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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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Candice, I couldn't sleep last night, so I downloaded Pride & Predudice last night, a free download. My house is so small and I have WAY too much craft stuff, so not having a stack a books around is great. The funny thing is every once in a while I find myself 'turning the page' on my kindle. I have a bifold cover, so I grab the cover and turn. duh. Does that mean I am getting senile?

Once I go to sleep I slept well, but didn't get up until almost 10. I can't keep these hours.

I did get a new wall hanging started yesterday for one of my daughter's birthday. I is the huge gingko leaves. She has an 'Arts & Craft' style bungalo and likes to decorate it to fit the style. A few years ago I made her a Frank Lloyd Wright style wall hanging that turned out pretty good. It just seems that all of the patterns I get for her a 'strange'. This one has you applique everything in one piece, including the border, so it should be a new experience.

Well, hope you have a good day, Janet must be sleeping in or hanging with family? Phyl, Steph, busy with church.


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Morning Peeps!

Made some new muffins yesterday... don`t know if I totally like them yet... but they are healthy, Oatbran, Flaxmeal, whole wheat, Carrots, apples shredded... Peter turned his nose up at them.. so I guess they are going in the freezer.. Made with Splenda, and pureed prunes for sweetness. Amazing how when you take SUGAR and FAT out of the equation... things arent as appealing - and that s a GOOD THING!

Oh I feel like making Karla`s chicken salad today!!! just cn`t find the recipe, but I`ll keep on hunting.

Karri, I am happy that you are getting treatment for the depression, no one deserves to feel that bad.. I don`t have any sage advice, exept that you are doing what you need to do to get better. I am permanently on Meds for my Bipolar... thats just the way it is... By body dosn`t work well without them. So nice that Lee is such a great support for you...

Stephanie; Cold and snowy there? Any poker runs planned?

Karla; Your daughters house sounds really nice...

Phyl, I supppose you are settling back into your routine today after your exciting travels...

Linda, I know you are lurking... HUGS

My hives are WILD this a.m.... I have been racking my brain... has anyone ever heard of being ALLERGIC to their band??? Gosh I hope not, the only medication that I have been taking regularily is my Seroquel... so I sure hope its not that!

Oh I almost forgot, my GF Wendy had Gastric Bypass 4 years ago today!! She is down 92 lbs... so proud of her

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Good afternoon ladies. Had an early busy morning with the kiddos and then off to church. Jaimi was up with her fever again at 3:30. Of course this morning she is acting as if she isn't sick at all. I just wish she would get better. I'm supposed to sub tomorrow and can't call in sick tomorrow too since I did on Friday. Jeff will be in Williston with his dad for a doc appt so I really don't have any other option. Lord, please help me here!

I got my cook books that I ordered during QVC's cooking day. One is called "eat what you love" which takes normally really bad for you food and makes them good for you. There were probably 30 recipes in there that I wanted to start today. They sound so awesome. There are some great recipes that I can put in my new vitamix when it gets here. Janet, there was a one pot wonder in there that made me think of you. I might post the recipe but you've probably already been there, done that. The other was a set of 2 from Taste of Home. Comfort food made lighter or something like that. Again, really awesome recipes. I'm not one who can just throw things together. I have got to have a recipe to follow or I'm not making it. My goal is to find about 20 recipes that Jeff and I really like (and hopefully the kids will eat too) so that we can have healthy food every night and it turns into life instead of diet.

Karri, how are the liquids going? I know how hard it is. I can definitely relate. That's one of the reasons I ordered the vitamix...so I could switch up my liquids a little more. Tell me what we can do to help you encourage you.

It's -5 here today. Candice, are the temps you're telling us F or C? It's snowy blowy here today but I don't think there are any real flakes coming down.

Time to run. Watching CSI miami for awhile and then it's time to do another Wii Active workout. Talk to you later ladies. Have an awesome day!

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Morning Peeps!

Made some new muffins yesterday... don`t know if I totally like them yet... but they are healthy, Oatbran, Flaxmeal, whole wheat, Carrots, apples shredded... Peter turned his nose up at them.. so I guess they are going in the freezer.. Made with Splenda, and pureed prunes for sweetness. Amazing how when you take SUGAR and FAT out of the equation... things arent as appealing - and that s a GOOD THING!

Oh I feel like making Karla`s chicken salad today!!! just cn`t find the recipe, but I`ll keep on hunting.

Karri, I am happy that you are getting treatment for the depression, no one deserves to feel that bad.. I don`t have any sage advice, exept that you are doing what you need to do to get better. I am permanently on Meds for my Bipolar... thats just the way it is... By body dosn`t work well without them. So nice that Lee is such a great support for you...

Stephanie; Cold and snowy there? Any poker runs planned?

Karla; Your daughters house sounds really nice...

Phyl, I supppose you are settling back into your routine today after your exciting travels...

Linda, I know you are lurking... HUGS

My hives are WILD this a.m.... I have been racking my brain... has anyone ever heard of being ALLERGIC to their band??? Gosh I hope not, the only medication that I have been taking regularily is my Seroquel... so I sure hope its not that!

Oh I almost forgot, my GF Wendy had Gastric Bypass 4 years ago today!! She is down 92 lbs... so proud of her

Yes, I do think it is possible to be allergic to your band. My naturopath thinks that I am. I had absolutely no health problems before I had the band and now...I'm full of them. She actually thinks that it is mirroring a gluten intolerance. Remember a few months ago I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance and after faithfully eliminating all gluten from my diet, my "reaction" to gluten is higher than ever. Because I have eliminated it, I should not have any of the enzymes present in my blood. Plus with all the weight I have gained back my adrenal fatigue should have gone away. However, none of my health problems have gone away and in fact are getting worse. Everyone is at a loss for why. I eat healthier, I exercise, and take my Vitamins. The only thing that we haven't eliminated or changed was the band. Then when I found out that my band had slipped...it was kind of the end of the rope for me. I'm still trying to decide whether or not to just have the band removed and not go through with the revision. I know if I don't get the revision however that I will gain all of my weight back. A lot of it will depend on whether or not the insurance will cover it.

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Candice, I couldn't sleep last night, so I downloaded Pride & Predudice last night, a free download. My house is so small and I have WAY too much craft stuff, so not having a stack a books around is great. The funny thing is every once in a while I find myself 'turning the page' on my kindle. I have a bifold cover, so I grab the cover and turn. duh. Does that mean I am getting senile?

Once I go to sleep I slept well, but didn't get up until almost 10. I can't keep these hours.

I did get a new wall hanging started yesterday for one of my daughter's birthday. I is the huge gingko leaves. She has an 'Arts & Craft' style bungalo and likes to decorate it to fit the style. A few years ago I made her a Frank Lloyd Wright style wall hanging that turned out pretty good. It just seems that all of the patterns I get for her a 'strange'. This one has you applique everything in one piece, including the border, so it should be a new experience.

Well, hope you have a good day, Janet must be sleeping in or hanging with family? Phyl, Steph, busy with church.


Good afternoon! Yeah, church this morning.... had to be there to practice with choir by 9:10 a.m. and then he didn't even have us sing two lines before he said, okay, that's good! Then we have to stay part way through the 2nd service, which is at 11 a.m., and leave after we sing. We did good.... acepella today... no take or piano accompaniment. We sounded pretty good I think.

Been vegging ever since. Haven't even read the paper yet! And going to 6pm service because it's a memorial service for people who died in 2010, and we have Max, so we're going to go.

We are going to have pork chops, homemade applesauce w/o sugar and asparagus for dinner.

I get the page turning thing!! I keep reaching for the turn signals on the golf cart and it doesn't have any!!

Made some new muffins yesterday... don`t know if I totally like them yet... but they are healthy, Oatbran, Flaxmeal, whole wheat, Carrots, apples shredded... Peter turned his nose up at them.. so I guess they are going in the freezer.. Made with Splenda, and pureed prunes for sweetness. Amazing how when you take SUGAR and FAT out of the equation... things aren't as appealing - and that s a GOOD THING!

Oh I feel like making Karla`s chicken salad today!!! just cn`t find the recipe, but I`ll keep on hunting.

Karri, I am happy that you are getting treatment for the depression, no one deserves to feel that bad.. I don`t have any sage advice, exept that you are doing what you need to do to get better. I am permanently on Meds for my Bipolar... thats just the way it is... By body dosn`t work well without them. So nice that Lee is such a great support for you...

Stephanie; Cold and snowy there? Any poker runs planned?

Karla; Your daughters house sounds really nice...

Phyl, I supppose you are settling back into your routine today after your exciting travels...

Linda, I know you are lurking... HUGS

My hives are WILD this a.m.... I have been racking my brain... has anyone ever heard of being ALLERGIC to their band??? Gosh I hope not, the only medication that I have been taking regularly is my Seroquel... so I sure hope its not that!

Oh I almost forgot, my GF Wendy had Gastric Bypass 4 years ago today!! She is down 92 lbs... so proud of her

Feeling very lazy today. Should have worked on beading projects but I've done NOTHING! Played games on my phone and FB!! Cube Crash & Angry Birds!! Waste of time!

Sky looks kind of pretty... gray clouds with sun shining through one hole. Very windy, cool day today.

Hope you figure out how to get rid of those hives soon!!! That sounds miserable!

BTW, I think I should be the one to proofread Janet's book!! LOL!!!

Yes, I do think it is possible to be allergic to your band. My naturopath thinks that I am. I had absolutely no health problems before I had the band and now...I'm full of them. She actually thinks that it is mirroring a gluten intolerance. Remember a few months ago I was diagnosed with gluten intolerance and after faithfully eliminating all gluten from my diet, my "reaction" to gluten is higher than ever. Because I have eliminated it, I should not have any of the enzymes present in my blood. Plus with all the weight I have gained back my adrenal fatigue should have gone away. However, none of my health problems have gone away and in fact are getting worse. Everyone is at a loss for why. I eat healthier, I exercise, and take my Vitamins. The only thing that we haven't eliminated or changed was the band. Then when I found out that my band had slipped...it was kind of the end of the rope for me. I'm still trying to decide whether or not to just have the band removed and not go through with the revision. I know if I don't get the revision however that I will gain all of my weight back. A lot of it will depend on whether or not the insurance will cover it.

I think those theories are kind of "out there", but I'm not a naturopath and have never been to one. Being a nurse, I have a hard time with anything other than traditional medicine... plus I'm OLD and my mind set tends to lean towards the traditional, as well.

I hope you figure out what to do about the surgery soon! Sounds like some degree of urgency in getting the band removed. If it was me, I'd go with the sleeve, I think and figure out how to pay for it. But... that's just me. Bypass is too drastic, in my mind, and sleeve seems like a good alternative.

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Steph - I got those 2 taste of home cook books too ;0) you and me QVC Queens...

Karri - Are you on any meds for your depression?? How's the tummy today - do you have pain - why did they look for a slip - how's the whole liquids going..

Phyl - we had a little wind earlier - but nothing much - it's just cold today

I paid bills - fb games and a little tv - Kids should be coming home soon.

You can be my proof reader anytime ;0) !!!!

Dinner - fish - veggies and 1 more piece of cake before it goes in the trash ;0)...

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Steph - I got those 2 taste of home cook books too ;0) you and me QVC Queens...

Karri - Are you on any meds for your depression?? How's the tummy today - do you have pain - why did they look for a slip - how's the whole liquids going..

Phyl - we had a little wind earlier - but nothing much - it's just cold today

I paid bills - fb games and a little tv - Kids should be coming home soon.

You can be my proof reader anytime ;0) !!!!

Dinner - fish - veggies and 1 more piece of cake before it goes in the trash ;0)...

I am on depression meds. I'm not sure I would be here if I wasn't. I am also in therapy which is another reason that I may have to opt for a free bypass over an 8000$ sleeve. I have a 2400$ deductible so everything so far has been out of pocket. Liquids are going alright. I think I have the flu now. Chills, fever, body aches, and a major headache. I don't have any stomach pain right now. It's a little sore because they were pulling the saline in and out at the appointment trying to get it to pop it into place. I actually just went in for a regular fill. I found a doctor that would take me and did fluoro...I'm a little nervous not having it done under fluoro since I always have. I know that several of you have it done blind but it was always comforting to be able to see the band placement. As soon as I took a swallow of the barium, she told me I had a slip and they immediately got the doctor. I had some HORRENDOUS pain about about a month after my last fill which was in January of last year. But I just figured that I had a pill get stuck cuz I felt it about 20 minutes after I took it. Turns out that was probably when the first part of the slip happened. Since then my eating has been sporadic...one day I could out eat my former self and the next day I couldn't keep anything down. Most days I could just eat a lot of food and I was ALWAYS hungry. That is because the majority of the band is not where it should be and the stomach is distended because it started hanging over the band. I was devastated when I found out it had slipped. But then relief set in a little. At least I knew now why I was so hungry. I really haven't been eating crappy food...just too much. And we all know that too much of a good thing is not always good.

Well I am off to bed. Two days of inservices and I am really sick. Can't say I am looking forward to it.


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I am on depression meds. I'm not sure I would be here if I wasn't. I am also in therapy which is another reason that I may have to opt for a free bypass over an 8000$ sleeve. I have a 2400$ deductible so everything so far has been out of pocket. Liquids are going alright. I think I have the flu now. Chills, fever, body aches, and a major headache. I don't have any stomach pain right now. It's a little sore because they were pulling the saline in and out at the appointment trying to get it to pop it into place. I actually just went in for a regular fill. I found a doctor that would take me and did fluoro...I'm a little nervous not having it done under fluoro since I always have. I know that several of you have it done blind but it was always comforting to be able to see the band placement. As soon as I took a swallow of the barium, she told me I had a slip and they immediately got the doctor. I had some HORRENDOUS pain about about a month after my last fill which was in January of last year. But I just figured that I had a pill get stuck cuz I felt it about 20 minutes after I took it. Turns out that was probably when the first part of the slip happened. Since then my eating has been sporadic...one day I could out eat my former self and the next day I couldn't keep anything down. Most days I could just eat a lot of food and I was ALWAYS hungry. That is because the majority of the band is not where it should be and the stomach is distended because it started hanging over the band. I was devastated when I found out it had slipped. But then relief set in a little. At least I knew now why I was so hungry. I really haven't been eating crappy food...just too much. And we all know that too much of a good thing is not always good.

Well I am off to bed. Two days of inservices and I am really sick. Can't say I am looking forward to it.


Hugs on being sick - On top of everything else - that's the pits. Yep even too much healthy food isn't good - have you been able to run...

I think I had/have ibt - itb - which is is Candice - she's the one who diaginosed me LOL - I remember you having it and using a roller - It hasn't be hurting me lately - but I have been babying it..

Karla - Where are you today

Steph - how the baby feeling any better - I'm reading my cookbook - 1400 cal a day - very liveable and very good recipes !!!

Phyl - Busy Busy Busy....

Candice - I have stuff like your muffins - I like that kind of stuff cuz it doesn't call me -

Food today - 3 oz of hamburger - 1 snack pack popcorn - fish spinach and 1 piece of cake for later ;0)

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Phyl - we had a little wind earlier - but nothing much - it's just cold today

I paid bills - fb games and a little tv - Kids should be coming home soon.

You can be my proof reader anytime ;0) !!!!

Dinner - fish - veggies and 1 more piece of cake before it goes in the trash ;0)...

Wind has been pretty much howling here since the middle of the night. Power went off twice during the night, too.

And a little while ago we had a sudden, brief downpour. The man I live with had a full blown temper tantrum because it was raining and the weatherman said NOTHING about rain!! He was banging, slamming, swearing and running around like a crazy nut looking for plastic to cover up the golf cart seats! Totally bizarre behavior for 10 minutes! The dog hid under the couch! BUT... he's settled down now and eating some popcorn he just made.

Very nice memorial service at chapel tonight for all the Sky Valley residents and snowbirds who died during 2010..... 27 of them. Didn't really want to go, but went because of Max. And then we were glad we did. It was very well done. And we put faces with names of people who died.... don't know everyone's last names, or even some first names... but then when you see the picture, too... it clicks. They read a brief obituary and showed photo of each person.... PowerPoint presentation..well done.

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Wind is STILL blowing and I don't want to go to the pool! Have to make up my mind in 30 minutes! My bag is on the golf cart, but I am undecided. I hate being in the pool when it's this windy. Even if I wear my swim jacket, it will be cold, esp when we do the pool side exercises and my shoulders are out of the Water. Besides that, my left hip is acting up this morning for the first time in over a month! Don't know if I can make myself go!

Rain was kind of funny,, actually. After all Earl's fussing, it was over by the time he got the seats covered. AND, what was the deal.....???? It has a ROOF! Okay, so the wind was blowing, but it wasn't going to get THAT wet! At least he settled down quickly! Told him..... "see... this is what I mean!"

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Some good news, the teacher association approved my request for sick leave from the sick leave bank, so now I will have a paycheck and can stop fussing about money. Yeah!!!

Been having trouble sleeping, it is almost like my insulin resistance is back. I get all jittery and shakey about an hour after I go to bed. So tonight I am going to be very careful about what I eat tonight. I know that I am going to get a little more fill, but I need to wait another week or so. I am still eating way too much. I can eat an entire apple and then some without feeling any restriction. While an entire apple is not bad, the meat loaf that I had last night was too much. I know, shouldn't be eating meat loaf, but it was diet lean with eggbeaters instead of an egg. I needed some comfort food.< /p>

Steph we are darn cold as well. My furries are think that I am torturing them when I send them outside for a potty break.

Janet, what is up? Phyl?

Candice, I haven't seen my daughter's house except in pictures, but it is adorable. They have a lot of work to do, painting and etc. Hey, maybe we can meet in Syracuse and spend a week painting her house? Then some quilt shopping? OOOOhhh, it could be a plan!

By the way, I love you all, thanks for being my family!

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Some good news, the teacher association approved my request for sick leave from the sick leave bank, so now I will have a paycheck and can stop fussing about money. Yeah!!!

Been having trouble sleeping, it is almost like my insulin resistance is back. I get all jittery and shakey about an hour after I go to bed. So tonight I am going to be very careful about what I eat tonight. I know that I am going to get a little more fill, but I need to wait another week or so. I am still eating way too much. I can eat an entire apple and then some without feeling any restriction. While an entire apple is not bad, the meat loaf that I had last night was too much. I know, shouldn't be eating meat loaf, but it was diet lean with eggbeaters instead of an egg. I needed some comfort food.< /p>

Steph we are darn cold as well. My furries are think that I am torturing them when I send them outside for a potty break.

Janet, what is up? Phyl?

Candice, I haven't seen my daughter's house except in pictures, but it is adorable. They have a lot of work to do, painting and etc. Hey, maybe we can meet in Syracuse and spend a week painting her house? Then some quilt shopping? OOOOhhh, it could be a plan!

By the way, I love you all, thanks for being my family!

Wow!! That IS good news!! Takes a load off your mind! Sorry about the sleep problems.

Meat loaf is one of my favorite things. It's been a while since I've had some! We rarely buy hamburger.... always use ground turkey for our chili, spaghetti, etc. And, of course, my french style green Beans for spaghetti substitte. Haven't had that in a while either... but I had the real stuff at Olive Garden over the weekend.... angel hair. Ate half and the rest the next day, and sauce was light... enjoyed it. But... yeah, I could go for some meat loaf!

Steph and Candice are probably too cold to type~!

36_1_26.gif 36_11_14.gif 28_3_11.gif

I think Janet still has her family there.... might be taking the day off.

Decided I WILL skip the pool. Hip hurts every time I move. The sciatic pain is back, but not too bad. As I said on FB, I won't go to the pool, but it doesn't hurt too much to skip beading!!! LOL

AW......love you, too, Kar!! HUGS!

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Good Morning Gang...

Kids are leaving this morning -They didn't get home till 8:30 last night - so I was up till 11..

Phyl we had a little wind yesterday and it was cold - but no rain. LOL on Earl and having a tanturm over a little Water - OMG he has a hair trigger doesn't he. I think I would have just sit there and laughed.. I think golf carts are made to withstand a little water - they are outside vehicles ;0)..

I don't think I would go to the pool either w/the wind - Hell I'm cold right now - wouldn't even think about getting in a pool - Hope the hips gets better - do some streaching - Glad the services were nice..

Karla - Why shouldn't you be eating meat loaf - OMG you aren't on a diet - meat loaf made w/lean hamburger is just fine - did you eat a pound of it...

Here's the skinny on ground turkey vs beef -

You might be tempted to use ground turkey for a low-fat substitute for ground beef, but check the label before you assume too much. Not all ground turkey has the fat and calorie savings you might believe.

If a package is labeled "ground turkey," what it means is that it can be any combination of breast and leg meat, and even skin. A 3-ounce cooked portion of this kind of ground turkey has about 200 calories and 11 grams of fat. A 3-ounce cooked portion of extra-lean ground beef contains 218 calories and 13 grams of fat, so you aren't really getting reduced calories and fat from using this type of ground turkey.

What you want to look for is a label on ground turkey that says "ground turkey breast." This type has 100 calories and 1.5 grams of fat for the same cooked 3-ounce portion.

Of course if you use the lean ground turkey, you will lose some moistness and flavor. If you are making turkey burgers, for example, they won't be as tasty as the combination ground turkey. But if you're making chili or something else with a lot of flavor and spices, you probably won't notice a difference.

Glad you are getting a paycheck !!! How much longer are you off work??? Don't you take sleeping pills?

it's the pits not to be able to sleep -

We love you too - yes WE ARE FAMILY...

Well gotta get to work - cbl ;0)

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Hello ladies. I will be back later tonight or in the morning but I have a ton to do right now. Just thought I would post here, in case you missed it on Facebook.

I have lost 10 pounds this month!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know Jeff's total right now but I think it's 25ish. I'll know when he gets home. It's time to happy dance. We are going out to dinner for fish and salad to Celebrate. Later taters! wooohoooo!!!

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Hello ladies. I will be back later tonight or in the morning but I have a ton to do right now. Just thought I would post here, in case you missed it on Facebook.

I have lost 10 pounds this month!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't know Jeff's total right now but I think it's 25ish. I'll know when he gets home. It's time to happy dance. We are going out to dinner for fish and salad to Celebrate. Later taters! wooohoooo!!!

AWESOME News Stephanie... 10 is fab!!

Weather -19C = -2 Farenheit for you guys... I`ll not add in the windchillo factor cause it just makes me feel colder!!:unsure:

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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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