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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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QVC has been my frenemy today. I think I'm up to 5 orders for the day.

I have been really good at not ordering (well as much LOL) it's cooking day - so what did you order???

That sounds great! You two both on the band wagon!!! What happened to his plans for WLS? My Brother chickened out afterhe had his surgery date and everything.


oH MY gosh, Earl is such a creature of habit eh? Just like my PETER!!! He has NOT looked at my pictures of the cruise yet.. I think he is just being stuborn

Karla, I am so proud of you sticking to your watr... and your HOLDING PATTERN is just fine... you rock!!

Today, I had BFST: 3|4 of an Egg mcMuffin, coffee, swiss chalet chicken for dinner, 1\4 dark, no potatoe, no fries, but had the multigrain ROLL and butter... oh and 1 glass of wine!!

Itch is getting somewhat better, the prednisone pills are working!!! YEAH!!!

Janet" when I come to visit in March I may have to bring my OWN towels, and sheets... and an UMBRELLA for the sun.. just can't be stupid about it anymore...

I don't use bleach - all my stuff is colored LOL - I use purex wash soap & snuggle or downy softner - what do you use - I will buy some and wash sheets & towels before you get here

Who's coming 1st you or Linda - I forget - I think Linda comes in on Sunday and you Monday ??? My back patio has an awning - and the sun isn't that strong - it will be nice weather for you - Average in March 80 - 81 and 52 at night - so hell might not even need a/c with those temps - like I said March is Spring for us...

Don't you dare pack towels and sheets l...

Anxious to hear if you found a new computer. I looked at laptops at the base today. I need a new one! This one has too many things that don't work and the hard drive is not big enough to hold my pictures!

And maybe they sell Wally Lamb books on QVC??!! LOL


Long day today... Marine base for Rx refills, bx shopping, commissary... grocery shopping.

Earl was a jerk. Everything was fine until he panicked coming out of the commissary because he left his wallet in there! Like on our way out the door! So.... of course, it was right where he left it. But he came out in a very bad mood and jumped all over me when I asked him where it was, how did it happen. I wasn't being offensive at all, just asked a couple of innocent questions and he got nasty. It went downhill from there. Don't know what gets in to him some times. He did apologize after a while, but not before trying to justify his meanness by saying he was upset because he thought his wallet was stolen... so upset he was SHAKING!! HUH???? Don't know why he thought that was an excuse to be a jerk anyways, since it was back in his hand at the time he started being a jerk. He even threw the dog in to the back seat! That really ticked me off. Beginning to wonder if he needs to go get a good physical. Flies off the handle for no reason way too easy. Don't get it. Very defensive all the time.

Hey... mentioned to Janet it might be fun to go see "Menopause the Musical" when you and Linda are here. What do you think?? I saw it when they were here (in Palm Springs) last year and it was hilarious! Would love to see it again.

OMG Phyl - Yep he needs a doctor.... What a butthead.. And ya I would be pisssed about the dog especially since he found the wallett -

I think he needs some meds - you know being diabetic affects moods - Hugs for him being a butt head...

I think the play would be great - Hope it's like on Thursday - then we could go to the PS Street Fair or whatever it's called - but you might have to share your scooter w/Linda....

Well off to watch Idol and eat dinner ;0)

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OMG Phyl - Yep he needs a doctor.... What a butthead.. And ya I would be pisssed about the dog especially since he found the wallett -

I think he needs some meds - you know being diabetic affects moods - Hugs for him being a butt head...

I think the play would be great - Hope it's like on Thursday - then we could go to the PS Street Fair or whatever it's called - but you might have to share your scooter w/Linda....

Well off to watch Idol and eat dinner ;0)

I told him a couple of weeks ago that I think he would benefit from anti-depressant/anti-anxiety Rx. It didn't go over well.

Not using the scooter much except when shopping with Zoey. And.... be happy to share it with Linda.

There is a 2pm Matinee on Thursdays, so that would be perfect... see the musical, go to dinner, then street fair.

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Phyl, I'm going to weigh in with Janet, I agree that Earl needs to go to the doc. He is too nice of a guy to be angry all the time. Play the "I'm worried" card and see if that works. I too get angry when someone takes their frustration out on a furry. Maybe Earl is worried about something, ex.: Alzheimers, and is covering it up with angry. I don't think he has alzheimers, so don't get worried. More than likely it is something that has Earl scared. Tell him that you love him and am worried because he isn't being his sweet normal self. Odds are it is a chemical imbalance of some sort and meds will make all the difference. But I also understand he is a man and going to the doc isn't what he is good at. Hang in there girl!!!

Candice, I forgot about the rash, it is getting better, right? I use All Free and Downey Free for all my laundry. DD#5 had such skin issues when she was little that I started using it then. You know us light skinned scandinavian/german wemon have the worlds most delicate skin. That is why we have to be pampered!

Steph, keep up the good work. You are able to eat more solids now, that is a huge step. We love you and need you to stay healthy!!!

Janet, good idea on letting the accountant thing rest for a few days. AND you brain is not simple, you have the most fabulous brain. I really think you need to write a book, and then dedicate it to us, your SKINNY lapband family!!! Naturally we expect to receive 1/4 of the royalties for 'inspiration' payment.

Slept weird last night, woke up every couple of hours and just laid there. I am frustrated with the sub, she doesn't take any work home and I have to go in Friday to correct papers and finish grades. Talked to one of the teachers about it, to find out if I was unreasonable expecting the sub to actually do the work. She is talking to my admin this morning and we will see what happens.

I am feeling better, but they shaved the nether regions and it is itching like crazy. Who in their right mind would shave there? Crimany, it is driving me nuts!!!

Working on Master's homework, bleck. But at least I am not at school also. In a month I will be back at school, working at the nursery AND trying to do master's homework. Am I friggin insane?

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Phyl, I'm going to weigh in with Janet, I agree that Earl needs to go to the doc. He is too nice of a guy to be angry all the time. Play the "I'm worried" card and see if that works. I too get angry when someone takes their frustration out on a furry. Maybe Earl is worried about something, ex.: Alzheimers, and is covering it up with angry. I don't think he has alzheimers, so don't get worried. More than likely it is something that has Earl scared. Tell him that you love him and am worried because he isn't being his sweet normal self. Odds are it is a chemical imbalance of some sort and meds will make all the difference. But I also understand he is a man and going to the doc isn't what he is good at. Hang in there girl!!!

Candice, I forgot about the rash, it is getting better, right? I use All Free and Downey Free for all my laundry. DD#5 had such skin issues when she was little that I started using it then. You know us light skinned scandinavian/german wemon have the worlds most delicate skin. That is why we have to be pampered!

Steph, keep up the good work. You are able to eat more solids now, that is a huge step. We love you and need you to stay healthy!!!

Janet, good idea on letting the accountant thing rest for a few days. AND you brain is not simple, you have the most fabulous brain. I really think you need to write a book, and then dedicate it to us, your SKINNY lapband family!!! Naturally we expect to receive 1/4 of the royalties for 'inspiration' payment.

Slept weird last night, woke up every couple of hours and just laid there. I am frustrated with the sub, she doesn't take any work home and I have to go in Friday to correct papers and finish grades. Talked to one of the teachers about it, to find out if I was unreasonable expecting the sub to actually do the work. She is talking to my admin this morning and we will see what happens.

I am feeling better, but they shaved the nether regions and it is itching like crazy. Who in their right mind would shave there? Crimany, it is driving me nuts!!!

Working on Master's homework, bleck. But at least I am not at school also. In a month I will be back at school, working at the nursery AND trying to do master's homework. Am I friggin insane?

ok starting this post over agian... crappe dout.

Janet: I use TIDE Ultra Sensitive , unscented for my washing. I only use 1/2 the amount measuring.... NOTHING in the dryer at all, no downy, no bounce- they are horrible

also I always do an extra RINSE Cycle on the washing machine - just to be extra carefull.... THANKS!

Phyl: Yup I agree, karla's script is good to use... try it out on EARL,,, his moods don't just affext HIM, it effects everyone in the family... you shouldn't have to put up with that.. Youve been married a long long time.... has this always been a patern for him... or only just in the last yr or two??? Talk to his doctor too. For your own peace of mind

Karla: Ya, being of anglosaxon decent has its drawbacks...

Stephanniemmm where are you today, what are yu up to?

OH I love the idea of the PLAY on the Thurs great idea!! Im in.

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Hi ladies.

It was my first day this week with just me and Jai so I spent the morning snuggling with her in front of the tv. Actually just managed to get the shower, hair, and face done and thought I'd better pop in here.

Last night I had a really bad food night. I don't know what got into me but I was about as self destructive as I've ever gotten. I binged. It was almost manic. Crazy. On top of that, the whole time I was doing it I knew I was stuck so I justified it by telling myself it was all coming back anyways. It was awful. I finally got ahold of myself and I feel completely fine today, but it was a nutso evening. Wish I knew what set it off, because there wasn't a single thing that I can point to. I've been so good. I keep all the goodies for Nick's lunch out in the garage and they haven't bothered me a bit. I know I should get rid of all of that, but we've had issues with him not eating ANYTHING at school so I put one goodie in his box so that he can have a treat if he eats his "real food." I got on the scale this morning and there was no real damage done there, just to my head. Who knows. Today I'm going to spend my time concentrating on my Water and hope that helps.

Candice, I've never read anything by that author. Is it a series or can you read any of them in any order. I hate it when I start in the middle of a series. I would love to find a new author. I guess I'm assuming they are fiction....maybe they are nonfiction. Right now I'm in the middle of one of each. What every mom needs and The girl who played with fire. I need to get those finished. Take time to just sit quiet and read. There isn't anything on tv lately that I want to watch so I don't know why I sit and watch it.

As for QVC, it was just on in the background. Everything was kitchen stuff yesterday. Nothing I bought was really big, just some gadget stuff. I'm a junky for that stuff. A couple of cook books. Oh...and a little 8 cup skinny pot for boiling tea and eggs. I'm glad it wasn't crafting day. I'd be even worse with that :)

Phyl, I'm so sorry Earl was mean to you and Zoey yesterday. I can understand the state of mind of "losing" the wallet and the anxiety it caused. I get that way sometimes. And then, even when that's over, the adrenaline is still rolling and so you take it out on anything and everything around you. It is a tough position for you to be in. I'm so sorry. A good check up is probably in order. There are a million things that can cause change in moodiness. He may be worried about something, like Karla says, and a thorough physical will ease his mind.

Karla, sorry about your sub issues. I know that there are times when I am afraid to grade papers when I sub. It's a matter of not knowing if I'm really doing what the teacher wants. What does the teacher expect for answers? What about misspelling? What about partial credit? I hate to grade others papers because I know how I was with grading. And if a teacher is just going to go back and re-check everything because they want to know what the kids really did "get" while they were gone, should I even bother? Maybe all she needs is some direction. "Of these papers, please correct this one and this one and this one. Leave this and that for me." I don't think you should have to go in on Friday and do all that work, but it might be nice to do some of it so you can keep an eye on how the kids are doing. Especially since she isn't your sub choice. I have to be honest, my biggest anxiety subbing for someone is that I'll do it wrong and they will be upset with me. I worry about it constantly. Maybe that helps a little, maybe not.

Well, Jaimi wants to play Pretty Pretty Princess so I guess I'd better wrap this up. Talk to you later ladies. Hugs and better days to each of you.

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Hi Stephanie. All the books I mentioned by wally lamb are fiction... no they are NOT a series... so you can pick up one to see if you like him.... or continue ....whatever you like... they are all differnt, but he really seems to understand the FEMALE psychi and writes in such a style that I cannot put them down!!

Don't beat yourself up about the binge, just TURN THE PAGE... and continue your resolve!! You can do it!

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Janet, i was thinking about your computer problems.... why not buy an IPAD from Apple, it functions as an E-reader, plus you can do all your email, andd Internet right from it... it will also conect to ports for your printer or mouse.... In Canada about 500 , May be cheaper in the US... just a thought.

Peter loves his SONY E=reader that I got him for xmas... its always in his hands.... and I DONT have to look at HIS pile of books on the FLoor anymore ....Yippee!!!

At the clinic today working a day for Julie, her kid is sick...., whoo hoo another $100 for my March trip,.... n but bored ;-(

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It sounds like you all had a busy productive day. I got to read some BORING stuff on action research. I have to choose a research topic for my capston/thesis this semester and it has to be education philosophical, bleck............. I can't even begin to think of what I am going to do. I like numbers, I believe in numbers, I can analyze numbers, I CAN'T analyze descriptive data. Most educational data is about describing some behavior. I can't analyze descriptions...okay, just a small anxiety moment.

Tried to do too much today, sewing some quilt blocks together, paybacks.

I am officially without a paycheck. IF the Teacher Association grants my request for using days from the sick leave bank I will get those days back, But you have to go 3 days without pay before you can apply, so that is next Tuesday. Which means I won't hear until Thursday or Friday. If they don't grant my request, I'll be back in school, pain or not.

So Phyl, how is Earl today?

Candice, I know baking soda softens the Water so the soap can work better. I typically will put a cup of baking soda in my load of whites since I don't use bleach either. But if you already have soft water, that won't impact it much.

Steph, that is why I don't watch QVC, I could shop all day. Right now until I get the med bills paid, there is no shopping.


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I love my iPad. I wish I had more reading time because I definitely enjoy reading on it. I don't so much like typing on it for a whole long thing. A short status update is one thing, but something on here I think it would drive me nuts. I did try to do a message on FB to someone. It was quite lengthy and then I lost it. It was even more frustrating than losing one on my computer because it was a little more stressful to type it out. Not a huge deal, but definitely wouldn't want it to be my only puter.

Candice, as soon as I get my one book read I will check out this other author. Do you have a favorite?

Making Jeff steak tonight. Found a recipe in a ww cookbook that seasoned a steak with taco seasoning, grill, and then slice. They put it over cooked cherry tomatoes which Jeff will never eat so instead I am making him some brown/wild rice and broccoli. He will love it. I may try a bit of the steak. I'm not sure. I wouldn't want to be stuck. I also made some tofu butterscotch pudding for dessert. I'm not sure what the little ones are eating. Jai will eat rice and cottage cheese. I'm not sure what I'll get nick to eat. He's so frustrating sometimes.

Michael just called in an amazing mood and asked me for help with his math. And he was writing down all the steps. And he was asking me questions about why. Must be a manic day. I guess since Sunday was a depressed day it's about right. Scott says he makes sure Michael is taking his meds but his moods are so outta control that I doubt he is really consistent about it. Also, he refilled last month around the 15th and I know that this month it is going to be about $400 for the month because we have to meet the deductible again. Scott doesn't have that kind of money this late in the month so I should have gotten a call from the pharmacy asking for payment. Oh well. It's out of my hands. I just have to sit back and watch. Scott will learn like I did. I hope he is honestly looking for a therapist but, again, it's not up to me.

Waiting for Jeff to get home. Watching tv with the little ones. Have a good night ladies!

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I told him a couple of weeks ago that I think he would benefit from anti-depressant/anti-anxiety Rx. It didn't go over well.

Not using the scooter much except when shopping with Zoey. And.... be happy to share it with Linda.

There is a 2pm Matinee on Thursdays, so that would be perfect... see the musical, go to dinner, then street fair.

Ok - That's what we will do on Thursday - Play - Dinner - Street Fair !!!!

Phyl, I'm going to weigh in with Janet, I agree that Earl needs to go to the doc. He is too nice of a guy to be angry all the time. Play the "I'm worried" card and see if that works. I too get angry when someone takes their frustration out on a furry. Maybe Earl is worried about something, ex.: Alzheimers, and is covering it up with angry. I don't think he has alzheimers, so don't get worried. More than likely it is something that has Earl scared. Tell him that you love him and am worried because he isn't being his sweet normal self. Odds are it is a chemical imbalance of some sort and meds will make all the difference. But I also understand he is a man and going to the doc isn't what he is good at. Hang in there girl!!!

Candice, I forgot about the rash, it is getting better, right? I use All Free and Downey Free for all my laundry. DD#5 had such skin issues when she was little that I started using it then. You know us light skinned scandinavian/german wemon have the worlds most delicate skin. That is why we have to be pampered!

Steph, keep up the good work. You are able to eat more solids now, that is a huge step. We love you and need you to stay healthy!!!

Janet, good idea on letting the accountant thing rest for a few days. AND you brain is not simple, you have the most fabulous brain. I really think you need to write a book, and then dedicate it to us, your SKINNY lapband family!!! Naturally we expect to receive 1/4 of the royalties for 'inspiration' payment.

Slept weird last night, woke up every couple of hours and just laid there. I am frustrated with the sub, she doesn't take any work home and I have to go in Friday to correct papers and finish grades. Talked to one of the teachers about it, to find out if I was unreasonable expecting the sub to actually do the work. She is talking to my admin this morning and we will see what happens.

I am feeling better, but they shaved the nether regions and it is itching like crazy. Who in their right mind would shave there? Crimany, it is driving me nuts!!!

Working on Master's homework, bleck. But at least I am not at school also. In a month I will be back at school, working at the nursery AND trying to do master's homework. Am I friggin insane?

OMG you are good - I am not good at playing pple - I know that that's not the right word - manipulating - I just missed that finess gene - Hell they don't shave pple who have babies any more - oh I hate that itch..

ok starting this post over agian... crappe dout.

Janet: I use TIDE Ultra Sensitive , unscented for my washing. I only use 1/2 the amount measuring.... NOTHING in the dryer at all, no downy, no bounce- they are horrible

also I always do an extra RINSE Cycle on the washing machine - just to be extra carefull.... THANKS!

Phyl: Yup I agree, karla's script is good to use... try it out on EARL,,, his moods don't just affext HIM, it effects everyone in the family... you shouldn't have to put up with that.. Youve been married a long long time.... has this always been a patern for him... or only just in the last yr or two??? Talk to his doctor too. For your own peace of mind

Karla: Ya, being of anglosaxon decent has its drawbacks...

Stephanniemmm where are you today, what are yu up to?

OH I love the idea of the PLAY on the Thurs great idea!! Im in.

Ok - I will get some and wash your towels & sheets in it ;0)

Hi ladies.

It was my first day this week with just me and Jai so I spent the morning snuggling with her in front of the tv. Actually just managed to get the shower, hair, and face done and thought I'd better pop in here.

Last night I had a really bad food night. I don't know what got into me but I was about as self destructive as I've ever gotten. I binged. It was almost manic. Crazy. On top of that, the whole time I was doing it I knew I was stuck so I justified it by telling myself it was all coming back anyways. It was awful. I finally got ahold of myself and I feel completely fine today, but it was a nutso evening. Wish I knew what set it off, because there wasn't a single thing that I can point to. I've been so good. I keep all the goodies for Nick's lunch out in the garage and they haven't bothered me a bit. I know I should get rid of all of that, but we've had issues with him not eating ANYTHING at school so I put one goodie in his box so that he can have a treat if he eats his "real food." I got on the scale this morning and there was no real damage done there, just to my head. Who knows. Today I'm going to spend my time concentrating on my Water and hope that helps.

Candice, I've never read anything by that author. Is it a series or can you read any of them in any order. I hate it when I start in the middle of a series. I would love to find a new author. I guess I'm assuming they are fiction....maybe they are nonfiction. Right now I'm in the middle of one of each. What every mom needs and The girl who played with fire. I need to get those finished. Take time to just sit quiet and read. There isn't anything on tv lately that I want to watch so I don't know why I sit and watch it.

As for QVC, it was just on in the background. Everything was kitchen stuff yesterday. Nothing I bought was really big, just some gadget stuff. I'm a junky for that stuff. A couple of cook books. Oh...and a little 8 cup skinny pot for boiling tea and eggs. I'm glad it wasn't crafting day. I'd be even worse with that :)

Phyl, I'm so sorry Earl was mean to you and Zoey yesterday. I can understand the state of mind of "losing" the wallet and the anxiety it caused. I get that way sometimes. And then, even when that's over, the adrenaline is still rolling and so you take it out on anything and everything around you. It is a tough position for you to be in. I'm so sorry. A good check up is probably in order. There are a million things that can cause change in moodiness. He may be worried about something, like Karla says, and a thorough physical will ease his mind.

Karla, sorry about your sub issues. I know that there are times when I am afraid to grade papers when I sub. It's a matter of not knowing if I'm really doing what the teacher wants. What does the teacher expect for answers? What about misspelling? What about partial credit? I hate to grade others papers because I know how I was with grading. And if a teacher is just going to go back and re-check everything because they want to know what the kids really did "get" while they were gone, should I even bother? Maybe all she needs is some direction. "Of these papers, please correct this one and this one and this one. Leave this and that for me." I don't think you should have to go in on Friday and do all that work, but it might be nice to do some of it so you can keep an eye on how the kids are doing. Especially since she isn't your sub choice. I have to be honest, my biggest anxiety subbing for someone is that I'll do it wrong and they will be upset with me. I worry about it constantly. Maybe that helps a little, maybe not.

Well, Jaimi wants to play Pretty Pretty Princess so I guess I'd better wrap this up. Talk to you later ladies. Hugs and better days to each of you.

I got 2 lite cook books that they had on there - I forgot the name - I think your reason for the binge is cuz you were rebeling at being back on the band wagon ... You were just fighting yourself - On Dr. Oz the other day - Big food triggers for us foodies

F- frustration

L- lonely

A- Angry

B - Bored

This is why journeling is good - to write down what you are feeling when you turn to food - Google his website and you can watch the show,,

Hugs - It's so hard - I'm starving right now - dinner is almost done - but I am not cooking any rice tonite - tomorrow going to town w/gf candy and will save my calories for that ;0)

Janet, i was thinking about your computer problems.... why not buy an IPAD from Apple, it functions as an E-reader, plus you can do all your email, andd Internet right from it... it will also conect to ports for your printer or mouse.... In Canada about 500 , May be cheaper in the US... just a thought.

Peter loves his SONY E=reader that I got him for xmas... its always in his hands.... and I DONT have to look at HIS pile of books on the FLoor anymore ....Yippee!!!

At the clinic today working a day for Julie, her kid is sick...., whoo hoo another $100 for my March trip,.... n but bored ;-(

My Ereader has wifi - I can post from their - but it would take too long - I moved the connection for the wireless mouse from the usb splitter to an actual usb port on the computer and it's working ok now

I read a Wally Lamb book a long time ago - oprah book club I think - it was something about a fat girl - I didn't care for his writing style -

It sounds like you all had a busy productive day. I got to read some BORING stuff on action research. I have to choose a research topic for my capston/thesis this semester and it has to be education philosophical, bleck............. I can't even begin to think of what I am going to do. I like numbers, I believe in numbers, I can analyze numbers, I CAN'T analyze descriptive data. Most educational data is about describing some behavior. I can't analyze descriptions...okay, just a small anxiety moment.

Tried to do too much today, sewing some quilt blocks together, paybacks.

I am officially without a paycheck. IF the Teacher Association grants my request for using days from the sick leave bank I will get those days back, But you have to go 3 days without pay before you can apply, so that is next Tuesday. Which means I won't hear until Thursday or Friday. If they don't grant my request, I'll be back in school, pain or not.

So Phyl, how is Earl today?

Candice, I know baking soda softens the water so the soap can work better. I typically will put a cup of baking soda in my load of whites since I don't use bleach either. But if you already have soft water, that won't impact it much.

Steph, that is why I don't watch QVC, I could shop all day. Right now until I get the med bills paid, there is no shopping.


Karla - busy at work cuz tomorrow is my FF and this morning FB games and never got over hear ;0)

I love my iPad. I wish I had more reading time because I definitely enjoy reading on it. I don't so much like typing on it for a whole long thing. A short status update is one thing, but something on here I think it would drive me nuts. I did try to do a message on FB to someone. It was quite lengthy and then I lost it. It was even more frustrating than losing one on my computer because it was a little more stressful to type it out. Not a huge deal, but definitely wouldn't want it to be my only puter.

Candice, as soon as I get my one book read I will check out this other author. Do you have a favorite?

Making Jeff steak tonight. Found a recipe in a ww cookbook that seasoned a steak with taco seasoning, grill, and then slice. They put it over cooked cherry tomatoes which Jeff will never eat so instead I am making him some brown/wild rice and broccoli. He will love it. I may try a bit of the steak. I'm not sure. I wouldn't want to be stuck. I also made some tofu butterscotch pudding for dessert. I'm not sure what the little ones are eating. Jai will eat rice and cottage cheese. I'm not sure what I'll get nick to eat. He's so frustrating sometimes.

Michael just called in an amazing mood and asked me for help with his math. And he was writing down all the steps. And he was asking me questions about why. Must be a manic day. I guess since Sunday was a depressed day it's about right. Scott says he makes sure Michael is taking his meds but his moods are so outta control that I doubt he is really consistent about it. Also, he refilled last month around the 15th and I know that this month it is going to be about $400 for the month because we have to meet the deductible again. Scott doesn't have that kind of money this late in the month so I should have gotten a call from the pharmacy asking for payment. Oh well. It's out of my hands. I just have to sit back and watch. Scott will learn like I did. I hope he is honestly looking for a therapist but, again, it's not up to me.

Waiting for Jeff to get home. Watching tv with the little ones. Have a good night ladies!

Steph you are doing so good about Michael and his Dad.. Proud of you - I know it had to be hard..

Well gang - Not much to report - had some errands after work - dinner in the oven - fish and french style green Beans - and most likely some popcorn - have had a few tositido while dinner was cooking - had pt shake w/fake Peanut Butter & 1/2 banana - got stuck on it - salad for lunch w/turkey -

Who watched Idol last night - I didn't think I would like steven tyler - but I really like him- didn't miss simon at all - he seemed so bored with it last year...

Well timer going off - cbl

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Ok - That's what we will do on Thursday - Play - dinner - Street Fair !!!!

OMG you are good - I am not good at playing pple - I know that that's not the right word - manipulating - I just missed that finess gene - Hell they don't shave pple who have babies any more - oh I hate that itch..

Ok - I will get some and wash your towels & sheets in it ;0)

I got 2 lite cook books that they had on there - I forgot the name - I think your reason for the binge is cuz you were rebeling at being back on the band wagon ... You were just fighting yourself - On Dr. Oz the other day - Big food triggers for us foodies

F- frustration

L- lonely

A- Angry

B - Bored

This is why journeling is good - to write down what you are feeling when you turn to food - Google his website and you can watch the show,,

Hugs - It's so hard - I'm starving right now - dinner is almost done - but I am not cooking any rice tonite - tomorrow going to town w/gf candy and will save my calories for that ;0)

My Ereader has wifi - I can post from their - but it would take too long - I moved the connection for the wireless mouse from the usb splitter to an actual usb port on the computer and it's working ok now

I read a Wally Lamb book a long time ago - oprah book club I think - it was something about a fat girl - I didn't care for his writing style -

Karla - busy at work cuz tomorrow is my FF and this morning FB games and never got over hear ;0)

Steph you are doing so good about Michael and his Dad.. Proud of you - I know it had to be hard..

Well gang - Not much to report - had some errands after work - dinner in the oven - fish and french style green Beans - and most likely some popcorn - have had a few tositido while dinner was cooking - had pt shake w/fake Peanut Butter & 1/2 banana - got stuck on it - salad for lunch w/turkey -

Who watched Idol last night - I didn't think I would like steven tyler - but I really like him- didn't miss simon at all - he seemed so bored with it last year...

Well timer going off - cbl

Oh my gosh, I just finished watching American Idol. (we must get it a day later or something) I feel the same about Steven Tyler... I've always hated him... ugly... and weird looking.. but his Personality really came thru on the show... I am liking him now as a JUDGE... Oh I cried when that one girl sang, the one with the little daughter with Hydrocyphalis.... Jen Lopez cried too.

Had my TURKEY casserole for supper, YUM, then I had a choc pudding, and mini bag of popcorn... 2 Pro bars earlier in the day... that's about it.

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I watched idol for the first time last night. It was alright. I didn't watch tonight so I don't know what you were talking about Candice. I don't know if I liked it or not. I do think it will take some time before I like it. Not that I need another show to add to my watching list.

Shouldn't have tried the steak. I would have sworn I chewed it enough but I guess I just don't know what it takes to not stick on solid meat. Oh well. Tomorrow is another day to start over.

I am tired tonight. Early night I think.

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Good Morning Gang...

Candice Idol was on Wed & Thurs - you must have missed Wed - Last night was good - that girl was good and pretty... Yep Steven comes across really good - I like the judges ;0)

Steph - I can only eat supper soft steak - there are times w/it that I have to chew and spit it out cuz I know if I sallow - it will just block me up..

Ya I have too much to watch too ;0) between my fb games - lbt - tv - there aren't enough hrs - last night I had to delete stuff cuz I know I can't watch it all..

Karla - how are you feeling today...

I'm up at my normal time even though I don't have work - almost went back to bed - but was afraid that I would over sleep - gotta pick up candy at 8:30 so this gives me time to post - play my addictive games and get dressed w/o rushing - I hate rushing..

Phyl - How's Earl any better....


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Good morning ladies. What a beautiful day out there! it's 33 degrees. I sure hope it doesn't rain. I think Jai and I will go out and play in the snow after lunch. We'll see if we can find someone to come play with her. So many of her friends take naps after lunch. She sometimes does but she would be alright if she didn't. We will see.

Tomorrow is Jaimi's birthday party so I have a lot of stuff to get done today. Lots of wrapping and organizing. I'm excited that I'm not having it here though. That way I don't have house to worry about too. And a friend is making the cake and doing facepainting! Yeah! My biggest concern is that only one little girl has RSVP'd. I hope that doesn't mean that only she will be there. I've planned for 8 but would prefer 4. I'm not so worried. It will all work out. Out of everything the biggest concern is having her bday cake around. i hope I can send most of it home with her friends. I know I don't have the willpower to resist it. If I have to I guess I will throw it away. Oh well...again, we will cross that bridge later.

See you later ladies. Have a great day. Waiting for answers to Janet's questions....Karla? Phyl?

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Oh... this wasn't one of those 2-3 day rants.. short lived, and then he apologized, but have tried to explain to him that this is not acceptable behavior... to go off on me for something that is not my fault. Approached the subject as you suggested yesterday... rejected. He says, "well, I just won't get mad at you anymore then." GRRRR! It's not a new thing, just getting worse as he's getting older.

Gotta go... Sorry! Started this and then had to go take care of some "business", and now it's time to go to the pool.

Later, Chicks!!

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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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