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Lucky #7 are still going strong !!!

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I'm home safe and sound!!!

Had a little breathing issue during recovery. I woke up with the darn intabating tube still in and was awake when they pulled it out, in all my surgeries I've never remembered that. Well my throat decided to go into a spasm and did the gasping for air thing. Ended up having a nebulizer treatment and oxygen, but then was fine. I really didn't mind waiting for Elyse. I snoozed, did a little knitting and some more snoozing. They wouldn't let me sit in the waiting room, so just sat propped up in my outpatient bed having the nurses wait on me. Rather nice.

So far very little pain, tired, but no big deal. I think I have finally figured out the road to the ER last week. First no one mentioned and I didn't read the label, so I'm just as responsible, but I didn't know that you are suppose to take Lortab with food. Well the weeks after surgery I wasn't really eating a lot, a definitely didn't take the Lortab with food, you know the whole drinking thing after eating. Well, I guess it can cause vomiting without food. So that started the vomiting, which made me swell, then add the NSAID meds, and bingo, in the ER. I at least understand now what went on.

Where the heck is Phyl?

Steph, you did the absolutely perfect thing with Michael, great job. I know it is hard, kids never understand that it is harder on us than them. It is also hard to have Michael with his dad, but you made the right decision.

Janet, what you doing tonight? Work out then? But just think, tomorrow is Friday!!!

Got a message from the school today saying they couldn't get the sub I had last time, the retired teacher. So ended up with a warm body, not happy. Called my principal to have her go and look over my sub notes. I left notes in the format a teacher could understand, not a warm body. Anyway she says, "Isn't your surgery today?', I told her yep, and that I was done, and just sitting in recovery. She about wigged and asked what the heck I was doing worrying about school.

My sister called to see how I was and guess what...she invited me to come down to their summer home (one of three) during spring break. Hum, Arizona the first week in April??? Oh, I think I could handle a little sun tanning. I guess Alegiant Air flies there, so I am going to check into a cheap flight. Don't think I can afford it, but at least it would be fun to check out. She said she could hook me up with a rich single guy,,,hum, we possibly could break that 15 year drought...if you know what I mean!!!

Well going to take my meds and head to bed! Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts, you are my strength!

OMG Karla - how scary to wake up w/that tube - I have only had 2 surgeries - and neither time did I even know they intubated me and my throat never hurt..

Sure glad you are home safe and sound - yep being taken care of is nice and ya I bet you would doze.. the only pill I take on a full tummy is my blood pressure pill..

How nice of your sister - you better go !!! You can afford it and you need a break ... LOL 15 yrs - you got be beat - I think mines like 9 or 10 - I would have never beleived that I would have gone this long w/o some hanky panky ;0) - My hormones must have died..

Yep had gym - going to eat dinner and watch tv - yep friday tomorrow !!! Next Friday is my FF - My gf candy and I are going to get in the car and see where it takes us for the day..

Phyl - Am I going to have to hunt you down - I see you posted on FB but havent made it here...

Did you get your veggies - How's your Mom..

Candice - Aren't you home yet....

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I'm home safe and sound!!!

Had a little breathing issue during recovery. I woke up with the darn intabating tube still in and was awake when they pulled it out, in all my surgeries I've never remembered that. Well my throat decided to go into a spasm and did the gasping for air thing. Ended up having a nebulizer treatment and oxygen, but then was fine. I really didn't mind waiting for Elyse. I snoozed, did a little knitting and some more snoozing. They wouldn't let me sit in the waiting room, so just sat propped up in my outpatient bed having the nurses wait on me. Rather nice.

So far very little pain, tired, but no big deal. I think I have finally figured out the road to the ER last week. First no one mentioned and I didn't read the label, so I'm just as responsible, but I didn't know that you are suppose to take Lortab with food. Well the weeks after surgery I wasn't really eating a lot, a definitely didn't take the Lortab with food, you know the whole drinking thing after eating. Well, I guess it can cause vomiting without food. So that started the vomiting, which made me swell, then add the NSAID meds, and bingo, in the ER. I at least understand now what went on.

Where the heck is Phyl?

Steph, you did the absolutely perfect thing with Michael, great job. I know it is hard, kids never understand that it is harder on us than them. It is also hard to have Michael with his dad, but you made the right decision.

Janet, what you doing tonight? Work out then? But just think, tomorrow is Friday!!!

Got a message from the school today saying they couldn't get the sub I had last time, the retired teacher. So ended up with a warm body, not happy. Called my principal to have her go and look over my sub notes. I left notes in the format a teacher could understand, not a warm body. Anyway she says, "Isn't your surgery today?', I told her yep, and that I was done, and just sitting in recovery. She about wigged and asked what the heck I was doing worrying about school.

My sister called to see how I was and guess what...she invited me to come down to their summer home (one of three) during spring break. Hum, Arizona the first week in April??? Oh, I think I could handle a little sun tanning. I guess Alegiant Air flies there, so I am going to check into a cheap flight. Don't think I can afford it, but at least it would be fun to check out. She said she could hook me up with a rich single guy,,,hum, we possibly could break that 15 year drought...if you know what I mean!!!

Well going to take my meds and head to bed! Thanks for all the prayers and thoughts, you are my strength!

DAMN!! Did exactly what you said, Janet, and Multiquote will NOT work for me! Very frustrating!!

So... Steph... think you did exactly the right thing with Michael! No guilt! Tough love is hard, but necessary sometimes!

Karla... glad you're home and everything went okay. Can't believe they waited until you were awake to take the tube out of your throat!!

Now chill and give yourself some time to recover!! Stop thinking about school! They will survive without you and you'll be back before you know it!

Janet... I agree... all-inclusive in Mexico is a great idea! Never been to one, but Tracy & JIm think it's great. Looking forward to going in April!

Yes... very busy week, but probably a little hiding out, too... for no particular reason... I have pretty much been keeping up on posts. But never got on the computer at all today until about 4pm! Playing too many computer games, too, and Angry Birds on my phone and iTouch!! Terribly addicting, stupid game! LOL!

TOPS weigh in NOT GOOD. I gained too much over the holidays! I need to get back on track big time before I get in to deep trouble. So I bought Protein Drinks today at Walmart-Lite muscle milk and one 4 pack of Adkins. Both are 15-16 gm Protein. The Adkins is 11 oz and I usually can only drink a half of one... 150 calories if you drink the whole thing. The Muscle Milk is 8.5 oz and 100 calories.

And I picked out the veggies today... 3 small bags instead of one huge one! I got spinach, petite peas and petite whole green Beans. I like broccoli, too, but the boss said there was only room in the freezer for 3 bags. He always buys the Walmart brand but I did NOT. The last bag of broccoli we had... which we just finished, was nothing but stems!! Bought a cabbage last week and was going to use it for Soup, but Earl put it all in the blender today while I was gone getting the mail, because it was in his way!! So I made cole slaw. I think my best ever... put in some Fat Free Miracle Whip, white balsamic vinegar, a little sesame dressing, ground pepper and celery seed. But so much for my soup! HE is going to make bean soup he says. He bought a spiral cut ham last week and cut it all off the bone and put the bone in the freezer... and most of the ham, I think. A little of it shows up in my salad or omelet now and then, so I am assuming the rest is in the freezer.

PB'd on chicken last night... had just one small chicken thigh.. skinless, boneless, with some spinach and a little macaroni. So kind of tight today. Had a granola bar for Breakfast, a few samples at costco for lunch. Snack... ONE small glass of wine (one of my problems... too much wine), a little cheese and a small piece of smoked salmon. Dinner.... grilled salmon, green beans and cole slaw. I might have a 70 calorie pudding later.... maybe.

When does Candace get back??? She's been gone almost 2 weeks now.

Talked to my Mom a couple of days ago and she was MUCH better and had gone down to the dining room for lunch that day.

Niece who got beat up so bad by her boyfriend/baby's father last year.... he got sentenced to 9 months in jail today. Big deal! She neglected to renew the VPO, so as soon as it expired, he showed up at her door to see the baby. My sister had a big fight with her over that... because I think she let him in!

Well, apologize for being MIA!! It really has been a busy week... BTW... lady that had that episode at the meeting the other day had a lead come off her pacemaker. As far as I know she is still in the hospital getting it fixed and getting stabilized again. But... she will be fine.

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Okay. Up late yet again, but Jeff is driving tomorrow so I'll probably nap on our route. Nothing new to report except my intakes.

SF/FF latte 16 oz

Vanilla light and fit diabetic yogurt

Protein shake

1/4 c taco meat (bad idea but it finally went down)

Atkins bar (peanut, caramel, something or other), I don't like most bars but for a fake pay day I have to say it wasn't too bad.

Protein shake

Gotta up the intake. Shouldn't be a problem while we are gone. I just hope I'll be able to find soft enough things so I don't irritate my stomach. Taking a bunch of shakes and bars with me just in case though.

I will be checking in via blackberry and possibly ipad depending on service. Otherwise, don't expect to hear anything until Sunday evening. If that happens, I promise, I haven't fallen off the earth (or my snowmobile), I'm just busy.

I got dots made, but if any of you think of any other names you want me to add to my pink ribbon sled, please just let me know. I'm taking a bunch with me so I can add up until judging. I'll take pics and post them on FB in my mobile uploads album. Should be fun.

Later taters. Love you all.

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Good Morning Gang...

Phyl - The combination of wine & cheese - cut the cheese (pun not intended lol we done want that lol) and keep the wine - that might help some.. Cheese has tons of salt & fat.. But sounds like you have a plan - I don't like Winco brand veggie they are always full of ice - but stater bro & target brand are ok - but on broc I like fresh -

Steph - You are such a sweetheart w/your pink ribbon stuff - Have fun and be safe..

Karla - How you doing today- rest and don't over do it ok..

Yep Phyl sometimes the computer is just too much - I hear you on that on ..

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Couldn't sleep last night, finally about 3 am, I dozed off, so today will be a snoozie day.

Phyl, glad all is okay. You sound down? Over tired? Are your meds okay. With the speed you life usually runs, you need to have a day or 2 of hibernation. Alexa, DD#5, is like that. She runs like crazy for about 6 weeks, barely sleeping, etc, then crashes and sleeps for 36 hours. She was that way even as a baby. I remember WAY to many night up with her, she also had night terrors, so I think I slept standing next to her bed with my hand on her back for a year.

Steph, have a good time! You guys have all your avalanche gear? Snow...not for me, but I'd keep your couch warm for you next to the fire place while you were out! Are the dots you are talking about for names of breast cancer people? If so I would like to add 4, just let me know.

Janet, Phyl, I'm with you on off brand veggies. I don't mind off brand frozen peas & corn, but the rest have to be name brand, broccoli especially. Our fresh broccoli is none to fresh by the time it gets to Montana.

Janet, get a taxi....Montana doesn't really HAVE taxies. Made me chuckle though. It was interesting driving into the hospital though. The highway was a sheet of frozen ice, could only drive 40 mph on the road that legally we drive 70 mph.

I feel okay right now, but waiting for the pain to hit, they said today would be the worse, I'm waiting...so far not to bad!

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i was wondering if your town had them (taxis) LOL

Glad the pain isn't bad... Fingers crossed it stays that way..

Might not be on tonite - talked to lawyer secretary today about bro's accounting - and the stupid accountant has it all f'd up they haven't taken into consideration the bills I pay from the ranches - so it's all messed up - I am going to have to get the ranch ck book out and do a spread sheet - then make sure it balances w/his stuff - Have a baby shower tomorrow- need to stop by the store on the way home - need nails done - and something for dinner - Andrew got called into work - so house didn't get cleaned..

Well it will all get done - may just be drive by tonite when I get home depend on if I get involved in bookkeeping or not ;0)

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Janet, that just stinks about the accountant!! They should know that about the ranch bills. What a waste of your time. So much for your furlough day. grrr. I'll hold 'em if you want to slug 'em!

I think I want to marry Andrew, I know it has been said before, especially once he started working at Cold Stone, but a house keeper as well. I could be his cougar?

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LOL Karla - I left bed unmade and stuff in the sink cuz he was suppose to come to clean today- hasn't been since before Christmas and since I cleaned last week - house isn't bad at all - but he called and said they called me in should I go - I said yes - no now I gotta clean up what I didn't last night and this morning

Oh it's not cutting into my furlough LOL that's next friday :0) but I have plans w/my gf candy - It's going to cut into my night tonite or my weekend - I'm not an accountant and it will take me a long time to get it in a format that's understandable ;0) - I know what needs to be done - but there are diff ways to add 2+2 - you still come up w/4 but in a diff way - I know when I try and do budgets - I make them more complicated than they should be - and I get confused easily lol

I'm at work right now - but got call that rent ck's need to be picked up and it got me to thinking that I gotta write ck to bro's estate - so called the sec and we got talking and figured they haven't done the account correctly at all - so she and I are going to do it - I think I will be asking for some $$$ back from the accountant -

Well got 1/2 hr - need to get a couple things done - will cbl

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I will be checking in via blackberry and possibly ipad depending on service. Otherwise, don't expect to hear anything until Sunday evening. If that happens, I promise, I haven't fallen off the earth (or my snowmobile), I'm just busy.

I got dots made, but if any of you think of any other names you want me to add to my pink ribbon sled, please just let me know. I'm taking a bunch with me so I can add up until judging. I'll take pics and post them on FB in my mobile uploads album. Should be fun. Later taters. Love you all.

I thought of one more name. There is a lady here who is about my age, maybe a little younger, who has been fighting breast cancer for the past few years... both breasts, and two different types of cancer. Her name is Carolyn Smith.

Phyl - The combination of wine & cheese - cut the cheese (pun not intended lol we done want that lol) and keep the wine - that might help some.. Cheese has tons of salt & fat.. But sounds like you have a plan - I don't like Winco brand veggie they are always full of ice - but stater bro & target brand are ok - but on broc I like fresh -

Yep Phyl sometimes the computer is just too much - I hear you on that on ..

I hear ya. I'm working on cutting down everything. But when I have salad for lunch with very little Protein, I am really hungry by mid afternoon. It's a small amount of cheese. This smoked salmon I got at costco last weekend is extremely oily. It will be a good thing when it's gone.

Couldn't sleep last night, finally about 3 am, I dozed off, so today will be a snoozie day.

Phyl, glad all is okay. You sound down? Over tired? Are your meds okay. With the speed you life usually runs, you need to have a day or 2 of hibernation. Alexa, DD#5, is like that. She runs like crazy for about 6 weeks, barely sleeping, etc, then crashes and sleeps for 36 hours. She was that way even as a baby. I remember WAY to many night up with her, she also had night terrors, so I think I slept standing next to her bed with my hand on her back for a year.

Janet, Phyl, I'm with you on off brand veggies. I don't mind off brand frozen peas & corn, but the rest have to be name brand, broccoli especially. Our fresh broccoli is none to fresh by the time it gets to Montana.

I feel okay right now, but waiting for the pain to hit, they said today would be the worse, I'm waiting...so far not to bad!

Hope you got your snoozing in today. And that the pain did NOT kick in!

I'm doing okay... but definitely not myself. Aches and pains bugging me today, and just generally feeling "out of sorts" for no apparent reason! Took one of my "as necessary" meds tonight just in case it might be a bladder infection trying to get the best of me. Chronic issue with me, so doc gives me an ongoing Rx of macrodantin to take if I feel one coming on.

But,I do need a down day! When can I sit on the couch and watch football?? Too busy this week. Choir practice this afternoon. I'm afraid I almost bit Earl's head off when I got home and he asked if I wanted to go for a golf cart ride with him!! Told him I just wanted to sit and do nothing for a while, watch Judge Judy and have a glass of wine! One more thing on my plate... I was reminded today that we agreed to take over WA state reunion potluck for this summer and I need to call the facility we use to reserve the date! I forgot I have to do all that, and that the group decided they wanted a get together here at Sky Valley this winter, too. So that is set up now, but have to get Earl to resurrect the envelope of info the lady who used to do it gave me last summer. He stowed it somewhere in the RV and I need the phone numbers ASAP!! I am going to give him until Monday to unearth it! Then I have to call and get the date set. UGH!! I did send out an email today about the event I set up for here at the park, and I already got one response from an 80 yr old lady offering to help!!

So... stressed, out of sorts, but.... nothing specific going on in my life! Probably screwed up hormones or something!

Might not be on tonite - talked to lawyer secretary today about bro's accounting - and the stupid accountant has it all f'd up they haven't taken into consideration the bills I pay from the ranches - so it's all messed up - I am going to have to get the ranch ck book out and do a spread sheet - then make sure it balances w/his stuff - Have a baby shower tomorrow- need to stop by the store on the way home - need nails done - and something for dinner - Andrew got called into work - so house didn't get cleaned..

Well it will all get done - may just be drive by tonite when I get home depend on if I get involved in bookkeeping or not ;0)

Well, after reading all that, I have NO reason to feel stressed!! Hugs, GF!!

Janet, that just stinks about the accountant!! They should know that about the ranch bills. What a waste of your time. So much for your furlough day. grrr. I'll hold 'em if you want to slug 'em!

I think I want to marry Andrew, I know it has been said before, especially once he started working at Cold Stone, but a house keeper as well. I could be his cougar?

LOL!! I have met him and he IS a sweetheart!!

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o.k. girls, I read all the pages..... whew you've really been junking it up while I was gone!!! LOL

Stephanie; back - yeah... why did you ever leave? We have missed you so.

I am sitting in a room in Genoa, Italy. Off the ship... its finito! Will be home in Canada by 4 p.m. local time..

It has been a great vacation, but I am home sick now... LOved getting off the boat in Genoa, it felt like HOME. This is a really beautiful country, and I can't wait to come to Italy, Greece again... Sicily- oh my it is so wonderful...

food onboard was a bit of a dissappointment. Could right volumes on that, but I won't bore you. Met some fabulous Whelsh People, and some funny Americans.... but frankly.... If I don;t see another German or Frenchman for a few years, that'll be o.k. by me!!!! THey are so damn rude. Push everywhere... I finally gave up lining up politly for things and told Cathy. Fuck it.... its Every Man for Himself..., when in Rome.... as they say.

WE got off the boat quickly and effortlessly, they didn't lose our luggage!!! but alas our Poor Whelsh friends got theirs mislaid so that was our last SIGHT of them..... they were arguing in line again!!!!

We hopped into a little cabe, our driver humped our bulging luggage up all the steps at thwe hotel so we tipped him 5 Euro(7 U.S) he almost kissed us!! LOL

Hotel rooms are tiny by US/Cdn standards, but oh is it nice!!!!!! ANd its on dry land!!! I love Genoa!! did I say that already???

Letter from Peter says my Mom is home from hospital, she's had a heart attack and is weak, but is home and eating ... she says she's happy now that she's home...

Peter will pick me up tomorrow at the air... it will be so good to HUG & KISS him.... I hope he brings Bridget with him....!!!!!

Karla, I am glad your 2nd surg is behind you now.., now recovery full speed ahead.

Ladies, I am going to have such stories to tell you.., hardly know where to begin. Trip was fab... although I will not travel again on MSC Mediteranean Shiping Company a.k.a. Mediocre Shipfood on China!!!!

Dr. Cathy and I are still on good terms... yeah!! I was wondering if she'd get sick of me after 14 days! Haa,,, but this is HER laptop.... LOL

She just had her 1st bath..., we actually have a TUB in the room whoo-hoo... funny how little things mean so much. Like STARBUCKS!!! FUCK I can't wait to have a REAL 12oz. cup of coffee!!! AMerican/Cdn style.... OMG.... espresso is good, but for 3 Euro each??? No wonder I had a bar bill..., my bar tab was as high as my pricw for the cruise.. id

oh how will I hide that from Peter???

OH and Peter, how am I going to tell him I am going to Cali in March???? Will have to timew that between boink #1 and boink #2..... oh and a trip in July??? well thats not gonna happen... unless all you girls want to come up to Canada again???? I;d be happy to host you ALL... as would Peter... he loved your visit last time.

Karla, you and Steph could drive in your motor home and pick up Linda along the way... Janet and Phyl could drive in their coach... Earl could navigate.., ha,ha, there I've got it all worked out.

more loves later girls... CCCCXCXX

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I't's me, your AWOL friend. Thank you Phyl for reaching out.

I've been walking thorugh a dark time. Way too stressed out at work last fall. It's all a blurr now. But besides that I needed to make two emergency trips to Arkansas in Nov/Dec. The second time was to spring Mindy out of the hospital where the police took her after I called them b/c she called me from her car, in her garage, with the motor running. I found out that access to Psychiatric care is not the same in Arkansas as it is here. Spent a week trying to get her set up with a psychiatrist and counselor and work out insurance issues.

She is involved with a man that in my opinion, and the opinion of all my kids (including the psychologist) is psychologically abusive and in general, bad news. She came home for Christmas/New Years but spent most of the time with him. He is from Milwaukee--an hour from here, so he was "home" too. Yet, we never saw him. It's quite convoluted: They both work for the same national company. He transfered from where he was working in the Chicago office to Wisconsin to work with her. When she moved to Arkansas, he managed to get a position there and followed her. At first she blew him off, but now they're involved. Except that no one in the company is supposed to know that they're a couple. I could go on and on. It's been quite draining.

My response to all of this has been to just get by. I've withdrawn from just about everything and everyone else. I still babysit two days a week when I can, and do enjoy the time with the babies, but to be honest, my hip hurts so much, some days I can barely walk from one room to another carrying the baby (he's 7 months now). I have an appointment with the orthopeadic guy next week to get more pain pills and talk about surgery.

The problem with that is that I am also in a study for Luke (DS#3) who is researching the effect of radiation on bone loss in post menapausal women. I had to fly to Minneapolis earlier this month to be injected with radioactive Calcium which is depositing into my bones, and as my bones age the calcium will be excreted in my urine. By measuring the rate of excretion over the next year, and measuring my bones with a DEXA scan (test for osteoporosis) they can compare me to women who are undergoing radiation. If I have hip surgery, it will screw up the study. On the other hand, they would be interested in how surgery will affect my bone loss, so if I dedcide to have surgery it would be interesting to them as well.

Speaking of kids, I just picked Tim (DS#2) up from the airport yesterday. He has internship interviews in Rochester MN, Madison, WI, and Milwaukee next week, so he came here to pick up my car and drive about. It would be good to have him back in the midwest (he lives in Pasadena now). I hear him comming, so I better go.

Sorry to be such a bad friend. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to running away in March!!!!! It is so good to have you to look forward to!

So, yea, that's the tip of the iceburg (pun intended) here. It's cold, dark, and lonely. I'm so pissed off at Mel, I can barely look at him somedays. As usual, he has nothing to contribute to the Mindy drama, and just goes about his life as if nothing is happening.

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o.k. girls, I read all the pages..... whew you've really been junking it up while I was gone!!! LOL

Stephanie; back - yeah... why did you ever leave? We have missed you so.

I am sitting in a room in Genoa, Italy. Off the ship... its finito! Will be home in Canada by 4 p.m. local time..

It has been a great vacation, but I am home sick now... LOved getting off the boat in Genoa, it felt like HOME. This is a really beautiful country, and I can't wait to come to Italy, Greece again... Sicily- oh my it is so wonderful...

food onboard was a bit of a dissappointment. Could right volumes on that, but I won't bore you. Met some fabulous Whelsh People, and some funny Americans.... but frankly.... If I don;t see another German or Frenchman for a few years, that'll be o.k. by me!!!! THey are so damn rude. Push everywhere... I finally gave up lining up politly for things and told Cathy. Fuck it.... its Every Man for Himself..., when in Rome.... as they say.

WE got off the boat quickly and effortlessly, they didn't lose our luggage!!! but alas our Poor Whelsh friends got theirs mislaid so that was our last SIGHT of them..... they were arguing in line again!!!!

We hopped into a little cabe, our driver humped our bulging luggage up all the steps at thwe hotel so we tipped him 5 Euro(7 U.S) he almost kissed us!! LOL

Hotel rooms are tiny by US/Cdn standards, but oh is it nice!!!!!! ANd its on dry land!!! I love Genoa!! did I say that already???

Letter from Peter says my Mom is home from hospital, she's had a heart attack and is weak, but is home and eating ... she says she's happy now that she's home...

Peter will pick me up tomorrow at the air... it will be so good to HUG & KISS him.... I hope he brings Bridget with him....!!!!!

Karla, I am glad your 2nd surg is behind you now.., now recovery full speed ahead.

Ladies, I am going to have such stories to tell you.., hardly know where to begin. Trip was fab... although I will not travel again on MSC Mediteranean Shiping Company a.k.a. Mediocre Shipfood on China!!!!

Dr. Cathy and I are still on good terms... yeah!! I was wondering if she'd get sick of me after 14 days! Haa,,, but this is HER laptop.... LOL

She just had her 1st bath..., we actually have a TUB in the room whoo-hoo... funny how little things mean so much. Like STARBUCKS!!! FUCK I can't wait to have a REAL 12oz. cup of coffee!!! AMerican/Cdn style.... OMG.... espresso is good, but for 3 Euro each??? No wonder I had a bar bill..., my bar tab was as high as my pricw for the cruise.. id

oh how will I hide that from Peter???

OH and Peter, how am I going to tell him I am going to Cali in March???? Will have to timew that between boink #1 and boink #2..... oh and a trip in July??? well thats not gonna happen... unless all you girls want to come up to Canada again???? I;d be happy to host you ALL... as would Peter... he loved your visit last time.

Karla, you and Steph could drive in your motor home and pick up Linda along the way... Janet and Phyl could drive in their coach... Earl could navigate.., ha,ha, there I've got it all worked out. more loves later girls... CCCCXCXX

So good to hear from you again! Welcome back to NORTH AMERICA!!!

Trip sounds great! But.... yeah, too long away from home and hubby!

Good to have Steph AND Linda posting!! We miss you when you stay away!!!

Funny you said that about coming to your place because I was thinking that yesterday... We're coming to Buffalo 2nd week of August for our 50th high school reunion and I was thinking it would be so nice just to come to your place for our get-together again, and then just ONE trip this summer, and we had such a good time there just sitting around visiting. I loved it!

I've been thinking of things we can do in March.... winery tour in Temecula??? Champagne brunch Sunday in Palm Springs?? Definitely street fair at C.O.D. on the weekend, too. OH... and have you gals seen "Menopause the Musical"??? It's going to be here through April 10. That would be a fun thing to go see. I went with a group last year and it was hilarious!! And I'm sure Janet has lots of ideas, too!


I't's me, your AWOL friend. Thank you Phyl for reaching out.

I've been walking thorugh a dark time. Way too stressed out at work last fall. It's all a blurr now. But besides that I needed to make two emergency trips to Arkansas in Nov/Dec. The second time was to spring Mindy out of the hospital where the police took her after I called them b/c she called me from her car, in her garage, with the motor running. I found out that access to Psychiatric care is not the same in Arkansas as it is here. Spent a week trying to get her set up with a psychiatrist and counselor and work out insurance issues.

She is involved with a man that in my opinion, and the opinion of all my kids (including the psychologist) is psychologically abusive and in general, bad news. She came home for Christmas/New Years but spent most of the time with him. He is from Milwaukee--an hour from here, so he was "home" too. Yet, we never saw him. It's quite convoluted: They both work for the same national company. He transfered from where he was working in the Chicago office to Wisconsin to work with her. When she moved to Arkansas, he managed to get a position there and followed her. At first she blew him off, but now they're involved. Except that no one in the company is supposed to know that they're a couple. I could go on and on. It's been quite draining.

My response to all of this has been to just get by. I've withdrawn from just about everything and everyone else. I still babysit two days a week when I can, and do enjoy the time with the babies, but to be honest, my hip hurts so much, some days I can barely walk from one room to another carrying the baby (he's 7 months now). I have an appointment with the orthopeadic guy next week to get more pain pills and talk about surgery.

The problem with that is that I am also in a study for Luke (DS#3) who is researching the effect of radiation on bone loss in post menapausal women. I had to fly to Minneapolis earlier this month to be injected with radioactive Calcium which is depositing into my bones, and as my bones age the calcium will be excreted in my urine. By measuring the rate of excretion over the next year, and measuring my bones with a DEXA scan (test for osteoporosis) they can compare me to women who are undergoing radiation. If I have hip surgery, it will screw up the study. On the other hand, they would be interested in how surgery will affect my bone loss, so if I dedcide to have surgery it would be interesting to them as well.

Speaking of kids, I just picked Tim (DS#2) up from the airport yesterday. He has internship interviews in Rochester MN, Madison, WI, and Milwaukee next week, so he came here to pick up my car and drive about. It would be good to have him back in the midwest (he lives in Pasadena now). I hear him comming, so I better go.

Sorry to be such a bad friend. You have no idea how much I'm looking forward to running away in March!!!!! It is so good to have you to look forward to!

So, yea, that's the tip of the iceburg (pun intended) here. It's cold, dark, and lonely. I'm so pissed off at Mel, I can barely look at him somedays. As usual, he has nothing to contribute to the Mindy drama, and just goes about his life as if nothing is happening.

HUGS! HUGS! HUGS! I've been very worried about you!! Tried to call your home phone and was the wrong number.... not even the area code was right! So I called your cell. Then I found the right number on the internet white pages, but was busy when I called and then I forgot!! Saw no posts on FB for MONTHS!! Call me when you have some "down time".... if you feel like it! Will be sitting here watching football tomorrow afternoon (with Janet telling me to go for a walk!! LOL)

So sorry for all that is going on with Mindy, etc!! Prayers for her and this unhealthy relationship!

So much looking forward to seeing you in March!! But.... don't stay away!! You need support when you are plowing through this crap!!

We LOVE you!!

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o.k. girls, I read all the pages..... whew you've really been junking it up while I was gone!!! LOL

Stephanie; back - yeah... why did you ever leave? We have missed you so.

I am sitting in a room in Genoa, Italy. Off the ship... its finito! Will be home in Canada by 4 p.m. local time..

It has been a great vacation, but I am home sick now... LOved getting off the boat in Genoa, it felt like HOME. This is a really beautiful country, and I can't wait to come to Italy, Greece again... Sicily- oh my it is so wonderful...

food onboard was a bit of a dissappointment. Could right volumes on that, but I won't bore you. Met some fabulous Whelsh People, and some funny Americans.... but frankly.... If I don;t see another German or Frenchman for a few years, that'll be o.k. by me!!!! THey are so damn rude. Push everywhere... I finally gave up lining up politly for things and told Cathy. Fuck it.... its Every Man for Himself..., when in Rome.... as they say.

WE got off the boat quickly and effortlessly, they didn't lose our luggage!!! but alas our Poor Whelsh friends got theirs mislaid so that was our last SIGHT of them..... they were arguing in line again!!!!

We hopped into a little cabe, our driver humped our bulging luggage up all the steps at thwe hotel so we tipped him 5 Euro(7 U.S) he almost kissed us!! LOL

Hotel rooms are tiny by US/Cdn standards, but oh is it nice!!!!!! ANd its on dry land!!! I love Genoa!! did I say that already???

Letter from Peter says my Mom is home from hospital, she's had a heart attack and is weak, but is home and eating ... she says she's happy now that she's home...

Peter will pick me up tomorrow at the air... it will be so good to HUG & KISS him.... I hope he brings Bridget with him....!!!!!

Karla, I am glad your 2nd surg is behind you now.., now recovery full speed ahead.

Ladies, I am going to have such stories to tell you.., hardly know where to begin. Trip was fab... although I will not travel again on MSC Mediteranean Shiping Company a.k.a. Mediocre Shipfood on China!!!!

Dr. Cathy and I are still on good terms... yeah!! I was wondering if she'd get sick of me after 14 days! Haa,,, but this is HER laptop.... LOL

She just had her 1st bath..., we actually have a TUB in the room whoo-hoo... funny how little things mean so much. Like STARBUCKS!!! FUCK I can't wait to have a REAL 12oz. cup of coffee!!! AMerican/Cdn style.... OMG.... espresso is good, but for 3 Euro each??? No wonder I had a bar bill..., my bar tab was as high as my pricw for the cruise.. id

oh how will I hide that from Peter???

OH and Peter, how am I going to tell him I am going to Cali in March???? Will have to timew that between boink #1 and boink #2..... oh and a trip in July??? well thats not gonna happen... unless all you girls want to come up to Canada again???? I;d be happy to host you ALL... as would Peter... he loved your visit last time.

Karla, you and Steph could drive in your motor home and pick up Linda along the way... Janet and Phyl could drive in their coach... Earl could navigate.., ha,ha, there I've got it all worked out.

more loves later girls... CCCCXCXX

Hi girls, still not home in Canada yet.... still sitting here in Genoa, waitng for Cathy to finish packing her bags!!! God, we;ve only been here 6 hours what was to unpack????argh!!!!

Linda, glad you posted, but so sorry to hear about the Mindy woes... gosh, that has been a terrible worry for you.!! HUGS< HUGS< HUGS and many many prayers too. Wish I'd said some prayers for you all while I was AT the Vatican!!


Will be home tomorrow this time....ah.... it will be nice for sure..Petie is missing me.Turns out m y Mom had another heart attack but she survived and is at home once again... she is the REAL Everyready Bunny!!!!

Stopped on the street and had a glass of wine, shopped, walked about and got back to oiur room in time for a movie - in ENGLISH..... ..

I can't wait to be able to eavesdrop again!!! Ive spent most of my time trying to ignore all the stuff I don't speak... weird!!

MEt these folks from Cali... they were with us and got lost IN the vatican.... I dint know their names, but knew they were with our bus.... so when I found them ... I yelled out "Hey California, OVER here!!!"" they looked up right away, saw Cathy and Me and we all STARTED laughing our asses off... thankfully we all made it back to the bus o.k. and on time. All the other French people couldn't care less if we wandered off!!! Boobs!!!

Gettin up early to catch the plane so gotta sign off for now. Chow bella!!

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Linda, I am so sorry, we are here for you.

I'm sorry I'm really kind of out of it today. Got some pain and just wallering a bit. I'll check back in a bit.

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OMG Linda - Hugs Hugs Hugs..... I sent you message on fb a while back ... Hugs Hugs Hugs .... Is she still involved w/that stupid man...

Well only 8 weeks and you will be here !!!!!

Well at least you have the 2 grandbabies to help you get through this - Hugs on AH DH ;0) - Men you see why I am single LOL - sometime want one to do things with - but don't want to put up w/the other stuff..

Well we'll get Phyl's scooter for you.. You guys can share ;0).... You gotta get that hip fixed - How's your tummy..

Candice - LOL on bar bill - That happen on 1 or 2 cruise - but not anymore - the last couple I really didn't drink that much - but they get you on the booze - Phyl know's how to sneak it on the ship - Never heard of that cruise line ...

I bet you are ready to come home - I don't care how much you like someone - 14 day - omw - I would be ready to come home..

We are going to have to have a skypes conference call ;0)

Glad your Mom is ok..

Phyl - LOL watching football and me telling you to go for a walk LOL

Well - I never got out of p.j.s - I spent most of last night and ALL DAY trying to get this crap figured out - right now I think I owe estate $3800 but don't know why - lost a spread sheet - when keyboard locked up.. I never went to the baby shower - gift is on my desk - hope fully she's still working (down the street from me) or will have to drop it off when in PS.. I'm brain dead - so I will wait till tomorrow to double ck my #'s but by then I will be confused on how I arrived at what I have right now.

Phyl - all those things sound good..

Karla - Hugs on the pain hitting you - rest please



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    • Bashbee91

      Hey guys new to the process looking forward to this new life. 
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    • Bugg

      Hi everyone! I’m brand new here. I just went through all my pre-op requirements per my insurance company and now everything has been submitted and I’m just waiting for final approval and my surgery date. I’ve been doing research, watching YouTube videos, TikTok’s, ect.. trying to prepare my mind and what to expect so I’ll be ready for the surgery. I was so sure and so set and so ready and excited. However, now that I’ve done everything & it’s almost here, I am sooooooo scared! I know why I want it bc I’ve tried everything and I just don’t feel like I can lose weight by myself. I’m tired of being overweight my entire life. I’m miserable, but I keep psyching myself out afraid of GERD bc I know how that can be and I don’t want to have to get a bypass after already gaining the courage to even get VSG. I’m scared of complications like I’mgoing to regret doing it and be depressed that I didn’t just be more disciplined and try again to lose the weight on my own even sitting here typing this knowing in my mind i just can’t and don’t possess the discipline. I’m also afraid I won’t be able to handle the restrictions of the sleeve. What do I eat? I don’t know how to eat healthy really and don’t enjoy healthy food. I don’t know how to do this! I feel so defeated!Someone tell me they felt anything similar to this or am I not ready? I thought I was. I am so tired of being sick and tired and so tired of myself and so tired of being stuck and stuck in this body and somebody different on the outside from what I feel inside. I just want to ball up and cry.
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    • buildabetteranna

      over 20 lbs down since4 the pre surgery diet and surgery on the 14th
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      1. Selina333

        Yay!! Congrats. I know how good that feels. 🤩

    • Jenopolis

      Had a sleeve in 2017, lost over 100 pounds. Had a DS surgery this year (2025) for more sustainable weight loss. 🤞
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    • buildabetteranna

      The 14th was my day. I am home and recovery is going pretty smooth. They even let me walk out of the hospital. Picture of me in recovery curtesy of my boyfriend lol. 

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      1. DaisyChainOz

        Glad it went well!! Wishing you a speedy recovery and wonderful success!! 🤗

      2. buildabetteranna

        Thank you ❤️

      3. Selina333

        Neat you have a pic of this day! I was sooo happy to get my surgery. It was well worth it! And I'm not even near my goal. I had surgery Dec. 2!

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