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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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ah, sorry Phyl if I offended!!! Pay me no mind!

Well, the cat is out of the bag. When Peter came home today(gone since Fri) I said ``I have a proposition for you!``` How would you like to go to Cali with me in March? We would FLY together from To. to Indio , then you could fly from there to Victoria, B.C. on the weekend for your work...? and I`d fly home alone from cali? :````

so he thought about that and said, nah. .I`ll just fly from T.O. to Victoria for the week.... I said I``ve already got my ticket for free.... he never said anything like OH YOU CANT GO....!!! So yeah, I``m, over that hurdles.... Oh yeah, then I said `` Oh Earl will be so disappointed!!`` that you are not c oming.... ROTFLMAO

whew, now I CAN stop worrying about that...

has anyone heard fdrom LINDA??

I wasn't offended!

No... haven't heard from Linda and somewhat concerned. I've left a couple of messages on her cell phone but she doesn't call back.

Karla - Green Bay won !!!

Karla - I am very fortunate - I inherited some $ - or I would be in the same place as you.. Plus I have worked since I was 19 - have had some kind of retirement since then from the majority of my jobs .. So I have been saving for a long long time.. I really need more than a couple K's more like $400 - would give me a good cushion - but that's a lot of freaking money and with the market the way it is - I will be working for sometime..

I'll have to look for my dream book :0)

Market seems to be getting better every day. There IS hope!!

Maybe we can buy lottery tickets!?? Zoey ate the last one I bought before I could check the numbers!

Phyl, I so understand your frustration with Earl and his smoking. Rose is the same way with me. She will tell me she quit and then sneak around. Drives me crazy. Not that she is still smoking but 1. that she lied, 2. that she thinks she NEEDS to lie to me, and 3. that she acts so infantile. She is a grown/independent woman. If she wants to smoke then do it, but don't act like a child sneaking and lying to me. Have at least enough respect for yourself to say, "I want to smoke and I know the risks and therefore, it's my decision." I also completely understand that it isn't worth staying upset over.

Phyl, I also remember how mom would go through the same sort of panic over incedental things after dad died. It was so hard to watch. Thankfully dad had most things in order but mom would go right into a panic when she had to find a tool or do something that dad always took care of. Your friend has so much more on her plate. Poor lady. She is really going to need your support. If she is that active in her Red Hat world, aren't there other hatters that can support her down there? Hopefully she can sell her home up in WA quickly so that she can take that load off. You're such a good friend to run right over there. Bless your heart!

Appreciate your input about your Mom and the smoking... yes... my sentiments EXACTLY!!

Went back to Barb's today but guess she wasn't back from the luncheon yet... I decided not to go. But the shed was open so Earl got the shop vac out and fixed the cord and tried to assess the Water leak problem.. He thinks it needs a plumber. Beyond handyman stuff.


Morning girls; Well after my success in dealing with Peter and the CALI issue... I went to bed on a high note.... only to find out this a,m. that I have high cholesterol.... and I`ll be seeing my Doc this Thursday for my annual physical... I am going to go on Cholesterol lowering meds... I have wanted to avoid this all these years... as everyone else in my family is on heart medications.... I was the LAST holdout, and because I got the band 4 yrs ago, and am down 65 lbs.... I thought that I would have dodged the bullet....

I am pissed, and disappointed... that I was not able to out sneak heredity... Crap I already got family curse No.1.. Bipolar like my DAD and Fraternal Grandmother. and now Family Curse No.2.. Heart disease... Fuck, fuck, fuck.... I iknow, it only means anothwer pill.... but I was hoping,,,,, just hoping....I could avoid it.

Dsister has been on BP meds since she was in her 40`s, and so has Dbrother too... plus he`s been on Cholesterol meds since 45... but he is WAY overweight.. my sister, maybe 10 - 15 lbs overweight... nothing serious... she was always SKINNY her whole life... I was thew chubby one, then my brother took on THAT role... but `I`` have always been the crazy one... (sister is questionable)

Just having a wee pity party here, I`ll snap out of it....

So taking a poll here, who else of the 7`s is on Cholesterol medication? anybody??

My Detrol LA is working VERY well for the Overactive Bladder problem.... its great, only pee 4 times a day now, instead of 12 times..!!!

Chill, Chick!! It's not THAT bad!! I was on 2 cholesterol meds before banding. Then within a few months, reduced strength, then eliminated one of them. Doc wants me to stay on one... Fenofibrate 134 mg is what I take. GYN took me off Detrol LA a couple of months ago. I forget why... some side effects she wasn't happy with. Can't say I've noticed much of a difference since I'm off of it. I leak a little bit on occasion.

Ate too much yesterday at Super Bowl party. Surely WAY less than I would have before banding, but... did not make such good food choices. There was homemade Chili /Rellenos, Tacos, Guacomaole... I had a little of each. Then there was smoked salmon, marinated shrimp... none of those things were too bad.. but then there was potato salad, German potato salad....They started putting food out at 3 pm and it went on all afternoon! So, today was another small bit of my omelet from Saturday, Protein Drink for lunch, a little cheese for snack this afternoon with my wine. Then we had Beans and left over pulled pork for dinner. I skipped the Red Hat luncheon today to avoid more food!!! Ladies' luncheon here tomorrow... still debating about that.

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Candice - it's just your liver - it's just the way it is - Joseph has high colestoral too - just had a blood test last week - they told him to lose 40 lbs and if that doesn't do it - he's on meds.

I haven't had my blood ck'd in a couple yrs - my bad colestoral was a little high they said to increase my Fiber - but that's hard to do w/the band - I watch Barbara Walters the other night - think I need to go to doc and get a blood test..

I'm still on high blood pressure med - was on 2 now just one.. It is what it is.. What do you want - not to take a pill or have your ateries clogged..

Phyl - yep market is back up but now 3 yrs later I have what I had 3 yrs ago.. just think what it would have been if it hadn't fallen - LOL maybe I could be retired..

Well who am I picking up on Sunday at 1:30 Candice or Linda - I have that time and date written on my calendar - but not a name LOL

Steph - will have to do research on that breast thingie - Home you baby is feeling better

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I'm here...I have just be incredibly ill. My fever hit just below 104 but thankfully we were out of school the entire time so I didn't have to use any sick days. Now I'm just exhausted.

I have an appointment with the revision doctor today. If this doesn't work out I was going to go to Mexico, but that just isn't in the budget right now. I have the money, but since I don't know what is going to happen with my employment next year, I can't spend what is left in our bank account on a surgery! Lee STILL has not found a job. We are going on 14 months of him not having a job and it is killing me. He has an interview this morning to substitute so that will help some. It isn't much...70$ a day, but I guess that is better than nothing. He just refuses to get a job unless it is in education now. I understand that he just got his degree and that he wants to be a teacher, but if there are no jobs open right now, we can't afford for him to sit at home and wait until September. As for me, I am just waiting for the Oregon Department of Education to make a ruling to know if I have a job next year in Oregon. We were supposed to know from ODE by February but now the ruling has been pushed back until March. If I knew I had a job next year, I would go ahead with the surgery, but I don't since I don't know, I can't really spend 7000$!!

food has been ok except that my portions are too big. I am REALLY hungry now that I have been completely unfilled. I'm doing my best but I don't do well with hunger.

Well I should probably throw together some sort of lesson for today. UGH!

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Morning ladies!

Not much going on here.

Steph, my sister had that same problem, I know it got better once she went into menopause, but I don't know what the docs did. I know caffiene makes is worse.

Fill this afternoon, then need to get some homework done, I am starting to do the searching and reading for my literature review. We did have a Webinar meeting wiht the professor and he said that he makes sure we will pass the 'defending' of our study and none of his students have ever been failed, so I guess that is a good thing. But standing infront of a group of people having to defend the last year of your life has to be terrifying.

DD#4 is in my dog house, she didn't pay the bill that is in my name so the collection agency threatened me, so I had to put the payment on my credit card. I am WAY not happy with the child. Pissed is an understatement.

Oh well, I'll live, but she may not!!

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Good Morning Gang...

Karri - Understand how you feel about Lee not working - you need the $$ - Hell a job is a job until the one you want comes along... I know I have a freinds DD who thought she was too good to work burger king - I said wtf if you need $$$ your need money - it's better than sitting home broke or till the job you want comes along - hell - I don't like mine very much - but it's easy for the most part and it pays the bills - I have insurance and after 32 yrs - I'm not starting over..

Karla - I'll be your alibi LOL.. Use your 1 call for me I'll bail you out...

Well drive by I got a meeting in 10 - CBL

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Morning ladies!

Not much going on here.

Steph, my sister had that same problem, I know it got better once she went into menopause, but I don't know what the docs did. I know caffiene makes is worse.

Fill this afternoon, then need to get some homework done, I am starting to do the searching and reading for my literature review. We did have a Webinar meeting wiht the professor and he said that he makes sure we will pass the 'defending' of our study and none of his students have ever been failed, so I guess that is a good thing. But standing infront of a group of people having to defend the last year of your life has to be terrifying.

DD#4 is in my dog house, she didn't pay the bill that is in my name so the collection agency threatened me, so I had to put the payment on my credit card. I am WAY not happy with the child. Pissed is an understatement.

Oh well, I'll live, but she may not!!

I know what you mean about defending! My doctoral program is going to take about 3.5 years to complete and after writing a 200 page dissertation the last thing I want to do is to not pass my oral defense! We have to choose our own mentor and committee so I am going to be picking and choosing wisely. I would rather have someone that is really hard on me througout the entire process than have to redo three years worth of research! I'm sure you will do great. As for the DD and the dog...this is why I don't have children...or pets! I'm not a big fan of living things!


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Karla, remember to use our OPI resources. If you are looking for studies and lit to review Jean and David are amazing. And remember....Maurice ROCKS. Use your resources.

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Candice - it's just your liver - it's just the way it is - Joseph has high colestoral too - just had a blood test last week - they told him to lose 40 lbs and if that doesn't do it - he's on meds.

I haven't had my blood ck'd in a couple yrs - my bad colestoral was a little high they said to increase my fiber - but that's hard to do w/the band - I watch Barbara Walters the other night - think I need to go to doc and get a blood test..

I'm still on high blood pressure med - was on 2 now just one.. It is what it is.. What do you want - not to take a pill or have your ateries clogged..

Phyl - yep market is back up but now 3 yrs later I have what I had 3 yrs ago.. just think what it would have been if it hadn't fallen - LOL maybe I could be retired..

Well who am I picking up on Sunday at 1:30 Candice or Linda - I have that time and date written on my calendar - but not a name LOL

Steph - will have to do research on that breast thingie - Home you baby is feeling better

ha, ha, ha... Its ME you are picking up on the Sunday March 13th.... Linda comes in on the Monday I think... I just spoke with her on Skype she is fine, but really busy with work, Grandkids etc.... she is retiring from teaching MAY 17th!!! Can you beleive it.. she is now in countdown mode.

Karri, oh yeah I`d want my hubby to get a job right now too. any job.... plus he can hold out for a teachers job for SEPTEMBER... perhaps you can both land teaching jobs in Oregon!!! but in the mean time, he could work at anything knowing it was only temporary and for a few months until you move back up north right? I`ll cross my fingers for you girl!!! and send EXTRA HUGS

Karla; hugs on the Elyse issue... wow that girl can try a mothers love eh? I hope that bill on your CC wasnt; too big.... :-(

Stephanie, I liked the comment from Karla... YES I have read that about caffine too... not good for our boobies!!! Can you go dedaf or will you go bonkers without your latte`s.... they can make them without caf. right??

I was told to LOOSE the artificial sweetners.... because they are really toxic for you bodies.... produce too much inflammation... well, y aknow... there are already so many things I`ve given up... ...hell I can`t live without my sweetners!!! Damn the nay sayers!!!!

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ha, ha, ha... Its ME you are picking up on the Sunday March 13th.... Linda comes in on the Monday I think... I just spoke with her on Skype she is fine, but really busy with work, Grandkids etc.... she is retiring from teaching MAY 17th!!! Can you beleive it.. she is now in countdown mode.

Karri, oh yeah I`d want my hubby to get a job right now too. any job.... plus he can hold out for a teachers job for SEPTEMBER... perhaps you can both land teaching jobs in Oregon!!! but in the mean time, he could work at anything knowing it was only temporary and for a few months until you move back up north right? I`ll cross my fingers for you girl!!! and send EXTRA HUGS

Karla; hugs on the Elyse issue... wow that girl can try a mothers love eh? I hope that bill on your CC wasnt; too big.... :-(

Stephanie, I liked the comment from Karla... YES I have read that about caffine too... not good for our boobies!!! Can you go dedaf or will you go bonkers without your latte`s.... they can make them without caf. right??

I was told to LOOSE the artificial sweetners.... because they are really toxic for you bodies.... produce too much inflammation... well, y aknow... there are already so many things I`ve given up... ...hell I can`t live without my sweetners!!! Damn the nay sayers!!!!

My hubby did get selected to become a substitute, but he won't have orientation until next week and then won't be able to start subbing until the following week. I guess I shouldn't complain...it is money!

As for next year...I'm not sure if I will teach or not. There are potentially two charter schools opening and my real hope is that I am able to get the online program up and running so that I can sit at home, on the beach, or any where with an internet connection and just teach the kiddos from there. Michael will pay me per school, so the more charter schools that are open the more moolah I make! I don't really care where we end up as long as Lee has a job at it is WARM. This Texas frigid weather is killing me. We are supposed to get more snow tonight so it could be interesting if we miss school again. (Fingers crossed!!!)

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wOW, the weather in Texas sounds WORSE than what we are getting here... and here, its not nice... going down to -22 C tonight + the windchill factor.... but at least it is SUPPOSED to be cold in Canada... For Texans this must be an incredable SHOCK....:blink:

So Lee sounds like he`ll be sub teaching... thats good!!! And it is something he`ll like... did you say the pay was $75 per day!!!!

Gosh, you guys should come up and teach in Canada, our teachers get paid way more!!! I have GF in London, On. she teaches Kindergarten , for the last 25-30 years... and she makes 6 figures.... now she is way up on the GRID because of all her years... but sheesh there shouldn`t be that much diff in pay!!!

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Crap, my post disappeared.

Got my fill today, not happy with myself. I have gained 4 pounds since November. WAY ticked off, yeah, no exercise and 1/2 the time in bed will do that to you. Now I am probably a little over filled. When I did the Water test it went down fine, but pb'd it in the parking lot. So let's hoping it is just swelling. I'm on liquids for 2 days, mushies for 2 days and then we will see how things are.

I did find one source for those 4 pounds. I have been drinking a lot of tea with my usual 'no cal' sweetener, well, I really looked at the label and my idea of 'no cal' and their idea of 'no cal' is not the same. Come to find out it 25 calories for 3/4 a tsp and I use over a tsp, so figure 40 cals per cup of tea plus non-fat condensed milk which is 25 cals per 2 Tbles. So come to find out my tea is running me 65 calories per cup and I drink about 6 cups since I am home all the time. WELL, that is 390 calories for tea!!!! Heck I could have had ice cream for that!

So as Janet always says, "Read the dag gum label!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Crap, my post disappeared.

Got my fill today, not happy with myself. I have gained 4 pounds since November. WAY ticked off, yeah, no exercise and 1/2 the time in bed will do that to you. Now I am probably a little over filled. When I did the Water test it went down fine, but pb'd it in the parking lot. So let's hoping it is just swelling. I'm on liquids for 2 days, mushies for 2 days and then we will see how things are.

I did find one source for those 4 pounds. I have been drinking a lot of tea with my usual 'no cal' sweetener, well, I really looked at the label and my idea of 'no cal' and their idea of 'no cal' is not the same. Come to find out it 25 calories for 3/4 a tsp and I use over a tsp, so figure 40 cals per cup of tea plus non-fat condensed milk which is 25 cals per 2 Tbles. So come to find out my tea is running me 65 calories per cup and I drink about 6 cups since I am home all the time. WELL, that is 390 calories for tea!!!! Heck I could have had ice cream for that!

So as Janet always says, "Read the dag gum label!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

oh Karla, so sorry about your fav bevarage....!!! I ve been using SPLENDA packets forever.... and I drink Skim Milk in my tea... but like you.... Iam a tea Granny!!!! I guess cause its the cold we live in huh?

Been listening to new tunes all night on YouTube.. trying to find some more jazz tunes.

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wOW, the weather in Texas sounds WORSE than what we are getting here... and here, its not nice... going down to -22 C tonight + the windchill factor.... but at least it is SUPPOSED to be cold in Canada... For Texans this must be an incredable SHOCK....:blink:

So Lee sounds like he`ll be sub teaching... thats good!!! And it is something he`ll like... did you say the pay was $75 per day!!!!

Gosh, you guys should come up and teach in Canada, our teachers get paid way more!!! I have GF in London, On. she teaches Kindergarten , for the last 25-30 years... and she makes 6 figures.... now she is way up on the GRID because of all her years... but sheesh there shouldn`t be that much diff in pay!!!

Yes...they pay pretty crappy. I took a 20000$ pay cut to come here. The Texas weather has been nuts. We are supposed to get freezing rain, sleet and 3-5 inches of snow tonight. I'm really hoping the weatherman is RIGHT!

Well the doctor today was pretty convinced he could get my revision to bypass covered by insurance. He doesn't a different type of RNY that doesn't lead to as much malabsorption (it's a new technique in the last 3 years). He spent a long time talking about the complications with the band. I was shocked at how much he said that I realized I had. I won't go into it here because if people aren't having issues than I'm not going to bring up negatives. Just one piece of advice...if you PB...makes sure you brush your teeth. A recent article in a dentistry journal is showing that bandsters have a HIGH rate of tooth decay (along the same lines as bulemia). Never thought about that at all!!

I think that if he can get it, I am going to go through with the bypass. It has the most research, history, and longevity studies. In three years I don't want to be hearing about problems with the sleeve and end up with a revision again. However if insurance doesn't cover it I will end up with a revision to a sleeve just because it is cheaper. Well I need to go to bed in case I actually do have to go †o work tomorrow.

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Good Morning Gang...


Too funny (not really) you hated the cold in OR and you move and still are in the cold... Hugs.. It would be cool to work from home - but I think I need the interaction w/pple - even though I don't like to be around pple 24/7 - I would miss it to a degree.. But would love not to having to be controlled by the clock ;0)

Good luck on the new bypass - I think it might be the best thing for you since you have never really been able to find a sweet spot - that's the biggest issue w/the band - there are so many pple who can't get to sweet spot. Just make sure you are very very very very and I mean very good about taking your vitimans daily if you get the revision.. Glad Lee is going to be working soon...

Karla - You know you are going to get crap for being too tight - especialy from me - it goes along with reading lables - this is not about stravation - I know you still have that mentality but gf - if you pb'd in the parking lot you should have turned around and had some taken out.. The one time I was too tight it didn't hit till the next day... You promise me if you can't eat meat in a couple of days then you go back and have some taken out..

You have had 2 freaking surgeries since Nov and haven't had 1 oz of exercise - so gf don't beat yourself up about the 4 lbs... Hell if I couldn't exercise - I would gain weight - that's another reason I don't have any plastic surgeries cuz I know I couldn't exercise for x # of weeks - not an option for me...

Candice - the only reason she's drinking tea (Karla) is cuz she can't drink her coffee cuz of ulcers..

So did you find new songs to sing...

Phyl - What time are you coming over on Friday - about 4 ish I am thinking - the girls want to get pedicures - so I was thinking maybe Friday afternoon - instead of Sat morning - since we are going to the swap meet -

Well gotta get back to work - CBL

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Karla - You know you are going to get crap for being too tight - especially from me - it goes along with reading labels - this is not about starvation - I know you still have that mentality but gf - if you pb'd in the parking lot you should have turned around and had some taken out.. The one time I was too tight it didn't hit till the next day... You promise me if you can't eat meat in a couple of days then you go back and have some taken out..

You have had 2 freaking surgeries since Nov and haven't had 1 oz of exercise - so gf don't beat yourself up about the 4 lbs... Hell if I couldn't exercise - I would gain weight - that's another reason I don't have any plastic surgeries cuz I know I couldn't exercise for x # of weeks - not an option for me...

Candice - the only reason she's drinking tea (Karla) is cuz she can't drink her coffee cuz of ulcers.. So did you find new songs to sing...

Phyl - What time are you coming over on Friday - about 4 ish I am thinking - the girls want to get pedicures - so I was thinking maybe Friday afternoon - instead of Sat morning - since we are going to the swap meet -

Well gotta get back to work - CBL

Yeah, Karla.... you shouldn't have left!! Naughty, naughty!

Don't know what I'd do if I couldn't drink coffee. In fact, haven't had a latte since Saturday and seriously thinking Zoey and I need to take a ride to DHS for some contrived reason!!

I have choir practice at 2:30 pm. Sometimes he lets the ladies go at 3:30pm if he wants to rehears the mens' chorus, but never know if we're going to be there until then or 4 pm. I can always leave early, too. Usually practice what we are going to sing Sunday at the beginning and then again at the end. So.... 4-4:30pm is about right. Then Saturday we're doing C.O.D. and then over here, right?? Anything else? Red Hat Valentine thing on Saturday, but I don't have to go. Drives me nuts that they plan so many things in the middle of Saturday afternoon. That's usually our day to be out and about. Anyways, they're having pizza!!

So, what can I bring on Friday?? We don't have a plan for Saturday except that Earl is hoping it's warm and not windy so we can be outside and he can do something on the grill.... open to suggestions.

You're doing great on your wgt!! I don't even want to get on the scale tomorrow morning! Too many social functions this week and too much food in my face! I think my 1 lb loss last week will be back on this week, and I'll be happy if it's only 1! Plus, missed too many Water aerobics sessions because of all the stuff going on, and then the wind was so nasty and cold yesterday we didn't go to the pool at all. Earl didn't even go up last night! But, at least all my beading has kept my hands busy at night and I haven't been snacking hardly at all. I'm really feeling like a failure for the lack of progress!! I know what I need to do, but....... not doing it!

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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