean, but very cluttered, as always, and now I have little zip lock bags of beading stuff all over the couch!! Will have to make places for people to sit by Saturday!! Earl has the menu planned and I told him today... it looks like what Janet served last time we were there... he wants to grill salmon outside. And he wanted to make asparagus, but couldn't find any today after stopping at three stores. So still have to figure out veggies, but he wants to do small baked potatoes, so he bought FF sour cream today. We were out ALL afternoon.

Had to go to Redlands for dry run to RV place where we have to go for servicing in 2 weeks. Earl got to talk to the maintenance guy and figure out a place for us to park the night before. So we'll be sleeping in their parking lot the night before the appt. What we will do that evening and probably most of the next day I do not know! We'll take the car.. which he wants me to drive instead of towing it, so we don't have to hang out there that whole entire time.

Wii said I was up little less than 3/4 lb this morning, but the TOPS scale went crazy. Was all over the place.. Earl said it did that with him, too. Weighed okay for most people but several of us.. it was bouncing all over the place! We finally agreed on chalking up a 1 lb gain for me. It wavered about 12 lb.... up and down and up and down. It was nuts.

Karla, glad you went and got deflated a little!!!

Candice.... warming up there at all????

I want a new computer badly. If I get any settlement from the insurance company over this accident, that is what I will buy... a new laptop. And have SIL get me some of the new software from Microsoft.

Uncle Ed is acting up. I think he's got Alzheimer's from what my sister is telling me. I mean, he has ALWAYS been a stubborn, belligerent man, but... today the social worker from the assisted living place called my sister, Barb and said we have to do something about our "father". She straightened her out on that issue... so she is going to call one of HIS daughters (he has three), but.. she said they went on a lunch outing to a restaurant this week and Uncle Ed was extremely rude to the waitress and this is the second time he's done that. Demanding that his coffee cup be filed and waving his empty cup in the air... I've seen him do that before. And they also had to move a lady off their table in their dining room because he was so rude to her. She also wanted to know if we are concerned about our mother's safety because of his volatility! I vote YES! Barbara tried to have a discussion with him today and he was very obnoxious. She finally said, "Uncle Ed, did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning???" My Mom said, "YEAH! A MONTH ago!" So I guess he's being a real jerk. My Mom told Shirley he was giving her "SHIT" yesterday, and she rarely uses that word! He keeps expressing extreme animosity towards my sister Shirley about something that happened almost a year ago. She called the police on him because he was out of control, throwing things across the room, pushed my mom down on the couch.... So, Barb says, "You're still mad about that stuff that happened along time ago????" And he says "well not really mad... I just want to KILL her!" Good grief!! The facility is going to have their doctor evaluate him and I"m hoping they will put him on some Rx for Alzheimer's that will settle him down.

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Oh, Phyl, I'm so sorry about your uncle, it must be the alzheimers, you are in my prayers. But you are right to be concerned about your mom's safety.

Sounds like you all are going to have a great time!

Last day of freedom. :( Back to work on Monday.

I hope I am deflated enough. Last night was not so good, but sitting here sipping tea and hoping it stays down. I don't want to have to go back in. I am going in to take DD#5 for a costco run then home. Tomorrow master's class on campus, then Sunday, laundry and run DD#5 back to her apartment. Had some really strange dreams again last night, just anxiety over going back to work.

Hope you all have a great day TTFN

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Good morning,

Ugh...I am exhausted. I haven't been sleeping at night again. Not sure why. I got a call from the bariatric doctor yesterday. I have to go in for an EGD on Monday. The blood work they did on Tuesday didn't come back very good. My white blood cells are higher than they should be and based on that and my symptoms, he is worried that my band has not only slipped but that it has eroded as well. If it has eroded then my insurance will cover for certain and I could be in surgery within the week. I asked why they wouldn't have been able to see that on the fluoroscopy. He said that the fluro can't always show what is going on with the lining of the stomach and is rarely used to find erosion.

OY! So I have the appointment scheduled for Wednesday and hopefully we will see what is going on for certain. I asked if I should go back on liquids and he said no. Despite what many say an eroision is actually not an emergency. Yes the band needs to come out if there is an erosion but usually the scar tissue that has built up on the outside of the stomach and the fact that the band is embedded in the stomach is enough to prevent the stomach acid from escaping and causing issues.

So I will keep you up-to-date!

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Good Morning Gang..

Phyl - I am cooking aspaurgus tonite ;0) found it at stater bro for 99 cent a lbs.. How about broc - or cauliflower or green beans... Hugs on Uncle Ed issues....

They don't have an rv place here to service your rig??? With all the motorhomes here I would think there would be - in fact there is somekind of place across the street from my gym (weight/Idrise one as I have 2 gyms ;0) 24 hr fitness & weight gym)

Karri - Hugs and prayers that it hasn't erroded..

Karla - stick to liquids - make Soup this weekend - blend it - becareful..

Candice - I looked into buy window 7 for home computer - but I know that you have to back up what's on your computer before you install the new programs - sounds like too much work for a non tech - I was waiting for Phyl to install hers first to see how it went - I have a clickfree back up - but hell it would just be easier to buy a new computer then add my stuff back thru my clickfree - but again alot of work..

Well I'm only here till noon so gotta get my buttt in gear..


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I'm doing better Janet, so far have kept about 1/4 c of yogurt down!! and about 1/4 c of Water. Not much, but with the swelling I have I'm not surprised. At least it is staying down now!!!

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Good Morning Gang..

Phyl - I am cooking asparagus tonite ;0) found it at stater bro for 99 cent a lbs.. How about broc - or cauliflower or green beans... Hugs on Uncle Ed issues....

They don't have an rv place here to service your rig??? With all the motor homes here I would think there would be - in fact there is some kind of place across the street from my gym (weight/Idrise one as I have 2 gyms ;0) 24 hr fitness & weight gym)

Karri - Hugs and prayers that it hasn't eroded..

Karla - stick to liquids - make Soup this weekend - blend it - be careful..

Candice - I looked into buy window 7 for home computer - but I know that you have to back up what's on your computer before you install the new programs - sounds like too much work for a non tech - I was waiting for Phyl to install hers first to see how it went - I have a click free back up - but hell it would just be easier to buy a new computer then add my stuff back thru my click free - but again a lot of work..

Well I'm only here till noon so gotta get my buttt in gear.. Hugs

Looking forward to seeing you.... and to the asparagus~! Glad you found some!

I don't remember if he decided on another veggie or not. He did get some potatoes and FF sour cream.

I'm not having a very good day! Just annoying and frustrating things going on. And Earl fretting over the motor home maintenance. We have to go to Redlands because the chassis is a WorkHorse, and the recall on the braes has to be done by an authorized WorkHorse maintenance facility. That work is covered under warranty, but then they recommended a brake job, and then we need a couple of new tires.... rig is 7+ years old.... so now we're up to about $4K!!! On a FREE recall repair!! So.... he's fretting about having to move money from an untaxed account because then we'll have to pay significant taxes on it next year.

He's dealing with it better today, but was very grumpy last night. And then he was mad at me this morning because I was 20 minutes late for Water aerobics. WHY does that make him mad??? I don't get it! He says because he likes us to do water aerobics TOGETHER! HUH??? I'm at one end of the pool and he's at the exact opposite end. The only time we send together is a very few minutes n the hot tub and he usually gets out and goes to the showers as soon as I get in. I had a good reason for being late.... It's a TMI issue... but, having bowel problems is all I care to say about that right now!

I'm doing better Janet, so far have kept about 1/4 c of yogurt down!! and about 1/4 c of water. Not much, but with the swelling I have I'm not surprised. At least it is staying down now!!!

Glad you are doing better. Hopefully, when the swelling goes down you'll be able to eat again!! Hugs to you, Chick!!

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You gals are showing your age!! If you're going to keep up with the youngsters... you have to learn to text!! LOL

I do it all the time.... but I have one daughter who is like you and she WON'T... but then she's a penny pincher like her father and she won't spend the extra money for texting. That would be Jodie, not Tracy.

RV is more or less clean, but very cluttered, as always, and now I have little zip lock bags of beading stuff all over the couch!! Will have to make places for people to sit by Saturday!! Earl has the menu planned and I told him today... it looks like what Janet served last time we were there... he wants to grill salmon outside. And he wanted to make asparagus, but couldn't find any today after stopping at three stores. So still have to figure out veggies, but he wants to do small baked potatoes, so he bought FF sour cream today. We were out ALL afternoon.

Had to go to Redlands for dry run to RV place where we have to go for servicing in 2 weeks. Earl got to talk to the maintenance guy and figure out a place for us to park the night before. So we'll be sleeping in their parking lot the night before the appt. What we will do that evening and probably most of the next day I do not know! We'll take the car.. which he wants me to drive instead of towing it, so we don't have to hang out there that whole entire time.

Wii said I was up little less than 3/4 lb this morning, but the TOPS scale went crazy. Was all over the place.. Earl said it did that with him, too. Weighed okay for most people but several of us.. it was bouncing all over the place! We finally agreed on chalking up a 1 lb gain for me. It wavered about 12 lb.... up and down and up and down. It was nuts.

Karla, glad you went and got deflated a little!!!

Candice.... warming up there at all????

I want a new computer badly. If I get any settlement from the insurance company over this accident, that is what I will buy... a new laptop. And have SIL get me some of the new software from Microsoft.

Uncle Ed is acting up. I think he's got Alzheimer's from what my sister is telling me. I mean, he has ALWAYS been a stubborn, belligerent man, but... today the social worker from the assisted living place called my sister, Barb and said we have to do something about our "father". She straightened her out on that issue... so she is going to call one of HIS daughters (he has three), but.. she said they went on a lunch outing to a restaurant this week and Uncle Ed was extremely rude to the waitress and this is the second time he's done that. Demanding that his coffee cup be filed and waving his empty cup in the air... I've seen him do that before. And they also had to move a lady off their table in their dining room because he was so rude to her. She also wanted to know if we are concerned about our mother's safety because of his volatility! I vote YES! Barbara tried to have a discussion with him today and he was very obnoxious. She finally said, "Uncle Ed, did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning???" My Mom said, "YEAH! A MONTH ago!" So I guess he's being a real jerk. My Mom told Shirley he was giving her "SHIT" yesterday, and she rarely uses that word! He keeps expressing extreme animosity towards my sister Shirley about something that happened almost a year ago. She called the police on him because he was out of control, throwing things across the room, pushed my mom down on the couch.... So, Barb says, "You're still mad about that stuff that happened along time ago????" And he says "well not really mad... I just want to KILL her!" Good grief!! The facility is going to have their doctor evaluate him and I"m hoping they will put him on some Rx for Alzheimer's that will settle him down.

Oh gosh phyl, I hope that goes well... and I hope the assessment is done SOON... your poor MOM!!

Oh, Phyl, I'm so sorry about your uncle, it must be the alzheimers, you are in my prayers. But you are right to be concerned about your mom's safety.

Sounds like you all are going to have a great time!

Last day of freedom. :( Back to work on Monday.

I hope I am deflated enough. Last night was not so good, but sitting here sipping tea and hoping it stays down. I don't want to have to go back in. I am going in to take DD#5 for a costco run then home. Tomorrow master's class on campus, then Sunday, laundry and run DD#5 back to her apartment. Had some really strange dreams again last night, just anxiety over going back to work.

Hope you all have a great day TTFN

Karla, glad the yogurt is staying down... gosh we worry about you girl....hugs on going back to work... its all just worry in your mind, itèll be fine...@@@@HUGS@@@@@

Good morning,

Ugh...I am exhausted. I haven't been sleeping at night again. Not sure why. I got a call from the bariatric doctor yesterday. I have to go in for an EGD on Monday. The blood work they did on Tuesday didn't come back very good. My white blood cells are higher than they should be and based on that and my symptoms, he is worried that my band has not only slipped but that it has eroded as well. If it has eroded then my insurance will cover for certain and I could be in surgery within the week. I asked why they wouldn't have been able to see that on the fluoroscopy. He said that the fluro can't always show what is going on with the lining of the stomach and is rarely used to find erosion.

OY! So I have the appointment scheduled for Wednesday and hopefully we will see what is going on for certain. I asked if I should go back on liquids and he said no. Despite what many say an eroision is actually not an emergency. Yes the band needs to come out if there is an erosion but usually the scar tissue that has built up on the outside of the stomach and the fact that the band is embedded in the stomach is enough to prevent the stomach acid from escaping and causing issues.

So I will keep you up-to-date!

Kerri, keeping my fingers crossed for you... that you get your surg. next week, get it over with and then you can relax and recover....

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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