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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Good afternoon ladies;

I am doing fine... om the band wagon

Just didn`t post yesterday, because it was a Doctor visit day and I was feeling Shiity about my Allergy stuff... got me down... but she gave me more meds to take for it. Something stronger than Benadryl.... these little green pills...

I had a horrible headache, and just vegged all day and night...

Feeling like myself today, (yeah!) and itch is down to a manageable level.. but you should see my thighs! I looked like I`ve been raped with all the bruising on the inner thighs... and the skin is ultra dry and damaged looking... oh, well It will heal eventually... hey I dont`wear shorts much anyways !!!! :D

OMG Girl you do have very sensative skin don't you - I would hate that - I don't wear short at all only capri's...

Take an oatmeal bath - or calimine lotion..


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OMG Girl you do have very sensative skin don't you - I would hate that - I don't wear short at all only capri's...

Take an oatmeal bath - or calimine lotion..


Ha,ha,ha.... you are funny, Cause I have been taking OATMEAL baths, every 2nd day since I got home from Europe. And I`ve already gone thru one bottle of calamine lotion.. But honestly, the Rx cortixzone lotion works better... Its expensive, but hell that`s why I have extra Medical insurance... it pays 80% of the Rx....`s the rest I claim on my Income Tax. YUK, that will be coming up soon enough. April is when we file.

I de-junked Peter`s office yesterday. I shredded old paperwork, files, etc.. I have filled 3 green garbage bags!!!! But it felt so GOOD... I love shredding... my other favorite `dream`` job would have been a Recking Ball Machine Operator... God, I`d love to do that for a day!!!

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Ha,ha,ha.... you are funny, Cause I have been taking OATMEAL baths, every 2nd day since I got home from Europe. And I`ve already gone thru one bottle of calamine lotion.. But honestly, the Rx cortixzone lotion works better... Its expensive, but hell that`s why I have extra Medical insurance... it pays 80% of the Rx....`s the rest I claim on my Income Tax. YUK, that will be coming up soon enough. April is when we file.

I de-junked Peter`s office yesterday. I shredded old paperwork, files, etc.. I have filled 3 green garbage bags!!!! But it felt so GOOD... I love shredding... my other favorite `dream`` job would have been a Recking Ball Machine Operator... God, I`d love to do that for a day!!!

When I break out with my sun rash they give me a rash cream and also some sort of allergy shot to bring down the rash. The shot is a once a season thing. I don't know if they can do the same with your skin but since it's a rash, it might be a thought.

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When I break out with my sun rash they give me a rash cream and also some sort of allergy shot to bring down the rash. The shot is a once a season thing. I don't know if they can do the same with your skin but since it's a rash, it might be a thought.

Oh Stephanie, I am allergic to the SUN... I didnt`know that there was a shot you could get so you don`t react... Please find out the name for me!!! PLEASE!! Also, what is the rash cream - if it a prescription - I could probably get that here too if I had the name.. Do you still have the tube laying around?? The other thing I reacted to was all the Bleach and Laundry products that they used on the ship, and in our hotels...

SO I got a double whammy effect - that s why it is so bad this time. Even my bottom lip is still swollen...

Do you know how to post PICTURES up on LBT... I haven`t had any luck...

I`ll show you my ugly legs LOL

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Oh Stephanie, I am allergic to the SUN... I didnt`know that there was a shot you could get so you don`t react... Please find out the name for me!!! PLEASE!! Also, what is the rash cream - if it a prescription - I could probably get that here too if I had the name.. Do you still have the tube laying around?? The other thing I reacted to was all the Bleach and Laundry products that they used on the ship, and in our hotels...

SO I got a double whammy effect - that s why it is so bad this time. Even my bottom lip is still swollen...

Do you know how to post PICTURES up on LBT... I haven`t had any luck...

I`ll show you my ugly legs LOL

I have a tube around here somewhere. I will look for it and get you the name. I'm not sure about the shot but I can find that info too. It will just have to be tomorrow. After the shot and a week of cream life is usually much better.

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If you like Dan Brown's books, you need to read The Sculptor by Gregory Funaro. Fabulous book, it was a free download for my Kindle, but he has a 2nd book, The Impaler that I spent 'real' money on. I love how Amazon changes their 'free' ebooks all the time, I have read some authors that I would have never tried had I had to buy them. The Sculptor does have a little language, the F word, but not too often, and does have a 'self gradification' scene, but not explicite detail. But I did really enjoy it, the book I mean.

Just got done with my first 'Webinar', an online meeting with the MSU librarians on how to access books and Journals online. I feel so high tech!!!

Well have most of the tax stuff organized and meet with the CPA tomorrow, should know by next week what the damage is. I am use to getting most of my $$ back, but I know that won't happen this year. Working as much as I did, and not too much medical expenses, so I hope I get some back. Okay I hope I don't have to PAY!!!

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Good afternoon ladies;

I am doing fine... om the band wagon

Just didn`t post yesterday, because it was a Doctor visit day and I was feeling Shiity about my Allergy stuff... got me down... but she gave me more meds to take for it. Something stronger than Benadryl.... these little green pills...

I had a horrible headache, and just vegged all day and night...

Feeling like myself today, (yeah!) and itch is down to a manageable level.. but you should see my thighs! I looked like I`ve been raped with all the bruising on the inner thighs... and the skin is ultra dry and damaged looking... oh, well It will heal eventually... hey I dont`wear shorts much anyways !!!! :D

Geez!! Hope the plague goes away SOON!!

Here's something for you to look forward to and take your mind off of it...... beading ladies reminded me today that one of the local stores that we go to for beads sells magnificent quilting fabric as well as supplies. Will take you there! I've bought a few beads there.. high priced place, but nice stuff. Bring an empty suitcase.

Made two bracelets this week.... blue/silver yesterday.... stayed at class for 4+ hours ad still had to finish it at home. But, today I made another of the same pattern in turquoise and black and I was done in about 3 hours! I spent a lot of time picking out colors yesterday. That always takes me the longest time!!

Stupid site! Impossible to insert pictures! You'll have to see the bracelets on FB!

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Here's the instruction Jessica gave me on how to download pic's I haven't tried it - looks like a lot of work - easier to post on fb

Janet, First I upload the pic into the gallery on LBT. Then right click on the picture and select properties. The url for it will be there. Be sure you right click on the picture that is smaller in size, like the thumbnail. It will post the same size as the pic you right click on. The size is adjustable but that is a little more detailed.

Well back from the gym... Had bootcamp tonite - had a good work out...

Phyl - How's the wind your way - we had a little but not much ... Are you getting my emails.

Candice - Hugs on the rash - that would be the freaking pits - are you getting all this bad weather your way..

Karla - I haven't read lately - spend too much time on the computer ;0)

Well not much to report - need to go start dinner ... CBL

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Well we are out of school another day!!! Gives me more time to get better. We went to a hockey game tonight because we got really cheap tickets. Lee really enjoyed it. I would have enjoyed it more if my ears hadn't started hurting! But we are home now. It is insanely cold for Texas right now (though nowhere near -30).

So I didn't get to go to my appointment today because of the weather so we have rescheduled for next week but they want me to keep eating real food and note any problems. So far I am 1 out of 3 for keeping meals down since I've been on real foods. I wasn't having this many problems before they unfilled the band. It's weird. Oh well...I'm off to bed.

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Here's the instruction Jessica gave me on how to download pic's I haven't tried it - looks like a lot of work - easier to post on fb

Janet, First I upload the pic into the gallery on LBT. Then right click on the picture and select properties. The url for it will be there. Be sure you right click on the picture that is smaller in size, like the thumbnail. It will post the same size as the pic you right click on. The size is adjustable but that is a little more detailed.

Well back from the gym... Had bootcamp tonite - had a good work out...

Phyl - How's the wind your way - we had a little but not much ... Are you getting my emails.

Candice - Hugs on the rash - that would be the freaking pits - are you getting all this bad weather your way..

Karla - I haven't read lately - spend too much time on the computer ;0)

Well not much to report - need to go start dinner ... CBL

I'll try the pictures that way but sure was easier before!

Walked the dog around 8pm and it was pleasant and not windy. Shortly after that the wind kicked up and it's been blowing ever since. Paper says 50 mph gusts tomorrow and 20 degree temp drop. So, if it's miserable in the morning again, I will not go to the pol. I went today, but 15 minutes late and couldn't exercise very vigorously because my hip was hurting. Had to skip some of the exercises. But.... like I said, walked the dog part way around the block tonight without much discomfort. Have to come up with a $$ number for insurance company for "pain and suffering" as they want to close out the accident claim. If you have suggestion.. email me. Yes, I had pre-existing back problem, but never had the sciatic pain prior to the accident... and the pain going down my leg, numbness in my foot. Last couple of months, pain not as frequent but still comes back. They didn't have to pay for anything yet because all the providers have sent the bills to Medicare and Tricare.

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Good Morning Peeps...

Karri - Didn't know Tx was having bad weather too - Snow?? So Lee is with you now ??? or are you in OR?? I would stick with soft foods..

Hope the ear gets better..

Phyl - Not windy here and really not that cold out - computer says 42 - but news says 62 today - don't know if I will wear a sweater or not - It can get hot in the office..

Well time to hit the shower - CBL

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Good Morning Peeps...

Karri - Didn't know Tx was having bad weather too - Snow?? So Lee is with you now ??? or are you in OR?? I would stick with soft foods..

Hope the ear gets better..

Phyl - Not windy here and really not that cold out - computer says 42 - but news says 62 today - don't know if I will wear a sweater or not - It can get hot in the office..

Well time to hit the shower - CBL

We are in Texas. Lee moved down here with me over Christmas Break. I flew to Oregon at the beginning of break and then we drove back. Currently we are living in the Budget Suites because we didn't bring any of our furniture. As of right now we don't know what we are doing next year. It depends on whether or not some job opportunities come open in the Portland or Salem area. I'm pretty certain the Salem one will come to fruition I'm just not sure if it will be for the 2011 or 2012 school year. If neither one of those opportunities comes available, Lee will get a job down here and I am going to take the year off. Though between the creation of my online education system and going to school it won't be much of a year off. Though right now I'm doing all three so it will seem a bit like a break! This will be my last year in the traditional education system. It just doesn't work for me anymore. I can't deal with teachers stuck in a model that was outdated in the 1940s. I'm reading a book right now for my current events class that was written in 1938 and he is discussing the EXACT same issues that we have right now. So nope, I haven't changed my view about my fight to change education...and I am UNAPOLOGETIC about it.

I still feel like crap but fortunately 14 degree weather outside allowed us one more snow/ice day so that I can hopefully start feeling a little more like human.

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We are in Texas. Lee moved down here with me over Christmas Break. I flew to Oregon at the beginning of break and then we drove back. Currently we are living in the Budget Suites because we didn't bring any of our furniture. As of right now we don't know what we are doing next year. It depends on whether or not some job opportunities come open in the Portland or Salem area. I'm pretty certain the Salem one will come to fruition I'm just not sure if it will be for the 2011 or 2012 school year. If neither one of those opportunities comes available, Lee will get a job down here and I am going to take the year off. Though between the creation of my online education system and going to school it won't be much of a year off. Though right now I'm doing all three so it will seem a bit like a break! This will be my last year in the traditional education system. It just doesn't work for me anymore. I can't deal with teachers stuck in a model that was outdated in the 1940s. I'm reading a book right now for my current events class that was written in 1938 and he is discussing the EXACT same issues that we have right now. So nope, I haven't changed my view about my fight to change education...and I am UNAPOLOGETIC about it.

I still feel like crap but fortunately 14 degree weather outside allowed us one more snow/ice day so that I can hopefully start feeling a little more like human.

Glad you have a snow/ice day... Good for you taking a year off - even if it's not really off - Glad you are going to school - that will be a job in it self... I agree that things need to change - you will be the one to do it ;0) - I saw that Lee updated his profile pic - looks very handsome in his teacher clothes..

well gotta get back to work cbl

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Hi Gang; Yup still here... I decided to get busy (with all this snow) and delve into my UFÒ`s in my Quilt room.... Got c aught up on my Block of the month class stuff.. so now onto completing my Queen size quilt from 2005!!! I know, don`t say it... but I`ttll be one more project in completion.. I think I will send it out to be Long Arm quilted, although I don`t know where I`ll find thw money for that!! It`ll come out of the budget somewhere`s else,, maybe I can disguise it as GROCERIES!!!!! what do you think¨???

I`d put up pictures, but what a freeking hassle that is.

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Good Morning Peeps...

Karri - Didn't know Tx was having bad weather too - Snow?? So Lee is with you now ??? or are you in OR?? I would stick with soft foods.. Hope the ear gets better..

Phyl - Not windy here and really not that cold out - computer says 42 - but news says 62 today - don't know if I will wear a sweater or not - It can get hot in the office..

Well time to hit the shower - CBL

Wow!! Chilly morning! Windy out here... but intermittent. Temp is 54 according to our outdoor sensor. Didn't go to Water aerobics because memorial mass for our Red Hat Queen's husband was this morning. Was supposed to go to pot luck lunch/reception afterward, but... would've had to stop at Von's to get something from the deli to take, and decided that was going to make me late, I wouldn't be able to find a place to park... her RV park has very limited parking, and then I'd probably eat too much and eat the wrong things. So I went to Von's and bought stuff for chili instead. Came home and made a big crock of chili... it's simmering now, for dinner, but I sneaked a small bowl for lunch.< /span>

Made two bracelets so far this week and started on a 3rd last night. Really like the pattern she taught us this week, so bought 3 additional "kits" at class, in different color combinations. One I started last night is black and burgundy beads. Will keep me busy this afternoon, and I have to make a poster for bulletin board at Activities for WA state Sky Valley pot luck. Somehow ended up in charge of that! And I'm falling behind in preparations. Got it in the monthly "Roadrunner" booklet, but needs to be on bulletin boards around the park, too. Then, I should arrange for some entertainment. Too bad it's not when you are here Candice... I'd have you sing!

Hi Gang; Yup still here... I decided to get busy (with all this snow) and delve into my UFÒ`s in my Quilt room.... Got c aught up on my Block of the month class stuff.. so now onto completing my Queen size quilt from 2005!!! I know, don`t say it... but I`ttll be one more project in completion.. I think I will send it out to be Long Arm quilted, although I don`t know where I`ll find thw money for that!! It`ll come out of the budget somewhere`s else,, maybe I can disguise it as GROCERIES!!!!! what do you think¨??? I`d put up pictures, but what a freeking hassle that is.

I think you could chalk it up to "Utilities..... Heating"!

Here's a new shoe story... I've been admiring these sandals a lady at the pool has.... look very comfortable, almost like Merrills. So I asked her where she got them and she said "Earth Spirit"..... Walmart!! So, I looked for them last weekend and found a few pairs on closeout for $20. So of course, I couldn't resist buying a pair. But with Earl constantly fussing about too many purses, hats and shoes, I couldn't just hand them to him and tell him I was buying new shoes! So... I took them to the cash register down at the garden shop end and used my card from my "mad money" account so he wouldn't see the charge on any of our "joint" cards! Then I told the cashier to chuck the box and I stuffed the shoes in to a pouch on the back of my scooter. I went and found Earl and told him I needed the car keys because I was going to go outside and walk the dog and then we'd wait in the car for him. So... I DID walk the dog, but I also hid the shoes under the back seat. Then... when we got home, after a while he said he was taking some garbage to the dump with the golf cart. so while he was gone... I sneaked the shoes in to the RV and hid them in the back of my closet. Problem now is.... I CAN'T wear them until I come clean!!! LOL! Was thinking I'd tell him to get all my shoes down... he keeps them in a cubby above the bed where I can't reach them so every time I want a different pair I have to ask!!! Pathetic!! But.. I could tell him to get them all down because I want to get rid of a couple of pairs. And then I could later get out the new ones and start wearing them. Do you think this will work??? He will KNOW he hasn't seen these shoes before! I sneaked and bought a purse at C.O.D. a couple of weeks ago and either he never noticed I'm using a different purse or he's decided it's not worth hassling me!! Hee hee hee!! He wants this helicopter he saw at C.O.D. for $150 really bad but so far he won't buy it! Then he saw the same one at the hobby shop for a lot more $$, so maybe I can talk him in to buying that and then I can pull out the shoes!! HAHAHA!! I think I will be getting some $$ from the car accident, so then I will buy me a new laptop, and maybe one for him, too, and maybe I'll buy an iPad! Anything that's left goes in my Mad Money account! I took cash out of our main account today and checked balances and I wonder.... WTH!! Why is he hassling me about money!!!! It's ridiculous.

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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