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No more news on my mom. We all have 'issues' with mom, she is very selfish and egocentric. I have to live with myself, so I try to get along...okay, still trying to get approval. My brother was mom's 'favorite', she made sure I knew that, if I hadn't guessed, I need not have worried, because she told me. My sister was dad's favorite, brother was mom's favorite, and I was just the accident that abortion wasn't legal to get rid of. Sorry, a little pitty party today. Getting frustrated that I'm still uncomfortable, but I did have an excellent bm, 1st since surgery. I sure will be glad when I get a fill, food is calling from everywhere.

Sorry about debbi downer, I will work on that.

Alexa stayed all weekend and is now back at her apartment and doing her school observation. Unfortunately she is a bit of a slob, so I need to do a little cleaning. dishes, vacumn, don't yell about the vacumn, I can't live with it right now. I'll go slow.

What is everyone's news? Candice? Janet? Phyl? Linda? Steph?

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OMG Karla - LOL yep you know what we are going to say don't you LOL - Oh on the pity party - I guess since I don't have a Mom - I don't have to seek approval - but don't know if I would any way - I'm 56 yrs old (well almost) and yes I know we all have a inter-child that's 2 but I'm a freaking grown up and if my Mom said those things too me - I just might say - well bye call the one who you like/love better... I don't have a lot of tolerance for being mis-treated - I told my Grandma off and never saw her again.. She said my Dad abandont my Mother - he didn't - it was her fault that he left - and he always took care of us and supported us - hell he ended up w/us cuz my mom was mentally ill and killed herself - I told her she liked to wallow in self pity cuz I was taking care of my Dad and not her - - I was done - but I guess I'm mean and cold hearted - - This is all speculation on my part - I know my Mom loved me - she did show me love - but her sick side wasn't alway nice - but I just keep moving forward..

So all I am saying don't waste your time being upset about your mom - it is what it is - We love you and next time someone gives you crap - say well I wasn't wanted anyway - so you guys handle it.. But again I'm a smart ass - but I think I would say it I really do...

We love you and support you - so don't think you aren't loved...



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Thanks Janet, I needed that!!! Feel free to forehead slap me any time!!

Phyl, good job on the food!!! I've been trying to eat right, but I want food, lots of food. I really thought that I'd have to deal only with head hungries figured my stomach had shrunk by now. But no such luck, so I only have to make it one more week before a fill!!! then back to where I belong!

I did tell mom I couldn't come up. I guess they can't do surgery yet because she has some infected teeth that have to be dealt with first. So they are hoping by next week the teeth will be fixed and they can insert a plate and screws.

Candice, what's up?

Janet, working out tonight?



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Thanks Janet, I needed that!!! Feel free to forehead slap me any time!!

Phyl, good job on the food!!! I've been trying to eat right, but I want food, lots of food. I really thought that I'd have to deal only with head hungries figured my stomach had shrunk by now. But no such luck, so I only have to make it one more week before a fill!!! then back to where I belong!

I did tell mom I couldn't come up. I guess they can't do surgery yet because she has some infected teeth that have to be dealt with first. So they are hoping by next week the teeth will be fixed and they can insert a plate and screws.

Candice, what's up?

Janet, working out tonight?



Oh my key board is working - can't beleive it - I'm tempted not to exercise and just go buy a new computer - but alas - I gotta go to the gym..

Boot camp tonite

Karla - I have days that I want food - lots of it - I was able to eat 2 taco's last week - omg they were so good.... I felt good mentally and physically being able to eat them (non-fried)

I bet you really aren't eating alot - we just freak about it now a days...

Well I gotta jame


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Hi girls; sorry Ive been MIA, still trying to get back into my routine at home.. Doctors this a,m. for some Prednisone pills for my allergic reaction!! thenthis aft. got a whole new set of nails.. SOLAR NAILS, they are more expensive... but so pretty and damn it I am worth it... as I am now back on my food Plan and have already lost 1 lb of the 3 I gained on the cruis...So I am very happy with that.

Food today, Pro bar, chicken Jerky bites, 2 coffees, 1 tea, supper was left over Turkey dinner from last night OH YUM!! Then I made Peter some TURKEY WILD RICE soup... it was good, he had 2 bowls... I think he is glad I am back to do all the cooking!!! I`ll hve Soup tomorrow....

This evening I`ve been getting caught up with all my GF`s they`ve been calling since I got home and just got around to returning phone calls tonight. Then it was time to get the rest of my Pictures up on Facebook...

Tomorrow, going to see MOM and take her a mini photo album to look thru of my trip... she`ll like that... then Band rehearsal tomorrow night...

Karla, listen to Janet... she`s right about the MOM thing, none of us had the MOTHERS THAT WE WANTED or NEEDED... we got what we got.. and its up to us to LOVE ourselves.. not regret what we didn`t get from them... does that make any sense??

ANd Ditto what Janet said, you are OUR family here.. and we all love and respect you.. you are such a talented and smart lady (ah, except for the vaccumming!!) So don`t forget that o.k.?

Alrightm, I was all watered up waiting for Stephanies update... did I miss that...?

Phyl, enjoy being able to Bracelt outside... if you were home in Seattle, you`d be in the rain :- ( Have fun on Saturday, and give us all the details later... we`ll live thru you vicarously..

Waiting for Rome picture to upload... man I took too many damn pictures....

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Well Back from the gym - had a good work out - came home fed the dogs & cat - then cleaned the stove - the burners are nasty - then went and washed face

Going to have to take car in - seatbelt light & bell are going off when it' on...

The saying goes you can't choose your family - but you choose your friends and we are the family we need...

Love you all so much... Really wish you (Karla) were able to come in March..

Well food today

Pt shake w/pb2 and 1/2 a banana - bag of pt cheeto's 130 cal 15 or 12 grms pt - ck catacctori - dinner - will be a ck thigh and some Pasta and vegge

LOL karla not being smart on vacuuming LOL..

Will have to go look at the new pics


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Good Lord, I've been busy. And tired. It's nuts how busy I've been since I went sledding.

Tomorrow I'm not going to teach and Jaimi is going to daycare because she has nursery school. So, it's going to be a quiet day here and I hope tomorrow morning I'm going to be able to add a long post.

For now, the snow run was amazing. Brought Jeff on board for the cause. He says he would rather I concentrate on raising money for Pink Ribbon Riders and ditch Komen. There are thousands raising money for Komen. PRR has very few. I like his attitude.

So, food there wasn't the best for Jeff. He ate too much and then drank a few too many drinks. I am pretty sure that he did not regain anything. Just Water retention. He was so down on himself when he weighed. I felt really bad. I hope that I have convinced him that he's doing alright. I need to stay a little more on top of his water intake. I know he doesn't drink enough to rid him of all the toxins. Hopefully that will help.

For me, I could have lost more, but I know that I had way too many Colorado Bulldogs. Diet soda but the alcohol and cream wasn't helpful. I'm on track though. I have lost 5 total and Jeff 10. When I put it that way he looked a little more positive.

Tonight we went out for dinner. I ate Candice's favorite walleye and Jeff had crab legs. It was a great birthday dinner.

So....more tomorrow. I'm so very tired. Have a great night.

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Good Morning! Looks like another lovely day here in the desert. We are going to the Marine base today to pick up Rx refills and shop at the commissary. So.... skipping Water aerobics. Earl went up to swim laps, but if I go to water aerobics we won't be out of here until about 11 a.m. It takes over an hour to get there (unless Janet is driving!! LOL!! Just kidding GF!!) So... if we leave that late we'll be coming home in the dark. I like to spend at least an hour in the BX before we do the grocery shopping. Must NOT buy more clothes even if I find a GREAT bargain! Ooops.... He's back... a$$hole is doing the pool prep this morning and won't let him in! He's mad. He says we're going NOW so I better sign off.

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Ah the thrill of DH's. But you love him, so we can't kill him. However, we could volunteer to hold him while you wax all the hair off his body, as long as you let each of us rip off a sheet! Ah just kidding, he is set in his ways and you are too. But you have made it this long, you might as well keep him.

Feeling better this morning, although Miss Molly felt the need to get up and go potty every THREE hours!!! What do I have a doggy door for? When she wakes up, she crawls out of the covers and licks me until I get up and sit outside while she goes. Crimanee, it snowed 4 inches last night and I am sitting outside with these big fluffy flakes. Pretty, yes, cold, you betchya.

Stepped on the scale this morning, I was WAY worried that I have gained since I am unfilled, but I am holding, praise the Lord. I think since I am able to drink plenty of Water it is helping. Also I have been eating disgusting oatmeal, I hate it, but it does stick with you. So I throw a few Craisins and slivered almonds with SF maple Syrup on it and pretend that it is something delish.

I have been watching Grey's Anatomy from the beginning of the series, how come none of you told me how good it was. Now I will need to find when it is one the real channels.

Steph congrats on the loss, you are on your way!

Janet, how are things going with the accountant?

Candice...whats up?

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Good Morning

Mouse worked this morning but not keyboard - I think after gym I am going to costco or Best Buy and get a new computer...

Steph Glad you had a good Bday !!! WTG on staying on track !!! Proud of you & Jeff.. Have you watched the show Heavy - it's on A&E or TLC - it' really good. Also on Dr, Oz yesterday they had this thing about being a food addict..

Phyl - LOL yep driving w/ me it would only take 45 min to get to 29 Palms LOL ... Well hope Earl gets in a better mood

Karla - I love Greys - On Thursday nite at 8 or is it 9 my time - I dvr it most days - but it's a great show and so is private practice (spin off of Greys)

I'm not doing accounting for a few days - letting my smiple mind rest ;0)

Told you - that you were doing ok ..... Ya gotta learn to trust me - LOL

I saw a new thread that said counting caloires works - I wanted to be a smart ass and say Yep it does - I have been preaching that for almost 4 yrs - and since I got to goal and have maintained it - I think I know what I am talking about - counting calories (eating healthy) and exercise - that' the only thing that's going to get you to goal - the band is going to help - but not going to do the work for you - and God forbid we ever lose it - I sure and the hell think that I might put on a few - but that I wouldn't be 250 a gain - (from my lips to God's ears) well does God have ears LOL -

Gotta get back to work

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Good Lord, I've been busy. And tired. It's nuts how busy I've been since I went sledding.

Tomorrow I'm not going to teach and Jaimi is going to daycare because she has nursery school. So, it's going to be a quiet day here and I hope tomorrow morning I'm going to be able to add a long post.

For now, the snow run was amazing. Brought Jeff on board for the cause. He says he would rather I concentrate on raising money for Pink Ribbon Riders and ditch Komen. There are thousands raising money for Komen. PRR has very few. I like his attitude.

So, food there wasn't the best for Jeff. He ate too much and then drank a few too many drinks. I am pretty sure that he did not regain anything. Just Water retention. He was so down on himself when he weighed. I felt really bad. I hope that I have convinced him that he's doing alright. I need to stay a little more on top of his water intake. I know he doesn't drink enough to rid him of all the toxins. Hopefully that will help.

For me, I could have lost more, but I know that I had way too many Colorado Bulldogs. Diet soda but the alcohol and cream wasn't helpful. I'm on track though. I have lost 5 total and Jeff 10. When I put it that way he looked a little more positive.

Tonight we went out for dinner. I ate Candice's favorite walleye and Jeff had crab legs. It was a great birthday dinner.

So....more tomorrow. I'm so very tired. Have a great night.

That sounds great! You two both on the band wagon!!! What happened to his plans for WLS? My Brother chickened out afterhe had his surgery date and everything.


Good Morning! Looks like another lovely day here in the desert. We are going to the Marine base today to pick up Rx refills and shop at the commissary. So.... skipping water aerobics. Earl went up to swim laps, but if I go to water aerobics we won't be out of here until about 11 a.m. It takes over an hour to get there (unless Janet is driving!! LOL!! Just kidding GF!!) So... if we leave that late we'll be coming home in the dark. I like to spend at least an hour in the BX before we do the grocery shopping. Must NOT buy more clothes even if I find a GREAT bargain! Ooops.... He's back... a$$hole is doing the pool prep this morning and won't let him in! He's mad. He says we're going NOW so I better sign off.

oH MY gosh, Earl is such a creature of habit eh? Just like my PETER!!! He has NOT looked at my pictures of the cruise yet.. I think he is just being stuborn

Ah the thrill of DH's. But you love him, so we can't kill him. However, we could volunteer to hold him while you wax all the hair off his body, as long as you let each of us rip off a sheet! Ah just kidding, he is set in his ways and you are too. But you have made it this long, you might as well keep him.

Feeling better this morning, although Miss Molly felt the need to get up and go potty every THREE hours!!! What do I have a doggy door for? When she wakes up, she crawls out of the covers and licks me until I get up and sit outside while she goes. Crimanee, it snowed 4 inches last night and I am sitting outside with these big fluffy flakes. Pretty, yes, cold, you betchya.

Stepped on the scale this morning, I was WAY worried that I have gained since I am unfilled, but I am holding, praise the Lord. I think since I am able to drink plenty of water it is helping. Also I have been eating disgusting oatmeal, I hate it, but it does stick with you. So I throw a few Craisins and slivered almonds with SF maple Syrup on it and pretend that it is something delish.

I have been watching Grey's Anatomy from the beginning of the series, how come none of you told me how good it was. Now I will need to find when it is one the real channels.

Steph congrats on the loss, you are on your way!

Janet, how are things going with the accountant?

Candice...whats up?

Karla, I am so proud of you sticking to your watr... and your HOLDING PATTERN is just fine... you rock!!

Today, I had BFST: 3|4 of an Egg mcMuffin, coffee, swiss chalet chicken for dinner, 1\4 dark, no potatoe, no fries, but had the multigrain ROLL and butter... oh and 1 glass of wine!!

Itch is getting somewhat better, the prednisone pills are working!!! YEAH!!!

Janet" when I come to visit in March I may have to bring my OWN towels, and sheets... and an UMBRELLA for the sun.. just can't be stupid about it anymore...

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QVC has been my frenemy today. I think I'm up to 5 orders for the day.

Too funny Stephanie, you have too much time on your hands if you are ordering 5 times on QVC>.. turn it off an read a book in that nice quiet house of yours....

Have you ever Read WALLY LAMB? I've read every book he's written, fabulous author...

THe Hour I first Beleived

Shes come undone

I know this much is True.

google him... awesome writer, and he writes a lot about WOMENS issues... very good.

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Good Morning

Mouse worked this morning but not keyboard - I think after gym I am going to costco or Best Buy and get a new computer...

Steph Glad you had a good Bday !!! WTG on staying on track !!! Proud of you & Jeff.. Have you watched the show Heavy - it's on A&E or TLC - it' really good. Also on Dr, Oz yesterday they had this thing about being a food addict..

Phyl - LOL yep driving w/ me it would only take 45 min to get to 29 Palms LOL ... Well hope Earl gets in a better mood

Karla - I love Greys - On Thursday nite at 8 or is it 9 my time - I dvr it most days - but it's a great show and so is private practice (spin off of Greys)

I'm not doing accounting for a few days - letting my smiple mind rest ;0)

Told you - that you were doing ok ..... Ya gotta learn to trust me - LOL

I saw a new thread that said counting caloires works - I wanted to be a smart ass and say Yep it does - I have been preaching that for almost 4 yrs - and since I got to goal and have maintained it - I think I know what I am talking about - counting calories (eating healthy) and exercise - that' the only thing that's going to get you to goal - the band is going to help - but not going to do the work for you - and God forbid we ever lose it - I sure and the hell think that I might put on a few - but that I wouldn't be 250 a gain - (from my lips to God's ears) well does God have ears LOL - Gotta get back to work

Anxious to hear if you found a new computer. I looked at laptops at the base today. I need a new one! This one has too many things that don't work and the hard drive is not big enough to hold my pictures!

QVC has been my frenemy today. I think I'm up to 5 orders for the day.

Too funny Stephanie, you have too much time on your hands if you are ordering 5 times on QVC>.. turn it off an read a book in that nice quiet house of yours....

Have you ever Read WALLY LAMB? I've read every book he's written, fabulous author...

THe Hour I first Believed

Shes come undone

I know this much is True.

google him... awesome writer, and he writes a lot about WOMENS issues... very good.

And maybe they sell Wally Lamb books on QVC??!! LOL


Long day today... Marine base for Rx refills, bx shopping, commissary... grocery shopping.

Earl was a jerk. Everything was fine until he panicked coming out of the commissary because he left his wallet in there! Like on our way out the door! So.... of course, it was right where he left it. But he came out in a very bad mood and jumped all over me when I asked him where it was, how did it happen. I wasn't being offensive at all, just asked a couple of innocent questions and he got nasty. It went downhill from there. Don't know what gets in to him some times. He did apologize after a while, but not before trying to justify his meanness by saying he was upset because he thought his wallet was stolen... so upset he was SHAKING!! HUH???? Don't know why he thought that was an excuse to be a jerk anyways, since it was back in his hand at the time he started being a jerk. He even threw the dog in to the back seat! That really ticked me off. Beginning to wonder if he needs to go get a good physical. Flies off the handle for no reason way too easy. Don't get it. Very defensive all the time.

Hey... mentioned to Janet it might be fun to go see "Menopause the Musical" when you and Linda are here. What do you think?? I saw it when they were here (in Palm Springs) last year and it was hilarious! Would love to see it again.

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    • Theweightisover2024🙌💪

      Question for anyone, how did you get your mind right before surgery? Like as far as eating better foods and just doing better in general? I'm having a really hard time with this. Any help is appreciated 🙏❤️
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      1. NickelChip

        I had about 6 months between deciding to do surgery and getting scheduled. I came across the book The Pound of Cure by Dr. Matthew Weiner, a bariatric surgeon in Arizona, and started to implement some of the changes he recommended (and lost 13 lbs in the process without ever feeling deprived). The book is very simple, and the focus is on whole, plant based foods, but within reason. It's not an all or nothing approach, or going vegan or something, but focuses on improvement and aiming for getting it right 80-90% of the time. His suggestions are divided into 12 sections that you can tackle over time, perhaps one per month for a year if a person is just trying to improve nutrition and build good habits. They range from things like cutting out artificial sweetener or eating more beans to eating a pound of vegetables per day. I found it really effective pre-surgery and it's an eating style I will be working to get back to as I am further out from surgery and have more capacity. Small changes you can sustain will do the most for building good habits for life.

      2. Theweightisover2024🙌💪

        That sounds awesome. I'll have to check that out thanks!

    • BeanitoDiego

      I've hit a stall 9 months out. I'm not worried, though. My fitness levels continue to improve and I have nearly accomplished my pre-surgery goal of learning to scuba dive! One dive left to complete to get my PADI card 🐠
      I was able to go for a 10K/6mile hike in the mountains two days ago just for the fun of it. In the before days, I might have attempted this, but it would have taken me 7 or 8 hours to complete and I would have been exhausted and in pain for the next two days. Taking my time with breaks for snacks and water, I was finished with my wee jaunt in only 4 hours 😎 and really got to enjoy photographing some insects, fungi, and turtles.
      Just for fun last week, I ran two 5Ks in two days, something I would have never done in the past! Next goal is a 10K before the end of this month.
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    • Teriesa

      Hi everyone, I wrote back in May about having no strength. I still get totally exhausted just walking from room to room, it’s so bad I’m using a walker with wheels of all things. I had the gastric sleeve Jan. 24th. I’m doing exactly what the programs says, except protein shakes. I have different meats and protein bars daily, including vitamins daily. I do drink my fluids as well.  I go in for IV hydration 4 days a week and feel ok just til evening.  So far as of Jan 1st I’ve dropped 76 lbs. I just want to enjoy the weight lose. Any suggestions or has anyone else gone thru this??  Doctor says just increase calorie intake, still the same. 
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